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MMC 2017 Grade 3 Divisions 1

E1 How many tenths are there in ? [5]
E2 What is the difference between five hundreds and 5 thousands? [4500]
E3 What is the value of (9 − 2 + 4)? [11]
E4 What is one-half of the sum of 4 and 18? [11]
E5 What time is 30 minutes before 4:50 in the afternoon? [4:20]
E6 Lito has 25 m of rope. He cut the rope into 5 equal parts. He used 2 parts of the rope. How many meters
of rope are still unused? [15]
E7 Trisha sold 32 apples in the morning and 41 apples in the early afternoon. After that she sold 5 more
apples than what was sold in the morning. How many apples did she sell in all? [110]
E8 How many hundreds are there in 101 101? [1011]
E9 Five bananas and a glass of water can make 3 glasses of banana shake. How many bananas are needed
if you want to make 12 glasses of banana shake? [20]
EX What is the next term in the sequence: 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, ___? [18]
A1 The ratio of the boys to girls in a school is 7 ∶ 13. What percent of the children are boys? [35]
A2 Fifteen children are in line to buy food at the canteen. Mary is fourth in line from the front. How many
children are behind Mary? [11]
A3 Pia collected 38 empty bottles and Irish collected 23 empty bottles. They need to collect 90 empty bottles
in all. How many more bottles do they need to collect? [29]
A4 Cora is 19 years old. Teresa is 3 years younger than Cora. If Teresa is 2 years younger than May, how
old is May? [18]
A5 The average of 3 consecutive odd numbers is 23. What is the smallest number? [21]
AX Marie listed all the numbers from 1 to 25. She was told to circle every third number. After circling the
first 6 numbers, what is the last number that she could circle? [24]
D1 Alice had ₧170 and her sister had ₧60. After their uncle gave each of them an equal amount of money,
they had a total of ₧310. How much did their uncle give each of them? [₧40]
D2 A box containing guavas weighs as much as a box containing 5 apples. Each apple weighs 200 grams.
If there are 4 guavas in a box, what is the weight of each guava in grams? [250 g]
D3 The sum of two numbers is 27. If their difference is 13, what is the smaller number? [7]
1 1
D4 Ada gave of her ribbons to Lura. She also gave of her remaining ribbons to Nena. What fraction
2 3
of the ribbons did Ada have left? [ ]
MMC 2017 Grade 3 Divisions 2

D5 Joey added to a number to 11. He then multiplied the sum by 3 and divided the product by 9. If the
quotient was 6, what was the number? [7]
DX The ratio of two numbers is 3 ∶ 5. If the smaller number is 12, what is the sum of these two numbers?
TB1 What is the sum of the digits of the product of 25 and 4? [1]
TB2 How many tenths are there in ? [6]
TB3 Three-eighths of the grade 3 pupils in a school are members of the Mathematics Club. Two-thirds of
these members are boys. If there are 18 grade 3 pupils in the Mathematics Club, how many grade 3
pupils are members of the Mathematics Club? [27]
DoD If m + ◻ = 10 and m − ◻ = 2. What is the ratio of m to ◻? [3 ∶ 2]

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