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Impact of Climate Change

Climate change is any significant long-term change in the expected patterns of
average weather of a region over a significant period of time. Climate change is
about abnormal variations to the climate, and the effects of these variation on
other parts of the Earth.
Using the measure of Physiologically Equivalent Temperature (PET) it is analyzed
how changes in the thermal environment can affect human well-being. Historical
data used in this study have been assembled for the normal climate period 1961–
1990. According to another report which is, 2013 fifth assessment report, the
IPCC stated in its summary for policymakers that it is “extremely likely that more
than half of the observed increase in global average surface temperature” from
1951 to 2010 was caused by human activity. By “extremely likely”, it meant that
there was between a 95% and 100% probability that more than half of modern
warming was due to humans.
Scientists measure the various factors that affect the amount of energy that
reaches and remains in the Earth’s climate. They are known as “radiative forcing”.
These forcing include greenhouse gases, which trap outgoing heat, aerosols –
both from human activities and volcanic eruptions – that reflect incoming sunlight
and influence cloud formation, changes in solar output, changes in the reflectivity
of the Earth’s surface associated with land use, and many other factors.
The most recent body of scientific evidence sounds a warning that global climate
could occur more quickly than previously thought, and take an even greater toll
on people and wildlife. Climate trends are already affecting the Earth’s natural
systems; such as butterflies are moving towards north, birds are breeding earlier,
and coral reefs are becoming extinct around the globe.
Climate is the major factor which controls the global pattern of vegetative
structure, productivity and species composition of plant and animal. Its
implications for ecosystems have appalling consequences related economic and
social systems. Many plants can reproduce and grow within specific range of
temperature and specific amounts of precipitation. Same is the case with the
animals and are also dependent on the persistent of their food species. Therefore,
climate change can affect the ecosystems and the biodiversity within them in
many ways.
Marine life faces challenges from warming waters and ocean acidification.
Warming waters alter the latitude and depth at which certain species are able to
survive, so many species are moving deeper or father north in the Atlantic to find
cold water. More acidic oceans keep crustaceans, coral, and other organisms from
Land mammals often face more obstacles when adapting to changes in their
ecosystems. Lakes, development, and segmented or isolated natural areas keep
land mammals from migrating to suitable climates as they need to. As well as
birds are also suffering. Warming temperatures, shifting seasons, changing
precipitation, and rising sea levels are disrupting the behavior of our feathered
friends and the ecosystems that support them.
Climate change is a serious global threat and Pakistan has been ranked 8th on the
list of countries most vulnerable to climate by the German Watch Climate Risk
Index. Coping with the challenges of global warming is a daunting task for
scientists and economists, who must understand future changes, and for policy
makers who must ultimately choose policies to balance risks and costs. In order to
survive climate change necessary steps must be taken. International Community
also needs to be engaged. The UNO must enact laws to curtail global warming and
encourage countries to comply with the laws or face sanctions. UNO has recently
taken an initiative and made a body Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change
Kyoto Protocol agreement is an example of another initiative. As well as
educating the masses and spreading awareness regarding the menace may lead
to gradual decline in global warming.
 We need advance policies to fight climate change.
 We also need to engage with business to reduce carbon emission.
The places with the least level of economic development are certainly in line to
feel the impacts with the greatest degree, partially just due to their geographic

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