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Training Needs Assessment (TNA)

Mamun Muztaba
Associate Management Counsellor, BIM
Cell # 01716-653626

TNA is a systematic method for
determining what caused performance
to be less than expected or required.


Training Needs Assessment

A TNA is the systematic investigation of training needs

within an organization. It is part of a process which
integrates training with the business or development
plans of an organization.

TNA is a process by which an organization’s HRD

needs are identified & articulated. It is the starting point
of the HRD & training process.

Identification of Training Needs

What is What should be

* Corporate and functional results TRAINING * Corporate and functional standards
* Knowledge and Skills possessed GAP * Knowledge and Skills required
* Actual performance of individual * Targets or standards of performance



Identifying Training Needs

Setting Training Objectives

Preparing Training Plan

Program Facilities Methods Trainers

Implementing Training Plan

Evaluation of Results

Identification of Training Needs

The analysis of training needs aims to define the gap between what
is happening and what should happen. This is what has to be filled
by training.

The gap may consist of the difference between:

 How the company or department within it is performing and

how it should perform.
 What people know and what they should know.
 What people actually do and what they should do.


Purpose of TNA

TNA can Identify:

An organization’s goals and its effectiveness in achieving

these goals.

Discrepancies between employees’ skills & skill required for

effective job performance

Divergence between employees’ skills & skill needed to

perform job in the future

The conditions under which the HRD activity will occur

Purpose of TNA

Why do a Training Needs Analysis?

Identify the gap between current and required levels of knowledge,

skills and aptitude

Identify what the general content of training should be

Form the foundation of a training plan

Provide a baseline for the evaluation of a training plan

Ensure that appropriate and relevant training is delivered

Maximize use of scarce resources


Benefits of Needs Assessment

There are certain specific benefits of needs assessment.

These are:

Trainers may be informed about the broader needs of the training

group and their sponsoring organizations.

The sponsoring organizations are able to reduce the perception gap

between the participants and his or her boss about their needs and
expectations from the training program.

Trainers are able to pitch their course inputs closer to the specific
needs of the participants

TNA Model

Mc Ghee and Thayer (1961) have proposed a model of

training needs identification. It consists of three

Organizational Analysis
Task Analysis
Person Analysis


Factors to be Considered before Conducting


• Do we have adequate number of people to fulfill organizational

• Do these people possess required skills and knowledge?
• Is the organizational environment conducive to facilitate activities
that would help achieve its goals?

To do this, the HR professional should examine organizational goals

and objectives, personnel inventories, skills inventories,
organizational climate and efficiency indices, turnover and
absenteeism, rates of accidents, changes in systems or
subsystems (e.g., equipment), etc.


Organizational Analysis

 An organizational analysis tries to answer the question of where

the training emphasis should be placed in the company and what
factors may affect training. It involves a comprehensive analysis
of organizational structure, objectives, culture, processes of
decision-making, future objectives, and so on.

 The analysis begins with an understanding of short-term and

long-term goals of the organizations, as a whole, and for each
department specifically. These would help to identify what
capacities are needed to fulfill these goals.
Organizational Analysis Should identify:

 Organizational Goals
 Organizational Resources
 Organizational Climate
 Environmental Constraints

Task Analysis
 A task analysis tries to answer the question of what should be taught, so
the trainee can perform the job satisfactorily.

 It is a systematic and detailed analysis of jobs to identify the type of

behavior required of the jobholder and the standards of performance that
must be met to achieve the desired results.

 While task analysis is similar to job analysis, it is employee centered, not

job-centered, and is concerned with behavior needed on the job and
expected level of performance.

 Questionnaire, interviews, personnel records, reports, tests, observation

and other methods can be used to collect information about jobs in the


Five Step Process of Task Analysis

 Develop an Overall Job Description

 Identify the Task

 Identify what it takes to do the job

 Identify areas that can benefit from training

 Sequencing training needs

Person Analysis

 Man analysis attempts to answer the question of who needs

training in the firm and the specific type of training these people

 To do this, the performance of individuals, groups, or units on major

job duties (taken from the performance appraisal data) is compared
to expected performance standards (as identified in the task


Steps in Person Analysis

 Complete an accurate performance appraisal

 Identify discrepancies between the required behavior & actual of


 Identify Sources of discrepancies

 Select the intervention appropriate to resolve the discrepancies

Techniques For Determining

Training Needs
The American Society of Training Directors lists eleven techniques for
determining training needs. They are:

a) Observations;
b) Management requests;
c) Interviews;
d) Group conferences;
e) Job or activity analysis;
f) Questionnaire surveys;
g) Tests or examinations;
h) Merit or performance ratings;
i) Personnel records;
j) Business and production reports;
K) Long-range organizational planning.


Ingredients of A Well Designed

The TNA would provide answers to the following for each company

What is the problem? Is it a training problem?

What are the key roles/areas in the company?

What are the key skills linked with each of these roles/areas?

 What are the key skills gaps?

How many people need to be trained?

What is the time frame/critical milestone dates?

What is the best time of the day to release staff?

Do we need additional tutor support for some learners?

Key Steps In Conducting An Effective

Training Needs Analysis
Prepare thoroughly

 Follow a structured methodology

 Link training needs with the objectives of the network

 Gain commitment from members to participate in the TNA

 Communicate with all those involved

Ensure you have the skills to conduct the TNA (analytical and

Collate the results gathered

Prioritize the identified training needs and group them into training


Collecting Information For a Training

Needs Analysis

Typical methods of collecting information for your TNA include:

 Surveys
 Focus groups
 Individual interviews
 Reviewing existing documents
 Discussions with steering group
 Discussions with relevant bodies (trade associations, Chambers of
Commerce, universities, unemployment services)

Collecting Information For A Training

Needs Analysis

The following is an example of how you might use more than one method:

 Consult with an industry professional body to ascertain their views of the

training needs

 Discuss this with the network steering group

 Use the outputs of those discussions to design an online survey

 Use a focus group to confirm or “sense-check” the survey results


Limitations Or Barriers Of TNA

Most common limitations are as follows:

Time consuming

Incorrect assumption about TNA

Lack of support

Action is not valued over Research


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