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Hanley Castle Parish Council

Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on Thursday, 21st November 2019 at
19:00 in Hanley Swan Village Hall.

Present: Councillors: Sue Roberts (Chairman), Wendy Roberts-Powell, Sue Adeney,

Alison Bolton, Alan Rogers, Alex Walker.

Apologies: Councillor Lesley Smith; Peter Goodyear (PPW).

In Attendance: Nick Harper (Pond Warden), Marjorie Nelson (PPW) DCllrs Andrea
Morgan & Martin Allen, Caroline Sutton & Chris Wayman from CALC,
2 parishioners.

120/19 Welcome & Apologies The Chairman welcomed all present to the
November Meeting of the Parish Council. She accepted the apologies submitted to
the Clerk.

Declarations of Interest & Dispensation Requests from Councillors

a) Register of Interests: Councillors were reminded that they should have updated
their register of interests and sent them to the Monitoring Officer at MHDC.
b) To declare any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests in items on the agenda and their
nature: None declared
c) To declare any Other Disclosable Interests in items on the agenda and their nature:
None declared.
d) To consider and agree all requests from Councillors for the Council to Grant a
Dispensation (S33 of the Localism Act 2011) –
e) To renew Termly Dispensations previously granted. All received and completed.

Closure of the meeting to allow parishioners present to speak on any matters

relating to the Parish. Cllr Roberts invited Mr Dennis Wade to discuss the white gates’
location and speed monitoring results. Mr Wade spoke about the location of the white
gates on the B4029. The gates are located within the 30mph zone which is unusual as
they are normally located at the change of a speed area. The concern was raised that it
encouraged motorists to speed on leaving the village when they passed them as they
gave the impression the speed limit had increased. He was extremely concerned about
the young residents of the High Ball centre as the location was outside the gates. The
speed monitoring data that had been collected in February was discussed and the
question was asked whether another monitoring round could be undertaken as the
gates had been in place for over a year. The VAS was now up and running following
issues with the installation and additional 30mph signage had been put up.
The Parish Council had been asked by John Hobbs whether they would consider a
second set of gates at the change of speed zone but it was felt that this may be
confusing for motorists.
ACTION: The Clerk to ask for another monitoring session with the strips closer
to the gates.

Christopher & Caroline from CALC were invited to talk to the Parish Council and discuss
the Model Parish Pilot they hoped that Hanley Castle Parish Council would be involved
in. After hearing about the pilot the Parish Council agreed that it sounded like a good
scheme and would be willing to meet in the New Year to discuss further what would be

121/19 Minutes: The Minutes of the Meeting held on 17th October 2019 had been
previously circulated and the minutes were approved and signed.

122/19 Matters Arising & Progress Reports not Listed elsewhere on the
a) Ownership of the Community Orchard land – Cllr Roberts advised that it was the Parish
Council’s Solicitor that was holding up the process but she would continue to try to get
the matter resolved. She agreed to phone him to find out about the hold up.
ACTION: The Chairman to contact the Solicitor.
b) Subsidence Claim – The Insurance Company had confirmed that they understood that
not all the trees requested to be removed were under the ownership of the Parish
Council and the Clerk had arranged for the ones under its responsibility to be removed.
ACTION: The Clerk to ensure the work is undertaken and contact the Insurers
when it was done.

123/19 Finance:
a) Payment of Accounts: Members approved the payments of accounts as in the
presented schedule in Appendix 1.
b) Receipts – 2nd instalment of the Precept had been received.
c) Precept – A request was made for any significant considerations for budget to be
submitted to the Clerk by the end of the year.

124/19 Planning:
a) To Consider the following applications referred by MHDC for consultation:

19/00489/FUL Land At (Os 7955 The construction of a commercial building (B2 and B8)
4356) Blackmore incorporating an onsite access road, parking and turning
Park Hanley Swan areas, palisade fencing and the change of use of the Water
Tower Field to B1, B2 and B8 use in accordance with
SWDP 54: Blackmore Park.

Concerns raised over the transportation impact. Additional information required prior to commenting.

19/01617/LB 27 Church End Extension and internal alterations to create new ground
Hanley Castle, floor wet room with level access, new glazed openings
Worcester WR8 0BL either side of chimney, level ceiling on first floor landing,
blocking up of external door and removal of lean to porch.

No Objection Raised

19/01556/FUL Maple House Erection of 3 Bedroom Detached Dwelling

Gilberts End Lane
Hanley Castle WR8

Objection raised due to size, proximity to neighbours and access to the site. It might also add to the
flooding experienced on Gilberts End earlier in the month.

19/01598/HP Orchard Cottage The Creation of new access (exit only)

Rhydd Hanley Castle
Worcester WR8 0AQ

No Objection

b) To consider under the Scheme of Delegation any Planning Applications received
between the publication of the agenda and the Meeting:

9/01147/HP Gilberts End Barn Gilberts End Hanley Extension of outbuilding and alteration to roof
Castle Worcester WR8 0AR for ancillary use to main dwelling

19/01745/LB Gilberts End Barn Gilberts End Hanley Extension of outbuilding and alteration to roof
Castle Worcester WR8 0AR for ancillary use to main dwelling

Objection raised on the grounds that the building has the ability to become a separate standalone dwelling.
Condition requested to prevent it from happening if approved.

c) Details of Decision Notices Received to-date:

19/01615/NMA 27 Church End Non-Material Amendments to 17/00289/HP to 1) Approved

Hanley Castle Omit glazed door on north west elevation and add
Worcester timber window. 2) To omit roof lights from pitched
WR8 0BL roofs. 3) To replace horizontal ceiling to the first
floor landing instead of an open void to rafters to
allow light to enter from the roof light that has been
omitted. 4) To remove lean to porch on south west
elevation. 5) To block up internally existing external
door opening.

d) Details of enforcement action: None

e) Details of Appeal Notices Received: None

125/19 District & County Councillors Reports

a. District Cllrs Morgan & Allen: The District Councillors asked if any parishioners had
been impacted by the latest flooding as MHDC were trying to build a picture of impacted
areas to assist with future planning of assistance. Cllr Roberts said that she would get a
list of properties to them. Cllr Allen said there had been no progress on Walmer Lodge
and he reminded the Parish Council that the deadline for commenting on the SWDP was
the 16th December.
ACTION: The Chairman to create a list of those impacted by flooding, the Clerk
to draft a response to the SWDP consultation.
b. County Cllr Tom Wells: Member not present.

126/19 Report of the:

a) Parish Paths Warden & Tree Warden (Peter Goodyear & Marjorie Nelson) Their
report was read out.
b) Pond Warden (Nick Harper) – The memorial bench was being installed. Nothing
further had progressed regarding sponsorship.
ACTION: Cllr Bolton & Nick Harper to meet again with Black Swan Windows.
c) Playing Field Warden, Village Hall & Defibrillators (Graham Holmes) – The
purchase of the White Line Marker was approved and would be progressed.
d) Local Police – Latest report circulated; it was suggested to ask SNT to send their
report to the Parish Link for inclusion in future issues.

127/19 Highway Matters a) Road Safety Working Party – A replacement for Cllr
Darwent was requested and it was agreed to ask Sarah for a list of the traffic calming
options that she had been working on and what stage they were at.

ACTION: The Clerk to contact Sarah and ask for a summary of the projects she
had considered.
b) Lengthsman: A new battery for the VAS had been received. The pathway by Dorothy
Bowen’s to the Old Post Office required attention as it was covered in moss and it was
asked that the section of Gilberts End that flooded be looked at to determine if there
was a reason for it.
The surface of Hangmans Lane, Haylers End and Sink Lane was very poor and it was
asked that it be reported to Highways. Councillors and parishioners were reminded to
continue reporting Highways problems especially pathways in the hope to get them
ACTION: The Clerk to report the issues to Highways.
c) Environmental Issues – Carbon Neutral by 2025 Meeting update. Several people had
been invited to be on the panel and were hoping to form a committee. The acronym
H.E.A.T was being used for the group looking at energy.

128/19 Correspondence
a) Town & Parish Councillor Training – Dates rearranged
b) Casual Vacancy – No election called.
c) Action against Vandalism of Youth Shelter – Police report read out. It was decided to
repaint the Youth Shelter in the new year with anti-vandal paint which would be
included in the budget, it was also agreed to look into repairing the wifi on the shelter
so that the radio and lighting worked.
ACTION: The Clerk to get estimates and include within the Playground Budget.
d) Email from John Hobbs, Director of Economy & Infrastructure regarding a 2nd set of
white gates – Discussed in the open section of the meeting.
e) Ticket to ride Event – 22nd January 9.30-1.30pm in the Council Chambers (MHDC)
f) SWDP Road Shows – Cllr Roberts and Adeney had attended and a response would be
129/19 Topics raised by Councillors, Committees, Clerk & Parishioners –
a) Land at the back of Coverfields – Concern had been raised about a possible
development within the SWDP but it was confirmed this was not the case.

130/19 Councillors reports and items for future agenda:

2020/2021 Precept to be set at January Meeting.

131/19 Date of Next Scheduled Meeting: 16th January 2020

Signed ……………………………… Date: 16th January 2020


Appendix 1: Schedule of Payments & Receipts 21st November 2019

Payment of Accounts: The under mentioned cheques were approved:

Chq No Payee Reason £

New Farm Ground
1674 Maintenance October Cuts Inc Pond 1058.40
1675 D H Phillips Gravel for Paths & Cement 248.77
1676 Peter Saunston October Lengthsman 28.00
1677 Rebecca Abunassar November Clerk Duties 442.00
1678 Nick Harper Pond Expenses 37.03

TOTAL 1814.20

Signed ……………………………………… Date: 16th January 2020



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