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Romana Engleza

Eu n-am inteles ce a spus el. I haven’t got what he said.

În cât timp vei fi aici? What time will you get here?
Se întunecă! It s getting dark!
Se răcește! It s getting cold!
Eu sper că îl voi convinge să mergem în I hope I will get him to go on holiday.
Am înflămânzit! I ve got hungry!
Săptămâna următoare va fi mai rece! It is going to get colder next week!
Am început să merg la gym fiindcă I started going to the gym because I
vreau să slăbesc. want to lose weight.
Nu te comporta ca un prost! Don't behave like a fool
Copiii trebuie sa invete cum sa se The children must learn to behave
Incearca sa-l convingi sa vina. Try to persuade him to come.
Poti avea incredere in mine You can trust me.
Ai finisat cu aceasta? Are you through with that?
Vaai! Am înghițit un os de pește. swallow
Nu am vrut sa te sparii. I didn't mean to scare you.
A cui e masina asta? Whose car is this?
Noi am decis sa mergm la munte in We’ve decided to go to the mountains
vacanta noastra. for our holiday.
Nu uita sa stingi toate luminile. Don’t forget to turn off all the lights.
Noi speram sa te vedem din nou in We hope to see you again soon.
Încerci să mă sparii? Are you trying to scare me?
Eu invat sa conduc. Am examen luna I’m learning to drive. My test is next
urmatoare. month.
Imi trebuie sa merg la market. Nu avem I need to go to the grocery store. We
deloc lapte. don’t have any milk.
El s-a oferit sa ma ajute cu valiza. He offer to help me with my case.
Ei planuiesc sa se casatoreasca in They ’are planning to get married soon.
El se preface bolnav, dar nu este defapt. He pretended be ill, but he wasn’t really.
El a promis ca-mi intoarce inapoi cand He promised to pay me back when he
isi gaseste de lucru. get a job.
Era foarte innorat si a inceput sa ploua. It was very cloudy and it started to rain.
Eu am incercat sa gasesc de lucru,dar e I’m trying to find a job, but it’s very
foarte greu. hard.
Vreau sa prind trenul de la ora 6. I want to catch the six o’clock train.
Vreau sa-mi cumpar o masina noua luna I want to buy a new car next month.
Eu iubesc cititul in pat. I enjoy reading in bed.
Ai terminat curatenia in camera ta ? Are you finished tidying your room?
Vreau sa continui lucrul pina la 70. I want to go on working until I’m 70.
Imi place sa iau dejunul la cafenea I like having breakfast in a café.
Iubesc trezitul devreme in diminetile I love waking up early on a sunny
insorite morning.
Nu ma deranjeaza sa calc. E destul de I don’t mind doing ironing. It’s quite
relaxant. relaxing.
Ea isi pierde timpul vorbid la telefon She spends hours talking on the phone.
Te rog sa nu faci atata galagie. Nu ma Please stop making such a noise. I can’t
pot gandi. think.
Nu am chef sa gatesc astazi. Hai sa luam I don’t feel like cooking today. Let’s go
cina in oras. out for lunch.
Eu nu ma pot obisnui cu iernile lungi si I can’t get used to the long, cold
reci winters.
Este mult de invatat, dar ma obisnuiesc. There’s a lot to learn, but I’m getting
used to it.
El nu obisnuia sa conduca pe stanga. He’s not used to driving on the left.
Daca nu cunosti cuvantul, cauta-l pe If you don’t know the word, look it up
internet. on the internet.
Aștept cu nerăbdare să merg la plajă I'm looking forward to going to the
săptămâna viitoare beach next week
El a telefonat-o imediat sa afle cum se He phoned her straight away to find out
simte. how she was.
Nu am rabdare sa te revad din nou. I'm looking forward to seeing you again.
Încalță-te cu ceva. Ieșim afara. Put on some shoes. We are going
Eu obisnuiam sa port parul lung si drept. I used to have a long straight hair.
Eu obisnuiesc sa ma trezesc devreme si I usually get up early and prepare my
sa-mi pregatesc dejunul. breakfast.
El va lua un taxi pana la aeroport. He is going to get a taxi to the airport.
Noi vom intarzaia la serviciu. We are going to be late for work.
Ce vei imbraca sambata la petrecere? What are you going to wear to the party
on Saturday?
Cat timp vor sta prietenii tai aici? What time are your friends going to stay
La ce ora te trezesti maine? What time are you going to get up
Ma simt obosita. Am sa ma culc pe o I feel tired. I’m going to lie.
Cat de depart este Chisinau de satul tau? How far is it from Chisinau to your
Aeroportul nu este departe de casa It isn’t far from airport of our house.
Ea locuieste departe de familia ei She lives a long way from her family
In medie, femeile traiesc mai mult decat On average, women live longer than
barbatii. men
Cum crezi ca va fi vremea maine? What do you think the weather will be
like tomorrow?
Sora mea iroseste multi bani pe haine My sister wastes a lot of money on
care nu le imbraca niciodata. clothes she never wears.
Noi inca datoram bancii multi bani. We still owe the bank a lot of money
Nu cred ca se merita sa mai discutam I don’t think is worth telling about any
despre ceva. more.
Acest lucru nu merita timpul meu. This job not worth my time.
Chestiile astea nu merită liniștea și This stuff not worth your quiet and your
timpul tău. time.
Îmi place San Francisco, dar nu cred ca I like San Francisco, but I don't think it
e vrednic de toată publicitatea lives up all the publicity.
Mary te-a vazut in chiloti. Ea nu te va Mary saw you in your underpants. She
lasa sa uiti asta. (gluma) will never let you live it down.
Trebuie sa traiesc pe contul parintilor I have to live off my parents while I’m
atata timp cat sunt la unversitate. at university.

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