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Name ___Abigail Preiwisch_______ Supervisor’s Name ___Professor Bizzari______

Date ___Summer 2017____________ Setting ___First_________________________

Experience Number ___Diverse Field__________

June 11, 2017:

Today was the first day of the night program. At the end of each night program day, we

take the 7-12 graders into the chapel and we pray Night Prayer from the Liturgy of the Hours.

Most of them had never heard of the Liturgy of the Hours before, so I went up and explained

how it worked. I told them the history behind the prayers. I talked them through some of the

symbolism and how it is an extension of the Mass. I explained the order and the process of how

to follow along and pray. Since it is more easily seen and understood than just told about, I then

modeled how Night Prayer works, and my teammates helped me by joining in on the parts said

in unison and forming the second choir for the back and forth segments. Then, we prayed it

together. I noticed some of the, were hesitant. Several were worried about coming in at the

wrong place. I assured them that it truly gets easier with practice and that by the end of the week,

they would not even be thinking about when to do this or say that. That certainly put a lot of

them at ease and allowed them to relax more.

June 12, 2017:

This week in the day program with the 1-6 graders, I am teaching and leading the music

for Mass. Today was a bit difficult because it was the first day for the younger kids, so many of

them had never heard the songs before. I noticed how important patience and flexibility was in

this moment. I also realized the need for realistic standards. I had thought that I needed to go

through each song on the first day so that they could try to sing all of them at Mass. After today,

I realized that it is better to fully teach one and introduce another. That way, the next day, I can
review the first, teach the second, and introduce a third song, too. Although this part of the day

was not so smooth, I learned a lot about how to teach this new skill, and this will make me a

better math teacher because I have a greater awareness of the need for realistic expectations,

flexibility, and patience.

June 14, 2017:

In the night program today, I was the MC. I was in charge of timing, leading the game,

leading my small group, and I gave a talk. It was a fun night. I chose one of my favorite games to

play in a group (it was a spin-off of Pictionary) and it allowed the students to loosen up before

the meat of the night. The talk went well, and I think it was good for the students to see me

having fun with them in the game before the talk because it made me more relatable. It also led

to some good discussion afterwards. My favorite growth moment of the discussion was in the

opportunity to practice my questioning skills, especially in asking open and thought-provoking

questions. At the end of the night, it truly was a cool experience to hear the students pray Night

Prayer. They had become so much more confident and were beginning to really pray it rather

than focus on when to stand and when to speak. It was such progress considering where they

were at the beginning of the week. We even had some students asking us how they could pray

this every day after we left.

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