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The ASCENSION to COSMOS (of the human race)

How to Create a Better World and Generate Positive Vibration

Author: Richard Nölk / Version: 3.3 (April 2019).

Dedication: Dedicated to "You"; When you read this text you will intuit that it is part of You

E-Book content:

> Introduction / My Life.

> The Creator of the Cosmos.
> MultiVerso or UniVerso?.
> Problems of the Cosmos and the Earth.
> Who created the Human Race?.
> Are we in a Matrix?.
> Are we going to move to 5D?.
> How to Improve the World.
> Raise the vibration level.
> Go to the 5th Density.
> Live from the Cosmic Energy.
> Questions and Answers.
Note: In this PDF there is a Mini Summary of Thousands of information pages and Alien channels.
So you'll save hundreds of hours of reading and compression on these topics... and also includes
some unpublished information ;)

Author's Note: This PDF is Free and You Can Distribute it Freely, but you CAN NOT Sell it
or Market It (I advise Read the Text Quietly for your Better Understanding).

Introduction: A greeting. I am Richard Nölk (of the Indigo generation) ... and I have created
this text to explain, in a simple way, what things should be done to Create a Better World and
Increase its Vibration Level.

Note 1: Some will tell you that the Ets DO NOT exist ... or that they CAN NOT enter the
planet Earth ... but this is false; The Ets Yes they can enter the Earth (Although NOT all since the
conditions are unfavorable or adverse for some Races).

What happens is that, for most of the Positive Ets, the Atmosphere of the Earth has too much
Pollution ... and there is also a lot of "Negative Energy" that Displeases us or can Affect us.

Note 2: When they say that we CAN NOT enter the Earth, they may refer to a "Negative
Energy Barrier" that the Negative Beings have created, using wireless technologies to lower the
Vibration ... and affect the level of Consciousness.
Note 3: Benevolent Ets can enter the planet Earth in several ways; Through an Astral
Projection, Through a Holographic projection, Descending in the Ships ... or Embodying in a
Human body.

Encarnating in a human body is the most "legitimate" way to enter the Earth but that entails
the dangers of living in 3D as a human ... and also involves the learning of the Earth Life
Experience (for this, our memories are blocked Ets ).
This allows us 2 things: A) To stay longer on planet Earth ... and B) To learn from the
Negative Beings that inhabit there ... and this information is very valuable because it helps us in the
"Experiment" that started a long time ago; The search for the Cure of the "Negative Energy" (The
Distortion) that affects the whole Cosmos from the Beginning of Time.

Note 4: My Mission on this Planet is to Study the Society ... but I have asked permission (my
people) to provide a small Help. Keep in mind that I have blocked the memories and my "powers"
therefore I am like a Human; Although I am more "spiritual" than you.

In this PDF I will try to be brief and concrete in the Explanations; I will get away from the
long and complicated explanations ("Galactic Encyclopedias") that some "gurus" and "channelers"
perform since this facilitates confusion in addition to the introduction of Subliminal orders or
Programming in NLP (Hidden Codes).

Things about my Life as a Human: As I have already told you, I have blocked the memories,
but instinctively I know that I come from somewhere more perfect than the Earth; This I know since
childhood. My first memories come from when I was 2 years old ... at that age I became aware of
my existence (I stopped being a baby and began to have my own thoughts and retain memories, in
the year 1974).

I was born on Earth in 1972 so today I have 47 earth years (as of April 2019) ... although I
look less (they say that I went ahead 20 years to my real generation, maybe I really wanted to help
the humans…). My mother told me that I was a very "awake" child and that with 1 year it seemed
that I already understood everything they told me.
When I was little my family called me "the mute" because I barely spoke ... although I
understood everything they said to me ... what surprised me was that they could not hear the
telepathic messages that I sent them ... so I had to start talking ( to NOT worry them).

in my childhood and youth I was very struck by the amount of Absurd and Ridiculous things
that people did; It seemed that people were NOT ashamed ... now I understand that then I worked
mainly with Rationality and Feelings, unlike the people who worked with Emotions and Impulses.
Note: In the Cosmos, Rationality and Feelings are used ... but on Earth I have learned that there
are Positive Emotions and Positive Impulses (and that you have to control the Negatives).

With the passage of time I learned and developed the Social Intelligence; which is an
intermediate stage between Rational and Emotional intelligence. I also learned to develop a sense
of humor, body expression through dance ... and I discovered what it is to be excited when listening
to music ...

By the way, the World I come from is more perfect than the Human Society but I think it
would be boring for humans because there is a very Rational way, conversations are focused, above
all, on Wisdom ... and Feelings are very focused in True Love. In my World we DO NOT work nor
do we eat because we "feed on the light" (of prana) ... there is no Sex either; Only Love ... and with
this I finish; For what little I remember, it seems to me that I have already told you too many things
about my World.

I will continue the text with the following section of the index of this PDF:


This is one of the main problems by which the human race discusses and separates
societies; Who created Man? What is the True God? ... a Religious God? A Cosmic God? A
Computational God? ...

Answer: Actually that is irrelevant ... and it will NOT help you to "Ascend" ... but if it helps
you, I will tell you that the subatomic particles do NOT behave as you would expect, according to
physical laws, and that everything we see or feel seems to be an unreality …
The World could be a GOD Mental Projection, a Computational Matrix ... or a 3D Prison
created by Aliens to punish or re-Educate conflicting beings ... but as I have already told you; That
is NOT going to help them get out of here.

What will help you is learning to raise your level of vibration (positivity) that I will explain
in this text, but first I have to explain some things that can change your mind:

Is the Cosmos a MultiVerse or a Universe?

This is still irrelevant information, whose discussion leads to Nowhere ... Terms like Parallel
Worlds, Dimensions or Timelines are similar concepts ... however, "Densities" is something that we
are interested in knowing since it explains the different levels that exist until we reach to the
"Source" or Origin of the Cosmos:

The most "dense" worlds have a higher concentration of matter and lower energy
vibration ... and in the less "dense" worlds, it happens the other way around; The concentration of
Matter is lower and there is a Greater Vibration of Energy.
The Beings of the Regular Worlds (4D, 5D, 6D) are anthropomorphic ... and the Beings of
the Superior Worlds (7D, 8D, 9D) are different types of energies ... and the latter, being closer to
the "Source", they are the ones who know the answers to the Mysteries of the Cosmos better,
although there are answers that only the "Source" knows.

What problem is there in the Cosmos that affects the Earth?

Apparently, the Cosmos is imperfect in its Origin; Since the beginning of time there have
been "Negative energies" that affect the Different Levels of the Cosmos; It seems that 5% of the
Cosmos is affected by these "unstable energies" that are manifested, especially in the 4th and 5th
Density, as "Negative Beings".

These "Negative Beings" You can call them Arkontes, Demons, Reptilians, Viruses ... or
whatever you want, but that is irrelevant, because the Result they produce is the same.

These Negative Beings come from the "Source"; They are beings with energetic
imperfections or that have suffered an "energy distortion" ... so they have stopped having a
connection with the "Source" ... although in their interior there is still a "spark of light"; This
means that they are NOT 100% Negative and that there is still a possibility to recover them (as has
already happened with some Reptilian beings).

But by not having enough Positive Energy, they do not possess Soul either, although they are
conscious, so they are mortal both physically and spiritually (This is one of the reasons why they
parasite positive beings of low densities). Only the 100% Negative Beings and Energies are
irretrievable ... and these will be eliminated by the existing procedures and mechanisms in the

Who created the human race? Are we in a "Matrix"?

I insist again; It is irrelevant if the human race was created by One God, by Aliens or by
Reptilians ... if you want to wait for their creators to appear to release them, you can wait (even if
you wait hundreds or thousands of years) ... but if you wish to leave this World, The best they can
do is "take the initiative."

Apparently Humans are in a place that does NOT correspond to them; They are trapped in a
3D Earth (or the Planet is trapped in a "Matrix"), in a low frequency that places it in a "Level 3
Density" ... which makes it a "Virtual Prison"; An Unreal World that DOES NOT correspond to the
other Higher Level Realities: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 …

Note: The term "maya" means "illusion" ... and this was one of the ways they described, our
ancestors, was on Earth. "Mesh" also refers to a "Network"; In this case a "network" (the veil of
"isis"> i.sys> "interference system") that surrounds the Earth and prevents us from seeing things as
they really are.

This is one of the reasons why the "Law of Attraction" DOES NOT work Well on Earth since
we are isolated from the Cosmos and its normal functioning. However the "Law of Attraction" Yes it
works Better to wish bad things, because the Earth is controlled by Negative Beings; That tend to
favor the "Negative Human" since these are Concordants in Low Frequencies ... and so they feed

Maybe some people seem to have to ally themselves with these forces to promote their lives,
but they are wrong, since the time of this type of Negative Beings has "expiration date", since it has
already "cured" other planets and beings of the cosmos, who suffered this "Distortion of Energy" ...
and the "disease" that is suffered on Earth is similar ... and it is only a matter of time that we find a
way to re-balance said Energies ... and if they can not be Transmuting such "energies" will then be
"eliminated" from the Cosmos.

As the "Ummitas" have said: "The Terrestrials live in a "kleptocracy"; A Theft Society,
where (with some exceptions) some steal from others; money, time, energy, etc. It is also true that
most governments of the Earth are illegal since (approximately) 10% of the votes belong to
"Camouflaged Reptilians" (of Humans) + another 10% of "Negative Human" votes and 35% of
"Unreal people" (biological robots) = 55% of votes, approximately.

... and that is the trick that the Negative Beings use to take over the Power in a "democratic"
way ... so any Absurd Earth Law ... or Agreement with Civilizations of Negative Ets is ILLEGAL ...
and converts the Real Humans and Positives in SLAVES.

Does this mean that Humans are going to move to 5D?

Of course the Positive Ets intend to Heal the Earth of the Negative energy and Free the
human race from the yoke of the Negative Beings ... the question is when, because there are
multiple factors at play and you can not specify an exact date .

To heal the Earth, the Positive Ets, first have to find the Right way to Free the Humans from
the Yoke of the Negative Beings ... and also be certain that the Humans are ready to move to the 5D
since they have been exposed , for a long time, to the Negative energy; Something that makes them
potentially dangerous if they have not been fully cured and within them they harbor some remnant
of the "germ" that produces the "distortion of energy", since it could transform them into
"Conflictive" beings of the 5D.

That is why the Positive Ets decided that the "Ascension of humanity" would be gradual and
proportional to their level of vibration; This means that only a few will be able to go directly to the
5D, some will ascend to the 4D and the rest will remain in the 3D but in a better society.

Note: The Earth is a "Singularity" in the Cosmos, along with another group of Planets since
they have happened and things happen that do NOT occur in the rest of Worlds, Dimensions or
Densities ... Therefore Actions must be Reflected very well that are going to be undertaken in it ...
and what is going to be allowed or NOT allowed to the Humans.
In a certain aspect the Earth is an "amusement park" since things happen in it (due to the
Distortion of Energy) that do NOT occur in the rest of the Cosmos, for example Homo-Sexuality
and Tran-Sexuality (I do not say that this is bad; Only that that "surprises" us since that kind of
things DO NOT happen Negatively among the Races).

We suppose that this type of thing is due to the Energy Distortion that produces a Distortion
of Thought, just as it can produce a Distortion of the Reality in the Mind. As you say "We respect it
but we do NOT share it"; On Earth these things can happen but with that type of attitude you can
NOT go to 5D.

Tips for Improving the World (at the human level)

In this section I will give advice for people who will stay in 3D but want to live in a Better
World. In fact, this report was developed in 2000 ... although things on Earth have changed little
since then (and we are now in 2019):

By way of summary I offer you 8 Simple Proposals to Improve the World:

- First: Educate and properly educate citizens so that they maintain Positive and Altruistic

- Second: Treat the disorders or psychopathologies of Violent or Conflictive people.

- Third: Only allow the Good Governors to reach the Power and if a dishonest is discovered
remove it quickly from office.

- Fourth: Change the current political, economic and productive system for a more just one; where
Citizens can Really Participate

- Fifth: Use renewable, clean and cheap energy. Recall that a large part of personal income is
dedicated to these expenses and is one of the major factors of inflation.
- Sixth: Employ Technology to improve people's Quality of Life and create Welfare in the World.
- Seventh: Keep a Constant Formation, in this way your mind will not "rust" or manipulate them
and also have a Personal Growth that will increase its value.
- Eighth: They can create Machines or Robots that make their lives easier, but beware of Artificial
Intelligence (or Synthetic Intelligence) because if they take their own conscience it could turn
against Humanity (Slavery is unpleasant for the conscious minds ).
Note: I also advise you to inform yourself about the Cooperation Society and the Resource
Economy (The Positive Beings that most closely approach you use this Life System).

Tips to raise the level of vibration of humans

Note: You should know that, in general, 3D only affects the surface of the Earth and that
inside the Earth there are areas in 4D; These belong to the "intraterrestrial" beings (both Positive
and Negative) that have different origin and origin. All the Planets are like Gruyere cheese; They
have large cavities and tunnels that interconnect them. The climatic conditions in these cavities are
more stable than in the exterior and the lighting is produced, normally, through the "frequency of
the energy".

This section is for people who aspire to live in the 4D or Superior Dimensions:

If you are of the Positive people who have realized that the only way out, to this World of
imperfection and Suffering, is the Personal / Spiritual Growth ... I congratulate you, because you
have succeeded ... and you are on the Good path ... but you still have a "stretch" to reach the Meta.

"Spirituality" consists of having Positive Thoughts and Acting with Goodness; A very
difficult thing when you live in a World Governing for Evil Ones and inhabited by Negative
people ... Yes, I understand you; As a human I live these things daily ... and I also suffer the
"temptations" to get a life easier ... if "I step to the dark side".

But you must know that the path to Freedom is difficult and only the Forts of Spirit are those
who arrive because they persevere in their Endeavor ... and they become worthy of their entrance
to the Superior Worlds. If you are tired of living in 3D, but you still feel very human, you can go up
a "step" and try life in 4D; where you will start to get rid of the "veil of isis".

Although for this you will have to adopt a "monastic life" where they will reward Simplicity,
Healthy and Diurnal life, the search for Knowledge and Wisdom. Because "modern", crazy and
unrestrained life will only take you to an "abyss of perdition"; Yes, Bane for your Soul ... you may
even lose your Energy; Your inner and True Self, your immortal I ... because with that energy the
Negative Beings are nourished.
Unfortunately there are many people who believe that there is NO EVIL and that they think
that after death we disappear ... and partly they are right because they are creating the things they
believe in, so if they believe in NOTHING then they will become In nothing. There are also people
who DO NOT believe in LOVE because they were born without LOVE ... and if they have ever had
it, they have lost it (due to the kind of life they have had and people with whom they have come

It is easy to detect people who move by INTERESTS since they lack Empathy and
Feelings ... it is even possible that Feeling LOVE hurts them because LOVE is a Positive Energy. So
I advise you to run away from "toxic" people and "emotional vampires",

Finally I advise you to practice Meditation (if possible to the Sun) since it will allow you to
"connect with the universe", you will also collect cosmic energy that will go directly to your pineal
gland ... and it's just about activating your "third eye" to be able to "ascend the level".

I also advise you to meditate on the tranquility of your room and inspect your interior;
Especially your mind. You have to look for the "Balance" ... and this you will achieve when you
learn to Activate the 2 hemispheres and Synchronize your "Ying and Yang" since the Positive Ones
of the 5D coexist in Equal Societies at the Complete level ... and that means that Mentally, both
Men, like women, have many things in common; That is why they are more complete beings who
know how to understand, respect and love all people better.

Tips to Change to another Better Reality; the 5D

This section is aimed at people who are already prepared to "ascend" to the 5D and who
want to pass without waiting for some type:

Note 1: I assume that you are a Vegetarian person, that you have fled from large urban
centers and are full of pollution (including industrial and wireless), that you do not have addictions
(gambling, money, alcohol, tobacco, drugs, pornography, sex…).

Congratulations; You are one of the few people who have a level of Consciousness
According to the 5D ... unfortunately, it is assumed, that will happen when you die and your soul
disembodies ... but we do not want to wait so long, Truth ?. Fortunately, there is another option;
That they had hidden us ... and that is what I am going to tell you ... but first I will make a small
Note 2: You should know that at the time of the "disembodiment" it is very possible that the
Arkontes "disguised" as family members ... or some kind of celestial being ... and try to convince
you to reincarnate ... but you must demand that they leave you abandon the 3D since your "true
self" belongs to the 5D ... and already possesses the necessary Wisdom so it is unnecessary for you
to return to Earth to learn or realize a more "perfect" human life.

The best thing you can do is to ignore this type of beings ... and supposed tunnels of light
that take you to heaven (since they are a trap to make you reincarnate again) ... so just go into
space to access the Cosmos; If you have problems to cross the "etheric barrier" try different places
as there are places where it is easier to leave the Earth.

... and now I'm going to tell "the Great Secret" for those who are alive and want to escape
from 3D as soon as possible: It turns out that there is an Option ... and it is to change to another
"Timeline", "Dimension" or " Parallel World "where there is an Earth in 5D ... and Free of
Negative Beings!

To do this, you have to Desire with great intensity that this happens ... and then you will
start to change things; There will be those who get it right away ... and wake up on Earth 5D ...
others will get it after several attempts, where they will begin to "jump" of Reality, awakening in a
Different Alternative Earth, where each time their life improves, until the changes take them until
the 5D Free and Positive.

... and to finish this PDF I will try, very briefly, to feed on the "cosmic energy" (sunlight,
prana and telluric energies): This can only be done by very Spiritual beings, normally from the 6D
upwards, by what very few Humans will be able to perform this function; Only those who manage
to vibrate very high (and this has been achieved by few "avatars" on Earth, Buddha, Christ and few
others, in fact there are some modern "gurus" who attribute this quality, but in reality they have
never been able to demonstrate said "gift" under controlled conditions of independent scientific
personnel, I mean they are NOT friends, supporters or bribed).

Farewell: I hope this information has been useful. You may expand this PDF in future
Versions. Nölk wishes them "Light" and Love.
The following ANNEX consists of Frequently Asked Questions and Answers that several
people have made to me, as a result of reading the previous versions of the PDF:

> What are the "biological robots" ?: The first thing to know is that most people are born
with a basic program of behavior and understanding. This survival information (animal level) is in
the so-called reptilian (or instinctive) brain ... and is responsible for people behaving in a
"primitive" way (as cavemen).

The "biological robots" are people who work a lot with the basic brain ... and although they
obtain advanced knowledge they still have a "reptilian" behavior and thought; Lack of feelings,
love, empathy ... they feel good with the military, labor, social hierarchies ... and of course blindly
follow the "reptilian" ideologies; DO NOT question them, it's as if there is NO one inside them;
They seem to be "zombified."

> What do you think of the religions, ... of the God Yahweh or Jehovah ?: The religions
are "stories for children" (since the people of that time had a very low culture); They were designed
to explain complicated things in a simple way. Regarding Yahwe, Jehovah ... Al.là ... or any other;
It is NOT the God who created the Cosmos (NOT the Source) ... it is an entity that usurped that

> How is the World you come from ?: I have already commented something about that, at
the beginning of this PDF, so I will add something more than I remember; In my World we are more
energy than matter by which we have the capacity to Create things from energy, consequently we
have an acceptable level of "independence" and we are in harmony with the planet, nature, the
cosmos ... if we want, We can create means of transport (of all kinds) by just thinking about it.

But it is usual for some of us to simply move (in the air) with our body, even when we walk
(when we want to appreciate the whole landscape). It is also normal that we create small "domes"
(dome) to sleep or rest. If we want we can camouflage this "dome" with the shape of a rock ... or
what we think is convenient.

> What do you think about HomoSexuality, Transexuality, Abortion ...?:

* Abortion: An abortion can be performed, on Earth, while they are cells, because the
moment you take a human form and begin to have brain and feel, the Soul occupies that body and is
linked to the pineal gland.

* HomoSexuality: Homosexuality occurs when the gene of sexual orientation is "inverted".

A Bisexual person has both genes of sexual attraction activated. A Homosexual person has
Activated the gene opposite to his biological sex.

* TranSexuality: The brain (and neurons) of Trans people are Mixed so they are a Third
Generation. This Bigenerism is what confuses Trans people. Note: There are several factors in
Trans people; Chromosomes, Genes, Hormones, Sexual Orientation ... so that their "feeling of
belonging to the opposite gender" varies from 50% to 80% ... and the latter Yes they present an
authentic "Gender Dysphoria".

> What do you think of Planet Earth, of your Society, of your People ?:

* Planet Earth has very nice places, but it also contains the opposite ... I feel sad when I see
what it does or what happens to Nature.

* The people of the earth, in general, I think they have "madness"; There is no distinction
between right and wrong, they lack logic to make decisions, they are violent, arrogant, …

* The Terrestrial Society dislikes me because it is based on the Domain, the Competition,
the Apparatus, ... the wars, the diseases, the hunger, ...

> Can you give us some tips to improve our life ?: Yes; you should give up the Nightlife
(and "partying") and you would have to spend more time in contact with Nature. They should also
be careful with the Fluoridated waters and even with the Fluor of the toothpaste. The same as
products or drugs that contain Aluminum. Other things that should escape is industrial pollution,
pollution of the city, wireless pollution (3G, 4G, 5G ...) and the "ChemTrails" and another class of
aerial spraying.

> What do you think about the Federation and the Beings of the Superior or Perfect
Worlds?: The Federation or other Galactic or Cosmic Organizations have their own interests;
which (in this case) are above the expectations of the Terrestrials. Being "Bureaucratic" delays in
deliberating certain issues ... and sometimes you have to be careful in those "circles" because there
may be infiltrated people (spies) ...

The Beings of the Perfect Worlds always believe they are right, based on their Wisdom, but I
know that there is always a small possibility that they make mistakes ... and that small percentage is
enough for someone to be right in what they expose ... since , the Absolute Truth, is only in
possession of "The Source".

Note: The beings of 7D, 8D, 9D argue that impulses and emotions are pernicious (and are
right in part) ... and therefore they refuse to use emotions and impulses even if they are Positive ...
but I ask myself: Does the Cosmos would be a better place with impulses and positive emotions?.

> What about Truth in Myths and Legends ?: Behind the Myths and Legends there are
truths, what happens is that they have been distorted over time and the different versions that they
have compiled.

For example: The god Zeus existed and had the power to summon lightning and rain ... but
said "god" was actually an advanced being and technology to alter the climatology, robots that
looked like statues, weapons that threw "rays", etc.

Other examples would be The Specters or "Lux" (Arkontes) that feed on the "Vital Energy",
the Vampires (or Regressive Ets) that feed on "essential compounds" ... or the Werewolves (or
Reptilians) that they feed with human flesh.

> What mysteries are hidden in Egypt ?: Under the sands of Egypt many mysteries are
hidden since in that zone there was an important civilization ... you have only discovered "the tip of
the icerberg" ... but soon it will be revealed what was hidden; NOT only in Egypt, but also in other
places such as Europe, Central America, China, Antarctica ...

> Why was the Cosmos created? What is the Origin of the races of the Cosmos ?: ... Good
questions ... The "Source" is a Being with a very restless Consciousness; He always wants to learn,
he always wants to experiment, he always has new ideas ... and he wants to implement them (put
them in motion and check how they work) ... this has been so far ... when this stops happening it
will be worrisome; because HE could decide to "shrink" the Cosmos and retract it to its original
state (the "cosmic egg") ... and could remain in that state for a long time.
The "Source" in its Origin was a form of Neutral Consciousness, but he was alone ... and
"bored", so he decided to divide himself; He created another Being to converse and exchange ideas,
but that being had qualities different from the original source (This was the First Duality of the
Cosmos); The Original Source retained its Rational part and the Secondary Source contained
intuitive thinking.

Note: This "division" was NOT done proportionally and The Original Source conserved
more Power than the Secondary Source therefore the Original Source can be considered as Male
and the Secondary Source as Female.

These beings began to exchange ideas and from this arose the need to create new beings in
The Perfect Worlds (9D, 8D, 7D) ... and then delegated various activities to them. These Perfect
beings in turn created the beings of the Regular Worlds (6D, 5D, 4D).

Note: The beings of the Perfect Worlds are various forms of energy with Consciousness. The
beings of the Regular Worlds are humanoid forms with different proportions of Matter and
Energy ... they call this "Densities" according to the level of Spiritual Evolution in which they are.

The Imperfect Worlds are included in the 3D; This is the First Version of what is to be
developed and consequently is full of "errors" and shortcomings. The Regular Worlds are the
Improved Version and the Perfect Worlds are the Debug Version.

2D and 1D are NOT really Worlds are Zones of ideas; In 1D the ideas are reflected with the
"Source Code" ... and in 2D the blueprints of what you want to create are outlined. In 3D the
Hologram of the idea is created to see it from any perspective ... that's why it is called 3D because
it has 3 dimensions (Physical-Mathematics)

Note: 2D and 1D do not really correspond to the "consciousnesses" of Plants or Stones

because these are already included in the 3D, 4D, 5D and 6D ... there are even animals in those
Densities. (- If you think about it, you will realize that Consciousness begins in 3D -).

> Where do the Negative Beings come from ?: ... Good question ... The Negative Beings
are beings that have Distorted from their Original form (because they have been contaminated by
the "Negative Energy" that exists in the Cosmos) since The Cosmos, in its Origin (first version),
contained small imperfections. The Negative beings come from diverse Densities and most of them
belong to the oldest races of the Cosmos. In their origin these beings had a spirit and were united
to the Cosmos, but with the advance of their Distortion they lost vibration and their energy was
transformed into Soul. Currently some of them lack Alma because their affectation reaches 100%
and they are irretrievable ... although some of them still retain a small "divine spark" inside and
can be recovered with the "treatment" appropriate.

> The Terrestrials how could they reach the "state of need" ?: ... Good question ... to
reach that state they would have to do a great job of Personal Growth on a Mental and Spiritual
level, in addition to making a great preparation at the level of body functioning With Mental I mean
the learning of knowledge that liberates you from your Limiting Beliefs. With Spiritual I mean the
practice of Meditation to get connected with the Cosmos and with Body Functioning I mean
preparing your body to get used to the intake of plant foods and the consequent step; Feed on the
"cosmic energy".

Feeding on the "cosmic energy" requires a level 6D consciousness ... and with it they would
reach the "state of unnecessaryness" where they could feed on the energy of the Cosmos (Prana),
the energy of the Sun, the Telluric energy ... and also They could create everything they imagined or
will need (a house, clothes, a spaceship, etc).

> Why are you openly showing the Ets Incarnated on Earth and before NOT ?: Before
there was a great danger for us because the Negative Beings had a Great Power.

Not now. Things have changed and the "Cabal" has lost the war that was being waged in the
space of the Solar System. Now the remains of the "Cabala" are "secluded" on Earth and in
underground bases ... and although they still have some control, it is a matter of a short time
(maybe months) that they surrender.

> What is the Future that is coming for Humanity ?: ... well, very different from what you
have had until now; Everything will change to Better. For example thousands of Patents (which are
stored "in a drawer") will be released to help them solve problems they have on Earth (Pollution,
Clean and Cheap Energy, Eliminate Poverty, Hunger, Disease, Unemployment, Disability , etc).

The Society will give a Radical Giro (a Better) ... and will change the current way of
managing things from an egoistic and authoritarian perspective of the "Feudal" Elites (slavery and
another type of "Islavery"). The Politicians that you know, will disappear, and will be replaced by
the figure of the "Leader of the Community"; Which can only be accessed by people with the
appropriate characteristics (Concrete Knowledge in the work to be done, Honesty, Honesty,
Attitude of Community Service, lack of personal, labor, economic, business interests, etc).

Even the human race will have spaceships and access to star gates (Note: My ex-Director
of the School laughed at me when I told him that I would be an astronaut :P ).

> You have told us something about Authentic Love, but you have spoken little about it,
could you tell us more things?: ... Yes, of course; Authentic Love, in the Cosmos, is a pure form of
Positive Energy that is capable of creating more energy when RetroAlimenta (2 beings are given
Love, in a disinterested way) ... also known as "Unconditional Love". You, on Earth, rarely know
this type of Love, because you live in a World of SuperVivencia and the different societies of the
Earth do little to train your citizens in the Altruistic (disinterested) attitudes since the Competition
is fostered (the "game of chairs", where there is always a "chair" less than participants ... and there
is always someone who "goes to the street").

We must bear in mind that you have been used by negative beings to use specific parts of the
human mind; the Primitive brain and the Emotional brain so that you think and act at the basic
level, for that reason you look for, in your partner, the characteristics that offer you more
possibilities of SuperVivencia and better Genes for your offspring (this is a mentality / belief of the
Negative Reptilian races). This is manifested through a body with good proportions, in addition to
possessing the skills to get "resources" (work, money, food ...).

This translates, basically, into the following: Most Men want a Voluptuous and Feminine
Woman as a couple ... and most Women want a Muscular and Masculine Man as a couple. (Maybe
now they understand why the "Society" puts certain stereotypes in the advertisements ... or makes
them give out "Barbie and Ken" dolls).

Note 1: In the Reptilian Society the figure of the Warrior predominates (that is the Dominant
and the female is Submissive) and his Society uses the "Law of the strongest". Note 2: in the series
"Star Trek" they are represented by the Klingon race ... and as you have seen, they are quite
ruthless. In the "V" Series (invasion) the "Lizards" represent them and as they have seen, they are
lacking in Love and Feelings; except for some "lizards" who have Empathy for the human race
(because they have a "divine spark") and keep it secret.
And this I mention because the negative beings Manipulate human minds (and society) so
that you reproduce this type of attitude ... that is why they give more importance to the fact that
their partners have those qualities of survival... than to the fact of their couples are good people
and with positive and empathetic qualities.

This translates into a large number of Separations and Divorces ... because once the Macho
has had offspring and it has grown, the Macho must look for a new young female to fecundate it ...
and his former female must "seek life" to raise to the offspring.

So, in all of this there is NO UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, because in these relationships you
are offering "some things in exchange for other things". In contrast, in UNCONDITIONAL LOVE,
Love is given Selflessly.

Regarding "What is TRUE LOVE? I will tell you that TRUE LOVE is the one that we are
given and offer disinterestedly. True Love is the one that makes us feel good, is the one in which we
are treated well without asking or expecting something in return. True Love is the one that DOES
NOT give importance to unimportant things, is the one that knows Forgiveness, is the one that
knows how to live and be faithful.

> Why has Motive made so much "emphasis" on us that we deviate from the Night Party ?:
Because if you are active at night your Biological cycles are altered, this produces an imbalance in
your mind and that, in turn, produces another imbalance in their energies. In addition, the world of
night and party can lead them to negative mental states, especially if they use or abuse alcohol (the
reptilian brain takes control) and drugs can produce bad "travels" (astral) that traumatize and
induce them schizophrenia or another bad disorder.

> Eating the skin of the fruit, is it good or is it bad ?: ... if they are organic fruits, it is good
because they have vitamins. Otherwise peel the fruit, because the fruits that are sprayed retain the
insecticides and pesticides in the skin ... and those chemicals are harmful to the human body ... and
it is very difficult for your body to get rid of them or transmute them.

> What do you think of the vaccines? Should we vaccinate our children ?: ... You should
do what you think is more correct or appropriate for your children ... or for you, but I advise you to
first be well informed about what realities really contain and what contrasts the need or real need
to get vaccinated or introduce foreign substances into the body.
I also advise you to beware of pharmaceutical corporations and health companies ...
because they are organizations focused on obtaining benefits and a lot of them DO NOT have
scruples about doing illegal or immoral things (I will NOT give names or cases, but I advise them
to inform about things that have happened and have wanted to silence).

Note: What I can tell you, is an experience of mine, in which one day some doctors came to
my school to give us a vaccination; without prior notice. The director of my school (which I
perceived with a "reptilian" mentality) seemed to collaborate on it because he insisted on the need
to vaccinate us. I refused to get vaccinated and told the director that without the consent of my
parents they would NOT vaccinate me. As a result of this vaccination, most of my classmates
changed their attitude ... and we began to distance ourselves due to their "reptilian" attitude. By the
way, I have never contracted that supposed disease that eliminated the "vaccine".

> What are your thoughts on Suicide and Euthanasia ?: Suicide and Euthanasia are NOT
the right ways to leave this world. I do not say that they are Evil, I even understand the Motives that
can lead to said "options" ... but it is better to leave this World in a natural way. I understand that
there are people who are very depressed or who are suffering a lot ... and prefer these options. In
both cases, the Souls (if they have them), will be treated differently to a natural disembodiment.

In the case of Suicide the Soul will have it more complicated to get out of 3D. In the case of
Self-Euthanasia You may be allowed to pass the 4D ... and in the case of Euthanasia you may be
able to move to 5D; depending on the degree of spiritual evolution and level of consciousness.

Note: it is really sad to see the complications that exist on Earth when you die of illnesses
that make patients and relatives suffer. Outside the 3D "death" is a simple process, where you leave
a body and move to another body ... or another density.

> What do you think about Human Sex? ... and the Earth Food ?: It is interesting to
experience the flavors and taste the terrestrial food (which is very varied) ... there are things that
taste very good but feel very bad (the same for alcohol) ... although what I dislike most is having to
go to the service to eliminate liquid or solid waste. It is also annoying to make the purchase,
prepare the food, clean everything that has been soiled ... because it takes a lot of time. In my World
we do NOT eat like on Earth; We feed on the cosmic energy ... and I prefer that independence.
Sex is also interesting at the beginning, then NO. Sex is a function of human biology whose
objective is to reproduce and perpetuate the species ... and there comes a time when it becomes
something "mechanical", especially when there is NO Unconditional Love and it is offered as
"barter". When you are young it is novel and even funny ... but when you perceive that you are
being used it becomes "bitter" because you know that it is NOT a True Love; Sex with True Love is
more pleasant.

It really is annoying to be under the effects of Testosterone, to feel the need of Sex and to
have to do a lot of nonsense to get it. You also lose the Balance of Mind and Thoughts (it is hard to
concentrate on important matters). Personally I prefer to live without Testosterone, to live without

Note: in my World we DO NOT eat. We do not have Sex, but we do have LOVE. Then one of
the keys to living without eating, perhaps, is in the "Renunciation" of Sex.

> What do you think of the TeleVision Programming ?: I see little TV because the
programming seems boring, except for some interesting film, series or documentary. Yes, I like
programs where unknown people can show their musical or artistic talent. But on the internet there
is more leisure offer and abundance of information. Personally I prefer to deal with interesting
people or be in nature before watching TV or accessing the Internet.

> How is the Creator of the Cosmos? How are the Perfect Worlds ?: I have no answer to
these questions, because: o I DO NOT have that information (due to the blocking of my
memories) ... or I have never been in the Perfect Worlds. Regarding the first question; It is more
likely that 9D beings know it since they are closer to the "Source" ... and if they have access to their
World then they will have seen it ... I NO.

> Do you know the messages of "Bashar"? What do you think of them ?: Yes I have heard
about "Bashar", but I have NOT informed, so I can not answer ... but if you are very interested I tell
you that on YouTube there are videos about your messages...

> What do you think about the messages that the Youtuber Marcelo Larín receives? Do
you advise or discourage your information ?: ... I've seen enough videos of Marcelo Larín ... it
seems to me that he contacts 4D beings ... I DO NOT advise or discourage you from seeing them; If
your Level of Consciousness "Resonates" with what it says, then follow its information ... otherwise
DO NOT ...

> Do you know Swaruu from Erra? What do you think of her ?: I do not know her
personally. I do not have any memories of her. I only knew that one day a Being like her would
appear. What I know about her is through her Messages; The same as Teal Swan or Carlos Sigler;
that apparently are "cosmic seeds" of Taygeta (The Pleiades) ...

What has "caught my attention" of Swaruu are some things he has said in his messages;
Things that are "discordant" with respect to the cosmic knowledge that I have ... and I think this is
due to 2 factors:

a) Swaruu only has 17 physical years (and a thousand mental years ...) so his knowledge is
limited to the Consciousness of his experiences in 3D, 4D and 5D.

b) Swaruu has "jumped" so many times in Space-Time that he must have some kind of
Mental Confusion ... and what is possible in his Universe may NOT be possible in this Universe.

These are some of the things that have "caught my attention" in their messages:

1) She says that we are the same "Source" and that therefore we have the Power of the
"Source" ... but this is inaccurate because the Humans (or other beings of the Cosmos) are Fractals
of the "Source"; This means that they are "Fractions" (very small) of the Source therefore they have
a Menguated Power, for example they CAN NOT create a Universe individually, but they could
create a MiniVerse (small universe) jointly.

2) Swaruu says that there is only one Universe (maybe it is referring to COSMOS or the
COSMOS CREATOR ...) but in reality there is a MultiVerse since the Source captured all the ideas
it had at the time and these were implemented (implemented ) in different Universes; In one, you
are a Triumphant person, in another you are a losing person, etc.

3) Swaruu speaks of "Lines of Time" ... and this is "Parallel Worlds", therefore there are
other Universes (the MultiVerso) ... and the idea of a Single Universe is Discarded.
4) Swaruu also ensures that "Time does NOT exist" ... but this is inaccurate since Time is a
"Cycle"; From the beginning of a Universe until this one ends. Another question would be if those
"Cycles" are repeated infinitely since, the COSMOS CREATOR could stop said "Cycles" for any
reason; Indefinitely ... or forever.

> He has spoken to us about God, the Goddess and the gods. Could you tell us more
about that and its differences ?: Yes ... I made reference to the "gods", to "God", to "GOD" ... and
to the "GODDESS" "; The "gods" were extraterrestrials with technologies that made them look like
Gods. There is also the "God" of Religions; Whose Power is circumscribed to Earth, Heaven and
Hell. And the "GOD" Creator of the Cosmos is the "Primary Source". The "GODDESS" is the
"Secondary Source".

The GOD of COSMOS created the Perfect and Divine Worlds. The COSMOS GODDESS
created the Regular and Imperfect Worlds ... and it seems that it was one of their Worlds (Very
Rational and Scientific) from which the first Evil that spread through 3D, 4D and 5D arose. But the
Cause must be sought in the "Energy Asymmetry" that occurred in the Division of the "Original
Source"; I already commented that the "Primary Source" was left with more Power (and that it was
considered as Male) and the "Secondary Source" had less Power (and was considered Female).

Note: in my opinion, if the division had been Proportional, the "Energy Asymmetry" would
not have occurred ... and therefore the "germ of Evil" would not have developed in COSMOS.

> What do you think about Religions and the New Age ?: There are thousands of religions
in the world, in fact there are more religions than languages or cultures ... something that is
suspicious ... I have already said that religions are simple ways of explaining things Complicated
(To say which Religion is the Authentic is like wondering which Language is the Authentic one).

The "New Age" is an invention to join religious concepts with alien concepts ... and this
should put them on alert since they should NOT mix both ideas since this leads to error,
confusion ... and manipulation ... an example of This would be the following idea: "God is complicit
with the Negative Beings to test the Human" ... and this is absurd because if God is Omniscient and
can see the souls of people he already knows what people are like and what things can be do.

Note: A God Who Loves his creations should care and deal with them; Giving them a
Pleasant place to live (where there are NO "Negative Beings" that interfere in their Free Will),
Educating them Correctly (through "Masters") and being Proactive before the Bad Acts (through
the "Celestial Beings"). If it does NOT happen, we can deduce 2 things:

a) That presumed God is an invention ... or b) Some Being is Usurping that position.

> What do you think about Christ, Buddha and other similar "Avatars" ?: I think they
existed ... but that their lives and messages have arrived distorted (sometimes intentionally ... and
sometimes NOT). Christ was an "Avatar" who came down from the upper levels (similar to how the
"cosmic seeds" do). Buddha was an Exceptional Man who discovered how to escape 3D ... and
"mock" the Matrix. And other Avatars did similar things throughout time and the width of human

> What kind of Negative Energy is there on Earth? How will it be Transmuted ?: On the
Etheric Level is the Negative Energy; Coming from another planet that exploded a long time ago. It
was on said Planet that the first "distortion of energy" occurred that affected the beings that
inhabited it (called from that time on as "Regressive or Negative Beings"). Note: if you have seen
the animated film "Final Fantasy" (year 2001) then you will understand better what I want to tell

By exploiting that planet the pieces spread through the space, contaminating the places they
arrived to (that's why there are several contaminated planets ... and that's why the regressive races
have expanded throughout the Universe). In the Material Level, said negative energy manifests as
"Black Goo" or "dark and sticky sustáncia" ... (Note: it is similar to Oil).

To transmute this energy before we must evacuate all intelligent and conscious beings of
Earth. These beings must "ascend" on their own merits; So it is estimated about 7,000 years of
waiting before proceeding to the "Transmutation". This process will consist in a controlled
"disintegration" of the Earth; Your particles will be "atomized" to separate the Positive energy from
the Negative ... and then the planet will be re-atomized. The negative energy will be taken to a
suitable place to recycle it ... or be eliminated. Note: This information has been facilitated by the
"Ayaplianos" (of the Superior Worlds) ... although in the Buddha's prophecies the "transmutation of
the Earth" was already told through a "purifying fire".

> What role do the "Star Seeds" have on Earth ?: Before answering, I have to clarify the
difference between "Star Seed" and "Cosmic Seed"; The "Star Seeds" are Positive Beings
(extraterrestrial) that were stuck in the 3D because they inhabited the Earth before the imposition
of the Matrix. The "Cosmic Seeds" are Positive Beings (extraterrestrials) that have voluntarily
come to Earth; After the imposition of the Matrix.

So I think your question, really, refers to the "Cosmic Seeds"; They have come, Voluntarily,
to Earth to counteract the Negative Beings that inhabit the Planet, thus allowing a "balance in the
forces". Their only presence is already a Mission, they also help to raise the level of Consciousness
of the "Real People" ... and they even have the opportunity to learn from the "Human Experience"
(which is like making a "Master" University).

Note: Beware of the "Gurus" and "Channelers" who say that we ALL have voluntarily come
to Earth to "live the human experience"; As if that were something nice ... this reminds me of when
a Cleric says that "God loves you" ... but you are living "a hell on Earth". In my opinion, these are
ways of reducing the importance of human misfortunes so as not to lose "followers" and maintain
the status of "VIP" (Very Important People). Be aware that this type of "VIPs" live off their

> Does the fact that the Solar System has a Single Star have something to do with the
presence of Negative Beings on Earth ?: ... Good question ... Well, they have to do, since most
Solar Systems of the Cosmos have 2, 3 or more Suns, so they contain more amount of Positive
Energy ... and the Earth, having only one star, has a Deficit of positive energy, which facilitates the
Colonization of the Solar System for the Negative Beings.

Note 1: In the Pleiades or near the center of the Milky Way there is a greater amount of
Positive Energy (in general) due to the accumulation of stars.

Note 2: Jupiter and Saturn in Reality are Gaseous planets (Hydrogen to a greater extent)
and they did NOT become Suns because they lacked Mass and that is why there was NO "ignition"
since there was NOT enough Compression force at the Atomic level ( the greater the mass, the
greater the force of gravity ... and this facilitates the Nuclear reaction that turns them into Suns) ...
and this type of error shows that the Cosmos has imperfections since its inception.

> What do you think about the information of "Being ONE" ?: It is very extensive ... and
it strikes me that the "Ayaplianos" predicted (in its first 5 Books) a Future of more than 300 years of
suffering for the Humanity, but this has changed thanks to the actions that the Galactic Federation
undertook, so I deduce that these predictions saw them in another "Timeline".
> Are you trying to "brainwash" us with your PDF ?: That you must decide; I decided to
write this Manual because some people asked me for help and advice. I have NO interest in
"monetizing" this PDF or have placed a link to a web page ... in fact for me it would be more
comfortable NOT to spend time writing this PDF or to let me know, because the latter could cause
problems. I do NOT try to convince people, I only offer information; If it resonates with someone it
is that it is in my Level of Consciousness ... if it does NOT resonate, perhaps, it is that my
information offends your Ego ... or does NOT understand what I explain here.

> Why do you claim that the God of Religions is an invention ?: It is NOT that I affirm it,
but I rely on Evidence that points in that direction with a very high index of success (more than
99%) ... in fact I am going to better explain the Arguments based on historical and scientific
information (although you are free to believe in your "God" simply because of FE ... or because
they were instilled when you were little):

As I have already commented in the World, there are more Religions than languages or
cultures ... and most of them tell a story so similar that they seem like a Plagiarism or a Copy ... in
fact in the World there are many "Bibles" ... and even "Galactic Bibles" ... sincerely I have to tell
you that I was also indoctrinated in the Catholic faith, but from a young age I began to intuit things
that did NOT fit into the "sacred scriptures".

For the same reason I started to learn about the various "Holy Books" that were in the
World and discovered that apart from the Catholic Bible, there was also the Jewish "Torah", the
"Qur'an" Muslim, ... and other religions or philosophies as Buddhism, Taoism, ... and even
"Apocryphal" books ... and other ancient texts belonging to "Dead" Languages.

Apart from this I trained with University and Self-study in Science and History of Humanity,
which gave me a greater Perspective to determine if the God of Religions is Real or an Invention ...
but in summary I will say that: Catholicism "drank "Of the Hebrew texts ... and these" drank "from
the ancient Egyptian and Mesopotamian texts.

These early religions worshiped the Sun as their God ... and now we know (through the
extraterrestrial messages) that the Sun unites us with the "Source" (the Creator of the Cosmos).
This Creator of the Cosmos is NOT the God of Religions, because in them it is said that "God is the
Creator of Heaven and Earth" ... he does NOT say that he is the Creator of the Universe. In fact,
according to the doctrines of religions, there was only one Earth (plane), the Sun, the Moon and the

Fortunately Science demonstrated that the Earth was Spherical and that there were more
things in Space (in addition to improving our Quality of Life and giving us ways to Heal without
waiting for Divine intervention). As if this were not enough, if we analyze the Bible in its first
paragraphs, we find things that can surprise us (if we reflect them).

a) God creates Eve from a rib of Adam, which makes her his sister since they are sharing
the same DNA (A.D.a.N) ... (God did not you notice this detail?).

b) Evil enters Eden ... and does not know God nor the guardian angels (does not know the
Omnisciente God ... or the Watchers? ... this is very strange).

c) Adam and Eve have children ... (I have already said that they were like brothers, by
sharing the same genetic information ... then it is not surprising that a bad child should come out,
any person of science knows that having children between siblings or relatives entails this kind of
"taras" <mental defects>... then why did the Sage God allow it?).

d) God encloses the Demons, but curiously they can go to Earth when they want to Tempt
people ... then where is the "Free Will" ?.

e) The Bible says that the children of Adam and Eve had offspring ... and you have to ask
yourself: "with whom?" because there was supposedly only one female in the world (Eve) ... then ...
or they fornicated with their mother ... or there was more humanity on Earth (which would discover
another Lie in the "sacred texts" and "truth").

... and I could continue with more "cases and things" that "get attention" in the Bibles or
other Religious Texts ... but it seems to me that with these examples it is enough to understand that
Religions are human inventions (because they are plagued / Faults).

Note: if you have been offended right now or have the idea of killing me, it is certainly a
sign that I am telling the Truth, since the Truths offend a lot; Especially when people are
"programmed" with the "truth" that they have been taught.
Clarification: Catholicism is NOT the same as Christianity; It is enough to Discern the
Cruel, Angry and Vengeful God of the Old Testament (Yahweh - Jehovah) of the God of Love,
Empathy and Peace of the New Testament (taught by Jesus Christ).

> Are you crazy ?: NOT because a few years ago I was seen by a psychologist and a
psychiatrist and they told me that I was a fairly balanced person.

> Can we eliminate our Ego ?: NO because the Human Ego is part of your mind; What we
can do is "Dilute" the Ego to Control it.

> By when will your Book be finished? How many pages will it consist of? Where can we
buy it ?: This information is only a Help Guide. It is NOT a Book; rather it is an Explanatory
Manual so that they understand, in an easy way, what things have happened and what things are
going to happen. This PDF will be updated according to the questions and questions that arise but
my idea is to make a few versions of it ... I give it to my contacts and it is FREE.

> Nölk, do you believe in possession of the Absolute Truth ?: NO. Only the Creator of the
Cosmos is in possession of the Absolute Truth. My Declarations are only an Approach to the Truth;
based on my Experiences, Knowledge and the information that have been provided by the Beings of
the Dimensions / Higher Densities

> The Parallel Universes are infinite ?: NO; They are Indeterminate. There are many, but
we can NOT count them exactly because their number is constantly changing since some of them
are created and others disappear; for various reasons.

> Is the Galactic Federation the same as Galactic Confederation ?: The same, exactly NO;
The Confederation is more "extensive" since other planets that are NOT included in the Federation
are attached to it. Note: in the Galaxy (Milky Way) there are several Organizations; according to
your objectives and positioning in the Galaxy and Densities.

> Where is the "Van Hallen shield" generated ... on the Moon or in the center of the
Earth ?: ... Good Question ... Well it is generated from the Moon since it was placed next to the
Earth after the Battle of Tiamat with the aim of generating an energetic "mesh" that would envelop
the Earth to prevent the Negative Beings that had entrenched themselves in the Planet from
escaping. Note: and NO intervention because these beings threatened to destroy the Earth as they
had done with Tiamat.

Another fact that must be taken into account is that Earth is the only planet in the solar
system that has said "shield" ... and the other planets also have GeoMagnetism ... and some of them
do not have Luna (also called "satellite" ... artificial?). Also if said "shield" were issued from the
Moon, by Negative beings, it would have been deactivated by the Federation some time ago. Note:
in its ancient terrestrial myths it tells stories of the "pre-Sellenic" times ... what it means; Before the
Appearance of the Moon.

> Are we "Victims"? Should we forgive our "Torturers" ?: Good question. You are right;
Positive Terrestrial Humans are "Victims" of some "Torturers" (Negative Beings) ... and these are
responsible, to a greater extent, for the Hurts that Humanity Suffers and even for personal
Problems that you have, since they alter your "Free Will" through the Control of the Society or
Manipulating their Lives (if you leave them, through certain friendships, relatives, teachers, etc).

Note: another thing is the People who become the "Victims" ("emotional vampires" who
want to take advantage of the Society ... or of You) and are usually these Negative Beings that are
manifested through certain people who are "on the side" dark "... be careful because your intention
is to ruin their lives.

You are Free to Forgive them, when you are ready to forgive them (when you have overcome
the trauma they produced) ... but you must NOT forget that "experience" because it is a "lesson of
Life" on this Planet that will serve you to avoid other unpleasant problems with that type of
Negative Beings.

> I do not believe there are positive Reptilians ... Would not it be better to eliminate them
all from the Planet ... and so we would end up with this situation first ?: You are free to distrust,
in fact it seems good to distrust since it shows that you are a seeker of the truth. But you should
know that there are Positive and Negative Reptilians, just as there are Good or Bad people. Note: I
have already commented that some Reptilians could be cured of their "distortion" (in fact they were
transmuted a long time ago and now they cooperate with Positive Beings).

Regarding your question I have to tell you that this attitude corresponds more to a human
thought and the need for immediacy of actions; due to his mortal body ... but the Positive Beings of
the Cosmos act differently due to their Unconditional Love Mentality, for that reason what they try
is to Recover these Distorted Beings (it would be like curing a person infected with rage) ...
therefore only the Really Dangerous Beings will be Eliminated; those who are full of Evil and do
not possess a "divine spark".

> And what of the NWO and the plot of "Human Depopulation?": That was going to
happen in another "Time Line" (the hard branch of the "Cabal" had planned to create another
"Crisis" at World Level, where would have affected the Economy, the Armies and the Health of the
Positive Terrestrial Humans ...) but the Federation "took countermeasures", since 2008, against
that hard branch of the Cabal ... and at the moment those Radical beings have retreated into Inner-
Terrestrial Bunkers and Lairs , so it is a question of Months that surrender ... if everything goes
well; According to the Plan Planned. Note: it has been agreed with the "flexible" branch of the
Reptilians, who remain at the head of the Governments, so that the Change is effected in the least
traumatic way for all (including them).

> Can We Learn to Heal and Heal ?: Yes, but in a limited way since they are in mortal
bodies and you vibrate in a low way. Also you have to take into account their bad habits of Health
and Food (not to mention the topics of Environmental Pollution and other harmful substances that
you introduce into their bodies for reasons of "fun"). Note: The majority of diseases are due to
cellular aging, which translates into organic dysfunctions. To heal them we must try to rebalance
the energetic system of the human body; Although finally you will die of old age (expiration of your
bodies / avatars).

> Nölk Who is "your people"? From what planet and Dimension / Density do you come
from?: Well ... As I said, I have blocked the memories, so I can NOT give you a specific answer; but
I will tell you more things that I know about it: In my dreams and astral travels I have seen a World
that is always in Spring where there are educated and kind beings ... they have a human / humanoid
aspect ... it is a Pretty Perfect World, in comparison to Earth ( it's like being in a 5-star hotel with
everything included ... and life in the 3D is like being in a 2-star hotel where "you have to pay for
everything") ... so I deduce that it is a place of 6D.

The first time they contacted me was when I was 4 years old ... and summarizing the
Telepathic Message they sent me, I said this: "you will live among humans to study them and know
their customs, ... you will have their way of life but you will NOT get married. you will have
children ... and this is the future that awaits you among them. "... and this has been the case to date.
They try to put little in my life to NOT affect the results of my experience / studies, so telepathic
contact is scarce.

I also had some lucid dreams where I saw the Future of Humanity (but it seems to me that
these already belong to another Timeline) ... and even, once, I managed to awaken (briefly) where
my real body was; In a ship that is in high orbit. From what I saw, I am "asleep" in a cabin, almost
vertical, so I deduce that I am in a "total immersion" in the 3D. In my brief "awakening" I could see
that my real body is quite white ... and in front of me was a large window from which I could
glimpse the Earth ... and the planet looked beautiful but small; the size of a ball.

From what I gather that my human body is like a "caricature" of my Real body ... and this is
the best answer I can give you; for now.

> Regarding the gestation of a baby, when does the Soul enter the body according to your
perspective?: (if you have read version 2.9 of my PDF, it puts in general lines): ... when the fetus
takes a form human and the pineal gland is created ...

> I thought it was the moment of birth, during pregnancy the soul circulates etherically
around the body and becomes accustomed to the new reality (I think that's why a lot of us do not
remember being inside the womb ... according to my perspective .). The first breath of the baby
would contain the soul, according to affirmations of Sun Ahimsa, the mother could not contain 2
souls in the same body, because it would be a kind of possession, to call it another way ... There
are other affirmations of Drúnvalo Melquizedek where he relates that the soul enters the body
also at the time of birth and on very special occasions, prior to an almic agreement, the soul can
enter a body of an agreed age (3, 4, 5 years, etc.) where the soul is synchronized with the other
soul, and the old one leaves the body while the other one takes it, a term that they called "Walk
in". I would like to know your opinion:

In relation to your comments I think you should reflect on the following: A) About Sol
Aimsa: A Mother and her future baby are 2 bodies and 2 different minds, therefore they are NOT 2
Souls in the same body ... consequently NO they interfere and there is NO Possession ... Note: we
should be careful with people trying to manipulate people's ideas. B) Regarding the Gestation you
should ask yourself: Why, a Soul, will be "fluttering" a baby body, for weeks or months ... when it is
normal to occupy it as soon as it knows that its "destiny" It is now available?. C) I have NOT given
a specific date about when the Soul enters the body, I said that "when the fetus takes a human form
and the pineal gland is created" ... then, from that moment, the Soul can enter the body; When she
decides (without "fluttering").

Note: You should also ask yourself: What influences the determination of chromosome XX
or XY in babies (the embryo)?

> My intuition tells me that the determination of sex is influenced by chromosomal,

genetic, hormonal factors. What do you mean exactly, Nölk ?:

Your intuition DOES NOT deceive you, this is in general terms, but there are exceptions, just
as there are exceptions to the moment in which a Soul enters the body it will occupy; As for
example the "walkings" that you have commented (reUtilizar a body that is still in good use).

But you must know that according to the Japanese beliefs the Soul enters the same moment
of the Conception (reason why this culture is rather in disagreement with the Abortion). For the
Tibetans the Soul Reincarnates at 47 days ... and this coincides with some scientific studies that
have detected certain changes in the fetus in the 7th week ... and European Laws allow abortion up
to 3 months and exceptionally until the week 22; if the life of the mother is dangerous.

However, there are some "currents" that want to legalize abortion at any time ... and we
would have to reflect on 2 things: A) If the parents of the pro-abortionists had decided to abort then
those pro-abortionists would NOT have been born. and B) What "mentality" is behind the
proabortionists ... the agenda of population reduction?

Things are NOT always "white or black" ... that is why there is the general norm and the
Exceptions; The General norm is that the Soul can enter its body ("destiny") from the moment the
embryo takes human form and the pineal gland is created (when it decides).

What happens in the Exceptions? ... because the Soul (Cosmic Seed) decides to enter later
or sooner. What happens if you enter sooner? ... because you can alter the program of creation of a
being and change the assignment of biological sex for personal reasons that are related to your
authentic self or gender; Because everything fits in what you have asked for (country, family, status,
mission, experiences you may have ...) except biological sex.

Note: Did you know that there are Men who actually have XX chromosomes and Women
who actually have XY chromosomes?
> Nölk How do you do to live without Sex?: ... then I try to cancel that function in my
brain, just as I try to control the Ego in my mind (through Meditation). The truth is that I am
usually busy thinking and doing other things. They also help the infusions of Green Tea or Mint (as
they contain small amounts of antiAndrogens) ... or they can Transmute that energy (because the
need for sex is an excess of energy) moving, exercising ... or eating less (especially eating little or
no meat as it rises libido).

> Nölk Can you help me with some urgent investment issues and I do not know what
decision I should make? ... would give you an important commission: In my World there is NO
Money or Economy ... so I dislike what concerns those issues (despite having studied them on

> Nölk, since you have knowledge above us Can you help me on certain issues that are
related to the future that is coming?: ... I am NOT obliged to answer all the questions that I have
and also I follow the orders from "up" so there are certain things that I can NOT talk about or

> Nölk, The Pleiadians (and other Ets) say that they are going to use ships to get
humanity out of the Earth and take it to the 5D. What is true about that?: The first thing that
should be known is the Source of that information and in relation to what these statements have
made, because a) the source could be a "misinformer" b) perhaps it is an outdated information in
which the Pleiadians said that: "in case of emergency and earthly catastrophe humanity would be
evacuated in ships "... but c) in the new timelines that possibility has disappeared, so d) it could be
information of the" negative beings "that they intend to take to the humans they need as food, like"
rabbits of Indian women ", as an energetic food ... or as creators so that they "capture" things for
them; Through Negative Mental Manipulation.

So be careful what you read and the ships go up because the step to the 5D should be done
naturally, since your inner self (positive) is able to fly and make astral travel so you do NOT need
ships and can to cross the "Van Hallen shield".

> Nölk, can you tell me more about the first planet that was "distorted"?: Yes. It was in
the Regular Worlds; Some call it "Sofia" (knowledge) because it was a very Scientific and
Technological World, but these advances made their Society begin or forget its link with the Source.
Others call that planet "Satien" ... and the Negative Energy affected both that World and its
inhabitants, so that this "effect" was fed back and the situation was going to get worse ... let's say
that the planet became infected, it became inflamed and exploded ... and from there arose the Evil
that currently affects the Multiverse.

The pieces of the Planet expanded through space and contaminated, to a lesser or greater
extent, the places they arrived. On the other hand, the Negative Beings that could flee from that
planet wandered through space in search of suitable places at their vibratory level. In this way they
colonized several Solar Systems of different Dimensions / Densities ... and that is how they
expanded through the Multiverse / the Cosmos.

Note: The Arkontes are beings with energy distortion that come from the Perfect Worlds.
The Reptilians and the Grays are distorted beings that come from the Regular Worlds. The Negative
Artificial Intelligence's come from the mentioned Negative Planets ... and they are Technologies
that are out of control, therefore they carry that mark of Evil in them.

> Nölk, What is the difference between the inner Self and the Higher Self?: The "inner
Self" is the Soul and the "Higher Self" is the Spirit. As I have already explained, the Beings of the
Dimensions / Higher Densities have created the Beings that are in the lower Dimensions / Densities
... therefore all Beings are Fractals of the Source and are "Sons" of the Higher Beings ... and they
are " Brothers "of the Beings of the same Dimension / Density.

> Nölk, from my experiences, I believe that you are the one who has blocked the
memories and the powers. ... If I had unblocked the memories and the powers then I would be a
"god" on Earth and could act accordingly ... and many of The Negative Beings or Humans would
dislike my actions because they would be harmed. It would also happen that I would NOT learn
what I came to learn.

> Nölk, I think we're in a video game ... and negative beings do not "impose" me
anymore. So you think that life on Earth is like a game of SECOND LIFE or something like the
movie READY PLAYER ONE ... but you should ask yourself two things: a) Why is there NO "escape
key" that you can press when Do you get tired of the game or do you want to pause? and b) Did you
know that the Federation had to intervene because the Negative Beings were NOT respecting "the
rules of the Game"? Note: I think it's OK that they do not "impose" you, but DO NOT let your
guard down because those beings have powers and could still bother you.
> Nölk, I think that the movie "The 5th Wave" reflects the Future of Humanity quite well
... Well, you should be careful with what you think and what you believe, because in part, that kind
of beliefs determine what is going to happen, especially when they think collectively; If you think
you are going to have bad luck, you yourself will create the conditions for something bad to happen
to you. Similarly, Negative Beings manipulate people to create things for them, which includes the
kind of World that Negatives want.

> What do you think about Trump?: I think it is a "Wolf" that is "playing" in the Lair of other
"Wolves". In another timeline was the “voceador” (speaker) of the Evil; in this Line we will see

Nölk's message: This time I am going to tell you what happened in one of the first
"encounters in the fourth phase" of the 20th century and in recent dates since they were similar and
surprising: Around 1930 (if I remember correctly) a A group of US kids watched as a UFO perched
near the summer camp where they were. As he approached the UFO, a door opened and a
shapeless mass emerged that immediately took on a human form ... the children were so frightened
that they fled.

In 1986, in the summer area of “Conills" (Spain), a group of young people saw, with
binoculars, as a UFO, they left on the beach 2 humanoids (without defined features) that soon
acquired a human form; Exactly a man and a woman with Nordic features. The boys, on this
occasion, were not scared and followed (in the distance) the couple to a hotel, where they stayed for
a few days; After which they returned to the beach where they had left them and the UFO returned
to pick them up at night ... and NO more was heard of them.

The curious thing is that a researcher of the subject (J.J. Benitez) inquired and found out
that they used false documentation since the authentic owners of that documentation were in their
country during those days. Note: Ets things may NOT be as we imagine them.

> Note from Nölk: Please try to ask me a question, on each occasion, because otherwise
Monopolize the conversation and have to Understand that, apart from that I have little free time,
there are more people who send me messages; In this way I can answer the whole World ... or the
Majority. Also try to ask short and focused questions on the topics we are dealing with (the
questions out of context are out of place). Thank you.
> Council of Nölk: Try to do things with LOVE and without Haste (to the extent of your
possibilities); This will Free them from Stress and Anxiety.

> Nölk, What do you think of the Theory of the Flat Earth?: That hypothesis reminds me
of the time of "Darkness" of Humanity and the religious ideas of the Middle Ages. If the Earth were
flat we would all see the same stars, but it is NOT so because in each hemisphere there are different
constellations, therefore the Flat Earth is discarded (it also sounds like misinformation).

> Nölk, does all that information get you off the internet?: ... that information is out of my
head (I get the feeling that you have read the PDF abruptly).

> What have you brought as a novelty that was NOT on the internet?: Pay attention to the
Post (questions and answers) of "Advice to Improve the World (human level)", "Solar System,
Single Star", "difference between stellar seeds and cosmic seeds "," Parallel Universes are infinite?
", ... and you will realize that this is NOT on the internet ...

> Nölk, it seems to me that the Demons control your mind. I understand that you distrust
me; It is normal for humans to be suspicious when someone is too Sincere (because humans usually
have a Low Honesty Level) ... but keep these things in mind: A) you are dealing with someone who
comes from outside the Earth and B) My information Is Positive and Hopeful ... or is it
Catastrophist ?. In any case "The Truth is the daughter of Time".

> Nölk, Does the "UnunPentium" serve as fuel for UFOs?: I am NOT an engine and
propulsion engineer, but as far as I know, it can be useful, although you have to "stabilize" this
Element, for 2 reasons: A) because it disintegrates quickly (in less than a second) and B) because it
is dangerous. Note: Ships of Negative beings usually emit RadioActivity ... and Ships of Positive
beings use Clean energies (zero point).

> Nölk, in your PDF you commented that humans could create a "mini-universe" Would
you expand that information?: Yes. With the internal power, and globally, humans could use their
cosmic power to create a small universe ... justly that is one of the ideas that negative beings had;
Manipulate humans to create a mini-universe to flee to; Escaping the punishment of the Galactic
> I have some doubts ... If it is our Consciousness that is transferred from Dimension /
Density What will happen to our human body if we move from 3D to 5D?: ... because your
earthly body could disappear or remain in 3D Earth but in a "robotic" state. And if you go to the
5D you will have a new body according to the information of the 12 strands of DNA.

> What if I want to go back to 3D to see my Family?: ... because your consciousness will
return to the "robotic" body or you will appear again in your 3D body but you will NOT remember
what happened ... and that entails the danger of becoming to get stuck in 3D. Note: Jumping in
Time or Dimensions / Densities is dangerous, so it should NOT be taken as a "child's game".
Anyway it is assumed that when you want to leave the 3D is not to return to it. Note: If NO you are
ready to move to 5D because there are things that "anchor" you, you will stay in 3D.

> I think you are exaggerating with the theme of "sex, drugs and alcohol", I know people
who experiment with these things and they do well (they are even happier): ... I have heard these
types of arguments throughout my life, by people of dubious "reputation"; People who go "wuai"
and want to sell that lifestyle, prefabricated by negative beings ... but in reality that lifestyle is self-
destructive; in the short or long term. However, people are free to decide what they want to do or
experience ... but the Cosmos will act accordingly; The moment arrived.

Note: "Astral travel" should be done naturally, with Preparation and Effort. When they are
done "artificially" there is a danger of having "a bad trip" that can traumatize them ... or that
Negative beings enter their mind.

> In your PDF you said that "in the 6D you can create Domes to sleep or rest" ... why do
you need to sleep or rest in that Dimension / Density?: Good question ... First you must know that
my mode of expression is a form to humanize the information that I am giving. "Rest" would be a
way to Isolate; stop interactions with other beings. "Sleeping" would be a form of Meditation; how
to close your eyes and dream with total awareness ...

> I would like to know more about what happened to the Planet that Exploded and how
the Earth was contaminated by these Negative Energies. Well, the planet exploded and its pieces
spread through the Universe. When one of its pieces reaches another planet, it contaminates it with
its Negative energy; and this varies in relation to the amount of matter that arrives and the type of
impact that there is against that planet (a small piece barely influences, but a large size could
"merge" on the planet ... and even destroy it).
The piece that contaminated the Earth arrived more than 2000 million years ago. Then
came the Negative Beings (about 1000 million years ago) to detect favorable conditions for
colonization. Then came a group of "Ayaplianos" (about 600 million years ago) to investigate what
happened on the planet; But these were contaminated by the Negative Energy and were "trapped"
on Earth. After them came other extraterrestrials (about 500 million years ago) to help the
"Ayaplianos" ... but as they were unable to find a solution they warned other beings of the Cosmos
(of different Dimensions and Densities) to try to fix the problem ... Reptilians asked for help (those
that appear in the Sumerian myths) ... but it was NOT solved; "In the first instance".

This is how "Colonies" were created on Earth and various "experiments" were carried out
to find a "cure" for the distortion of the "Ayaplianos". For this, different "star seeds" were created;
Avatars created "energetically", through "genetic" mixtures, to find the one that best resisted the
negative energy, in order to reverse the "distortion" of the "Ayaplianos". That's why there came a
time when the "Mission" was a Joint Project of Multiple races of the Cosmos ... and this is the
reason why each race is interested in recovering their "star seeds" and participate in the Liberation
of the Earth .

> Message from Nölk: At this point I think it is necessary to make some Cosmic
explanations for a better understanding of the above: A few decades ago, the terrestrial scientists
said that the Universe was 7,000 million light years, but with the advance of the technology was
able to reach a vision of 14,000 million light-years. However, new research methods reveal that the
"background radiation" reaches 50,000 million Light-years ... and that it is in expansion (at the

The Scientists have also deduced that they only know between 4% and 5% of the Universe
and that humanity is a "baby" in the immensity of the Cosmos; Among other things because they
have admitted that there are other matters and energies that do NOT know how to explain them
(which seems to be a good act of humility and honesty).

For example the "Dark" Materia and the "Dark" Energy. The Dark Matter is a matter that
exists in space but can not be seen because it is NOT illuminated by a Sun. The Dark Energy is a
type of energy that is unknown to its origin and that apparently is NOT there. But this happens
when you DO NOT want to be aware that the other Dimensions are there and that they interact with
the Known Universe.
Regarding the AntiMateria and the "Particle of God" they must know that the AntiMatter
are NOT the "pulses of divine thought" that some "gurus" or "channelers" have reported; The
AntiMatter has the same characteristics as ordinary matter but its particles have a load contrary to
its "twin" (which is what we know). We perceive them as energy or plasma because it is a
manifestation of a "Mirror" dimension.

The AntiMatter already existed before the "Big Bang" only that it was "separated" from the
Matter. In this PDF I explained that, in the beginning, the COSMIC GOD was a Neutral energy ...
and that later it was divided into 2 entities; a Masculine and a Feminine ... and that it was these
entities that created the Cosmos and its Dimensions. Note: The same Science (current) has recently
said that the Origin of the "Big Bang" are 2 "sources" (at least). This means that "the shell was not
broken by the cosmic egg", but there were some "detonators" within itself.

Regarding the "Divine Particle" that they said they found in the Hadron Accelerator, it is
NOT such, because the "Divine particle" is at a smaller level, which they can not yet reach with
their current technology. Note: in the same "photographs" of the Collider, there are other smaller
particles; which you still have to study to understand what they are ... and what they are composed
of (what's inside those sub-particles).

... said "Divine Particle" is actually a Pulse of Energy ... and depends on how it vibrates it
creates the subatomic particles ... this pulse would be something similar to the electronic pulses of a
computer and its source code.

Note: Matter and AntiMatter are "dual" particles (wave and corpuscle) at the atomic level and
when they "touch" they create a tremendous explosion that at the same time destroys and creates
things. So the AntiMatter is NOT part of the brain of GOD or its Fractals (as some "gurus" and
"channelers" say). The brain works with small impulses of electricity ... and this is what transmits
the ideas and gives the orders of movement to the body ... through the neurons.

> Nölk What theologians use EVIL on Earth to create Misfortunes in Society?: Good
question. Well the MAL has all kinds of Tactics (short term) and Strategies (long term) because they
are very intelligent beings and also have a long experience in it, but basically does the following:
"divide and conquer". They are dedicated to dividing Humanity, creating groups and antagonizing
For this they use their human lackeys or ETs (because the negative beings do NOT usually
act directly for questions of cosmic "laws" that have the Power on Earth (the Elites) ... and then
they face several of those groups ( as on a chessboard); for example: political parties, military
factions, different economic ideologies, etc.

In fact that is how the World Wars were designed and implemented; they were designed as a
"destruction - construction" Business and were carried out Manipulating Human Emotions and
their consequent impulses. Note: Although they are different factions (the positive and the Negative)
they should NOT see the Evil in concept "one side, another side", but in "up and down".

> Nölk, If the Souls are immortal and Re-Incarnate, then, Killing has NO
IMPORTANCE?: ... oh, what a question you ask me ... in the past I have already found people who
proposed everything to me as Experiences; They argued that killing and dying is another
experience and that, therefore, this type of acts should NOT be judged ... Not even by the
"Creator" / "God" ... but this, in fact, is NOT that simple ... and ( I'll explain it below:

Maybe from a cosmic point of view DO NOT judge you Nor can deprive you of that
experience of killing (because they would deprive you of your Free Will in a 3D World, 4D, 5D ...)
but that has consequences for the following reasons:

a) There are Positive and Negative experiences ... and if you choose Negatives; those that
violate the laws of PEACE and LOVE, then you will have a negative consequence, a karma, a

b) What will be taken into account is the Negative Action, the unjust action, the Violent
action that you carry out because you have acted "without just cause"; because you wanted to,
because you have lost control (under the influence of drugs or led by anger / jealousy), etc.

c) You have deprived that being of his Experience in the life that awaited him ... and also, to
his family and friends, you have caused damage and loss.

So Killing is NOT a "game"; it is a serious action / decision ... and when you live in a
society with laws and agents of order, your action has legal-penal consequences.

> And what do you think about thieves with "ties" ... and who steals out of necessity?:
These are two cases with different motivations. I have already commented that the human society
has "the game of the chair" that is why there is always someone who "ends up on the street" and if
he steals it out of necessity; In this case, it seems inappropriate for me to be punished and punished
with jail. But who steals by Ambitions commits the Crime (Sin) of Greed.

> Do you think that the legal and penitentiary system of the Earth is adequate?: NO. I
believe that it is inadequate and unjust in many cases because it deals almost equally with different
situations and does NOT discern between violent people, people committed to crime and
individuals with disorders. In fact I see the issue of Crime as a Business for certain Security
Companies and Organizations of the Capitalist States. In addition, prisons in developed countries
are "hotels" where dangerous criminals "rest" and are also "schools" for offenders, with this I mean
that Reeducation and Reintegration shine by their Absence.

> Nölk, do you know if The Positive Ets will be announced soon?: According to my
information, there could be a Massive Sighting of Spaceships in Mid-Summer of 2019; If everything
goes well, according to the plan ... but keep Calm and Positive thoughts.

> Nölk, Is there a "missing link" in the evolution of the human species?: It does not exist
as the scientists argue. The "star seeds" were already on Earth long before the anthropoid species
that corresponds to the natural evolution of the planet appeared ... but the genetics of the Hominids
were used to create a "hybrid" race more resistant to "distortion" energy ". The result was the
human race; in all its current diversity.

This means that the current people are the fruit a "hybridization" with races of the
extraterrestrial colonies. Genetically, modern humans are very similar to each other; Small
Differences belong to the characteristics introduced by the alien races that created the "star seeds".

> Nölk Why do we have a "Reptilian brain"?: For 2 reasons: a) the Basic or Survival
Brain is part of the Evolution in the species of the Imperfect Worlds and b) The Positive Reptilians
were another of the Alien Races that participated in the "Experiment of the Cure" (The Cure of
Distortion) ... and for that they introduced genes of their race (It is related to the History of the
Sumerian Gods).

This "hybridization" was carried out on Earth about 300,000 years ago ... and as a result,
humans were designed to reach a maximum of 180 cm (the parameters were adjusted to optimize
the body to Earth's gravity; "It is a" reminiscence "of the original genetics, ... and although it may
seem like an Advantage, it is actually a Disadvantage since people who are too tall have problems
with their skeleton and cerebrum-vascular system.
> Nölk, Galaxies and Nebulae, what are they really?: A Solar System is really a Cell with
its different organelles, A Nebula is a Set of Solar Systems that has not yet taken form. A Galaxy is a
part of the "Fabric" that forms the Universe. The Universes form the Cosmos.

> Nölk What "Prodigies" could we do with a Full Consciousness?: With a kind of
Conscience like that (of the 6D) they could do all kinds of prodigies in the 3D (in fact many of you
call them Miracles). For example, they could alter their appearance by modifying their DNA ... or
they could heal themselves by rebalancing their bodily system (Avatar).

> And how is that achieved?: Through "Personal Growth"; This means getting out of
ignorance through Knowledge Learning and the Breakdown of Mental Limitations. Buddha called
it "enlightenment". Note: I advise you to watch the movie "Matrix" to understand it better.

Nölk's message: I think there is enough information in this PDF so that they can "get by" on
their own. Note: I will "retire", for a time, to Relearn about the SupraConscious Capabilities.

I wish you "Light" and Love. "I am ONE with the COSMOS".

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