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Dr. Bobby E. Wright


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Dr. Bobby Wright. Published by Third World Press, 1984.
Available HERE
Dr. Bobby E. Wright: The Psychopathic
Racial Personality
“In a bullfight, after being brutalized while making innumerable charges at the
movement of a cape, there comes a time when the bull finally turns and faces his
adversary with the only movement being his heaving bloody sides. It is believed
that for the first time he really sees the matador. This final confrontation is known
as the "moment of truth." For the bull, this moment comes too late.”

The experience of Black people all over the world presents an analogous situation. For hundreds
of years, Blacks have been charging at the banners that are held by the European (White)
matadors. Those banners have been represented by concepts such as democracy, capitalism,
Marxism, religion, and education. The banners remained constant as long as Blacks were assets.
However, with technology and worldwide industrialization on the rampage resulting in a further
exploitation of Africa's resources which in turn produces an increase in Africa's (Blacks')
national consciousness, Blacks are now a threat and a liability to the White race. Therefore, the
banner held by the matador represents only one concept: genocide. As a consequence, the major
research that White scientists are involved in today is genocidal in nature (nuclear warfare,
population control, medication control, genetic engineering, psychosurgery, electrical stimulation
of the brain, and the highly complex science of behavioral technology).

Indeed, it is Blacks' moment of truth; it is time for Blacks to look at the matador.

This presentation is based upon the following very simple premise: in their relationship with the
Black race, Europeans (Whites) are psychopaths and their behavior reflects an underlying
biologically transmitted proclivity with roots deep in their evolutionary history. The psychopath
is an individual who is constantly in conflict with other persons or groups. He is unable to
experience guilt, is completely selfish and callous, and has a total disregard for the rights of
others. This premise is supported by overwhelming scientific evidence (Delany, 1968; Du Bois,
1896; Fanon, 1963; Garvey, 1967; Welsing, 1991; Williams, 1971).

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There is a scientific dictum which states, ”everything that exists, exists in some amount and if it
exists, it can be measured.” One of the best methods that can be used to measure the
psychopathic traits of the White race is observing and analyzing their universal overt behaviors
and attitudes toward Blacks. However, in so doing, since Blacks have been enslaved and
colonized by Whites, a very subtle psychological problem is posed of which every Black should
be aware-intellectual insight about Whites does not insure that there will be a corresponding
change in Blacks’ behavior and attitude toward Whites, particularly when there is a threat

For example, everywhere one finds Whites and Blacks in close proximity to each other, whether
it is Chicago or Zimbabwe, the Whites are in control. Yet Blacks rarely question this
extraordinary universal phenomenon which defies every knowm statistical law of probability. In
fact, Blacks denounce those who simply raise this question with admonitions such as "we should
not be racists and treat them as they have treated us.” In fact, Whites are not going to allow
Blacks to treat them as they have treated Blacks, so that requires no discussion.

However, the subject of Black racism should be discussed. A functional definition of racism
could be "the oppression and exploitation of people because of their race.” Using this definition,
it is very clear that at this point in time Blacks cannot be racists because of their lack of power to
oppress anybody (Whites, Indians, Chinese, etc.). Black intellectual enlightenment does not
always lead to genuine insight and it can be very damaging to the intellect as reflected by the
behavior and attitudes of many eminent Black scientists. For example, Dr. Kenneth B.
Clark(1968) has spent his life making a fortune studying the victims of White oppression-his
own people-and now speaks of the irrelevancy of color. Dr. Alvin Poussaint (1972, 1974), who
seems to be Johnson Publishing Company’s psychiatrist-in-residence, ignores the widespread
genocidal programs directed against Blacks and writes such trivia as "The Difference Between
Sex and Love," "Blacks and Iews-An Appeal for Unity," and "Why Blacks Kill Blacks.”

Blacks kill Blacks because they have never been trained to kill Whites, therefore it is outside
their experience. Historically, the European system has encouraged the killing of Blacks.
Because Blacks have been led to believe that they are part of the psychopath's system, they
simply follow the practice. Dr. ]ames Comer (1972) is another Black psychiatrist whom the

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psychopaths have so overwhelmed that he has moved, as his book suggests, Beyond Black and
White. Cobbs and Grier (1968) follow this tradition of Blacks studying themselves rather than
their oppressors by concluding in Black Rage that Whites make Blacks so mad that they kill

Black scientists generally rationalize their investigations as proof to White scientists that Blacks
can be ”scientifically objective." On the subject of objectivity in science, this author agrees with
Dr. jacob Carruthers (1972), who, in his brilliant essay "Science and Oppression,”states
that "science is not objective nor is it neutral. " A Black scientist who moves outside the
psychopath’s "approved course of study"takes the chance of being labeled unscientific,
emotional, biased,” etc. Additionally funds are only available to Black scientists who support the
approved course of study-themselves. Many very competent Black students who are naive about
"White scientific inquiry" are flunked out of schools because of their insistence on studying the
etiology of Black problems-the psychopaths-rather than the effect. Black students must be taught
that White educational institutions are the matador's cape that protects Whites from Black
scientific inquiry which would expose an unthinkable depth of psychopathology.

In order to understand the psychopathic personality, one must differentiate between three
classifications: theneurotic, the psychotic, and the psychopath. The definitions of
psychopathology have been established and adhered to by the World Health Organization's
International Classification of Diseases. The contributions of Black people in detemiining these
classifications are lost nonexistent. Generally, the neurotic is a person who suffers a great deal
over problems that are handled fairly routinely by a well-adjusted personality. The major
problem for neurotics is their inordinate amount of anxiety. However, in contrast to the
psychotic, the neurotic has very good reality contact. The psychotic, in addition to being out of
touch with reality, has severe malfunctioning and many times has to be hospitalized for long
periods of time. This leaves the psychopath.

Scientists agree that there is no science without classification. For the disciplines of psychology
and medicine, it is not necessary for labels and diagnoses to have concrete reality, i.e., they can
be retained if they are useful in understanding and treating disease. For example, the majority of
patients who are admitted or committed to mental hospitals in this country are diagnosed as

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being schizophrenic, although there is no general agreement among psychiatrists and
psychologists on the definition of schizophrenia. However, even though it is not required, this
presentation does have ”concrete reality,” namely, Europeans’ behavior and attitudes toward
Blacks. Behavioral scientists generally agree that the outstanding characteristics of the
psychopathic personality are the almost complete absence of ethical or moral development and
an almost total disregard for appropriate patterns of behavior. This characteristic has led to a
misunderstanding of the psychopath as someone who does not know the difference between right
and wrong. This belief is not true; psychopaths simply ignore the concept of right and wrong. By
ignoring this trait in the White race (the lack of ethical and moral development) Blacks have
made and are still making a tragic mistake in basing the worldwide Black liberation movement
on moral suasion. It is pathological for Blacks to keep attempting to use moral suasion on a
people who have no morality where race is the variable.

Because of their lack of ethical or moral development there is no conflict between the Whites
religion and racial oppression. The White race has historically oppressed, exploited, and killed
Black people, all in the name of their God Jesus Christ and with the sanction of their churches. It
is generally overlooked that the Ku Klux Klan is primarily a religious organization. Further,
Blacks should never forget the image of the Pope blessing the Italian planes and pilots on their
way to bombing Ethiopian men, women, and children who only had spears to defend themselves.
This behavior is not surprising since Whites use the scriptures to justify their treatment of
Blacks. According to the book of Genesis, Noah placed a curse on his son, Ha m, forever
dooming all of his descendants to be the servants of the servants of God. Naturally, Whites
interpreted Blacks as the descendants of Ham and themselves as the servants of God. If one
follows that interpretation, an interesting issue arises: If Ham was Black and Noah was his
father, and Noah was Black and only allowed animals on the Ark (since Whites deny that Blacks
and Whites sprang from the same source, a position that this writer agrees with), then we know
from an impeccable source how Whites got here.

Unlike other extreme pathological syndromes, only a very small percentage of psychopaths are
committed to mental hospitals with another small percentage ending up in penal institutions. The
majority of psychopaths function very well in society. They are generally average or above
average in intelligence and have engaging personalities. In addition, they are usually very

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impressive and competent with no feelings of insecurities, anxieties, or any other manifestations
or psychoneurosis. They appear to be very honest and humane, but really have no concern or
commitment except to their own selfish interests. Psychopaths will consistently make
commitments that they have no intentions of keeping and show great indignation and anger when
their integrity is questioned. Blacks in the United States learned this lesson very well during the
"civil rights” confrontations of the 60s. (The White sheriffs and judges showed their greatest
hostility when Blacks began to quote the law to them.) This behavior can be seen clearly in the
Whites’ attitude toward ”Black liberation.” White "liberals” give lip service to Black liberation
while arguing that Blacks are going too fast; White conservatives think Blacks have too much

The psychopath is usually sexually inadequate with a very limited capacity to form close
interpersonal relationships. The Europeans sexual inadequacy psychologically explains the
constant projection of Blacks as supersexual beings and as lacking in sexual inhibitions. Yet,
Europeans "streak," "mate swap," participate in orgies, etc. All of their sexual behavior is a
desperate attempt to achieve meaningful relationships which constantly, due to their
psychopathic makeup, elude them.

White's sexual dysfunction has produced tragic consequences in the Black community. They
have attempted to achieve sexual gratification by such methods as raping Black women. Their
rationale is that Black women are oversexed and invite their attention. Historically the
justification for castrating Black men was that their "animal passions" had to be contained. In
1893, Frank Lydston of Chicago, a White doctor, proposed that castration would conserve the
energy of the Black community. The sustained sexual atrocities committed against the Black race
by the White race has no parallel in history and there is no scientific explanation except under
the rubric of psychopathology.

Psychopaths' inability to accept blame or learn from previous experience can be easily proven.
They never accept blame for Blacks environmental conditions which are clearly the result of
White oppression. On the contrary, Blacks are held responsible for the deterioration of their
communities even though all of the property is White-controlled. In addition, municipal services

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are withdrawn from Black communities and most of these communities have been "used-up”
before Blacks are allowed to move into them.

In the fields of mental health and drug abuse, Whites are at their psychopathic best. The United
States government’s position on drug users is that addicts are cured when they cease antisocial
behavior, regardless of how long they have to be “maintained” on methadone or other drugs. Drs.
Jerome Jaffe and Edward Senay the czars of the U.S. Drug Abuse Program, with the assistance
and protection of Black addicts and “ex-addicts,” have created one of the most destructive
programs in the Black community, the "methadone maintenance” program. The United
States government is the largest supplier of drugs to addicts in the Black community. Senay takes
the position that Blackaddicts should not be given ”placebos" or just plain orange juice. If
"sexually frustrated " suburban White housewives can be given "sugar pills" rather than real
drugs, why can’t Black addicts be given orange juice without the methadone since they cannot
tell the difference? Senay states that giving Black addicts pure orange juice without the
methadone is ”unethical." Therefore, it can be deduced that doctors such as Senay believe that it
is an “honorable” act to give Blacks drugs.

Community mental health centers are in such disarray that space does not permit an adequate
discussion. They are underfunded and therefore understaffed with the usual staffing pattern
consisting of all White professionals and all Black low-paid nonprofessionals. Additionally,
almost every existing center uses the ”medical model,” i.e., the belief that the major problem is
the Black person without any regard to his circumstances or environment. Furthermore,
community centers and govemment agencies are heavily influenced by the American Medical
Association which is one of the most overtly racist and probably the most powerful organization
in the United States. A very vicious funding game is played with Black mental health centers in
which the U.S. Government supplies funds with the stipulation being that the Black commlmity
must find "matching funds.” Needless to say there are usually no matching funds for Black
mental health programs. Therefore, the federal funds revert back to the U.S.Government.

Psychopaths also reject constituted authority and discipline. The presence of this trait in the
White race has grave implications for Blacks who seek legal solutions to their problems. This
especially applies to the Blacks in the United States who are the world’s only legally created

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group, (created through the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments which can be repealed at any
moment by the Congress or declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court). As long as this
condition exists, Black people in the United States will always be legally five minutes away from
slavery. For Blacks in the United States to place their destiny in the hands of Supreme Court
Justices is an extreme form of psychological blindness and a pathological rejection of history.
The Supreme Court of the United States has always used the prevailing White political climate
as the criterion for dealing with questions of race. For example, as a result of the “infamous”
1954 school desegregation decision, Blacks have lost an estimated 35,000 teaching and
administrative positions in the South. Former Black principals of Black schools are now janitors
in integrated schools and the same thing is going to happen to Black teachers in the North.
Eventually, the Supreme Court is going to find the 1954 decision "unconstitutional," but by that
time Whites will have taken over all Black schools including the Black colleges.

The psychopathic behavior of Supreme Court Iustices is consistent with that of other White
professionals (lawyers, doctors, judges, and politicians). They consistently take advantage of
Blacks without any guilt, anxiety, or threat to their self-esteem. For example, in the Black
community, White doctors are the largest group of ”drug pushers.” They prescribe unneeded and
dangerous drugs, and perform unnecessary operations. White scientists use Blacks in very
destructive studies, such as the Tuskegee experiment in which Black men were denied treatment
for syphilis and, evidence suggests, were deliberately infected. The role that White scientists
have played in Black oppression should not be surprising to Blacks because Whites have
historically been the planners of Black oppression and, as a rule, they never ask “why” but only
"how.” This behavior of White scholars, e.g., Iensen and Schockley, are classic examples of
intelligence in the service of racist institutions, or psychopathic behavior. Jensen and Schockley
are simply following the psychopathic tradition of Hegel, Carlyle, Galton, etc. that has continued
for hundreds of years. History is replete with examples of White scientists professing the
"inferiority” of the Black race. The eminent Dr. Samuel Cartwright of Louisiana diagnosed
Blacks who ran away from slave owners as having a disease of the mind (Stamp, 1956). Dr.
Robert Bean (1906) of John Hopkins University proposed that Blacks had smaller brains than
Whites and since “brain efficiency” depended on the number and position of nerve cells and
fibers in the brain, Blacks had less capacity for development than Whites. Dr. Carl Iung (1928),

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one of the White giants of psychology, stated that White Americans’ sexual inadequacy was due
to their having to live together with a barbaric race (Blacks). The Whites’ use of scientific
justification for racial oppression can be found in even the most inadequate library. What makes
White scientists such as Schockley and Iensen so dangerous to the Black community today is
that not only do they present so-called "scientific proof" of the Black threat, but they also offer
solutions. With the present level of technology available to them, this should not be taken lightly.
However, it is self-defeating and useless for Black scientists to debate the question of race via
mass media with White scientists such as Schockley and Iensen. White scientists simply want
exposure for their ideas. Additionally, it is pathological for a Black to discuss with Whites the
question of whether or not Blacks should exist. For all other people, simply raising a question
about their existence is tantamount to a declaration of war.

This then is the psychopathic personality of the matador. The one constant in this ever-changing
world is the behavior of the White race in their relationships with Blacks. This is a very
challenging problem and the inevitable question is “what should Blacks do?" One dilemma
posed for Black people is the consistent appeal for liberation through channels created for them
by the psychopaths, namely democracy and communism (Marxism). A cursory examination of
both systems immediately points out the futility of Blacks giving them any more consideration.
Blacks must accept the reality that, for the White race, democracy and racial oppression are not
conflicting ideals.The fact that Blacks have been enslaved for over 350 years by a democratic
form of government should be evidence enough. Furthermore, a democratic government
presupposes an inherent equality of races; it does not provide methods of liberation for those
who are not equal. Commlmism can be dismissed as an alternative with even less discussion. For
communism to be viable requires the cooperation of the masses of the White race. With that
as the primary condition, communism needs no further consideration. However, since Blacks
have finally rejected democracy as an alternative by attempting to burn down its bastion, the
United States, there are signs that it is now time for the Marxists (communists) to try to contain
them. Throughout Africa, Marxists have enlisted Black heads of state as allies. These Black
leaders go to great lengths to deny that our struggle is racial. Yet, the only truly independent
nations on the African continent are those headed by the White invaders.

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One of the greatest tragedies is the relationship between Blacks and Arabs. For Blacks to accept
Arabs as anything but White invaders is a pathological denial of reality. In the oil crisis, the slave
traders from the North (Arabs) treated Black Africa worse than they treated some European
nations. This behavior is consistent for White psychopaths. No White nation in the world
encourages Black immigration, but there is a great effort throughout the world to "integrate"

Again, the question of ”what to do?" There is no evidence that the Black and White races can
live in close proximity to each other in peace without Whites attempting to oppress and
exterminate the Blacks. In fact, there is overwhelming evidence that even White ethnic groups
cannot live together, e.g., Irish and English, Greeks and Turks, Arabs and Jews. etc. Behavioral
scientists generally agree that there is no known cure for the psychopath. In fact, it is a widely
held belief that the only successful treatment for the psychopath is incarceration, radical psycho-
surgery, or death. Therefore, since Blacks are at war with psychopaths, violence is the only way
Brother Lerone Bennett (1972) proposed in his brilliant essay entitled ”Time, Space and
Revolution" that "it is hard to tell time by revolutionary clocks.” Likewise, it is difficult to tell
directions by a revolutionary compass. Unfamiliarity with the terrain and the instrument has
disoriented Blacks and the result is various inadequate and dangerous behavioral patterns. Some
have become catatonic and do not move at all but wait for divine intervention, while others place
their faith and energies in charismatic guides who are just as lost as their followers. These Blacks
seem to ignore Brother Bennett's depressingly truthful warning that "history does not forgive
those who lose their way. ” Still others fantasize that Blacks have reached their destination and
attempt to act accordingly- as free men. Some persevere and pursue old beaten paths that
invariably lead back to the starting point. But there are others whose minds have moved past the
psychopath’s imposed boundaries and they have begun to blaze new paths toward Blacks’
rendezvous with destiny. So it was with Chaka in the 1700s, Dessalines in the 1800s, Martin R.
Delany in 1852, Henry Turner in 1880, Marcus Garvey in the 1920s, Malcohn X and H. Rap
Brown in the 1960s, and Chancellor Williams in the 1970s. The answer to Blacks' problems can
be found in the works and lives of these Black heroes. They all looked at the matador or
psychopath for what he was and is, and moved against him.

A Luta Continuu-Lisima Tush inde Mbilshaka

9|Pag e Dr. Bobby Wright: The Psychopathic Racial Personality

(The struggle must continue-and we will conquer without a doubt).

Selected Bibliography

Bean, R. B. (1906). Some Racial Peculiarities of the Negro

Brain. American journal of Anatomy, 5, 353-415.

Bennett Ir., L. (1972). The Challenge of Blackness. Chicago:

Iohnson Publishing Co.

Carruthers, I. H. (1972). Science and Oppression. Chicago:

Northeastern Ulinois University Center for Inner-City


Clark, K. B. (1968, Iune). [Interview with Psychology Todayl.

Psychology Today, 2, (1).

Comer, I. P (1972). Beyond Black and White. New York:

Quadrayle Books, Inc.

Delany, M. R. (1968). The Condition, Elevation, Emigration,

and Destiny of the Colored People of the United States.

New York: Amo Press and the New York 'limes

Dubois, W. E. Burghardt. (1896). The Suppression of the

African Slave Trade to the United States of America. New

York: Schocken Books.

Fanon, F. (1963). The Wretched of the Earth. New York:

Grove Press, Inc.

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Garvey, A. (1967). Philosophy and Opinions of Marcus Garvey.

London: Frank Cass and Co., Ltd.

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