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Boundary layers, Laminar flow and Turbulent flow,

Boundary layer thickness, momentum, Integral
equation, Drag and lift, Separation of boundary layer,
Methods for preventing the separation of boundary layer

Prof. Sreeja Sadasivan


Prof. Sreeja Sadasivan

Boundary Layer

Prof. Sreeja Sadasivan

Boundary Layer Thickness

Prof. Sreeja Sadasivan

Laminar and Turbulent Flow


Prof. Sreeja Sadasivan

Prof. Sreeja Sadasivan
Displacement Thickness

Prof. Sreeja Sadasivan

• Mass flow considering

layer :

 u( bdy )
• Mass flow if boundary layer
is not formed :

 U ( bdy )
Prof. Sreeja Sadasivan
The displacement thickness represents the amount
that the thickness of the body must be increased so
that the fictitious uniform inviscid flow has the same
mass flowrate properties as the actual viscous flow.

It represents the outward displacement of the

streamlines caused by the viscous effects on the plate.

This idea allows us to simulate the presence that the

boundary layer has on the flow outside of the boundary
layer by adding the displacement thickness to the
actual wall and treating the flow over the thickened
body as an inviscid flow
Prof. Sreeja Sadasivan
Momentum Thickness

Prof. Sreeja Sadasivan

Energy Thickness

It is defined as the distance, perpendicular to the

boundary of the solid body, by which the boundary
should be displaced to compensate for the reduction
in kinetic energy of the flowing fluid on account of
boundary layer formation.

Prof. Sreeja Sadasivan

Prof. Sreeja Sadasivan
Prof. Sreeja Sadasivan
Momentum flux through distance θ = mass flow through θ x velocity
= [ρ(θ x b)U] x U =ρθbU2

Shape Factor= Displacement thickness/ Momentum Thickness

Prof. Sreeja Sadasivan

Prof. Sreeja Sadasivan
Prof. Sreeja Sadasivan
Find the displacement thickness, the momentum
thickness and energy thickness for the velocity
distribution in the boundary layer given by

Prof. Sreeja Sadasivan

Prof. Sreeja Sadasivan
Prof. Sreeja Sadasivan
Von Karman Momentum Integral Equation

Prof. Sreeja Sadasivan

Prof. Sreeja Sadasivan
Prof. Sreeja Sadasivan
Prof. Sreeja Sadasivan
Prof. Sreeja Sadasivan
Prof. Sreeja Sadasivan
Prof. Sreeja Sadasivan
Prof. Sreeja Sadasivan
Prof. Sreeja Sadasivan
Prof. Sreeja Sadasivan
A man weighing 90kgf descends to the ground from an
aeroplane with the help of a parachute against the resistance of
air. The velocity with which the parachute, which is
hemispherical in shape, comes down is 20 m/s. Find the
diameter of the parachute . Assume CD=0.5 and the density of
the air=1.25 kg/m3

Prof. Sreeja Sadasivan

Prof. Sreeja Sadasivan
Boundary Layer Separation
Prof. Sreeja Sadasivan
Prof. Sreeja Sadasivan
Disadvantages of Boundary Layer Separation

Prof. Sreeja Sadasivan

Prof. Sreeja Sadasivan
Methods for preventing the separation of boundary layer

Prof. Sreeja Sadasivan

Prof. Sreeja Sadasivan

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