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Astrology is not just

predictive; it's 5lso

Astrology is +n +ctivity b+sed
on the principle of Unus Mundus
- the Universe +s Unity.
Everything - from +tom to
g+l+xy - is rooted in the s+me
univers+l +nd +ll-perv+sive
re+lity. And this re+lity reve+ls
itself in the purposeful, ordered
+nd me+ningful processes of
n+ture, +s well +s in the deepest
recesses of the hum+n mind
+nd spirit. 'As +bove - so below'.
Anything h+ppening in one p+rt
of the system gets mirrored in +
self-simil+r w+y everywhere
Qu+ntum Physics tells us th+t
the very +ct of observing
something ch+nges it. And the
Butterfly Effect of Ch+os Theory
shows how even the tiniest fl+p
of + wing c+n eventu+lly
produce + hurric+ne. Upon
ex+mining my own life, I c+n see
how the slightest shifts of
direction h+ve led me down
some very divergent p+ths +nd
presented me with infinitely
str+nge +nd be+utiful
experiences. But the most
s+tisfying +nd successful of
these experiences h+ve come
when I w+s going with the flow
of time +nd determinism.
The Universe, being the
+ccommod+ting cre+ture th+t
she is, will provide confirm+tion
of +lmost +ny p+r+digm we
+dopt. Ment+l events
(perception) +nd +cts of free
will c+rry with them pure
inform+tion which is tr+nsmitted
inst+ntly throughout the
m+teri+l world. To this extent,
we live in +n observer-cre+ted
re+lity. Something out there (the
Gre+t Org+nizing Dyn+mic, +s
some h+ve c+lled it) responds
to wh+t we believe +bout
ourselves +nd our world. From
this st+ndpoint, you +re +
ch+nnel, + vehicle, +n +gency,
+n instrument, + represent+tive.
And your birth ch+rt m+y best
be described +s +n output
progr+m - +n indic+tion of wh+t
should be flowing into
m+nifest+tion through you.
Although I might spe+k of 'my'
horoscope, in + very pr+ctic+l
sense, it does not belong to me
- r+ther I belong to it. As do +ll
the other entities, +nim+te +nd
in+nim+te, th+t c+me into being
+t +bout the s+me time +nd
pl+ce. Cosmic Powers, if indeed
there +re such things, +ppe+r to
use me +nd wh+t I h+ve to offer,
+nd not the other w+y 'round.
You will not get the best out of
your birth ch+rt unless you
become + go-between worthy
of rel+ying the best.
Concentr+te first on
construction +nd cre+tivity, +nd
use +strology to define the
possibilities +s you go +long. In
the fr+ct+l logic of +strology,
e+ch pl+net, sign +nd house is +
self-simil+r unity complete with
its own rew+rds. For ex+mple,
you m+y h+ve tr+nsiting Jupiter
conjunct your n+t+l Sun. The
usu+l interpret+tion of this
+spect is one of incre+sed
vit+lity, luck +nd optimism. In
re+lity however this m+y or m+y
not h+ppen, bec+use the
promise of + Jupiter-Sun
cont+ct c+nnot h+ppen without
the proper conditions first being
in pl+ce. And only you c+n put
them there. By +dopting +n out-
going +ttitude, by exploring new
dimensions, by pl+ying with
ide+s r+ther th+n holding rigidly
to one st+tic model, you put
yourself into the Jupiter mode.
By opening up to the Universe in
this w+y, you +ctu+lly invite luck
into your life, +nd cre+te +
positive feedb+ck loop of
openness +nd optimism, which
+ttr+cts more of the s+me.
By w+y of confirm+tion, the
inform+tion this report is b+sed
on is +s follows:

The Lumin5ries: Sun 5nd

The st+te of the sol+r system +t
the time of your birth points to
self-simil+r (fr+ct+l) qu+lities
within you. But of +ll the
pl+nets, the "lights" - the Sun
+nd Moon - +re thought to
indic+te the m+in pol+rity of
your being. In psychology, this
h+s been +rticul+ted in the
concept of complement+rity
between the conscious +nd
unconscious contents of the
mind. The Sun +nd Moon +ct +s
positive +nd neg+tive poles - +n
intention+l, directing element
(Sun), +nd + suggestible,
receptive one (Moon). In +
benefici+l rel+tionship, the
emotion+l conditioning of the
Moon is given + purposive +nd
positive expression by the
+strologic+l Sun. This h+s been
c+lled 'intention+l living'.
Wherever we +llow our
consciousness (+ttention) to
rest, th+t we vit+lize.

The Astrologic5l Sun

There is only one center to our
sol+r system, +nd there is only
one center to your psyche. The
Sun is the gre+t centr+l
powerhouse which illumin+tes
us +nd shows us where we c+n
get the most from life by
r+di+ting +ll th+t our sun
represents. In Jyotish, the
+strology of the Hindus, the Sun
is known +s '+tm+ k+r+k+', or
soul indic+tor, signifying +
person's confidence, +uthority
+nd power - the ego center of
the horoscope. The Sun is our
centr+l identity +nd 'true self', in
th+t it is tow+rd this more th+n
+nything th+t we should be
moving +nd developing. Thus, it
represents th+t which we wish
to become +nd those we look
up to. It is +lso our essence, our
bliss, +nd th+t which we do for
the sheer fun of it. The Sun is
cre+tivity, origin+l fl+ir,
celebr+tion +nd glory - the
qu+lity of output we tend to
expect from heros +nd
celebrities. But we +re e+ch
c+p+ble of giving out more th+n
we do - +nd I don't me+n
money. The Sun is +bout h+ving
+ purpose l+rge enough to
+nim+te the whole of your life
+nd going +bout it with + tone
of +ppreci+tion +nd joie de
vivre. Your Sun shows how +nd
where you c+n shine. Light your

Sun in S5gitt5rius
Honest, open +nd c+ndid, you
+re +lw+ys out-going +nd fr+nk,
+nd +llow your thoughts be
directed tow+rd the future in
f+ith of + good outcome. On the
move, you +re + tr+veler of both
the world +nd the mind - theory,
philosophy +nd the l+rger
purposes in life +ttr+ct you. You
prefer gr+nd themes +nd big
gestures - the l+rge c+nv+s +nd
the big brush. The explor+tory
drive is very strong in you +nd
you +re +lw+ys shooting for +
m+rk beyond yourself. New
possibilities excite you,
therefore you +re very good +t
sizing up the current situ+tion
+nd seeing how it c+n be
m+ximised r+ther th+n resisted.
By +liging your life +ctivity with
something bigger th+n yourself
- some c+use or concept - you
tr+nsform ordin+ry humdrum
existence into something ne+rer
the ide+l. S+gitt+rius is nothing
if not direct, c+ndid +nd to the
point, for this sign is +lw+ys
concerned with the +bsolute
truth of the subject +t h+nd.
Associ+ted with philosophy,
outre+ch +nd +ll things
boundless, S+gitt+ri+n energy is
+lw+ys welcome in politics +s
well +s soci+l +nd community
ende+vors where its b+sic
f+irness +nd exp+nsiveness is

Sun Sextile M5rs

Efficiency of +ction. The ego is
+sserted in + well-b+l+nced
w+y +nd enjoys +dventurous
pursuits. Physic+l outlets like
+thletics +nd exercise +re
import+nt +nd should be m+de
lifelong +ctivities. Another form
this +spect could t+ke is tr+ining
or co+ching others. There is +
n+tur+l +bility tow+rd dr+m+tic
perform+nce. Confident +nd
decisive with good initi+tive,
there +re plenty of opportunities
for productive self-expression.
Sun Semisqu5re Jupiter
L+rger th+n life. Expects the
best, is open, +bove-bo+rd +nd
honest. Discovery. W+nts to
see, experience +nd g+in
knowledge of everything life h+s
to offer, especi+lly foreign
things or things th+t +re 'out of
the ordin+ry'. 'Lucky' by n+ture,
the gener+l outlook on life is one
of optimism +nd enthusi+sm.
M+kes + n+tur+l philosopher
+nd counselor. Confident +nd
vibr+nt, this +spect exp+nds
ego drives +nd bro+dens

The Astrologic5l Moon

The +strologic+l Moon
symbolises memory, memes
+nd conditioning - the h+bitu+l,
instinctive, unconscious side of
our n+ture, +nd therefore the
most predictible. Our interf+ce
with the environment - how we
re+ct to it - is best indic+ted by
the Moon's position +nd the
pl+nets it +spects. Bec+use it
represents our upbringing +nd
emotion+l b+ckground, the
Moon denotes our sense of
belonging +nd well-being (or
not) +nd wh+t we need in order
to feel comfort+ble +nd content.
But +ll too often the tendency is
for the Moon to reflect b+ck the
fr+yed impressions of old hurts
+nd vendett+s, thereby w+sting
precious energy on p+inful +nd
unproductive distr+ctions of the
p+st. Cle+rly wh+t is needed is
+ more +spiring +ttitude; one in
which we +re continu+lly
b+nging our cup +nd
dem+nding th+t our needs be
s+tisfied! Wh+t is your speci+l
hunger? Wh+t kind of
stimul+tion do you need in order
to feel good +bout yourself?
True gr+tific+tion c+n be h+d
only by feeding your Moon. The
Fe+st of the Present is spre+d
out +round you!

Moon in S5gitt5rius
Enterprising, you c+n even be
h+ppy in +ustere settings, for
you h+ve +n inn+te +w+reness
of future possibilities +nd
prospects. Religion, truth +nd
the world of philosophy +re of
gre+t interest to you. Your
kn+ck for underst+nding
opinions, ideologies +nd how we
form them m+kes you good +t
politics too. The S+gitt+ri+n
Moon tends to be more
committed to ide+s - reg+rdless
of the emotion+l costs - th+n
they +re to people. You bring +
sense of honesty to +ny group,
+re freedom-loving,
independent, +nd +t times even
+ trifle remote. You +re not
bound by your emotions +nd +re
thus not much of + domestic
person, prefering to +lign your
life +ctivities with something

Moon Sextile M5rs

A born co+ch or te+cher, most
comfort+ble in the physic+l +nd
'doing' +re+s of life. An
inspir+tion +nd driving force in
the lives of others. Quite +ble to
m+n+ge + very +ctive +nd
strong emotion+l life. Strong
spirit with + direct +nd
emotion+lly forceful m+nner.
Impulsive +nd energetic, t+kes
the initi+tive in domestic +ff+irs.
Moon Conjunct Ur5nus
Independence +bove +ll. Very
much involved with +ll th+t is
non-tr+dition+l +nd
revolution+ry, especi+lly when it
comes to the domestic scene
+nd ide+s of home +nd f+mily.
Origin+l, different +nd
unpredict+ble when it comes to
emotion+l re+ctions. The
+ppro+ch to feelings, moods
+nd the whole psychologic+l
g+mbit is novel. Tends to show
emotions suddenly or in unusu+l
w+ys. Prefers being
unconvention+l +nd
nonconformist. Gets ple+sure
out of eng+ging in forbidden or
un+uthorized beh+viour.

The Pl5nets: Agents of the

The pl+nets of +strology +re not
just gi+nt b+lls of rock +nd g+s,
but fr+ct+l reflections of the
different f+cets of re+lity -
whole self-consistent
c+tegories of me+ning. They
reve+l tendencies which +re in +
continu+l st+te of 'becoming'.
But e+ch individu+l is
responsible for developing his or
her +ttributes +nd +ctively
integr+ting the pl+nets' det+iled
mess+ges. H+ving h+d the
bro+d qu+lities pointed out, you
+re free to work with or +g+inst
the cosmic current. But you will
only benefit from the univers+l
self-org+nising process by
intention+lly +nd pl+nfully
improving on those fe+tures +s
depicted in your birth ch+rt. We
only get where we're going by
moving in the right direction.
Destiny is + m+tter of
The Astrologic5l Mercury
Mercury is the +rticul+te
messenger - Hermes - m+ster
of the networks, ch+nge +nd
complexity. He represents
ment+lity: words, thoughts,
ide+s, communic+tions. But
more gener+lly, this is the pl+net
of connections - everything th+t
links +nd conveys -
synchronicity - the m+gic+l
crossro+ds +t which the
observer st+nds to see the
'simil+rity of me+ning' in the
converging str+nds of v+rious
c+uses +nd effects. This is the
meeting pl+ce of mind +nd
m+tter, where logic, wit +nd
re+son +re brought into pl+y.
The power of thought. The
power of words. The +ncestor of
every +ction is + thought, +nd
how we s+y something is often
more import+nt th+n wh+t we
s+y. Words trigger +ttitudes +nd
set up reson+nces of their own,
continuing to do their work even
when the +ttention is elsewhere.
Guided by your Mercury, you
begin to construct + bridge
between yourself +nd the world,
bringing together +ll the unique
circumst+nces needed to
trigger results th+t none of them
could h+ve produced on their
own. Mercury shows how you
c+n 'hij+ck' people, pl+ces +nd
situ+tions to your best
+dv+nt+ge - the w+y you c+n
go +bout getting your w+y.

Mercury in S5gitt5rius
You +re f+ir-minded +nd +bove-
bo+rd, +lw+ys direct +nd honest
in thought. You +re more
interested in etern+l thoughts
+nd bro+d l+ndsc+pes th+n in
minute det+ils. You +lw+ys
m+n+ge to get the picture right
+w+y. F+rsighted, you h+ve +
w+ndering mind th+t loves to
tr+vel +nd +re +t home with the
b+re bones of truth.
Mercury Semisqu5re M5rs
You +re + very forceful spe+ker
+nd communic+te with gre+t
enthusi+sm. Words just flow out
+nd +re +lw+ys followed by +n
emotion+l imp+ct th+t brings
them home to your listeners.
You h+ve no trouble putting
your feelings into words; in f+ct,
you m+y h+ve to exercise some
control over your tongue, for
you +re quick to s+y things +nd
everything you communic+te
p+cks + w+llop. Things you s+y
me+n + lot. You h+ve + gre+t
ment+l drive +nd l+vish gre+t
energy on ment+l pursuits of +ll
kinds. Ide+s, words, books, +nd
the like +re pursued with gre+t
Mercury Conjunct Neptune
You h+ve more th+n just the gift
of g+b. Your words +nd ide+s
c+n tr+nsport +nd ench+nt
listeners, c+rrying them beyond
the world +s they know it into
the world +s they wish it could
be. Your im+gin+tion +nd sense
of wh+t connects +ll of life is felt
in your speech +nd in the w+y
you communic+te. You love +
good story, +nd + sense of the
mystic+l perv+des every one
you tell. You +re +t home in the
world of myths +nd dre+ms, for
your mind so+rs on wings of the

The Astrologic5l Venus

Venus is h+rmony. She
symbolises our rel+tionship with
+ll th+t we meet in the world.
When we +ppr+ise or
+ppreci+te something, whether
th+t be +nother person or +
possession, this is Venus - the
sense of love or +ppreci+tion we
feel. Venus is reciprocity,
inter+ction with others,
compromise, reconcili+tion +nd
b+l+nce. She is +lso our need
for +pprov+l, +nd how we seek it
- 'we' consciousness +nd union.
This +bility to get-it-together is
+lso tested by our t+lent (or l+ck
of) for developing + sense of
we+lth +nd +ffluence. Venus is
wh+t we love, feel comfort+ble
with +nd wh+t +ppe+ls to us.
And she h+s much to do with
desires, luxuries +nd their
enjoyment. She is +lso +bout
m+king oneself enjoy+ble. Thus
her energy is wh+t h+s been
c+lled the 'courtier spirit', which
me+ns being +gree+ble +nd
smoothing the p+th. In m+ny
w+ys she shows us how we c+n
get the most, both rel+tionship-
wise +nd fin+nci+lly, out of life.
As the pl+net of b+l+nce +nd
resources, Venus spe+ks to us
+bout the w+ys one influences
the other; for +s +ny successful
businessperson will tell you, you
must be willing to spend money
in order to m+ke it. This is the
lifeblood of commerce - there
must be +n out-going +s well +s
+n in-coming flow of energy.
Good rel+tionships require give-
+nd-t+ke, +s do +ll successful

Venus in C5pricorn
You +re in love with wh+tever's
pr+ctic+l in rel+tionships, but
you +lso w+nt commitment -
something th+t l+sts. You
+ppreci+te tr+dition +nd +re
conserv+tive in most de+lings -
your loy+lty +nd sense of
propriety m+ke you +nd
excellent 'business he+d'. You
m+y tend to be too serious,
however, perh+ps coming off
too much +s the 'cool
cucumber'. Benefit comes
through pl+nning +nd being in

Venus Conjunct Jupiter

You v+lue f+irness in +ll things
+nd go out of your w+y to be
just. You +ppreci+te others who
h+ve been successful +nd m+y
surround yourself with those in
power, be they politici+ns,
offici+ls, wh+t-h+ve-you. Your
sense of qu+lity +nd
discrimin+tion m+y +mount to
some sort of livelihood for you.
You could m+ke your living with
your good t+ste. In +ddition, you
h+ve +n inn+te sense of how to
work with +nd guide others in
m+king decisions. You
underst+nd the choices +nd c+n
spot the right ones.

The Astrologic5l M5rs

M+rs is the pl+net of motiv+tion
+nd drive. It is the self-st+rting
impetus, initi+tive +nd energy
we need to get moving. When
we se+rch for the me+ning of
something, life or wh+tever, it is
M+rs th+t urges us on +nd
keeps us se+rching. M+rs +lso
drives us +g+inst things too, +s
when it sends us into w+r +nd
comb+t. M+rs looks for the
ch+llenge, t+kes ch+rge +nd
pushes forw+rd with +
pioneering spirit. M+rs is
purposeful, direct +nd
cour+geous; where our p+ssion
is, there we find the pl+net
M+rs. Thus it +lso h+s to do
with +rdor +nd impulses, +nd
often signifies the sex-drive,
especi+lly in + m+n's ch+rt.
M+rti+n energy enjoys
becoming involved in the thrust
of life - +cting promptly on +n
urge +nd, within th+t conviction,
cre+ting more trust in its own
+ctions. This is + circul+r
process: The more we trust +nd
+ct, the more we receive
impulses th+t c+n be trusted.

M5rs in Aqu5rius
You h+ve +n inner drive to
improve +nd reform the world,
to sh+re the we+lth - true
democr+cy. You h+ve + feel for
groups +nd +ny l+rge-sc+le
business or community project.
Independent with + touch of the
imperson+l. With you, +ll
persons get the s+me

M5rs Squ5re Pluto

You h+ve + relentless drive to
get +t the he+rt of things,
wh+tever is under the surf+ce
or behind the scenes. Your
relentless pursuit of +nything
hidden or secret m+kes you +
rese+rcher or investig+tor b+r
none. Emotion+lly you +re +lso
hot stuff, rushing into +re+s +nd
h+ndling subject m+tter th+t
others would never come ne+r.
Vulner+ble issues, sensitive
+re+s of the self, +nd
psychology +re the first pl+ces
you he+d. This +mounts to +
p+ssion with you. Those +round
you m+y find you just too
intense to be +round. It puts
them through + gre+t m+ny
ch+nges. Sex drive is very
strong +nd needs outlet.

The Astrologic5l Jupiter

When it comes to +n +strology
of success +nd empowerment,
some pl+nets +re more
import+nt th+n others simply
bec+use of their n+ture. As the
pl+net of outre+ch +nd
explor+tion, Jupiter pl+ys + very
import+nt role here. The Hindu
word for Jupiter is
'Guru' (Te+cher), +nd Jupiter is
+bout h+ving +n outlook or
belief system - something we
c+n identify with or look forw+rd
to. It shows how we se+rch for
me+ning in our lives, +nd
therefore h+s much to tell us
+bout our 'ide+l' voc+tion.
Jupiter is the guiding philosophy
which provides us with our
sense of direction +nd shows us
how to +ppro+ch life's
problems. Jupiter is
'conscience', ethics, +s well +s
our opinions +nd how we form
them. It represents our
specul+tions +bout the world
+nd c+n tell us much +bout the
process of self-discovery. As
the 'lord of opportunity',
prosperity, +ffluence, +nd +ll the
benefits we e+rn through our
outgoing-ness +nd out-giving to
others, Jupiter's position in your
ch+rt is instrument+l in
determining your c+p+city for
optimism +nd +ttr+cting luck. To
enh+nce Jupiter's benefit in
your life, follow the indic+tions
of his pl+cement in your ch+rt.
In gener+l, by +dopting +
spre+d of effort r+ther th+n +
concentr+tion - by +ccepting
Life's invit+tions +nd m+ximising
wh+t they h+ve to offer - by
s+ying 'yes' to the exotic +nd
unf+mili+r - we deliber+tely
extend our r+nge of cont+cts
+nd interests whereby luck c+n
re+ch us. There is +n org+nic
connection between this
+ttitude +nd the +rriv+l of the
good things in life. A note of
w+rning though, you c+n h+ve
too much of + good thing.
Jupiter in C5pricorn
The perfect m+n+ger,
conserv+tive +nd profession+l in
+ll things, your c+reer is +ll-
import+nt. You +re +lw+ys
pr+ctic+l, c+p+ble, competent
+nd quick to get the outline or
skeleton of + project to see how
things work. You should
welcome opportunities for
discipline, bec+use luck comes
to you through self-control +nd
through h+ving + keen sense of

The Astrologic5l S5turn

S+turn is the prince of the
m+teri+l world - the pl+net of
m+teri+lis+tion +nd inc+rn+tion,
self-cont+inment +nd person+l
distinction. S+turn rules the
limit+tions of the world we live in
+nd so indic+tes where we +re
bound to le+rn self-discipline
+nd duty - whether we like it or
not! It is the bound+ries +round
us th+t m+ke identity possible.
As time p+sses, you slowly but
surely cryst+llise + person+l
identity, distinct +nd unique
from the others +round you, by
excluding wh+tever does not
seem comp+tible with your
purpose. E+ch new d+y +dds to
this evolution+ry sense of 'I',
with the object being +n
incre+sed sense of
responsibility. S+turn is s+id to
be the h+rd t+skm+ster, the
pl+net th+t keeps us from
getting c+rried +w+y in one
direction or +nother. And
+lthough it seems to limit +nd
undermine, it +lso defines +nd
cl+rifies. For it is the process of
sediment+tion - building l+yer
upon l+yer with structure +nd
control - whereby we see our
+mbitions re+lised. Nothing
worthwhile c+n be
+ccomplished without
determin+tion, concentr+tion,
persistence, commitment +nd

S5turn in Scorpio
You +re very +w+re of
vulner+bilities, in yourself +nd
others. You +lso h+ve + n+tur+l
+bility to see into the hidden
depths; th+t which underlies
+nd informs the m+ter+l world
+round us. Keeping secrets is
e+sy for you +nd you m+y often
find yourself in the position of
trusted confid+nt. You m+y
+ttempt to deny your own
p+ssions, but you need to
+ccept instincts, +tt+chments
+nd +ll froms of pure experience
+s p+rt of your unique process
of individu+liz+tion.

The Astrologic5l Ur5nus

To live + full +nd s+tisfying life,
you must be vividly yourself.
M+ny of us +re +fr+id to be
different, +nd the pressure to
conform c+n be stifling. But to
live cre+tively is to find your own
w+y, even if this me+ns going
+g+inst the gr+in. This urge to
free-will +nd self-+uthoris+tion
is Ur+nus, the pl+net of fierce
independence. Surprise c+n be
stimul+ting - the j+b th+t gets
you out of the rut. And if you
w+nt to ride the w+ve of ch+os
inste+d of being sw+llowed by it
- if you w+nt to liber+te yourself
from the disruptions +nd shocks
+round you - you must
volunt+rily keep out of the
groove. Re+lise th+t ch+nge is
the only const+nt phenomenon.
In r+ndomness is +ll potenti+l.
Disorder incre+ses possibilties.
Ch+nce! Ur+nus is the reverse
of the st+tus quo +nd +lw+ys
unconvention+l +nd heretic+l: If
life is +ccident+l, we +re free to
give it +ny point we like. Become

Ur5nus in S5gitt5rius
You h+ve new philosophic+l
ide+s for the future, +nd new
+ppro+ches to tr+vel +nd
explor+tion of +ll kinds. Long
journeys interest you. You m+y
st+rtle others with your direct
convers+tions, +lw+ys getting
right to the nitty-gritty. You
enjoy being +lone, free +nd on
the move. The origin+l optimist.

The Astrologic5l Neptune

Neptune is the desire +nd
+blility to tr+nscend norm+l
consciousness +nd everyd+y
w+king life - to dre+m the
impossible dre+m. This 'divine
discontent' c+n be the c+use of
much mischief in itself, for to
pursue the Ide+l is often to
+void the re+lity of how things
+re. But, when it comes to m+ny
of the +pp+rently insolv+ble
problems, the Neptuni+n
+ppro+ch is often the most
sensible +nd pr+ctic+l: Rise
+bove it +nd get over it! The
he+lthy tendencies of Neptune
lie in its +bility to see the cosmic
humor in +lmost +nything; to
l+ugh +t life's +bsurdities. And
sometimes l+ughter is the only
genuine response - the l+st
gre+t +ct of defi+nce! This is
the +rt of 'sitting loose to life',
which me+ns developing + less
resisting, more surrendered
+ttitude in which we expect the
best of +ll unfulfilled possibilities
+nd potenti+ls - +nd never stop

Neptune in C5pricorn
The pr+ctic+l is the ide+l. Form
follows function. You h+ve +
dre+m of being in control - the
puppetm+ster. You +re very
interested in tr+dition +nd tend
to be dignified +nd
conserv+tive. You believe in +n
orderly society led by
benevolent mon+rchs - those
who c+n see wh+t to do.
Neptune Sextile Pluto
You work with re+l im+gin+tion
+nd underst+nding in +re+s of
the mind th+t +re the most
person+l or priv+te -- depth
psychology. You +re like +
midwife of the spirit, +ssisting +t
the birth of e+ch individu+l
going through + spiritu+l or re-
birth process. You +ccept the
n+tur+l process of birth,
spiritu+l +nd physic+l, +nd h+ve
dedic+ted yourself to helping it
+long. You would m+ke + gre+t
te+cher in these +re+s.

The Astrologic5l Pluto

Pluto is the pl+net of profound
ch+nge, st+rting deep within
you +nd moving tow+rd the
surf+ce, often touching upon
the most sensitive +re+s. It's
+bout w+king up to the 'hidden
things', +nd doing so by
re+ching +n intensity of
+w+reness whereby, once
touched, you h+ve no choice
but to ch+nge +nd grow. Pluto is
the process of becoming fully
conscious of (reve+ling) wh+t
h+s been h+ppening +ll +round
you, even though you m+y not
h+ve been +w+re of it. Like sex
+nd de+th - you get to + cert+in
st+ge in your development +nd
suddenly you re+lise wh+t's
going on. Pluto is first-h+nd
sensitive experiences +nd times
of complete identific+tion with +
person, feeling or ide+. This is
very intense stuff, +nd to touch
upon this m+teri+l is to go
through perm+nent ch+nge +nd
tr+nsform+tion - inner +lchemy.

Pluto in Scorpio
You te+r through +ppe+r+nces
in +n effort to get bene+th,
behind, +nd +t the he+rt or
essence. You m+y find
psychology, initi+tion, mysticism
+nd the occult of gre+t interest.
Intense person+l ch+nge +nd
inner growth +re lifelong h+bits.
House Activity 5nd Emph5sis
Astrologers +gree th+t +strology
is first of +ll the study of the
+ngul+r rel+tionships between
the pl+nets themselves. But this
pl+net+ry fr+mework is seen to
shift +nd modify itself +s the
pl+nets slowly move +cross the
b+ckdrop of the signs, the so-
c+lled 'fixed st+rs' which m+ke
up the zodi+c. As the e+rth
turns d+ily on its +xis, the
pl+nets +nd signs +ppe+r to
move +cross our field of vision
through wh+t +strologers h+ve
termed 'houses'. The sun rises
+t d+wn +nd c+n be seen on the
e+stern horizon, or first house
cusp, or +scend+nt. It re+ches
'midhe+ven' +t noon, +nd sinks
below the western horizon +t
the descend+nt.

Like the twelve signs of the

zodi+c, the twelve houses of the
horoscope c+n be viewed +s
st+ges in + complete cycle:
From the initi+l thrust of Aries
+nd the first house, to the
m+ximum entropy symbolised in
Pisces +nd the 12th house. They
provide clues +s to which +re+s
of your life c+n be given speci+l
+ttention +nd used depending
on the signs +nd pl+nets
residing there. Here is +n
+n+lysis of the house +ctivity in
your ch+rt b+sed on sign +nd
pl+net emph+sis. As you re+d
+long, keep in mind th+t e+ch
house represents + dep+rtment
of life, +nd the sign f+lling on
e+ch house cusp indic+tes the
mode of +ction +pplied to the
+ff+irs of th+t house. In other
words, the sign on e+ch house
cusp, +long with +ny pl+net(s)
cont+ined therein, shows how
one de+ls with the conditions of
th+t house.

The First House

The first house, +lso c+lled the
+scend+nt or rising sign, is +
dh+rm+ house +nd connected
with motiv+tion +nd our
+ppro+ch to life. It +lso h+s to
do with how we come +cross to
others, thus our +ppe+r+nce
+nd how we m+ke + first
impression. The +scend+nt is
the essenti+l stuff th+t bubbles
up in us spont+neously - wh+t is
obvious to others +s our
tr+dem+rk look or +ppro+ch.
The first house shows our +bility
to be recognised, how we m+ke
+ directed effort, +nd how we
exert our will. Cultiv+te the
str+tegies of this p+rt of your
ch+rt to move forw+rd in life.

Aqu5rius on the 1st House

Aqu+rius, the sign of
hum+nit+ri+n go+ls +nd
+ltruism. Alw+ys imp+rti+l +nd
nonsect+ri+n, Aqu+ri+n energy
is commun+l (even glob+l). The
focus is on the go+l, +nd the
go+l is +lw+ys one th+t is for the
m+ny +nd not the few. Thus this
sign is connected to f+r-seeing
visions, world views +nd group
work of +ll kinds. This sign
tends tow+rds coolness,

The Second House

The second house is connected
with m+tters of we+lth; how we
respond to, enjoy +nd get in
h+rmony with our surroundings.
This is how we hold or +cquire
things (possessions, m+teri+l
goods, money, +nd other
resources), +nd how we g+in
m+teri+l support +nd
susten+nce. The second house
refers to how we secure
ourselves, how we m+ke + firm
found+tion, +s well +s the kind
of response we get from life +nd
those +round us. Therefore it
h+s much to s+y +bout our
m+teri+l rew+rds.

Aries on the 2nd House Cusp

Aries is the sign of pioneers,
le+ders +nd 'firsts'. It is
impulsive, +ssertive +nd
spont+neous. It tends to +ct
first, only thinking +bout wh+t it
m+y h+ve done l+ter. Rushing in
where others fe+r to tre+d, Aries
energy is +ttention-getting +nd
+lw+ys provokes + response
from the surroundings +nd from
others. It t+kes decisive +ction
+nd loves self-reli+nce.

The Third House

The third house shows how we
m+ke connections +nd
communic+te with the world.
This is where we dr+w p+r+llels,
m+ke comp+risons, +nd sort
through it +ll. A very ment+l
house, it is concerned with
finding, g+thering, +ll m+nner of
questioning, +rticul+tion +nd
convers+tion. In short, it
symbolises the functions of the
r+tion+l mind - linking
observ+tions +nd ide+s, +nd
using them to our +dv+nt+ge.

T5urus on the 3rd House Cusp

T+urus is +bout dr+wing on the
bounty of the e+rth, +nd
seeking m+teri+l security +nd
physic+l s+fety there. It is the
on-going, enduring, unch+nging
+nd preserving element.
Hightened sensory input is +lso
import+nt, for it is the mission of
this sign to not only find + sense
of pl+ce within the m+teri+l
re+lm, but to enjoy it to the
fullest, becoming physic+lly
+w+re of, +nd bonding with the

The Fourth House

The fourth house is + very
emotion+l house, concerned
with m+tters of comfort +nd
security. Here is how we cre+te
the right conditions, the m+trix
or womb, in which our desires
c+n flourish; the clim+te
necess+ry for things to grow. It's
+bout receptivity, nurturing +nd
+ll the self-protective me+sures
we t+ke to ensure + secure b+se
of oper+tions. This is why the
fourth house is rel+ted to the
mothers, +ll 'mothering'
functions, domestic issues +nd
feeling '+t home'.

Gemini on the 4th House Cusp

Gemini is concerned with
connections, communic+tion
+nd logic -- voice, thoughts,
writing, +nd r+tion+l ment+l
processes in gener+l. It is +lso
concerned with m+king
comp+risons, 'twins' +nd
duplic+tions of +ll kinds. Gemini
is the communic+tor, the gossip
of the zodi+c, the collector of
trivi+. Gemini energy is
un+tt+ched, independent, very
inquisitive +nd ch+ng+ble.

The Fifth House

The fifth house, +nother
dh+rm+ or 'life purpose' house,
h+s to do with cre+tivity +nd
w+rm out-going self-expression.
Here is where we find our
origin+lity +nd fl+ir, enthusi+sm,
+nd even pride in ourselves,
building confidence +nd self-
esteem. This is the life +re+ of
person+l sovereignty, where we
begin to recognise +nd
+ppreci+te our own dyn+mic
+nd pl+yful n+ture. All forms of
cre+tive expression (including
love +ff+irs +nd offspring) +re
connected with this house.

C5ncer on the 5th House

C+ncer is the mother of the
zodi+c, +lw+ys m+king + home,
protecting +nd providing +
found+tion for others. A
sensitive sign where feelings
+nd re+l experience count more
th+n cold logic, it doesn't get
+ny more physic+l +nd
emotion+l th+n this. C+ncer
energy is +lw+ys nurturing,
sensitive, tender +nd moody. It
feeds on emotion+l comforts,
+nd often h+s + strong
+tt+chment to the p+st +nd

The Sixth House

The sixth house is the house of
physic+l efficiency. Here we
sep+r+te the whe+t from the
ch+ff; get + sense for wh+t is
useful, wh+t is not, +nd m+ke
the best of it. This is the life
st+ge of '+pprenticeship', where
we m+ke + connection between
mind +nd m+tter, +d+pt
ourselves to + situ+tion +nd
then seek to improve upon it.
Hence the connection of the
sixth house with routine;
'pr+ctice m+kes perfect'. The
sixth house shows how well we
h+ndle the det+ils of life - our
+bility to solve problems +nd
get our w+y.

C5ncer on the 6th House

C+ncer is the mother of the
zodi+c, +lw+ys m+king + home,
protecting +nd providing +
found+tion for others. A
sensitive sign where feelings
+nd re+l experience count more
th+n cold logic, it doesn't get
+ny more physic+l +nd
emotion+l th+n this. C+ncer
energy is +lw+ys nurturing,
sensitive, tender +nd moody. It
feeds on emotion+l comforts,
+nd often h+s + strong
+tt+chment to the p+st +nd

The Seventh House

The seventh house, the
descend+nt - opposite of the
+scend+nt - is connected with
p+rtnerships, rel+tionships +nd
'signific+nt others'. Here is
where we le+rn to strike +
b+l+nce - the +rt of give +nd
t+ke. All th+t c+rries us beyond
our person+l self (+nd into +n
+w+reness of contr+dictory or
complement+ry points of view)
is symbolised by the seventh
house. This is where we
respond to the person+l needs
of others. Therefore m+rri+ge
+nd union (yog+) +re indic+ted
by this house, +s well +s one's
+bility to respond to + m+rri+ge

Leo on the 7th House Cusp

Leo energy is expressive, vit+l
+nd exuber+nt. Often very
+rtistic, +nd +lw+ys the+tric+l
+nd dr+m+tic, this is the sign of
cre+tivity +nd the +rts. W+rm
+nd big-he+rted, Leo lives in full
+ppreci+tion +nd celebr+tion of
the finer elements of life,
bringing + dyn+mism +nd
enthusi+sm to everything it
touches. This is the fe+rless
'becoming' st+ge, where things
+re done for their own s+ke,
pl+yfully +nd with ple+sure.

The Eighth House

The eighth house is the house
of first-h+nd tr+nsform+tive
experiences +nd situ+tions -
those +re+s of life th+t we m+y
not c+re to f+ce, but we must
f+ce sooner or l+ter... the so-
c+lled 'inevit+bles' of life, such
+s de+th +nd t+xes. The eighth
is +lso concerned with
c+th+rsis; the getting rid of
excess p+rts of ourselves th+t
we no longer need. This house
covers initi+tions of +ll kinds, +s
well +s +ctivities where we find
ourselves tr+nsformed tow+rd +
more integr+l position. Thus it
+lso covers +ny jointly held
resources, their problems +nd
their benefits.

Libr5 on the 8th House Cusp

Libr+ energy is +lw+ys
responsive +nd concili+ting,
+ssuming the +ppropri+te
re+ction or delic+tely-weighted
str+tegic response to +ny
question or st+tement. Wh+t is
sometimes seen +s two-f+ced is
only Libr+'s f+cility +t
responding to e+ch in kind,
giving both sides equ+l
consider+tion. This is cert+inly
the soci+l sign, p+r excellence.
Imperson+l +nd imp+rti+l, this
sign doles out only wh+t is
dem+nded - nothing overdone,
but nothing neglected.

Pluto in the 8th House

You +re likely to h+ve + deep
interest in +rc+ne +nd esoteric
knowledge. You m+y +lso
develop + f+scin+tion for
subjects th+t investig+te the big
questions of life, such +s
reinc+rn+tion, life +fter de+th
+nd k+rm+. Under cert+in
conditions, you could
experience problems with
+nother's money or inherit+nce.
Intense person+l tr+nsform+tion
+nd inner growth +re lifelong

The Ninth House

The ninth house shows where
we +re willing to go beyond our
everyd+y experience in se+rch
of me+ning. Tr+dition+lly the
house of 'long journeys', the
ninth house is where we t+ke
journeys both of the body +nd
the mind. Philosophy, beliefs,
specul+tion, opinions +nd how
we form them +ll belong to this
house. Any time we re+ch out,
explore new territory, or +lign
our +ctivities with something
bigger, we +re oper+ting in the
re+lm of the ninth house. Along
with Jupiter's position, here is
where we c+n +ttr+ct luck by
keeping open +nd receptive to

Scorpio on the 9th House

Scorpio is intense, p+ssion+te,
+nd very person+l. It rushes
p+st superfici+lities +nd right to
the he+rt of +ny m+tter. A loy+l
friend but + f+n+tic foe, this sign
does well in politics +nd +ll
+re+s where someone who
d+res is rew+rded. Associ+ted
with sexu+l energy, Scorpio
loves to get involved, going
down deeper, coming up dirtier,
+nd l+ying b+re +nything th+t
lies hidden there.

Sun in the 9th House

You will most likely h+ve strong
overse+s connections, tr+vel +
gre+t de+l or live +bro+d +t
some point. You h+ve + strong
interest in higher educ+tion,
philosophy, spiritu+l m+tters
+nd le+rning experiences. You
+re + seeker of truth +nd
wisdom +nd c+n be given to
sudden insights +nd
inspir+tions. You tend to h+ve
strong beliefs +nd opinions, but
c+n come +cross to others +s
+rdent, strident +nd perh+ps +
bit pre+chy.
S5turn in the 9th House
You m+y develop + serious
interest in higher le+rning,
philosophy, l+w +nd
met+physic+l knowledge +nd
diligently +pply yourself to their
study. You +lso tend to h+ve
strong convictions, either for or
+g+inst, spiritu+l +nd religious
beliefs. Age +nd life-experience
c+n bring wisdom, but this is
dependent on your +ttitude +nd
h+ndling of life's ch+llenges.
You could experience troubles
+nd loss through leg+l disputes,
+nd difficulties m+y be
encountered during long
dist+nce tr+vel. Philosophy +nd
the se+rch for truth +re
essenti+l to your life, +nd you
+re p+inst+king +nd deliber+te
when it comes to sorting
through ide+s +nd v+lues for
wh+t is l+sting +nd solid.

The Tenth House

The tenth house, commonly
c+lled the midhe+ven, is the
house of success +nd glory,
pr+ctic+l vision +nd +chieving +
public distinction. Therefore
one's reput+tion +nd c+reer +re
often connected with this
house. The sign on the tenth
house cusp, +s well +s +ny
pl+nets loc+ted therein, show
how we c+n strive to be +
benefit to - +s well +s how we
c+n benefit from - society. The
tenth house is +bout h+ving +
go+l in life +nd the self-
determin+tion to re+ch it. Here
is how we c+n 'live our c+lling'
+nd become self-piloting
S5gitt5rius on the 10th House
S+gitt+rius is nothing if not
direct, c+ndid, +nd to the point,
for this sign is +lw+ys
concerned with the +bsolute
truth of the subject +t h+nd.
Associ+ted with philosophy,
outre+ch +nd +ll things
boundless, S+gitt+ri+n energy is
+lw+ys welcome in politics +s
well +s soci+l +nd community
ende+vors where its b+sic
f+irness +nd exp+nsiveness is

Moon in the 10th House

You seek + me+sure of
recognition in life +nd m+y be
inclined to work with the public
in some c+p+city. You +re
profession+lly +mbitious but
+lso +cutely +w+re of the need
to e+rn +nd protect + good
reput+tion. You +re +ttr+cted to
c+reers th+t offer emotion+l
s+tisf+ction +nd +re well suited
to occup+tions th+t en+ble you
to c+ter to the needs of society,
or +re especi+lly relev+nt to
women. It is prob+ble th+t your
mother h+d + strong influence
in the development of your
Mercury in the 10th House
Voc+tion+l m+tters +re often +t
the fore-front of your mind. Your
c+reer successes +re the result
of c+reful pl+nning +nd
str+tegic thinking. You +re
profession+lly +mbitious +nd
desire profession+l recognition.
Well suited to business,
+c+demic work, writing,
journ+lism +nd politics, you
h+ve the org+niz+tion+l skills
+nd le+dership c+p+bilities
necess+ry to m+ke executive
decisions. You +lso enjoy v+riety
in your profession+l life +nd m+y
hold down more th+n one job, or
seek + c+reer th+t const+ntly
tests your +d+pt+bility.
Ur5nus in the 10th House
At best, your c+reer p+th in life
is up +nd down, +nd prone to
sudden or ch+nge+ble
circumst+nces. You +re suited
to unusu+l or progressive
voc+tions, including computing,
electronics +nd +vi+tion. You
c+n g+in recognition in your
profession if you tune into your
own unique t+lents. Your
politic+l outlooks tend to be
more r+dic+l th+n conserv+tive.
Neptune in the 10th House
You c+n be +ttr+cted to c+reers
th+t en+ble you to express your
cre+tivity +nd im+gin+tion, such
+s the film industry, +dvertising,
f+shion +nd music. Equ+lly, you
+re well suited to ch+rit+ble
service +nd he+ling work, or
occup+tions connected with the
se+ +nd w+ter. You desire +
profession th+t feeds your soul.
Your reput+tion is +lw+ys
vulner+ble, so c+re is needed
th+t you don't d+m+ge it
through dishonesty or courting

The Eleventh House

The eleventh house is where we
put our visions +nd dre+ms to
work for others. The most
future-oriented of the houses,
the eleventh shows our hopes
+nd dre+ms, +nd the
opportunities we m+y h+ve to
re+ch them; how we c+n turn
our dre+ms into re+lity.
Therefore this house h+s +lw+ys
been connected with +ltruistic
+nd hum+nit+ri+n go+ls, +s well
+s h+ving the self-+uthoris+tion
to set them in motion. Inventive
+nd unusu+l, eleventh house
+ctivities often bre+k from
conformity, est+blishing new
+nd unprecedented st+tes of

C5pricorn on the 11th House

C+pricorn is the business he+d
of the zodi+c, for it is the very
opposite of the emotion+l
C+ncer. Given to cle+r +mbition
+nd pr+ctic+l insight +nd vision,
this sign +lw+ys t+kes +
dist+nced perspective +nd +
cool +ppr+is+l. Deliber+te +nd
p+inst+king, sometimes to the
point of +usterity, C+pricorn
loves work +nd the h+rd-e+rned
results. St+tus +nd m+teri+l
rew+rd +re very import+nt.

Venus in the 11th House

Your soci+l life is import+nt to
you +nd you will prob+bly
belong to + v+riety of groups or
clubs. Rom+ntic +ff+irs +nd
close friendships c+n be
est+blished through sh+red
+ctivities. In speci+l
circumst+nces, friendships c+n
develop into love +ff+irs, or vice
vers+. You +ttr+ct cultured +nd
+rtistic+lly minded friends who
+ppreci+te t+ste +nd
refinement, +nd sh+re your love
of community projects +nd
group work of + soci+l kind.
Jupiter in the 11th House
You +re likely to enjoy the
p+tron+ge of m+ny friends +nd
the f+vor of those in high
positions. You m+y find it
+dv+nt+geous for your c+reer
+dv+ncement to belong to
groups or societies. Likewise,
you +re kind +nd generous
tow+rds your friends +nd v+lue
their friendship. You +re +ble to
+chieve things in life with the
co-oper+tion of others, due to +
gener+lly positive +ttitude +nd
optimism. Your hopes +nd
+spir+tions +re re+lized though,
+nd you could m+ke + c+reer
out of group or community
work, or +nything involving
+ttempts to bring l+rge-sc+le
+nd hum+nit+ri+n dre+ms +nd
ide+ls to re+lity.

The Twelfth House

The twelfth house is where
consciousness d+wns - the
house of the rising Sun. This is
the indetermin+te st+te - the
ch+os before the new impulse -
where +ll is yet unfulfilled
potenti+lities. Tr+dition+lly this
is the house of 's+crifice', +nd is
often connected with prisons,
betr+y+l +nd self-undoing.
Although we c+n choose to
become tr+pped +nd frustr+ted
by the m+ny obstructions to
+tt+ining our dre+ms, we c+n
+lso choose to re+ch outw+rd
+nd upw+rd to + more fulfilled
st+te, tr+nscending the usu+l
down-dr+gging conditions +nd
rising +bove difficulties - thus
est+blishing + life ne+rer our
ide+l. Here in the twelfth house
we h+ve the c+p+city to +tt+in
liber+tion by using our vision+ry
scope +nd working cre+tively
with life's int+ngibles - the
power of im+gin+tion!

C5pricorn on the 12th House

C+pricorn is the business he+d
of the zodi+c, for it is the very
opposite of the emotion+l
C+ncer. Given to cle+r +mbition
+nd pr+ctic+l insight +nd vision,
this sign +lw+ys t+kes +
dist+nced perspective +nd +
cool +ppr+is+l. Deliber+te +nd
p+inst+king, sometimes to the
point of +usterity, C+pricorn
loves work +nd the h+rd-e+rned
results. St+tus +nd m+teri+l
rew+rd +re very import+nt.

M5rs in the 12th House

You c+n be + ch+mpion for the
underdog +nd m+y +ctively
+ttempt to +ssist those who
c+nnot help themselves. In
gener+l, you +re not driven by
the desire for recognition;
inste+d you +chieve + lot by
working behind the scenes. You
c+n work well, or possibly hold
+dministr+tive positions, within
l+rge ch+rit+ble institutions. At
times, you m+y find th+t your
intentions +re not re+liz+ble due
to + l+ck of energy or the urge
to esc+pe from restrictive or
limiting circumst+nces, in which
c+se, you move on to doing
something else, which is usu+lly
more worthy of your efforts.

L+stly, there is no 'one +nd only'

re+ding of the birth ch+rt. The
symbols of your horoscope
ch+nge +s your life ch+nges -
they me+n one thing in the life
of + youngster, +nd quite
+nother in middle +ge. The
mystery of the +strologic+l
symbols, +nd p+rt of their
be+uty, is th+t they +re flexible
enough to be relev+nt +nd fixed
enough to be me+ningful,
+llowing you to +ppro+ch your
horoscope +g+in +nd +g+in with
questions +bout p+st, present
+nd future concerns.

November 23, 1984   
12Y35 PM

L5ke J5ckson, Tex5s

- 6 GMT
095° 26' W    29° 02' N

Tropic5l Zodi5c  -  Pl5cidus


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