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Want to apply

Family immigration with a citizen of a

country outside the EU/EEA
You can apply for family immigration if you wish to move to a family
member in Norway.

T he applicant is a cit izen of : Syrian Arab Republic

T he reference person is a cit izen of: Syrian Arab Republic

What t ype of residence permit does t he reference person have? : Another type of residence permit or a
permanent residence permit

What t ype of residence permit did t he reference person have t he first t ime he or she moved to Norway?:
Protection (asylum) or strong humanitarian considerations

On t his page, we use t he words 'reference person' and 'applicant' 

The reference person = t he family member living in Norway.

The applicant = t he person who want s to move to Norway or cont inue living here and
who needs a residence permit

What kind of family member are you?

Spouses and registered partners


Those who are getting married

Children under 18 who are going to live with parents in Norway

Children over 18 who are moving to parents in Norway

Parent (and siblings) of a child who are under 18 and lives in Norway

Parents who are moving to children over the age of 18 in Norway

Requirement s for t he applicant

You must  pay an applicat ion fee.
You must  document your ident it y. If you have a valid passport , t hat is usually valid
proof of ident it y. 
You must not be subject to a prohibit ion against ent ry to Norway or Schengen.
You must be over t he age of 60.
You cannot have a spouse or cohabit ant .
You cannot have parent s, children, grandchildren, or great -grandchildren in your home
count ry. 

Requirement s for t he reference person

You must have one of t hese t ypes of residence permit s:
a permanent residence permit (formerly known as set t lement permit )
a valid residence permit t hat  forms t he basis for a permanent residence
permit , for example a residence permit for prot ect ion, most t ypes of family
immigrat ion permit s, or a residence permit for self-employed persons wit h a
company in Norway.  (You can check in t he decision you received from t he UDI
whet her your residence permit forms t he basis for a permanent residence
permit .)
You must have an income of at least  NOK 264 264 per year pre-t ax now. In addit ion,
your income last year must have been at about t he same level. You cannot have
received any financial assist ance from NAV (økonomisk sosialhjelp) during t he last 12
mont hs.  Please check t he income requirement s, what kind of income t hat count s
and whet her you can be exempt ed from any of t he requirement s.
If you do not have enough income yourself, your cohabit ant or spouse can provide a
financial guarant ee. He or she must t hen have an income of at least  NOK 264 264 per
year pre-t ax. Please check t he income requirement s for t he person providing a
financial guarant ee.
You must have a home where t he applicant can live toget her wit h you. 

Parents who are visiting children in Norway for up to nine months

Please not e!
You must ret urn to your home count ry when t he visit is over. T herefore, t he UDI considers
whet her it is likely t hat you will ret urn. Because of t he sit uat ion in your count ry, it can be
difficult for you to get a permit to visit children in Norway. 
Requirement s for t he applicant
You must  pay an applicat ion fee.
You must  document your ident it y. If you have a valid passport , t hat is usually valid
proof of ident it y. 
You must not be subject to a prohibit ion against ent ry to Norway or Schengen.
You must ret urn to your home count ry aft er t he visit .
If you have previously held a residence permit to visit a child in Norway, at least one
year must have elapsed since you left Norway before you can be grant ed such a
permit again. 

Requirement s for t he reference person

You must have one of t hese t ypes of residence permit s:
a permanent residence permit (formerly known as set t lement permit )
a valid residence permit t hat  forms t he basis for a permanent residence
permit , for example a residence permit for prot ect ion, most t ypes of family
immigrat ion permit s, or a residence permit for self-employed persons wit h a
company in Norway.  (You can check in t he decision you received from t he UDI
whet her your residence permit forms t he basis for a permanent residence
permit .)
You must have an income of at least  NOK 264 264 per year pre-t ax now. In addit ion,
your income last year must have been at about t he same level. You cannot have
received any financial assist ance from NAV (økonomisk sosialhjelp) during t he last 12
mont hs.  Please check t he income requirement s, what kind of income t hat count s
and whet her you can be exempt ed from any of t he requirement s.
If you do not have enough income yourself, your cohabit ant or spouse can provide a
financial guarant ee. He or she must t hen have an income of at least  NOK 264 264 per
year pre-t ax. Please check t he income requirement s for t he person providing a
financial guarant ee.
You must have a home where t he applicant can live toget her wit h you. 

Foster children who have foster parents in Norway

Children who have full siblings in Norway

Other family members

Do you not fulfill the requirements for family immigration?

If you do not fulfill t he crit eria described on t his page, you can check whet her you can apply
for a residence permit for work or a st udy permit inst ead. 
Waiting time
Check how long you have to wait for an answer to your applicat ion for a residence permit
for family immigrat ion. 

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