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CS (MA,N) EXAM:201a EGT- l)...

'alH"flJ?ii HャイNpMセdI@

V'R' - "Q'!f fl c:q";\ft R." q セ@

Hセ@ セQ@ I Gtゥヲエセ@ ヲセBGャエFQ@ セ@ セ [ 「I@ V41"1"l<i#i セI@

セ@ セ セュ@ セ@ セエュ セ セ@ 。エゥイN セ@ セ@ セ ᄋ@

trャDセ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ w-fi GSュ セ@ セi@
セ@ 1 セ@ 5 セ\ュエ ゥャE ᄋセ M ゥf」NョMア QエGヲゥセrZイュ セャ@
セ@ ュ Oセ@ セ@ !m, セ@ セ@ セ@ liJlf.t セ@ セ@ セ セ@
[ m セGSュ@ セBエtャ@ Jt セ@ セ@ セ L@ l"fWJil $ N。セ@ ュMセ@ セ@ -m-r セ@ セ L@ @セ l"' セ@ セ@ セ@
• カエ]セMャ[ヲBStr@ Hセ@ '{fro セッI@ セBV Q@ fi; セ@ q-{ f.rtb セGiヲサ セ@ Sセf@ セ@ . セ@ 3lr:J
セ@ ャヲ セ@ ij fffi?) 'f1 r "3lR セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ セ セ@
セ@ 。エfヲャセTィ@ it, mセ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ cR セュ@ セ@ セ@ q;l a
セ@ セ@ jセヲゥウャ、@ セゥエL@ セ@ セャFゥヲ、@ セ@ セ ᄋ セi@
ュゥエセ@ "lJ1I'Fll Jf,f!lj'9tt セ セ i セ@ Cfire1 セ@ m. mW1 セ@ セ@ cfil 1'fii'RT セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ '"l'ffi セ セ@ セ@
セ@ maMキNj セ BrゥA MZヲゥ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ }セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ 3h:1 セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ セャ@


ITime Allowed : Three H:ours I ( Maximum iiarks : 250 I

(Please read each of ilie instructions careftilly 「・ヲッ イ セ@ attt!mpting questions,

There are EJOHT アuセYエゥッョウ@ div ided in two Sections and prlnted b o th in HJNDJ and
in ENGl.lSH.
Candidate ィ。セ@ to a tlemp l FIVE questiQn s in all.
Que:stion Nos. 1 and 5 co:rn:pulsory and out of the remaining, t hr セe@ are to be a ttempte d
choosing at least 0 NE q lJ estion from each Sec tion.
The number or macks ca.rried by a queFJtion/parl is. indicate d af;,ainst it.
.Answers must be written in the medium authorized in the Admi&sion Certificate "vhich
m ust be stat ed 」 セ ・。イャケ@ on the cover of this Question-cum - Answer (QCA) Booklet in the
ウ ー。」セ@ provided . No marks ,viu be s iven for answe.ra. wr:itcen in a. medium other than the
au thoti.zed one.
Assume auit.ab le data. if c:onsideted necessar)·. and indicate the same clearly .
Un less and otherwise indicat ed 1 symbols and notations carry their usual standard meanings.
Attempts of アオ・ セエQPョウ@ セィ。ャ@ be counted m sequen tial ord er , Un le91S sLrUck off, attemp of a,
question shall be counted ・ セ ャ[A ョ@ ir attempted partly. Any page or pnrtion of the paBc left blank
in tht- Question-cum-An swer Booldet must ィ セ@ clearly s1..ruck off.

] (P.T .O.
セ@ セ@ ッZャセェゥアHヲイ@ セ@
セ@ セ@ 1llfim "f;T WT icJ 3xl0 8 m s · l
DセゥGャ@ 1fi1 セ@ (me) = 9·11 x lo- 3 1 kg
セエM@ セ H・I@ 1: 1· 602 )( 10-19 c
セaゥ@ "ij;J セ@ セ@ (....!...)
1 u ;::; 1 a.m .u . 1· 6605 x 10 - z:r kg .. 931·5 MeV
ュセエM@ ゥZrセ@ xセGャB@ セ@ セュZ Q@ c 1
= 0 ·5110 MeV
セ@ セ ᄋ@ @セ Q|エゥャZセヲr ャ@ エeッセ@ = 8 - 8542x10 12 c 2 tr1 m-2
セ@ セ@ "ifr qJ<IIRI<U @セ 0 ) • 471: X 10- 7 セ@ A -2 j
tュセサrス@ 8 -.314 J mol- 1 K - 1
JJ('t:)!l'tiR セ@ Hォ。セ@ = 1 ·381 x to-23 .2 K - 1
tffiCfi セ@ セィj@ "' 6-626 X 10-34 J .\:;
thJ '"' 1· 0546 )( 1 0 4
j J s
"iffi セ@ uセb@ ... 9·'274 X 10-24 J T - !
セ@ tJ.t l =- s-os1 >< to-:n J T - 1
ャゥNセ セヲッZャ@ .. 1/137 . 03 599
セ@ セ@ セ[ア@ '£F'1 セ ュ@ P) =- 1·0072766 u = 1·6726 x1o-27 kg
セ@ 1FT セFT@ 14 ,[mn l -= 1-008,6652 U = 1· 6749 X 10- 27 kg
セア[M。@ (md ... 2 ·013553 u
。NMセ@ セ@ (mri) 4 ·00 1 506 1J,

セ@ c <fil セcTゥヲャQ@ 12·000000 u

lセッイュ@ = 15-9949 15 u
セsイ@ セ@ • 86·99999 u
セh・@ \ヲゥイセ@ = 4·002603 u
iflm GQNセPcヲ]ィゥT@ セ@ (g, 1 ... 0 セN@ 1 セ@
セ@ eヲjtゥーェャG。セ@ セ@ Hァセ@ セ@ = -3 ·8260 PBRl. 5·5856 セL@

Constanta which may be :n.eededl

Vdocity of light in vacuum (c) =- 3xl0 8 ms-•
Mass- of dec tron {mel 9 · l l XI 0 - 31 kg
Chaige or electron (e) : 1·602 X 10 l 9 C

Specific charge of ele"Ctron ( :e )

1u =1 a .m.u . - 1· 6605 x 10 - 27 セ@ = 931·5 MeV
Rest mass (:n ergy of electron セュエャ@ c2 ) • 0·51 10 icV
Permittivity in free space (e 0 ) .,. 8· 8542 X 10- 12 C 2 N- 1 m - '2

Permeability of free space tuo) - 4n x 1o- 7 N A - 2

Ua.e constant {R) ,.. 8 ·314 J mor 1 K - 1
Boltzmann constant (kR) ... 1· 381 X 10 - 23 J K m
Planck constant ャィセ@ = 6 · 626 X 1 0 - .3 4 J S

Hヲセ I@ 1· 0546 x l ッ M セ T@
J s
Bohr :rnagne ton {1.1. 9 ) == 9. 274 x 1 0 - 24 J ·r- 1
I uc1ear tnagneto.n
Fine stru.ctu re c.on stan t (a)
セ@ セ}@ = S-051:>< 10 27 J T 1
= l/137-03599
m。セ@ s of proto,n (m P) 1·0072766 u ""'1 · 6726 x lo- 2 7 kg
Mass of neutron (m11 ) 1·008665211.l = 1-6749 X 10-2f kg
Maati of deu teron fmd ) = 2 -013553 u
m。セ@ Df o.-pa.rtidc (m 11 ) ... 4·001506 u
Mass of 6 C 12·000000 u
m。セ@ of エ セ ッ@ = 15-9949 15 u
MasR of セs NM 86·99999 u
.fa ss of セh・@ ,., 4·002603 u
Orbital gyromagnetic ratio fgJ) = 0 Hョ・オエイッセL@
1 [proton)
Spin gymm agnetic ratio (g5 ) = - 3-.8260 (neutron)f 5·5856 (protonJ


1. (o.) セ@ CfiUT '1i1 iWT セ@ 'I' fxt = l e- 1Xl/<1 t セ@ iffi セ i@ セ@ -a S xセ@ a Ji


sャセゥC、 Qヲゥャ@ セ セ@

The WS."\I"f: or a partide. lis. giv£n セ@ キセクI@ = Nス[・ Mセ BG Q@ t.a . Find the

(b) セ@
probabili ty of locating t h e particJe in the range - a :S

itU ""iR.f rfil セM@

10 - 1 N セ@ t 10- m セ@ 2
'R .tA
セ@ セ@
flVrT セ@
セ@ セ@

10- 3 kg ili1 s::al'IIOf Wfi

:S a

! :JJl "jij I 1P-t セ@

f.t<rn セゥヲ@
v,c6 セ@ "ij セ@

Calculate the zero-point セョ・イァケ@ of a 。ケセエゥAtyャ@ consisting of a mass or 10- 3 kg,
connected to a fixc:d p oint by a spring which i-s stretched by 10- 2 m by a. force of
to-• N. The ayatcrn is constra.ned to move only in one diJr,eclion . 10

3 I P.T.O.
(c) ltrn )rrr;mi セ@ HャjL\ヲゥ MセI@ セ@ tJTI1FEJ oirJ セ@ セ@ セ@

I-4n. (xl =
". -0
Eafr:.1le - 1:? 12

セN@ y = セ@ m oo x
セL@ lfR セ@ 。セN[@ 'ffl ヲNエセ@ tセ@ セNエゥェ@
RセォM 'l]
a - a
k セ@ 2 - (K- lHk + Rセ@ fr:.

セ@ Wm I tii!lt£'Wft セMヲサ@ E 11 (n I セI@ nu} セi@ "f1 tWr セ@ :c€il1"Tffl em ヲッャセ]ゥェB ャ@ セ セ@ セ@

クセo@ セ@ L セ@ セHャ ャ セ\NZュI@ "ffiif<1lm7
The general wave functions of harmonic oscillator
un. (x) =
L a"-J!e-rJ
セッョN・ セ 、ゥュ・ョウッZN。ャ@ are of Uu:
IIi- 0

with y = Jmsn x, セ@ d coefficients 。N セ@ are detef"mined b y recu r·rence reiauons

2(k - n)
(1 - 1':!:
,t.; .. 2 - (k +1Hk + 2t ,..

cッエZt」セーョ、ゥァ@ セ ョ・ イァケ@ ャセカ・@ .are En = ( n + セI@ rtm . o ;scus-s the parity of these

キ。カセ@ functions. What h('lppens. if the potential for x ::50 is infirtite セ ィ 。u@
ィ。ョッ ゥ セ@ as.cillatoq? 10

(d) セ@ it'ft'Hill qqJ セ_@ if-10 セP@ 31R¢ セ@ ア[ャコヲセ G@ セ@ セ@ ii セ@ セ@ セ@ (f'ritJIH M

|vャオ Zセ エ@ is nuclear precessjon? How is it used in the principle of working or
an NMR? 10

(eJ セ@ セQ@ セ@ U 1 ,. if. fR"Q, セ」ゥGJᆬMQ@ セイュ@ -J;t セ@ "ij;J TセQBヲ@ セi@
Caku late エィセ@ radiu s of elecb:on orbtt for U セ@ ' in ground state. 10

2;. (Q) ・ャセ ッAjスゥャB@ セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ lfi'l セ@

セWQ@ = セ・ M イヲ セッ@

t セ@
$ tin "M セ@ qm セ@ セ@
tJ:o liR セ@
'R'L ttlll セ@
r;j;'r A^ャヲ セサヲQN@
il セ@
lf1 r"t セBゥエ@ セャゥ T\Vエャ@ セ@ *
セ@ セ@
"1Rilhm セi@
q:;J ャ`セ@

The ground !State wave function for hydrogen awm is

キセイI@ = l e - r)no
セイエ 。U@
where a 0 is the Botur radius. Sketch the wave function andl the probability
density as a functiotl or the :separation distance T . Cakulatc th e p.r-obabUity
that the electron iin the ground state is foun.d beyond tbe Bohr イ L 。、 ゥ オセ N@ '20
(bJ rB]ゥヲセ@ lttfiifi!CfilaTI セ@ m セ@ :
M LPx, iy] = itJ P1!
{ii) e' la·nle = cosR + i (a · ntsin £f

Prove the following identities :

{rJ lPx, iy] = ifl Pz 7
{i:i) eifa·nltt = cose + t' (o · n)sm A 8

('c) ヲNQbセ@ it i Mセᄋ] fュOャイ@ 1!f<1-l セ@ «an<fi<DMゥヲャセ@ 1llil iffi セ_@

(£} セjHNxI@ Ae -ikx: Kb・イセBG@

• (rr) セ[イ@ (XI = A e - x. + B e J.- t

(iil) \f (x) = A ain セ@ kx. B cos Sk.Jt
(tv) \if 'x) =- A si.Jl3kx + B s] n Skx
(v) w セ xャ@ =A tan kx
J11:R "3TR q;;) エゥZBGDQセqL@ I
Whi<::h of the follo•Ning fun ctions i'9.(are acceptable solution(s) of the
Schrodinger equation '?
(f} w(X}= A e r":K + B ei'-x

(•i) セHクエ@ Ae - kx +Bek:r.

(iimJ \lJ (x} = A sin 3 kx + B 」ッセ@ S.Q:

(r'"v} W(x:J = l\a in3kx Bsjn 5kx
(u) w(.>..1 • A tan u
Explain your ans-w er. 15

3. (a) セャ@ 9 eV TャBヲゥ\オQ セT@ 8 eV セ@ f<i"{q lfr;n;r 1:R: セ@ セ@ • セ@ ircn セ i@ セ@ cR セ@

sャセAゥエQ@ wGセ@ セヲtャ_@
A. bea.m of particles: of セョ・イァケ@ 9 eV •s incident on a potential step 8 cV h •gh from
he ldL What petcentage of particles will reflect back? 15

(b} セ@ セ@ セ@ エセtQBュ@ -q i51Rtui't4 (3D) セMGヲ・r@ セ@ E 112 セ|ュ@ エZヲセャc@ mm t. OW!

'fffl ヲNZAセ@ "t3if (2D) セ@ E 0 , セ@ <m: (lD) ゥエヲ ᄋ セ@ E - i./2 a:m: セ@ :iiZ (OD)
'* セオイ@ イョゥ l セ@ 1
Show that for free electron gas, the density of statca in lhree dimensions (3D)
varies as £ 11 2 ; and this dependence ch anges to E 0 for 20 (llUarttum well),
E - 1 12 for- l D (quantum wire} aDd 5 function far OD セア オ。ョエュ@ dot) . 15

{c) Q{T!1oJM CエセャE Q@ セ@ t-S 3fu J-J セ@ セ@ セ@ qn o1fi;r セi@ - ヲ・セアャBG@ m セ@ 1011ilfll61
ュセ@ <fiiT セ_@
Describ-e the import..anc:c of L-S and J.J coupling in atomic セー・」エイッウケ L@ What
a.rc cxpenmcntal evidences of their existence? 20

s. [ P.T.O .
4. {a) セエpョ_ヲオQr@
What is Zeeman effe-ct? Dia<:uss the f actoNl on which La.rmor frequen cy 18
c:tc:p!P.!n dent. 15
(b) エャ ャ セゥ{igBG@ セ@ セ@ li,e;;l セ@ 't!\ セ i@ <94Tl<11t1 ゥャセ@ ij セ@ セ@ セ@ jゥ セエア GヲBj@ iRft i?
Discuss the fme structur-e of hydrogen s pectrum. How is i,t or importance in the
astronomical observations? 15
(c) ヲセTサQAujN@ セSヲエ@ セ@ .afR <tiP4 R<t> エGqセAoH@ t; セ@ tR セ@ セ@ 1 Slfa aifil セ@ セ@ 1)
Discuss the theory of r otational and vibrational spectra o.f diatomic molecu les.
What is tho d ifference betv.•een flutm:::scence and phosphores.cence? 20

5. lv.) セ@ 140 MeV セ GNwiMュ]イ@ セ@ ョMセ@ セ@ セ@ m Qヲャセュ@ セ@ t 1セ。^@
セ i@
Nu clear rorces arc m ediated by of Jt-m esons of イ」セ エ@ mass 140 MeV.
Estimate the range of nuclear forces. 10
1·202 MeVtl
セ@ 6c
セ@ セ@ セ@ Q SᄋッセU T@ u t., m7 N13 セ@ セ@ セイョ@ 'qi'J qfi<tlH"l セ セ@
The maxiJ--num energy of a posiu on fe-tl released in the decay of 6 C 1 3 atom into
a 7 N13 atom is 1·202 MeV. H thC! mass of the ,0 C 13 atom is 13·003354 u,
セj」オャ。 エ ・@ the mass of the 7 N13 atom . 10
(c) セュヲAZQP@ セ@ \; atlfr.i f.i'"1iflfatt ij セ@ セMャヲ@ セ@ セ ᄋ@ セ@ セ_@ セ@ セ@
セ L@ mSQセ BTbm j i@ ifil セ@ 3fn: セ@ ;mi1· セ@ セ イ セ@ lNq セ@ :
('i} p+n.-+An+I.1
fi1J 1t- + rt セ@ h 0 +K"
(iir) ーKョセkォ MK@
(ru) 1t ---+ "' +y
(u} n p +e ,.. + v セ@
Whir:;::h or the following e]em<t:-n l:ary parl:lcle r es.ctionsI d ec:zys are allow·e d under
variou s conacrvation laws? H alJO\\•ed, write down the type of interaction and
the characteristi c time by which it would proceed :
(ij ー K ョセa P
Kセ BG@
IUJ :n: i-n4A 0 +K-t
(iii) p + n -> K " + I/
(i[J) no セ@ "( + y
(u) ti: -+ p + e- + v エセ@ 10
(d} セP@ lfto mo セ@ セP@ セP@ rtfio セ@ セ@ ft;ti!. アキイオ」ヲエ セ@ セ@ セ@ {"to fto セ ッI@ <til
t;!ftw'"l セ@ セ@ セ@ KォセQイュ@ セ@ QャエヲGセ@ 1
Calcu late Atomic Packing Fraction !APF1 for FCC and HCP stTDctures, and
show that these are the m ost closely packed stru.cturcs. 10
(e) xMセ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ "t セ@ セ@ セ@ f.iqq セ@ セ@ セi@
jヲエセN M キセ@
Derive Bragg diffraction la.w for X-ray diffr action . Compare Laue and Dcbyc:-
Scherrer tndh ods for ceystaJ stn.Jcture determinati on. 10

6. (a) ・ョZセ@ セ M ャセtゥヲGZA@ セヲMG\Q Q@ qrr <PY viセ@

vH イ セ@ ... -V0 • r 5; b セ@ セ@
.. o イM ^「ᄋセ@
セャ\ヲN@ セ@ セ@ d'i セ@ Cfil セ@ セ ᄋ@
'V {r) ,.. A sin kr , r セ@ b セ@

- Ce - Y' r>b セ@

セ@ ゥエセ tェゥヲ セL@ セ@ セ]@ サセ@ (Vo +W) セy@ セm N@

1 Jj - h
セ@ M セ@ セL@ W #i(<P<l"l r€l "ihr-r セ@ a.t'rt A "iH C ヲNャセ、ゥ@ ' •
N セ@ fifi «q_.a<T"'' em "fa セ@ セ@ セ@ fffi.
セ@ :Jt21i2
Vob セ@ 4M

{if) セGig iGAH@ Rfi S{ltfi:l セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ tI

Assu ming エ「セ@ the :neutr,;m-pro ton interaction has a ウアオイセ・@ wen form
V(r} セ@ - V0 for r- セ@ b

0 for r :> b
the grou nd :sta.te wa vc function of deuteron nucleus is. given as
'II Hイセ@ A sin kr for r- 5: b
• Ce-Y' for r- > b

v.·h erc k ]Liセ@ rvo + W) and y 1:!1 セ@ セ N@

Here M as the nucleon mass, W is the bin ding energy o f deuter on and A and C
are 」ッョウエ。 エ セ N@

{l] Show th.ait for a j ust bound state cf deuteron

2 GQRセ GR@
Vob = 4M
(ii) Explain why deu teron is a loosely b ound extended st:n.JCture . 10

7 I P.T.O.
fbJ セ@ rt - M セ@ fcfmrr セ@ ii ・Nセ@ セ@ セ@ 1.1 -irnR
n- セ@ 1J. + vt-c
セゥエ@ JffiTBltl jNl M セ@ *' セ@ セ@ q;J セ@
セ ュ・ウッョ@
A n - -meson a l rest decays in :n a r.t -
rr - MNセ +V1,
Calculate Lhe kinetic ent;:rgy of tbe セ M mesot"'' em i tted in ilie reaction. 15

(c) セ@ t ゥエセ@ 31 M ᄋ セ@ セ@ ll:f セ@ 3ffi セ@ セQZw@ tR セ@ セ@ fu1f セᄋGヲ セ@ セ@

!;;C4JOfH tH<ld4t t lo@IN:il セi@ cm1 セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ セ nN@ <ml fflr?
Write lhe s.emi-emp1ri cal mas:s rormula. for n uclei and on its basis d raw ュ。ウNセ^@
parab olas for odd and eve n. isobars. What would b e the most stable isobar i n
each case? 15

7 . (a) セ@ • * "aTm セ@
セ@ ゥェAoア」ヲ|zセ
cm9 セ@
i@ セ@
セ@ t T'4c€aZ4 セ@
• GiWict'"t セ セ@
セ@ セ@ セ@ m セ@
セ@ セ@ セ@ 8 o セ@
Obtain an expression for the magnetic moment of a n ucleus having one
nucleon outside the closed c::ort:. Use this to caJcu late the magncdc moment of
17 20
80 nudellls.
(bJ セ@ Qイセ@ ヲTュセ@ iti セャエ@ セ セ @ セ@ セ ュ@
Derive an e_xprcssion for lattice specific heat in d・「ケセ@ model. Find its low
エ・ューッイ。オ イセ@ limit (Debye T 3 law). 15
fc} セ@ セ@ セ@ ZSQセ@ セ@ ュセ_@ セ@ セ@ @セ セ@ tpJft tre, セ@ iUt Sゥセ@
3fR @セ lflti ヲTセQGh@ セ@
ti4) Cf>tll セ@ セ@ セ@ I
W:hat セョZ@ intrinsic and extrinsic ウセZBュォッョ、 オ 」エッイウ_@ S how that in the in trinaic
sernicondu ctorst Fermi level lies cxac lly in the mjddlc or bottom of CQnduction
band and Lop of valence band. 15

8. (a) セ@ I J.iR FfiR lJ セwiZエN@ I afrt 3iffi II lfftl:;;:ctt:lqil セ@ セ@ Ofll1 セ@ セ_@ セ@ セi@ セ@
セゥ| AiセGwT|エ エrセ セ セ@ セ@
Wh a t arc: type I and type ll ウオーセイ」ッョ、 オ 」[Zッイウ_@ G ive. examples. Disc; and
compare Mejs:sner e ffect セ ョ、@ perfect diamagnetic- b eh a\•lour for type 1 and
typo II su pef'ICOnductors. '2 0
fbJ eThriCI IM<fl セ@ -op.n -tmt セ_@ セ@ c:6l crr15 セ@ LセlサhQ@ M セL@ Wii<fl i:? Tfl '•fD•a laEm m m
セ @i
Wbat l'\'!'"e: operation al rurtplillers? How CBlJ1 it be used as セ ョ@ indu ctor? Prov,c it
mathematic ally. 15
(c) セ@ m ゥヲセ@ ゥ ャ ャセウイ uャ。ュ@ 'fmvr f@ '-bi®OIIfil <Fl セi@ -q;q; qャDGォuセ@ >iiW:n セ@ セ@
セQヲゥョ @セ
Describe the working of a m icrop.-ocesso r system m block diagram. How is its
performance affected in a pipelined ーイッ・ウ セ ッイ _@ 15


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