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ABW20 20-bit Address bus

ABW16 16-bit Address bus

ABW12 12-bit Address bus
ABW8 8-bit Address bus
BANDGAPLOW Lowest Bandgap voltage
BANDGAPHIGH Highest Bandgap voltage
BBSIZ1K 1K words Boot Block size
BBSIZ2K 2K words Boot Block size
BBSIZ4K 4K words Boot Block size
BORSEN See Datasheet
BORV20 Brownout reset at 2.0V
BORV21 Brownout reset at 2.1V
BORV22 Brownout reset at 2.2V
BORV24 Brownout reset at 2.4V
BORV25 Brownout reset at 2.5V
BORV26 Brownout reset at 2.6V
BORV27 Brownout reset at 2.7V
BORV28 Brownout reset at 2.8V
BORV29 Brownout reset at 2.85V
BORV40 Brownout reset at 4.0V
BORV42 Brownout reset at 4.2V
BORV43 Brownout reset at 4.3V
BORV45 Brownout reset at 4.5V
BORV46 Brownout reset at 4.6V
BORV47 Brownout reset at 4.7V
BORRES Reserved (do not use)
BROWNOUT Reset when brownout detected
BROWNOUT_NOSL Brownout enabled during operation, disabled during SLEEP
BROWNOUT_SW Brownout controlled by configuration bit in special file register
BW8 8-bit external bus mode
BW16 16-bit external bus mode
CCPB0 CCP1 input/output multiplexed with RB0
CCPB2 CCP1 input/output multiplexed with RB2
CCPB3 CCP1 input/output multiplexed with RB3
CCP2B3 CCP2 input/output multiplexed with RB3
CCP2C1 CCP2 input/output multiplexed with RC1
CCP2E7 CCP2 input/output multiplexed with RE7
CLKOUT Output clock on OSC2
NOCLKOUT I/O function on OSC2
NOCLOCKOUT I/O function on OSC2
CLOCKOUT Output clock on OSC2
CPB Boot Block Code Protected
CPD Data EEPROM Code Protected
CPU Microprocessor Mode
CPU_BB Microprocessor with Boot Block mode
DEBUG Debug mode for use with ICD
DPROTECT Protect EE memory
E4_IO External clock with HW enabled 4X PLL
E4_SW_IO External Clock with SW enabled 4x PLL
E4_SW External Clock with SW enabled 4x PLL
EBTR Memory protected from table reads
EBTRB Boot block protected from table reads
EC External clock with CLKOUT
EC_IO External clock
ECCPE Enhanced CCP PWM outpts multiplexed with RE6 thorugh RE3
ECCPH Enhanced CCP PWM outpts multiplexed with RH7 thorugh RH4
EMCU Extended Microcontroller mode
ER External resistor osc, with CLKOUT
ER_IO External resistor osc
FCMEN Fail-safe clock monitor enabled
FLTAC1 FLTA input is multiplexed with RC1
FLTAD4 FLTA input is multiplexed with RD4
H4 High speed osc with HW enabled 4X PLL
H4_SW High speed osc with SW enabled 4x PLL
HPOL_HIGH High-Side Transistors Polarity is Active-High (PWM 1,3,5 and 7)
HPOL_LOW High-Side Transistors Polarity is Active-Low (PWM 1,3,5 and 7)
HS High speed Osc (> 4mhz for PCM/PCH) (>10mhz for PCD)
IESO Internal External Switch Over mode enabled
INT32KHZ Internal 32 khz Osc
INT125KHZ Internal 125 khz Osc
INT128KHZ Internal 128 khz Osc
INT1MHZ Internal 1 mhz Osc
INT250KHZ Internal 250 khz Osc
INT2MHZ Internal 2 mhz Osc
INT31KHZ Internal 31 khz Osc
INT4MHZ Internal 4 mhz Osc
INT500KHZ Internal 500 khz Osc
INT62KHZ Internal 62 khz Osc
INTRC Internal RC Osc
INTRC_IO Internal RC Osc, no CLKOUT
LP Low power osc < 200 khz
LPOL_HIGH Low-Side Transistors Polarity is Active-High (PWM 0,2,4 and 6)
LPOL_LOW Low-Side Transistors Polarity is Active-Low (PWM 0,2,4 and 6)
LPT1OSC Timer1 configured for low-power operation
LVP Low Voltage Programming on B3(PIC16) or B5(PIC18)
MCLR Master Clear pin enabled
MCU Microcontroller Mode
NOBORSEN See Datasheet
NOBROWNOUT No brownout reset
NOCPB No Boot Block code protection
NOCPD No EE protection
NODEBUG No Debug mode for ICD
NODPROTECT No code protection
NOEBTR Memory not protected from table reads
NOEBTRB Boot block not protected from table reads
NOFCMEN Fail-safe clock monitor disabled
NOIESO Internal External Switch Over mode disabled
NOLPT1OSC Timer1 configured for higher power operation
NOLVP No low voltage prgming, B3(PIC16) or B5(PIC18) used for I/O
NOMCLR Master Clear pin used for I/O
NOOSCSEN Oscillator switching is disabled, main oscillator is source
NOPARITY No memory parity checking
NOPBADEN PORTB pins are configured as digital I/O on RESET
NOPROTECT Code not protected from reading
NOPUT No Power Up Timer
NOPWMPIN PWM outputs drive active state upon Reset
NOSTVREN Stack full/underflow will not cause reset
NOSYNC No sync between I/O and clock
NOTR Table reads disabled
NOTW Table writes disabled
NOWAIT Wait selections unavailable for Table Reads or Table Writes
NOWDT No Watch Dog Timer
NOWDTLD No long delay on WDT Postscale
NOWINEN WDT Timer Window Disabled
NOWRT Program memory not write protected
NOWRTD Data EEPROM not write protected
NOWRTB Boot block not write protected
NOWRTC Configuration registers not write protected
NOWURE Wake-up and continue
NOXINST Extended set extension and Indexed Addressing mode disabled (Legacy mode)
OSCSEN Oscillator switching is enabled
PARITY Memory parity checking on
PBADEN PORTB pins are configured as analog input channels on RESET
PROTECT Code protected from reads
PROTECT_5% Protect 5% of ROM
PROTECT_50% Protect 50% of ROM
PROTECT_75% Protect 75% of ROM
PROTECT_88% Protect 88% of ROM
PROTECT_CAL Prevent reading of calibration area
PROTECT_CODE Prevent reading of code
PROTECT_USER Prevent reading of user area
PUT Power Up Timer
PWMPIN PWM outputs disabled upon Reset
RB4 B4 is an I/O pin not CLKOUT
RC Resistor/Capacitor Osc with CLKOUT
RC_IO Resistor/Capacitor Osc
STVREN Stack full/underflow will cause reset
SYNC Sync I/O with clock
T1LOWPOWER Timer1 low power operation when in sleep
T1STANDARD Timer1 standard (legacy) oscillator operation
TR Table reads allowed
TW Table writes allowed
WAIT Wait selections for Table Reads and Table Writes
WDT Watch Dog Timer
WDT1 Watch Dog Timer uses 1:1 Postscale
WDT2 Watch Dog Timer uses 1:2 Postscale
WDT4 Watch Dog Timer uses 1:4 Postscale
WDT8 Watch Dog Timer uses 1:8 Postscale
WDT16 Watch Dog Timer uses 1:16 Postscale
WDT32 Watch Dog Timer uses 1:32 Postscale
WDT64 Watch Dog Timer uses 1:64 Postscale
WDT128 Watch Dog Timer uses 1:128 Postscale
WDT256 Watch Dog Timer uses 1:256 Postscale
WDT512 Watch Dog Timer uses 1:512 Postscale
WDT1024 Watch Dog Timer uses 1:1024 Postscale
WDT2048 Watch Dog Timer uses 1:2048 Postscale
WDT4096 Watch Dog Timer uses 1:4096 Postscale
WDT8192 Watch Dog Timer uses 1:8192 Postscale
WDT16384 Watch Dog Timer uses 1:16384 Postscale
WDT32768 Watch Dog Timer uses 1:32768 Postscale
WDTLD Watch Dog Timer with long delay (16x Postscale)
WINEN WDT Timer Window Enabled
WRT Program Memory Write Protected
WRT_50% Lower half of Program Memory is Write Protected
WRT_25% Lower quarter of Program Memory is Write Protected
WRT_5% Lower 255 bytes of Program Memory is Write Protected
WRTD Data EEPROM write protected
WRTB Boot block write protected
WRTC Configuration registers write protected
WURE Wake up and Reset
XINST Extended set extension and Indexed Addressing mode enabled
XT Crystal osc <= 4mhz for PCM/PCH , 3mhz to 10 mhz for PCD
X4 XT Oscillator, PLL enabled
E4 EC Oscillator, PLL enabled, with CLKOUT
INTXT Internal Oscillator, XT used by USB
INTHS Internal Oscillator, HS used by USB
PLL1 No PLL PreScaler
PLL2 Divide By 2(8MHz oscillator input)
PLL3 Divide By 3(12MHz oscillator input)
PLL4 Divide By 4(16MHz oscillator input)
PLL5 Divide By 5(20MHz oscillator input)
PLL6 Divide By 6(24MHz oscillator input)
PLL8 Divide By 8(32MHz oscillator input)
PLL10 Divide By 10(40MHz oscillator input)
PLL12 Divide By 12(48MHz oscillator input)
CPUDIV1 No System Clock Postscaler
CPUDIV2 System Clock by 2
CPUDIV3 System Clock by 3
CPUDIV4 System Clock by 4
USBDIV USB clock source comes from PLL divide by 2
NOUSBDIV USB clock source comes from primary oscillator
VREGEN USB voltage regulator enabled
NOVREGEN USB voltage regulator disabled
XTPLL Crystal/Resonator with PLL enabled
HSPLL High Speed Crystal/Resonator with PLL enabled
ECPLL External Clock with PLL enabled and Fosc/4 on RA6
ECPIO External Clock with PLL enabled, I/O on RA6
PRIMARY Primary clock is system clock when scs=00
EMCU12 Extended microcontroller mode,12 bit address mode
EMCU16 Extended microcontroller mode,16 bit address mode
EMCU20 Extended microcontroller mode,20 bit address mode
EASHFT Address shifting enabled
NOEASHFT Address shifting disabled
PWM4B5 PWM4 output is multiplexed on RB5
PWM4D5 PWM4 output is multiplexed on RD5
EXCLKC3 TMR0/T5CKI external clock input is muliplexed with RC3
EXCLKD0 TMR0/T5CKI external clock input is muliplexed with RD0
HS1 High speed Osc (1MHz to 50 MHz)
HS2 High speed Osc (1MHz to 50 MHz)
HS3 High speed Osc (1MHz to 50 MHz)
LP1 Low power crystal 32KHZ
LP2 Low power crystal/resonator 32KHz - 1 MHz
XT1 Normal Crystal/resonator 32KHz - 10 MHz
XT2 Normal Crystal/resonator 1MHz - 24 MHz
TURBO Turbo mode enabled - Instruction clock = osc/1
NOTURBO Turbo mode disabled - Instruction clock = osc/4
IFBD Internal osc feedback resistor enabled
NOIFBD Internal osc feedback resistor disabled
IRC Internal RC osc enabled
NOIRC Internal RC osc disabled
1PAGE_1BANK Configure memory size as 1 page - 1 bank
1PAGE_2BANK Configure memory size as 1 page - 2 banks
4PAGE_4BANK Configure memory size as 4 pages - 4 banks
4PAGE_8BANK Configure memory size as 4 page - 8 banks
BORTRIM0 Brown-out trim bits setting 0
BORTRIM1 Brown-out trim bits setting 1
BORTRIM2 Brown-out trim bits setting 2
BORTRIM3 Brown-out trim bits setting 3
CF Carry flag active
NOCF No carry flag
OPTIONX Enable programming of RTW and RTE_IE bits in Options register
NO_OPTIONX Disable programming of RTW and RTE_IE bits in Options register
PINS_28 Selects the SX-28 device
PINS_18 Selectes the SX-18/20 devices
IRCTRIM_MAX Internal RC osc max trim frequency
IRCTRIM_MIN Internal RC osc min trim frequency
IRCTRIM_1 Internal RC osc trim setting 1
IRCTRIM_2 Internal RC osc trim setting 2
IRCTRIM_3 Internal RC osc trim setting 3
IRCTRIM_4 Internal RC osc trim setting 4
IRCTRIM_5 Internal RC osc trim setting 5
IRCTRIM_6 Internal RC osc trim setting 6
WDRT_06 Delay reset timer timeout 0.06 ms
WDRT_7 Delay reset timer timeout 7 ms
WDRT_18 Delay reset timer timeout 18 ms
WDRT_60 Delay reset timer timeout 60 ms
WDRT_480 Delay reset timer timeout 480 ms
WDRT_960 Delay reset timer timeout 960 ms
WDRT_1920 Delay reset timer timeout 1920 ms
SPCLK Enable clock in power down mode
NOSPCLK Disable clock in power down mode
DRT06 Delay Reset Timer timeout period 0.6 us
DRT18 Delay Reset Timer timeout period 18 us
DRT60 Delay Reset Timer timeout period 60 us
DRT960 Delay Reset Timer timeout period 960 us
XTLBUF_EN Crystal Buffer enable
NOXTLBUF Crystal Buffer disabled
IRCTRIM_TYP Typical IRC TRIM bits setting
RESERVED Used to set the reserved FUSE bits
MCPU Master Clear Pull-up enabled
NOMCPU Master Clear Pull-up disabled
FLTAA7 FLTA multiplexed on A7
FLTAA5 FLTA multiplexed on A5
T0CKB5 T0 Clock In is on B5
T0CKG4 T0 Clock In is on G4
T1OSCA6 T1 oscillator pin on A6
T1OSCB2 T1 oscillator pin on B2
T3CKB5 T3 Clock In is on B5
T3CKC0 T3 Clock In is on C0
T3CKG2 T3 Clock In is on G2
BBSIZ256 Boot block size 256 bytes
BBSIZ512 Boot block size 512 bytes
ETHLED Ethernet LED enabled
NOETHLED Ethernet LED disabled
XT_PLL4 XT Crystal Oscillator mode with 4X PLL
XT_PLL8 XT Crystal Oscillator mode with 8X PLL
XT_PLL16 XT Crystal Oscillator mode with 16X PLL
EC_PLL4 External Clock mode with 4X PLL
EC_PLL8 External Clock mode with 8X PLL
EC_PLL16 External Clock mode with 16X PLL
FRC Internal Fast RC Oscillator
LPRC Internal low power RC Oscillator
PR Primary Oscillator
NOCKSFSM Clock Switching is disabled, fail Safe clock monitor is disabled
CKSNOFSM Clock Switching is enabled, fail Safe clock monitor is disabled
CKSFSM Clock Switching is enabled, fail Safe clock monitor is enabled
WPSB1 Watch Dog Timer PreScalar B 1:1
WPSB2 Watch Dog Timer PreScalar B 1:2
WPSB3 Watch Dog Timer PreScalar B 1:3
WPSB4 Watch Dog Timer PreScalar B 1:4
WPSB5 Watch Dog Timer PreScalar B 1:5
WPSB6 Watch Dog Timer PreScalar B 1:6
WPSB7 Watch Dog Timer PreScalar B 1:7
WPSB8 Watch Dog Timer PreScalar B 1:8
WPSB9 Watch Dog Timer PreScalar B 1:9
WPSB10 Watch Dog Timer PreScalar B 1:10
WPSB11 Watch Dog Timer PreScalar B 1:11
WPSB12 Watch Dog Timer PreScalar B 1:12
WPSB13 Watch Dog Timer PreScalar B 1:13
WPSB14 Watch Dog Timer PreScalar B 1:14
WPSB15 Watch Dog Timer PreScalar B 1:15
WPSB16 Watch Dog Timer PreScalar B 1:16
WPSA1 Watch Dog Timer PreScalar A 1:1
WPSA8 Watch Dog Timer PreScalar A 1:8
WPSA64 Watch Dog Timer PreScalar A 1:64
WPSA512 Watch Dog Timer PreScalar A 1:512
PUT4 Power On Reset Timer value 4ms
PUT16 Power On Reset Timer value 16ms
PUT64 Power On Reset Timer value 64ms
COE Device will reset into Clip-On-Emulation mode
NOCOE Device will reset into operational mode
ICSP ICD uses PGC/PGD pins
ICSP1 ICD uses PGC1/PGD1 pins
ICSP2 ICD uses PGC2/PGD2 pins
ICSP3 ICD uses PGC3/PGD3 pins
ICSP4 ICD uses PGC4/PGD4 pins
HFOFST High Frequency INTRC starts clocking CPU immediately
NOHFOFST High Frequency INTRC waits until stable before clocking CPU
MSSPMSK7 MSSP uses 7 bit Masking mode
MSSPMSK5 MSSP uses 5 bit Masking mode
INTRC_PLL_IO Internal RC Osc with 4X PLL, no CLKOUT
INTRC_PLL Internal RC Osc with 4X PLL
CPUDIV6 System Clock by 6
NOCPUDIV System Clock by 1
FRC_PLL Internal Fast RC oscillator with PLL
PR_PLL Primary Oscillator with PLL
FRANGE_HIGH Frequency Range for FRC 14.55MHz
FRANGE_LOW Frequency Range for FRC 9.7MHz
OSCIO OSC2 is general purpose output
NOOSCIO OSC2 is clock output
NOPR Pimary oscillaotr disabled
WINDIS Watch Dog Timer in non-Window mode
NOWINDIS Watch Dog Timer in Window mode
WPRES128 Watch Dog Timer PreScalar 1:128
WPRES32 Watch Dog Timer PreScalar 1:32
WPOSTS1 Watch Dog Timer PostScalar 1:1
WPOSTS2 Watch Dog Timer PostScalar 1:2
WPOSTS3 Watch Dog Timer PostScalar 1:4
WPOSTS4 Watch Dog Timer PostScalar 1:8
WPOSTS5 Watch Dog Timer PostScalar 1:16
WPOSTS6 Watch Dog Timer PostScalar 1:32
WPOSTS7 Watch Dog Timer PostScalar 1:64
WPOSTS8 Watch Dog Timer PostScalar 1:128
WPOSTS9 Watch Dog Timer PostScalar 1:256
WPOSTS10 Watch Dog Timer PostScalar 1:512
WPOSTS11 Watch Dog Timer PostScalar 1:1024
WPOSTS12 Watch Dog Timer PostScalar 1:2048
WPOSTS13 Watch Dog Timer PostScalar 1:4096
WPOSTS14 Watch Dog Timer PostScalar 1:8192
WPOSTS15 Watch Dog Timer PostScalar 1:16384
WPOSTS16 Watch Dog Timer PostScalar 1:32768
PUT2 Power On Reset Timer value 2ms
PUT8 Power On Reset Timer value 8ms
PUT32 Power On Reset Timer value 32ms
PUT128 Power On Reset Timer value 128ms
JTAG JTAG enabled
NOJTAG JTAG disabled
SOSC Secondary oscillator
FRCDIV Fast RC Oscillator with Post Scaler
NOSKSFSM Clock Switching Mode is disabled
IOL1WAY Allows only one reconfiguration of peripheral pins
NOIOL1WAY Allows multiple reconfigurations of peripheral pins
I2C1SELD I2C1 uses default SCL1/SDA1 pins
I2C1SELA I2C1 uses alternate SCL1/SDA1 pins
PROTECTS Standard Code protection
FRC_PS Fast RC Oscillator with Post Scaler
TEMP Temparature protection enabled
NOTEMP Temparature protection disabled
PROTECTH High Code protection
NORSS No secure segment RAM
RSS256 Small-sized secure RAM
RSS2048 Medium sized secure RAM
RSS4096 Large sized secure RAM
NOSSS No secure segment
SSSS Standard protection for secure segment
SSSH High protection for secure segment
WRTSS Secure segment write protected
NOWRTSS Secure segment not write protected
NORBS No Boot RAM defined
RBS128 Boot RAM is 128 bytes
RBS256 Boot RAM is 256 bytes
RBS1024 Boot RAM is 1024 bytes
ALTI2C I2C mapped to alternate pins
NOALTI2C I2C mapped to SDA1/SCL1 pins
FRC_DIV_BY_16 Internal FAST RC oscillator with 16x PLL
FRC_PLL4 Internal Fast RC oscillator with 4X PLL
FRC_PLL8 Internal Fast RC oscillator with 8X PLL
FRC_PLL16 Internal Fast RC oscillator with 16X PLL
BSSH High protection for boot segment
BSSS Standard protection for boot segment
NOBSS No boot segment
RBS Boot Segment RAM code Protection
HPOL_HIGH PWM module high side output pins have active high output polarity
HPOL_LOW PWM module high side output pins have active low output polarity
LPOL_HIGH PWM module low side output pins have active high output polar
PMPEMB PMP Pins are on the external memory bus
NOPMPEMB PMP Pins are not on the external memory bus
HSM High speed Osc, medium power 4MHz-16MHz
HSH High speed Osc, high power 16MHz-25MHz
ECL External clock with CLKOUT(PIC18), low power
ECM External clock with CLKOUT(PIC18), medium power
ECH External clock with CLKOUT(PIC18), high power
ECL_IO External clock, low power
ECM_IO External clock, medium power
ECH_IO External clock ,high power
BORV30 Brownout reset at 3.0V
BORV18 Brownout reset at 1.8V
BORV19 Brownout reset at 1.9V
WDT_SW No Watch Dog Timer, enabled in Software
WDT_NOSLEEP Watch Dog Timer, disabled during SLEEP
WDT_NOSL Watch Dog Timer, disabled during SLEEP
WDT1048576 Watch Dog Timer uses 1:1048576 Postscale
WDT524288 Watch Dog Timer uses 1:524288 Postscale
WDT262144 Watch Dog Timer uses 1:262144 Postscale
WDT131072 Watch Dog Timer uses 1:131072 Postscale
WDT65536 Watch Dog Timer uses 1:65536 Postscale
RTCOSC_INT RTCC uses Internal 31KHz Oscillator as reference source
RTCOSC_T1 RTCC uses Secondary Oscillator as reference source
RTCCK_SOSC RTCC uses Secondary Oscillator as reference source
RTCOSC_LP RTCC uses LPRC as reference source
VCAP_A0 VCAP pin enabled on A0
VCAP_A5 VCAP pin enabled on A5
VCAP_A6 VCAP pin enabled on A6
NOVCAP VCAP pin disabled
VCAP VCAP pin enabled
PLL_SW 4X HW PLL disabled, 4X PLL enabled/disabled in software
PLL 4X HW PLL enabled
WRT_BOOT Program Memory Write Protected from 0 to 0x0FF
WRT_EECON200 Program Memory Write Protected from 0 to 0x1FF
WRT_EECON400 Program Memory Write Protected from 0 to 0x3FF
WRT_EECON1000 Program Memory Write Protected from 0 to 0xFFF
WRT_EECON2000 Program Memory Write Protected from 0 to 0x1FFF
NOPLLEN HW PLL disabled, PLL enabled in software
PLLEN HW PLL enabled
PCLKEN Primary External Clock Enabled
NOPCLKEN Primary External Clock Disabled, Primary External Clock enabled in
NOPROTECT_0 Program Memory Block 0 not protected from reading
PROTECT_0 Program Memory Block 0 protected from reads
NOPROTECT_1 Program Memory Block 1 not protected from reading
PROTECT_1 Program Memory Block 1 protected from reads
WRT0 Program Memory Block 0 write protected
WRT1 Program Memory Block 1 write protected
NOWRT0 Program Memory Block 0 not write protected
NOWRT1 Program Memory Block 1 not write protected
USBDIV2 USB clock comes from the OSC1/OSC2 divided by 2
USBDIV1 USB clock comes directly from the OSC1/OSC
DSWDTOSC_INT DSWDT uses INTRC as reference clock
DSWDTOSC_T1 DSWDT uses T1OSC/T1CKI as reference clock
DSBOR BOR enabled in Deep Sleep
NODSBOR BOR disabled in Deep Sleep
DSWDT Deep Sleep Watchdog Timer enabled
NODSWDT Deep Sleep Watchdog Timer disabled
DSWDT2 DSWDT uses 1:2 Postscale
DSWDT8 DSWDT uses 1:8 Postscale
DSWDT32 DSWDT uses 1:32 Postscale
DSWDT128 DSWDT uses 1:128 Postscale
DSWDT512 DSWDT uses 1:512 Postscale
DSWDT2048 DSWDT uses 1:2048 Postscale
DSWDT8192 DSWDT uses 1:8192 Postscale
DSWDT32768 DSWDT uses 1:32768 Postscale
DSWDT131072 DSWDT uses 1:131072 Postscale
DSWDT524288 DSWDT uses 1:524288 Postscale
DSWDT2097152 DSWDT uses 1:2097152 Postscale
DSWDT8388608 DSWDT uses 1:8388608 Postscale
DSWDT33554432 DSWDT uses 1:33554432 Postscale
DSWDT134217728 DSWDT uses 1:134217728 Postscale
DSWDT536870912 DSWDT uses 1:536870912 Postscale
DSWDT2147483648 DSWDT uses 1:2147483648 Postscale
WPEND Flash pages WPFP to Configuration Words page are write/erase protected
WPBEG Flash pages 0 to WPFP are write/erase protected
WPFP Write/Erase Protect Page Start/End Location, set to last page or use WPFP=x to
set page
NOWPFP Write/Erase Protect Page Start/End Location, set to page 0
NOWPCFG Configuration Words page is not erase/write-protected
WPCFG Configuration Words page is erase/write-protected
WPDIS All Flash memory may be erased or written
NOWPDIS Erase/write-protect active for the selected region(s)
TIMER3C0 Timer3 Clock In is on pin C0
TIMER3B5 Timer3 Clock In is on pin B5
CCP2B5 CCP2 input/output multiplexed with RB5
CCP2C0 CCP2 input/output multiplexed with RC0
CCP2D2 CCP2 input/output multiplexed with RD2
PRIMARY_ON Primary clock is always enabled
PRIMARY_SW Primary clock can be disabled in software
CCP3C6 CCP3 input/output multiplexed with RC6
CCP3B5 CCP3 input/output multiplexed with RB5
CCP3E0 CCP3 input/output multiplexed with RE0
NOT1DIG Secondary Oscillator Source may be select if T1CON.3 = 1
T1DIG Secondary Oscillator Source may be select regardless of T1CON.3 state
ECPLL_IO External Clock with PLL enabled, I/O on RA6
INTEC_IO Internal Clock, EC used by USB, I/O on RA6
INTEC Internal Clock, EC used by USB
VREGSLEEP_SW Ultra low-power regulator is enabled
VREGSLEEP Ultra low-power regulator is disabled
INTRC_LP LF-INTOSC in Low-Power mode during Sleep
INTRC_HP LF-INTOSC in High-Power mode during Sleep
SOSC_LOW Low-power SOSC circuit is selected
SOSC_HIGH High-power SOSC circuit is selected
SOSC_DIG Digital mode, I/O port functionality of RC0 and RC1
SOSC_SEL SOSC circuit selected
BORM_HIGH High-power BOR
BORM_MED Medium Power BOR
BORM_LOW Low-power BOR
CANB CANTX and CANRX pins are located on RB2 and RB3
CANC CANTX and CANRX pins are located on RC6 and RC7
CANE CANTX and CANRX pins are located on RE4 and RE5
EXTADDRSFT External address is shifted to start at 0x000000
NOEXTADDRSFT External address bus reflects the PC value
INTRCPLL_IO Internal RC Osc with 4X PLL, no CLKOUT
INTRCPLL Internal RC Osc with 4X PLL
HPT1OSC Timer1 configured for high-power operation
LPBORV Low-power Brown-out Reset occurs around 2.0V
BORV_HIGH Brown-out Reset set to highest voltage
BORV_MID Brown-out Reset set inbetween highest and lowest voltage
BORV_LOW Brown-out Reset set to lowest voltage
LPFRC_DIV Low-Power FRC oscillator with divide-by-N
FRC_DIV Internal Fast RC oscillator with divide-by-N and PLL
POSCFREQ_H Primary oscillator/external clock input frequency greater than 8 MHz
POSCFREQ_M Primary oscillator/external clock input frequency between 100 kHz and 8
POSCFREQ_L Primary oscillator/external clock input frequency less than 100 kHz
SSSH16K Secure Segment Code Protect High Security, Secure Segment ends at 0x007FFE
SSSS16K Secure Segment Code Protect Standard Security, Secure Segment ends at
SSSH8K Secure Segment Code Protect High Security, Secure Segment ends at 0x003FFE
SSSS8K Secure Segment Code Protect Standard Security, Secure Segment ends at
SSSH4K Secure Segment Code Protect High Security, Secure Segment ends at 0x001FFE
SSSS4K Secure Segment Code Protect Standard Security, Secure Segment ends at
SSSHL Secure Segment Code Protect High Security, Large Secure Segment
SSSHM Secure Segment Code Protect High Security, Medium Secure Segment
SSSHS Secure Segment Code Protect High Security, Small Secure Segment
SSSSL Secure Segment Code Protect Standard Security, Large Secure Segment
SSSSM Secure Segment Code Protect Standard Security, Medium Secure Segment
SSSSS Secure Segment Code Protect Standard Security, Small Secure Segment
BSSH768 Boot Segment Code Protect High Security, Boot Segment ends at 0x0007FE
BSSS768 Boot Segment Code Protect Standard Security, Boot Segment ends at 0x0007FE
BSSH1792 Boot Segment Code Protect High Security, Boot Segment ends at 0x000FFE
BSSS1792 Boot Segment Code Protect Standard Security, Boot Segment ends at 0x000FFE
BSSH256 Boot Segment Code Protect High Security, Boot Segment ends at 0x0003FE
BSSS256 Boot Segment Code Protect Standard Security, Boot Segment ends at 0x0003FE
PROTECT_HIGH General Segment Code Protect High Security
BSSS1152 Boot Segment Code Protect Standard Security, Boot Segment ends at 0x000AFE
BSSH1152 Boot Segment Code Protect High Security, Boot Segment ends at 0x000AFE
BSSS2560 Boot Segment Code Protect Standard Security, Boot Segment ends at 0x0015FE
BSSH2560 Boot Segment Code Protect High Security, Boot Segment ends at 0x0015FE
BSSS5376 Boot Segment Code Protect Standard Security, Boot Segment ends at 0x002BFE
BSSH5376 Boot Segment Code Protect High Security, Boot Segment ends at 0x002BFE
DSWDTCK_SOSC DSWDT uses SOSC as reference clock
DSWDTCK_LPRC DSWDT uses LPRC as reference clock
RTCOSC_SOSC RTCC uses SOSC as reference clock
RTCOSC_LPRC RTCC uses LPRC as reference clock
SOSC_SEC Secondary Oscillator uses High Power Drive Strength
SOSC_SEC_LP Secondary Oscillator uses Low Power Drive Strength
WUT_DEFAULT Voltage Regulator Standby Mode Wake-up Time uses Default start-up time
WUT_FAST Voltage Regulator Standby Mode Wake-up Time uses Fast start-up time
NOCKSNOFSM Clock Switching is disabled, fail Safe clock monitor is disabled
SOSC_IO SOSC pins have digital I/O functions
PLL96MHZ 96MHz PLL is enabled
PLL96MHZ_SW 96MHz PLL is enabled in software
PLLDIV1 No PLL PreScaler
PLLDIV2 Divide By 2(8MHz oscillator input)
PLLDIV3 Divide By 3(12MHz oscillator input)
PLLDIV4 Divide By 4(16MHz oscillator input)
PLLDIV5 Divide By 5(20MHz oscillator input)
PLLDIV6 Divide By 6(24MHz oscillator input)
PLLDIV8 Divide By 8(32MHz oscillator input)
PLLDIV12 Divide by 12(48MHz oscillator input)
DISUVREG Internal USB 3.3V Regulator disabled
NODISUVREG Internal USB 3.3V Regulator enabled
WPEND_LOW Flash pages 0 to WPFP are write/erase protected
WPEND_HIGH Flash pages WPFP to Configuration Words page are write/erase protected
VREFNORM VREF is on a default pins, VREF+ on RA10 and VREF- on RA9
VREFALT VREF is on a alternate pins, VREF+ on RB0 and VREF- on RB1
PMPNORM PMP pins are in default location
PMPALT PMP pins are in alternate location
PMPDE PMP pins are in default location (PORTD and PORTE)
PMPAFH PMP pins are in alternate location (PORTA, PORTF and PORTH)
XLT Crystal osc (200kHz - 4MHz)
XTL Crystal osc (200kHz - 4MHz)
HS2_PLL4 High Speed Crystal osc (10-25MHz) divide by 2 with 4X PLL
HS2_PLL8 High Speed Crystal osc (10-25MHz) divide by 2 with 8X PLL
HS2_PLL16 High Speed Crystal osc (10-25MHz) divide by 2 with 16X PLL
HS3_PLL4 High Speed Crystal osc (10-25MHz) divide by 3 with 4X PLL
HS3_PLL8 High Speed Crystal osc (10-25MHz) divide by 3 with 8X PLL
HS3_PLL16 High Speed Crystal osc (10-25MHz) divide by 3 with 16X PLL
BSSSS Boot Segment Code Protect Standard Security, Small Boot Segment
BSSSM Boot Segment Code Protect Standard Security, Medium Boot Segment
BSSSL Boot Segment Code Protect Standard Security, Large Boot Segment
BSSHS Boot Segment Code Protect High Security, Small Boot Segment
BSSHM Boot Segment Code Protect High Security, Medium Boot Segment
BSSHL Boot Segment Code Protect High Security, Large Boot Segment
NOEBS No Boot Data EEPROM Segment
EBS Boot Data EEPROM Segment is 256 bytes
RBSS Small Boot RAM Segment
RBSM Medium Boot RAM Segment
RBSL Large Boot RAM Segment
NOESS No Secure Data EEPROM Segment
ESS Secure Date EEPROM Segment is 2048 bytes
SS1NORM Use default SS1 pin for SPI1
SS1ALT Use alternate SS1 pin for SPI1
QEIALT Use alternate QEA1, QEB1 and INDX1 pins for QEI1
QEINORM Use default QEA1, QEB1 and INDX1 pins for QEI1
COMP_E_45MV Even Comparators Hysteresis set to 45 mV
COMP_E_30MV Even Comparators Hysteresis set to 30 mV
COMP_E_15MV Even Comparators Hysteresis set to 15 mV
COMP_E_0MV Even Comparators Hysteresis set to 0 V
COMP_E_H2L Even Comparators Hysteresis applied to falling edge
COMP_E_L2H Even Comparators Hysteresis applied to rising edge
COMP_O_45MV Odd Comparators Hysteresis set to 45 mV
COMP_O_30MV Odd Comparators Hysteresis set to 30 mV
COMP_O_15MV Odd Comparators Hysteresis set to 15 mV
COMP_O_0MV Odd Comparators Hysteresis set to 0 V
COMP_O_H2L Odd Comparators Hysteresis applied to falling edge
COMP_O_L2H Odd Comparators Hysteresis applied to rising edge
PROTECTDF Flash Data Memory protected from reads
NOPROTECTDF Flash Data Memory not protected from reads
NOWRT0_50% Program Memory Block 0 not write protected
WRT0_50% Program Memory Block 0 write protected
NOWRT1_50% Program Memory Block 1 not write protected
WRT1_50% Program Memory Block 1 write protected
ADC10 ADC is 10-bits
ADC12 ADC is 12-bits
WDTWIN_25% Watchdog Window is 25% of WDT period
WDTWIN_37% Watchdog Window is 37.5% of WDT period
WDTWIN_50% Watchdog Window is 50% of WDT period
WDTWIN_75% Watchdog Window is 75% of WDT period
PWMLOCK Certain PWM register may only be written after key sequence
NOPWMLOCK PWM register may be written without key sequence
MS Crystal Oscillator 4mhz to 10mhz
PLLWAIT Clock switch to PLL will wait until the PLL lock signal is valid
NOPLLWAIT Clock switch will not wait for the PLL lock signal
ALTI2C1 I2C1 mapped to ASDA1/ASCL1 pins
NOALTI2C1 I2C1 mapped to SDA1/SCL1 pins
ALTI2C2 I2C2 mapped to ASDA2/ASCL2 pins
NOALTI2C2 I2C2 mapped to SDA2/SCL2 pins
NOGSSK General Segment Key bits, use if using both NOWRT and NOPROTECT fuses
GSSK General Segment Key bits, use if using either WRT or PROTECT fuses
RESET_AUX Device will reset to Auxiliary Flash Reset location
RESET_PRIMARY Device will reset to Primary Flash Reset location
AWRT Auxiliary program memory is write-protected
NOAWRT Auxiliary program memory is not write-protected
APROTECT Auxiliary program memory is code-protected
NOAPROTECT Auxiliary program memory is not code-protected
APLK Auxiliary Segment Key bits, use if using either AWRT or APROTECT fuses
NOAPLK Auxiliary Segment Key bits, use if using both NOAWRT and NOAPROTECT fuses
NOLPBOR Low-Power Brownout reset is disabled
LPBOR Low-Power Brownout reset is enabled
NOLPBROWNOUT Low-Power Brownout reset is disabled
LPBROWNOUT Low-Power Brownout reset is enabled
WRT_100 Program Memory Write Protected from 0 to 0x0FF
WRT_200 Program Memory Write Protected from 0 to 0x1FF
WRT_400 Program Memory Write Protected from 0 to 0x3FF
WRT_800 Program Memory Write Protected from 0 to 0x7FF
WRT_1000 Program Memory Write Protected from 0 to 0x0FFF
WRT_2000 Program Memory Write Protected from 0 to 0x1FFF
LS48MHZ Low-Speed USB Clock Selection, 48MHz system clock is expected divide by 8
generates low-speed USB clock
LS24MHZ Low-Speed USB Clock Selection, 24MHz system clock is expected divide by 4
generated low-speed USB clock
VREFALT_CVREFNORM VREF is mapped to AVDD and AVSS; CVREF is mapped to default pins
VREFNORM_CVREFALT VREF is mapped to default pins; CVREF is mapped to AVDD and AVSS
VREFNORM_CVREFNORM VREF and CVREF are mapped to their default pins
DS_SW Deep Sleep is controlled by the register bit DSEN
NODS Deep Sleep operation is always disabled
DSWDT_25DAYS DSWDT uses 1:68719476736 Postscale (25.7Days)
DSWDT_12DAYS DSWDT uses 1:34359738368 Postscale (12.8Days)
DSWDT_6DAYS DSWDT uses 1:17179869184 Postscale (6.4Days)
DSWDT_77HRS DSWDT uses 1:8589934592 Postscale (77Hours)
DSWDT_38HRS DSWDT uses 1:4294967296 Postscale (38.5Hours)
DSWDT_19HRS DSWDT uses 1:2147483648 Postscale (19.2Hours)
DSWDT_9HRS DSWDT uses 1:1073741824 Postscale (9.6Hours)
DSWDT_4HRS DSWDT uses 1:536870912 Postscale (4.8Hours)
DSWDT_2HRS DSWDT uses 1:268435456 Postscale (2.4Hours)
DSWDT_72MINS DSWDT uses 1:134217728 Postscale (72.2Minutes)
DSWDT_36MINS DSWDT uses 1:67108864 Postscale (36.1Minutes)
DSWDT_18MINS DSWDT uses 1:33554432 Postscale (18Minutes)
DSWDT_9MINS DSWDT uses 1:16777216 Postscale (9Minutes)
DSWDT_4MINS DSWDT uses 1:8388608 Postscale (4.5Minutes)
DSWDT_135SEC DSWDT uses 1:4194304 Postscale (135.3Secs)
DSWDT_67SEC DSWDT uses 1:2097152 Postscale (67.7Secs)
DSWDT_33SEC DSWDT uses 1:1048576 Postscale (33.825Secs)
DSWDT_16SEC DSWDT uses 1:524288 Postscale (16.912Secs)
DSWDT_8SEC DSWDT uses 1:262114 Postscale (8.456Secs)
DSWDT_4SEC DSWDT uses 1:131072 Postscale (4.228Secs)
DSWDT_2SEC DSWDT uses 1:65536 Postscale (2.114Secs)
DSWDT_1SEC DSWDT uses 1:32768 Postscale (1.057Secs)
DSWDT_528MS DSWDT uses 1:16384 Postscale (528.5mS)
DSWDT_264MS DSWDT uses 1:8192 Postscale (264.3mS)
DSWDT_132MS DSWDT uses 1:4096 Postscale (132.1mS)
DSWDT_66MS DSWDT uses 1:2048 Postscale (66.1mS)
DSWDT_33MS DSWDT uses 1:1024 Postscale (33mS)
DSWDT_16MS DSWDT uses 1:512 Postscale (16.5mS)
DSWDT_8MS DSWDT uses 1:256 Postscale (8.3mS)
DSWDT_4MS DSWDT uses 1:128 Postscale (4.1mS)
DSWDT_2MS DSWDT uses 1:64 Postscale (2.1mS)
DSWDT_1MS DSWDT uses 1:32 Postscale (1mS)
LVR Low Voltage Regulator Enabled, Controlled in Software
NOLVR Low Voltage Regulator Disabled
PLL3X 3x PLL Output Frequency is selected
PLL4X 4x PLL Output Frequency is selected
SDOC7 SDO is on RC7
SDOB3 SDO is on RB3
CINA_DEFAULT C1INA and C3INA are on their default pin locations
CINA_ALT C1INA and C3INA are all re-mapped to pin RA5
WRT_600 Program Memory Write Protected from 0 to 0x5FF
DSWDTOSC_SOSC DSWDT uses SOSC as reference clock
MSSP2MSK7 MSSP2 uses 7 bit Masking mode
MSSP2MSK5 MSSP uses 5 bit Masking mode
PLL8X 8x PLL Output Frequency is selected
PLL6X 6x PLL Output Frequency is selected
PPS1WAY Allows only one reconfiguration of peripheral pins
NOPPS1WAY Allows multiple reconfigurations of peripheral pins
NOVREGSLEEP Ultra low-power regulator is disabled
T5G_IS_T5G Timer 5 Gate is driven by the T5G input
T5G_IS_T3G Timer 5 Gate is driven by the T3G input
WDTCLK_FRC WDT uses FRC as clock source
WDTCLK_LPRC WDT uses LPRC as clock source
WDTCLK_SOSC WDT uses SOSC as clock source
WDTCLK_PERIPHERAL WDT uses FOSC/4 as clock source
ZCDDIS Zero-cross detect circuit is disabled at POR
NOZCDDIS Zero-cross detect circuit is enabled at POR
LPRC_DIV Low-Power FRC oscillator with divide-by-N
LPRCHIGH Low-Power FRC High Power and High Accuracy
LPRCLOW Low-Power FRC Low Power and Low Accuracy
RTCBAT RTC operation is continued through VBAT
NORTCBAT RTC operation is discontinued in VBAT
SOSC_ANALOG SOSC pins set for Analog mode for use with a crystal
SOSC_DIGITAL SOSC pins set for Digital mode for use with external clock or Digital
WDTCLK_31KHZ WDT uses 31kHz FRC as clock source
WDTCLK_SYS WDT uses system clock as clock source
WDTCMX WDT clock source is determined by the WDTCLK configuration fuses
NOWDTCMX WDT always uses LPRC as its clock source

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