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Work & Energy


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Table of Contents



a. Falling and Bouncing Balls

b. Varieties of Energy in Action

c. Rest Energy and Its Nuclear Manifestation

d. Energy Conservation in a Dam


a. Explanation

b. Elaboration

c. Free Body Diagram




The concepts of work and energy are closely tied to the concept of force because an applied force

can do work on an object and cause a change in energy. Energy is defined as the ability to do work.

The concept of work in physics is much more narrowly defined than the common use of the word.

Work is done on an object when an applied force moves it through a distance. In our everyday

language, work is related to expenditure of muscular effort, but this is not the case in the language

of physics. A person that holds a heavy object does no physical work because the force is not

moving the object through a distance. Work, according to the physics definition, is being

accomplished while the heavy object is being lifted but not while the object is stationary. Another

example of the absence of work is a mass on the end of a string rotating in a horizontal circle on a

frictionless surface. The centripetal force is directed toward the center of the circle and, therefore,

is not moving the object through a distance; that is, the force is not in the direction of motion of

the object. (However, work was done to set the mass in motion.) Mathematically, work is the dot

product of force and displacement, W = F · x, where F is the applied force and x is the distance

moved, that is, displacement. Or the force-displacement path integral

Work is a scalar. Work and Energy is related in Physics by using Work-Energy Theorem. It states

that “work causes a change in energy or work shifts energy from one system to another”.

a. Falling and Bouncing Balls

When one holds the baseball over the side of the building, potential energy is at a peak, but once

the ball is released, potential energy begins to decrease in favor of kinetic energy. The relationship

between these, in fact, is inverse: as the value of one decreases, that of the other increases in exact

proportion. The ball will only fall to the point where its potential energy becomes 0, the same

amount of kinetic energy it possessed before it was dropped.

b. Varieties of Energy in Action

The preceding illustration makes several references to the conversion of kinetic energy to thermal

energy, but it should be stressed that there are only three fundamental varieties of energy: potential,

kinetic, and rest. Though heat is often discussed as a form unto itself, this is done only because the

topic of heat or thermal energy is complex: in fact, thermal energy is simply a result of the kinetic

energy between molecules.

One might thus describe thermal energy as a manifestation of energy, rather than as a discrete

form. Other such manifestations include electromagnetic (sometimes divided into electrical and

magnetic), sound, chemical, and nuclear. The principles governing most of these are similar: for

instance, the positive or negative attraction between two electromagnetically charged particles is

analogous to the force of gravity.

c. Rest Energy and Its Nuclear Manifestation

Nuclear energy is similar to chemical energy, though in this instance, it is based on the binding of

particles within an atom and its nucleus. But it is also different from all other kinds of energy,

because its force component is neither gravitational nor electromagnetic, but based on one of two

other known varieties of force: strong nuclear and weak nuclear. Furthermore, nuclear energy—to

a much greater extent than thermal or chemical energy—involves not only kinetic and potential

energy, but also the mysterious, extraordinarily powerful, form known as rest energy.
d. Energy Conservation in a Dam

A dam provides a beautiful illustration of energy conversion: not only from potential to kinetic,

but from energy in which gravity provides the force component to energy based in electromagnetic

force. A dam big enough to be used for generating hydroelectric power forms a vast steel-and-

concrete curtain that holds back millions of tons of water from a river or other body. The water

nearest the top—the "head" of the dam—thus has enormous potential energy.

Take a bag of marbles into class. Empty it onto the bench so that marbles scatter everywhere and

fall off the bench. Solving for work & energy applied to the marbles.

Explain :

Consider the moment of inertia about the center of mass for a marble of mass 5g & radius 15mm:

The kinetic energy as it rolls along the bench at 0.5 m/s:

thus, the kinetic energy of a rolling marble is given by:


Now consider a marble starting from a stationary position on the edge of the bench and rolling

over the edge.

Applying conservation of energy between two positions:

Position 1: with the center of the marble vertically above the edge (corner) of bench.

Position 2: when the marble just ceases to make contact with the bench, i.e. it has rolled over the

edge to an angle B.

Rearranging the conservation of energy expression, so that the gain in kinetic energy equals loss

of potential energy,

Free body diagram:

So resolving forces normal to the contact force at the corner, noting that when contact is lost,

The marble loses contact with the bench when it has rolled over by 54 degrees and at this instant

it has a velocity:

at 540 to the horizontal so that it will land at some distance from the bench, depending on the height

of the bench.


The conceptualization of energy as the capacity to do something or make something happen is a

very broad definition. However, such an all-encompassing definition allows us to understand

everything from pushing a rock up a hill to melting an ice cube, from stopping a car at an

intersection to harnessing the energy of biomolecules in metabolism, to all be forms of energy

transfer. Indeed, energy on its own has little significance without considering the transference of

energy, either through work or heat. The work–energy theorem is a powerful expression that will

guide our approach to many problems in the Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological

Systems section.

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