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Grade School Department

Guidance and Counseling Services Unit

La Salle Green Hills


School Year 2007-2008

For school year 2007-2008, the Grade 1 Leadership Training Seminar aptly
titled, “LEADing It Up!!!”, was held for two half-day sessions on July 20 and
August 3, 2007 from 7:40 a.m. - 11:20 a.m. both at the Cesar Cruz and Lecture
Halls respectively. The training provided a venue for class officers to gain
knowledge of novel principles, concepts, skills and techniques through a series of
participatory and experiential activities and theoretical inputs related to the
aspect of leadership. The session consisted of two phases focusing mainly on
the topics of Christian Leadership, Roles and Responsibilities of Class Officers,
Leadership Styles and Qualities, Classroom Management, and Teamwork. As
such, it is expected that the officers will imbibe a deeper understanding on how it
is to be a responsible and responsive leader in school.

In pursuit of this undertaking, the Leadership Training Seminar’s objective

include the following:
Terminal: At the end of the Leadership Training Seminar, the class officers will
learn and enhance their knowledge and skills in leadership, and be able to apply
them in their classes.
Enabling: Through the activities, the class officers will be able to:
1. Acquire a comprehensive understanding of the concept of Christian
Leadership, the leader as a follower and the roles, functions and
responsibilities of a leader.
2. Apply the skills in working as a team and promote discipline as a
requisite of being an effective leader.
3. Lead to an improved understanding of conflict dynamics, dealing
with better methods of confronting and managing conflicts and
making good decisions.

A. Instrument
A 9-item evaluation questionnaire was utilized to evaluate the two
sessions. The instrument was divided into two components of which the items
are detailed as seen below:
The first part elicited data through a 5-point rating scale of 5 - Very Much,
4 - Much, 3 - Moderately, 2 - A Little and 1 - Not At All, in response to the conduct
of the Leadership Training.
1. The objectives of the Leadership Training are realized/achieved.
2. The topics are relevant and timely.

3. The learnings I gained are useful and applicable.
4. The counselor was efficient in conducting and managing the activities.
5. The students participated in the activities.
6. The training was successful.
The second part presented the class officers with 3 open-ended sentences
of which they were asked to complete. These items were:
7. The learnings I gained from this leadership training are…
8. The activity I find most helpful is…
9. My comments and suggestions are…

B. Statistical Treatment
To achieve a better understanding of the results, the data assimilated were
statistically treated. The weighted mean for each item was acquired using
the formula:

X = number of responses (F) x numerical value of verbal description

total number of responses


X = F5(5) + F4(4) + F3(3) + F2(2) + F1(1)



A total of 58 evaluation sheets were processed. For the first part (items 1-6),
the frequency of the responses for each item were tallied and the mean and its’
corresponding verbal description were indicated.

Grade One Class Officers’ Rating of the Leadership Training Seminar

Item Very Much Moderately A Little Not Mean Description
Number Much At (X)
1 53 1 2 2 1 4.83 Very Much
2 56 1 0 1 0 4.93 Very Much
3 46 7 1 1 3 4.59 Very Much
4 56 1 1 0 0 4.95 Very Much
5 45 3 2 2 0 4.36 Much
6 55 3 0 0 4.95 Very Much
Overall Rating N = 58 4.77 Very Much

The Leadership Training Seminar obtained a rating of 4.77 (Very Much) in

reference to the over-all conduct of the seminar. The activity experienced a
successful run in that its participants were very enthusiastic and participative in
the various tasks and discussions spearheaded by the speakers and with the
able guidance of its facilitator. In addition, lecturettes and learning activities were
conceptualized in a manner befitting the pupils’ new role as class officers. As

such, it affirmed their willingness and dedication to serve others and at the same
time, master their leadership interests and potentials.
Moreover, the topics presented and the skill-building exercises employed
were apt for the seminar. It was heartening to know that the class officers
recognized that the objectives of the training were met. The class officers were
able to acquire ideas of leadership concepts, tasks, skills and techniques that will
prove beneficial in the manner to which they will manage their class. This was
evident by the 4.83 (Very Much) rating under the area of, “the goals of the
leadership training were achieved”. The expectations articulated by the pupils for
the seminar were promptly attended to and taken note of.
The pupils gave a 4.59 (Very Much) rating with regard to the worth and
applicability of the learnings they gained from the activities. They have found the
sessions relevant to the performance of their duties and responsibilities. The
exercises have been selected in a way that will process the pupils’ cognitive skills
to question, to be listened to, to connect with and to talk about issues concerning
classroom governance. As such, the ideas and know-how’s acquired were very
much feasible to the actual work set-up. It could also be gleaned from the data,
that the class officers recognized the counselor’s efficiency in the conduct of the
Leadership Training. The rating of 4.95 (Very Much) considered how the
counselor contrived interesting, informative and enlightening learning activities
that were selected for the training. They were also content with the fact that
setting realistic goals have helped these officers discover their strengths and
abilities as leaders. The topics presented and the activities included in it were
timely and relevant (4.93, Very Much). The officers valued the topics because
the speakers were efficient and ingenious in presenting them.
The pupils’ participation in the training, which garnered a mean rating of 4.36
(Much), implies how much they appreciated all the exercises. They were found
to be attentive and enthusiastically involved in discussions (expressed their
thoughts and observations), group work and games. To encourage livelier group
participation, rewards in the form of treats were handed out and encouraging
comments were given. It could also be said that the officers considered the
entire training successful (4.95, Very Much). They loved every exciting minute as
the LTS was conceptualized with their interest in mind and incorporate activities
that address the call for vibrant leadership, encourage teamwork and teach them
to work toward a goal. With this, it has opened a wonderful opportunity to learn
and grow as a true Lasallian leader.
The responses below are the open-ended statements aimed at drawing out
the pupils’ comments and suggestions regarding the activity:

7. The learning I gained from the Leadership Training are…

 Teamwork (8)
 Everything that officers need to do (5)
 Mr. John’s talk (3)
 Mr. Jigger’s talk (3)
 Being a Christian gentleman, responsible, respectful, disciplined,
helpful, and able to share

 I leaned to make the class be more behaved

8. The activity I find most helpful is…because…

 Mr. John’s talk (7)
 Ms. Issa’s paper factory activity (7)
 Ms. Shari’s talk (6)
 Mr. Jigger’s talk (4)
 Mr. Gerald’s story was nice (3)
 Ms. Maja’s bingo activity
 Teamwork

9. My comments and suggestions are…

 Ms. Shari, the lesson was fun (4)
 The LTS was nice (3)
 It was good (2) and successful (2)
 I like the topic on teamwork very well (2)
 Ms. Shari, I like the talk… it was good
 The LTS was a blast, it was ok
 Ms. Shari, you did a good job
 I love the session
 Ms. Shari you don’t smile well, but you laugh well

The second part of the evaluation gave the participants the opportunity to
express creatively what they think and feel about the training. It can be said that
the lively and insightful activities, and the speakers who have shared their
knowledge during the training, helped in providing the intrinsic motivation
necessary for the class officers to learn basic leadership concepts and skills.
The training has somehow been a contributor of practical resource to assist
pupils in making intelligent, informed decisions by enhancing their learning. Most
of the class officers’ suggestions and comments proved that the training achieved
its’ goals and objectives.


The Grade 1 Leadership Training Seminar was a success in terms of the
learnings gained from the array of activities that was prepared for them. It can be
said that the lively and insightful activities and the speakers who have imparted
vital knowledge have helped in providing the intrinsic motivation necessary for
the class officers to learn basic leadership ideals. The training has somehow
been providing practical resource to assist the pupils in making intelligent,
informed decisions by enhancing that learning. It could also be said that they
found the sessions fun and exciting. Having listened attentively to the points
articulated during the session allowed the pupils to discern an assortment of
ideas and experiences. As such, it equipped them to gain the confidence and
skills to be able to deal with the stipulated leadership tasks. Majority of the

officers’ suggestions and comments affirm the fact that the session achieved its’
Based on the foregoing, the following recommendations are hereby
1. Prepare more creative, stimulating (incorporate movement) and fun-filled
activities so as to offset boredom.
2. Reinforce the reward system as this helps a lot in maintaining discipline
and encourage livelier class participation.
3. Continue inviting speakers who can share practical information that can
enhance their commitment and know-how as leaders.
4. Hold individual sessions/consultation with class officers who may be
having difficulties with regard to the performance of their duties.
5. Involve more topics on the smooth operation of classroom government
and/or discipline so as to make the officers more effective and responsive
in their implementation of such.

Prepared and Submitted by:

Ms. Shari Mae B. Arbues

Grade One Guidance Counselor

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