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ACM 95a/100a

Introductory Methods of Applied Mathematics for the Physical Sciences

Instructor Head TA
Niles A. Pierce Olivia Pomerenk

Term 1 (ACM95a/100a): Complex analysis and ordinary differential equations (initial value problems).
Term 2 (ACM95b/100b): Ordinary differential equations (boundary value problems) and partial differential equations.

Complex Analysis: Introduction to complex numbers, polar form, Euler's formula, the complex
exponential, the complex logarithm, multi-valuedness, periodicity, branch points, complex
exponents, trigonometric functions, inverse trigonometric functions, one-to-one mappings,
Riemann surfaces, the point at infinity, the stereographic projection, branch cuts, regions of the
complex plane, limits and continuity, the complex derivative, the Cauchy-Riemann equations,
analyticity, complex integration, parameterization, contour integrals, bounding contour integrals,
fundamental theorem for contour integration, equivalence between existence of antiderivatives, vanishing of closed contour
integrals and independence of path, the Cauchy-Goursat theorem, extensions to self-intersecting contours and multiply-
connected domains, deformation of contours, Cauchy integral formula, derivatives of analytic functions, generalized Cauchy
integral formula, Morera's theorem, sequences, series, uniform convergence, Taylor series, uniqueness of analytic functions,
power series, Weierstrass M-test, circle of convergence, the ratio test, continuity of power series, integration of power series,
analyticity of power series, differentiation of power series, uniqueness of power series, arithmetic operations on power series,
Laurent series, zeros of analytic functions, isolated singularities, removable singularities, poles, essential singularities, Picard's
theorem, non-isolated essential singularities, residues, calculating residues, Cauchy's residue theorem, trigonometric integrals,
improper integrals, the Cauchy principal value, the art of contour selection, Jordan's lemma, indented contours, integrals
involving branch points, analytic continuation, the monodromy theorem.

Ordinary Differential Equations (Initial Value Problems): Introduction to differential equations;

linear first order ODEs: integrating factors, integral curves, singular points, existence and uniqueness,
the view in the complex plane; homogenous second order linear initial value problems (IVPs):
solution properties, the constant coefficient case, reduction of order; nonhomogeneous second order
linear IVPs: variation of parameters, the delta function, Heaviside step function, Green's functions,
jump conditions; Laplace transform: convolution, shifting theorems, inverting Laplace transforms
with the Mellin inversion formula and the Bromwich contour; nonlinear first order ODEs: Picard's
existence and uniqueness theorem; numerical methods: explicit Euler, implicit Euler and trapezoidal rule, truncation error,
order of accuracy, solution error, explicit Runge-Kutta methods, linear stability analysis, generalization to first order
nonlinear systems; linear equations with analytic coefficients: series solutions near ordinary points, solution behavior near
singular points, regular singular points, Euler equations, solutions near regular singular points by the method of Frobenius.

Course Web Site
Optional Text
J.W. Brown and R.V. Churchill. Complex Variables and Applications, 5th ($5), 6th ($5), 8th ($20) or 9th ($128) editions.

Additional Reserve Texts

M.J. Ablowitz and A.S. Fokas. Complex Variables: Introduction and Applications, Cambridge University Press, 1997.
G. Birkhoff and G.-C. Rota. Ordinary Differential Equations, 3rd ed, Wiley, 1978.
W.E. Boyce and R.C. DiPrima. Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems, 7th ed, Wiley, 2001.
E. Butkov, Mathematical Physics, Addison-Wesley, 1968.
E.A. Coddington, An Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations, Prentice-Hall, 1961.
J.D. Lambert, Numerical Methods for Ordinary Differential Systems, Wiley, 1991.
N. Levinson and R.M. Redheffer. Complex Variables, Holden-Day, 1970.
E.B. Saff and A.D. Snider. Complex Variables for Mathematics, Science and Engineering, 3rd Ed., Prentice Hall, 2002.
The abridged version of Sean Mach's text book posted on the ACM95a/100a Moodle page (

Honor Code
It is a violation of the honor code to use ACM 95/100 materials from previous years.

11:05am to 12:15pm in 119 Kerckhoff

Problem Sets
Available online at 3pm, due at 3pm in the drop box on the north side of Steele House (east of Annenberg).
Collaboration is encouraged but prepare your own unique solutions.
If you need help, ask a TA… if you still need help, ask the Head TA…if you still need help, ask the instructor.
Accepted without extension for 50% credit up to one week late;
extensions only in exceptional circumstances (see the Head TA).
Solutions available online on the evening of the due date; please report suspected errors to the Head TA.
Problem Set 6 includes programming (e.g., using Matlab or Python); the Head TA will offer a programming tutorial.
Anonymous feedback to Instructor and TAs on the ACM95a/100a Moodle page (

The Head TA will offer a review session before each exam.
Closed-book: with the exception of official lecture handouts and problem set questions, only material written in your own
hand or typed by your own hand may be used during exams. No electronic devices are permitted (e.g., no computers,
calculators, tablets, phones, smartwatches, etc).

20% problem sets, 40% midterm, 40% final

Problem Set & Exam Schedule (any updates at course web site)
Available Due
PS 1 Wednesday 1/8 Friday 1/17
PS 2 Friday 1/17 Monday 1/27
PS 3 Monday 1/27 Wednesday 2/5
PS 4 Wednesday 2/5 Friday 2/14
Midterm 7pm-10pm Tuesday 2/18 (location TBA)
PS 5 Wednesday 2/19 Friday 2/28
PS 6 Friday 2/28 Friday 3/13
Final 7pm-10pm Wednesday 3/18 (location TBA)

TA Office Hours
To be announced on the course web site. You are welcome to attend as many office hours as you like. Office hours will be
held starting toward the end of the first week (TBA).

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