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Planning for problems

Unit 13 – Final Major Project

Documentary – “The cosmic world”

Planning for Theoretical problems

Problems I may encounter when How I plan to resolve these problems
researching and planning
Not enough responses to my surveys – To reach out to more audience I will send
out surveys on more mediums than I have in the past. I will link my survey’s on
multiple social media platforms, I will email links to people and directly message
people so that they are more likely to do the survey.

Lack of detail in survey responses – To try to get as much detail as possible from
surveys I will ask relevant question that cannot be answered yes or no and make
the answer an enlarged text box so the respondent feels obligated to fill more
space with therefor more detail. I will also have focus groups/interviews to get
more detailed responses and so that I can ask them to elaborate.

Not enough people available at the same time for my focus group – Over the
previous projects I have come into strong contact with various people who I know
are reliable and available for focus groups and if they are not available I have
quite a range of reliable family members who have no problem helping me by
being in my focus group.

Unreliable information on topic – Through my own personal hobbies in the subject I

know of and have read books by very credible authors such as Stephen Hawkins
and Neil Degrasse Tyson, both people who have reliable information on the topic
so I can trust them for research on the topic. I will also be checking multiple
sources for the same research to make sure there are not credible conflicting
research pieces so that my information is correct and most likely reliable. Also,
through teaching myself I have learned a lot on the subject and general how to
think scientifically about the topics.

Too much information to choose from, as Astrophysics is a very broad subject

there is a lot of content about it. – Similar to the last problem I will rely on the more
credible experts and research studies in the sector so that my work will most likely
present the right information about my topics and so that I am following as much
non-conflicting information as possible, I have also chosen subjects that we have
fairly solid knowledge off already but as always in science, not everything is
certain so as solid as it can be.

Planning for practical and technical problems

Problems I may encounter when How I plan to resolve these problems
researching and planning
My camera may run out of battery – I will fully charge all three batteries for each
day of filming; 2 batteries can last a whole day of high-quality filming and
reshoots. I will also have my charger with me and my car so if there is not power
nearby, I can use my car battery to charge the camera batteries. Also, my
microphone runs off my camera battery.

My cameraman might be unavailable or unexpectedly cancel – I have two

different cameramen who have exceptional skills and have already said they will
happily help me with my production and I would only need one at a time so if one
is not available I should be able to contact the other, if both are unavailable I will
film anything I do not need to be in shot for and re-schedule the filming date. To
allow myself to do this I plan to stick solidly to my schedule to allow for changing
filming dates.

As I can to film outside, wind may interfere with audio – I have a deadcat/mic
sock for my microphone to deal with outdoor winds.

Experiments may not work or show expected result when filming – As I will be
explaining my topics in a simple way for viewers to understand the experiments will
be deliberately simpler so that there is a higher chance of the result being correct
without too many uncontrollable variables. To avoid this problem, I will also be
ensuring that the experiments I do have been thoroughly worked on and
completed before by others so that I know what to expect and so that it links with
my research.

Due to outside filming, rain could interfere – For my filming locations I will look at
alternative indoor locations that could substitute for the original location. If
possible, I will change what I am filming that day if there if something indoors I can
film when it is raining. By sticking strictly to my production schedule I will allow for
dates to changed and pushed back in case weather do not permit and in my
contingency plan I have back-up locations for every scene and location just in
case of the worst case scenario of consistent rain.

I may not be able to access the locations I want to – In case I am not allowed to
film in the locations I want to due to the land owners I will be putting in my
contingency plan back-up locations but I will also be emailing the various owners
for permission to film as soon as I know where I want to film so that I have time to
change my planning in good time before the production stage.

It could turn out longer than expected with all of the information I have – To resolve
this problem I will be doing detailed research however I will simplify and conclude
throughout my research as well so that when I am producing the script the
information is easy enough to understand and so that I do not go into too much
detail on each subject and therefor allow enough time to reach the time frame
set by the competition. I will also make sure I have “back-up” footage in case I
end up with too little content as I may cut scenes out in the editing stage and if re-
shooting is not possible.

Mid project check-up (After research)

End project review

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