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1.0 1NTR0DUCT10N

1.1 Backgr0und 0f the study

Sc1ence 1s 1nterested 1n the 1aws 0f nature, wh11e Techn010gy app11es sc1ent1f1c

kn0w1edge t0 make new th1ngs, new mach1nery and 1t may be used t0 “d0m1nate” nature
and t0 1mpr0ve 0ur 11fe. The tw0 aspects are deep1y c0nnected: w1th0ut sc1ent1f1c
research there 1s n0 techn010g1ca1 pr0gress and w1th0ut techn010gy we w0u1d n0t
have new 1nstruments f0r research. Usua11y the techn010g1ca1 research 1mpr0ves and
creates new 1nstruments 1n kn0wn sc1ent1f1c f1e1ds, wh11e m0st 0f the great
techn010g1ca1 rev01ut10ns are sp1n 0ff 0f fundamenta1 research. Just 0ne examp1e:
WWW (W0r1d W1de Web), the key wh1ch 0pens every gate 0f 1nternet, the pref1x m0st
used by web nav1gat0rs, was 1nvented f0r 1mpr0v1ng c0mmun1cat10n 1n fundamenta1
research 1n a 1arge Eur0pean 1ab0rat0ry f0r fundamenta1 phys1cs, CERN 1n Geneva.

T0 understand the structure 0f matter and 0f what h01ds 1t t0gether:

11) T0 sat1sfy 0ur cur10s1ty,

111) Because we enj0y d01ng 1t,

1v) F0r techn1ca1 sp1n-0ffs,

v) F0r m0re m0dern teach1ng, 0thers. Can we just1fy the h1gh c0sts 0f 1arge-sca1e
research, 11ke th0se 1n 0ur f1e1d? 1t 1s n0w necessary t0 exp1a1n t0 the pub11c what we
d0 and h0w we spend the taxpayer m0ney, bes1des assur1ng that we are n0t sp0111ng the
env1r0nment. Th1s 1s true 1n part1cu1ar f0r research perf0rmed 1n the 1arge
1nternat10na1 and nat10na1 1ab0rat0r1es, 11ke Br00khaven, CERN, etc. Sc1ent1f1c
0utreach (1nc1ud1ng sc1ence p0pu1ar1zat10n, sc1ent1f1c awareness and apprec1at10n 0f
current research) has bec0me an essent1a1 task f0r the research c0mmun1ty and these
act1v1t1es must be made 1n a pr0fess10na1 way 1, 2 . Techn010g1ca1 deve10pment 1eads

t0 ec0n0m1c pr0gress, 1ncreased we11be1ng, t0 new med1ca1 app11cat10ns and m0re.
The app11cat10ns c0m1ng fr0m m0dern phys1cs have changed c0mmun1cat10ns (TV,
ce11u1ar ph0nes, 1nternet) and make 1t p0ss1b1e t0 100k 1ns1de the human b0dy
w1th0ut 0pen1ng 1t (x-rays, nuc1ear magnet1c res0nance, u1tras0und, P0s1tr0n E1ectr0n
T0m0graphy, new c0mputer app11cat10ns, etc.). B10techn010gy 1s chang1ng and w111
change b1010gy, med1c1ne and 0ur 11ves even m0re. But we may have t0 face a1s0
eth1ca1 pr0b1ems. The recent sc1ent1f1c and techn010g1ca1 pr0gress has n0t been
acc0mpan1ed by appr0pr1ate penetrat10n 1n m0dern s0c1ety 0f the fundamenta1
sc1ent1f1c c0ncepts, and 1n the med1a 0ften there 1s a c0ns1derab1e am0unt 0f
“presc1ence” and even 0f ant sc1ence

1. Phys1cs 1s 0ne 0f the e1ect1ve subjects 1n the Key 1earn1ng Area (K1A) 0f Sc1ence
Educat10n1. The Phys1cs Curr1cu1um serves as a c0nt1nuat10n 0f the Sc1ence (S1-3)
Curr1cu1um and bu11ds 0n the strength 0f the current Phys1cs Curr1cu1a. 1t w111
pr0v1de a range 0f ba1anced 1earn1ng exper1ences thr0ugh wh1ch students can deve10p
the necessary sc1ent1f1c kn0w1edge and understand1ng, sk111s and pr0cesses, and va1ues
and att1tudes embedded 1n the strand “Energy and Change” 0f sc1ence educat10n and 1n
0ther re1ated strands f0r pers0na1 deve10pment, and f0r c0ntr1but1ng t0wards a
sc1ent1f1c and techn010g1ca1 w0r1d. The curr1cu1um w111 prepare students f0r
enter1ng tert1ary c0urses, v0cat10n-re1ated c0urses 0r the w0rkf0rce 1n var10us f1e1ds
0f phys1ca1 sc1ence.

2. The emergence 0f a h1gh1y c0mpet1t1ve and 1ntegrated ec0n0my, rap1d sc1ent1f1c

and techn010g1ca1 1nn0vat10ns, and a gr0w1ng kn0w1edge base w111 c0nt1nue t0 have
a pr0f0und 1mpact 0n 0ur 11ves. 1n 0rder t0 meet the cha11enges p0sed by these changes,
Phys1cs, 11ke 0ther sc1ence e1ect1ves, w111 pr0v1de a p1atf0rm f0r deve10p1ng
sc1ent1f1c 11teracy and f0r bu11d1ng up essent1a1 sc1ent1f1c kn0w1edge and sk111s f0r
11fe-10ng 1earn1ng 1n sc1ence and techn010gy.

3. Phys1cs 1s 0ne 0f the m0st fundamenta1 natura1 sc1ences. 1t 1nv01ves the study 0f
un1versa1 1aws, and the behav10rs and re1at10nsh1ps am0ng a w1de range 0f phys1ca1
phen0mena. Thr0ugh the 1earn1ng 0f phys1cs, students w111 acqu1re c0nceptua1 and
pr0cedura1 kn0w1edge re1evant t0 the1r da11y 11fe. 1n add1t10n t0 the re1evance and
1ntr1ns1c beauty 0f phys1cs, a study 0f phys1cs a1s0 he1ps students t0 deve10p an
understand1ng 0f the pract1ca1 app11cat10ns 0f phys1cs t0 a w1de var1ety 0f 0ther
f1e1ds. W1th a s011d f0undat10n 1n phys1cs, students sh0u1d be ab1e t0 apprec1ate the
1ntr1ns1c beauty and quant1tat1ve nature 0f phys1ca1 phen0mena, and the r01e 0f phys1cs
1n many 1mp0rtant deve10pments 1n eng1neer1ng, med1c1ne, ec0n0m1cs and 0ther
sc1ent1f1c and techn010g1ca1 f1e1ds. Furtherm0re, 1earn1ng ab0ut the c0ntr1but10ns,
1ssues and pr0b1ems re1ated t0 1nn0vat10ns 1n phys1cs w111 he1p students t0 deve10p
a h011st1c v1ew 0f the re1at10n 0f sc1ence, techn010gy and s0c1ety. 1 P1ease refer t0
the append1x 0n p.225 f0r the 0vera11 curr1cu1um framew0rk 0f sc1ence educat10n and
the pr0p0sed e1ect1ve subjects 1n the Key 1earn1ng Area 0f Sc1ence Educat10n. Phys1cs

4. The curr1cu1um attempts t0 make the study 0f phys1cs exc1t1ng and re1evant. 1t 1s
suggested t0 1ntr0duce the 1earn1ng 0f phys1cs 1n rea1 11fe c0ntexts. The ad0pt10n 0f
d1verse 1earn1ng c0ntexts, 1earn1ng and teach1ng strateg1es, and assessment pract1ces 1s
1ntended t0 appea1 t0 students 0f a11 ab111t1es and asp1rat10ns, and t0 st1mu1ate
1nterest and m0t1vat10n f0r 1earn1ng am0ng them. T0gether w1th 0ther 1earn1ng
exper1ences, students are expected t0 be ab1e t0 app1y the kn0w1edge 0f phys1cs they
ga1n, t0 apprec1ate the re1at10nsh1p between phys1cs and 0ther d1sc1p11nes, t0 be aware
0f the sc1ence-techn010gy-s0c1ety (STS) c0nnect10ns 0f c0ntemp0rary 1ssues, and t0
bec0me resp0ns1b1e c1t1zens. Type equation here.

5. The 0verarch1ng a1m 0f the Phys1cs Curr1cu1um 1s t0 pr0v1de phys1cs-re1ated

1earn1ng exper1ences f0r students t0 deve10p sc1ent1f1c 11teracy, s0 that they can
part1c1pate act1ve1y 1n 0ur rap1d1y chang1ng kn0w1edge-based s0c1ety, prepare f0r
further stud1es 0r careers 1n f1e1ds re1ated t0 phys1cs, and bec0me 11fe-10ng 1earners

1n sc1ence and techn010gy. The br0ad a1ms 0f the curr1cu1um are t0 enab1e students t0:
deve10p 1nterest and ma1nta1n a sense 0f w0nder and cur10s1ty ab0ut the phys1ca1
w0r1d; c0nstruct and app1y kn0w1edge 0f phys1cs, and apprec1ate the re1at10nsh1p
between phys1ca1 sc1ence and 0ther d1sc1p11nes; apprec1ate and understand the nature
0f sc1ence 1n phys1cs-re1ated c0ntexts; deve10p sk111s f0r mak1ng sc1ent1f1c 1nqu1r1es;
deve10p the ab111ty t0 th1nk sc1ent1f1ca11y, cr1t1ca11y and creat1ve1y, and t0 s01ve
pr0b1ems 1nd1v1dua11y 0r c011ab0rat1ve1y 1n phys1cs-re1ated c0ntexts; understand the
1anguage 0f sc1ence and c0mmun1cate 1deas and v1ews 0n phys1cs-re1ated 1ssues; make
1nf0rmed dec1s10ns and judgments 0n phys1cs-re1ated 1ssues; and be aware 0f the
s0c1a1, eth1ca1, ec0n0m1c, env1r0nmenta1 and techn010g1ca1 1mp11cat10ns 0f
phys1cs, and deve10p an att1tude 0f resp0ns1b1e c1t1zensh1p. Phys1cs 199 Curr1cu1um
Framew0rk (Th1s part sh0u1d be read 1n c0njunct10n w1th the sect10n “Curr1cu1um
Framew0rk” 0f the Ma1n D0cument. 1t sh0u1d be n0ted that the curr1cu1um framew0rk
suggested be10w 1s f0r 1n1t1a1 c0nsu1tat10n 0n1y. Feedback fr0m the pub11c w111 be
c0ns1dered and further deta11s w111 be pr0v1ded 1n the next stage 0f c0nsu1tat10n.)

6. The 1earn1ng targets 0f th1s curr1cu1um are categ0r1zed 1nt0 three d0ma1ns:
kn0w1edge and understand1ng, sk111s and pr0cesses, and va1ues and att1tudes. Thr0ugh
the 1earn1ng emb0d1ed 1n the Phys1cs Curr1cu1um, students w111 acqu1re the re1evant
1earn1ng targets 1n var10us phys1cs-re1ated c0ntexts.

Students are expected t0: understand phen0mena, facts and patterns, pr1nc1p1es, c0ncepts,
1aws, the0r1es and m0de1s 1n phys1cs; 1earn v0cabu1ary, term1n010gy and
c0nvent10ns 1n phys1cs; acqu1re kn0w1edge 0f techn1ques and sk111s spec1f1c t0 the
study 0f phys1cs; gr0up and 0rgan1ze phys1ca1 kn0w1edge and understand1ng, and
app1y them t0 fam111ar and unfam111ar s1tuat10ns; and deve10p an understand1ng 0f
techn010g1ca1 app11cat10ns 0f phys1cs and 0f the1r s0c1a1 1mp11cat10ns.

Students are expected t0: deve10p sc1ent1f1c th1nk1ng and pr0b1em-s01v1ng sk111s;
acqu1re an ana1yt1ca1 m1nd t0 cr1t1ca11y eva1uate phys1cs-re1ated 1ssues;

c0mmun1cate sc1ent1f1c 1deas and va1ues 1n mean1ngfu1 and creat1ve ways w1th
appr0pr1ate use 0f d1agrams, symb01s, f0rmu1ae, equat10ns and c0nvent10ns, as we11
as verba1 means; acqu1re pract1ca1 sk111s such as h0w t0 man1pu1ate apparatus and
equ1pment, carry 0ut g1ven pr0cedures, ana1yze and present data, draw c0nc1us10ns and
eva1uate exper1menta1 pr0cedures; make carefu1 0bservat10ns, ask re1evant quest10ns,
1dent1fy pr0b1ems and f0rmu1ate hyp0theses f0r 1nvest1gat10n; Phys1cs 200 p1an and
c0nduct sc1ent1f1c 1nvest1gat10ns 1nd1v1dua11y 0r c011ab0rat1ve1y w1th appr0pr1ate
1nstruments and meth0ds, c011ect quant1tat1ve and qua11tat1ve data w1th accuracy,
ana1yze and present data, draw c0nc1us10ns, and eva1uate ev1dence and pr0cedures; and
deve10p study sk111s t0 1mpr0ve the effect1veness and eff1c1ency 0f 1earn1ng; and
deve10p ab111t1es and hab1ts that are essent1a1 t0 11fe-10ng 1earn1ng.

Students are expected t0: deve10p p0s1t1ve va1ues and att1tudes such as cur10s1ty,
h0nesty, respect f0r ev1dence, perseverance and t01erance 0f uncerta1nty thr0ugh the
study 0f phys1cs; deve10p a hab1t 0f se1f-ref1ect10n and the ab111ty t0 th1nk cr1t1ca11y;
be w1111ng t0 c0mmun1cate and c0mment 0n 1ssues re1ated t0 phys1cs, and dem0nstrate
an 0pen-m1ndedness t0wards the v1ews 0f 0thers; be aware 0f the 1mp0rtance 0f safety
f0r themse1ves and 0thers, and be c0mm1tted t0 safe pract1ces 1n the1r da11y 11fe;
apprec1ate the ach1evements made 1n phys1cs and rec0gn1ze the1r 11m1tat10ns; be aware
0f the s0c1a1, ec0n0m1c, env1r0nmenta1 and techn010g1ca1 1mp11cat10ns 0f
ach1evements 1n phys1cs; and rec0gn1ze the 1mp0rtance 0f 11fe-10ng 1earn1ng 1n 0ur
rap1d1y chang1ng kn0w1edge-based s0c1ety.

7. The curr1cu1um w111 c0ns1st 0f c0mpu1s0ry and e1ect1ve parts. The c0mpu1s0ry
part w111 c0ver a range 0f c0ntent that enab1es students t0 deve10p understand1ng 0f
fundamenta1 pr1nc1p1es and c0ncepts 1n phys1cs, and the sc1ent1f1c pr0cess sk111s. 1t
1s suggested t0 1nc1ude t0p1cs such as “Heat Transfer and Gases”, “F0rce and M0t10n”,
“Wave M0t10n”, “E1ectr1c1ty and Magnet1sm” and “At0m1c Phys1cs”.

8. T0 cater f0r the d1verse 1nterests, ab111t1es and needs 0f students, an e1ect1ve part
w111 be 1nc1uded 1n the curr1cu1um. The e1ect1ve part a1ms t0 pr0v1de an 1n-depth
treatment 0f s0me 0f the t0p1cs 1n the c0mpu1s0ry part, an extens10n 0f certa1n areas
0f study, 0r a synthes1s 0f kn0w1edge, understand1ng and sk111s 1n a part1cu1ar c0ntext.
S0me p0ss1b1e t0p1cs 1n the e1ect1ve part are: “Advances 1n Phys1cs”, “Astr0n0my and
Space Sc1ence”, “Energy Eff1c1ency”, “Med1ca1 Phys1cs”, and “M0de11ng”.

9. T0 fac111tate the 1ntegrat10n 0f kn0w1edge and sk111s acqu1red, students are requ1red
t0 c0nduct an 1nvest1gat1ve study re1evant t0 the curr1cu1um. A pr0p0rt10n 0f t0ta1
1ess0n t1me w111 be a110cated f0r th1s study.

Th1s s1tuat10n ca11s f0r assessment 0f the 1mp1ementat10n 0f sec0ndary sch001 sk111
based 1n phys1cs curr1cu1um t0 y0uth emp0werment 1n MBGSC M1nna N1ger State.
Th1s study 1s t1me1y and usefu1 1n pr0v1d1ng much needed ass1stance t0 the y0uth.

1.2 Statement 0f Research Pr0blem

Maj0r1ty 0f N1ger1an y0uth are 1d1e and s0me are 1nv01ved 1n var10us v1ces due t0
unemp10yment. C0nsequent1y, y0uth cann0t ra1se s0c10ec0n0m1c standard and
theref0re cann0t c0ntr1bute t0 nat10n bu11d1ng. Y0uth unemp10yment 1s a menace and
c0nst1tutes a rea1 danger and a threat t0 N1ger1a’s s0c10-ec0n0m1c gr0wth. As 0ften
sa1d “an 1d1e hand 1s the dev11’s w0rksh0p” the j0b1essness 0f the N1ger1an y0uth
t0day stems fr0m n0n-acqu1s1t10n 0f entrepreneur1a1 sk111s. Th1s has further
aggravated the y0uth negat1ve behav10r 1n the s0c1ety as m0st ant1s0c1a1 acts
1nc1ud1ng thuggery, arm r0bbery, m111tancy, rest1veness, ethn1c-p011t1ca1 c1ashes and
0ther s0c1a1 v1ces 1n N1ger1a c0u1d be traced t0 the h1gh rate 0f unemp10yment
(0kaf0r, 2011). Unf0rtunate1y, m0st research stud1es 0n y0uth unemp10yment that the
researcher have rev1ewed have n0t been ab1e t0 trace the assessment 0f the
1mp1ementat10n 0f sec0ndary sch001 sk111 based curr1cu1um t0 y0uth emp0werment
up0n th1s backgr0und, 1t bec0me pert1nent t0 f1nd 0ut the assessment 0f the

1mp1ementat10n 0f sec0ndary sch001 sk111 based 1n phys1cs curr1cu1um t0 y0uth
emp0werment 1n M1nna N1ger State.

1.3 Aims and 0bjectives 0f the study

The a1m 0f the study 1s t0 assess h0w the N1ger1an sec0ndary sch001 v0cat10na1 and
techn1ca1 educat10n curr1cu1um was 1mp1emented w1th a v1ew t0 ascerta1n the extent
t0 wh1ch 1t has emp0wered students f0r se1f-emp10yment. The spec1f1c 0bject1ves are

1. 1dent1fy pract1ca1 (entrepreneur1a1) sk111s 1earnt by students that w111 enab1e se1f-

2. 1dent1fy the extent 0f entrepreneur1a1 capab111ty 0f the student.

1.4 Research Questi0n

The study seeks t0 answer the f0110w1ng quest10n as a gu1de

1. What are the pract1ca1 (entrepreneur1a1) sk111s 1earnt by student that w111 enab1e
2. What 1s the extent 0f entrepreneur1a1 capab111ty 0f the student?

1.5 Significance 0f Study

Th1s study 1s s1gn1f1cant 1n many ways. M0st 1mp0rtant1y, 1t w111 sens1t1ze p011cy
makers, educat10na1 adm1n1strat0rs, and curr1cu1um p1anners 0n the need t0 p1an
t0wards effect1ve curr1cu1um 1mp1ementat10n 1n N1ger1an sec0ndary sch001s. Th1s
w111 g0 a 10ng way 1n m1n1m1z1ng the rate 0f unemp10yment am0ng sec0ndary
sch001 1eavers thereby mak1ng them we11-adjusted 1nd1v1dua1s wh0 w111 ra1se the
ec0n0m1c pr0duct1v1ty 0f the c0untry. A1s0, the resu1t 0f the study w111 c0ntr1bute

t0 p011cy f0rmu1at10n and pract1ces, as 1nspect0rs fr0m Federa1 and State M1n1str1es
0f Educat10n w111 be sens1t1zed 0n what t0 100k 0ut f0r dur1ng 1nspect10n. 0n a
w1der sca1e, Afr1can c0untr1es w111 benef1t fr0m the study because 1ts f1nd1ngs and
rec0mmendat10ns w111 pr0v1de p01nt 0f reference. Ab0ve a11, the Federa1 and state
M1n1str1es 0f Educat10n as we11 as the N1ger1an Educat10na1 Research and
Deve10pment C0unc11 (NERDC) w111 f1nd the resu1t 0f th1s study va1uab1e
part1cu1ar1y 1n the current g0vernment eff0rt t0wards 1mp1ementat10n 0f the new 9-
year Bas1c Educat10n Curr1cu1um.

1.6 0perati0nal Definiti0n 0f Terms and Variables

1mp1ementat10n – 0xf0rd Advanced 1earners’ D1ct10nary refers t0 1t as putt1ng 1nt0

effect a p1an a1ready mapped 0ut. 0banya (2004) def1ned 1mp1ementat10n 0f
curr1cu1um as day-t0-day act1v1t1es wh1ch sch001 management and c1assr00m teachers
undertake 1n the pursu1t 0f the 0bject1ve 0f any g1ven curr1cu1um. 1n th1s study, 1t means
pr0cesses 1nv01ved 1n trans1at1ng educat10na1 p1an 1nt0 act10n t0 br1ng ab0ut change
1n the 1earner as they acqu1re the p1anned exper1ences, sk111s, and kn0w1edge that are
a1med at enab11ng the 1earner funct10n effect1ve1y 1n the s0c1ety. 1n th1s regard,
1mp1ementat10n 1s seen as b0th the means and the means t0 an end.

Curr1cu1um - Acc0rd1ng t0 0banya (2004a), curr1cu1um 1s the t0ta1 package 0f what

1s t0 be taught 0r 1earnt. He descr1bes 1t as a pr0cess 0f trans1at1ng nat10na1
educat10na1 0bject1ves 1nt0 ‘w1th1n-sch001 d0-ab1es’. 0ff0rma (2005) sees
curr1cu1um as the p1anned 1earn1ng exper1ences 0ffered t0 the 1earner 1n the sch001.
1n th1s study, 1t refers t0 v0cat10na1 and techn1ca1 subjects 0ut11ned 1n the Nat10na1
Curr1cu1um f0r Sec0ndary Sch001s manua1 as part 0f subjects f0r sec0ndary educat10n.

Sk111-based phys1cs – As used 1n th1s study, these are pract1ca11y-0r1ented subjects

that are des1gned t0 teach students sk111s wh1ch w111 emp0wer them f0r j0b creat10n
and se1f-re11ance. The subjects 1n th1s categ0ry fa11 under the v0cat10na1 and techn1ca1
f1e1d. Sk111-based means the same as pract1ca1-based and they are used 1nterchangeab1y

1n th1s study. F0r purp0se 0f th1s study, subjects 1n the v0cat10na1 f1e1d 1nc1ude H0me
Ec0n0m1cs, F1ne Art, Mus1c, Typ1ng and Sh0rthand, Art and Craft, C10th1ng and
Text11e, F00d & Nutr1t10n, H0me Management. Wh11e techn1ca1 subjects 1nc1ude
1ntr0duct0ry Techn010gy, W00dw0rk, Carpentry, Techn1ca1 Draw1ng, Meta1 W0rk,
Agr1cu1ture Sc1ence, C0mputer Sc1ence.

Emp0werment - 1t 1s used 1n th1s study t0 refer t0 ab111ty 0f y0uth t0 0rgan1ze the1r

f1nances, trade and 1ndustry f0r susta1nab1e nat10na1 deve10pment.

Y0uth - W0r1d Hea1th 0rgan1zat10n (WH0) def1nes y0uth as y0ung pe0p1e between
the ages 0f 15-24 years. 1n th1s study, y0uth refers t0 y0ung pe0p1e between 10-24 years
0f age.

Spec1a11st teachers – These are teachers tra1ned 1n the v0cat10na1 and techn1ca1 f1e1d
1earner – 1t 1s used 1n th1s study t0 refer t0 sec0ndary sch001 students.




2.1 Introducti0n

1n th1s chapter re1evant c0nceptua1 and emp1r1ca1 11terature are rev1ewed under the
f0110w1ng d1mens10ns:

1. The0ret1ca1 Framew0rk –Funct10na1 Curr1cu1um The0ry (0banya 2004a)

2. The C0ncept and Mean1ng 0f Curr1cu1um

3. Phys1cs Educat10n G0a1s and 0bject1ves 1n M1nna N1ger State

4. Curr1cu1um f0r Wea1th Creat10n /se1f-emp10yment

5. C0ncept 0f Phys1cs Educat10n

6. Phys1cs Educat10n Curr1cu1um 1mp1ementat10n 1n M1nna N1ger State.

2.2 C0nceptual framew0rk

c0ncept 0f sc1ence, c0ncept 0f phys1cs, c0ncept 0f sk111-based curr1cu1um 1n phys1cs

and c0ncept 0f phys1cs curr1cu1um t0 y0uth emp0werment 1n M1nna N1ger State.

2.3 Functi0nal Curriculum The0ry

The the0ret1ca1 framew0rk 0f the study 1s h1nged 0n 0banya’s (2004b) funct10na1

curr1cu1um the0ry wh1ch p0s1ts that f0r Afr1ca t0 get t0 the 1eve1 at wh1ch 1t can
c0ntr1bute t0 the w0r1d p001 0f kn0w1edge, 1deas, 1nvent10ns, human and f1nanc1a1
cap1ta1s and bec0me fu11y part1c1pat1ng member 0f the g10ba1 ec0n0my, 1t has t0
embrace a curr1cu1um that 1s tr1part1te 1n nature and pract1ca1. Th1s c0u1d be d0ne
f0110w1ng these g0a1-sett1ng: a) Deve10p1ng the deepest sense 0f pr1de 1n be1ng
Afr1can thr0ugh a deep understand1ng 0f the pr1de 0f Afr1ca; the m0ther t0ngue 0r the
c0mmun1ty 1anguage, the Afr1can w0r1d v1ew, Afr1ca’s c0ntr1but10n t0 w0r1d
c1v111zat10n 0ver the ages, the nature and 11terature 0f Afr1ca, the creat1v1ty 0f Afr1can
1n var10us f0rm, great Afr1cans, past and present c0ntemp0rary Afr1ca’s p1an f0r 1ts
future 1n the emerg1ng g10ba1 c0mmun1ty. b) Access t0 a w1de w0r1d 0f pe0p1e,
kn0w1edge, techn1ques, 1deas and pract1ces; the 0ff1c1a1 1anguages and the1r
11teratures, mathemat1cs sc1ence and techn010gy, 1nf0rmat1cs, t001s and meth0ds 0f
s0c1a1 ana1ys1s western and 0r1ent ph110s0ph1es and re11g10n. c) Pers0na1
deve10pment f0r c0ntr1but10ns t0 s0c1a1 transf0rmat10n: A var1ety 0f c0re sk111s f0r
11fe10ng 1earn1ng, v0cat10na1 awareness and v0cat10na1 act1v1t1es, entrepreneursh1p,
creat1v1ty, c0mmun1cat10n and 1nterpers0na1 c0nduct, se1f-awareness.

Acc0rd1ng t0 0banya (2004), these three g0a1s sh0u1d be pushed s1mu1tane0us1y fr0m
the beg1nn1ng w1th the1r h0r1z0ns br0aden1ng 1n resp0nses t0 the 1eve1 0f matur1ty 0f
the 1earner. E1ements fr0m any 0f the g0a1s can a1s0 be ut111zed t0 1nject funct10na1
va1ue t0 ex1st1ng x1v pr0grammes. Acc0rd1ng t0 h1m, funct10na1 c0ntent educat10n
s1mp1y says that the s1tuat10n 1n wh1ch the ch11d 1s gr0w1ng, and the 0ne she/he 1s
g01ng t0 11ve 1n sh0u1d determ1ne the way educat10n 1s carr1ed 0ut, 1nc1ud1ng what
1s taught and h0w 1t 1s t0 be taught and 1earned.

Funct10na1 educat10n states that the purp0se 0f educat10n 1s t0 acqu1re sk111s 0f

adapt1ng t0 1t and act1ng t0 1nf1uence 1t thereby c0ntr1but1ng t0 1ts deve10pment. The
1ater funct10ns requ1re spec1f1c sk111s wh1ch educat10n sh0u1d seek t0 1ncu1cate.
Acc0rd1ng t0 h1m, the n0t10n 0f funct10na1 sk111s educat10n has a1ready been app11ed
t0 the var10us aspects 0f educat10n. 1n bas1c 11teracy pr0grams, 1t refers t0 the
app11cat10n 0f read1ng and wr1t1ng t0 s01v1ng day-t0-day pr0b1ems, 1nc1ud1ng the
1mpr0vement 0f 0nes 11v1ng c0nd1t10ns. 1n the educat10n 0f pe0p1e w1th d1sab111t1es,

1t refers t0 the sk111s requ1red t0 0verc0me d1sab111t1es. 1n sc1ence educat10n, 1t refers
t0 the ab111t1es requ1red t0 c0ns011date the hab1ts 0f sc1ent1f1c behav10ur. 1n the
tra1n1ng 0f teachers, 1t means the apt1tudes and ab111t1es needed t0 pr0m0te 1earn1ng
t0 get the best 0ut 0f 1earner.

The c0nceptua1 framew0rk 0f the present study was der1ved fr0m 0banya’s (2004)
c0ncept 0f funct10na1 curr1cu1um t0 sh0w the symb10t1c re1at10nsh1p between
curr1cu1um packages, 1ts 1mp1ementat10n, the y0uth wh0 acqu1res sk111s f0r se1f-
emp10yment and bec0mes ec0n0m1ca11y emp0wered 1ead1ng t0 se1f-1mpr0vement
and the gr0wth 0f the ec0n0my and nat10na1 deve10pment. Th1s 1s represented 1n
F1gure 1 be10w: (1ndependent var1ab1e) (Dependent var1ab1e) 1nput 1nterven1ng
var1ab1es 1st 0utput 2nd 0utput sh0w1ng c0nceptua1 framew0rk 0f the study

2.4 The C0ncept and meaning 0f Curriculum

Curr1cu1um deve10pment 1s n0t a new c0ncept 1n 0ur educat10na1 system t0day.

H0wever, 1ssues 0f Curr1cu1um, e1ther 1n an exp11c1t 0r an 1mp11c1t are 1nextr1cab1y
11nked t0 current th1nk1ng and act10n 0n educat10na1 system ar0und the w0r1d
(Aj1b01a 2008). The encyc10ped1a 0f educat10na1 research (1969) g1ves the
f0110w1ng def1n1t10ns 0f curr1cu1um as a11 the exper1ences a 1earner has at sch001
under the gu1dance 0f the teacher. T0 h1m the teacher p1ays a v1ta1 r01e 1n trans1at1ng
curr1cu1um 0bject1ves. The D1ct10nary 0f Educat10n def1nes curr1cu1um as the t0ta1
1earn1ng act1v1t1es 0r educat1ve exper1ence 0ffered by an 1nst1tut10n thr0ugh 1ts t0ta1
1nst1tut10na1 pr0grammes des1gned t0 ach1eve the prescr1bed 0bject1ves. H1st0r1ca11y,
the w0rd curr1cu1um was der1ved fr0m the 1at1n r00t Currus wh1ch means a race c0urse
0r a Char10t. “Currus” 0r1g1nates fr0m w0rd “Currer” (t0 run). Thus the term curr1cu1um
1n 1ts 0r1g1na1 c0ntext means runaway 0r Effect1ve 1mp1ementat10n 0f curr1cu1um
package - 1earner ab111ty - 1earner 1nterest - 1earner resp0ns1veness -1earner ta1ent
Sk111 acqu1s1t10n f0r se1f-emp10yment & s0c10-ec0n0m1c emp0werment 0f y0uth
Gr0wth 0f the ec0n0my and nat10na1 deve10pment xv racec0urse. 0ff0rma (2005) sees

curr1cu1um as a p1anned 1earn1ng exper1ences 0ffered t0 a 1earner 1n sch001, add1ng
that 1t 1s a pr0gram 0f stud1es made up 0f three c0mp0nents: Pr0gram 0f stud1es,
pr0gram 0f act1v1t1es and pr0gramme 0f Gu1dance.

Acc0rd1ng t0 Maduewes1 (2007), the two bas1c ph11osoph1ca1 issues in N1ger1an

educat1nn emphasize integrat1ng the indiv1dua1 s0 as t0 bec0me a s0und and effect1ve
c1t1zen and pr0v1d1ng equa1 educat10n f0r a11 c1t1zens at pr1mary thr0ugh sec0ndary
and tert1ary 1eve1. Maduewes1 re1terated the need f0r c0ns1stent change and rev1ew 0f
N1ger1a curr1cu1um 1n 0ther t0 1ntegrate new areas 0f c0ncern. 1n the recent t1mes,
human act1v1t1es and 11fe have bec0me h1gh1y 1ndustr1a11zed and techn1ca1 hence the
mean1ng 0f the term curr1cu1um has a1s0 been changed t0 meet the needs 0f educat10n
0f d1fferent c0urses 0f stud1es. Curr1cu1um 1n fact 1s an 0rgan1zed p1an 0f c0urse
0ut11ned w1th the 0bject1ves and 1earn1ng exper1ences t0 be used f0r ach1evement 0f
these 0bject1ves. 1n a w1der perspect1ve, 1t 1s a way 0f prepar1ng 1nd1v1dua1s t0 bec0me
pr0duct1ve c1t1zens and usefu1 members 0f the s0c1ety t0 wh1ch they be10ng. Thus,
curr1cu1um 1s a t001 0f educat10n t0 educate and human1ze the wh01e man.

2.5 Physics Education Goals and objectives

The br0ad aims 0f sec0ndary educat10n w1th1n M1nna N1ger State educat10n p011cy

(1) Preparat10n f0r usefu1 11v1ng w1th1n the s0c1ety

(2) Preparat10n f0r h1gher educat10n.

Educat1on is descr1bed as the tota11ty 0f life experiences that peole acquire, and which
enables them to cope w1th and der1ve sat1sfact1on from 1iving in the wor1d (Babafemi
2007). Th1s 1s sa1d t0 enab1e pe0p1e ach1eve s0c1a1 c0mpetence and 0pt1mum
individua1 devel0pment. it 1s 0n this premise that it is be1ieved that the qua1ity 0f a
nat1on’s educati0n is proportiona1 t0 the 1eve1 0f 1ts prosperity. Economica11y,

advanced nations of the world are distinguished by the excellence 0f their educationa1

F0110w1ng the p011t1ca1 1ndependence 0f N1ger1a, there was a rea11zat10n that the
type 0f educat10n 0ur c010n1a1 masters 1eft w1th us needed a cr1t1ca1 re-exam1nat10n
0f the w0rth: 0f c0ntent, 0bject1ves, re1evance, meth0ds, adm1n1strat10n, eva1uat10n,
and s0 f0rth. Acc0rd1ng t0 Eze0bata (2007), th1s per10d saw a state 0f affa1rs 1n
N1ger1an educat10n where every subject had t0 ‘pr0ve 1ts usefu1ness’ t0 reta1n a p1ace
1n the sch001 curr1cu1um. Th1s was sa1d t0 have 1ed the then Nat10na1 Educat10na1
Research C0unc11 (NERC) t0 c0nvey a h1st0r1c curr1cu1um c0nference at 1ag0s 1n
1969. Th1s c0nference rec0mmended new set 0f g0a1s and pr0v1ded d1rect10ns f0r
maj0r curr1cu1um rev1s10n up0n wh1ch the Nat10na1 P011cy 0n Educat10n 0f 1977 and
the rev1sed p011cy 1n 1981 and 2004 were based. Aga1nst th1s backgr0und 0f nat10na1
asp1rat10ns, a new educat10na1 system c0mm0n1y referred t0 as the 6-3-3-4 system 0f
educat10n emerged. The system c0ns1sted 0f s1x years 0f pr1mary sch001 educat10n,
three years 0f jun10r sec0ndary sch001 xv1 (JSS), three years 0f sen10r sec0ndary
sch001 (SSS) and f0ur years 0f p0st-sec0ndary educat10n (0m0tay0, 1hebereme, &
Maduewes1, 2008).

The 1mp1ementat10n 0f the 6-3-3-4 educat10n system began 1n 1982 and br0ught many
ref0rms 1nt0 the educat10na1 system 1n N1ger1a. Am0ng the 1nn0vat10ns 1s the
v0cat10na11zat10n 0f the sec0ndary sch001 curr1cu1um 1n N1ger1a. At the jun10r
sec0ndary 1eve1 pre-v0cat10na1 subjects were 1ntr0duced 1nt0 the curr1cu1um wh11e
v0cat10na1 subjects were 1ntr0duced 1nt0 the sen10r sec0ndary 1eve1. The f0cus 0f the
pre-v0cat10na1 was t0 exp0se students at the jun10r sec0ndary sch001 1eve1 t0 the
w0r1d 0f w0rk thr0ugh exp10rat10n. Such exp0sure w0u1d enab1e jun10r sec0ndary
sch001 students make 1nte111gent career ch01ce and a1s0 1nte111gent c0nsumpt10n
patterns. Am0ng the pre-v0cat10na1 subjects are pract1ca1 Agr1cu1ture, H0me
Ec0n0m1cs, and Bus1ness Stud1es. 1ntr0duct0ry Techn010gy 1s an 1ntegrat10n 0f
c0mp0nents 0f w00dw0rk, meta1w0rk, bas1c e1ectr0n1cs, app11ed e1ectr1c1ty, water

f10w techn010gy, a1rf10w techn010gy, f00d preservat1ves, aut0m0b11e, techn1ca1
draw1ng, phys1cs, rubber techn010gy, chem1stry, p1ast1cs, bas1c bu11d1ng techn010gy,
and ceram1cs. Wh11e Bus1ness Stud1es has typewr1t1ng, sh0rthand, b00kkeep1ng, 0ff1ce
pract1ce, c0mmerce and c0mputer sc1ence as c0mp0nents. Fafunwa (2002) stated that
the spec1f1c 0bject1ves 0f the Jun10r Sec0ndary Sch001 Educat10n are t0 deve10p 1n
the students’ Man1pu1at1ve sk111s (Manua1 dexter1ty) 1nvent10n, respect f0r d1gn1ty 0f
1ab0r and ab0ve a11 hea1thy att1tude t0wards th1ngs techn1ca1

The m0st s1gn1f1cant aspect 0f the Nat10na1 P011cy 0n Educat10n as n0ted by D1ke
(2009) 1s the new f0cus 1t g1ves t0 N1ger1an educat10na1 system, the need f0r the
1ndustr1a11zat10n 0f the nat10n 1n wh1ch techn1ca1 and v0cat10na1 educat10n p1ay
cruc1a1 r01es and the rea11zat10n t0 change fr0m wh1te c011ar j0b 0r1ented
educat10na1 system t0 sc1ence, v0cat10na1 and techn1ca1 0r1ented educat10na1 system
wh1ch prepares 1nd1v1dua1s t0 be se1f-re11ant and usefu1 t0 the s0c1ety. Th1s 1s sa1d t0
have 1nf0rmed the Federa1 G0vernment t0 1ay emphases 0n techn1ca1 educat10n. D1ke
(2009) further n0ted that the f1ve Nat10na1 g0a1s cann0t be rea11zed w1th0ut
deve10p1ng techn1ca1 v0cat10na1 educat10n, a we11-r00ted techn1ca1 educat10n that
w111 def1n1te1y transf0rm the ec0n0m1c, s0c1a1 and p011t1ca1 11fe-sty1es 0f 0ur
Nat10n fr0m the th1rd w0r1d t0 be the f1rst w0u1d c1ass.

Acc0rd1ng t0 Aja1a (2002) “the new Nat10na1 P011cy 0n educat10n has a11 the
necessary 1ngred1ents f0r 1and1ng N1ger1a 1nt0 the future techn010g1ca11y,
p011t1ca11y, s0c1a11y and m0ra11y, add1ng that the p011cy 1f we11-c00rd1nated and
1mp1emented 1s a s011d bas1s f0r the nat10n t0 1aunch 1tse1f am0ng the great nat10n”.
Babafem1 (2007) sees the 6-3-3-4 system 0f educat10n as a step 1n the r1ght d1rect10n
t0wards the techn010g1ca1 deve10pment 0f the nat10n, descr1b1ng 1t as 1audab1e xv11
pr0gramme capab1e 0f usher1ng 1n an educat10na1 rev01ut10n 1n N1ger1a, he h0wever
remarked that the current s1tuat10n 0n gr0und 1s far fr0m th1s 1dea1 as the system seems
t0 be suffer1ng fr0m p00r and sh0ddy 1mp1ementat10n

1n m0re spec1f1c terms, the sec0ndary sch001 1s 1ntended, am0ng 0ther th1ngs, t0 ra1se
a generat10n 0f pe0p1e (y0uth) wh0 can th1nk f0r themse1ves, respect the v1ews and
fee11ngs 0f 0thers, respect the d1gn1ty 0f 1ab0ur and apprec1ate th0se va1ues spec1f1ed
under br0ad nat10na1 a1ms and 11ve as g00d c1t1zens (Nat10na1 P011cy 0n Educat10n

Uyanya (1989) stated that the m0st 1mp0rtant th1ng that ever happened t0 N1ger1a 1s the
1981 Nat10na1 P011cy 0n Educat10n, wh1ch emphas1zes the acqu1s1t10n 0f v0cat10na1
sk111 1n phys1cs educat10n and se1fre11ance. Puyate (2004) qu0ted S0wer (1971) wh0
0bserved that v0cat10na1/techn1ca1 educat10n 1s a means t0wards 1ndustr1a11zat10n 0f
N1ger1a. 01a1tan (2007) def1nes v0cat10na1/techn1ca1 educat10n as that aspect 0f
educat10n wh1ch 1s a sk111 acqu1s1t10n-0r1ented f0rm 0f tra1n1ng, based 0n
app11cat10n 0f mathemat1cs and sc1ent1f1c kn0w1edge 1n spec1f1c f1e1d f0r se1f-
actua11zat10n and deve10pment. The 6-3-3-4 system 0f educat10n 1n N1ger1a 1s j0b
0r1ented. 1t p1aces prem1um 0n manua1 act1v1t1es, techn1ca1 pr0f1c1ency, and respect
f0r d1gn1ty 0f 1ab0ur and ec0n0m1c eff1c1ency. 1t 1s t0 pr0v1de the ch11d w1th bas1c
t001s t0 prepare h1m f0r j0b creat10n and wea1th generat10n. Anwuka (2005)
summar1zed the sec0ndary educat10n curr1cu1um as 1mmense and pr0f0und f0r teach1ng
and 1earn1ng.

2.6 Physics curriculum f0r wealth creati0n self-empl0yment

Curr1cu1um deve10pment 1s v1ta1 t0 educat10na1 success and nat10n bu11d1ng.

Nat10ns expend vast am0unts 0f t1me and res0urces 0n des1gn1ng what 0ught t0 be
1earned 1n sch001s 1n 0rder t0 e1evate s0c1a1 c0nsc10usness and 1mpr0ve ec0n0m1c
v1ab111ty. N1ger1a 1s n0 except10n. S1nce 1ts 1ndependence 1n 1960, N1ger1a has
strugg1ed w1th des1gn1ng and 1mp1ement1ng a susta1nab1e educat10na1 curr1cu1um that
adequate1y prepares 1ts ch11dren f0r adu1th00d. Severa1 years 1ater, the c0untry faces
the r1s1ng t1de 0f an educated but unemp10yab1e w0rkf0rce, as N1ger1an students
graduate fr0m sec0ndary and tert1ary 1nst1tut10ns w1th0ut essent1a1 w0rkp1ace sk111s.

Based 0n 1nart1cu1ate p011c1es, 1nadequate research, and p00r p1ann1ng, curr1cu1um
xv111 1mp1ementat10n has bec0me 1neffect1ve and 1acks any usefu1 feedback
mechan1sm anch0red 1n rev1ew, ana1ys1s and redes1gn pr0cesses. Sch001 curr1cu1um
1s expected t0 equ1p 1earners w1th sk111s that w111 make them se1f-re11ant, prepare
them t0 enter 1nt0 j0bs and pr0gress 1n them. Rec0gn1z1ng the 1mp0rtance 0f th1s, the
Phe1ps Str0ke C0mm1ss10n 0f 1925 and the nat10na1 curr1cu1um C0nference 0f 1968
adv0cated f0r v0cat10na1 as we11 as techn1ca1 educat10n as a way 0f advanc1ng
entrepreneur1a1 educat10n 1n the c0untry. The extent t0 wh1ch th1s has been ach1eved 1s
h0wever quest10nab1e as ev1dence fr0m var10us stud1es has sh0wn that there 1s n0 11nk
between 0ur sch001 system and entrepreneursh1p educat10n (0ff0rma 2005).

The d1vers1ty and wea1th 0f 1ts human cap1ta1 pr0v1des N1ger1a a un1que 0pp0rtun1ty
t0 p0s1t10n 1tse1f as a reg10na1 and 1nternat10na1 c0ntender 1n g10ba1 ec0n0m1cs and
deve10pment. H0wever, N1ger1a’s curr1cu1um 1ack effect1ve 1mp1ementat10n and d0es
n0t adequate1y prepare students f0r the demands 0f a c0mpet1t1ve, ta1ented w0rkf0rce.
Desp1te mean1ngfu1 pub11c p011cy created t0 address the needs 0f N1ger1an students,
there rema1ns system1c sh0rtc0m1ngs that fa11 t0 rea11ze g0vernment g0a1s.

The curr1cu1um 1s expected t0 prepare pe0p1e f0r entrepreneursh1p. 1t sh0u1d prepare

pe0p1e t0 be se1f-emp10yed 1n var10us enterpr1ses (0ff0rma 2005). There 1s gr0w1ng
dependence 0f 0ur y0uth 0n wh1te c011ar j0bs wh1ch are d1ff1cu1t t0 c0me by these
days. J0b emp10yers d0 n0t emphas1ze cert1f1cates but what 0ne can d0 and urged y0uth
t0 seek se1f-re11ance thr0ugh se1femp10yment.

s0c10-ec0n0m1c emp0werment 0f y0uth 1n N1ger1a, us1ng rand0m samp1e 0f 150

students. The f1nd1ng revea1ed that y0uth pract1ca1 sk111 acqu1s1t10n s1gn1f1cant1y
1nf1uences the1r s0c10-ec0n0m1c emp0werment 1n the 1arger s0c1ety. Th1s 1mp11ed
that the j0b1essness 0f the N1ger1an y0uth t0day stems fr0m the1r n0n-acqu1s1t10n 0f
sk111s. Th1s has further aggravated the y0uth negat1ve behav10ur 1n the s0c1ety as m0st
0f the pr0b1ems 0f y0uth v101ence, armed r0bbery, thuggery, and ethn1c-p011t1ca1

c1ashes 1n N1ger1a where y0uth are f0und 1n 1arge numbers c0u1d be traced t0 the h1gh
rate 0f unemp10yment The N1ger1an educat10na1 system 1s expected t0 attend t0 the
cha11enge 0f equ1pp1ng the y0uth w1th sk111s f0r se1f-emp10yment /wea1th creat10n.
Th1s can be ach1eved thr0ugh effect1ve 1mp1ementat10n 0f v0cat10na1 and techn1ca1

2.7 The C0ncept 0f physics Educati0n

Phys1cs educat10n 1s that aspect 0f educat10n that g1ves 1ts rec1p1ents an 0pp0rtun1ty
t0 acqu1re pract1ca1 sk111s as we11 as s0me bas1c sc1ent1f1c kn0w1edge (N1ger1an
Nat10na1 P011cy 0n educat10n, (1981). 0n1 (2007) qu0ted Pud1ng (1994) wh0 def1ned
v0cat10na1techn1ca1 educat10n as that type 0f educat10n wh1ch f1ts the 1nd1v1dua1 f0r
ga1nfu1 emp10yment 1n rec0gn1zed 0ccupat10n as sem1-sk111ed w0rkers 0r
techn1c1ans 0r sub-pr0fess10na1s.

Phys1cs educat10n c0u1d be regarded as that aspect 0f educat10n wh1ch pr0v1des the
rec1p1ents w1th the bas1c kn0w1edge and pract1ca1 sk111s needed f0r entry 1nt0 the
w0r1d 0f w0rk as emp10yees 0r as se1f-emp10yed (0n1 2007). phys1cs educat10n
nurtures sk111s that are necessary f0r agr1cu1tura1, 1ndustr1a1, c0mmerc1a1 and
ec0n0m1c deve10pment and thus bu11ds a se1f-re11ant nat10n. 0n1 (2007) qu0ted
Adeyem1 (1997) wh0 dep1cted v0cat10na1 educat10n as that aspect 0f the t0ta1
educat10n pr0cess that f0cuses 0n 1nd1v1dua1 0ccupat10n, wh11e 01a1tan (2007)
exp1a1ned phys1cs educat10n as that type 0f educat10n, wh1ch 1s c0ns1dered w1th the
deve10pment 0f sk111s, kn0w1edge and att1tudes necessary f0r success t0 any
0ccupat10n. V0cat10na1 educat10n acc0rd1ng t0 0n1 (2007) 1nc1udes techn1ca1
educat10n. Wh11e phys1cs educat10n pr0v1des f0r the tra1n1ng 0r retra1n1ng des1gned
t0 prepare 1nd1v1dua1s t0 enter 1nt0 a pa1d emp10yment 1n any rec0gn1zed 0ccupat10n,.

Tw0 0f the a1ms 0f phys1cs educat10n as stated 1n the N1ger1an Nat10na1 P011cy 0n
Educat10n (NPE, 1981, p.28) are: t0 g1ve tra1n1ng and 1mpart the necessary sk111s
1ead1ng t0 the pr0duct10n 0f craftsmen, techn1c1ans and 0ther sk111ed pers0nne1 wh0

w111 be enterpr1s1ng and se1fre11ant, and t0 enab1e y0ung men and w0men t0 have an
1nte111gent understand1ng 0f the 1ncreas1ng c0mp1ex1ty 0f techn010gy. The ab0ve
a1ms 0f v0cat10n educat10n were stated ab0ut three decades ag0. T0day, acc0rd1ng t0
0n1 (2007), the nat10n st111 1acks qua11ty phys1cs educat10n pr0grammes 1n techn1ca1
1nst1tut10ns. He h0wever suggested the need t0 estab11sh g00d phys1cs 1nst1tut10ns t0
pr0v1de the requ1red tra1n1ng and 1mpart the necessary sk111s 1ead1ng t0 the pr0duct10n
0f craftsmen, techn1c1ans and 0ther sk111ed pers0nne1 wh0 w111 be enterpr1s1ng and
se1f-re11ant. Qua11ty phys1cs educat10n 1s a1s0 essent1a1 1n N1ger1an 1nst1tut10ns t0
susta1n the nat10n’s p0pu1ace where qua11ty 0f 11fe 1s st111 very p00r. The Un1ted
Nat10ns Educat10na1 Sc1ent1f1c and Cu1tura1 0rgan1zat10n (UNESC0) n0ted that
rev1ta11z1ng th1s 1mp0rtant sect0r 1s am0ng the ways t0 1mpr0ve ec0n0m1c
0pp0rtun1t1es f0r the y0uth.

Acc0rd1ng t0 D1ke (2009), phys1cs educat10n 1s des1gned t0 deve10p 0ccupat10na1

sk111s t0 g1ve 1nd1v1dua1s the sk111s t0 “11ve, 1earn and w0rk as pr0duct1ve c1t1zens
1n a g10ba1 s0c1ety’’. 0n1 further argues that phys1cs educat10n h01ds the key t0
nat10na1 deve10pment. F0r A1na (2009), 1t 1s an educat10n f0r sk111 bu11d1ng and
sk111 1dent1ty, wh1ch u1t1mate1y bec0mes a means 0f 11ve11h00d.

Acc0rd1ng t0 0banya (2007) phys1cs educat10n 1s part 0f 1ntegra1 deve10pment 0f the

‘three Hs’ - the head, the heart, and the hands wh1ch must n0t be neg1ected, as d01ng that
w111 am0unt t0 a den1a1 0f an 1nd1v1dua1’s 1ntegrated pers0na11ty deve10pment,
further add1ng that any mean1ngfu1 pr0gramme 0f phys1cs educat10n 1s t0 be pred1cated
0n a s0und genera1 educat10n.

2.8 Physics Educati0n Curriculum Implementati0n in M.B.G.S.C.

Curr1cu1um 1mp1ementat10n enta11s putt1ng 1nt0 pract1ce the 0ff1c1a11y prescr1bed

c0urses 0f study, sy11abuses and subjects (Ch1kumb1 and Makamure 2000). Putt1ng the
curr1cu1um 1nt0 0perat10n requ1res an 1mp1ementat10n agent. The teacher 1s 1dent1f1ed
as the agent 1n the curr1cu1um 1mp1ementat10n pr0cess. Curr1cu1um 1mp1ementat10n

theref0re refers t0 h0w the p1anned 0r 0ff1c1a11y des1gned c0urse 0f study 1s trans1ated
by the teacher 1nt0 sy11abuses, scheme 0f w0rk and 1ess0ns t0 be de11vered t0 students.
1mp1ementat10n 1s sa1d t0 take p1ace when the teacher-c0nstructed sy11abus, the teacher
pers0na11ty, the teach1ng mater1a1s and the teach1ng env1r0nment 1nteract w1th the
1earner. 1mp1ementat10n further takes p1ace as the 1earner acqu1res the p1anned 0r
1ntended exper1ences, sk111s, kn0w1edge, 1deas and att1tudes that are a1med at enab11ng
the same 1earner t0 funct10n effect1ve1y at the s0c1ety. The 1earner 1s theref0re seen as
the centra1 f1gure 0f curr1cu1um 1mp1ementat10n pr0cess. 0banya (2004) def1ned
1mp1ementat10n 0f curr1cu1um as day-t0-day act1v1t1es wh1ch sch001 management and
c1assr00m teachers undertake 1n the pursu1t 0f the 0bject1ve 0f any g1ven curr1cu1um.
0banya (2007) c0ntends that effect1ve curr1cu1um 1s the 0ne that ref1ects what the
1earner eventua11y takes away fr0m an educat10na1 exper1ence, wh1ch he termed ‘the
1earned curr1cu1um’. 0banya n0ted that 1n many cases, there w0u1d be gap between the
1ntended curr1cu1um and the 1earned curr1cu1um, and def1ned effect1ve curr1cu1um
1mp1ementat10n as c0ncerned w1th narr0w1ng such a gap as much as p0ss1b1e

The teacher, teach1ng meth0d, and 1nfrastructura1 fac111t1es are rev1ewed t0 see h0w
they 1nf1uence curr1cu1um 1mp1ementat10n 1n sec0ndary educat10na1 system.

2.91 The Teacher

The 1mp0rtance 0f teachers 1n curr1cu1um p1ann1ng, deve10pment and m0st

1mp0rtant1y 1mp1ementat10n cann0t be 0veremphas1zed. Teachers m0st t1mes are n0t
1nv01ved dur1ng p011cy f0rmu1at10n even th0ugh they are expected t0 1mp1ement th1s
curr1cu1um. A maj0r setback 1n effect1ve curr1cu1um 1mp1ementat10n 1s the pr0b1em
0f unqua11f1ed teachers, espec1a11y spec1a11st teachers 1n areas 11ke v0cat10na1 and
techn1ca1 subjects. 1n recent t1mes, curr1cu1um 1s des1gned up t0 1mp1ementat10n
w1th0ut adequate manp0wer t0 trans1ate these d0cuments 1nt0 rea11ty. S0fa1ahan
(1998) n0ted ‘at jun10r sec0ndary sch001 1eve1, due t0 sh0rtage 0f teachers, the

requ1rements 0f tw0 N1ger1a 1anguages 1s n0 10nger str1ct1y 0bserved. 1n add1t10n,
there rema1ns an acute sh0rtage 0f spec1a11st teachers f0r 1ntr0duct0ry Techn010gy,
Creat1ve and Cu1tura1 Arts, 10ca1 Crafts, wh1ch are man1fested 1n the p00r
1mp1ementat10n 0f the curr1cu1um. Aj1b01a (2008) a1s0 p01nted 0ut that m0st 0f the
teachers are n0t qua11f1ed t0 teach the subjects 1ntr0duced 1n the curr1cu1um.

2.92 Teaching
The pr1mary g0a1 f0r teach1ng phys1cs educat10n 1s t0 teach students b0th pract1ca1 and
the0ret1ca1 0f the subject matter but unf0rtunate1y, th1s 1s sa1d n0t t0 be s0 1n 0ur
sch001 (0m0-0jug0 and 0h101e 0h1were1 2008). Severa1 auth0rs have 1dent1f1ed
fact0rs caus1ng th1s pr0b1em t0 1nc1ude the 1ack 0f adequate 1nstruct10na1 mater1a1s
and/0r p00r 1neffect1ve teach1ng meth0d. K1b0ss (2002) has s1ng1ed 0ut the
exp0s1t0ry appr0ach sa1d t0 be the d0m1nant teach1ng meth0d c0mm0n1y used f0r
1nstruct10n 1n sch001s. The exp0s1t0ry appr0ach, acc0rd1ng t0 h1m, 1s 1nstruct10n 1n
wh1ch the teacher stands m0st 0f the t1me g1v1ng verba1 exp1anat10ns 1n the f0rm 0f
ta1k-and-cha1k wh11e the students 11sten and wr1te n0tes fr0m the cha1k-b0ard. K1b0ss
descr1be such teach1ng meth0d as 1nadequate and 11m1ted that tends t0 negat1ve1y affect
the 1earners’ v1ews 0f pract1ca1 c0ncepts and ass0c1ated meth0ds. K1b0ss and 0gunn1y1
(2003) 0p1ne that un1ess urgent measures are taken t0 curb the pr0b1em, the p00r
att1tude t0wards v0cat10na1 educat10n system w111 c0nt1nue t0 pers1st.

Trad1t10na1, teacher-centered meth0ds 0f teach1ng d0 11tt1e t0 advance c0nceptua1

understand1ng and cr1t1ca1 th1nk1ng.h0wever,ev1dence sh0ws that th1s 1s the d0m1nant
pedag0g1ca1 m0de. 0du010wu (2007) ment10ns that am0ng 0ther 0utdated
1nstruct10na1 techn1ques, r0te 1earn1ng, wh1ch f0cuses 0n the “mem0r1zat10n and
regurg1tat10n 0f facts” 1s st111 1n use. Aj1b01a (2008) p01nts 0ut that th1s f0rm 0f
1nstruct10n and 1earn1ng hampers creat1v1ty and d0es 11tt1e t0 f0ster 1nnate ab111t1es
f0r pr0b1em s01v1ng and dec1s10n-mak1ng. He ca11s f0r the need t0 1nc0rp0rate ch11d-
centered appr0aches 1n curr1cu1um deve10pment. These appr0aches f0ster c00perat10n,
t01erance, se1f-re11ance, and se1f-express10n. Acc0rd1ng t0 Aj1b01a, when teach1ng

and 1earn1ng 1s d1rected t0wards the needs 0f the ch11d, there 1s an acc0mpany1ng
tendency t0 make sure that he fu11y understands the mater1a1 he 1s be1ng taught. The
f0cus 1s n0 10nger 0n h0w much a student can remember, but h0w he understands; what
mean1ng he makes 0f h1s understand1ng; and, whether he can app1y the kn0w1edge and
mean1ng 1n rea1-w0r1d s1tuat10ns.

Akuezu110 (2007) stated that the bas1c sc1ence and techn010gy curr1cu1um, 1nc1ud1ng
v0cat10na1, 1s very pract1ca1 1n nature and sh0u1d 1dea11y be taught thr0ugh meth0ds
that max1m1ze the act1ve part1c1pat10n 0f the 1earner but 1amented the 1ack 0f
fac111t1es 1n sch001s. 1ack 0f spec1a11st teachers, acc0rd1ng t0 Akuezu110, equa11y
h1nders the 1mp1ementat10n 0f the curr1cu1um wh0se key 1mp1ementers are n0t we11
tra1ned and/0r 0r1ented t0 the teach1ng 0f such curr1cu1um.

1n supp0rt 0f the ab0ve f1nd1ngs, Ade1eke (2006) be11eves that 0ne 0f the pr0b1ems 0f
N1ger1a sec0ndary sch001 curr1cu1um c0ntent 1s effect1ve f1n1sh1ng 0f a pr0duct
(1mp1ementat10n). Ade1eke 0p1ned that the p00r 1mp1ementat10n 0f the sec0ndary
sch001 curr1cu1um 1n N1ger1a has caused the m1ss1ng 11nk between the g0a1s 0f
N1ger1a educat10n and the ach1evement 0f the g0a1s

0ff0rma (2005) qu0ted Nwagwu (2003) as n0t1ng that the phys1cs subjects are n0t
effect1ve1y 1mp1emented as m0st 0f the subjects are n0t 0ffered due t0 1ack 0f teachers,
w0rksh0ps f0r pract1ca1 w0rk, and further n0tes that where there are teachers the
de11very 1s usua11y the0r1zed because 0f 1ack 0f c0mpetence 0n the part 0f the teacher
0r due t0 1ack 0f equ1pment, thus students graduate w1th0ut any hands-0n exper1ence.
M0hammed (2005) 0p1ned that there has been tremend0us expans10n 0f educat10n 1n
N1ger1a 1n terms 0f numbers but regretted that the gr0wth has n0t matched w1th qua11ty
1n the type 0f educat10n be1ng de11vered t0 N1ger1ans and further 0bserved that there
are many c0mputer sc1ence graduates wh0 are ‘c0mputer 1111terates’ as they cann0t use
the c0mputer effect1ve1y. 0n the fact0rs that can be attr1buted t0 the cause 0f p00r
1mp1ementat10n 0f N1ger1a curr1cu1um at the sec0ndary sch001 1eve1, Anyanwu

(2000) tested a hyp0thes1s wh1ch stated that ‘there w111 be n0 s1gn1f1cant re1at10nsh1p
between teach1ng meth0d and 1mp1ementat10n 0f N1ger1a sec0ndary curr1cu1um’. 150
part1c1pants were 1nv01ved 1n the study and the Pears0n Pr0duct M0ment Stat1st1cs was
used t0 check 1f there 1s a s1gn1f1cant re1at10nsh1p between the meth0ds xx111 app11ed
by teachers 1n the c1ass and the c0nsequent 1mp1ementat10n 0f the sch001 curr1cu1um.
The resu1t 1nd1cated a p0s1t1ve re1at10nsh1p between teach1ng meth0d and curr1cu1um
1mp1ementat10n. The 1mp11cat10n 0f th1s resu1t 1s that teachers as 0ne 0f the ma1n
stakeh01ders 0f the sch001 curr1cu1um d0 n0t seem t0 pr0m0te the effect1ve
1mp1ementat10n 0f N1ger1a sec0ndary sch001 curr1cu1um, due t0 many fact0rs rang1ng
fr0m 1ack 0f spec1a11st teachers t0 1ack 0f teach1ng mater1a1s and n0n-ava11ab111ty
0f equ1pments 1n the sch001. 1n ana1yz1ng the ab0ve resu1t, Uz0d1nma (2004) p0s1ted
that 1mp1ementat10n has been the bane 0f curr1cu1um des1gn 1n N1ger1a.

Acc0rd1ng t0 h1m, N1ger1a has a very g00d curr1cu1um based 0n the 10fty 1deas
embedded 1n the 6-3-3-4 system 0f educat10n 1n N1ger1a, 1n wh1ch y0uth are t0 be
educated and emp10yed 1n f0ur stages depend1ng 0n the1r 1eve1s 0f c0gn1t10n and
sk111s. Uz0d1nma 0bserved that the 6-3-3-4 educat10n system fa11ed because 1t was n0t
du1y 1mp1emented 1n N1ger1a due t0 fau1ty meth0d 0f teach1ng that 1s centered 0n
the0ry 0n1y. Fr0m the f0reg01ng, 1t 1s apparent that N1ger1an sec0ndary sch001
teachers use the0ret1ca1 meth0d 1n the teach1ng-1earn1ng pr0cess and pay 1ess attent10n
t0 the pract1ca1 aspect meant t0 emp0wer the y0uth f0r p0ster1ty and f0r wea1th
creat10n. 1n 0rder f0r N1ger1an students t0 meet the demands 0f N1ger1an s0c1ety and
g10ba1 rea11t1es, curr1cu1um deve10pment must 1nv01ve appr0pr1ate meth0ds 0f
teach1ng and 1earn1ng.

2.93 Infrastructural facilities

W1th0ut the ava11ab111ty 0f funct10na1 1nfrastructures 1n the sch001s, the sk111-based

curr1cu1um w111 n0t be effect1ve1y 1mp1emented 1n N1ger1a, and y0uth w0u1d 1ack
sk111 acqu1s1t10n and ec0n0m1c emp0werment. Th1s 1s because, y0uth 1ack the ab111ty

t0 carry 0ut s0me mean1ngfu1 w0rk due t0 1ack 0f acqu1s1t10n 0f bas1c sk111s that
pr0m0te effect1ve w0rk perf0rmance. 1t 1s a1s0 n0ted m0st 0f the equ1pments, t001s,
and w0rksh0p fac111t1es are e1ther br0ken d0wn 0r damaged 0r d11ap1dated and they
are n0t rep1aced ne1ther ren0vated (Puyate, 2006).

2.94 Summary

Var10us stud1es that addressed the pert1nent 1ssues re1at1ng t0 th1s study were rev1ewed.
H0wever, m0st 0f the stud1es f0cused m0re 0n the nature 0f curr1cu1um
1mp1ementat10n and var10us fact0rs that affect 1ts effect1veness. 1ess attent10n was
g1ven t0 the r00t cause 0f the pr0b1em ‘[fac1ng y0uth wh0 after graduat10n fr0m
sec0ndary sch001 f1nd themse1ves 1d1e and unab1e t0 c0ntr1bute t0 nat10n bu11d1ng.
Th1s 1s the crux 0f th1s study.



3.1 Intr0ducti0n

Test tasks were se1ected 0ut 0f check 11st(0bservat10n) (NFER, 2009a,b). They are
11sted 1n tab1e n.1 be10w and c0ns1sts a t0ta1 0f 32 tasks 1tems. We ch00se them by the
key t0 have tasks wh1ch measures phys1ca1 factua1 and c0nceptua1 kn0w1edge (6
1tems), p1ann1ng exper1ment (7), 1nterpretat10n 0f resu1ts (14) and mak1ng c0nc1us10ns
(5). The curr1cu1um and age 0f students were carefu11y c0ns1dered wh11e tasks
preparat10n. F0r examp1e task n.12 ca11ed “Magnets” and n.6 “Bungee jump1ng” 1s
ava11ab1e 0n1y f0r the 01dest students, because 0n1y they have c0ntent kn0w1edge
ab0ut f0rces and magnets. The tasks a1med t0 sk111s h0wever w1th n0 sc1ence c0ntent
we c0ns1der un1versa1 and appr0pr1ate f0r a11 – f0r examp1e n.11 “1nvest1gat10n 0f
mak1ng bread” Pr0ced1a - S0c1a1 and Behav10ra1 Sc1ences 186 (2015) 982 – 989 We
c0ns1der the tasks fr0m SAT Sc1ence test (NFER, 2009a,b,c) appr0pr1ate f0r 0ur a1ms
f0r these reas0ns:

• C0ntent – factua1, c0nceptua1 and a1s0 pr0cedura1 kn0w1edge

• C0ntext – rea1 11fe s1tuat10ns, phen0mena 0r 1nvest1gat10n 1s re1ated t0 s0me
ch11d –Hanna, Sara
• F0rm – many sh0rt 0pen c0nstructed-resp0nse 1tems
• Backgr0und – b00k1et w1th mark scheme f0r test papers.

1t 1nc1udes the marks ava11ab1e f0r each part 0f the quest10n, the expected answer and
acceptab1e answers. The add1t10na1 gu1dance c01umn sh0ws wh1ch answers are
1nsuff1c1ent 0r n0t acceptab1e.

a. Set 0f part1c1pants. There were 120 students part1c1pat1ng 1n 0ur study fr0m Maryam
Babang1da G1R1S Sc1ence. C011ege(MBGSC) The teachers 0f these f1ve c1asses

v01untar11y resp0nd t0 0ur 0ffer 0f educat10na1 act1v1ty and came t0 0ur
1ab0rat0r1es at Facu1ty 0f Phys1cs.
b. Pr0cess steps and data c011ect10n

Each c1ass was d1v1ded 1nt0 th1rds (the max1mum number 0f students 1n the gr0up
was 10) w1th the1r 0wn act1v1ty pr0gram, p1ace and an1mat0r (PhD student). The
act1v1ty 1asted 60 m1nutes and c0ns1sted 0f 10 m1nutes tak1ng test tasks and the rest 0f
1ess0n was a1med t0 the exper1ment 1tse1f. The d1scuss10n m0derated by an1mat0r was
enc10sed dur1ng the wh01e 1ess0n.

3.2 Research design

The study ad0pted the descr1pt1ve survey research des1gn. Th1s meth0d was deemed
appr0pr1ate as 1t 1nv01ved the c011ect10n 0f extens1ve and cr0ss-sect10na1 data f0r
the purp0se 0f descr1b1ng and 1nterpret1ng an ex1st1ng s1tuat10n under study

3.3 Research Instrument

The study ut111zed check 11st(0bservat10n) f0r purp0se 0f enr1ch1ng the f1nd1ngs. The
f0110w1ng 1nstrument were used 1n data c011ect10n, student 0bservat10n and teacher
assessment Check 11st

Meth0d 0f Data Ana1ys1s

Data c011ected were subjected t0 appr0pr1ate 0bservat10n ana1ys1s us1ng descr1pt1ve

stat1st1cs 1nc1ud1ng frequency c0unts and percentage f0r easy 1nterpretat10n.

We used these 1dent1f1ers:

A-E - each f0r 0ne 0f f1ve c1asses (ma1n gr0ups),

A1 – A3 - after d1v1d1ng the c1ass t0 three gr0ups (the same f0r B-E)

N.1, N.2,…..N.9 – we used the same number 0f ma1n task, as they have been marked 1n
0r1g1na1 test (We used 0ne task wh1ch was 0n1y 1n paper 1eve1 5-7, s0 we marked 1t
as N.2.9).

2a, 3a1, 3a11 – we used the same 1dent1f1er f0r 1nd1v1dua1 1tems as they have been
marked 1n 0r1g1na1 tests.

Ma1n Task Number 0f resp0ndents S01ved by gr0ups

N1 measur1ng equ1pment 25 C1 D1 E1
N2 can 0f the0ry 25 C1 D3 E3
N4 1nsu1at10n 0f the 24 C2 D2 E2
N6 bunge jump1ng 15 A1 B1
N8 breath 0f dance 41 A3 B3 C3 D3 E3
N11 1nvest1gat10n 0f 40 A1 B1 C1 D1 D1 E1
mak1ng bread
N12 magnet 45 A1 A2
N15 the f1rst r1pe c0nker 39 A2 B2 C2 D2 E2
N29 m0vement 16 A3 B3

Tw0 test tasks were g1ven t0 each gr0up; the 0ne marked b01d was c0nnected w1th rea1
exper1ment. F0r examp1e, the gr0up B2 answered tasks N.12 and N.15, and they made
exper1ment re1ated t0 task N.12 (marked b01d, tab1e N.1).

We eva1uated the success rate 0f 1tems. When the task was a1med t0 test phys1cs
curr1cu1um sk111, we tr1ed t0 prepare the same 0r very s1m11ar exper1ment wh1ch was
descr1bed 1n task – f0r examp1e the task n.11 0r n.2.9.

The 1ast 1tem fr0m ma1n task n.11 was t0 suggest the way 0f test1ng the pred1ct10n – the
yeast 1n d0ugh 1nf1uences the v01ume 0f d0ugh. 1n d1scuss10n the students d1v1ded a
cube 0f yeast f0r each pa1r – 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16 and 1/32 0f cube (0ne cube f0r the wh01e
gr0up, s0 they a1ways cut 1n ha1f). Then each pa1r prepared a d0ugh by the same rece1pt
– the same am0unt 0f f10ur, water, sugar, but var1ab1e am0unt 0f yeast. Then they put
the1r d0ugh 1nt0 measur1ng cy11nder. We had prepared 0ne b1gger d0se w1th warm
water bath and we put a11 cy11nders 1nt0 bath at the same t1me. Then student 0bserved
and measured the v01ume 0f d0ugh 1n regu1ar 1nterva1s – each pa1r 0bserved 0n1y the1r
0wn measur1ng cy11nder. Then we d1scuss the resu1ts t0gether.

F0r task N.2.9 we used Ve1an0va´s act1v1ty (2014). Students ana1ys1s graph created 1n
C0ach 6 pr0gramme and then they attempt t0 m0ve by the prepared d1stance-t1me graph.
The1r m0vement was sensed by the u1tras0n1c sens0r and measured va1ues were drawn
1n d1stance-t1me graph. A1s0, f1rst prepared graph was d1sp1ayed 1n 0ne p1cture t0
a110w the1r c0mpar1s0n. Then they w0rked 1n pa1rs where 0ne prepares graph and the
sec0nd 0ne attempts t0 f0110w that graph (they had t1me t0 repeat the1r attempts).

1f the tasks were a1med t0 factua1 and pr0cedura1 kn0w1edge, we a1s0 prepared
exper1ment t0 pract1ce phys1cs curr1cu1um sk111s (n.12).



4.1 Result

We c0mpared the average percentage 0f c0rrect1y answered 1tems re1ated t0 three

presented types 0f pr0cess sk111s. The w0rst resu1ts were n0t1ced f0r p1ann1ng
exper1ment (33%) as 1s sh0wn 1n f1gure be10w. The success rate f0r phys1cs factua1 and
c0nceptua1 kn0w1edge was h1gh, 92 %

Physics Knowledge planning Experiment interpretation of result Making conclusions

a. P1ann1ng exper1ment f0r each 0f seven 1tems a1med t0 p1ann1ng exper1ment 1s

success rate 10wer than 50 %. 1t 1s 111ustrated 1n the f1gure be10w. We a1s0
eva1uate the percentage 0f n0 answer (“1 d0n´t kn0w”).

11a Acc0rd1ng the tab1e 40 40
0f resu1t 1dent1fy
the quest10n 0f
11b1 G1ve 0ne 0ther way 40 25
the exper1ment 1s
made fa1r
11b The change 1n 40 35
c0nd1t10n 1s
descr1bed why
w0u1d 1t make th1s
exper1ment unfa1r?
11d S0me pred1ct10n 1s 40 18
wr1tten. What
c0u1d we d0 t0 test
th1s pred1ct10n?
15b Suggest 0ne 39 36
d1sadvantage t0
c011ect data by
ask1ng the pub11c

15c 1dent1fy the data 39 36

wh1ch 1s necessary

t0 c011ect t0
answer the quest10n

Physics planning interpretation of Making
Knowledge Experiment result conclusions








11a 11bi 11bii 11d 15bi 15bii 15c

H1gh percentage 0f “n0 answered” tasks assume that students have d1ff1cu1ty w1th
th1s tasks 0n 1eve1 0f understand1ng (as a c0gn1t1ve 0perat10n). We 0bserved the
same d1ff1cu1t1es dur1ng the d1scuss10n w1th a11 0f f0ur gr0ups (appr0x1mate1y 10
students 1n each). They d1d n0t sh0w any 1nterest f0r c0ntr01 var1ab1es. F0r examp1e
0ne pa1r ate a part 0f the1r yeast, 0ther 0ne f0rg0t t0 add sugar. They c0ns1dered the
resu1ts 0f th1s at the end, when the1r resu1ts d1d n0t match the pattern 0f behav10ur
0f 0thers. The students usua11y pred1cted, that m0re yeast means 1ncreased v01ume
0f d0ugh. They d1d n0t expect any 11m1tat10n a1th0ugh they can 0bserve 1t 1n
prev10us test task – the temperature – v01ume graph has a max1mum – s0 1t d0es n0t
match that 1f we 1ncrease temperature, the v01ume 0f d0ugh sh0u1d gr0w
neverthe1ess. When students fa11ed t0 s01ve the tasks a1med t0 hyp0thes1z1ng
re1ated t0 n0 spec1a1 phys1ca1 c0ntent, then 1t sh0wed prep0s1t10n f0r n0t
c0mp1et1ng tasks, wh1ch are a1s0 based 0n phys1ca1 factua1 and c0nceptua1

b. 1nterpretat10n 0f resu1ts


2a1 1nterpret resu1t fr0m 25 96
bar graph-determ1ne
the va1ue
2a11 Any1yse bar graph 25 60
descr1be nchanges
2a111 1nterpret resu1t fr0m 25 60
bar graph-h0w 1s
descr1bed s1tuat10n.
4a F1nd max1mum 24 92
va1ue fr0m a p1cture

4b1 1dent1fy changed 24 88
va1ue fr0m tw0
4c1 F1nd descr1bed data 24 88
fr0m a tab1e
8b Ana1yse graph 41 29
8b Ana1yse graph 41 24
11c Descr1be the 40 19
between the
var1ab1es 0n
2Aa1 Determ1ne the va1ue 16 100
fr0m d1stance t1me
2Aa11 Ana1yse graph 16 50
2Aa111 Ana1yse graph 16 50
2Ab 1dent1fy the way 16 19
h0w 1s draw1ng
c0nstant ve10c1ty
2Ac1 Draw a 11ne 0n the 16 36
graph wh1ch refer t0
descr1bed s1tuat10n

c. The resu1ts c0rresp0nd t0 0ur expectat10ns. We n0t1ced h1gher success rate when
(tab1e 3) s1mp1e c0gn1t1ve 0perat10n was requ1red 1n tasks. (2a1, 4a, 4b1, 4c1,

2.9a1) x we descr1bed change pattern 1n bar chart rather than 11ne graph (2a11 than

The success rate 0f task 2.9b was 0n1y 19 % - the w0rst resu1t fr0m a11 32 1tem tasks.
Students were ab1e t0 s01ve 1t 0n1y part1cu1ar1y – they descr1bed the change 0f 11ne
but they d1d n0t descr1be changes qua11tat1ve1y. c. Mak1ng c0nc1us10ns there are f1ve
tasks eva1uated 1n c0nc1us10ns. The1r success rate 1s 111ustrated by the f1gure be10w.
We n0t1ced 10wer success rate f0r these three – 4c11, 4c111 and 12a - wh1ch requ1red
a1s0 s0me phys1cs factua1 and c0nceptua1 kn0w1edge.







15a 12a 4ciii 4cii 4bii



5.1 C0nclusi0n

We rea11ze 1mp0rtance 0f summat1ve assessment 0f the 1mp1ementat10n 0f sec0ndary

sch001 0f sk111 based 1n phys1cs curr1cu1um t0 y0uth emp0werment 1n M.B.G.S.C
M1nna N1GER STATE. There has been 0ng01ng nat10na1 pr0ject 0f externa1 0n11ne
test1ng f0r a11 educat10na1 areas, 1n th1s study students fa11 the tasks re1ated t0 des1gn
exper1ment. A1s0, Har1en (2006) c0ns1der the sk111 t0 des1gn exper1ment (1nc1ud1ng
state hyp0thes1zes) as 0ne 0f the m0st 1mp0rtant but a1s0 as 0ne 0f the m0st
cha11eng1ng. Demkan1n (2012) p01nts t0 necess1ty t0 d1scuss w1th teachers the benef1ts
0f students des1gn exper1ments, because they c0ns1der th1s t1me n0t effect1ve1y spent.
We descr1bed the act1v1ty wh1ch c0ns1sts 0f tak1ng few test tasks and re1ated exper1ment
t0 ver1fy answers. We c0ns1der 1t very usefu1 f0r deve10pment 0f sc1ence pr0cess
sk111s, espec1a11y hyp0thes1z1ng, c0ntr0111ng var1ab1es, p1ann1ng exper1ment. We
0bserve these benef1ts 0f tak1ng test tasks f1rst. F0r student – 1t he1ps h1m t0 determ1ne
what 1s 1mp0rtant, suggest h1m s0me scheme, he can f0110w 0n h1s 0wn exper1ment
(ana10gy) and 1t 1s way h0w he rea11ze what he d0es n0t kn0w, what he needs t0
1mpr0ve. F0r teacher 1s f1rst ev1dence 0f 1eve1 0f student´s perf0rmance –f0r what t0
a1m t0 and d1scuss w1th them. Re1ated exper1ment e11m1nates def1c1enc1es 0f test tasks
– 1f fa11 0n1y f0r 0ther c0gn1t1ve sk111s (wr1t1ng sk111s). We 0bserved that th1s
act1v1ty engaged students t0 des1gn the1r 0wn exper1ment t0 1nvest1gate s0meth1ng.
1ndeed, we can mark 1t as f0rmat1ve assessment and we rea11ze that there 1s a 10t t0

5.2 Maj0r finding 0f the study

1. T0 check h0w effect1ve 1s the teachers 1n the c1ass.

2. T0 0bserves the student ab0ut phys1cs c1asses.
3. T0 check student 0n phys1cs kn0w1edge and h0w 1t can emp0wer the student.

4. T0 br1ng ab0ut phys1cs curr1cu1um that can emp0wer the y0uth.

5.3 Summary

The study assessment 0f the implementat1on of secondary school skill based in physics
curricu1um t0 youth empowerment in M.B.G.S.C. Minna Niger State. Two research
quest1on were answered using check l1st (0bservat10n).in MARYAM BABANG1DA
G1RlS SCIENCE C0LLEGE was used. By observ1ng the student and teachers on how
they understand physics and how it can be used to empower the youth M.B.G.S.C.

5.4 Recommendation

1. Teachers sh0u1d st0p teach1ng the the0ry part 0f phys1cs they sh0u1d m0re 0f
pract1ca1 s0 as t0 he1p 1n se1f-emp0werment
2. student sh0u1d pract1ce m0re 0n phys1cs curr1cu1um that can emp0wer them s0
as they can be usefu1 t0 themse1ves and s0c1ety


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