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GED 105- B18

Over the years, globalization has generated many implications pertaining to progress, development,
and integration. On the one hand, some view globalization as a positive phenomenon. On the other hand,
some see it as occurring through and with returning, subtle colonialism (McDonaldization), and
destabilization. So, what is globalization? I thought this is probably an easy one to answer. However, many
scholars gave and tried to formulate its definitions. This resulted in different, sometimes contradicting views
about the concept. And as stated on the article, in viewing globalization, it doesn’t lie only as a one-
dimensional phenomenon, but as a multidimensional process involving numerous domains of activity and
interaction. Globalization encompasses a multitude of processes that involves the economy, political
systems, and culture. Social structures, therefore, are directly affected by globalization.
No matter how one classifies a definition of globalization, the concept is still complex and
integrative as the definitions deal with either economic, political, or social dimensions. These definitions
include political and social dimensions as well. The sheer number and complexity of definitions do not
mean that there is a remarkable improvement in every definition given by scholars.
If so, why are we going to spend time studying this concept if it is complex and lots of definition?
How can we appreciate these definitions? How can these help us understand globalization?
First, the perspective of the person who defines globalization shapes its definition. For instances,
that I am an electrical engineer, my best definition of globalization is the global integration of the
development of technological advancement and electricity reserves. The overview of definitions implies
that globalization is many things to many different people.
Second, the concept is debatable. The meaning of the concept is self-evident, in another, it is vague
and obscure as its reaches are wide and constantly shifting. Maybe, more than any other concept,
globalization is the debate about it. And that’s how we should appreciate it. We learn things that we didn’t
know yet.
Then, globalization is a reality. It is changing as human society develops. It has happened before
and is still happening today. We should expect it to continue to happen in the future. The future of
globalization is more difficult to predict. Technological advancement will be gain further. But what we
could expect in the coming years is what has happened over the past 50 years and that is the flexibility and
complexity of globalization as a concept, which made more debates, discussions, and definitions than
agreements on it.
All in all, globalization is a concept that is not easy to define because in reality, globalization has a
shifting nature. It is contemporary. It is complex, have a lot of interpretations, and can be influenced by the
people who define it. Moreover, the issues and concerns involving globalization have a wide range--from
the individual to society, from small communities to nations and states, and from the benefits we can gain
from it to the costs it could carry. However, the task of defining globalization should stimulate more
discussions about it. More importantly, the fact that we experience globalization should give one the interest
of engaging in the study of it.

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