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Proverbs 6:13

He winketh with his eyes, he speaketh with his feet, he teacheth

with his fingers;

Wicked persons often hide naughty intentions behind subtle body language. Rather than
declare their evil goals and be rejected as dangerous, they use covert and indirect
methods for wickedness. A wise man will learn to recognize these hypocrites and liars,
even though they make efforts to cover their malicious designs. All noble and virtuous
men should reject such secret methods and make their godly intentions fully known.

The proverb is preceded and followed by others that indicate the subject is a wicked,
malicious, and naughty person (6:12,14). This is no ordinary winking, foot movement, or
teaching with fingers. The context requires that these movements are part of a froward
man’s repertoire in communicating his evil thoughts to others. Those who wisely use
winking, foot movements, or pointing out things need not fear from this proverb.

Wicked persons are controlled by the folly and evil that boils in their hearts (6:14). They
cannot stop their sinful thoughts or actions (6:14). They talk with a froward, or arrogant
and rebellious, mouth (6:12). They are constantly working their vile business of sowing
discord (6:14). They cannot rest if others are at peace, for they are always at war (Ps
55:21; 120:7). Mouth, eyes, feet, and fingers all work in one direction – to defraud others.

Judas betrayed the Lord Jesus Christ … with a kiss (Luke 22:47-48). The wounds of a
friend are better than such kisses (27:6). Whorish women do not openly declare they are
whores – they communicate their intentions by their eyes, clothes, and body movements
(6:25; 7:10; Is 3:16-23). Rebellious children roll their eyes at their parents rather than
curse them verbally, but God counts both actions equally vile (20:20; 30:17).

This proverb teaches you to identify wicked persons by their arrogant mouths and covert
body language, to avoid them lest you become a victim of their evil intentions and subtle
communication, and to know that God will soon judge them without remedy (6:15). The
blessed and holy God of heaven hates such men (6:15-19). Stay away from these
dangerous men, or they will devour you when it would serve them (10:10; Ps 35:19).

This proverb also teaches you to be direct, honest, and virtuous in word and deed. The
speech and body language of righteous men should be entirely different from the wicked
snakes described above. Your words should be clear, concise, noble, and right. Your
actions should be open and honest without subversive intentions or even the appearance
of such. Let your gaze be sober and constant, without winking. Let your feet be used only
for walking. And let your fingers only point righteously in the sight of all men.

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