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Cambridge University Press

978-8-490-36836-7 — Greenman and the Magic Forest B Teacher's Book

Katie Hill , Karen Elliott
More Information

Syllabus Starter Level (3 year olds) 2
Syllabus Level A (4 year olds) 3
Syllabus Level B (5 year olds) 4

Introduction 5
Pre-primary Curriculum Objectives 6

Components 9
Routines 11
Stories 13
Unit Structure 14
Lesson Structure 16
Phonics 18
Games Bank 20
Home-school Connection 24
Evaluation Grid 25
Big Book Story Scripts 26

Teaching notes
Welcome Unit Let’s Remember 32
Unit 1 The Surprise 36
Unit 2 The Brown Mouse 48
Review 1 Autumn Fun! 60
Unit 3 Where Is Greenman? 62
Unit 4 The Loud Wind 74
Review 2 Winter Fun! 86
Unit 5 A Great Game 88
Unit 6 Rain Water 100
Review 3 Spring Fun! 112

Halloween 114
Christmas 116
Easter Carnival 118
Green Day 120
Review 4 Summer Fun! 122

Letters To Parents 124

Digital forest 134

Greenman and the Magic Forest Teacher’s Book B

© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press
978-8-490-36836-7 — Greenman and the Magic Forest B Teacher's Book
Katie Hill , Karen Elliott
More Information

Unit Language Phonics

Routines Weather: sunny, cloudy, windy, raining/rainy, snowing/snowy, hot/cold. Shapes:

circle, square, triangle, rectangle Numbers: 1–4 Colours: red, blue, green, yellow

Welcome Unit Greenman, Sam, Nico, Rabbit, Hedgehog, Frog, Stella; Hello, I’m (Sam). What’s
The Magic your name?

Unit 1 teacher, table, chair, book, crayon, pencil; What’s this? It’s a (pencil). It’s red. s (Stella)
Let’s Draw! Concepts: happy/sad Colours: red Shapes: circle Emotions: sad/happy
Value: creativity

Unit 2 ball, teddy, doll, train, bike, car; There’s one (blue) (train). Here you are. / Thank g (Greenman,
Let’s Play! you. Concepts: fast/slow Colours: blue Numbers: 1 Emotions: excited green)
Value: fun b (book, blue)

Autumn Fun! Review: classroom and toys vocabulary

(Review 1)

Unit 3 eye, ear, mouth, nose, hair, face; I can see one (big) (face). I can see two (big) n (Nico, nose)
The Big (ears). It’s got (one) (big) (mouth). It’s got two (big) (eyes). Concepts: big/small m (mouth)
Montster Numbers: 2 Colours: green Emotions: fear Value: imagination

Unit 4 mummy, daddy, brother, sister, baby, friend; Who is it? It’s (Sam’s) brother. f (frog)
My Family They look (the same). They’ve got (big) (eyes). Concepts: same/different u (umbrella)
Numbers: 3 Shapes: triangle Colours: yellow Emotions: curiosity Value: family

Winter Fun! Review: face and family vocabulary

(Review 2)

Unit 5 turtle, fish, bird, hamster, cat, dog; Can you see your (bird)? It’s (on) the (table). d (dog)
Where’s My The (cat) is (under) the (chair). Concepts: on/under, Number: 4 c, k
Bird? Shapes: square Emotion: worried/relieved, Value: helping (cat, kitten)

Unit 6 sandwich, cake, pasta, apple, banana, milk; I like (milk). I don’t like (pasta). Let’s p (pasta)
Let’s Tidy Up! eat. Concepts: tidy/messy Shapes: rectangle Emotions: regret Value: being tidy

Spring Fun! Review: pets and food vocabulary

(Review 3)

Festivals Halloween: cat, monster, pumpkin; Phonics: h (hedgehog), a (ant) Christmas: Christmas, tree,
toy; Phonics: r (rabbit, red) Easter Carnival: Easter egg, bunny, chocolate; Phonics: e (egg)
Green Day: forest, flower, beautiful; Phonics: t (tree)

Summer Fun! Review: course vocabulary

(Review 4)

2 Greenman and the Magic Forest Teacher’s Book B

© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press
978-8-490-36836-7 — Greenman and the Magic Forest B Teacher's Book
Katie Hill , Karen Elliott
More Information

Unit Language Phonics
Routines Weather: sunny, cloudy, windy, raining/rainy, snowing/snowy, hot/cold
Shapes: circle, square, triangle, rectangle Numbers: 1–6 Colours: red,
blue, green, yellow, purple, pink, orange, grey, brown, black and white

Welcome Unit Greenman, Sam, Nico. Hello, I’m (Sam). What’s your name? toys, family,
Let’s Be colours Numbers: 1-4

Unit 1 board, computer, door, window, bag, peg; There are (three rabbits). There a (ant)
Four Rabbits aren’t (four rabbits). Let’s count the (rabbits). e (egg)
Concepts: good/naughty, Emotions: being sorry Value: respect

Unit 2 sandpit, slide, seesaw, swing, bucket, spade; Let’s (follow). Let’s play on the i (in)
The Honey (slide). Where’s (Greenman)? Concepts: up/down Emotions: happy o (on)
Game Value: exercising

Autumn Fun! Review: classroom and playground vocabulary

(Review 1)

Unit 3 arm, leg, hand, tummy, foot, finger; What’s the matter? My (leg) hurts. Can you l (leg)
I’m Hurt! move your (leg)? Yes, I can. Remember! Be careful! Concepts: clean/dirty,
Colours: black, white, brown Numbers: 1–5 Emotions: hurt Value: being careful

hat, boots, coat, jumper, dress, trousers; Put on your (boots). Take off your
Unit 4 (jumper). Your (hat) (is) too (small). I/you can’t wear your (hat). oo (cook,
It’s Too Small! Concepts: big/small Numbers: 1–5 Colours: purple, pink Emotions: cold moon)
Value: recycling

Winter Fun! Review: body and clothes vocabulary

(Review 2)

Unit 5 horse, cow, sheep, hen, pig, rabbit; Have you got (strong) (legs)? Yes, I have. sh (sheep)
Can I Help / No, I haven’t. Can you (fly)? Yes, I can./No, I can’t. Concepts: strong/weak ee (bee)
You? Numbers: 6 Colours: orange, grey Emotions: sad Value: self-confidence

Unit 6 egg, potato, carrot, sausage, plum, juice; Have you got any (carrots)? Yes, I x (fox)
The Summer have. / No, I haven’t. Can I have some (carrots)? Here you are. I like sharing ng (sing)
Party my (eggs). Concepts: hungry/thirsty Emotions: being sorry Value: sharing

Spring Fun! Review: farm animals and food vocabulary

(Review 3)

Festivals Halloween: witch, ghost, bat; Phonics: w (window) Christmas: bell, star, stocking; Phonics: oa
(coat) Easter Carnival: carnival, chick, basket; Phonics: ch (chick), y (yellow) Green Day: help,
park, rubbish; Phonics: ai/ay (rainy day)

Summer Fun! Review: course vocabulary

(Review 4)

Greenman and the Magic Forest Teacher’s Book B 3

© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press
978-8-490-36836-7 — Greenman and the Magic Forest B Teacher's Book
Katie Hill , Karen Elliott
More Information

Unit Language Phonics
Routines Weather: it’s sunny, cloudy, windy, raining/rainy, snowing/snowy, hot/cold.
Shapes: circle, square, triangle, rectangle Numbers: 1–10 Colours: red,
blue, green, yellow, purple, pink, orange, grey, brown, black and white

Welcome Unit Hello, I’m (Greenman), What’s your name? food, body, classroom, clothes,
Let’s Remember colours Numbers: 1-6

Unit 1 get up, brush your (teeth, hair), have breakfast, wash your (hands, face), ay (play)
The Surprise get dressed; Imperative (Get up!) What’s the hurry? Come on! We’re late! ee (bee)
Concepts: early/late Numbers: 1-6 Emotions: surprise Value: beauty in

Unit 2 bedroom, living room, kitchen, garden, dining room, bathroom; Let’s find ou (mouse,
The Brown the (cat). The (door) is (open). They’re in the (kitchen). They aren’t in the brown)
Mouse (bedroom). Concepts: open/closed, Numbers: 1–6 Emotions: scared
Value: compassion

Autumn Fun! Review: morning routines and rooms in the house vocabulary
(Review 1)

Unit 3 shop, restaurant, playground, hospital, school, fire station; Where is ar (car)
Where is (Greenman, the honey)? There’s (honey) in the (restaurant). There isn’t
Greenman? (honey) in the (hospital). Concepts: near/far Numbers: 7 Emotions: worry
Value: caring for others

Unit 4 shop assistant, waiter, doctor, teacher, firefighter, policeman; Can I or (horn)
The Loud Wind have some (pencils)? Yes, of course. Concepts: quiet/loud Numbers: 8
Emotions: tired Value: asking for help

Winter Fun! Review: places in town and jobs vocabulary

(Review 2)

Unit 5 elephant, giraffe, tiger, bear, monkey, crocodile; Who are you? I’m (a tiger). z (zebra)
A Great Game What are you doing? I’m (eating). Concepts: boring/exciting, Numbers: 9 v (van)
Emotions: bored/excited Value: empathy

Unit 6 fish, meat, lemon, tomato, lettuce, sweetcorn; I like/don’t like (meat). j (jam, jar)
Rain Water Concepts: sweet/sour/salty Numbers: 10 Emotion: dislike Value: food th
from nature (teeth/feather)

Spring Fun! Review: animals and food vocabulary

(Review 3)

Festivals Halloween: spider, costume, moon; Phonics: ie (pie) Christmas: reindeer, snowman, gift;
Phonics: oy (toy) Easter Carnival: flower, lamb, duck; Phonics: qu (queen)
Green Day: recycle, earth, sea; Phonics: ir (bird)

Summer Fun! Review: course vocabulary

(Review 4)
4 Greenman and the Magic Forest Teacher’s Book B

© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press
978-8-490-36836-7 — Greenman and the Magic Forest B Teacher's Book
Katie Hill , Karen Elliott
More Information


ZGeneral description of the course ZMethodology

Welcome to Greenman and the Magic Forest, a series Following a holistic approach, the course teaches English
developed specifically for the needs of Spanish Pre-primary as part of the children’s overall learning process.
pupils. In this dynamic course, pupils learn English through
Greenman and the Magic Forest’s lesson structure lends
songs and stories, games and hands-on activities related
itself naturally to English acquisition.
to learning about and caring for the environment and each
other. It features:
ZObjectives r A unique topic and story for each unit, along with
unit values (such as ‘helping others’ and ‘empathy’),
The activities in the Greenman and the Magic Forest
contrasting concepts (such as ‘open’ and ‘closed’) and
course incorporate the official objectives of the Pre-Primary
relevant vocabulary to enhance all themes.
curriculum: Knowing one’s self and personal autonomy,
r Six new vocabulary words, presented in each unit.
Physycal, natural, social and cultural environment and
r Vocabulary, which is continuously reviewed and developed
Languages: Communication and representation.
throughout the course to build comprehension.
The activities are geared toward Pre-primary abilities, and r A wide variety of activities to spark children’s enthusiasm
keep in consideration the wide variety of learning styles and give opportunities for each child to feel a sense of
within this age group. The integrated curriculum lets pupils achievement.
study English as a means of learning about the world r Songs that pupils will enjoy singing along with while doing
around them, not simply the study of English as English the TPR actions they have learned in class.
alone. The concepts and objectives complement the
Pre-primary general curriculum and help children to make Young learners will get to know classroom routines in
connections between concepts they are learning in other English with Greenman’s help. They will become used to
subject areas. the language and learn much of it passively. They will be
actively involved in repetitive words and phrases that they
ZConcept and characters will hear and use in every class until they are part of their
commonly used vocabulary. The connections made with the
Greenman, the magical protector of the forest, will
globalised concepts in the official Pre-primary curriculum will
introduce children to a delightful English speaking world
help children to build on information that they have already
through stories and songs. Pupils will discover ways to look
learned in their native language. The songs and games add
after the environment, enjoy nature, and cultivate a healthy
fun and variety to enhance their first English experience in
these very important years of learning.
The course features Greenman, and his charming friends,
Nico and Sam (two children), Stella (our friendly Phonics
snake), and many other forest animals, accompanying
pupils through:
rA strong routine based course using seasons and nature
as its central themes.
r Stories that blend the forest world with recognisable,
‘real life’ settings, to which the pupils can relate.
r Catchy songs that use TPR movements (Total Physical
Response) to teach vocabulary in a style that pupils will
enjoy and remember. Special Phonics songs to introduce
new sounds.
r A wide variety of activities designed for Pre-primary
abilities, as well as an integrated curriculum which
allows pupils to learn English in synergy with their other
r Age appropriate Projects which present the use of English
in real situations.

Greenman and the Magic Forest Teacher’s Book B 5

© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press
978-8-490-36836-7 — Greenman and the Magic Forest B Teacher's Book
Katie Hill , Karen Elliott
More Information

Pre-primary Curriculum Objectives

Greenman and the Magic Forest is designed taking into The following are the standards for Pre-primary learning in
consideration the particular needs and objectives described Spain as described in the official Pre-primary curriculum.
in the official Pre-primary curriculum, and satisfies the
general curricular objectives for the Pre-primary second

ZKnowing one’s self and personal autonomy

1. Develop an appropriate and positive image

Greenman and the Magic Forest provides a multitude of
of oneself through interaction with others
experiences for positive reinforcement. By feeling success with
and the gradual identification with their own
each new word presented, and receiving reinforcement from
characteristics, capabilities and limitations,
the teacher with added stickers and stamps the children feel
developing feelings of self-confidence and
a sense of accomplishment and self-worth.
personal autonomy.

Pupils will learn the names of the body parts in English, practise
2. Know and show one’s body and its elements and
movements that the body can do, the way different facial
functions, discovering its limits and improving
expressions look and feel and use movement in games and
coordination and control of precise gestures and
TPR activities. Each lesson involves movement, expression and

3. Identify one’s own feelings, emotions, needs or In Greenman and the Magic Forest pupils will work on emotions
preferences and to be capable of controlling, and communicate through role play and through observation in
expressing and communicating them to others the Big Book stories. The Values activities help children to focus
(identifying and respecting those of others as on important values such as sharing. The Big Book stories show
well). how characters can help each other to solve problems.

Throughout the course pupils will gradually build independence

4. Perform routine activities while encouraging in the activities in Greenman and the Magic Forest by becoming
autonomy, develop a feeling of self-confidence familiar with the routines in class. The course offers many
and acquire strategies to satisfy basic needs. different opportunities for pupils to perform activities in which
they will feel confident and successful.

The Big Book stories illustrate a warm friendly atmosphere. The

5. Develop and practise ‘respect’ and respectful
focus in the class activities is to support classmates when they
behaviour. Learn methods of collaboration with
struggle and when they succeed. By offering examples and giving
others and how to avoid submissive or dominating
practise of good models of behaviour they become natural and

Greenman and the Magic Forest has an environmental focus,

6. Progress in acquiring habits and attitudes related with stories that take place mainly outdoors and feature the
to safety, hygiene, enjoying a balanced lifestyle characters in active and healthy situations. Activities support
and emotional well-being. this theme by involving lots of physical movement and a healthy
attitude toward life.

6 Greenman and the Magic Forest Teacher’s Book B

© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press
978-8-490-36836-7 — Greenman and the Magic Forest B Teacher's Book
Katie Hill , Karen Elliott
More Information

ZPhysical, natural, social and cultural environment

1. Actively observe and explore surroundings In the Big Book stories and class activities children are
generating interpretations about some situations introduced to various situations that are part of daily life.
and pertinent information about daily life. In the process of learning English, children also develop
Cultivate curiosity for these themes. these life skills.

The course offers many opportunities to role play practising

2. Interact with others, in an increasingly balanced
positive social interactions which teachers and peers will
and satisfactory manner, progressively interiorising
value and reinforce. Through games and helping one another
guidelines for social behaviour and adjusting
in activities, the pupils are adjusting their own behaviour and
one’s conduct to them.
developing social skills.

Learning a new language is showing appreciation for different

3. Get to know distinct social groups within their
cultures. The children will identify with this culture through its
individual and unique community, some of their
language. The class activities involve sharing and helping one
characteristics, cultural productions, values and
another. By developing these social skills with support from the
lifestyles, generating an attitude of trust, respect
teacher the children see that they are all equal despite their
and appreciation.

4. Initiate mathematical abilities, in reference

Each unit involves a lesson (Lesson 5) focused on developing
to elements and collections, identifying their
skills such as grouping, classification, ordering and quantifying.
attributes and qualities and establishing
Each unit includes a number song to practise counting and
relationships of grouping, classification, ordering
mathematical thinking in a fun way.
and quantifying.

Greenman and the Magic Forest is set in the natural environment.

5. Learn and value the natural environment. Greenman himself is a magical forest creature who leads
Encourage an attitude of care, respect and the children, along with the forest friends, through different
responsibility for the conservation of basic and situations in each unit. Pupils will develop a greater appreciation
essential elements of the natural world. and sense of responsibility toward nature as they learn the
importance of what nature creates and its special gifts.

Greenman and the Magic Forest Teacher’s Book B 7

© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press
978-8-490-36836-7 — Greenman and the Magic Forest B Teacher's Book
Katie Hill , Karen Elliott
More Information

ZLanguages: Communication and representation

1. Use language as a learning tool of communication,

The pupils will use English to understand and complete the tasks
representation and enjoyment. Understanding
in class. They will use drama skills to do actions that represent
language as an expression of ideas and feelings.
words in English. The role play activities and dialogues in which
Beginning to value oral language as a means to
the pupils will participate, will develop these important skills.
develop relationships with others.

Each unit focuses on a specific emotion as well as contrasting

2. Express feelings, hopes and ideas through oral and
concepts. The Big Book stories, games and activities, dialogues
other forms of communication and practising how
and actions help the pupils practise the positive ways of
to choose the one which best suits the situation.
expressing their emotions.

The pupils will build active language skills as well as receptive
3. Comprehend the intentions and messages of language skills as they become confident in the routines of
other children and adults while adopting a positive the class with the Routine Board and through the regular unit
attitude toward language, their own as well as structure. By receiving positive reinforcement and learning and
foreign languages. practising language in a non-threatening atmosphere, pupils build
a positive attitude toward language.

The Big Book stories are a springboard for other ‘active time’
4. Comprehend, reproduce and recreate some literary
activities, songs, role plays and Pupil’s Book activites. The pupils
texts with an attitude of value, enjoyment and
will learn the stories well enough to join in as the teacher reads
the story.

Pupils will develop pre-writing skills in lesson 5 of each unit. They

will practise making different types of lines and shapes and later,
5. Exploring reading and writing as social instruments
write numbers and identify words and letters. They will see the Big
of communication, information and enjoyment.
Book story time as an enjoyable time to share stories with their

The pupils will practise physical expression with the TPR action
6. Promote the importance of art and expression in
songs, as well as games and activities throughout the course with
different languages. Practice activities that include
Greenman and the Magic Forest. They will represent individual
artistic expression and representation through the
words with actions and expression and learn that artistic
use of diverse techniques.
expression is fun!

8 Greenman and the Magic Forest Teacher’s Book B

© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press
978-8-490-36836-7 — Greenman and the Magic Forest B Teacher's Book
Katie Hill , Karen Elliott
More Information


ZPupil’s Book with Stickers and Pop-outs ZTeacher’s Book / Guía Didáctica
The Pupil’s Book includes The Teacher’s Book in
colour pages as well as full colour includes all the
stickers and pop-outs. The information to help teachers
wide format and spiral to plan and execute lessons.
binding are easy for young There is a full guide for each
children to manage as lesson including optional
they learn to locate pages activities and games for
with page numbers and extension. The spiral binding
work within the book. The makes the Teacher’s Book
book includes tear-off easy to use while planning
worksheets so the teacher has the option of sending home and teaching.
individual worksheets for pupils to review.

ZApp ZClass Audio CDs

Children will be able to
The Audio CDs for class use
enjoy the Greenman App
include all songs, chants and Big
interactive games at home
Book stories used in the course.
with their parents. They
The audio transcripts for each of
can listen to the stories
these is included in the Teacher’s
and songs again to review
and enjoy.

ZBig Book
ZTeacher’s Resource Book

The Big Book, with its full colour illustrations of fun

The Teacher’s Resource Book includes extra material for
characters and lively action scenes, is a really attractive
each unit and gives the option of extending and expanding
component for young children. The Big Book includes six
upon lessons with photocopiable worksheets and project
stories, which act as the main focus for each of the six
main units.

Greenman and the Magic Forest Teacher’s Book B 9

© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press
978-8-490-36836-7 — Greenman and the Magic Forest B Teacher's Book
Katie Hill , Karen Elliott
More Information

ZRoutine Board ZReward Stickers & Reward Stamp

The magnetic board with removable elements makes These reinforcement tools are essential in helping children
a clear focal point for starting each lesson at Routine to use English as much as possible in the classroom. By
time. It helps pupils to get involved in identifying routine pointing out the pupils’ success in class the pupils are
vocabulary for weather, numbers, colours, shapes and motivated to continue in their efforts. These components
birthdays. Classroom helpers or volunteers enjoy helping include pictures of the main characters from the book and
the teacher to identify the appropriate element for the positive expressions such as: Well done! Great!
routine vocabulary each lesson.
ZDigital Forest

3 ZFlashcards
Flashcards are a key element for this age
group as they make connections orally
and visually with the vocabulary in English.
There are flashcards for the six new
brush your hair

n and the Magic

Forest Level
A © Cambridge
Press 2015

and the Magic Forest Level B © Cambridge University Press 2015 vocabulary words in each unit.


There are Wordcards with the six new

hh t

r 
heh 
 vocabulary words in each unit for those
   
r Magic Forest
Level B © Cambrid
ge Universi
ty Press

n and the

and the
Magic Forest
Level B
© Cambrid
ge Universi
ty Press

teachers who are introducing the written

Greenman and the

Magic Forest Level
B © Cambridge
University Press

ZPhonics Flashcards
The Phonics Flashcards are used to

v 7

practise the phonics sounds and words,

throughout the three levels of Greenman
and the Magic Forest. These can be used
The digital component for Interactive Whiteboards
includes: animated stories, action songs videos, interactive
with the Routine Board should the teacher flashcards and games. These activities can be used as
decide to include Phonics as part of Routine an extension of the activities in the Teacher’s Book or as
t a format to alternate between the physical resources and
Level A ©
e University
Press 2015
technological ones for variety.
Magic Forest
and the

ZGreenman Puppet
Lovable Greenman is a cuddly puppet
which the children will associate directly
to English learning time in school.
Since Greenman only speaks English,
children are encouraged to stretch and
improve their language skills because
they will want to make that effort to
communicate with him.

10 Greenman and the Magic Forest Teacher’s Book B

© in this web service Cambridge University Press

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