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157) For the operating voltage of 100 V the de Broglie wavelength of electron is a)

1227 Å b) 12.27 Å c) 1.227 Å d) 122.7 Å

158) Angular momentum of an electron in a stable orbit is equal to
d) nh b) mrω c) mr2ω d) mω2r
159) The resolving power of electron microscope times greater than that of optical microscope
a)109 b)108 c) 1012 d)105
160) experiment proves the non existence of ether in space
e) Galileo b) Davisson Germer c) Michelson and Morley d) Lorentz
161) Electron microscope is operated in
f) high pressure b) high vacuum c) normal pressure d) None of the above
162) In an electron microscope lenses are used
g) glass b) quartz c) electromagnetic d) rock salt
163) At stopping potential the photoelectric current is
a)maximum b) minimum c) infinity d) zero
164) The nuclear force and gravitational force are in the ratio
a) 1: 1040 b) 10-40 : 1 c) 1040 : 1 d) 1010 :1
165) In a nuclear reaction, there is a decrease of mass of 0.05 amu. Then the energy released in the nuclear reaction
is a) 46.55 eV b) 46.55 MeV c) 465.5 MeV d) 465.5 eV
166) The half life period of a radioactive element is 15 hours. At the end of 30 hours the fraction of the radioactive
element remaining is
a) 0 b) 1 / 3 c) ½ d)1 / 4
167) If 15/16 of an artificial radioactive element decays in 176 seconds, its half life is
a) 44 S b) 42 S c) 40 S d) 45 S
168) If initially , the number of disintegration per minute of carbon 14 be 15.3, when will it be reduced to 3.83 per minute?
a) After 6500 years b) After 5600 years c) After 11200 years d) After 16800 years
169) The half life of a given sample of a radioactive material is 5 days. The number of nuclei at a given instant is N.
The number of nuclei that remains undecayed after 10 days is
a) N/4 b) N/2√2 c) N/3√2 d) N/√2
170) The shape of a nucleus in stable state is
b) elliptical b) cone c) square d) spherical
171) Inter molecular forces in a liquid drop are
c) very weak b) very strong c) short range forces d) long range forces
172) The unit of radioactivity is
d) Curie b) Joliot c) Joule d) Watt
173) 1 Becquerel =
e) 1 disintegration per second b) 2 disintegration per second
c) 4 disintegration per second d) 10 disintegration per second
174) The high resistance used in G.M counter is of
a) 1 mega ohm b) 10 mega ohm c) 100 mega ohm d) 10000 ohm
175) Mass of hyperons vary from
a) 1836 me to 3275 me b) 1836 me to 2180 me
c) 2180 me to 3275 me d) 0 to 3275 me
176) When a magnetic field is applied on a moving charge it will follow
b) a spiral path b) a zig zag path c) a straight line path d) a circular path
177) To control the chain reaction, the following rods are used in a nuclear reactor
c) carbon rods b) uranium rods c) cadmium rods d) none of these
178) The number of isotopes of chlorine is
d) two b) three c) four d) five
179) The mass of neutron is
a) 1.007277 amu b) 1.0007277 amu c) 1.008665amu d) 1.0008665amu
180) The maximum value of BE / A is
e) 8.1 MeV b) 8.8 MeV c) 9.8 MeV d) 7.8 MeV
181) The velocity sector in Bainbridge mass spectrometer allows
a)all the positive ions to pass through b)no positive ions to pass through
c)only the positive ions of particular velocity to pass through
d)only the positive ions of particular mass to pass through
182) In the velocity selector the angle between magnetic and electric fields is
a) 00 b) 900 c) 1800 d) 450
183) Who discovered the highly radioactive element Radium?
a) Henry Becquerel b) Soddy c) Fajans d) Curie couple
2014 – 2015 Page 7 of 10

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