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Chapter 5

Findings, Recommendation and Conclusion

Summary of findings

The main purpose of this study is to assimilate the Students keyboard

techniques, Enable the keyboard techniques. And based in the analysis of

Data result from previous chapter, the following findings and summarize are

as follows:


In Recommendation the researcher suggest to the students that

knowing the techniques can help them a lot. There are the suggestion of the

researcher that will help the students to improve their knowledge and skills;

>Read the pamphlet of the researchers

>Watch tutorials
>Talk to Professionals

>Read Books

>Typing games and Programs

>Proper Placement

>Type more and practices

>Familiarize yourself in keyboard

>Use the proper fingers to strike the other keys

>Practice Regulary


In Conclusion the result of our study, most of students having a difficulties in

keyboard techniques because they don’t have enough information of it. Keyboard

techniques may help the students to avoid of being hassle because it can save more time.

One of the Techniques that students don’t have enough information is the keyboard

ergonomics. An ergonomic keyboard is a computer keyboard designed with ergonomic

considerations to minimize muscle train and a host of related problems. This keyboard may

help the students to finish or accomplishing a task quickly. In just one click in the mouse you

can do whatever you want to do. There is one problem that the students having difficulties in

keyboard techniques and that is poor dictation because the information that they have is
wrong information. Keyboard techniques are a big help for the students. So it is very

important to know all the techniques.

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