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Winter semester 2019-20

(Problem Sheet-1)

1. Consider an infinite ladder network with series impedance and parallel impedance of each section
are Z1 and Z2 respectively.
(a) Find the expression for the characteristic impedance Zo of the network.
(b) Using the expression for Zo , show that above network will act as ideal low pass filter (in
terms of magnitude response) if Z1 is inductance and Z2 is capacitance.
(c) Using the above result show that a lossless transmission line will act as all pass filter.
2. Consider an infinite ladder network with series impedance and parallel impedance of each section
are Z1 and Z2 respectively.

(a) Show that the propagation factor for one section (ratio
 of  the voltage phasors at the end
and beginning of one section) is given by α = 1 − Zo , where Zo is the characteristic
impedance of the network.
(b) Show that the above network will act as ideal high pass filter (in terms of magnitude re-
sponse) if Z1 is capacitance and Z2 is inductance.
(c) Using the value of α show that the above network will act as ideal low pass filter (in terms
of magnitude response) if Z1 is inductance and Z2 is capacitance.
(d) Using the above result show that a lossless transmission line will act as all pass filter.
3. A uniform transmission line has constants R = 12mΩ/m, G = 0.8µS/m, L = 1.3µH/m and
C = 0.7nF/m. find the (a) characteristic impedance (b)Phase constant (c) attenuation constant
of the line at an operating frequency of 5kHz. Also find the wave velocity on the line.
4. The ppropagation constant of a transmission line (for a sinusoidal excitation of frequency ω) is
γ = jωL(G + jωC) where L, C and G are inductance, capacitance and conductance per unit
length of the line. Is this transmission line lossless or not? Prove it analytically.

5. Model a finite transmission line of length l, propagation constant γ and characteristic impedance
Zo as a two port network and find its ABCD parameters.
6. Transmission line transformation of a load ZL and Z is as given, where l is the length, β is the
phase constant and Zo is the characteristic impedance of the lossless transmission line.

ZL + jZo tan(βl)
Z = Zo
Zo + jZL tan(βl)

(a) Show that the transformation implies that the impedance Z gets transformed to ZL∗ for real
(b) When a voltage source with source impedance Z (real) is connected to ZL using such a
transmission line, show that maximum power transfer to ZL is possible.

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