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[School Management System]



School Management System

Revision History
Date Description Author Comments
<04-05-2017> <Version 1> < Irfan Muhammad Ali, <First Revision>
Ume Habiba >

Document Approval
The following Software Requirements Specification has been accepted and approved by the following:

Signature Printed Name Title Date

Sir Ali Sammad Supervisor, CSIT 21306 <04-05-2017>

School Management System

Table of Contents

1 Introduction: 4
1.1 Goal: 4
1.2 Purpose 4
1.3 Scope 4
1.4 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations: 4
1.5 Reference 5
1.6 Overview 5

2 Overall Description 5
2.1 Product Perspective 5
2.3 General constraints 6
2.4 Assumptions and dependencies 6

3 Specific Requirements 6
3.1 Interface Requirements 6
3.1.1 Login Use Case: 7 Use Case of the system: 7 View History Use Case 7
3.1.2 Software Interface 7
3.1.3 Software Compatibility 8
3.2 Functional Requirements 8
3.2.1 Login into System 8 Introduction 8 Inputs 8 Processing 8 Outputs 8 Error Handling 8
3.2.2 Record Management 8 Introduction 8 Input 9 Processing 9 Output 9 Error Handling 9
3.2.3 Reports 9 Introduction 9 Input 9 Processing 9 Output 9 Error Handling 9
3.3 Graphical Interface 10
3.3.1 Memory Requirement 10
3.3.2 Probability 10
3.4 Use Case 11

School Management System

1 Introduction:
School Management System is an application Software that is used to keep and maintain the complete
record of School. In this software user could keep the record of (Students, Staff, Expensive, Profits ).

This also generate different reports like student fee slip, Staff pay slip and Business sheet of profit and
maintenance of the system.

1.1 Goal:

This software will be used to insert, search, update, or keep the record of the student staff and other
people relevant to that school from any aspect.

1.2 Purpose

This SRS documentation gives an elaboration of the working and details of the School

Management System. Expansion to it and investigation of School indicates that how they are working
easily now a days .An Application software help them to work their easily and efficiently.

1.3 Scope

This application will be utilized by the general schools that wish to keep, insert and update the record of
the students and others with the help of an window gadget.

1.4 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations:

Codec: Coder-Decoder

DB: Database

HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol

C#.Net It is a multi-programming language

GUI: Graphical User Interface

STD: Standers

SRS: Software Requirement Specification

SDK: City Sadiq Abad

MTB: Madars-Tul- Binaat

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1.5 Reference

A survey of different school their working, their record system fee structure, other important feature are
being optimized and translated in the sequence and generated this report.

The school are under the visit are Rehnuma Model High School SDK, Iqra Public School SDK, MTB

And visited different sites for overview of software requirement specifications of any system and get idea.
Specification of IEEE recommended for software engineering.

1.6 Overview

This report is divided into four chapters. The first provides an overall description of the functions of a
school management system . The second describes a usability study showing existing designs and
interfaces. Define the detail requirements, specific functions, performance and other related requirements
of the software. The last chapter explores use cases for desired features and functionality for the design of
this application.

Supporting appendix are provided in the chapter 4.

2 Overall Description
A school management system is an application software that is used to keep the complete info about a
School for which is used. In this documentation, the focus is largely on studying the different type of
management system specially on the different schools. This study will be helpful in the design and the
look of School management system.

In overall description, we will discuss about background information about specific information of the
software that will be provide briefly. General issues are also underlined and functional requirements are
mentioned. In short this section provide the information of the Product Perspective, Constraints,
Dependencies, Product Function and Assumptions.

2.1 Product Perspective

With the help of this software user will be able to keep the record of the students, staff, uses, others and
can visualized the school from business perspective .The user easily can insert ,search ,update the record .

The record of any system is most important of that organization that is why this software will make them
able to for a reliable, efficient record management.

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School Management System

2.2 Following functions are typically provided in school management system.

1. Insert, update, search the information of the students.

2. Insert, update, search the information of the staff.

3. Generate the fee slip of the student

4. Generate the income report of the school

2.3 General constraints

Students must have Be-Form

Students must have picture

Execution time of the software should not be more than four or five seconds

User first login otherwise he/she could not use the software

This product shall be available to user 99.9% of the time when is it needed

It will be suitable for the user that they will handle all responsibilities from here

2.4 Assumptions and dependencies

As we discussed in last section that is general constraints. There are some requirements like Database,
User data, Students information, Tools etc. Accomplish this product, the requirements should be
provided. The hardware must be provided run this application software. Our system will depend on the

We going to use the visual programing to code our system and make interface of the system. However,
we can also study on other plate form like Java etc.

 SMS has the more bandwidth

 SMS has the low latency

 Image processing libraries are available

3 Specific Requirements
3.1 Interface Requirements

In this section, we will explore the software requirement specification and the interface of the system is
explained fully functional requirements.

User need a single click to register a user by adding the username password and email for the use of this
product. Instead of those people that are entered in the system database as user can’t use this product.

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School Management System

User first need to login by giving the id and password.

3.1.1 Login Use Case: Use Case of the system:

User first need to login for either he/she wants to enter other user or using the system for the students, or
the staff or going to generate the business sheet or visit the progress page of the system.

Figure 3.1.1 : Login use case View History Use Case

After the login use is able to view the history of the school from any aspects the added students, Joined
Staff, School income etc.

Figure3.1.2.1 history use case

3.1.2 Software Interface

This system is extremely user friendly. Any user having the little info about the usage of computer can
use this system without any hesitation or irritation.

The following things are added in our system to make it more user friendly

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School Management System

 Login
 Students
 Staff
 Business
 History
 Exit
 Sign Out
3.1.3 Software Compatibility

 XP, Window 7, Window 8, 8.1, Window 10 etc. This application can be run on any System
 Front end
 Back end Operating System
 Visual studio

3.2 Functional Requirements

3.2.1 Login into System Introduction

Login prerequisite must be important to interface with the framework. This is utilitarian prerequisite and
used to login. The reason for using login is to secure the framework from unauthorized user. Nobody
could access the system if he has not the user id and password that are assign to authorized user of the
system. Inputs

To login into the software user enter username and password. Processing

After login to the system user can perform desired operation. There are some priorities that are predefined
in the SMS. Some features are only for some special user like the manager owner or Principle. Outputs

Progress of complete system can be measure through reports generate by SMS application. These reports
are relevant to the educational perspective and business perspective also.

The user can view the complete strength of the school, examination record with progress and the income
expenses profit and lose of school. Error Handling

If the user enter wrong password or user id he would not be able to use the system. SMS application allow
them to enter again enter the user id and password.
3.2.2 Record Management Introduction

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School Management System

Record management is an organizational function devoted to the management of information in an

organization throughout its life cycle, from the time of creation or inscription to its eventual disposition.
This includes identifying, classifying, storing, securing, retrieving, tracking and destroying or
permanently preserving records for future use and update of the system. Input

In record there is complete information of all the people relevant to the system from any perspective
either is a student ,teacher ,clerical staff or other staff member. The name CNIC and other information
will be stored. Processing

All operation could be perform on the record and other things. Insert new Student, Teacher, User, Staff
member etc.

Update the record of any one mentioned above, search and delete. Output

Well-structured record management of school help to search edit and update. This is very useful for
future. Error Handling

There is no redundancy of information of any member of the school. There will be the backup system if
the record is deleted unconsciously of from someone unauthorized.

3.2.3 Reports Introduction

Report is the performance description of the system. SMS application has a feature to generate the
reports of the school performance. These reports are student report, accounts report and the description of
staff student and teachers. Input

In report there is only the category is required for the report, application will generate report itself Processing

Report will be generated by giving the category and the description of report. Output

Report is a guideline for the better decision for take place to improve the system. Error Handling

Reports can only be generated by the user of the system neither by student or teacher nor by the owner or
principle of the school.

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3.3 Graphical Interface

 Homepage containing the view of school and a link button of login page
 User will login by giving username and ID
 Manu page
 Student page
 Staff page
 Accounts
3.3.1 Memory Requirement

Hence this software is developed in visual language there for the code is logical a bit .


3.3.2 Probability

memory is very low.

Output: This software is very flexible to use

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3.4 Use Case




Record Officer
Generate ReportCard

Home Room Teacher

Record Attendence

View Report

Generate Timetable


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