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21st Century Instructional Guide for Career Technical Education

Word Processing

Business and Marketing Cluster

Microsoft Computer Applications Specialist (MCAS) Concentration

Title: Word Processing (WVEIS 1433)

Standard Number: Basic Computer Concepts and Skills

BE.S.WRDP.1 Students will acquire and demonstrate basic computer concepts and skills.
Essential Why are computer concepts and skills necessary?
Objectives: Students will Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor:
BE.O.WRDP.1.1 demonstrate file management techniques Students will create a directory and subdirectories on
(e.g., deleting, copying, saving files, and a storage device. Students will practice saving,
creating directories and subdirectories). copying and deleting files.
BE.O.WRDP.1.2 maintain storage media and computer Teacher will demonstrate using interactive media the
hardware and software. proper procedure to access files from a network drive
and how to save the student’s directory.

Students will practice retrieving and saving

information to the network and other storage media.
BE.O.WRDP.1.3 obtain assistance for preparing documents via Teacher will provide a computer related problem via
electronic and hard copy references and a wiki or blog. Students will access the help feature
documentation (e.g., help screen and internet with the software and online to obtain information
search). relating to the problem and reply to the wiki or blog
with a solution and discussion.
BE.O.WRDP.1.4 develop work habits and attitudes that will Students will complete a simulation that will include
enhance future career endeavors. prioritizing tasks.
Implement Word Processing Tools
Standard Number: Students will utilize a variety of word processing formatting tools.
Essential How does formatting enhance the appearance of documents?
Objectives: Students will Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor:
BE.O.WRDP.2.1 change margins. Using the simulation started in Standard 1, Objective
BE.O.WRDP.2.2 choose page orientation. 1.4, students will use formatting tools to enhance the
BE.O.WRDP.2.3 select appropriate vertical and horizontal documents created in the projects within the
alignment. simulation.
BE.O.WRDP.2.4 utilize various fonts.
BE.O.WRDP.2.5 apply appropriate indentation. Peers will evaluate the documents for errors –
BE.O.WRDP.2.7 change line spacing. spelling, grammatical, and formatting. Students will
BE.O.WRDP.2.7 insert and format bullets and numbering. correct documents before submitting to the teacher
BE.O.WRDP.2.8 set tabs. electronically for evaluation – via email, wiki, blog,
BE.O.WRDP.2.9 create documents in varying columnar forms.
BE.O.WRDP.2.10 proofread copy using manual techniques and
Simulations can be found online, purchased through
software tools (e.g., spell-check, grammar,
publishing companies, or teacher created.
thesaurus, help screens, and online
Standard Number: Document Production
BE.S.WRDP.3 Students will create, format, and edit error-free documents.
Essential What is document production?
Objectives: Students will Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor:
BE.O.WRDP.3.1 define and use word processing terminology. In teams of 2, each team will create a word
processing terminology crossword puzzle that will be
shared with other teams to complete.

Use interactive media to share the completed

crossword puzzles with the class.

Students can access the to play

Wheel of Terms.
BE.O.WRDP.3.2 understand the concepts used in the Students will plan an office appreciation banquet for
preparation of standard business documents the school’s partners in education and advisory
representing a variety of formats, including committees to show appreciation for support of the
letters, memos, reports, tables, outlines, and business programs and showcase the student’s
resumes. work.
BE.O.WRDP.3.3 sort data in ascending and descending order.

BE.O.WRDP.3.4 sort data in multiple fields. Students will draft a letter and post on the blog or
BE.O.WRDP.3.5 create and merge a primary file with a wiki to the instructor for evaluation. Students will use
secondary file. interactive media to share their draft letter with
BE.O.WRDP.3.7 create and execute macros. classmates for peer evaluation. The letter will be
BE.O.WRDP.3.7 utilize wizards and templates. addressed to their school’s principal and board of
BE.O.WRDP.3.8 link a spreadsheet and a chart (from a data education requesting permission for use of the facility
file) into a word processing document. and approval.
BE.O.WRDP.3.9 manipulate text and data through insertion,
deletion, cutting/pasting, and copying. Students will create an error free merged letter
BE.O.WRDP.3.10 use rough draft handwritten sources to input inviting advisory committee, partners in education,
material. and the local board of education to the event.
BE.O.WRDP.3.11 recognize and use proofreader’s marks.
Students will create a memo inviting staff and
BE.O.WRDP.3.12 edit copy (e.g., find, replace, undo, redo, cut,
administration to the event.
copy, paste).
Students will create a table for supplies needed and
the costs associated with the supplies. Sort
according to price.
Standard Number: Electronic Communications
BE.S.WRDP.4 Students will develop the skills necessary to communicate electronically.
Essential Why is electronic communication necessary?
Objectives: Students will Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor:
BE.O.WRDP.4.1 demonstrate use of electronic mail. Using the project in Standard 3, Objectives 3.2 – 3.12,
BE.O.WRDP.4.2 access data from Web sites or other online email the memo to teachers and administrators inviting
resources. them to the appreciation banquet.
BE.O.WRDP.4.3 share documents online.

BE.O.WRDP.4.4 use comments to review documents. Students will use the Internet to research prices of items
needed for the appreciation banquet.

Students will post their price list created in a table to the

class wiki or blog.

Students will share the memo created with two other

classmates via email to critique and makes on using the
comment feature in word processing.

Standard Number: Career Employment Skills

BE.S.WRDP.5 Students will develop skills relating to career employment.
Essential What skills are needed for employability?
Objectives: Students will Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor:
BE.O.WRDP.5.1 create a portfolio containing representative Students will create a digital portfolio that will include
samples of student work, including resume samples of work created in class, resume and letter of
format suitable for online posting. application.
BE.O.WRDP5.2 implement courtesy, integrity, Invite a personnel director to the classroom to discuss
confidentiality, and security related to etiquette in the workplace, hiring/firing procedures, skills
documents, information and necessary for employment, etc.
Standard Number: Participating in a Local Student Organization
BE.S.WRDP.7 Students will participate in a local student organization.

Essential What are the benefits of joining and participating in a local student organization?
Objectives: Students will Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor:
BE.O. DIM1.7.1 assess the purposes and goals of the local Invite students to participate in an FBLA chapter event.
student organization. Invite State FBLA Officer to present at a chapter meeting
or to a class on the activities, purpose and benefits of
membership. Show the FBLA promotional video located
on web site. Have students to locate
and discuss the FBLA-PBL goals, mission statement, and
BE.O. DIM1.7.2 discover the benefits and responsibilities Invite FBLA-PBL alumni members to be guest speakers
of participation in student organization as in the classroom and during chapter events. Coordinate
an adult. a chapter event with another service organization in the
community (such as Lion’s Club, Women’s Club,
Jaycees, Rotary, etc.).
BE.O. DIM1.7.3 demonstrate leadership skills through Have the local FBLA officer team to develop a program of
participation in student organization work for the school year and form various committees to
activities such as meetings, programs, and complete the task using chapter members. Encourage
projects. students to actively participate in State, regional, and
national conferences and vie for leadership positions.
21st Century Learning Skills & Technology Tools Teaching Strategies Evidence of Success
Skills Culminating Activity
21C.O.9- Student recognizes information Students use search Students will present
Information and 12.1.LS1. needed for problem solving, engines to complete findings in a correct
Communication can efficiently browse, search online searches for report form to peers and
Skills: and navigate online to access information needed for faculty.
relevant information, evaluates their activity.
information based on credibility,
social, economic, political .
and/or ethical issues, and
presents findings clearly and
persuasively using a range of
technology tools and media.
21C.O.9- Student creates information
12.1.LS3 using advanced skills of
analysis, synthesis and
evaluation and shares this
information through a variety of
oral, written and multimedia
communications that target
academic, professional and
technical audiences and

Thinking and 21C.O.9- Student engages in a critical Students, in groups, will Students will present to
Reasoning Skills: 12.2.LS1 thinking process that supports collaborate on the their peers, faculty, or
synthesis and conducts appreciation banquet to community groups.
evaluation using complex investigate and determine
criteria. a solution. Sources to use
21C.O.9- Student draws conclusions could include personal
12.2.LS.2 from a variety of data sources interviews, printed media,
to analyze and interpret Internet, and visuals.
21C.O.9- Student engages in a problem
12.2.LS.3 solving process by formulating
questions and applying
complex strategies in order to
independently solve problems.
21C.O.9- Student demonstrates ethical Student will participate in Active participation in
Personal, and 12.3.LS4 behavior and works responsibly a community service FBLA, DECA or another
Workplace, Skills: and collaboratively with others project and will collaborate Career Technical
in the context of the school and with another community Student Organization.
the larger community, and service organization.
he/she demonstrates civic
responsibility through
engagement in public discourse
and participation in service

21C.O.9- Student exhibits positive
12.3.LS5 leadership through
interpersonal and problem-
solving skills that contribute to
achieving the goal. He/she
helps others stay focused,
distributes tasks and
responsibilities effectively, and
monitors group progress
toward the goal without
undermining the efforts of

Learning Skills & Technology Tools Teaching Strategies Evidence of Success

Culminating Activity
E.11 Demonstrate basic search skills Student will use keyword Completion of the
Entrepreneurship on the Web searches to find the clues puzzle.
Skills: to an internet puzzle.
H.01 Evaluate career opportunities Students use search Student share their
based on current/future engines to complete an findings with the class.
economy. online search for a career
and compare and contrast
different salaries for
different locations
throughout the United
D.22 Explain ethical considerations Student research the Student will present
in providing information. effect of forged digital information as directed
certificates on e- by the teacher.
Culminating Assessment:
Students will create a comprehensive presentation about the student organizations that will include a
Culminating brochure, video, business cards, and a letter inviting attendees to become a professional member of the
Assessment: student organizations such as FBLA, DECA, etc. This will be presented during the appreciation banquet
to the advisory committee, board of education, partners in education and invited guests. The purpose of
the presentation is to inform the attendees of the benefits of belonging to a student organization.
Mircosoft Computer Applications Specialist Certification

FBLA Competitive Events Handbook

End-Of-Concentration Performance Assessments

Links and Other Resources

Links and Other Microsoft



Classroom Chatter



Embed Audio

Videos to Upload






Tonya Skinner’s Business Education Lesson Plans

Tech product reviews

Web Writing

Gender-Neutral Language

Pathways to Success

U.S. Department of Labor in the 21st Century

Advanced Distributed Learning

America's Career InfoNet

America's Job Bank

America's Service Locator



Employment & Training Administration

The Job Accommodation Network (JAN)

Monthly Labor Review Online: Labor Force Archives force

Occupational Information Network

Office of Disability Employment Policy

Career Voyages

Workforce West Virginia

West Virginia Earn A Degree Graduate Early (EDGE)

West Virginia Career and Technical Education
Business Teachers: Utilize K12 Business Marketing Listserv at
Contacts: Business Coordinator: Abigail R. Reynolds,
OCTI Assistant Executive Director: Donna Burge-Tetrick
OCTI Executive Director: Gene Coulson


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