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Inheritors of Fury

A Guide to OWbN Salubri Antitribu

Inheritors of Fury: A Guide to OWbN Salubri Antitribu
by Trey, Brad, Geoff, and Adam
Version 1.0 May 2010

Table of Contents
A House Divided
The Celestial Choir
Lore: Salubri Antitribu
Merits and Flaws
“Old” Version of Valeren
Combination Disciplines
Paths of Enlightenment
Salubri Antitribu Ritae
Blooding Rituals
Betrayed by their allies, fractured by lies, and hunted for their blood, the Salubri of old
are virtually extinct. Acting to preserve his line and enact his revenge, Adonai broke from the
Healers and threw his lot in with the Sword of Caine to oppose the Tremere and the Camarilla
that supported them. Taking what he remembered of the Code of Samiel, Adonai began the
Salubri Antitribu with the singular purpose of hunting down the Tremere Clan that
systematically destroyed his clan and putting them all to long as it takes, by whatever
means necessary.

The genre for the Salubri Antitribu in OWbN has always been largely determined by the
PCs themselves; there is little source material, so this packet is an attempt to put all Salubri
Antitribu players on even footing and give chronicles common ground to work from. Much of
the division of the clan and the way the Salubri Antitribu genre has been moving in OWbN has
been done by the PCs themselves. This packet is a reflection of that growing genre and support
for those players and games who have grown the genre and moved it along beyond what was
printed by White Wolf.

A House Divided

Like any grand tradition, the Salubri Antitribu are divided amongst themselves by
ideologies; The Furies, the Blooded, and the Warriors all have different opinions about the goals,
and methods to achieve those goals, of the surviving Salubri. At characther creation, the player
and storteller must decide what type of Salubri Antitribu they are making. This can of course
change with the progression of a characther story. As these are largely belief structures versus
actually “castes” per say.

The Furies

The children of Adonai are creatures of dedicated hatred. Turning away from their roots as
healers, these Salubri Antitribu choose to throw their lot in with the Sabbat because it opposes
the Camarilla that shelters and supports the Tremere. In this way, the Furies carry their desire for
revenge against the Tremere that hunted their clan to nigh-extinction and indoctrinate it into their
childer, using the Sabbat's teachings to fertilize the seeds of revenge. Supporting the Sabbat and
its war against the Camarilla brings the Furies closer to the destruction of the Tremere, and they
do so with zeal. By and large, the Furies make up the greatest portion of the Salubri Antitribu.
Furies and are Storyteller Approval

The Blooded

A few of the Furies have heard the stories of ancient Salubri Warriors and the Code of
Samiel. This inspires them to take up the mantle of the Warrior and dedicate themselves to living
by the Code above other things, sometimes to the detriment of larger sect goals.

Among this group the tales of the true Salubri Warriors have inspired more than just a code
of conduct; the ancient rite of The Blooding which granted the Salubri new power with which to
fight and conquer, while almost certainly lost to the modern nights, has caused more than a few
of the Blooded to take on a holy quest to recover, reinvigorate, or rediscover a means to bring
this back to their Clan and resurrect this part of their noble history. To be considered one of the
Blooded, the PC must purchase the Merit "Born-Again-Warrior" (See below). This Merit is
Storyteller Approval, however we encourage the STs to make this an important aspect of the PC
and an ongoing goal for them to try to learn the leagcy of their lost clan. In addition, it should be
noted the the actual Blooding Salubri Ritual is Sabbat Coordinator Approval. As the Warriors
care far more about their clan and the lost legacy versus that of the furies, The Blooded may hold
no Sabbat Sect position other than that of Templars or Paladins.

The Warriors

Through the mists of time, a small fragment of true Salubri Warriors have survived into
the modern nights. These Cainites are the smallest fraction of the Salubri Antitribu, should one
have been lucky enough to find the Sabbat and wise enough to join its holy crusade.
Occasionally, a Warrior may know enough of the Blooding to induct new Warriors from the
Salubri Antitribu. As true Salurbi Warriors are rare in the extreme in the Modern Nights, to play
an original Salubri Warrior requires Tremere Coordinator Approval (As the Tremere
Coordinator is in charge of the main clan Salubri).

Another distinction among the Warriors are those rare few among the Blooded who have
undergone the Blooding Ritual and know the code of Samiel. These “Modern” Warriors are not
elders or recently risen older Salubri Warriors. Rather they are the new breed that has
successfully reclaimed their legacy. A Blooded Salubri Antitribu who has undergone the
Blooding Ritual (i.e. has the Merit Blooding by the Code) is a full Modern Warrior. A Salubri
Antitribu who becomes a full blooded warrior requires Salubri Antitribu Sub-Coordinator

The Celestial Choir: The Hierarchy of the Furies

The main Furies of the Salubri Antitribu have established a hierarchy and order to the bloodline
following the will of Adonai. The majority of the Bloodline is not The Blooded who search out
their warrior legacy. No, the majority of the Salubri Antitribu are fierce combatants passionate
for the Sword of Caine and the death of the Tremere and the Camarilla. Like any war machine
an order of some sort must be established. The Blooded often find themselves limited in their
progression, their roles being their own paths away from the central core of the sabbat. As his
clan grew, Adonai created a structure to help guide the now numerous of his childer. As the
sabbat structured itself after the Catholic Church, Adonai chose a similar route. As the warriors
of old use to take Angelic names and to reinforce the order needed to accomplish the goals of the
Salubri Antitribu, Adonai adopted the Angelic Hiearchy to his bloodline (Often referred to as the
Celestial Choir). In order to advance in rank within the Hierarchy, the Salubri Antitribu must
meet the requirements listed and petition to one higher than him on the hierarchy for
advancement. If approved, the superior decides the challenge the Salubri Antitribu must face,
most often the trial is one of combat (though never to final death) against the superior to prove
his worth. Though this not the only challenge that may be issued, it is the most common. The
Superior petitioned always holds the right to decide the challenge and right for advancement if
they decide the Salubri Antitribu succeeded in the assigned challenge. It must be emphasized the
majority of how this hierarchy and promotion within is handled in character through role-play
versus only out of character requirements (which have been minimalized). Salurbi Antitrbu of
the Blooded and Warriors are limited in the Salubri Antitribu hierarchy. No Blooded or Warrior
may exceed the rank of Archangel, the higher levels are reserved for the Furies only.

Adonai, The Light Bringer

At the top of the Salubri Antitribu hierarchy is by no means a surprise but the founder of the line
himself. Adonai’s word is final and hiss children will listen to what he has to say. It was him
who brought them back from the brink of destruction, it was Adonai who caused the Salubri
Antitribu to join the Sabbat and demand freedom while bringing his crusade against the Tremere.
None can imagine were the clan would be tonight without him. All Salubri Antitribu look to
Adonai for guidance, and he is the final authority on all matters having to do with the Salubri
Antitribu. The Light Bringer is the official title for the highest ranked member of the Salubri
Antitribu, in this case Adonai.
 Adonai or the Light Bringer (currently one and the same) is a Sabbat Coordinator NPC
 Adonai or rather the Light Bringer has final absolute authority and say in all things to do
with the Salubri Antitribu.

The Cherubim are the eldest Salubri Antitribu (which is to say not very old at all) who advise
Adonai on all matters pertaining to the clan. There are only ever five Cherubim at any given
time. The Cherubim is the highest choir a Slubri Antitribu could hope to obtain. They have a
direct connection to Adonai himself, which in turn gives them a lot of authority and power
within the Salubri Antitribu.
 There are only 5 Cherubim at a time, and all are currently NPCs. A PC who wishes to
become one must meet the pre requisites below as well has the approval of the other 4
Cherubim or Adonai himself to take the title from the Cherubim he has challenged.
 Cherubim have a direct connection to Adonai himself, they may take Adonai as a Mentor,
as well as submit new policy, issues, or directions for the clan as a whole for the
Cherubim and Adonai to decide.
 Access to all Salubri Antitribu Ritae and all Salubri Antitribu Combination Disciplines.

To become a Cherubim you must meet the following requirements

1. The Salubri Antitribu must have the maximum allowed of Personal Status within the
Sabbat (10)
2. The Salubri Antitribu must hold the sect position of Archbishop or higher.
3. The Salubri Antitribu must know how to fight his enemy and therefore must have Lore:
Tremere 3 or higher.
4. The Salubri Antitribu must know his own clan and history, and therefore must have Lore:
Salubri Antitribu 5 or higher.
5. The Salubri Antitribu must have been approved by Adonai himself after being approved
to challenge (and then defeated) one of the Cherubim.
The Ophanim are often the highest ranking Salubri Antitribu within a given Sabbat City.
Younger salubri Antitribu go them for guidance and any word handed down to them from the
Cherubim. During a battle, the Ophanim commands the furies like a general in battle, though
often from the front. They are often looked up to for advice and to settle disputed in the city
between any Salubri Antitribu should there be any. On the local level the Phanim are the final
authority on all matter. Of course they must submit to the rulings and orders of either Adonai or
the Cherubim, the latter of whom they often consult.
 The Ophanim are often expected to be the leaders and authority for the Salubri Antitribu
to go to on a local city wide level. As such, on all local matters between Salubri
Antitribu, the Ophanim is considered the final authority, though a Salubri Antitribu may
request the matter be taken to the Cherubim (woe to any fury who wastes the time of the
Cherubim with petty matters).
 Ophanim may purchase Salubri Antitribu Ritae freely.
 Ophanim may purchase the All Salubri Antitribu Combination Disciplines and teach
them as well.

To become an Ophanim you must meet the following requirements

1. The Salubri Antitribu must have the maximum amount of Accomplishment Status within
the Sabbat (5)
2. The Salubri Antitribu must hold the sect position of bishop or higher.
3. The Salubri Antitribu must know his enemy, and therefore possesses Lore: Tremere x1 or
4. The Salubri Antitribu must know the basics of his clan’s history, and therefore must
possess Lore: Salubri Antitribu x3 or higher.
5. The Salubri Antitribu must be approved and accomplish the challenge set for them by the
Cherubim to be appointed to this position.

The Archangels are the solider elite of the Salubri Antitribu. They are the first into battle, and
they carry out the very will of those above them. The Archangels have sworn the oath of
allegiance to Adonai and the choir. They are the fiercest of the Salubri Antitribu in battle and
have often slain many of the sect’s enemies. Many Furies so dedicated to war never see past this
level of the choir. Many that don’t die honorable deaths in battle for the sabbat, often choose to
remain Archangels despite being qualified for a higher position. The Archangels are among the
most proud of the Salubri Antitribu, and the most common a veteran of the Sabbat Wars will
progress to.
 The Archangels are expected to be the lieutenants of the other Salubri Antitribu in battle.
They carry out the will of the Ophanim and those higher than them. With the ear of the
Ophanim, the Archangels may suggest battle plans and strategies as well as advising the
those below them in battle.
 The Archangels may purchase Salubri Antitribu Ritae freely.
 The Archangels may purchase to following combination disciplines: Eye of the
Unforgiving Heaven and Penitent Resilience

To become an Archangel you must meet the following requirements

1. The Salubri Antitribu must hold at least 6 personal sabbat status (none of which may
come from position)
2. The Salubri Antitribu must hold the position of Templar or higher.
3. The Salubri Antitribu must know battle strategies and the methods for war, and therefore
must possess the ability Tactics x3
4. The Salubri Antitribu must be a fighter, warrior, and solider above all else. As such they
must possess Valeren to at least the level of Burning Touch.
5. The Salubri Antitribu must be approved and accomplish the challenge set for them by the
Ophanim to be appointed to this position.

The Angels are Salubri Antitribu have accepted the way of the bloodline fully into their unlives.
They are not recently embraced, but rank and file of the sword of caine. The Angels are
considered the starting level of the Choir for those Salubri Antitribu who have chosen to follow
Adonai’s vision and ways. They listen to their superiors and support the Salubri Antitribu and
the Sword of Caine in all things.
 As Angels they can expect to be supported by the Celestial Choir as well as their fellow
brother and sister furies. Their voice matters and they have a say in the Choir. Angels
can expect guidance and support from those above them.

 Angels who are Pack Priests or Ordained priests may purchase Salubri Antitribu Ritae

 Angels may purchase the Salubri Antitribu Combination Discpline, Glare of Lies.

To become an Angel you must meet the following requirements\

1. The Salubri Antitribu must be True Sabbat.

2. The Salubri Antitribu must hold a pack position or higher within the Sabbat

3. The Salubri Antitribu must know the basics of the clan, and thus must possess Lore:
Salubri Antitribu 2 or higher

4. The angels are officially inducted into the Celestial Choir by either a group of other
Angels (minimum of three) or any other higher ranking members of the choir.

5. This position is suitable for starting PCs.

The Furies are the Salubri Antitribu that have been newly embraced or those within the clan who
don’t care about the Hierarchy. Either way, they are on their own. Whatever ever aid they
receive falls squarely on their shoulders to achieve. Most Furies learn of the Salubri Antitribu
ways and strive to become Angels, some however choose to go it alone. The Celestial Choir
does not force the choice upon any of the Salubri Antitribu, those that wish to be become part of
the greater part must willfully come to them.
 This is the starting “rank” within the Salubri Antitribu. There are no benefits or
drawbacks to this other than those you create or gain. Should a Salubri Antitribu sect to
join the Celestial Choir they need only go to it to learn how. Often those who would
elevate a fury to an Angel require some form of minor test to prove their devotion to the

 Furies have no requirements to join. PCs may start as them freely.

Lore: Salubri Antitribu

Below is a list of the different levels of Salubri Antitribu Lore, and what kinds of
information each level grants access to. This list is presented as a guideline only, and not a
binding part of this packet!

Salubri Antitribu Lore 1

 You know the Salubri have three eyes

 You think there are several types of Salubri
 You know Salubri can hurt others, and often do
 You know there are very few Salubri, but there once were many
 You have heard of the Tremere, and know they want to kill you on sight

Salubri Antitribu Lore 2

 You know not all Salubri have three eyes - it's the learning of their signature Discipline
that causes the development.
 You know there are Salubri who aren't Furies
 You know that there are Salubri who aren't in the Sabbat, and that they have been around
for longer than you.
 You know the Salubri are nearly extinct, mainly at the hands of the Tremere
 You know the Tremere act as if the Salubri are infernalists, but that they have more
devious motives

Salubri Antitribu Lore 3

 You are aware that Adonai turned to the Sabbat, starting the Salubri Antitribu in the
second half of the 20th century
 You know that the Antitribu only recently came into existence, and they were probably
founded by a Salubri who left the path of healing
 You know the Salubri progenitor's name was Saulot
 You know that Saulot was in search of Golconda, and may have attained it somehow
 You know that the Tremere wiped out the Salubri, and that they often diablerized them in
order to strengthen themselves
 You are familiar with the legend that Elder Salubri (but not Antitribu) used to Sire a
Childe and educate it so it may diablerize them at some point, continuing their line. You
know that in the modern nights, this practice has fallen out of use.

Salubri Antitribu Lore 4

 You know that the Salubri were divided into the Healers and the Warriors, both studying
a different path of Valeren. In modern nights, the healers' Discipline is known as Obeah,
and the Warriors - who are now only found in the Sabbat - use a special form of Valeren.
 You know Saulot, is probably not dead.
 You know Saulot went to the East for a while, was known as Zao-Lat the healer, and left
the East again without having found what he was looking for.
 You are aware that the Ravnos often betrayed the Salubri and sold them back to the
Tremere during the Dark Ages
 You are familiar with most of the historical information as presented in the Clanbook
Salubri for Vampire: the Dark Ages

Salubri Antitribu Lore 5

 You know that the Salubri and the Inconnu are somehow linked, although you also know
that investigating this too closely may be unwise - unless you're in the Inconnu yourself
 You know the exact description of the surroundings of Saulot's diablerie, as described in
Clanbook Tremere Revised. You think something's wrong with that story.
 You believe that Saulot failed to achieve Golconda in the East
 You know that Saulot founded three major lines - the Salubri, the Baali... and the
 You are quite certain that Tremere and his line were tricked into destroying Saulot and
the Salubri so Saulot could use the Tremere as his latest experiment.

Merits and Flaws

Most of these merits and flaws all come from the Dark Ages, and whether or not they manifest in
modern Salubri are up to STs discretion. Some listed simply aren't appropriate to the modern
nights, and are listed thus below.

From Players Guide to the High Clans, p. 205

Disciplined Eye (3-pt. Merit)
By spending a blood and Willpower, you may force your third eye closed for a scene. It will not
open despite use of Valeren or Obeah in that duration.

From the Salubri Clanbook, p. 47

Scent of the Other (1pt. Merit)
Not applicable if the Salubri has manifested their third eye (Valeren/Obeah lvl. 3). Simply put,
others tend to mistake you for a member of another clan so long as you don't say otherwise.

Warrens (3 pt. Merit)

Not to be confused with the Nosferatu Warrens, this merit means that you've set up a series of
bolt-holes to go to ground and disappear for a time. Even in modern nights, Salubri numbers of
either bloodline are not high enough to stand alone in the face of Camarilla (Tremere)
propaganda. This merit works best in the PCs home chronicle.

Sight Beyond Sight (5 pt merit)

When the Salubri's third eye is open and not otherwise in use (i.e. practicing Obeah/Valeren), the
character sometimes sees things. The eye may be able to inexplicably see through powers such
as Chimerstry or Obfuscate (acting as a free retest against these powers, at STs discretion). The
sight may also provide visions which may be anything from a glimpse of the future to a scene
from the past to an allegory meant to a serve as a warning. Nobody knows where these visions
come from, but often find them useful (Note for storytellers: The details and frequency of visions
and possible power applications are left entirely to the storyteller's discretion, and what may be
best for story).

Blooding by the Code (7 pt. Merit)

The secrets to blooding by the code were practiced in the Dark Ages to confer the Warrior aspect
powers of Valeren. These secrets have long ago been lost, and only partially aped by Adonai in
creating the Salubri Antitribu. This merit may not be taken by modern Salubri without Salubri
Antitribu Sub-Coordinator Approval. Only those with this Merit may have access to Blooding
Ritual powers, and are considered full Salubri Warriors (as opposed to Furies or The Blooded).
Additionally with this merit you no longer practice the modern night’s version of Valeren if you
did so. Salubri with this merit are full blooded warriors and as such have the complete Dark
Ages Warrior Version of Valeren presented in Faith and Fire instead of Modern Valeren as
presented in Laws of the Night: Guide to the Sabbat, as well as the traditional Warrior Salubri
clan Flaw. This merit supersedes any others, in regards to Salubri Antitribu on the path to
becoming true Warriors.

Odd Eye (1-2 pt. Flaw)

The Salubri third eye is different from the 'natural' two. One point means the eye is of a different
(normal) iris color. Two points means the pupil is that of a cat or goat, or perhaps a different
colored sclera ('white') of the eye, or color not normally found in nature (red, violet). The two
point version of this flaw may not be taken along side the 'glowing eyes' flaw, as glowing eyes
are in fact, odd.

Stubborn (1-3 pt. Flaw)

This flaw was found in the old line of Salubri Warriors, and lost with them. This Flaw does not
apply to modern nights Salubri.

Unblooded (5 pt. Flaw)

This flaw prevented early warrior Salubri from progressing beyond the second basic Valeren
power. Thanks to the bastardized version of the 'modern' warrior Salubri (aka, Salubri
Antitribu), this flaw is not applicable to modern Salubri. This flaw does not apply to modern
nights Salubri Antitribu.

Visible Eye (5 pt. Flaw)

The Dark Ages version of this flaw was potentially damning during the pogrom of the Salubri, as
it made it impossible for the Salubri to disguise of what blood they were from, as their third eye
does not close. With their new allies in the Sabbat, this is no longer a flaw for Salubri Antitribu,
but an anecdotal interesting feature. As such, this flaw is not appropriate for modern Salubri
Antitribu. One of the 'mainline' Salubri possessing this could be problematic however...

Custom OWbN Merits/Flaws

Born-Again Warrior (3, 5 or 7 pt. Merit)
This merit is only found amongst the Antitribu, where something in your embrace has invoked the
original powers of the warrior bloodline. Because of this, instead of having the versions of modern
Valeren 2 & 4, you manifest the original versions of this power.

 For three points, you have the 'original' version of Valeren 2, Morphean Blow (see Faith and Fire
p. 212).
 For five points, you manifest the 'original' level 4 power, Armor of Caine's Fury (see Faith and
Fire p. 212).
 For seven points, you are have both of the original powers.

Additionally, other Salubri Antitribu see you as something of a legend amongst your own kind, and treat
you as if you have an additional status. Non-Salubri may NOT take this merit.
You may not take any version of this merit in addition to any part of the flaw 'Adonai's Disgrace'--no
mixing and matching. This merit changes the power as you would have it in-clan, so teaching Valeren
gives the student the same levels and powers you would have by virtue of this merit. Those who have
Valeren out-of-clan should note on their character sheet who taught them the discipline. This merit does
not remove a games right to house rule Laws of the Night: Guide to the Sabbat’s Valeren level four power
Ending the Watch to the Faith and Fire version Armor of Caine’s Fury should they choose to do such.
Finally, should you ever get the “Blooding by the Code” Merit and become a true warrior this merit
ceases to function, as you r Valeren is replaced with true Warrior Valeren of the Dark Ages (Yes this
means this merit is a stepping stone to becoming a true warrior, much like the Enlightened merit is a
stepping stone to reaching Golconda).

Adonai's Disgrace (4-7 pt. Flaw)

For some reason, the rituals that Adonai used to create the 'new' warrior bloodline in the
Antitribu did not manifest fully at your embrace. Because of this, you have not manifested the
powers of Valeren, but of Obeah instead.

 For four points, you have Obeah 3, Corpore Sano, instead of Valeren 3 Burning Touch
(see Laws of the Night, Revised p. 159).
 For five points, you have Obeah 4, Mens Sana, instead of Valeren 4, Ending the Watch
(see Laws of the Night, Revised p. 159).
 For six points, you have Obeah 5 Unburdening the Bestial Soul, instead of Valeren 5,
Vengeance of Samiel (see Laws of the Night, Revised, p. 160)
 For seven points, you simply have Obeah as an in-clan instead of Valeren.

Additionally, the Salubri Antitribu with this flaw is seen as a status down by all Sabbat, as
they're clearly of weak, 'impure' blood (remember, this is a FLAW; while Obeah is an interesting
and useful power, it's not why they were brought into the Sabbat, and 'healing' isn't considered as
'useful' as the warrior powers). A Salubri Antitribu with this flaw may not teach any of the
Obeah powers you may possess to another (despite it being In-Clan to do such, this is a flaw).
Should you try to instruct a PC in the Valeren powers you know, they will have to learn the
missing levels from someone who has them and they may not learn Valeren from you in parts.
(i.e. a PC has to learn the discipline in order from lowest to highest, they cannot skip levels..)
Non Salubri Antitribu may not take this flaw.
You may not take any version of this flaw in addition to any part of the merit 'Born-again
Warrior'--no mixing and matching. This Flaw is Sabbat Coordinator Approval.

'Old' version of Valeren

These powers are located in the MET book 'Faith and Fire' on pages 212-213. Modern Salubri
Antitribu do not normally have access to these powers. Some OWbN Sabbat games have
allowed the Antitribu to 'rediscover' these powers in some fashion, via plot goal, research or
through Salubri-specific ignoblis ritae. If allowed by STs the merit above, 'born-again warrior',
may allow access to these powers. STs are encouraged to consider the roleplay PCs put into their
research and creation of their version of the Blooding, and to award appropriate levels of "Born-
Again Warrior". Under no circumstances will characters with "Born-Again Warrior", of any
level, will have access to the Blooding Rituals; the Blooding Rituals are the exclusive province
of the Salubri Warriors. For the full description and rules for "Old" Valaren please consult Faith
and Fire.

Combination Disciplines (All from Dark Ages)

Modern Salubri have lost much of their heritage, and this not only includes their history, but their
powers as well. The following Combination Disciplines were known to the Salubri of that time.
Whether or not they are ever recovered is up to Storyteller's discretion. For full details and write
ups of these powers please consult Guide to the High Clans pages. 166-169. For a Salubri
Antitribu to learn these powers, they must be of appropriate rank in the hierarchy to learn them
or have been taught them by someone who has already mastered them. The same goes for those
outside of the clan who would like to learn these powers, you must learn them from a Salubri
Antitribu who already possesses them and is willing to teach them too you. Finally, Warriors
and The Blooded are free to purchase these combination disciplines outside of the Salubri
Antitribu hierarchy, as they are a legacy to the old clan.

Power name Requirement 1 Requirement 2 Warrior/Healer Source Power Level

Eye of Unforgiving Auspex 4 Valeren 4 Warrior Players Guide Intermediate
Heaven (Warrior) to the High power
Clans, p. 166
Players Guide
to the High
Glare of Lies Auspex 1 Valeren 1 Healer Clans, p. 168 Basic power
Players Guide
Valeren 4 to the High Intermediate
Penitent Resilience Fortitude 3 (Warrior) Warrior Clans, p. 169 power

Glare of Lies - MET (Auspex 2, Valeren/Obeah 1)

When activated, the Salubri's third eye activates as with any Valeren power, but narrows in close
scrutiny. The Cainite gains a rudimentary ability to detect truth and falsehood. It is virtually
impossible to lie (knowingly) to a Salubri with this power.

System: The player makes a standard Auspex challenge against a target. Players of any
characters wishing to tell a deliberate lie in the sight of the Cainite who fails this test may still
lie, but the Salubri recognizes the deception. Omissions and half-truths however are not able to
be discerned.

Experience Cost: 7

Eye of Unforgiving Heaven (Auspex 4, Valeren 4)

When this power is activated, the Salubri's eye opens overly wide, and burns brighter than
normal, to the point of lighting an area in front of them.

System: To use this power, the Salubri must spend a blood and willpower. The illumination
projected acts as if it is sunlight (see p. xxx of Laws of the Night, Revised), and burns targets
falling under this gaze (assume a 90 degree area of effect). This power not only affects targets
however, and does equal damage to the Salubri as well in the form of lethal damage. The power
only works for one turn, but may be maintained by additional expenditures of blood and
willpower. Damage done to the Salubri in question may be soaked as normal.

Experience Cost: 14

Penitent Resilience (Fortitude 3, Valeren 4)

This defensive power was designed specifically to combat the damage caused by the sun, at least
in a limited and brief period.

System: When exposed to the sun, the Salubri will reflexively burn a blood per level of sunlight
damage taken per turn rather than take damage from sunlight. Until the blood pool is drained,
the vampire will take no damage. When the blood supply is exhausted, the sun will damage as
normal, and may test this damage down via Fortitude. To use this power, the Salubri must have
the virtues of Conscience and Self-Control.
Experience Cost: 14

Paths of Enlightenment
The Traditional Salubri Warrior Path is a deviation of the Road of Heaven called the Path of
Tears. The Path of Tears all but died out after the Dark Ages and the coming of the modern
paths of enlightenment. However, many young Salubri Antitribu who hunt for the lost legacy of
their clan, search desperately for any clues they can find regarding this path. The journey and
story to recover this path fall to the Storyteller to decide and run. For more information on the
Path of Tears please consult the white wolf book: Road of Heaven.

Most modern Salubri Antitribu practice the sabbat paths of enlightenment. While any Salubri
can follow any path, the most common paths tend to be Honorable Accord, Path of Caine, and
Path of Redemption.

Salubri Antitribu Ritae

These Ritae below are Salubri Antitribu player created ignoblis ritae. To learn these ritae you
must seek out and find one who has it and convince them to teach you it. With Rituals x5 you
may have heard of these variations on the Ritae but you do not know them unless specifically
instructed in them. Any Salubri Antitribu may feel free to take these ignoblis ritae at character
creation as long as learning them from a Salurbi priest is part of their back story.

Call of the Blooded:

Note: It is not necessary for the Initiate to be a Cainite before the ceremony. For
Salubri who wish to hold the Embrace as part of the rite, read the appropriate
parts found in parenthesis (like this).

This ritus is done ideally with 3 Salubri, but can be performed with as little as 1,
using Chimerstry, Performance, etc. to substitute for the missing parts.

Voice 1
Voice 2

The ritus takes place in a rectangular room or cordon-ed off area. The initiate
is brought in silently accompanied by their Sire, and approach Voice 1—who is
preferably seated—in the North facing forward. (The Initiate has been bladed with
a scar for now if he/she does not already have one).

Voice 1: I take it by the scar on your forehead, and your sire--who is standing next
to you--that you are (will be) one of the Salubri antitribu. Is that correct?

Initiate: ???
Voice 1: And that--knowing well the Code of Milan and our sect’s laws--you wish
to join with and fight as one of the Swords of Caine?

Initiate: ???

Voice 1: I caution you, brother, that the road ahead is long and dangerous, and that
many lives have already been lost upon the way. To prepare yourself for the great
journey that lies ahead, you will follow your sire to the center of the room, and
kneel as your ancestors have done in times past. There you will pray or meditate to
the god of your choosing, that you be granted strength of body, mind and purpose
to carry you through the great challenges that you will now face. You may do this
orally or in silence, and signify when you have finished by audibly saying, “Praise
Caine!” After this, you will rise, and submit to being blindfolded by your sire,

who will then conduct you on the first steps of your new life.

Sire leads Initiate to center of room and leads them to kneel, facing East.

Initiate: ???

Sire places Initiate in blindfold, then takes him by right hand and leads him on a
slow walk around the center while speaking the next part. Pace the speech so it
ends with both now facing Voice 1 in the West position.

Sire: It was the custom, of our healer ancestors in the Holy Land, that they hold
daily prayer at midnight with those other devout of the High Clans. Afterwards,
they would retire, together, out into the cities, to spread their words and do good
works for the benefit of their fellow Cainites. Come now brother, our prayers are
ended, and it is time to look after our proper affairs. But what is this? There is
blood and fear in the air, and shouts of steel, and flames. We must investigate the
cause of this at once!

Both now step toward Voice 1, who intercepts and grabs them. He has a branding
iron nearby. Sire steps behind candidate for these and other replies.

Voice 1: You! Salubri! Where are the rest of your warriors? Tell me now, or I
will take your life!

Sire: What is this, stranger? Who are you?

Voice 1: I am one of the wizards from the West named Tremere, who will kill
your clan and those who stand with you. More are coming by boat every hour, to
destroy those who stand in our way. Give me the secret of your power, or die with

Sire: You claim to be wise, yet you seek only knowledge through tyranny!
Voice 1 strikes initiate with brand

Voice 1: For the last time, give me the secrets of your clan!

Sire: Never!

Voice 1: Then die, demon!

Voice 1 pushes Initiate away with brand. Sire leads initiate to Voice 2 in the East.

Sire: We have escaped the city, but the West is now closed to us. Let us hurry to
the East, where we will find refuge among friends there.

Voice 2, now intercepts and grabs them more violently. He has a sword with him.

Voice 2: You! Salubri! Where are the rest of your healers? Tell me now, or I’ll
take your life!

Sire: Brother Assamite! What is this violence?

Voice 2: Your warriors are all dead, and the rest of you are being hunted!
Quickly, tell me where the rest of them are hiding!

Sire: You are not like the Assamite that I know! What have you done with him?

Voice 2: I have betrayed him to the Tremere to keep my life, and my Loyal
brothers now serve them as their slaves! Tell me what I want to know, and will let
you live … in service to me as my own slave!

Sire: No Salubri will ever be a slave!

Sword to throat

Voice 2: Tell me now, or I’ll cut your throat!

Sire: No!

Voice 2: Then die!

Voice 2 make slash neck as Sire leads Initiate away, down towards the South, then
up towards the North.

Sire: Our enemies are to the West and East, and the South is closed to us. Our only
option left is to through the North. The holdings of the High Clans have always
been your allies. Let us head to the sea, where I will arrange safe passage for us.

Sire leads Initiate towards North wall and stops one pace or two from the edge.
Sire: Now we are at the edge of the cliff to the sea. You are cut off from three
directions, and there is nowhere further for you to go. Do you know sense in your

heart the truth of my intentions?

Sire spins Initiate around.

I was hoping not to have a hand in this, but now you leave me no choice.

Pins him towards wall.

Sire: We have grown tired of your righteousness, and outgrown any use for you.
Give up the last remnants of your brothers, and put an end to your suffering!

Voice 1: I will not!

Sire: Tell me where they’re hiding, or I’ll take your life!

Voice 1: I will NOT!

Starts speaking more softly, straightens shirt, etc, grabbing stake with right hand.

Sire: Brother … Salubri. Consider well your situation. Your escape is impossible,
and your odds of survival slim. There are so few of you remaining, and so little
that can even now protect themselves. Your proud clan is on the verge of dying.
Do yourself a favor. Submit to my request and tell me of your brothers and sisters,

Voice 1: You can take my life, but I will NEVER BETRAY MY BROTHERS!

Sire: THEN DIE!!!!

Sire bites in (draining of blood and life), while shoving stake through chest. Body
falls to the ground limp. Lights dim (or go out), as chimes ring five times. Voice 1
and Voice 2 turn body around so that it faces North. All step away to East.

Sire: Brother Malkav!

Voice 1: Yes?

Sire: Brother Tzimisce!

Voice 1: What?

Sire: Come look and see what I have found.

Voice 1 is to left of head, Voice 2 to right, Sire behind.

Sire: Here I have found the body of a Cainite, laid low by some unfortunate

Voice 1: Is he dead?

Sire: (presses ear) No. There is a little life left in this body. A dim flicker holding
on to some last spark. If we can help him, we must do so quick. It is now an hour
to sunrise, and unless something is done, he will burn to ashes in the rays of the
morning sun.

Voice 2: There are only myself, Lasombra, and a part of the remaining clans that
now fight the Antediluvians. How do we know he is not our enemy?

Sire: We shall ask three questions to determine his worth. Was he a man of honor?

Voice 1: His body bears the marks of one has who has been burned in torture. He
did not freely submit to threats.

Sire: Was he a man of courage?

Voice 2: His neck bears the scar of a blade at close range. Only a brave man, who
feared no death, would come so close to it.

Sire: And was he a victim of injustice? He has a bite wound and no blood, and
now I can see the symbol of his clan about his body and scar on his forehead.
There can be no mistake. This one was my clan, Salubri, killed here now as a man
of peace, one of the angels of heaven, bought down by prejudice and treachery.
Was there nothing that could be done? No mercy that could be sought? No justice
that could be granted?

Sire sits upright, third eye opens

Oh, hear this me now, and testify my words! My anger shakes me down to the
very core! My eyes bleed and cry out for vengeance! No more do my brothers
suffer thus, abandoned, at the hands of demons! My clan thirsts for deliverance

and I will answer!

If I defy your will, Salout, so let it be! I defy my blood for the smiting hand of

Drops of blood pour in (enough blood to bring candidate out of torpor and avoid
hunger frenzy).
My brother, if you have strength in you to fight, if it be your desire to seek justice
for the wrongs that have been done, open your eye and reveal your answer!

Remove cloth enough to uncover third eye.

Initiate: ???

Sire: Is he willing to know the truth?

Voice 1: He is lost, but desperately seeks the way back. He remembers me, and
knows his honor.

Sire: Will he fight with us?

Voice 2: The Salubri have braved many dangers to seek out our hospitality. We
know they will have courage.

Sire stands above Initiate.

My brother: You have shown me evidence of your commitment, and I have seen
the fire that dwells within you. The world is cruel to bring us so low and force
us to act. Your mettle will be tested, and your spirit will be crushed. But your
conviction must never falter.

Our enemies must know: even a great angel can fight like a demon.

Voice 1 and Voice 2 remove cloth and stake.


Voice 1 and 2 stand Initiate up, Sire places right hand behind Initiate head and
whispers into right ear

Sire: [Know that I am Adonai, and you and your descendants are of my line. Your
brothers and sisters in the Sword will stand and fight by your side, now--until the
end, when justice is finally done.

Speak next when you know the name which you will take, the name of the
avenging arch-angel-- which will be your name among your brothers, now-- until
the end, when justice is finally done.]

All three kneel on right knee before Initiate, who stands arms outstretched. Voice
1 and Voice 2 may help position arms. Backlight Initiate if able.

Initiate: ???
Sire: Behold, the arch-angel ______ !


Voice 1: (clap once)


Voice 2: (clap once)


Sire: (clap once)

Turn lights on—all remain or go back into position.

One more chime sounds.

All now get up and congratulate, etc.

War Paint
This Ignoblis Ritae is an ancient practice of War Paint taken by the Salubri Antitribu and applied
by ritual and for battle. The Priest blesses those who partake in battle with prayers of the dark
father and the Warrior legacy of the Salubri. When he is done is ritualistically covers the
recipient in war paint made of blood. Those who participate in this ritae gain one additional
willpower trait for the remainder of any combat.

Adonai’s Grace
Adonai’s Grace is known and performed by Adonai himself. It is a supplementary Ritae
performed every Palle Grande. Adonai calls all his childer who are able to him. There he
commands them to of their deeds they have done for the clan during the past year. Battles
against the Tremere, unearthing hidden lore of the Salubri Warriors, fighting the infernal, or
anything a Salubri feels of is note is told in story. After all the tales are told Adonai chooses the
one Salubri Antitribu he fells has done the most for the clan in the past year. The winning
Salubri Antitribu is given the right to learn directly under Adonai himself for one year in one
ability Adonai himself possesses. All other Salubri Antitribu who partake in the ritual are often
awarded other gifts by Adonai himself. Additionally, all Salubri Antitribu who participate in this
ritae gain a free retest on all courage checks for the remainder of the holiday.

Telling the Tale

Salubri Antitribu often like to tell tales of both their past deeds and the legacy of their clan. This
Ignoblis Ritae is a variation upon Thanks Giving and Sermons of Caine. The Salubri steps
forward and tells a tale he himself has either done for his clan or he tells one of the many stories
of the Salubri Warriors of Nights past (Which of course will require Lore: Salubri Antitribu or
Lore: Salubri to do). After telling the tale everyone involved feels motivated by the Salubri
Antitribu cause and plight. For the remainder of the evening all those who listen to the Salubri’s
tale gains an effective Vinculum rating to the Salubri Antitribu who told the tale equal to 1,
should the participants already have a vinculum rating to the Salubri Antitribu it is instead
considered 1 level higher then normal.

Blooding Rituals
To have these rituals, the Salubri must have the merit "Blooding by the Code" After which they
may spend experience points to buy these rituals. Once purchased these powers are always
considered active unless specified else where. Storytellers are also encouraged to make up their
own Blooding Rituals as they see fit for their games.

Tracker's Mark ( 5 xp)

With only a bit of spilled vitae, the Salubri Warrior may gain insight into its prey by touching,
smelling, and tasting the spilled blood. Additionally, a Salubri Warrior using this power is up one
trait on tracking any prey it has previously wounded. This functions exactly like the
Thaumaturgy: Path of Blood power "A Taste For Blood", but only a drop of vitae is required, not
a full Blood Point. It will also detect if the blood comes from a Baali or a Tremere. This is only
available to those characters with Blooding by the Code.

Blessing of the Name ( 12 xp)

Warriors with this ritual may invoke their namesake Angel and call upon its radiance for a scene.
The salubri's third eye opens wide and a golden light shines from it, causing all blemishes and
defects in the warrior's appearance disappear and the Salubri Warrior stands in perfection,
inspiring allies and terrifying enemies. This ritual is activated by spending two willpower and
making a social test with a difficulty of 10 minus the character's current morality rating. If
successful, the character is considered to be under the effects of Presence: Majesty for the scene.
Should attackers win the willpower test to take aggressive actions against the user, they still
suffer a one-trait penalty to ties. At ST discretion, if the Salubri player was particularly inspiring
in invoking the name of the Angel, their allies will have a two-trait bonus to combat tests for the
remainder of the scene. Additionally, should the user of this power attack someone, their
effective majesty is broken as per the rules of majesty. However, unlike Majesty it is only
broken to the person whom they have taken the aggressive action and no one else. Anyone else
wishing to take an aggressive action against the Salubri who has not broken his majesty must test
as per normal.

After the end of the scene in which Blessing of the Name was used, any previous defects or
blemishes in the Salubri's appearance will return and seem somewhat magnified, aspects of their
vampiric nature will seem more pronounced, and they will be afflicted with ravenous hunger
(treat all hunger frenzy stimuli as one trait more difficult) for the next scene or hour. This may
only be invoked once per story, per storyteller discretion. Be warned: the Hosts of Heaven frown
upon frivolous uses of their Names, and may be angered by Salubri invoking them in less than
life-threatening situations, or using this for less than altruistic reasons; Storytellers are
encouraged to envision and employ the punishments of angry Archangels should a Salubri
Warrior be flippant with this ritual's use. This is only available to those characters with Blooding
by the Code.

Shattering the Chains (10 xp)

The children of Saulot are the master's of both body and soul. His beloved Healers learned to
mend the scars of a hard life, his most trusted Warriors learned to heal the scars of a tragic fall.
After centuries spent countering the efforts of the Unholy Host on earth, some Warriors sought a
way to assist those who came to regret the choices they had made. In time, by studying the craft
of their brother line, the warriors of Saulot learned to take another's soul into themselves and use
their own purity of purpose to make it whole again.

This power can only be used on a willing infernalist. The infernalist lies down on a stone slab
while the warrior bathes them in holy water, causing 6 Aggravated wounds to the recipient. The
Salubri then takes their spirit into his own and casts his will against the bonds held by his
patient's demonic master in a ceremony that takes one hour. The Salubri spends two permanent
Willpower while the recipient of this rite must spend eight permanent Willpower. After the
ritual is completed the recipient's connection to that demon is forever shattered and he loses all
the benefits of his now-former pacts.

The recipient may not become an infernalist for a year and a day after the usage of this rite, and
ofcourse will forever earn the emnity of the Salubri clan should he betray the trust they have
shown him.

Guard against the Adversary (14xp)

Created as the avengers against the Infenral, the Warriors of Saulot have mastered the ability to
shake off the effects of hell upon themselves and those with them. Calling upon god for divine
protection in their holy crusade against the denizens of hell, the Warriors of Saulot are granted a
Blessing from the forces of Heaven in their Crusade.

Mechanically this ritual functions exactly like the Merit "Blessed" from Sins of the Blood
(having it twice effectively does nothing except waste xp). However, in addition to this, a
Salubri with this ritual may extend this protection to a degree to any of his allies he may see.
The Salubri spends 1 Willpower Trait per person whom he wishes to give this benefit. For the
next scene or hour (whichever ends first) the recipient receives one automatic free retest against
all Dark Thaumaturgy Challenges thrown against him (Similar to the power Might).

Samiel's Disdain (10xp)

After Mastering the art of Sameil's Vengeance, many Salubri Warriors found that their prey
would often flee from them after such a mighty blow (should they survive it). As such with the
powers of the Blooding Ritual the Salubri Warriors were able to create a way to extend the
advanced powers of Warrior Valeren to circumvent such an obstacle.

The Salubri must posses both Dark Ages Warrior Valeren and the advanced level of that
discipline "Vengeance of Samiel" to gain the benefits of this ritual. To use this ritual, the Salubri
must first successfully use Vengeance of Samiel against a target. After hitting the Salubri may
then engage the victim immedatly in a Mental Challenge retested with Awareness. Should the
Salubri Succeed in this Challenge, he may then expend one willpower per hour he wishes to be
able to track his target. Should he fail this challenge the victim is immune to further attempts for
the remainder of the scene. This method of tracking is automatic if successfully though, and
requires no other expenditures or concentration. The Warrior Salubri simply knows where
exactly his target is for the alluded amount of time. Even mystical forms of hiding or travel into
another plane of existence do not help, the Salubri will always know who exactly where they are.


The elusive founder of the Salubri Antitribu. Much mystery surrounds the legendary Adonai.
Few outside of his clan have ever clamied to have met the founder. What is known for fact
however, is that sometime in the late 1990s, Cardinal Radu found Adonai and his small brood
and convinced them to join the Sabbat. In search of vengeance against the hated Tremere,
Adonai and his brood fanatically joined the cause of the Sword of Caine. Since that time the
Salubri Antitribu have grown rapidly in the Sabbat. Split along different lines, Adonai leads his
clan into the Final Nights as a personal Paladin to Cardinal Radu. Despite the different beliefs of
the Salubri Antitribu, every year on Palla Grande when Adonai calls them, they all answer.
Adonai these nights has been calling his line to hunt down the relics and legacy of the Warriors
left behind in the world. There is even rumor among the Salubri Antitribu that Adonai has sent
scouts across the world to find someone called the Lioness of Jerusalem.

Adonai: the Reborn

Adonai the Reborn is a legend of the founder who was embraced only recently in the Final
Nights. The story claims that Adonai was one of the last seven Healer Salubri. As has become
tradition of what is left of the healers, the sire will embrace a childe only to teach them their
ways and then have the childe diablirize them at the completion of their training. However, the
story claims that Adonai refused to become another victim like the rest of the Salubri. Instead he
would strike out on his own and fight back against the Tremere who persecuted them.
Consuming the soul of his Sire Adonai rose up and began to fight back against hose that would
hunt him. Embracing others like him and developing his own discipline (despite the fact he
know nothing of the way of the Warrior), Adonai met Radu, who offered him a much larger
chance to extract his revenge upon the Tremere and Camarilla compared to doing it on his own.
Adonai accepted and brought the Salubri Antitribu with him to the sabbat. Thus the Furies were

Adonai: the Returned

The other popular tale, often told by the Blooded is that of Adonai the Warrior who rose from
Torpor. The Blooded often claim this story from ancient Salubri Warrior references found in old
journals of the dead warriors. Oddly enough, there was at one point an elder Salubri Warrior
named Adonai. The stories claim that with the diablerie of Salout, the Warrior Adonai turned
from his purge of the Baali with rage and began to blindly attack the Tremere in Revenge. The
story claims many Salubri warriors followed Adonai in his crusade. However, the tales never
tell what happened to Adonai. Surely had he been slain his tale would have been recorded
amongst the remaining warriors. The Blooded argue that the Adonai that walks with them now
is the one and same as the elder Warrior of the Long Night. They even argue in the difference of
Valeren among the Salubri Antitribu to point to this fact. Surely as the last of the Warriors, there
would be quirks as he had to recreate an entire line of vampires. The Blooded even claim that
this fully explains Adonai’s passion for finding the lost legacy of the Warrior Salubri, in that he
hopes to return the clan one day to its right and proper place. Surely an Adonai the Healer
wouldn’t care for anything beyond simple vengeance. Whichever story is true no one but
Adonai himself knows.


Q. So what’s the difference between a Fury, Blooded, and Warrior?

A. A Fury is the common mass embrace Salubri Antitribu of the Modern Nights. They are the
standard Salubri Antitribu created from Laws of the Night: Guide to the Sabbat. The Blooded
are Salubri Antitribu who were also embraced in the modern nights, but instead of believing in
the Sabbat solely as their motivation, they are also motivated to restart the Salubri Warrior line.
They often hunt for lore related to the warriors and practice many of their ancient arts in an
attempt to emulate them. Indeed, they may even become very close to mimicking the Warriors
of old, however the Blooded are not full warriors, as they have not undergone the Blooding ritual
of the Salubri Warriors. Salubri Warriors are the other half of the ancient Slaubri clan. For the
most part, the majority of the clan died out fighting the Tremere. There are whispers some of the
ancient warriors of old have gone into torpor and need to be awoken, and convinced to join the
Salubri Antitribu cause. By far, the Warriors are the most rare as they were hunted to near
extinction. What makes a Warrior Salubri is a Salubri who has undergone the Blooding Ritual
created by Samiel the founder of the Warrior Salubri. Long since thought lost in the modern
nights, there are rumors that this ancient practice has been rediscovered by the Salubri Antitrbu.
Some rumors even exist that some Salubri Antitribu have undergone this ritual and learned of the
Code of Samiel, and thus have been reborn full blooded warriors. Regardless, Salubri Warriors
of old are Tremere Coordinator Approval, and Salubri Antitribu who become Warriors are
Salubri Antiribu Sub-Coordinator Approval.

Q. What’s the truth about Adonai and can I take him as my mentor?
A. The Truth about Adonai is not something that will ever be openly revealed. Some things in
the world of darkness are a mystery and should stay such. Adonai is a Sabbat Coordinator NPC,
and to take him as your mentor requires you interact and role-play with him. Only after gaining
the approval of the Sabbat Coordinator may someone take Adonai as a Mentor.

Q. Can a non-Warrior Salubri become a Salubri Warrior after undergoing the Blooding Ritual?
A. Yes, if a non-Warrior Salubri in theory undergoes the Blooding Ritual they are now a full
blooded Warrior Salubri. However, this ritual is exceptionally rare and the warriors are bu no
means common. As such to become a Warrior Salubri requires Sabbat Coordinator Approval.

Q. I want to uncover secrets and the legacy of the Salubri Warriors, how do I do that?
A. These stories largely fall to your Storyteller to create and execute. However, storytellers are
encouraged to contact the Salubri Antitribu subcoord and the Sabbat Coordinator should they
need any assistance or advice.
Q. Are the Blooding Rituals Blood Magic?
A. No, the Blooding Rituals are not a form of Blood Magic but a rather ancient variation on the
Salubri clan disciplines created by the Salubri Warrior founder Samiel and practiced by the
Warrior Salubri.

Q. There are only 5 Blooding Rituals, can we make more?

A. Yes, we encourage storyteller’s to work with their players in creating more Blooding rituals
that work for their game. We also encourage them to contact the Salubri Antitribu Subcoord and
Sabbat Coordinator for any assistance, as well as submitting them so that they may be added to
this packet. Additionally it is recommended that the time it takes to create a Blooding ritual be a
minimum of 6 months and involve a lot of Role Play and research into creating it.

Q. I have a Salurbi related question, who do I contact?

A. You can always contact the Sabbat Coordinator directly at:,
however the main point of contact for almost all questions, comments, concerns, or anything else
you may need will be the Salubri Antitribu Subcoord. The Current Salubri Antitribu subcoord is
Trey who may be reached at: For any other information you might need
please visit Any questions comments or concerns about the regular
Salubri clan, please contact the Tremere coordinator at:

Q. Ending the Watch, the level 4 Modern Valeren power, kind of sucks. Can I still house rule
that Armor of Caine’s Fury replaces it in my game?
A. Yes, many sabbat games in OWbN already have this house rule in place. This packet does
not change a games ability to do such. However, we would like to encourage STs not to do this,
and instead use this packet to help tell a more interesting story for a PC to get that power and
help enforce the differences in the Salurbi Antitribu. Additionally, as a suggestion for a house
rule for Ending the Watch to make it slightly better, we recommend this power be also allowed to
be used on willing infernalists (including vampire) in addition to mortals.

Q. So If I’m a Born Again Warrior (i.e. the Blooded/have the Merit) can I never get the Merit
Blooding by the Code and be a True Warrior?
A. No, the The Blooded and Merit “Born Again Warrior” are stepping stones in a PCs story of
one day possibly becoming a true warrior. Much like the merit: Enlightened, is a stepping stone
for PC story of seeking Golconda.


 Guide to the Sabbat

 Guide to the High Clans
 Clanbook: Salubri
 Road of Heaven
 New York by Night
 Mexico City by Night

This document is for supplemental purposes only - no copyright infringement is intended. It is
not intended for profit nor official representation of White Wolf Publishing and/or their
subsidiaries. Written information, including all names, abbreviations, and anything related to
White Wolf’s “World of Darkness” and “Vampire: the Masquerade” are copyright White Wolf
Publishing. The creators, editors, and so on of this document do not represent White Wolf
Publishing, in any capacity.
The packets and guides are written and designed by One World by Night and are in order to
specify modifications to the system provided in our work as deemed necessary by the
organization pursuant to White Wolf/CCP requests as part of Dark Pack guidelines.
Portions of this material are copyrights and trademarks of CCP hf., and are used with
permission. All rights reserved. For more information please visit
These are not meant to compete with the original source material and intellectual IP, as owned
by WW/CCP , but as WW/CCP wishes to remind us all: “Be creative and have fun with our ideas
but always remember to be respectful of our rights as the copyright and/or trademark owner.”

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ideas but always remember to be respectful of our rights as the copyright and/or trademark
For access to source material, please visit either or

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