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Current Discussion: Innate Intelligence

Our ancestors were known for their 'innate intelligence in his

native state', remnant of the wisdom of the Organism. To the Crowns
advantage and the advantage of the Traders, formal education was little
discussed by those benefiting the most. These retarded interests would
be left to the altruistic Missionaries.

“Our ideas will overcome your ideas...… We Indians will show

this country how to act human. [Acting Human, living human, being human,
modeling human],(italics mine) Some day this country will revise its
constitution, its laws, in terms of human beings, not property.” Vine
Deloria Jr. (1971)
Every ones rights are bound up in English law by property
entanglements, issues rights and law.
Advocate Activist Agitate – Fredrick Douglas said, “agitate
agitate agitate”, I can see a collision of cultures that has never been fully
addressed. Creative Expressions of music, art and drama are manifest
from the roots of oppression. With patience and fortitude and a
determined heart you will do many things. Unite heart and hand, Be
strong and fearlessly confident, Be firm in right and justice with faith
hope and courage, carry on. Be effective and useful to fellow beings.
Fostering the sore of ignorance of our horror and shame debilitates all.
Our agenda and aim is to facilitate, not defeat or humiliate, but to win
understanding and friendship in trust in all ways possible for
reconciliation and adjustment to create beloved community. Not seeking
to annihilate other but convert to respect,worth and dignity for all and
each human personality. Nonviolence posturing for life and mutual
living as related kin and family, as King put it, the Goal of brotherhood
sisterhood. Human problems can be solved and resolved, barriers can
be broken. Humanity and global balance can be maintained. As
Mandela says focus on a righteous and goodwill practicing brotherhood
among ourselves. Whole man/woman – Citizens of the global vessel
earth mother progenitor. A Positive attitude courageous for rights,
goodwill and progressive attitude can lead us. Privileged will resist and
transition bitterness adjustment. Shock at revelations brings
tumultuous times. Non American doesn't mean un American nor anti
American. With moral courage and wise restraint and calm
reasonableness we will excel. New Indians, Still Heritage Rich.
For too long we have acquiesced and submerged our dignity
rather than assert it. Happy to accept their lot and bide their time. Self
asserting is just and wise, giving new liberty and justice, dignity and self
respect. Human Equality and human rights lifted higher as We are
waking up to be Whole persons, citizens of the planet world. In the
necessary phase of transition, anger and bitterness is normal to
adjustment and the shock of understanding, leading to tremulous times.
Jesus reform efforts resulted in death. Gandhi, King, Mandela and
others showed a potential for saving the globe. As we wake and rise
developing a sense of self apart from the “American dream” become
nightmare, we are beginning to know who we are, remembering our
past. We had a way of life that could save the planet from human
Our wisdom was diminished greatly when we were declared
“Domestic Dependent Nations.” Apostles of hatred will not search for
answers in the darkness of night. We need to find the Answers in the
light of reason. Shedding light on Indian Communities will reveal
manifestations we may not want to face. The horror and shame of the
invaders bled into our own treatment of each other. As we became
Crucibles and ontogenesis petrie dishes of a culture squeezed, cornered
and devastated, we were left at the mercy of the War department and
politics of the newborn USA. Coerced transformation took many forms.
Some sectors developed into refined and honed legal literate advocates
of the “Real People”, the name we called ourselves. But in the
'Declaration of Independence' we were called savages. Some were
Isolated and grew in uninformed traumatized defensive belligerence.
Ultimately bringing us together by force, to expel us from our homeland
over the trail where they drove us like cattle. Coercion followed into
Indian Territory. We had a concoction of abuse and wounds from
generations of maltreatment by neighbors, government, corporates and
The best doctor and the most advanced specialist are not the
legacy of treatment for this continent of indigenous beings. With
debilitating results and debased status we were denigrated by forsaken
design, left to neglect and abandonment in the name of expediency of
ways to make money. Welcome to America anything goes. Mindless
designs and corporate people generated atrocities on unsuspecting
humans. Diagnosis and prognosis diminution or call it plan C for the
poor and maltreated. Drowned by it all, resignation to the unjust
convoluted status, we try to survive in spite of the warped apparatus
that develops. Yet out of adversity can come some good. Endurance,
fortitude and inspiration.
Deprived of any real sense of America and certainly any
significant participation in America how can people become
Americana? Even the vocabulary thru which things were understood
was effaced and eviscerated. New language desolation impared their
every attempt and ability to adjust. Degradation of our honorable ways
dealt with derision and humiliated at every turn. Hubris and hegemony
prevail. Even our so called law makers don't know the truth yet. We
spend so much time and money doing what is not right and then billions
of dollars evaluating it. Job security for the highest paid cohorts. Who is
marginalized and left out of this mix? Who is called un American? It
makes you wonder who wants to be called an English speaking
Modernity and tradition are colliding and the results and
outcomes are multilateral and multifaceted. These Chains are rattling,
revealing our bondage and entanglement. Freedom is encumbered as we
realize Freedom approaches myth status. We are all free or none of us is
free. The spirit of life and love is hindered, but thank God for the Holy
Spirit AND FIRE.

We are all completely beside ourselves, duped, hoodwinked and

deceived. Like blast induced memory losses. Toxic traumas drive us out
of our minds. Incidents and affairs with death and the death dealing
apparatus of 'civilization'. Pains manifest in multitudinous fashion and
produce abnormal symptoms, irregular reactions, mental and emotional
responses upsetting our balance. Shadows and ghosts persist but we can
put things in a better place by the light of reason. Haunts aside our
better angels or our highest selves may help. Come let us reason
With so many atrocities negated, violations unacknowledged,
Traumas overlooked and forgotten, all are in need of healing and loving
balm. To be embraced in love and light. Touched by power of the
almighty. We can avail ourselves of the cathartic roots of our goodness
and blessedness by prospering our souls. Fanning into flame the gift that
is within each of us. Like the Daniel Plan and the David Plan.

A joyful and merry heart causes good healing. Our Sincere

respect and loyalty of Savior lord yahweh adonai elohenu, leads and
tends to life. Anointed Messiah has everything to do with it. Plans of
kingdom living are inside or with in your own selves. Realm and reign
of the commonwealth of supreme Divinity, most high God and Endless
Life is within you.
Creator is blessed forever and the Untested, morally or literally
worthless minds cannot fathom creators invisible attributes and eternal
power and divine nature which is clearly seen through what has been
made so we are without excuse.
Soon and very soon we are going to see the Creator, face to face
we will know fully as we have been fully known, by the gods we love.
Pernicious ways that lead to perdition are not to be followed, rather, do
the will of god and receive the promise believing by faith and preserving
and prospering the soul. Carry Forward the blessings and the promises
encountered. Develop Community Capacity and Cultivate Compassion.
Rule #1 have fun, good time be happy.
Rule #2 do something culturally rewarding with your time to earn
it morally.
Rule #3 Remember who you are.
Rule #4 Prosper Soul

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