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Page 13

How can you show your commitment to public interest?

As a future public servant, I will prioritize the public interest over my own interest. I understand the oath
that every public servant pledge with that includes commitments to the public interest. Working as a
public servant means I am serving fir the interest of the Filipino people. By the time I entered public
service, I can show my commitment to the public interest by simply working overtime or even during the
holidays, unplugging electrical appliances that consumes electricity which are paid by the Filipino people
and taking care of the public utilities as if they are mine so it that they will not breakdown easily.

I believe that doing little good things will always have positive effect. Serving Filipino people with those
little things can make can make huge effect in the future.

A public servant must prioritize the interest of the public. One of the best way to make the public happy
is to do social welfare. But there are several things which can be done for the people which will
indirectly affect them. By simply cutting the cost of the government offices like unplugging unused
electrical appliances that were paid by the taxes of the people, it can lessen the burden of the taxes and
will improve their economic statuses.

Working for the government is big sacrifice for anyone because they chose lower compensation than
those office in the private firms. They decided to be public servant to serve the government not only for
their own interest but for the public. Serving for the Public interest does not mean they want to run for
candidacy but to protect each and every one can be protected.


Page 16

How can you become more professional? How can you improve the work you do in the office to improve
your service in the public?

Being a professional does not mean by wearing suit or carrying a briefcase, rather, it means being
responsible and accountable. It means communicating to other person in an effective and proper way.
Being punctual at all times shows being professional,

For me to become more professional, I will stay organized, utilized my time wisely to work to be more
productive. I will show my commitment to serve the public the way they deserve and make them feel
happy. I will treat my superiors and colleagues with respect as well as the other people I interact and
transact with at all times. I should also give my entire attention to my work and stay focused on my work
by not letting my personal life and problems messing up my job.

There are instances to listen to people for they also want to be heard, so I could give them the chance to
share and give a try with their ideas. This is to give credits to their effort and not be taken for granted
and as a professional we should not do that. As a degree holder, I should take care of my pride and be
known to have an honesty, respect, integrity, competency and higher excellence.

Page 18

How can you put into practice political neutrality?

Majority of the people think that politics is dirty and government officials these days have forgotten
about social conscience as what I have seen on local news. Political neutrality can be difficult but if you
have equally strong commitment to professionalism, it can be handled easily. I cannot imagine myself
getting involved in anything more political than voting on election wisely. Gifts and rewards are wide
spread during elections but I shall not allow to be placed in situations where I should be duty bound to
reciprocate a service or benefit given. In other work place gift giving is ethical as long as it is practice
with moderation. If the gift is given under situations that may make the gift a form of bribery, it can
consider unethical.

As a public servant it is our responsibility to do our job without showing being in favor in one
party/group. We should make decision, consider everything that each individual/group with fairness not
with gifts. We should keep professional practice and ethics in the public office. This will eventually lead
to reasonable and unbiased decision making creating a good and balanced work place. One way of
putting into practice political neutrality is by not siding or discriminating against any parties. We have
our own political views but we as public servant we should be careful of what to say.


Page 31

A. How do you feel now for the country? Do you now feel a sense of pride for our country?
Knowing how “powerful” Filipinos are as people? How would you show your love for our
country? How much do you care about our country? Write your responses below or in one sheet
of paper.

I am always feeling proud for our country. Even when I was a kid (elementary days) and studying History
of the Philippines, I am always amazed on how the Filipinos lived before. Especially when talking about
the “Baybayin”, I’ve been always want to learn to write with it.

I feel proud on how our heroes fought for our country, how everybody stood up so that we can get the
Independence that we want. I am also proud of our beautiful places. Our ancestors’ achievements is also
one of the reason for us to be proud of. They took care of our country the way that now, in our time, we
can still benefit from it.

I would show my love for our country by taking care of it. I will follow the proper disposal of garbage,
keeping my surroundings clean and green, saving water and electricity. Those are small ways to take
care of our country, but once each and every one of us follow it or do it, we can see a difference. By
doing those things can preserve our natural resources and more generations will benefit and will see.

I do care a lot

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