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Aamowali Gali, Muradpur West, Sialkot 03316696060

Name: Subject: Physics-12
Roll # : Unit(s): 21,
Class: Inter Part-II Test: Type 15 - Full Test -
Date: Time:

Q.1 Four possible answers A, B, C & D to each question are given. Circle the correct one.
1 The number of Neutron in 238
U is:

(A) 92 (B) 238 (C) 146 (D) 330

2 Mass of proton is:
(A) 1.67 × 10
Kg (B) 1.6 × 10
Kg (C) 1.67 × 10
Kg (D) 9.1 × 10

3 The number of neutron present in a nucleus in a given by:

(A) N = A+Z (B) N = A – Z (C) N = Z– A (D) N = A × Z
4 The charge on an alpha particle is equal to:
(A) +e (B) -e (C) -2e (D) 2e
5 There is no change in A and Z of any radioactive element by the emission of:
(A) α − particle (B) β = particle (C) γ − particle (D) X-rays
6 The unit of decay constant:
(A) Second (B) (S econd)
(C) m
(D) mk
7 Both Xenom and cesium have:
(A) 33 isotopes (B) 34 isotopes (C) 36 isotopes (D) 35 isotopes
8 How many times, the α − particle is more massive than electrons?
(A) 6332 (B) 7332 (C) 8332 (D) 9332
9 The moderator used in a nuclear reactor:
(A) Sodium (B) Uranium (C) Graphite (D) Cadmium
10 One gray (gy) is equal to:
(A) 1J (B) 1.6 × 10 −19 J (C) 1.6 × 10 −10 J (D) 4J
kg kg kg kg

11 In Beta-decay ____ reaction takes place:

(A) 1
n →
H +

e (B) 3

H →
n +

e (C) 1
n →
H +

e (D) 1
n →
H +

12 Half life and decay constant are related as:

(A) T1/2 =

(B) T1/2 = 0.693λ (C) λ =
T 1/2
(D) λ == 0.693T1/2

13 Two down and one up quacks make:

(A) Proton (B) Neutron (C) Photon (D) Positron
14 1 amu is equal to
(A) 1.66 × 10
Kg (B) 1.66 × 10
Kg (C) 1.66 × 10
Kg (D) 1.66 × 10

15 If we have No number of atoms of any radioactive element, then after four half lives, the number
of atoms left behind is:
(A) 1
No (B) 1
No (C) 1
No (D) 1

4 8 16

16 The building blocks of protons and neutrons are called:

(A) Ions (B) Electrons (C) Positons (D) Quarks
17 Absorbed Dose “D” is defined as:
(A) M/E (B) E/C (C) C/M (D) E/M
Aamowali Gali, Muradpur West, Sialkot 03316696060
Name: Subject: Physics-12
Roll # : Unit(s): 21,
Class: Inter Part-II Test: Type 15 - Full Test -
Date: Time:


Q.2 Write short answers to any EIGHT (8) of the following questions.
(i) What are Isotopes? Give an example.
(ii) How you use a magnetic field to separate isotopes of chemicals elements?
(iii) How much energy is released when 1 amu is converted into energy?
(iv) Define mass defect and binding energy.
(v) What are the reasons of unstablity of heavy nuclei?
(vi) In 236 U , find (a) Atomic number (b) Charge Number (c) Number of Neutrons

(d) Number of Electrons.

(vii) If you swallow on α − source -source and β − source, which would be more dangerous to
(viii) What is the relation between decay constant λand half life (T1/2) of a radioactive element?
(ix) If 233 U decays twice by α − emission what is the resulting isotopes?

(x) What is radioactive decay? Give an example.

(xi) Define decay constant and write its Unit.
(xii) Define Radioactivity and half life.
Q.3 Write short answers to any EIGHT (8) of the following questions.
(i) If a nucleus has half life of one year does this mean that it will completely decay after two years?
(ii) What fraction of radioactive sample decays after two half lives has elapsed?
(iii) Define half life of radioactive element. What is the relation between half life and decay constant?
(iv) Explain how α and β particles may ionize an atom without directly hitting electrons. What is the
difference in the atom of the two ionization?
(v) Define Fluorescence. Name two fluorescence substances.
(vi) A particle which produces more ionization is less penetrating. Why?
(vii) Write three types of interaction of various types of radiations with matter.
(viii) What changes takes place when a radioactive nucleus emits α − particle.
(ix) Describe operational principle of solid state detector.
(x) What is meant by Quenching? Explain.
(xi) What do you understand by background radiation?
(xii) What do we mean by critical mass and critical volume?
Q.4 Write short answers to any SIX (6) of the following questions.
(i) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear power compare to the use of fossil fuel
generated power.
(ii) What is fusion reaction?
(iii) Define: a. Absorbed dose b. Gray.
(iv) Which radiation does would deposit more energy to your body? a) 10 mGy to your hand or 1 m
Gy dose to your entire body?
(v) What is a radioactive trace? Describe one application in each case of medicine and agriculture.
(vi) What are the basic forces? Write the names of basic forces of nature.
(vii) What are Hadrons and Leptons. Explain with examples.
(viii) Differentiate between Baryons and Mesons.
(ix) What do you mean by quark?
NOTE: Attempt any THREE (3) questions.
5. Define isotopes. Describe in detail how mass spectrograph is used to determine the isotopes.

(b) Find binding energy of the deuteron nucleus. Mass of deuteron = 3.3435 × 10
kg Mass of proton =
1.6726 × 10
kg Mass of neutron = 1.6749 × 10

6. What is radioactivity? Discuss emission of alpha and beta and gamma radiations from radioactive
(b) A sheet of lead 5.0 mm thick reduces the intensity of a beam of γ − rays by a factor 0.4. Find
half value thickness of lead sheet which will reduce the intensity to half of its initial value.
7. Explain the principle, construction and working of Geiger Muller counter.

(b) Radiation from a point source obeys inverse square law. If count rate at a distance of 1.0 m from
Geiger counter is 360 counts per minute. What will be its count rate at 3.0 m from the source?
8. Describe the principle, construction and working of a Wilson Cloud chamber.

(b) Find the mass defect and the binding energy for Tritium if the atomic mass of tritium is 3.016049 U.

9. Explain Fission reaction in detail.

MCQs Ans Key
Q:1 (C) Q:2 (A) Q:3 (B) Q:4 (D) Q:5 (C) Q:6 (B)
Q:7 (C) Q:8 (B) Q:9 (D) Q:10 (A) Q:11 (D) Q:12 (A)
Q:13 (A) Q:14 (D) Q:15 (C) Q:16 (D) Q:17 (D)

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