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NMCB 133 Enlisted Evaluation Report Input (Brag Sheet)

Name (Last, First MI, Suffix) 2. Rate 3. Warfare Desig 4. SSN


8. Promotion Status 9. Date Reported Aboard 14. End Date of Last Eval 20. Results of Last PRT

Regular Frocked Selected Pass x Fail BF Fail Waived

28. Command employment and achievements

How many months since your last eval or since you reported aboard where you in homeport?
How many months were you deployed?
Where were you deployed?
Primary/Collateral/Watch standing duties.
Answer the below in relation to the period of this report (i.e. Personnel Clerk 12 mo.s)

What is your primary duty and how many months did you hold this duty? FTL
How many people do you supervise?
What are you collateral duties and how many months did you hold this duty?
What watches do you stand and how many months did you stand them? .

30. Mid-Term Counseling

Did you receive mid-term counseling? Yes No Who counseled you?

What date were you counseled?
For any of the below, continue on separate sheet if required.
33. Professional Expertise (technical knowledge and practical application). Discuss below evidence
of your performance in this category keeping in mind the standard (3.0) is a strong working knowledge
of rating, specialty and job; reliable application of knowledge to accomplish tasks and; meeting
advancement and PQS requirements on time.
34. Quality of Work (standard of work; value of end product). Discuss below evidence of your
performance in this category keeping in mind the standard (3.0) is needs little supervision; produces
quality work with few errors resulting in rework and; uses resources efficiently.
35. Command of Organizational Climate/Equal Opportunity (contributing to growth and
development, human worth, community). Discuss below evidence of your performance in this
category keeping in mind the standard (3.0) is positive leadership that supports the Navy’s increased
retention goals and actively decreases attrition; adequately encourages/supports subordinates’
personal/professional growth; demonstrates appreciation for the contributions of Navy personnel and is
a positive influence on command climate and; values differences as strengths while fostering an
atmosphere of acceptance/inclusion per EO/EEO policy.
36. Military Bearing/Character (appearance, conduct physical fitness, adherence to Navy Core
Values). Discuss below evidence of your performance in this category keeping in mind the standard
(3.0) is excellent personal appearance; excellent conduct and conscientiously complies with
regulations; complies with physical readiness program and; always lives up to the Navy Core Values –
Honor, Courage and Commitment.
37. Personal Job Accomplishment/Initiative (responsibility, quantity of work). Discuss below
evidence of your performance in this category keeping in mind the standard (3.0) is productive and
motivated, completes tasks and qualifications fully and on time; plans/prioritizes effectively and;
reliable, dependable, willingly accepts responsibility.
38. Teamwork (contributes to team building and team results). Discuss below evidence of your
performance in this category keeping in mind the standard (3.0) is reinforces others’ efforts, meets
commitments to the team; understands goals, employs good teamwork techniques and; accepts and
offers team direction.
39. Leadership (organizing, motivating and developing others to accomplish goals). Discuss below
evidence of your performance in this category keeping in mind the standard (3.0) is effectively
stimulates growth/development in subordinates; organizes successfully, implementing process
improvements and efficiencies; sets/achieves useful, realistic goals that support command mission;
performs well in stressful situations; clear, timely communicator and; ensures safety of personnel and
41. Duties Desired (maximum of two): Assignment in Rating; Sea or Shore Special Programs,
Commissioning Programs, Special Warfare Programs, Instructor Duty, Other (Be specific).

Schools attended, Qualifications, Awards, Community involvement, etc…

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