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Eating Disorder

Factors; Types; Cause and Effect

Four types of eating that you should know and tips

Eating Disorder

Is an illnesses that are characterized by irregular eating habits and stress concern about size.
Can develop during any stage in life but typically appear during teen years or adulthood.

Commonly coexist with other conditions such as anxiety, depression etc.

They’re caused by a complex combination of factors, including genetic, biochemical, psychological, cultural and environmental.

Eating disorders are illnesses, not character flaws or choices. Individuals don’t choose to have an eating disorder. You also can’t tell whether a
person has an eating disorder just by looking at their appearance.

People with eating disorders can be underweight, normal weight or overweight. It’s impossible to diagnose anyone just by looking at them.

Some factors that have a part in the problem


It may tend to run in families . It is highly inherited. In addition, specific chromosomes have been linked to both bulimia and
anorexia. Maybe it’s because of the ability to identify phenotypic traits of the personality, such as cognitive style,
temperament and character.
Substantial evidence exists to support the theory that phenotypic traits are the result of expression of genes under
environmental influence. It is known that identical twins share 100 percent of their genes and fraternal twins share
approximately 50 percent of their genetic makeup.

ology; Personalities

Eating disorders are common in individuals who struggle with

clinical depression, anxiety disorders and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Other factors include:

• Low self-esteem
• Feelings of hopelessness and inadequacy
• Trouble coping with emotions or expressing your emotions
• Perfectionism
Having followed the wishes of others for the most part, they have not learned how to cope with the problems typical of
adolescence, growing up, and becoming independent (control their eating, keeping the problems themselves).
This can cause eating disorder because of:

• Family or other relationship problems

• History of physical or sexual abuse
• Activities that encourage thinness or focus on weight
• Peer pressure
Being bullied because of weight or appearance in general Many people have been discouraged by the people around them (social
Types of Eating Disorders

Anorexia Nervosa

- Suffering from excessive fear of gaining weight, unrealistic perception.

People who have this limit their intake of food to consume because they see themselves as overweight, even
when they are really underweight. The goal is always rapid weight loss. Focus on caloric intake etc. Anorexia
can have damaging effects such as brain damage, bone loss, death.

Bulimia Nervosa
- This is characterized by compensating for the overeating, such as vomit, excessive exercise, laxatives
etc. People who suffer this disease may fear weight gain,
feel unhappy, shame, guilt, no self-esteem and does diet constantly. It can have injuring effects too such as
hydration, heart difficulty.

Binge Eating Disorder

- Frequently lose his/her control on eating. consuming very large amounts of food but without behaviors to
prevent weight gain, such as self-induced vomiting. Indications that the binge eating is out of control, such
as eating when not hungry, eating to the point of discomfort, or eating alone because of shame about the
Four Types of Eating You Should Know

Fueling For Performance

- Nutrition is critical for both academic and sports performance. Student- athletes need to fuel early and often in
order to meet their daily energy needs. Fueling before exercise has been shown to improve performance over
exercising in the fasted state. Consuming 30 to 60 grams of carbohydrate each hour during prolonged
exercise will prevent the under- fueling trap. It’s just a matter of timing, wrong timing/ timing of intake definitely
cause imbalance nutrition. Because the body is needed to reach
the level of optimum efficiency. People should have ‘food strategies and time management’. To ensure the timing of food
and fluids before, during or after exercise and especially to those who are non- athletes.
1. Know your limitations
2. Eat fruits and vegetables
3. Control yourself

Emotional Eating

Eating if we are stress? Depressed? No solutions for problems?. Nah that

shouldn't be a matter of
perception because it is unhealthy. Some people think if they eat, they can
resolve the problems they are in. Obviously not Most emotional eaters
feel powerless over their food cravings. When the urge to eat hits, it’s all
you can think about.
Emotional hunger can’t be filled with food. Eating may feel good in the
moment, but the feelings that triggered the eating are still there. And you
often feel worse than you did before because of the unnecessary calories
you consumed. You feel guilty for messing up and not having more

It comes suddenly, crave specific foods, isn’t satisfied until full.

Stop emotional eating it can’t help you resolve things, instead be a
mindful eater. Be aware and pause between your triggers.
Tips to Stop Emotional Eating

1. Identify the triggers

- such as stress, emotions, social influences, boredom
2. Find ways to overcome them instead of eating
- manage yourself, like if you are bored, read a book, go to an amusement park, watch
comedy shows
-when having problems, confront it with confidence,
- if lonely, just call someone, play with pets etc.
3. Practice Mindful eating
- Awareness of your physical and emotional cues, Awareness of your non-
hunger triggers for eating, Awareness on how you buy, prepare and eat your food,
Choosing foods that give you both enjoyment and nourishment, Learning to meet your emotional
needs in ways other than eating.
4. Pause and think
- Construct a strategy to avoid this
All this can help, but not if you can’t stand for it, let’s make a change!
Social Eating Tips to avoid

We eat differently when we are with other people

compared with when we eat alone. Sharing a meal with
1. Say no! for events whit many food
friends, family or work colleagues is a common activity . 2. Try to manage and control
Given that much eating takes place in a social context it 3. Make a decision
is important to understand. One reason why other
people have such an influence on our eating is that 4. Change your habits
they provide a guide or norm for appropriate behavior. 5. Encourage others too
Social eating can have serious effects on the way we
view food and nutrition, leading to overeating, obesity,
6. Known your limits
malnutrition and other health problems ,social 7. Make yourself busy
pressures have a powerful effect on how we eat.
Those who can’t control their eating, can lead to obesity or
Distracted Eating

We are living in such a multitasking-high-urgency era, that even when not pressed for time, it seems that
many people are in the routine of eating while distracted. The irony of eating while distracted is that you end
up missing out on the eating experience, which often means, eating needs to be repeated.

1. Make the time to eat
2. Take a break on gadgets etc.
3. Chew food mindfully

Make sure you’re truly reaping the nutritious benefits of your food choices and take time to eat. Your
behaviors are strongly influenced by your environments. Constantly being on the go, working at a desk all day,
and watching TV and laptops all influence your brain and behaviors when it comes to food choices. Bring your
focus back to your food, be mindful when eating and chew thoroughly to improve your health and your

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