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Name : Meilyana Exaudi Simbolon

NPM : 17120096

Group C


Bali is a province of Indonesia and the westernmost of the Lesser Sunda Islands. Located east of Java and
west of Lombok, the province includes the island of Bali and a few smaller neighbouring islands. Bali is
Indonesia's main tourist destination, which has seen a significant rise in tourists since the 1980s.
Tourism-related business makes up 80% of its economy. It is renowned for its highly developed arts,
including traditional and modern dance, sculpture, painting, leather, metalworking, and music.

Language In Bali

There are 5 languages that used in bali, it was : Indonesian, Balinese, Balinese Malay, Mandarin, and
English. But from the culture, their traditional language is Balinese. In Bali, the language usuallu used
based on the social status. Balinese can be divided in to 5 (Basa Kasar, Basa Andar, Basa Madia, Basa
Alus, and Basa Midar)

1. Basa Kasar

Basa Kasar is a language that has the lowest sense of language. It can be divided into 2 kind.

A. Basa Kasar Pisan

This language is the roughest Balinese, that classified in to disrespectful language. This language was
used in emotional situation, annoyed, angry, spiteful, and scolding. This language can used by all people,
even by the Tri Wongso (high social status).

Example : Madak apang bangka polone, mula jelema amah temah.

"Semoga kamu mampus, dasar manusia terkutuk‟

B. Basa Kasar Jabag

Basa Kasar Jabag is a language that the use usually not appropriate with ethical and situation
(discussion). Which means, the words in this language doesn't heed the level in balinese, and sometimes
it goes beyond the ethics of conversation. This variety of languages is considered impolite and less
reasonable, and often considered wrong target. The use of this language not always due to really bad
bases, but sometimes want to show arrogance, strengths, and familiarity.

Example : Dayu ngaba apa ento? baang ja ngidih abesik.

"Dayu membawa apa itu? berikan saya satu‟

2. Basa Andap

Basa Andap is a language that usually use in close and polite realtionship. It often called as Lumbrah or
Kepara. Balinese as a polite language is used in association that are familiar, for example fellow citizens,
same position, same age, same education, position, family language. This language is also often used as a
language splash down when the house of the higher class to lower class. For example between the king
and his servants, parents with his children, teachers with students, superiors with subordinates, and

Example : Dija Gus uli tuni meplalianan, paling aji ngalihin.

"Kemana Gus dari tadi bermain, bingung ayah mencari.

3. Basa Madia

Basa Madia is a level of Balinese which is classified as medium language, which is the value of the sense
of language is between Basa Kasar and Basa Alus. Which means the conotation of Basa Madia is not too
smooth, or too rough. Basa Madia is usually used by the person that has high social status, or when the
high social status speak to the lower social status, certain position in the community or government

Example : Tiang ampun rauh, duk i ratu kantun mesiram.

"Saya sudah datang ketika anda masih mandi.‟

4. Basa Alus

Basa Alus is a level of Balinese language that has the highest sense of language value or very respectful.
This language is usually used in official situations (such as meetings, meetings, gatherings, seminars,
traditional events, religion, arts etc.). This language can be divided into three Alus Sor, Alus Mider,and
Alus Singgih.

A. Alus Sor

Alus Sor is a language form that usually used to show respect to ourself or being used to show humbke,
and when we talk about another person that has lower social status than us.

Example : Titiang sampung mapajar ring pianak ipune

"Saya sudah dapat menyampaikan pada anaknya‟

B. Alus Mider

The alus mider language is the Balinese language which has a very respectful sense of value tha can used
to communicate with the lowe or the upper social status. people who can be used to communicate at
the grassroots level and the upper class. This language can used indaily conversation for yourself, the
other person or the third person.

Example : Titiang nenten maderbe jinah, i ratu akeh madue jinah.

"Saya tidak memiliki uang, anda banyak mempunyai uang‟

C. Alus Singgih

The Alus Singgih is the level of Balinese language which has a high value and respect. Alus Singgih
language can be used on speakers to respect people who are worthy of glory, as well as interlocutors, or
people talked about.

Example : Dayu Biang akuda sampun madue oka?

"Dayu Biang sudah berapa mempunyai anak?"

5. Basa Midar
Basa Mider are words in Balinese that do not have levels of language taste, so this language can be used
by all people.

Example : Da bas makelo nyongkok, semutan batise.

"Jangan lama jongkok, nanti kesemutan kakinya‟


There are certain areas where speakers use abusive language or smooth. Usually, smooth words are used
when talking to your opponent that are older than you (age) or with someone who has higher social
status, beside that different gender, use different language.

1. The Family Realm

Someone younger will always use smooth words when they talk with the older ones, even though in
some areas, for example In Central Lombok and some areas in East Lombok still use abusive language
even with older people. For example the word "side" (you).

2. . Neighbor / neighborhood domain

As is the case with the family domain, at the realm of neighbors, someone younger will also use smooth
word which is also used by older people.

3. The Office Realm

A person who has a lower position will tend to use smooth the speech that they used to the superiors,
while the superiors will use ordinary language.

4. Friendship Domain

In this domain, usually the fine words is not really used even though one of the friend has a higher social
class , but the language usually use a colloquial language or not too smooth. Even more harsh words are
used, show familiarity in the relationship.

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