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Ejercicios part 1 Reading Aptis

Bulgaria’s Population is Shrinking

Bulgaria, a southeastern country in the European Union, is one of the 1.______ fastest shrinking
countries. In the last forty years, the population of Bulgaria has fallen from 9 to 7 million. Young
people often leave the country for postsecondary studies and do not return for 2.______years.
Approximately 1 million Bulgarians currently live abroad. Bulgarians are also having 3._____
children. Despite the shrinking population, some Bulgarians do return after realizing that they miss
some aspects of home, including the 4._____ and relaxed pace of living.

1. A) spot B) place C) world’s

2. A) a lot B) many C) several
3. A) few B) fewer C) more few
4. A) culture B) tradition C) habit

“If it’s important to you, you’ll find a way. If it’s not, you’ll find excuses.”
Jane Austen was a great woman novelist of the early 19th century. Jane was born 1.____ 16
December 1775 in Steventon Rectory. She was the second daughter of The Reverend George
Austen and his wife Cassandra. Apart from her older sister, also called Cassandra Jane also had 6

In 1783 Jane and 2._____ sister were sent to boarding school. While at school they both caught a
fever (possibly typhus) and Jane 3.______ died. Jane Austen left school in 1786.

Even as a child Jane Austen loved writing and she wrote a lot of short stories called the Juvenilia.
4.____ 1795 she wrote a novel she called Elinor and Marianne. In the years 1796-97 Jane Austen
wrote another novel she called First Impressions. It was later 5.______ as Pride and Prejudice.
6._____ in 1798-99 Jane wrote a novel named Susan. It was published posthumously as Northanger
Abbey in 1817.

In 1801 Jane Austen moved with her sister and parents to Bath. Jane Austen was a tall, slim woman.
In 1802 she received a 7._____ of marriage from a man named Harris Bigg-Wither. At first Jane
accepted but she quickly changed her mind. Jane Austen never 8._____. Her father George Austen
died in 1805.

In 1807 Jane Austen moved to Southampton. She lived there until 1809. At that time Southampton
was a flourishing port and town with a population of over 8,000. However in 1809 Jane Austen
moved to the little village of Chawton in north Hampshire.

Then in 1811 Sense and Sensibility was published. Pride and Prejudice was published in 1813.
Mansfield Park was published in 1814. Another book called Emma followed in 1816. Meanwhile
Jane Austen 9.______ Persuasion but she died before it could be published. It was published
posthumously in 1817. Jane Austen died on 18 July 1817. Jane was only 41 years old. She 10._____
in Winchester Cathedral.

1. A) on B) in C) at
2. A) his B) its C) her
3. A) nearly B) practically C) near
4. A) about B) with regard C) around
5. A) established B) published C) showed
6. A) then B) however C) although
7. A) proposal B) offer C) gift
8. A) married B) marries C) marry
9. A) wrote B) has written C) writes
10. A) was buried B) buried C) burial

The Amazons were more than a myth

Legends of formidable 1._____ warriors known as the Amazons permeate ancient lore – and, with
the Wonder Woman franchise, modern-day movie screens. In particular, Ancient Greek writers
loved spinning 2.______ of how the Amazon women matched men in their traditional domain of
Mythographer Apollodorus, writing in the first or second century A.D., dubbed the Amazons “a
people 3.______ in war,” who were so committed to martial endeavors that they “pinched off the
right breasts that they might not be trammelled 4.______ them in throwing the javelin, but they kept
the left breasts, that [their offspring] might suckle.”

They were even said to 5.______ the likes of such mythological warriors as Heracles, Theseus, and
Achilles. But were the Amazons just a myth — or were they real?

Historian Adrienne Mayor delves into their complicated history. She noted in her seminal
book, The Amazons, 6.______, they believed that the Amazons were very much real historical
figures. They may have very well been real-life horse-riding women hailing from Western Asia —
places 7._____ Iran and the Caucasus — who fought valiantly against their enemies.
According to Smithsonian Magazine, Homer’s Iliad was the first to 8._____ them in the eighth
century B.C. He described them as “antianeirai,” which many scholars have translated as “the
opposite of men,” “antagonistic to men,” and “the equal of men.”
Centuries later, the so-called “Father of History,” Herodotus, wrote that the Amazons hailed from
Scythia, a large steppe region in Central Eurasia.

Dubbed “man-killers” in the Greek 9._____, the Amazons lived an idyllic, isolated existence, only
mingling with men from neighboring tribes once a year in a ceremonious procreation ritual. The
mothers would keep their female 10.______ and train them as warriors, and send off their male

1. A) female B) women C) woman

2. A) fairytales B) tales C) stories
3. A) amazing B) wonderful C) great
4. A) for B) to C) by
5. A) fight B) challenge C) stay
6. A) apparently B) certainly C) surely
7. A) such as B) like C) as
8. A) mention B) say C) tell
9. A) say B) tongue C) language
10. A) kids B) offspring C) cubs

Star Wars

The plain, brown cloak that Sir Alec Guinness 1) __________ when he played the character Obi-
Wan Kenobi 2) __________ the Star Wars films is part 3) __________ a collection of film and
television costumes that will be sold. Alec Guiness died 4) __________ 2000.
5) __________ cloak disappeared thirty years ago and was then used in 6) __________ films. It was
even used by people going 7) __________ fancy dress parties. Experts think it will 8)
__________ for £40,000.
1. A) wear B) wore C) wearing
2. A) in B) on C) at
3. A) off B) for C) of
4. A) on B) in C) for
5. A) A B) The C) Those
6. A) other B) others C) other’s
7. A) to B) at C) from
8. A) sell B) sold C) sale

The fastest dinosaurs

According 1) __________ computer models that were used to estimate the running speeds of
dinosaurs, the Tyrannosaurus Rex would have been able to outrun a footballer. The study shows
that the dinosaur could reach a top 2) __________ of 8 metres a second, which is 3)
__________ faster than the average professional footballer. There has been a lot of controversy 4)
__________ whether the Tyrannosaurus Rex was a predator or a scavenger; some believe that its
highly developed sense of smell indicates that it was a scavenger, 5) __________ others say that its
keen eyesight shows that it was a hunter. The 6) __________ group will appreciate the recent study,
as a hunter is more 7) __________ to require such speed
The University of Manchester study used a powerful supercomputer to calculate the running speeds
of five meat-eating dinosaurs and used data taken 8) __________ from dinosaur fossils, 9)
__________ than referring to previous work on modern animals. The Tyrannosaurus Rex, 10)
__________, was not the fastest dinosaur. A small dinosaur 11) __________ Compsognathus,
which was about the 12) __________ of a chicken, could run at 18 metres a second, 13)
__________ is faster than the ostrich, the fastest two-legged animal today. It could run 100 metres
in a little over six seconds, which would 14) __________ modern Olympic 15) __________ more
than a third of the track behind.

1. A) with B) as C) to D) —-
2. A) fast B) speed C) swift D) rate
3. A) fraction B) fractional C) fractionally D) fractionals
4. A) about B) as C) at D) to
5. A) since B) while C) however D) as
6. A) former B) later C) latter D) first
7. A) likely B) probable C) probably D) possible
8. A) directs B) direction C) directed D) directly
9. A) instead B) rather C) other D) better
10. A) therefore B) hence C) since D) however
11. A) called B) named as C) known D) name
12. A) shape B) size C) form D) same
13. A) who B) that C) when D) which
14. A) leave B) chase C) run D) beat
15. A) athlete B) athletic C) athletics D) athletes

Wole Soyinka

Wole Soyinka, who was born in 1934, is a Nigerian writer, poet and playwright. Many 1)
__________ him as Africa’s most 2) __________ playwright. He won the Nobel Prize for
Literature in 1986, the first African writer to win this honour.
Soyinka has played an active role in Nigeria’s 3) __________ history. In 1967, during the Civil War
in Nigeria, he was arrested by the Federal Government and put in solitary 4) __________ for
attempting to broker a peace between the warring parties. While in prison he wrote 5)
__________ which was published in a collection. He was released two years later after international
attention was drawn to his 6) __________. His experiences in prison are recounted in a book. He is
an outspoken 7) __________ of many Nigerian administrations, and of political tyrannies
worldwide, including the Mugabe regime in Zimbabwe. Much of his 8) __________ has been
concerned with “the 9) __________ boot and the irrelevance of the colour of the foot that wears it”.
1986 was his most glorious year and occurred during the reigns of several violent and repressive
African regimes. The Swedish Academy 10) __________ him the Nobel Prize for Literature as a
writer “who in a wide 11) __________ perspective and with poetic overtones fashions the drama
of 12) __________”. The foremost Nigerian 13) __________ became the first African Nobel
laureate, enshrined forever in the history of world literature. His Nobel Lecture was devoted to
South African freedom-fighter Nelson Mandela. Soyinka’s 14) __________ speech criticised
apartheid and the politics of racial segregation imposed on the population by the Nationalist South
African government. That year brought him another 15) __________ award – the Agip Prize for
Literature – and he was awarded a Nigerian national decoration: Commander of the Federal

1. A) consider B) regard C) think D) believe

2. A) distinguish B) distinguishable C) distinguished D) distinguishing
3. A) politic B) politician C) politically D) political
4. A) confinement B) confine C) confining D) configuration
5. A) poet B) poem C) poems D) poetry
6. A) in prison B) imprisonment C) jailer D) prisoner
7. A) criticise B) critisism C) critic D) criticising
8. A) writings B) writer C) wright D) writing
9. A) oppress B) oppressive C) oppression D) oppresser
10. A) granted B) awards C) awarded D) grants
11. A) culture B) cultural C) cultured D) cultures
12. A) exist B) existance C) existence D) existential
13. A) dramatic B) drama C) dramatically D) dramatist
14. A) acceptance B) accept C) accepted D) accepting
15. A) literate B) literary C) literally D) literal
Teaching a child with dyspraxia can be a 1) …………………. experience due to the wide range of
symptoms a student may present. 2) ……………….., while dyspraxia is a neurological condition
that causes movement and co-ordination 3)………………. , it has no impact on intelligence.
Children with dyspraxia are perfectly 4)………………… of learning alongside their peers; they
may just need some extra attention and support from time to time. 5)………………….. is the first
step and can make all of the difference in helping a child to reach his or her full potential at school.

While not as well known as other learning difficulties, dyspraxia in children is relatively common,
with 6-10% of the population affected, to some 6) ………………. A child with dyspraxia may
experience problems at school, including difficulty in handwriting his or her work, 7)
…………………. other tasks that require fine motor skills and planning and organisation aspects.

1. A) frustrating B) overwhelming C) frustrated

2. A) Meanwhile B) However C) Albeit
3. A) problems B) matters C) issues
4. A) capable B) able C) willing
5. A) Awareness B) Insight C) Conscious
6. A) scale B) degree C) term
7. A) doing B) performing C) acting

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