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by Brad & Jeloria Jensen

adapted from the 'Discover Your Creative Mind' lessons written by

Brad & Jeloria Jensen

You may have heard that your mind is like an iceberg, with 9/10ths of it below the level that we
can see. You may also have heard that most people do not use 90% of their brain. You can learn
to explore and use that portion of your mind which is out of view for most people.

The inner part of your mind is a fascinating place. It holds all of your hopes and dreams, your
fantasies and the seed of the future that you will create for yourself. Just as each plant has its
foundation in the hidden soil of the earth, so too are your thoughts based in the inner part of

By learning what the soil is made of and the process of growth that occurs in a plant, a scientist
can learn how to develop richer soils and healthier plants. By learning what goes into creating
within the inner part of your mind and what the process of growth is for your thoughts, you can
learn how to make your thoughts stronger and healthier, and enrich your existence.

As you begin to learn about creation, you will also naturally learn about your responsibility to
yourself and in dealing with others. You will learn that only YOU can make the choices that
really matter in your life and to expect others to choose for you is to deny yourself the respect
you truly deserve.


Each thing that exists in the natural world has its own unique structure that serves to identify it
from all other things. You are not likely to confuse a rabbit with an oak tree, for example,
because their structures are so obviously different to your naked eye. Even rocks have different
crystalline structures that help the expert tell them apart.

Our greatest advances in science have come about by learning the structure or makeup of things.
Even now, tremendous amounts of time and money are being spent on research into the basic
structure of sub-atomic particles, in hopes of liberating new secrets about the nature of matter.

Mind itself has a structure that is not immediately apparent to the untrained observer. Learning
the structure of mind is the important first step to really using your creative mind to your fullest

Each thing that exists is made of mind. Existence means existence in mind. When you learn how
the mind is structured, you can begin to learn the cause and effect of each thing that exists. You
will see that what many people call 'psychic` senses are really just the learned ability to use the
creative mind.
The mind has three basic divisions. It is important to remember that most of mind is not physical.
The only part of your mind which is physical is the brain. Think of the divisions of your mind as
like the layers of an onion.

The three divisions of mind are the CONSCIOUS, SUBCONSCIOUS AND SUPER-

The outermost division of mind is the CONSCIOUS mind. This division houses your brain and
your emotions, and of course, is the physical division. This is the part of your mind that you use
to perform your regular conscious activities. You use your conscious mind most of all when you
are concentrating on learning new understandings. As you learn the reasons behind a pattern of
thought or activity, and practice this understanding over and over again, it gradually becomes a
part of your subconscious mind.

For example, remember the first time you drove a car. Remember peering over the steering
wheel at the road and constantly turning the steering wheel as the car weaved back and forth
down the road? Now, when you get in the car, you may drive all the way to work without a
single conscious thought about how to drive. An activity that used to be conscious is now almost
entirely performed by the subconscious mind at your command.

Your SUBCONSCIOUS MIND is the second innermost division of mind. The subconscious
mind is like the genie in the lamp of Aladdin. It will perform the most amazing services for you
if you know how to ask for them. Some of the things that the subconscious mind can do for you
will seem like magic at first, until you learn how they are accomplished.

The subconscious mind holds all of your past understood experiences, things that you have
learned by practicing them over and over again, until they have literally become a part of your
mind. One of the many miracles of the subconscious mind is how it keeps the physical body
properly coordinated, adjusting hormone levels, respiration and heartbeat, digestions, and so
forth. Your subconscious mind knows more about how to keep your body going than all the
doctors in the world put together.

To use your subconscious mind to its fullest advantage, you need to understand how it works.
The subconscious mind exists to provide you learning experiences. The subconscious mind
responds to pictures. Whatever you place your attention on, whether it is a desire or a fear, your
subconscious mind will create the experience for you. The subconscious mind does not have our
conscious prejudices about pleasant and unpleasant experiences. It gives us what we ask for, and
it assumes we are asking for something when we think about it. Remember, thoughts are things!

To create the things and experiences you desire, you need to learn to make clear mental pictures
in your conscious imagination. Each picture serves as a kind of computer program for the
subconscious mind. The stronger and clearer the picture, the more accurate your results will be.
The subconscious mind is your servant. It is up to you to learn to program your subconscious
mind to give you the things you truly desire.
The innermost division of mind is the SUPERCONSCIOUS MIND. This is the part of mind that
provides the energy and overall direction for the rest of mind. Your superconscious mind
contains the blueprint for your expression as an individual. It is the part of your being which is
closest to the Supreme Being, or God.


Your mind is always creating. In the same sense that your physical body constantly breathes,
your mind constantly creates. You may not always be aware of your breathing or control the rate
and depth of each breath, but your body continues to breathe from the moment you are born to
the end of your physical existence.

In the same way, your mind creates unceasingly. It is the natural function of the mind to create,
whether you are awake or asleep. Your subconscious mind has been creating events for you
throughout your life. Indeed, nothing can occur in your life without the activity of your
subconscious mind causing it to happen. Your subconscious mind will do only what you
consciously or unconsciously tell it to do.

The most important thing to remember in using your creative mind is that nothing, I repeat,
NOTHING, 'just happens` to you. Each event that occurs in your life has one cause, and that
cause is YOU. It is up to you to make sure that the things you really want to happen in your life
are happening. It is up to you to be sure that you are creating the things you intend to create.


Everything that exists in the physical began as a thought. Take a good look at your physical
surroundings. Everything, from this paper you are reading, to the chair on which you sit, began
as a thought in mind. Remember, thoughts are things!

To create something you desire, all you need do is imagine it and then begin the necessary
activity to bring it into the physical. For example, let's say you want a new car. Imagine exactly
the kind of car you want, the color, the make, the style, and the cost. Imagine yourself sitting in
the driver’s seat, driving down the road. Imagine the joy and satisfaction you get from driving
your new car. Use all your senses to experience your new car in your imagination.

The next step is to use your WILL to bring your new car to you. What this means is making the
decision to get the kind of car you want and then following thru with this decision by going out
to look for it. Since you know exactly what you want, your subconscious mind will take you
directly to the car you are looking for.


In creating with your imagination and will, it is important to remember to create EVENTS.
Respect the free will of others, because if you don't, you will not get the results you really desire.
Also, you would not like someone else trying to make you do things you do not desire to do.
There is a rule of the game called KARMA, which ensures that "as you sow, so shall you reap".
The intentions you are using in your creative activity are the same ones you will experience in
return. Treat others as you would have them treat you.


It is important, when creating an event, to practice 'believing'. Again, this is when you must use
your will, because it is not always easy to 'believe'. Do not be concerned or worried as to 'how'
an event will come about. Anxiety can clog up the energy flow between the conscious and
subconscious mind.

This is what Jesus meant when he said "Ye must be as little children". Children are natural
believers and they have very good imagination skills. To children, anything is possible, until an
adult convinces them otherwise. You must use your creative mind as a child. Believe that what
you desire will become a reality. In fact, in your imagination, believe that your desire has already
entered the physical. Believe that what you want to happen, has already happened. In this way,
you send a complete picture of the event to your subconscious mind, for the creation process to

It is a good idea, while you are still new at creating what you want, to keep your thoughts and
goals to yourself. It may come as a surprise to you, but many people do not want you to be
creative. They want the people they know and the things they do, to be as predictable as the
sunrise in the morning. They would rather live with a predictable pain than take chances on an
unpredictable joy.

As you become stronger, you will be able to tell others of your goals, because their negativity
cannot penetrate your belief in yourself and in what you are doing.


What about all the times when you experience an unpleasant situation? You lose your job, you
have no money, your mate leaves you or you have an accident. You are the creator of unpleasant
experiences, as well as the pleasant ones. But how is this possible, you might say. Why would I
create an unpleasant situation for myself? Why would I consciously create a hardship? The
answer is that your hardluck situation was created from your 'unconscious mind'.

Your unconscious mind houses all your fears, anxieties, and worries. When you place your
undivided attention on a fear, that fear can become a reality. For example, you fear that you
won't have enough money to pay your bills. If you concentrate on this fear long enough, you will
create the exact situation you fear.

You see, whatever you place your attention on is what you get. If you dwell on a particular fear,
then your subconscious mind is programmed to create the 'fear' for you. Your subconscious mind
does not care if the situation causes you pain. It only gives you what you picture in your mind.

Knowing this, would it not be better to create from desires, rather than from fears? The choice is
always yours. There is a universal law called the Law of Abundance. This law states that there is
always an abundance of whatever it is that you desire. There is always enough money to pay
bills, always enough food to eat, fuel to burn, happiness to be shared. The energy to create
whatever you desire is always there, if you will use it.

Remember the story in the Bible where Jesus fed the multitudes? He may or may not have
manifested food out of thin air and the arguments could go on forever. However, I believe that
this is not the real issue here. I believe the real miracle of this event is that Jesus wanted us to
know that there is more than enough of what we need, if we will imagine it, use our wills to
believe it and then engage in the physical activity to bring it about.

Believe in the Law of Abundance, because it is true. This will take a lot of will power, especially
in the face of need, but believe anyway. Just when you catch yourself saying, "I will not have
enough", stop right then and say, out loud, "There is always enough of what I need". Soon, you
will not only believe in abundance, you will know it is so.


To live a truly creative life, you must first acknowledge that you are the creator of your own life.
You must recognize that the CAUSE of each event in your life is YOU. You must accept
responsibility for yourself. A lot of people are afraid of the idea that they have free will and can
use it in any manner they wish. Many of us go through life complaining about the situation in our
lives that we see as out of our control. In this way, we deny responsibility for the events that
occur in our lives.

There are no events or situations outside your control! You have complete freedom to change the
things that are happening now in your life. Only you can choose to live a happy or satisfying life
and if you are telling yourself that you have to wait even ONE MORE MINUTE before you
begin, you are kidding yourself.

When we pretend that we need something, outside of ourselves, for our continued happiness or
peace of mind, we experience what I call 'attachment'. We attach part of our self-worth to an
outside event, person or thing. Then we try to control our feelings of self-worth by attempting to
control that person, event or thing. It never works!

Creativity is your birthright. You have the free will to choose your own life. The only catch is
that if you don't use it, someone else will. If you don't make your own decisions, someone will
make them for you, leaving you to wonder why you are always the 'victim'. If you find yourself
in a situation where you feel 'victimized' or 'used', check your memory banks. Chances are, you
passed up an opportunity to make a decision so someone else made the decision for you!

It is always up to you to make the life you desire for yourself. Do not wait for permission from
another to unfold the real you. You have the permission with each breath you take. Use it!
Remember you are the creating intelligence within yourself. Remember that your mind will
create for you constantly, just like breathing, whether you want it to or not. It will create what
you desire or what you fear. It is up to you to choose. If you hesitate in your choice, you choose
the fear by default.
Since you have a choice, wouldn't it be better to have what you want, rather than what you don't
want? Remember, the time to choose is now, and the time to begin creating what you desire is
now. If you wait until tomorrow, tomorrow will never come.


Your mind is a highly specialized, finely-tuned creative instrument. Scientists has worked for
years to duplicate the functions of the human brain using computers. The results so far has been
very primitive. Some scientists have speculated that to duplicate the functioning of one human
brain, it would take computer equipment worth over one billion dollars and hundreds of
programmers working together for years. Your brain is the equivalent of a billion dollar
computer. Think of how much you can do with so large an investment!

Your mind can be programmed for more efficient activity by the use of exercises that strengthen
your abilities in the areas of concentration, relaxation, imagination, will and memory. These
exercises must be done on a regular basis, just as you would do physical exercises.


This exercise will help you develop will power, perspective, goal setting skills, concentration and
visualization skills. For this exercise, you will need a small note pad. Get one small enough to
carry in your purse or pocket. Here is how the exercise works:

1. Write down ten things you want, as if you already had them and were enjoying them. Now
rewrite them in the order of their importance. Make sure the things on your list are specific and
measurable. In other words, it is OK to want happiness, but how will you measure it, so you will
know when you have it? Instead, put the things on your list which will bring you happiness.

2. Now, at least three times a day, read the list, and imagine yourself having and enjoying the
items listed. See yourself using them, in the present tense. To help you remember, read your list
at each meal.

3. As soon as you have gotten three things on the list, you may discuss it with someone else - not
until then. Do not show the contents of your list to anyone else! It is easy to allow the doubts,
fears and mental laziness of others to affect your thinking. At this point, you are making a series
of mental pictures, and you don't want anyone else blundering around in your darkroom, perhaps
double-exposing your negatives. Remember, you can use your mind, or you can let someone else
use it for you.

4. When you get something on your list, take it off the list, and replace it with something else
you want. If you have something on your list which is no longer important to you, again, replace
it with something you do want.

5. When the list starts working for you, don't panic and shy away from it. It may seem like
magic, but it is not. It is just a tool.
The Ten Most Wanted List uses the exact same process you are presently using to get what you
desire or fear, but the list helps you to make the control of the process more conscious.

Learning to use your creative mind is similar to developing any other skill - it takes practice,
patience, and persistence. But results will come quickly once you begin to follow thru on our
commitment to harness the power of your mind. Your mind is already creating - you are just
learning to direct the process.

Use these ideas daily and you will truly discover your creative mind!

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