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Introduction to World Religion

and Belief Systems
Positive and Negative Effects of
From the ancient times, religion has been prominent among the people of this planet.
Different groups and communities of people come together to form and follow a
certain religion. This is theirs by birth. Religion is something a human looks for when
he is down. Religion is a belief that people follow in order to make societies. They
believe in their religion because it gives them power and peace. However, in the
present time, the word religion is highly overrated. More than this practice provides
peace and contentment to the people of the societies, it has been becoming a cause of
conflict among many.

Religions are present in the forms such as Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Buddhism
and Sikhism. People of this earth come under these religions and tend to follow the
norms and beliefs of them during their complete life course. However, people have
been into these beliefs blindly from so long that sometimes it becomes a major reason
of conflict and riots. On the name of religion, many defaulters take advantage of the
situations which are socially unacceptable, leading to conflicts and wars.

There are both positive and negative sides to the practice of religion. It is good as long
as it is under control and makes sense. It becomes a curse when things get really
messed up. Read more about the positive and negative effects of religion below.
The positive effects of Religion have been mentioned as follows.

 Peace of Mind:
We have often heard that a religious person is a peaceful one. When a person follows
the path of religion, he realizes that there is the presence of a supreme power which is
above what human has and has built till now. These naturally brings a sense of
humbleness. Religions focus upon the good deeds that matter in life and thus helps us
make a better person by teaching us some good values. All in all, put together,
following good values of a religion brings a peace of mind when you are focused
solely on the good.
 Promotes helps through social work:
Most of the religious committees have groups and organizations that focus on helping
the unprivileged and the poor by carrying out social service. They do it with the aim
of serving the society and making it better. Social works like providing food and
shelter to the homeless, free education to the needy and inspiring youth of today to
follow the good values for the betterment of the society. This unites people and helps
the needful people live with dignity and strength.
 Teaches overall compassion:
Compassion is something truly required in a person if he or she is to be something
good to the society. Religion has a great role to play in that. Most religious people
own this sense of compassion. This is visible in their aura when they inspire others
and teach them the good values of their religion. They are comparatively more humble
and sympathetic towards everyone. Religious people do not get into any bad or evil
habits that might deteriorate them or the people around them. They aim at leading a
peaceful life with compassion and draw in more people into that peace.
 Wisdom:
Religion is wisdom. They holy religious books have a great deal from which humans
can learn and benefit themselves and the human society as well. Since all of the
religions aim at working towards the betterment of the society, they impart true
wisdom in their follower.
The negative effects of religion have been mentioned as follows:

 A sense of superiority:
Many times, it happens that the people of a certain religion start believing that the
teaching and morals of their own religion are superior than any other religion. This
may be because of a deep faith in their religion that the others are not able to make
any sense to them. This induces a sense of negativity when it comes to religion and
 Scientific facts are ignored:
Religious people tend to give all the scientific facts and reasons a backseat when they
get into the beliefs of their religion. Actual reasoning and scientific proofs are greatly
neglected and discouraged among people.
 Hinders with overall progress:
The highly religious lot discourages the power of thinking freely. They are not able to
progress since they tend to stick to their old beliefs when the times are changing.
When they see religion as the only way of life, innovations etc. are never welcomed
and hence the lack of progress of that society.

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