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On May 6, 1954 Roger Bannister became the first man ever to run a mile in 4
minutes. For all the years before that, since man and woman have been walking
on this planet, no one was ever able to record a run that fast. Doctors and
physiologist in 1950 deemed it impossible for a human body to accomplish this
feat. Still, not only Roger Bannister shattered their belief but what’s even more
interesting is that after Roger Bannister, scores of people started running a mile in
four minutes. How did this happen? The answer is simple, “Their thoughts
became their reality.”

Roger Bannister firmly believed that the consideration of the four minute mile run
as “impossible” was just a mental barrier and not a physical one. He used to
envision himself running a mile in 3 minutes and 59 seconds. Shockingly, this is
exactly what happened in the 1956 Olympics. He ran a mile in just 3 minutes, 59
seconds and 4 milliseconds. He took charge of his thoughts rather than letting
thoughts take charge of him and just through controlling his thoughts, he became
a living icon. A name that people would never forget.

Our thoughts are the most powerful tool for the fabrication of good in life, but if
not used correctly, it can become the most destructive force. Your beliefs, values,
principles must be set only by you. Once we allow society to dictate our lives, we
lose our own existence. An egg for example, if broken from the outside, loses its
own existence but if that same egg is broken from the inside, it brings forth life. In
the same way, improvement is an inside-out process. It must happen in the mind
first, in order for it to manifest itself in reality.

There are two small but extremely powerful words in English language, “I” and
“am”. These words when combined, can change destinies because whatever you
put after “I am” will determine whether you’re going to be happy or sad, rich or
poor, successful or worthless. If you continuously say to yourself “I am a failure”,
you’ll eventually end up as one and no one will ever be able to take you out of
that abyss until or unless, you change your “I am”.

You are what you repeatedly do, a picturesque portrait of your own thoughts. If
you consider to believe like you have always believed, you will continue to act like
you have always acted. If you continue to act as you have always acted you will
continue to get what you have always gotten. Therefore if you want different
results in your life or work, all you have to do is to change your thought process.
Don't ever think that your mind can never harm you just because it is your mind!
Your mind can really kill you. From dawn to the time you retire, your mind can be
a very good friend to you and your mind can also be your worst enemy.
Therefore, we must take control of our thoughts. Only through this, we can ride
life straight into perfect laughter.

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