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26. The movement of Stone Breakers – REALISM

18. ________means a treatment to repair existing damage and prevent further deterioration –

1. This painting of Masaccio depicts the wounded and lifeless body of Christ – TRINITY

31. Surrealism is influenced by the psychoanalytic work of Sigmund Freud and _________ -- CARL JUNG

8. _________ is the visual equality between parts of a composition. – BALANCE

11. The focal point of a portrait is likely to be the _____– FACE

30. Dadaism, which country started it – SWITZERLAND

29. The movement of birth of liquid desires – SURREALISM

27. The artist of Unique forms of Continuity – UMBERTO BOCCIONI

34. The shadowy quality in the Mona Lisa – SFUMATO

22. The principal founder of surrealism – ANDRE BRETON

24. The artist of Autumn Rhythm – JACKSON POLLOCK

15. Which period is especially known for its diverse use of light effects to enhance dramatic aspects and
religious fervour? – BAROQUE

10._________ disrupts the unity – VARIETY

20. __________ is done only to areas where the original layer of paint has been damaged or lost --

6. ________ is based on the effect of air. – ATMOSPHERIC PERSPECTIVE

2. Who said, “A line is a living words (typo ni ma’am: wonder).” – VASSILY KANDINSKY

21. Perspective drawing was developed in the 15th century by Leon Baptista Alberti and ________ --

33. It ridiculed contemporary culture and traditional art forms – DADAISM

13. __________ are still the essential mode of learning about the values of original art. –

32. This term often implies emotional angst – EXPRESSIONISM

14. In 2005, the Philadelphia Museum of Art displayed on its entrance steps a huge replica of whose self-
portrait – SALVADOR DALI

3. Pablo Picasso suppressed color in his painting of ________ to visually amplify anger – GUERNICA
22. The movement in “Impression, Sunrise.” – IMPRESSIONISM

16. Who said, “Size determines an object, but scale determines art.” – ROBERT SMITHSON

12. _______ is usually emphasize so that the viewer will pay particular attention to that area, usually the
essence of the work – FOCAL POINT

9. _______ refers to the relationship of various parts to the whole. – PROPORTION

23. The movement in “The Green Stripe” – FAUVISM

7. ______ is the balance between light and dark – CHIAROSCURO

19. _________implies additions that are made to bring an object close to its original visual conditions. --

4. _______ is also called positive space – MASS

5. The 19th century sculptor ______ was one of the first artist to think of sculpture as an intertwining of
space and void -- AUGUSTE RODIN

25. The movement of “L.H.O.O.Q.” – DADAISM

35. ______ is another means of creating the illusion of depth by depicting objects abruptly receding into

17. ______ refers to the measures need to protect art. – PRESERVATION

-Courtesy of Geology Family 😊

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