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Generation of electricity from carbon-di-oxide.
• Pre-combustion capture : Here the
combusted coal is reacted with water
INTRODUCTION to form carbon-di-oxide and hydrogen
(water reaction), the produced carbon-
There are eight planets in our solar system among which only Earth has stable di-oxide is captured safely and
temperature due to which life exist on Earth. While other planets are burning hot or hydrogen is used for generating
freezing. This is because Earth has a thin blanket of air called as atmosphere. The green electricity, also used to feed fuel cells.
house gases present in atmosphere such as carbon-di-oxide, methane, water vapour, nitrous
oxide and ozone keep the temperature of the Earth stable otherwise the Earth would be
freezing at about -15° C.
• Post-combustion capture : Here the
But day by day due to burning fossil combusted coal is sent to absorber
fuels . Also by pollution produced column which consist of liquid
increases the amount of carbon-di-oxide solvents called amines before
in atmosphere due to which atmosphere allowing it to chimney, the carbon-di-
goes on thickening due to this oxide is absorbed by amines and then
temperature of Earth is increasing. This from amines it is captured safely and
leads to melting of glaciers, sudden remaining steam is sent to chimney.
climate change, rise in sea level and
many other effects.
Carbon-dioxide removed from atmosphere naturally by trees. Also wind mills and solar
panels are installed to overcome this problem. But this is not enough as carbon-di-oxide • Oxyfuel : Combusted coal is made to react with oxygen which is obtained by air
produced in excess quantity compared to other green house gases. separator to form carbon-dioxide and water vapour. Carbon-di-oxide is captured safely
and water vapour is condensed and removed.
These are some of the methods used to capture carbon-di-oxide from the
Scientists and Engineers introduced many atmosphere. The captured carbon-di-oxide then sent to the condenser.
methods and processes to capture carbon-dioxide
such as DACC (Direct Air Capture Contractor) 2. CONDENSER:
which was initially used in space ships to remove
excess carbon-dioxide and also in 2008 some Condenser works using water as a cooling medium. It takes latent heat of the
methods were introduced such as Pre-combustion fluid and convert it into liquid form. Across water tubes carbon-di-oxide is made to
capture, Post-combustion capture and Oxyfuel. flow due to this get condensed. The condensed carbon-di-oxide is sent to injection
The collected carbon-di-oxide is sealed pipes.
permanently deep inside the Earth crust or it is
used for small scale purposes such as in soft 3. INJECTION PIPES :
drinks or it is sent to green house for the efficient Carbon-di-oxide is made to flow
growth of plants. As carbon-di-oxide
inside the Earth crust through injection
is increasing in atmosphere from hundred’s of years so it can be used in large scales that is pipes. Here the due to high temperature it
to produce Electricity. get converted from gaseous form to liquid
form. Therefore the high temperature and
high pressure carbon-di-oxide is made to
MATERIALS AND METHODS flow through the cooler where the
temperature is reduced by cooler, hence
1. CARBON-DI-OXIDE ABSORBER : high pressure Carbon-di-oxide made to
flow across turbine.


The carbon-di-oxide flowing with high pressure rotates the turbine which is
connected to generator and hence electricity is produced. Therefore the kinetic energy of
carbon-di-oxide is converted to electrical energy.

• Reversing in the global warming by reducing the amount of carbon-di-oxide in the
Carbon-di-oxide from atmosphere can be captured by various modern methods such as atmosphere.
DACC. It was initially installed by Canada which consist of turbine connected to the bath of • New source for the production of carbon-di-oxide which solves the issues related to
capture solution, in this the air consisting of 400ppm carbon-di-oxide get sucked by turbine lack of power .
and sent to the capture solution bath, when the carbon-di-oxide present in the air reacts with • Regeneration of carbon-di-oxide by using liquid carbon-di-oxide as synthetic fuel
this solution forms carbonate solution and the left out air consisting of about 100ppm which will be 70-80% less harmful to the environment . This fuel can be used for cars,
carbon-di-oxide is sent back to the atmosphere. The alone contractor said to be replace 40 aeroplanes and even for ships.
million trees. DACC invented by Climeworks Company, Switzerland uses amine based
solid absorber, when absorbent becomes 100% saturated by carbon-di-oxide it is heated at CONCLUSION AND FUTURE ASPECTS
100C due to which bond between carbon-di-oxide and amine is broken at carbon-di-oxide is
collected safely. By installing the above mentioned method we can overcome global warming
In 2008, CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage) was introduced to reverse global issues by capturing carbon-dioxide and using it more productively. As India stands
warming, this process involves capturing of carbon-di-oxide and storing it permanently third in producing carbon-di-oxide across the world, hence in India we can use
inside the Earth crust, inside the porous rocks below impermeable membrane, this is known carbon-dioxide as future fuel which will lead to solution for both issues related lack
as Geosequestration. of power and global warming

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