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Mary's Church
40 Park Lane
LS26 0ES Telephone 0113 2824453
Clergy Father Éamon McGeough
Web site

Registered Charity no. 249404


Monday 7th October 11.00 a.m Requiem Mass (Agnes Kilgallon)

Tuesday 8th October 10.00 a.m Mass (Katrina Payne)

Wednesday 9th October 10.00 a.m Mass (Mary McVeigh)

Thursday 10th October 9.30 a.m Mass (Parish Outing)

Friday 11th October 10.00 a.m Mass

Saturday 12th October 6.00 p.m Vigil Mass (Pro Pop)

Sunday 13th October 9.30 a.m Mass (Emily Nowell)

11.00 a.m Mass (Pro Pop)

Last week’s Collection Total £1030. Many Thanks!

Pews - Please try to leave the pews tidy after Mass - Thank you

HALL HIRE Our hall is available for parishioners to use for their social events should you wish. Please contact the
hall manager (Steph Power) for details on 07729761340.

CONFIRMATION PREP DATE (For external students) Mass of enrolment – Sunday 29th September 2019.
Saturdays 5th/19th October. 2nd /16th November (To include short service of reconciliation) All @ St Mary’s
Church @ 10.00 a.m.

QUIZ NIGHT Saturday 26th October 7.15 p.m Church Hall. Tickets £5.
NOVEMBER DEAD LIST Demand for masses was very high last year.
Please therefore present your intentions ASAP and I will endeavour to say mass on the day
requested or the nearest available date thereafter. Envelopes at the back of church.

PARISH TRIP Thursday 10th October is our parish trip to Beverley. The coach will be outside church
from 10.00 a.m and will depart no later than 10.15 a.m. Please be on time. Mass will be 9.30 a.m.

MCMILLAN COFFEE MORNING The final total banked was £560. Many thanks to all who made a
contribution. All raffle prizes claimed.

DEFIBRILATION TRAINING There will be a refresher course on Saturday 9th November for anyone
interested in familiarising themselves with this potentially lifesaving equipment. 10.00 a.m Church

SAMARITAN’S PURSE OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD Leaflets are now available and are free, so
please take one. It will advise you what to can and cannot put in the shoeboxes. – Some of the
regulations regarding this have been changed, e.g. Toothpaste and sweets can no longer be
Shoeboxes are now ready for purchase at 50p/box. Please take what you need and put monies in
collection dish in the porch. Boxes will need to be filled and returned to church by mid-November.
Date to be advised.

FOOD BANK Thank you to everyone who contributed to the food bank, helping the many in our
community who suffer from food poverty. If you don’t, as yet – perhaps one extra item in your
weekly shop could be of such help.

COME & SING: DREAM OF GERONTIUS 20th October; 1:30 pm – 5:00 pm. As part of the Leeds
Newman Festival there will be a vocal workshop, led by Tom Leech, Corpus Christi Church, Neville
Road, Halton Moor. Tel 0113 2645260 BEFORE 11 OCTOBER To book a place. £5 to participants –
but FREE to under 18s.

DOWRY TOUR From Thursday 7th November, 4pm, until Saturday 9th November, 1pm. The statue
of Our Lady of Walsingham will be at Leeds Cathedral. There will be a range of liturgical devotions
to coincide with this visit.

There is nothing – no person, no thing, no thought, no experience, no sadness or joy – nothing too
small or nothing too great that cannot be gathered and used for the nourishment, the beauty and
the good of all. Why is it then that we have so many leftovers in life? So many opportunities missed,
so many people, thoughts, ideas, things discarded, so much potential unexplored?
I believe the reason we live so dimly and miss so much is that we have never really learnt to be
fully present to ourselves, to others, to experiences and events, to our creator. We have never
learnt how to be present with quality. We are too busy to be present, too blinkered with our
busyness to see the real beauty in the fragments and crumbs of life, and so we limp along feebly,
half alive, not noticing that there should be no leftovers, unaware that nothing should be lost.

In imagining possibilities human beings act as prophets of their own existence.


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