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Ancient Egyptian religions was a complex system of polytheistic beliefs and rituals
that formed an integral part of Ancient Egytptians society.
Egyptians had many beliefs.The beliefs of many gods,and the belief of the afterlife
are just a few.

The egyptians believed in a pantheon of gods,which were involved in all aspects of

nature and human society
God of
One of the beliefs of egyptians was having an afterlife participated in funery
customs known as the most famous MUMMIFICATION (preservation of the body)
Egyptians worshipped and treated the Cat as a royalty for their beliefs that Cats
are Gods.
It is common for Pharohs to marry a relatives e.g. sisiters or cousin to make sure
that royalty stayed in their immediate family.
Egyptians had beliefs on how earth was formed.They said that first there was only
the river then eventually the sun hatched out of an egg and continually nee things
The belief of the afterlife was that the soul of a person would be forever eternal
living up in the sky of in the afterlifeb

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