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According to Dina Mohamed Basiony (2019), “Islam is a state of being and a way

of life for all mankind. It comes from the same root words as submission and peace.”
Thus, a deep sense of peaceful spirituality manifests as human being humbly submits to
his/her creator leading to an eternal afterlife. In the pillars of Islam since the beginning
of time, The Creator wanted His created beings to connect with Him deeply and actualize
their purpose in life. So messengers was sent to teach people and theses messengers are
the Muslims. The impacts of Islam on Muslims’ everyday lives can be divided into three:
Spiritually, Physically and Socially. In terms of Spiritual impacts, as individuals
(Muslims) with different perspective and outlook in life, asking deep questions about the
purpose of existing is a phase where they all experience on a continuous basis. The
consciousness they possess is expanding for where their mind transcends, horizons
strives. For Islam religion, if these questions left unanswered, regardless of any matters,
they will go through depression entailing outrageous outcomes. With these questions that
questing every Muslims in their lives, their religion (Islam) provides answers towards
enlightenment and encounter with abundant peace and order. The theology of Islam is
clear and straightforward with no conundrum or unpredictability. Islam provides logical
answers that satisfy the mind to questions like “Why am I here? Where did I come from?
Where am I going after death? How do I deal with evil, tribulations and difficulties?”
Therefore, Islam gives answers, meaning, purpose and direction through its pillars that
are as strong as the age of time. The concept of worship is also manifested in the Islamic
Theology, the connection of the people enables them to learn and teach each other for
their creator. In addition, we can also observe in the way they live how eating, commuting
and sleeping becomes worship. These actions are part of who they are and give sensual
connection that gives peace into greater depths. On the other hand, Islam’s impact on
the way people live physically focuses on the rules or etiquettes of purifying oneself which
is also known as “tahara”. Islam also teaches its people how to be physically healthy,
including foods to eat and not to eat, words to seek cure and healing from physical
sickness. For example here in the Philippines, Muslims are prohibited to eat pork meat in
their everyday living and that is being respected and of paramount consideration. Also,
Islamic Theolgy teaches people how to respect and treat the bodies they were entrusted
to because as for all religions, body is sacred as it represents a lot of areas were natural
and spiritual existence collides. Moving forward to Social impacts, Islamic theology
provides comprehensive guidance and teachings regarding on how people should socially
interact with others in order to build strong relationship towards to a fruitful society. As
emphasized by Mohammed Basiony, “Islam teaches how the leader should deal with his
people, and vice versa; How parents and children should interact with one another; How
the husband and wife should deal with one another; How families should deal with one
another; How neighbors should deal with one another; How the seller and buyer should
deal with one another; How Muslims should deal with other Muslims; How Muslims should
deal with non-Muslims; How to deal with nature; animals, plants and objects even.” Islam
expounds the rights and obligations of the human being towards all members of the
society around him/her. All in all, the impacts of Islamic Theology truly drives its people
towards broader understanding and limitless boundaries in envisioning wider possibilities
that life has to store for. We all live in one world but divided through ethnicity, and of
course religion. As human beings may we be mindful and respectful in dealing with
differences. We cannot control the existence of something just as we wish to be one. We
are bound to be different and respect is the primary key to uphold peace and order. We
can observe in our country how Muslims live as manifested by the “impacts” of their
religion and how committed are they in worshipping and doing other activities. That leads
to a system of their own and we should respect that, the way they live is their own “WAY”
and let us address our differences with love and respect.

Basiony, D. M. (2019, September 27). About Islam. Retrieved from Step by Step: Impact of Islam on
Human Life:

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