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Fundamentals of measurement and automation technology 1 (WS 2019/20)

6th Exercise: 4. und 5. KW

Dynamic characterization of first order transmission elements. Laplace transfor-
mation. Digital image processing.

Problem 1L: Pneumatic displacement sensor

The nozzle flapper system is a path-pressure converter s=f(p). Depending on the distance s of the
baffle plate from the nozzle d2, the pressure p is set in the working volume (space between the
nozzles d1 and d2). Even small changes of the distance s between nozzle and baffle plate lead to a
considerable change of the pressure p. Derive the differential equations for the description of the
dynamic behaviour of this system under isothermal state changes in the working point (p0, s0)!
What is the transmission behaviour and how are the characteristic values calculated?

V – working volume
m – mass in the working volume
V 1
m ρ0
pV – constant prepressure
pamb - constant ambient pressure
 out = a ⋅ s ⋅ p − pam b

 in = b ⋅ pv − p

Problem 2B: IT0 element with shock or jump as input

Write down the differential equation for an IT0 element in the time domain. Perform a Laplace
transformation and use the result to determine the transfer function G(s)= Xa(s)/Xe(s). For the input
signal Xe(s), set a shock and then a jump. Which expressions result for Xa(s)? Into which results xa(t)
are these results transformed back into the time domain?

Problem 3: R1-C-R2 network

Examine the behavior of the network shown in the picture. The voltage Ue is the input signal and
voltage Ua is the output signal.
a) Set up the differential equation of the network. What type of transmission element is present?
b) Determine the characteristic values of the transmission element. Assume R 1 = 1 MΩ ,
R 2 = 3 MΩ and C = 1 µF .
c) Specify the equation for the transition function and sketch its graph. How to determine the
time constant and the transfer factor graphically.

Fundamentals of measurement and automation technology 1 (WS 2019/20)
6th Exercise: 4. und 5. KW
Dynamic characterization of first order transmission elements. Laplace transfor-
mation. Digital image processing.

Problem 4: R1-C-R2 network in frequency space

Given is the normal form of the differential equation of the transfer element from problem 3, see
also summary of the results.
a) What is the transfer function G(s) in the frequency domain?
b) Determine G(s) for the case of harmonic excitation, that means for x e = x̂ e ei ω t !
c) Display G(s) via amplitude and phase response (also called Bode diagram) with the values
from problem 3!
d) What is the limit value of the amount of G for ω→∞? What is the limit value of the phase for
ω→∞ and ω→0?
e) Represent G(s) from subtask b) using the Nyquist plot (also called frequency response locus
or locus curve).

Problem 5L: DIT1 element in frequency space

Given is the normal form of the differential equation of a DIT1 transfer element

T1 x a + x a = K I x e dt + K D x e .
a) What is the transfer function G(s) in the frequency domain?
b) Determine G(s) for the case of harmonic excitation, that means for x e = x̂ e ei ωt !
c) Display G(s) via the locus curve! Which values do the real and imaginary parts of G take at
ω → ∞, at ω→0 and at ω = 1 / T1 ? Note: It is KD=2 s, T1=1 s and KI=4 s-1.
d) Create the amplitude diagram for G(s) from subtask c). With which power α approaches
| G(ω) |~ ωα the limit value for small ω ?

Problem 6: complex circuit

The transmission behavior of a complex circuit with a current input signal I and a voltage output
signal U shall be analyzed.

a) Determine the type of the individual transmission elements from the circuit diagram.
b) Formulate the corresponding differential equation in the time domain and the corresponding
algebraic equation in the frequency domain
c) Determine the differential equation in the time domain, the type of transmission element and
the transfer function for the overall transfer behaviour.

Fundamentals of measurement and automation technology 1 (WS 2019/20)
6th Exercise: 4. und 5. KW
Dynamic characterization of first order transmission elements. Laplace transfor-
mation. Digital image processing.
Problem 7H: Decomposition of complex transfer function
The following transfer function

A(B + T1s)
G(s) =
s + 7s2 + 10s

is given which results from the interconnection of individual transmission links. Break down this
transfer function into individual simple transmission elements (IT0, DT0, PT1) and draw the signal
flow diagram with the simple individual elements. Note: Divide the denominator of G(s) into linear

Digital image processing

Problem 8B: characterisation homogeneous image

A digital black and white image is described with the following mathematical model:

G = {0, Gmax } grey value set consisting of the grey values from 0 to Gmax ,

S = [s(x, y)] image matrix of the digitized image with L image lines and R image columns:
0 ≤ x ≤ L − 1, 0 ≤ y ≤ R − 1 ,

(x, y) spatial coordinates of the pixel at the position (row, column)=(x,y),

s(x, y) = g ∈ G Gray value of the pixel at the position (x,y).

The average gray value of the image S, also called average value of S, is calculated according to

L −1 R −1
mS = ∑∑
M x =0 y =0
s(x, y) ,

where the number of pixels of S is M = L ⋅ R . A parameter that allows a statement about the con-
trast in the image is the mean square deviation

L −1 R −1
qS = ∑∑ [s(x, y) − mS ]2 .
M x =0 y =0

a) Reshape qS in such a way that you arrive at an easier calculation.

b) Determine mS and qS for a homogeneous image with the grey value 127.

Fundamentals of measurement and automation technology 1 (WS 2019/20)
6th Exercise: 4. und 5. KW
Dynamic characterization of first order transmission elements. Laplace transfor-
mation. Digital image processing.

Problem 9: characterisation checkerboard pattern image

Characterize a checkerboard pattern image (alternating black and white, with both colours occu-
pying only one pixel each) that contains only the gray values 0 and 254. For characterization, use
the same method as in problem 8 the mean value (a) and the mean square deviation (b).

Note: Tasks with B are example tasks, tasks with H are to be solved as homework
and tasks with L are tasks for the learning group letter.

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