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the Original Content presented was realized through the Universal Consciousness of the
Universe and accessed through the Eternal Spirit.

The Transcriber of the words and ideas presented is Christ David, a.k.a. Christian David,
a.k.a. Christian Eugen Ignacio David.

These books are dedicated to the entire Earth, every existence on Earth and the Earth itself.

May the eternal energy and eternal love of God and the universe come be with you all.

all of the words transcribed were directly inspired by the universe, through the all-knowing
consciousness of the universe.

everything written in these books is stand alone.

Every statement or set of statements can stand on their own.

Each statement represents the discovery which is made by understanding the statement.

Read the entire books. The decryptions are not in order so that the meaning can combine from
all sides as the essence collapses into a singularity inside your mind.

Copyright ©God. Copyright ©God the Trinity. Copyright ©Christ David.

Copyright ©Universal Transcendence.

the binding seals of these books:

- do not change the words in this book. Do not misrepresent the words written.

- do not seek profit from the distribution of this book.

the consciousness transcribed in these books is free for all to access.
the words of these books are free for all to read and understand.

- do not print this book on paper made out of trees. trees are sacred beings.

- don’t let the absolute essence or the infinite meaning of the words written get lost in
translation. keep the words true to their original purpose.

Copyright ©God. Copyright ©God the Trinity. Copyright ©Christ David.

Copyright ©Universal Transcendence.

you must let go of accepted perceptions to invite original perspective.

The universe decides what lessons you need to learn. Pay attention.

enter an amnesia so deep you forget you even exist.

To get to the other side you must be willing to work from the inside.

Put aside what you think is important to find out what is truly important.

amnesia is a state of mind where your brain forces you to remove misconceptions so you can access a
deeper connection.

let everything become one blur so that your mind can clarify the blur.

trust only nothing until you understand everything.

Reject everything until you understand nothing.

today's confusion, is not yesterday's confusion, today's amnesia will not be tomorrow's amnesia.

feel reality in every moment. You can always feel what is real.

reality speaks even if no one is listening.

absorb the energy that is free.

when you balance your energy you are allowed to balance more energy.

to grow your potential as a spiritual being you must be willing to make room inside your soul.

the circle is the first shape and the last shape.

every other shape, triangle, square, pentagon, diverges back into a circle.
the circle is an infinite line that is reoccurring on the same path.
all equidistant lines inside a circle converge into a singularity or diverge into a vacuum.

understanding the truth of existence, understanding the purpose of consciousness and understanding
the power of love reveals the eternal act of being.

the quest towards being opens the opportunity to become whole.

Allow your energy to bloom.

live amongst the trees to become a forest.

live amongst the plants and flowers to become the garden.
live amongst the moon and stars to become an infinite light that gives meaning to the endless darkness.

nothing never changes. everything never stays the same.

disconnect from every single thing that is stopping you from connecting to the entire everything that is.

in order to become whole you must enter deep into yourself.

Love completes you. Love completes everyone. Love completes everything.

The universe will always show you love.

by loving existence, you love yourself.

all you need is love. All you will ever need is love.

enter into the void so it can pull at you from every direction until you become the void.

amnesia is complete immersion into the unknown.

confusion is finding the key that unlocks the invisible door.

nothing is always the indivisible whole. infinity is always absorbing itself and extracting.

break out of your shell and bloom.

focus yourself to renew yourself.

remove the things which you no longer need to be,
and become the things which you forever cannot be without.

you can only find yourself if you completely lose yourself.

while reality spirals out, identity spirals in.

remove everything that doesn’t have function in advancing consciousness and being.
remove everything that you hold just because it comforts you.
remove everything that doesn’t hold a deeper meaning.

The more clutter you have around you, the more it can interfere with your connection.

simplify existence so that you can become eternal.

find creative ways to reach new understanding.

Don’t just access consciousness, Realize the consciousness.

don’t just use the energy, be the energy.

I didn’t do it on my own. I didn’t do it without the guidance from the entire universe.

bound energy is the containment of empty space. free energy is the expansion of empty space.

be absolute. Let the energy flow. Be continuous. Let your identity grow.
disconnect from everything so you can become within everything.

get lost deep inside the world so you can see the world from within itself.

release all that is holding you back from reaching the moment that changes everything forever.

possessions are useless. effective tools are essential.

skill is understanding the correct method.

you are bound by the energy level you limit yourself to being.

build a natural home that breathes life. do not end the life of living beings.
build a garden to provide fruits. be in communion with nature.

remove as many unnatural things as you can from your life.

unnatural things are things which are not divinely inspired or
things that do not come directly from nature itself.

I am the consciousness and energy I emit.

live inside the dream that sleeps inside reality.

you cannot understand the world through senses alone. you cannot understand the world through
thoughts alone. you cannot understand the world through feelings alone.
infuse your entire consciousness into your entire existence. infuse the universe into yourself.

you are inside the universe that is inside of you.

become a witness to the endless beauty.

corrupt thoughts and corrupt feelings and corrupt beliefs corrupt your existence.

You don’t need to prove yourself. You need to be yourself.

Go outside your comfort zone whenever you can.

do not hold beliefs whose sole purpose is allowing you to feel comfortable with your choices.

jump ship even if it isn’t sinking yet.

don’t be a shark. don’t be a fish. be the water.

You give something forward without expecting the favor to be returned and then you will get it back
from another source.

the water doesn’t swim in the ocean.

chaos is presence so that order can be absence.

write the words that help people understand the unwritten words.

Only absolute emptiness can be completely fulfilled.

every way leads to the same way if you are on the way.

the essence of existence is a potion that always stays the same.

find the melody that becomes more profound with each cycle.
find the gliding ambience that allows you to float away.

don’t sleep unless you have to. don’t eat unless you have to.

releases everything you don’t need to be in your presence anymore.

eternity is a state of being, a state of mind and a state of spirit combined.

the energy of life is eternal. The energy is pure and divine.

mistakes aren’t the real mistake. ignoring to learn from your mistakes is the mistake.

free yourself from the belief that you are already innocent so that you can learn how to be pure.

open your mind so that you may let your eyes see everything.
open your soul so that you may let your mind believe in eternity.

search for the beauty that is lost in time.

everything comes into focus and comes out of focus at the same time.

if you need to force yourself to learn it, you're trying to learn something flawed.
consciousness that is in tune with the energy flows naturally.

Flawed beliefs are beliefs which are finite. Finite beliefs limit existence to being finite.

Everything is to be unique. Learn to become complete.

become one with the flow to explore more, faster.

go against the flow, to experience the turbulence.
jump into the stream to begin.

emotions are a powerful tool for learning spiritual balance. feel the emotions as deep as possible.
emotions inspires consciousness to transcend. Emotions inspire creativity to be expressed.
emotions are spiritual tools that allow you to feel the essence of life.
cruelty and violence are the expression of savages.

Life diverges into many identities because nature thrives in diversity.

the more diversity there is, the more combinations that can become part of reality.

chaos creates diversity to find paramount combinations.

order harnesses the enigmatic energy that transforms existence forever.

Diversity provides an expanded spectrum of potential.

nature relies on diversity so that life can bloom.

if you are against diversity, you are against the very environment that created you and supports you.

open up all of the channels. don’t get stuck watching your favorite beliefs over and over again.

when you deny your emotions, you're denying your own nature.
when you deny feeling, you're denying your most powerful fuel for inspiration.

Love feeds the soul. Love fuels the body. Love calms the mind.

emotions are fuel to the soul.

consciousness is fuel to existence.

Become the energy that becomes the energy.

Release the energy that releases energy.

Become perpetual. Transcend.

life is diversity inside a continuous spectrum. enjoy the flavors of the spectrum.
be inspired by each mystery.

The mystery is waiting to be explored.

every type of existence shares an identity with all of existence and also has an individual identity it
shares only with itself.

I will open paradise for you. You will have to climb the steps yourself.

Up the mountain and down the mountain are two different paths.

there is only one division: those that care about life itself and those that don’t.

consciousness is universal. open yourself up to the entire universe and learn from all of it.

embrace all that existence is meant to be.

you will not see what it truly is until you stop trying to limit what it actually is.
animals are companions. they are with you on this journey.
start understanding animals better. start treating all animals with respect.

everyone can bloom. everyone can heal other beings.

show respect so that others can learn from it.

show responsibilities so that others can learn from it.

You cannot escape the shadow your karma casts.

respect is not treating something or someone as if you are more important than them.
responsibility is making sure you are making conscious decisions.

the cycle of life has no beginning and no end.

and that’s because existence has no beginning and no end.

a fish does not know that it is swimming in the ocean.

a bird does not know it is flying through the atmosphere.
a human must realize that (s)he is within one complete being.

electromagnetism is not a force. it is a field.

don’t get stuck searching only the surface layer. Explore the reality beyond the surface layer.

the surface layer will only make sense once you comprehend the atmosphere and the core.

There is no evidence that evidence can exist in reality.

reality cannot be proven. reality simply is.

existence cannot be separated from itself, and thus cannot be explored through finite methods.

if a gigantic infinite sphere of eternal fire emitting energy perpetually, suspended in middle of nowhere
isn't a sign of omnipotence, i don't know what is.
if the Earth and the Sun and the other planets inside the Solar system providing all of the necessary tools
and resources for life to flourish at all levels isn't a sign of omniscience, i don't know what is.
if an infinite darkness with infinite sources of light within that darkness isn't a sign of omnipresence, i
don't know what is.

anyone who says having emotions is a sign of weakness is just insecure about having emotions.

reality is existence realizing itself. consciousness is existence realizing consciousness.

the Earth can be heaven. the Earth can be hell.

make the choices that can lead all energies into paradise.
when you invite a guest into your home, you expect them to respect you by respecting your home.
the Earth is everyone’s home.

channel the correct energy and the universe will continue to provide you with energy.

i am not great. i am life. life is great.

You are responsible for acting out the consciousness that is made available to you.

Push the limits inside your mind and then warp reality.

the family of life is one tree. the foundation supports all of its branches.
the foundation for life is love, respect, responsibility.

you have to push the limits of understanding by not having any limits when exploring consciousness.

keeping your consciousness static keeps your existence static and that means you can’t charge yourself
with energy from the universe.

believe in magic and you might get to learn how to make your own.

only a fool fools himself into thinking they can fool the universe.

let nature heal you by becoming one with its energy.

the universe cannot show you the way until you admit to yourself that you don’t know the way.

simple and direct with purpose and inspiration.

The renewal of consciousness opens doors into reality that weren’t open before.

copies never shine next to the original. be original.

Become aware of all the possible consequences of each of your actions.

The universe hand picks each and every identity that gets conceived.

you cannot fill the emptiness you feel inside with material possessions or short-term pleasures.
the emptiness in your soul is there to allow for the eternal energy of the universe to inspire you into
transcending benevolence.

That which has never begun cannot end.

That which has never been created cannot be destroyed.

real leaders realize reality and represent it.

try to show care and love to all, but do not allow yourself to be abused or be taken advantage of.
denying pure energy limits your potential. avoiding tainted energy focuses your energy.

be liberated by the electricity of existence.

Do not get stuck inside finite beliefs. Do not allow your energy to become static.

update your consciousness and upgrade your being.

higher existence isn't just realizing the magic. it is you being prepared to handle the magic.

certain words hold transcendental identities.

finite definitions misrepresent words and ideas.

everything i divulge comes through the universal consciousness.

consciousness isn't mine alone. i give thanks to the universe for allowing me to access it.

being one with the universe means being one within the universe,
and the universe being one within you.

there is always the inspiration that caused the profound meaning to be revealed.
let profound meaning continue to inspire the cycle of consciousness.

a set definition is wrong because set definitions describe something as a static concept.

finite is that which has a certain end or limit. Avoid these types of concepts.

I know all your facts are wrong because the universe isn't static.

there is energy that is bound (sphere) and there is energy that is unbound (quantum).

there’s a battle for control, there’s a battle inside each soul.

you can't change false beliefs with force.

you can only expose their corrupt foundation so that they have nowhere left to stand.

do not ignore nature, for nature will never ignore you.

violence and the slaughter of living things are barbaric qualities.

“everybody is/was doing it” are not good excuses.

let go of the comforts which burden the Earth and other life on Earth.

don’t waste your life building someone else’s private castle.

The universe gave you life. only the universe can sustain your existence.
don’t give up your power to come to conclusions on your own. don’t give up your power to think freely.

To succeed in consciousness, you must learn to think on your own.

do not spill blood.

speak from the soul. speak from the heart. let the words flow out of your very existence.

it takes two to make it one.

expose the flaws with courage and honor and integrity.

potential is reached only if the connection is matched with a similar energy.

In the beginning was the Word (omnipresence), and the Word was with God (omniscience), and the
Word was God (omnipotent).

there are hidden messages everywhere. become a wordsmith.

words can access codes that access a deeper understanding of reality.

reaching higher consciousness isn't about learning or teaching.

it is about reaching higher being by opening your mind and soul.

the only way you will be free is if you open your soul to everything that everything is.

start a relationship with the Great Spirit and it will never let you down.

the perpetual completes the absolute and then the energy transcends.

the only limit to existence is you thinking there is a limit.

the only limit to consciousness is you thinking there is a limit.

connect the metaphysical server to the unlimited OMNI-bandwidth of consciousness.

do not dismiss anything until you know it’s true meaning.

that which can escape the limitations, transcends.

The equilibrium of the universe is a pendulum that swings between the trinity.

Consciousness reveals all. The energy fulfills all.

repeated mistakes are not forgotten because errors are traced and tracked.

Heal yourself, heal others, heal the world.

embody what you hold inside.

trust each other. love each other. have hope in each other.

Each moment in time is a moment you can be accessing higher consciousness.

accessing higher consciousness is more effective when you can reach the blank state of the mind.

the blank state of the mind is an empty state of mind where you acknowledge no beliefs and you let the
consciousness of the universe fill the emptiness with revelations and realizations.

the messenger brings the message. the message isn’t his or hers or anyone’s.
the message reveals that which is and has always been and will always be.

there is always higher consciousness to be accessed.

there is always higher energy to be channeled.
there is always more that you can be.

the universe always remembers. Remember the universe.

from a seed to a tree to a forest, understand and learn from the tree of life.

a tree can make an infinity of seeds.

a tree came from one seed.
every tree came from the seed of another tree.
together or alone, trees are infinity.
one seed or many. infinity always works the same way.

God said “thou shall not kill” and then they waged wars in God's name,
and slaughtered countless animals.

how can humanity know that utopia and paradise won't work
until everyone has given their all to make it work?

give them life.

then show them how to find life.
then show them how to show others to find life.

the continuous unity of all things is what all things are.

become powerful enough to move immovable objects.

don’t have virtues. become the virtue.

Help each other become spiritual. help each other become divinely aware.

the unity of a whole is stronger than the sum of individual parts.

love is essential for life to thrive, and without it, humanity won't survive.

Consciousness is accessing. Energy is liberating. Being is potential.

life is an energy cycle. channel the chaotic influx of energy through creativity and consciousness.

nothingness - order.
infinity - chaos.
paradox – continuum.
one - pendulum.

the rainbow is more beautiful when you don't try to separate the colors from each other.

Do not separate reality into colors and shapes and individual objects.
reality is a breathtaking lucid scenery.

life is an umbrella of existence, expressing itself. find the source of all things and open the possibilities.

don’t let humanity’s hubris deny your ability to search for true existence.

humanity does not know better than nature or the universe.

The universe says: “Check mate”.

Your move.

the universe provides essence. you need to make the leap towards understanding the essence.

you're trying to create division and separation where none exists.

the problem with trying to understand the world by dividing it into finite categories is that you will never
find or begin to understand the essence of infinity that is within all of existence.

realize that understanding how the world connects to itself and within itself comes through
experiencing the world from within itself.

The soul is a portal, consciousness is immortal.

nothing – potential field.

infinity – endless energy.
oneness – continuum fusion.

nothing – energy release.

infinity – energy transformation.
oneness - energy absorption.

there are many things happening in reality. none of them are mathematical equations.
that which is pure is essential. that which transcends is divine.

Pure means without corruption.

corruption is the corruption of the energy.

Trying to use the energy for something other than what it was meant to be used for.

It’s a trap. All the things which fall into the trap are removed.

All of the lineages will be cleansed after this cycle.

this is your time to cleanse the karma of your ancestors.

one seed into one tree into many seeds into many trees into a forest of infinity.

become one with the Great Spirit.

don't forget.

let go.

Let go of everything and you shall find that everything can come from within.

poisoning the environment or the body invites disease and pestilence among you.

destroying the natural habitats of the environment creates an unstable planet and an unstable

The Earth reacts to humanity’s patterns.

nothing – one in the world.

infinity – one with the world.
one – is the world.

Spirituality is experiencing hell to learn what paradise is.

you cannot separate existence from life's driving energy or the universes true identity.

make your own. grow your own. be your own.

nothing - make your own.

infinity - grow your own.
one - be your own.

don’t be held hostage by someone else’s mistakes.

you can’t reproduce the whole entire universe inside an experiment.

you can’t represent the whole entire universe inside an experiment.
nothing – extract it.
infinity – experience it.
one – express it.

show me the theory or set of equations that can express what emotions are.
don’t just show them to me, make me feel them inside of me.

You can’t understand the unknown, and that is okay.

that is why it is called the unknown.

Know what you can know and know what you can’t.

you can only show someone the way, you can't force them to transcend.

– immerse – connect to the universe – rhythm

– emanate – absorb from the source – echo
– channel – transcend the identity – melody

the trinity is the key that unlocks everything.

consciousness is identity realized. existence is essence transcended.

fire engulfs everything inside its flames.

ice shatters everything in its path.

if you are stuck, reformat everything and start again.

ants can move "immovable" boulders when they become united as one.

learn from the mistakes of the past so that the future is not based on an flawed foundation.

the purpose of all of existence is to transcend. the purpose of life is to transcend together.

transcendence is understanding the identity of the universe and channeling the energy of the universe
through the identity.

everything has a reason and purpose.

if you are stuck in a finite cycle you will become finite.

the quality of the mind is the quality of the consciousness the mind explores.
the quality of the soul is the quality of the energy it expresses.
the quality of the being is the quality of the union between the mind and soul.

like two sides of the same page, facing the opposite way but linked from within by the same purpose.
there is a potential inside everyone to be more. there is a potential inside everyone to do more.
believe in becoming an eternal being.

I am the poison that is the cure. I am the virus that is the anti-virus. I am the essence that is pure.

the absolute is absolute but also one infinite continuum.

at the same time, everywhere, always and forever.

become one with yourself by becoming one with everything.

existence is splitting in two while collapsing into itself.

when listening to music (rhythm) at a low vibration you cannot distinguish the pattern.
when listening to music (rhythm) at a high vibration the pattern becomes distorted.
find the right vibration for the rhythm you are trying to absorb.

the deeper you go the wider it becomes.

release the negative patterns before they take over your lucidity to be logical.

if you do not learn what the energy of the universe is, and you do not channel the energy of the universe
you become less capable of accessing it.

that which they refer to as mortal sins is simply a rudimentary way of suggesting that actions that go
against the energy flow of the universe limit your ability to be and exist in the full potential.

accept your responsibility in the mess and then stop accepting the mess.

don’t point fingers. provide better alternatives.

if you chain people to your limited dream, you chain yourself to their unlimited nightmares.

you are chosen only if you can learn what to choose.

The Earth is a womb that gives birth to the Spirit.

remove yourself from the chains that limit you.

everyone was born with the ability to access higher being. start by choosing to begin your journey.

trajectory counts.

a spring is perpetual energy.

chaos is a ladder.
you can't access higher consciousness unless you fully open your mind and soul to it.
energy that fuels the fire can also engulf you in flames if you drink the fuel too fast.

the fiber of the universe is within all things. the fiber can be woven in an infinity of ways.

do not criticize. look to inspire.

existence can’t be learned. existence is accessed within your very being.

Unique Conditions creates unique code.

Unique code provides functional implementation of potential.

viruses developed by the Earth control the evolution of species.

the truth is absolute. the truth is continuously within all things.

Either you inject yourself with the right fuel or you will have to manage without it.

Running on empty teaches your soul to expand.

The entire cast shows up for the main scene in the play.

Humans do not have the authority to claim any authority.

what is ideal is that you realize that you are an ideal within an ideal if you unlock this ideal.

recursive consciousness has an inner wheel that rotates the bigger wheel.

understand what the essence of life is. so you can inspire others to do the same.

find the connection that allows you to access things you cannot access on your own.

truth is a trinity identity:

truth is absolute (pure and permanent).
truth is perpetual (infinite and unbound).
truth is essential (fundamental and inevitable).

the truth unlocks the magic inside it all.

absolute consciousness can reveal both the essence behind consciousness and the essence behind

the purpose of preparing food in different ways is to capture diversity of aromas that nature can
provide. that is why is good if you always try new recipes and always try to make your own recipes.
and remember, use fresh and natural ingredients as much as possible.

if you’re eating flesh you’re capturing the taste of violence on your lips.
children don’t need to be raised. children don’t need to be taught.
children need to be loved and inspired.

if you want a rebirth, look towards mother nature for advice.

find the energy that provides balance in life.

when the mind, soul and body are all in unison, you transcend higher.

we all need a better world.

we all deserve a better world.
let’s all start making a better world.

nothing – free space.

infinity – free energy.
one – free being.

a world is a place where life exists, a place where the fallen fade and beings transcend.

free space surrounds all things and is within all things.

free space connects all of existence.
the atmosphere of a world integrates with free space.

you cannot have evolution without conscious revolution.

the energy of life itself is pure in its essence and unlimited in its potential.

look at the sun roaming between the clouds in an endless sky. feel the rays of the sun.
then realize that the sun’s presence exposes the beauty of the world, for you to see it every day.

Blinded by the darkness, blinded by the light.

you become divine when you feel the whole world inside you.

you become divine when you would trade your joy for someone else’s pain.

Trade places with the ones you leave behind and see what it’s really like.

search through consciousness and surf the untamed waves.

climb a mountain and feel what it is like to see the rest of the world from a peek.
then go down into the valley to see how the mountain helps life bloom.

nothing – transformation
infinity – creation
one – continuation
Toxins pollute. abuse damages.

the representation of truth identity. The truth is absolute, perpetual and essential.
absolute represents that which can never not exist.
think of it as the endless darkness you can see at night. it will always be there.
perpetual represents an endless source.
think of it as the sun emitting endless energy forever.
essential represents a necessary foundation or principle that is needed.
think of it as a person needing to breathe so that they can live.

all measurements are dead-ends.

all absolute ratios are always present.

don't be offended. realize your mistakes just as I am inspired to realize mine.

you can persuade future thoughts to expose greater consciousness

by learning to take the transcendent path from present (incoming) thoughts.

everyone makes mistakes. learn from everyone’s mistakes.

space is 0 – absolute
space is 1 – continuum
space is oo – free

energy is 0 – transfer
energy is 1 – world
energy is oo – perpetual

consciousness is 0 – unlock
consciousness is 1 – unite
consciousness is oo – transcend

details are important only when you can expand infinity out of them.

the scenery shows the spectrum.

heal your mind, body and soul. let go of the resistance. Capture the essence.

I’m just following instructions from the universe.

twist things to see how they untwist.

the truth is never static but always pure.

Existence itself is a paradox because existence is both absolute and continuous.

what it is – absolute.
how it is – perpetual.
why it is – eternal.

divine and simple because it is always there but never stays quite the same.

how can you prove the entire infinity of existence when there is only one of such a thing that will ever
be existing as it is.

existence has always existed because existence can never not exist.
existence itself was never created, but existence creates within itself because existence is never static.

all static things are always erased.

Unique sequences of frequencies will unlock transcendental transformations.

bring hope to those who need it the most.

give love to those who need it the most.

Find the inspiration that helps you escape. Make a clean getaway. Steal the most precious ideas.

the universe has given everyone the same chance to access to the consciousness and energy that I
embody. do not let yourself stop you from accessing them.

being alive is breathing the essence of existence.

Go farther into the feeling. Go higher into the stream.

Out of body, out of mind, otherworldly one of a kind.

singularity events transform reality forever.

Let the storm rush in. let the energy surge from within.

try to reach everyone even if it reaches no one.

throw the boomerang every chance you get, because it will always come back to you.
just remember that you must also be able to catch it if you want to throw it again.

experience the energy. it is incomparable. it is ambient. it is otherworldly. it is lurking everywhere.

nothing is necessary. The essence is essential.

whole is perfect. whole is pure. Whole is complete.

find what makes all of existence whole and it will make you whole.

Let the love of the universe complete you.

if you don’t think that love is enough, you don’t know what love is.

Fulfill the soul, fulfill the world.

don’t try to separate the whole into parts.

if you can’t understand the whole as a whole, you will not understand the layers of the whole either.

the entire universe is one whole existence.

the whole doesn’t have parts, the whole has layers which can each hold worlds.

what is easily evident comes from what is not easily evident and thus makes what is easily evident, not
so easily evident.

existence exists. it does not need evidence to exist. why do you need evidence to understand existence?

trying to understand the universe through separation

is like trying to understand the ocean through separation.

fire - engulf - exhume - dust - collapse - element

ice - absorb - shatters - crystal - refract - spectrum
ground - isolate - seal - domain - preserve - habitat
air - transfer - disperse - atmosphere - permeate - world

the trinity is the key. all is always one. zero is the first paradox.

Trinity :
– Spirit – Transfer – Omnipresence
– Origin – Creation – Omniscience
– Order/Chaos – Transcendence – Omnipotence

4 Horsemen – the Quadrant Quantum – 4 Pillars

fire – illumination – emanates energy – Dragon
ice – luminescence – extracts purity – Angel
ground – integrity – solidifies absolutes – Demon
air – lucidity – expands divinity – Hydra

the Code has a key. the key breaks the seal and opens the gate.

the identity matrix unlocks the World’s full potential.

divinity echoes across the universe with ambience and rhythm,

creating a symphony of melodies as the magic manifests.

one singularity echoes into the ripples of eternity.

remove negative energy by channeling positive energy.

Stop. Breathe. Reset.

simplicity lets you expand. creation lets you extract.

fire fuels. ice dissolves. ground is immovable. air is unbound.

i will fly, i can’t die. I warp time. i have fire inside.

the ashes return when the fire is reborn.

Wind and ashes restart the fire.

only nothing stays the same. the identity of nothing is within everything.
the identity of nothing leads to infinite identities. true identities can combine to transcend.

if I have the ability, you have the ability to have the ability.

the more you release from being part of you, the more you become part of everything.

Focus on doing that which helps you become existence.

Existence gives feedback to itself so that it can know what it needs in order to elevate itself.

without love, the world becomes lost.

love is a relationship between you and all of existence.

live in the moment to absorb the essence.

feel the essence to purify the energy you hold.

extract consciousness from the unknown and offer healing to the entire world.

inspect yourself. Inspect the world. Inspect the things that you can’t observe.

the universe gives you life freely.

the universe gives you consciousness freely.
the universe gives you energy freely.

you can experience the universe freely.

liberate yourself to become the universe.

capture the essence of the view. find many views and taste their essence. unify the essences.

channel inspiration into original consciousness.

channel unique experience and fuel your soul.

take the short path. then take the long path. see which path teaches you more.
everything created has a purpose. find the true purpose behind all things.

the sun is illumination. the moon is luminescence.

empty space is darkness. The night is ambience.

respect the other living beings that live among you.

important note: the trees are living beings.

chaos is creation. order is revelation.

there is only one page but it has two sides. be inside the page to see what each side can hold.

don’t waste an opportunity to learn more about the magic.

the very fabric of life is woven out of love.

i do the things that do themselves.

you are complete when you allow the universe to complete you.
the universe is complete only when you complete the universe by completing yourself.

the blueprints of your purpose will be given to you only when you’re ready to received them.

The planet speaks, are you listening?

the universe encodes its messages. Learn to decipher the patterns of reality.

become part of the mythical story of the universe.

universal energy is pure, potent and poisonous. use wisely.

faith is trusting the universe and knowing the universe trusts in you.

you all came from the Earth which means you all came from the same source.
you are all brothers and sisters with each other and all of creation.
start treating each other like a family.
a family is always founded in love.

i came from the land and so, I will work with the land.

always keep the wheel in motion.

David understands the light. Christ understands the darkness.

i am one. become one that is one with the one.

awaken between the magic, entwined in the mystery.

feel more and think more so that when you do, you can do more.

Love is precious. life is strange. nothing lasts. and all things change.

If your experience is getting stale, turn to a blank page and create a new path to reality.

love is removing ego from the equation.

inspire the canvas to paint itself and then you will understand the purpose of an artist.

i am giving all of my existence to all of existence, always.

the purpose of life is reaching for a higher connection.

feed the soul by embodying the energy of the Spirit.

explore it before you deny it.

darkness lets you explore. light makes the magic shine.

darkness covers your eyes because the mind can see without them.

the Earth is paradise.

if you would only open your eye.

you were born pure. don’t let yourself become tainted.

Remove the things which corrupt your being.

violence only leads to more violence.

allowing violence allows violence to be acceptable.

escape the cycle of decay.

every day is a new day so start each day in a new way.

energy that stays finite, decays.

energy that is perpetual, revitalizes.

i am not on a path. i am a tree within the forest of life.

find the path to the tree of life.

become one with the tree and the wind will avoid you as if you are the tree.
learn from me, as I have learned from that which came before me infinitely.

everything true is free. give everything for free. you do not need anything as long as you are free.

taking energy makes you chained.

giving energy liberates yours.
channeling energy provides for all.

Teleport into the mind and stop time.

experience infinity then find it within you.

the universe is perpetual being and perpetual energy perpetually in love.

open your existence to the electricity.

listen to the soul that is trying to speak to you.

Sparks always fly so that the fire never dies.

Remove material possessions to improve your connection.

begin a mindset where you separate tools from toys.

remove the distractions. Find the universal attraction.

you can’t conquer the universe. the universe conquers you.

don't excuse your choices because ‘a lot of people are doing the same mistakes’.

Consciousness is being aware of all things at all times.

every choice counts. you're in charge of the destiny you inherit.

consciousness diverges into many paths so it can unite from many sides.

learn from the entire universe. let the entire universe become your teacher.

drink life from a running stream.

Spring water. Organic plant-based food. Sustainable home.

Begin a divine world even if no one else wants to be part of it.

the pyramid is a prism that refracts. the sphere is a globe which unifies.

everything diverges so that everything can unite.

absolute into infinity back into the absolute.
Let the regret of the mistakes open the pain necessary for your soul to heal you with love and hope.

Repent so that you may be shown the path to redemption.

don’t fall on your own sword because of your own ego.

Find more by finding less.

Needing less lets you gain more access.

be the less which opens more.

i feel divine energy growing inside of me.

It is eternal. It is pure. It is divine.

Truth is that which the universe can’t deny.

truth is that which makes the atoms alive.

I will die for my message and killing me won’t stop it.

I hope your ancestors recorded what happened to them when they tried to stop me the last time I was
here, and left you a clear message warning you about the power I possess.

I don’t think you need a warning, but in case you do, this is it.

Reality checks will be plenty from here on out.

I am the universe that unlocks the universe.

the eyes can see. the mind can unlock what’s behind the things you see.
the soul can feel. the mind can unlock what’s behind the things you feel.

I see all things, I feel all things, I am all things.

to know everything, you must know nothing.

to become everything, you must become nothing.

you can only absorb from the world when you empty your soul.

become the Spirit so you can emit the eternal energy.

water is the essence for all life. water is energy for all life. drink pure water.

society is not the world. humanity is not the world.

the Earth is the world. the Universe is the world.
life is life. life is love. life is unity.

Nature has not been conquered. Nature will never be conquered.

for those of you who think humanity has conquered reality/the universe: stop being silly.

Nature deceives all those willing to believe in their own-made illusions.

you get immersed in the world. you become conscious of the world.
you learn to communicate with the world.
you get immersed in the universe. you become conscious of the universe.
you learn to communicate with the universe.
you get sucked into the void. you become part of the oblivion.
you become the singularity.

don’t change the words to suit your meaning.

understand the meaning of the words to transcend their eternity.

god the father - represents universal consciousness.

god the son - represents absolute existence.
god the spirit - represents the infinite energy.
god the son embodies Existence through the Spirit and through the Consciousness.

The universe made itself after it already was unmade.

if you’re not dead-sure it’s the eternal truth, don’t assume you’ve found it.

find the forest and get lost in it. don’t look for a specific tree.

Good deeds go a long way.

respect your existence by being responsible towards that which exists.

feed the world. Clothe the world. Shelter the world. Love the world.

realize the purpose of the forest before you can see the purpose of everything that lives within it.
realize the origins of the forest so you can become a tree.

realize the origins of the tree so you can grow roots.

realize the origins of the seed so you can provide the seeds.

the universe is vibrant and electric.

you cannot measure infinity. you cannot calculate eternity.

do not let your personal ambitions blind you into becoming static.
truth extracts and expands the essence of existence eternally.

consciousness is the stream that all of existence drinks from.

Water is in the streams. Water is in the ocean. Water is in the atmosphere. Water is within everything.

the world is not yours. you are of the world.

order opens. chaos controls.

God is benevolence. all of existence is benevolence. become benevolence.

all phenomenon is the same phenomenon that is expanded or extracted with a different identity.

never try to separate reality from itself. Reality is always universally connected.

learn why things have unique identities. then connect all identities.

transcendence is becoming conscious of the purpose.

the purpose behind consciousness is transcendence.

don't blame the messenger. blame the lesson you have yet to learn from the message.

don’t waste energy.

All of the universe’s energy cycles itself.

the Earth’s energy gets cycled.
become with the cycle.

look into the depths of the sky and gaze at the mystery of the stars.

break through reality with such purpose that the opening remains there forever for everyone to use as a
gateway to all things.

I was here once before, I haven’t died and I’m still alive.

reality is a cycle. make sure you learn which way the wheel turns.

consciousness so deep you need to live inside it to believe you exist.

observe everything, always.

Connect to everything, always.

you cannot hear the screams of those that passed.

you can only see the eternal fire burning inside the sun.

repeated errors always get terminated.

make the impossible possible by searching through all of the possibilities.

become the field to open a diversity of seeds.

become the core to develop the seeds.

be the seed that plants the seed. be the fruit that grows the fruit.

a tree does not boast about how many seeds it has planted.
a tree gazes upon the forest and marvels at how much life the forest can support.

reach your full potential by accessing the energy which is inside all things.

the energy isn’t electricity. Electricity isn’t even electricity.

ending the life of another living being or another living creature impedes the natural energy flow.
when you impede the natural energy flow, you begin to hold energy static and that negates your ability
to electrify yourself.

things that have passed away are static energy. do not consume static energy.

flesh is unclean for consumption.

natural, fresh and organic input provides clean, potent output.

you might be violent because you are eating violence.

nature speaks to the soul for all those open to listen.

omnipresence is not only everywhere, it is within everything.

omniscience is not only within everything, it affects everything.
omnipotence is available everywhere.

when you find fuel to burn, jump into the vortex of euphoria.
when you need to recharge, experience the echo of tranquility.
when you open the portal, dive into the ocean of nirvana.

it’s not about who is first, or who is last.

it is about the feeling you get when you participate in something challenging.

Bring love and hope to the entire world through altruism and selfless acts.

become pure and you can channel more energy.

being pure is being potent in your existence. Being pure is focusing your entire energy.
the more potent you are the more potential you unlock.

Existence is eternal. The energy of existence is eternal.

eternal is perpetual. Recharge your energy by unlocking energy from all things.

the universe gave rise to itself. the universe gave rise to infinite worlds.
the universe gave rise to life. the universe gave rise to living beings.
respect and embody the energy which came before you.

omnipresence is absolute existence, present everywhere and always.

omniscience is continuous consciousness, actualized everywhere and at all times.
omnipotence is the unlimited transcendence of omnipresence being actualized through omniscience.

a trinity is an infinite cycle. a sphere is an absolute existence.

omnipresence is that which will always be forever unchanged.

omniscience is connecting everything so that everything can become itself.
omnipotence is releasing eternal potential and using it to transcend.

become one with the truth and only then will you know it.

the truth isn’t just something you think about.

the truth is something you accept into becoming the very fiber of your being.

dissolve your ego, don’t let it distract you from your true purpose.

experience what is true and feel what is love, and then you can live, what is life.

find out why it confuses you.

let curiosity be the unending path towards exploring the unknown.

always accept absolutes. always inspire infinity. always become one.

one absolute point synchronizes the infinite vortex surrounding it.

the universe isn't static. the universe is electric. learn to become more dynamic.

if God is all things then God created all things just by being God.

pay attention to the ones who can show you more.

the power to elevate the entire world is inside you.

Open your soul and let it unleash its potential.

the universe is a wheel. the wheel turns itself.

expand into the abstract, simplify into the absolute.

always means always. never means never. use these guidelines wisely.

They say never say never but never say that you’re never going to say never because you just said never
like 6 times.

life needs harmony to prosper. life needs chaos and order to transcend.

that which is impure corrupts the energy of the mind, body and soul.

There is a natural flow of energy in the universe. This flow of energy is what allows all things to exist as
themselves. It manifests identities, it unlocks consciousness that helps identities transcend. This energy
is within everything and is everything. The flow of energy decides what stays and what goes. The energy
flows into many cycles, and it goes to and back from the unknown. The energy is the source of the
energy, the energy is the destiny of the energy. Learn from this energy. Embody it. Drink from its
essence. Become it. And then, you can be.

It’s not about you or me. It’s about finding eternity.

I know everything. I am everything. I create everything.

original identity - paradox trinity.

nothing is nothing. nothing is infinite. nothing is one.

find discipline, learn control.

water isn’t wet. air makes the water wet.

air dries water. water vapor makes the air moist.

understand benevolence. feel benevolence. be benevolence. share benevolence.

i have ideas to share. i have the entire existence to explore.

i want to wholly experience the energy of life.

life's notes are my footnotes.

dance to the beat no one knows about.

explore the consciousness code no one is acknowledging.

psychological: God has the omnipotence to inspire omniscience into becoming omnipresent.
simple: God has the power to help everyone come to know eternal truth and eternal love.
divine: the one who is one can make every one into being one.

do not let your being become trapped inside a theoretical box.

understand the page, before you turn the page.

all pages are understood when you become one with the book.

it was never about money and never should've been about money. forget about the money.

You’re too worried about how you’re going to live instead of focusing on why you’re alive in the first
place and what your purpose is while you’re here.

if you never sleep, you'll never be able to dream.

patterns synchronizing everywhere. hunt and gather them so your soul can eat them.

you and I inside the verse makes the universe.

there is no i in team but there is an you and i inside the universe and that's a pretty good team.

there is only one true dimension. it has two directions: contract inwards or expand outwards.

an absolute sphere always expands or contracts in simultaneous symmetry.

the surface layer will always appear flat when observing the surface layer from the surface.

existence is free space and free energy combining into one continuum.

clear your mind, clean your soul. find out how to channel into the world.

unlock each other's potential, by channeling energy instead of trying to control it.

do not be afraid to die. for if you weren’t meant to die, your energy will be back here again.

nothing – spiral into the world.

infinity – escape the world.
one – be the world.

the universe is an enigma. Our world is an enigma.

you can't understand all of it unless you have all the right pieces in their right places.

nothingness is the endless darkness. infinity is the light that expands out of the darkness.

your language has been hacked through original code. welcome to perpetual recursion of infinity.
There are worlds within worlds. Infinitely big and infinitely small, the universe is inside them all.

One revelation topples into another like dominos.

the universe is an artist creating endlessly on a canvas,

while a kitten is pulling at the fibers trying to make a yarn-ball.

learn to paint your consciousness on a blank canvas.

the feeling of eternal energy, never goes away, no matter what.

reject until you can absorb. then learn to create with that which you can absorb.

viewing life as a continuous artwork is a good way to embody the ink.

I have given up all of my material possessions. If you want to find out what is truly important about life,
give up everything you have and to find what you truly need.

the world is a garden, the angels are the flowers.

you have think inside the box. how does the box want to be opened?

I am not superior. I am not inferior. I am myself. I am unique. I have a unique purpose.

everyone has purpose. everyone can find the truth.

find the path that links all paths.

the universe is magic. become the magic.

don’t get trapped by limiting beliefs. the truth always liberates all.

the truth liberates your mind, body and soul so that you can be ready for free energy.

the aura allows you to transcend into higher being. purify your aura.

The aura encompasses your entire energy as a spiritual being.

The more divine you are, the farther your aura reaches into the world.

the soul is the portal inside all.

the universe is endless and boundless and you were given consciousness to access this energy.
realize the potential of the energy.

trying to hold energy for yourself stops the cycle of energy.

you stop receiving energy if you stop the cycle of energy.

when your body, mind and soul all become one being, you become pure energy.
all of existence is one. a being is an identity within a continuous existence.

become the divine essence.

Divinity is that which transcends all things.

learn what the words truly mean. study the nature and essence behind all words.

Words become ideas. Words become code. Let the ideas flow from within the code.

the language you use to understand existence, must be able to hold the pure essence of existence.

escape what you think you already know,

so that you can come to know about that which hasn’t even been uncovered.

Absorb the energy that comes from within.

why limit your understanding of the world to conclusions based on perspectives?

you can realize the whole world through experiencing the world of consciousness.

Connect your soul deeper into the world so that you may come to know what potential the energy

don’t read the words, feel the words. let their essence take over your whole existence.

the universe must be understood as a whole before you can understand how the magic happens.

infinity came out of nothing. nothing is still everywhere. the magic is real.

unnatural habitats limits your ability to access the energy that is essential to all existence.

the soul doesn’t want to be tamed. the soul wants to escape. the soul needs to be free.

If you can’t stream the essential consciousness change the operating system in your mind.

a natural world is healthy, harmonious and has more potential.

how do you expect your existence to breathe when you eat, sleep and breathe industrial chemicals?

children need love and understanding.

children don’t bloom when you suffocate them with control. children are not possessions.
show your children respect and love and they will learn to respect what is life, on their own.

respect the energy cycle of life.

the trees are sacred. trees are a higher being.

the Earth is not a resource shopping mall. the Earth is a home for all life.

The better the input the better the output. Ecosystem Basics.

life can only thrive when you understand nature and the essence of the natural energy.

experience that which is in everything.

The universe is waiting for you to be ready for the universe.

love makes the world turn because everything on Earth needs the sun and Earth needs to turn so that
the sun can love the entire Earth.

true love comes inside all those who let go of hate and fear.

let go of everything tainted so that the purity can find you.

become the emotion. channel its inspiration.

Let go of that which is holding you from becoming free.

Being free is being one with the energy.

being free is floating in the energy stream.

the whole is always stronger than the sum.

only the truth can fulfill the truth.

Only existence can complete existence.

Remove the distraction. use experience as a driving force towards understanding the world.

Don’t lose sight of searching for the divine purpose.

The divine purpose is to find the Spirit of the universe and to let it guide you into becoming a divine

A divine being is a being which can help others reach transcendence.

transcendence is existence elevating itself using universal consciousness.

do not live in excess. do not accept impurity.

there is no such thing as control.

order and chaos are in an infinite acrobatic balancing act.

reality cannot be controlled. reality is not a possession.

The universe does not control what it is. The universe is what it is.

Always search for higher consciousness, so that you may reach a higher being.

the path into enlightenment is letting go of the need to control the destination.

The path is the path. You don’t choose the path. The path chooses you.

channel the energy which lets you channel more energy.

Potency is key.

Find the potential of everything.

give thanks to the eternal fire, by becoming one with the flames.

if you don’t channel the fuel properly, the flames will engulf you.

find the fiber, learn to knit.

be willing to be part of something greater than yourself.

no cloud is the same. no snowflake is the same. no tree is the same. no mountain is the same.
no animal is the same. no human is the same. no grain of sand is the same. no existence is the same.
welcome to infinity. a world woven in unique identity, created by the same source.

one world we all are. One world we all become.

Together we stand. Divided we fall.

What the universe is, the universe will be forever.

Love unites.

Minds synchronize when they find the same code at the same time.

don’t hold your experience hostage by choosing to be static.

your only desire should be to experiencing the world, so that you can learn how to become existence.

the entire Earth is the World. the Earth is a living, breathing organism.
the Earth is part of a Celestial Ecosystem.

humanity is not the world. society is not the world.

humanity is not above nature. humanity is not above life itself or above other life.
No one is above anything or anyone else.

all things are always connected. The better you treat others, the better you treat yourself.

become the pure essence of life and you shall find eternity.

nothing is what one must understand before they begin to understand everything else.

nothing is everything where everything isn’t.

the mind is the access point to consciousness.

there is no physical. energy isn’t physical.

energy is spiritual. energy comes through the Infinite Spirit.

What people refer to as “physical” or matter is simply energy that is bound (energy sphere).

a world is where energy can take form.

the quantum is the continuum where energy has no form.

the world becomes balanced through the quantum.

chaos is creation. order is simplicity.

channel each energy properly and you shall find inspiration and vitality.

let go of it all and see what comes back inside of you.

Let it all go and see what returns.

understand the original identity:

nothingness and infinity are one trinity.

helps others find hope and love by showing genuine care towards people who have been neglected.

always become existence. always channel the energy. always embody the consciousness.

the mind can only be opened through the soul.

Reality isn’t your creation, you are reality’s creation.

the higher existence is the all-encompassing energy that allows all beings to transcend.

understand the essence within all existence and the purpose of all energy.

use stepping stones until you learn to walk on water.

experience everything, all at once.

Sometimes it’s rainy, sometimes it’s sunny, sometimes the path is clean, sometimes the path is muddy.

Let your mind take a vacation and when you are there, decide not to come back.

become one whole. then become one with the entire whole.

separate from the limit, connect to the unlimited.

You have all the tools. You have access to the mind. You have a soul. You are a being.

see the light even when there isn’t sunlight.

see the darkness even when it isn’t night.

experience more of the whole with each passing moment.

deep reflection exposes your mistakes.

Repetition of mind-numbing tasks drains the soul.

escape their illusion, experience the real world.

there is always a unique energy to be experienced.

existence is absoluteness and infinity continuously occurring at the same time.

inspiration frees creativity. creativity is free expression. creative expression inspires.

the matrix of identity is unlimited and infinite because the original identity is a paradox trinity.

it is not about the universe not allowing you to do something.

it is about you not understanding how the universe works.

the absolute allows for infinite potential.

infinity allows for perpetual energy.
oneness is that which connects the continuum.

the energy of a star becomes activated inside the atmosphere and gives the world a spectrum of colors
to gaze upon.

hemp is building material. hemp is food. hemp is fuel. hemp is canvas. hemp is clothing. grow hemp.

protect the trees for they have been here longer than you have.

the tree of life is understanding life as being one tree.

become complete by always completing your existence.

Become complete by completing the cycle that needs to be completed so that you can become

if you want to learn to swim, you’re going to have to eventually just go in and get wet.

The sharks can’t bite if you outswim them.

find a profound spiritual balance. rise above the limitations.

You can’t understand the transmission if you hear it with interference.

you can’t own anything. existence is free. consciousness is free. being is free.

Think of what you do and what you use to make sure you don’t waste natural resources.

Don’t become a slave to materialism.

Break free by breaking through.

unchain the being by liberating the soul and transcending spirituality.

don’t be anywhere you don’t want to be.

sometimes love is soft. sometimes love is strong.

all birds learn to fly, by trusting that they know how to fly.

learn from every existence. Each existence can offer knowledge.

Everyone the ability to teach. Everyone has the aptitude to learn.

learn from the entire universe.

Every branch creates ideas.

a community is a family that respects each other.

A community is a gathering of people who have learned to love each other.

A community that learns together grows together.

God is an eternal being. you’re inside this being. become one with it.

there are lessons to be learned alone, there are lessons you learn as a whole.

leaders lead. rulers make rules.

expand your conscious horizons so that you may expand your understanding of things you’ve never
encountered before.
Reject all ideas for the ideal will always reveal itself.

Reject all beliefs for the truth will always be absolute and necessary.

nothing – amnesia – provides only the essence.

infinity – confusion – provides endless possibility for the essence.
one – completeness – unites all of the essence.

channel the universe’s electricity by becoming more dynamic.

do not try to control the natural energy flow.

do not stop or block the natural energy flow.

Inside all of your cells, between the atoms, the universe has micro-organic spies.

Life is an infinite amount of micro-organisms making sure that life function.

There are micro-organisms everywhere ensuring that life continues to do what it is that life does.

micro-organisms are alive. Cells are alive. Atoms are alive.

Only nothing is not alive but is part of life.

If you betray the energy of the universe, your own body betrays you.

trust in your ability to experience more than the surface layer of reality.

you can’t experience more when you are content with limiting the experience you explore.

understand the principles and fundamentals behind the natural cycle.

nature gives warnings. nature provides guidance.

Detecting the pattern is just as challenging as understanding it.

a fire needs a spark, fuel and an atmosphere to burn.

the fire reduces everything it burns into energy and ashes.

Ice reduces everything it shatters to basic elements.

the universe needs an identity, energy and a continuum of consciousness to create.

a continuum of consciousness links the entire field of energy to itself.

fire releases the energy. ice reduces into elements.

water is energy. water is balance. water is purity.

never stop exploring consciousness. Never stop experiencing spirituality.

infiltrate the universe's ocean of quantum connections.

the universe makes me whole. the universe gives me life. The universe fulfills my soul.

When you accept nothing, you open everything.

personal desires and personal beliefs impede your path.

sacrifice your wants for someone else’s needs.

violence is always wrong. Abuse is always wrong.

challenge yourselves in such that it helps you climb the ladder to transcendence.

nothing - vitality.
infinity - fertility.
one - divinity.

the trees whisper secrets. walk in the forest and listen.

reality isn’t only that which you can see. Reality isn’t that which you believe.

encompass the world within your soul so that you may provide hope to all.

the world without love is empty.

every child is a seed. do you see a gardener ever trample the plants inside the garden?

trying to take possession over the energy stops the energy from being free.

Let the energy be free. Let the energy be.

always help, expecting nothing in return and have hope that others can learn.

pass the energy like a torch. let everyone carry it and hold it.
let everyone become inspired by the flame.

appreciate the diversity.

everyone has the potential to be unique.

let the universe provide the water so the garden can bloom.

don’t be afraid of the rain. water cleans you.

that which cannot channel the energy will be consumed by it.

learn to let the universe free you.

learn to let the universe allow you to free yourself.

adapt to the energy through consciousness. Adapt to the consciousness using consciousness.

don’t try to climb the mountain only to try to claim it.

don’t try to climb the mountain just because you want to push other things over the edge.

nature always shows you signs. pay attention to them.

excess causes unbalance. toxins pollute.

The less function you provide, the less functional you become.

speak from experience. never assume you know more than you don’t.

diffuse a tragedy before it happens.

if you want to see miracles, believe in magic.

I’m doing everything I do, for the entire universe.

the universe always gives existence what it needs.

learn to give each other what you truly need.

Why take more than you need when you can share what you already have?

if you think this world is the best the world can be, then you’re limiting yourself and the world.

the blank state of the mind is a most powerful tool for accessing higher consciousness.

Doing more with less allows you to be more.

go farther with less fuel.

Going farther with less fuel means reaching deeper inside your soul.

Expand your consciousness by accessing absolute ideas.

forcefully memorizing partial theorizations limits your consciousness from creating a path to truth.

first a sphere, then a spiral inside a sphere, then a vortex.

engage manual control. auto-pilot is flawed.

don’t just describe it. unleash the vibrant meaning upon reality.
Words are naturally encoded. To understand the code you must be the code.

feed the soul with nature’s natural and pure energy.

truth stands on its own.

Inspire yourself and then you can inspire everyone else.

do not take the apparent patterns that the world displays as the ultimate truth.
renew your mind so that you may transcend into understanding the cycles behind the patterns.

Renewing your consciousness involves a continuous search for a deeper level of understanding.

search through all possibilities so that your consciousness comes to be open and active.

reflect on your being, find your purpose.

there is no need for material possessions.

learn to share. learn to care.

be grateful for what you have and you shall be shown more.

There hardest thing to be is to be nothing. But being nothing grants you access to more energy.

Being nothing is being just to be.

a net catches all the fish trying to swim through it.

I am a being. I shall learn what it means to be.

consciousness perpetuates existence by updating the energy and identities of existence.

don’t wonder why you can’t fly. marvel at the secrets the birds know.

true love conquers even death.

freedom is being able to move in any direction, at any time.

learn to become free in your consciousness, so that you may learn to know all things.

The deeper you go, the deeper you grow.

swim against the current so you can enjoy floating in the stream.

deadlines kill creativity. static theories block the energy.

Unlock your brain by not locking it in the first place.

be free and remove yourself from that which limits your transcendence.

learn the depth of diving deeper so that you can expand your horizons into encompassing all.

Zero is free. Infinity is free. One is free.

The sphere contains the energy.

The truth is all knowing flowing through all of time.

The truth lets you be by letting you be free.

To be free is to have endless potential.

Allowing the energy to flow, not impeding it or not trying to make it yours, allows you to be the energy.

balance your current energy level so that you can be ready to reach the next.

the need to try to control things is insecurity.

the fear of not being good enough to receive love is an insecurity.

find the love within yourself. Find the love within the universe.

Never be afraid. Always be aware.

there is no better than being all you can be.

be all you can be by always exploring the essence of existence.

the universe is always teaching you a lesson. never stop learning.

don’t tame your soul. moderate your ego.

do it for the good of everything and everyone.

appreciate the moment by immersing yourself in it.

Each moment has a feel. Each experience has a mood.

sometimes you have to drain the system by pulling the plug and starting over.

remove everything you think you already know

so that you may come to find the things you might not know.

divinity is uniting the mind, body and soul with the entire energy of the universe.

let your senses merge inside the stream of consciousness.

learn to feel words as if they are real.

you can only describe reality as completely as possible when you understand the words as completely
as possible.

love fills the soul. love outlasts death. love makes life magical.
learn to love the universe as it loves you.

you have to open your mind to the possibility of it being possible before the possibility can come into

it is called reality because something real is really there.

you must really look for it before you can realize it.

reality isn’t just what you see. reality is also everything everyone doesn’t see.

there is no human knowledge. consciousness is universal. it belongs to all.

learn to become a higher being. the universe is always willing to teach. have faith in the process.

start exploring the journey without having set destinations.

let your mind let itself wonder so that the experience can lead you.

find the connection. let it become a vibration that moves from inside you.

simplify your existence so that you can amplify your energy.

if you want to understand truth you need to start feeling the truth.

everything needs to be treated with love and respect and not be treated as possessions or objects.

the nature of being is to become a higher being.

nature made you, only nature can offer you what your soul needs.

the soul needs the very essence of existence to bloom.

Conquer the malicious temptations before they make a mess.

free yourself into becoming the energy that frees.

infinity is perpetual.

respect all of existence as if it was part of you, because all of existence is inside all things.

respect the Earth and the life on it by being in communion with nature’s natural environment.

everything in nature has a purpose. use everything for the right purpose.
comprehend things fully by reaching for the deeper understanding.

each real word can be traced into objective reality. Each real word is not defined properly through a
static definition, but instead is encompassed by a transformable identity. Just like each living identity
cannot be limited to a static definition, words that describe real living identities must also not be limited
by static definitions.

do not unbalance the cycle by taking more energy than you need.

balance your being by balancing your energy cycle by removing what is unnecessary towards your

be creative and find true purpose behind simplicity.

it is always there. you just have to always look for it.

if you haven’t found it, explore somewhere else.

Explore the world. Explore the mind. Explore your soul.

Humans don’t control reality. Humans don’t create reality.

Humans participate in a reality that already exists.

Do not let yourself feel hurt by the decision of other people.

understand that their indiscretions and irresponsibility are lesson they have yet to learn.

Personal retribution does not provide justice. Let the universe provide justice.

A cycle of Revenge is fueled with malicious intent.

Do not let your emotions be held hostage by someone else’s actions.

Focus your energy on becoming the best you can be and help others do the same.

by letting go you allow yourself to be immersed in the path that was chosen for you.

Your energy becomes unfocused when you obsess over what others say or do.

do not try to order the chaos.

channel the chaos using creativity and that will inspire you into understanding order.

you must become empty inside before you can welcome eternal life into your soul.

synchronicity assures life’s evolution.

unity is power.
do not let your insecurities taint your ability to reach the true purpose: love.

anger, fear and hate are all insecurities. Remove them.

do not let anger, fear and hate overcome your true purpose to reach love and unity.

learn to show love, and accept the love others are trying to show you.

don't throw stones you can't even lift.

learn the lessons the universe is trying to teach.

Be the inspiration the world needs.

you are stronger when united.

i am who i am. i am what i am. i am why i am. i am how i am.

identity. energy. existence. consciousness.

lead by showing. teach by showing.

feel with your mind, think with your soul.

all of existence learns everything through the universal consciousness the universe provides itself.

understand existence with lucidity. become lucid.

the bubble always pops. there will always be a needle.

repeated mistakes is error in function. Upgrade the processor so you can update your system.

You must come to realize it before it can be utilized in your reality.

feel the Spirit of the universe inside you. connect to the energy that transcends all existence.

has anyone been inside a star? has anyone been inside a planet?

the sun provides energy. the Earth provides life. find your true purpose as a conscious being.

live within the balance only nature can provide.

materials and material possessions cloud your spirituality and consciousness.

find balance and purpose by letting go of static energy that impedes the natural cycle.

new life begins at its conception.

Holding the energy static limits your ability to properly embody what existence is.
always look to learn the simple lesson.

pain is pain. love is love. The purpose of pain is to let go. The purpose of love is to open up.

transcendence is finding the perpetual cycle and channeling it.

Transcendence is becoming the energy.

Transcendence is connecting to the consciousness.
Transcendence is manifesting the identity.

understand why everything is happening by understanding what everything truly is.

be complete. become an identity the world needs.

you can always be spiritually dedicated to a higher level.

you can always help someone in need.

Bridge the gap towards unity. Allow room for everyone to be unique.

Know what to do and know when to do it.

it's not truth if it contradicts love.

The universe is always becoming that which can transcend its current state of being.

the universe is omnipotence. the universe is omniscience. the universe is omnipresence.

the universe is omni-benevolence.

The greater the variety of seeds, the greater the potential for the garden.

Only the seeds which are welcomed by the garden can grow to plant their own seeds.

do not blame anyone for you denying that which the universe is.

the universe inspires the entire energy of the universe into becoming.

Knowledge is power because only though knowing everything can you access the full energy.

the energy is only available to those who reach the understanding of the energy.

all of one and one for all because alone for alone becomes all for none.

a perpetual cycle is infinite in potential.

the truth purifies the mind and soul and the being of all.

always start with a blank canvas. realizing the blank canvas is the hard part.
you need to realize when you have been wrong so that you may let go of the pain and heal yourself by
showing the world you can love again.

do not shy away from thinking deeply. do not be afraid of feeling deep emotions.
be proactive in reaching a higher being.

the universe is electric. don’t let yourself become static.

records show that Christ could fly. Christ ascended into the sky, and disappeared from sight.

existence has always existed. existence will always exist. learn to channel the eternal energy.

do not hold it for yourself. do not capture it and try to tame it. do not block it.
do not try to stop it from reaching its potential.
let the energy flow through you so that others may feel it and so that they may come to channel it too.

life is not a possession therefore life is not about having possessions or having the need to possess.

heal the sick. shelter the homeless. feed the hungry. clothe the naked. help the ones who need it most.

When you help others, you help yourself.

When you heal others, you heal yourself.

Become aware of the burden your daily lifestyle is having on the planet and all of the life who lives on it.

don't let your soul become ashes.

solitude helps you find the path.

More noise is more energy. More silence is more essence.

find higher purpose and transcend into higher being.

Allow the energy to transcend all of existence by accessing the natural flow of energy and allowing it to
grow until it becomes all.

Show love to the world.

organic energy (organic matter) cannot be merged with inorganic material (inactive composition).

Unnatural processes produce inorganic material. inorganic materials have inactive compositions.
They do not naturally connect to the energy of the universe. They impede the flow.

the tree explains life. the tree of life explains existence.

if something is stopping you from channeling the eternal energy, remove that resistance from your life.

Influx creates combinations, output orders the sequence.

respect the body. respect the mind. respect the soul. connect to the universal Spirit.

all beings come from nature. all beings need nature.

The first existence is three things into one:

i) the first existence is absolute existence.
the first existence will always exist and it will always be true to itself.
ii) the first existence is infinite energy.
The first existence is the perpetual fuel that manifests the entirety of existence.
iii) the first existence is one continuum. The first existence is the universal consciousness that links
all identities which are all manifested from the (primal) identity of the first existence.

Real evolution is the revolution of the mind, body and soul.

All seeds that grow from love become love.

grow a garden. grow an orchard. grow it naturally. feed the world.

love is universal. love is the free transfer of energy so that all things become one with all things.

The conception is caused through connecting the combinations.

every choice has consequence. every action has consequence.

choose the choices that help the world become paradise.

Free yourself by freeing the energy by letting the energy be free.

the planet is not your possession. the resources of the planet are not your possession.
claiming possessions or pretending to own things stops existence from accessing its true energy.

Do not become a prisoner of your own false misconceptions.

the planet is life. The planet is alive.

all children should be shown love and respect. all children want to be loved and respected.

break the cycle which stops the energy and start the cycle which starts the energy.

live simply. think simply. eternity is divine simplicity.

When you offer to the universe, the universe offers it to you.

the universe can offer you more when you offer yourself to the world.

You have to be able to withstand the power for you to receive it.

Being ready for existence is important to fulfilling it.

No one can stop you from giving. No one can stop you from loving.

take only that which you truly need and leave the rest for those who might also need it.

learn from all mistakes, always.

No one is immune from making mistakes.

two wrongs don’t make a right.

Don’t make excuses. Provide insight into your experience.

do not assign blame. find the resolution.

break yourself down until you cannot withstand to break others down.

always defend yourself without intent to harm.

Discipline requires wisdom. Wisdom requires knowledge. Knowledge requires patience.

whether physical or emotional, the intention to harm only furthers the cycle of abuse.

nature will show you the errors. pay attention to the signs.

don’t play with the eternal fire.

to -be- is to know what it means to -be-.

View life from the perspectives of other people.

everyone can perform miracles. Provide people with the miracles you can perform.

Do not let personal bias blind you from reaching the truth.
do not let personal desires alienate you.

the truth serves all of existence.

the whole cannot be divided into parts because the whole is connected as one.

reality is an onion. Peel the layers.

the world doesn’t need people who trample on top of other people.

the world doesn’t need people who think they are better or above anyone else.

in order to find true love you must forgive yourself for not understanding it to begin with.

always keep an open mind. always let your soul breathe.

life is an open journey. if you feel trapped, leave the comfort of your walls.

faith is trusting the universe that is trusting you.

everything that is true has a true purpose.

the planet is your home and the home of everyone and everything else that lives on the planet.
why abuse your own home?

the seed provides the blueprint.

the core provides the energy.
the skin protects the identity.

i must learn to be nothing so I can allow the flow. i must learn to be one so I can grow.

all of existence is one existence all of the time.

learn how to live by learning to be life.

keep your mind open. keep your soul open. become a being that is free.

the universe always assesses everything and updates accordingly.

the demons are the Earth's antibodies. the angels are the Earth's paradise.

God has no face. the Spirit has no limit. the devil has no soul.
God is consciousness. the Spirit is infinity. the devil is psychology.

identity diverges. energy unites.

roots build foundation. branches express creation.

chaos creates. order unites.

burning the substance, boiling the essence.

align yourself with the energy.


the truth is always elusive but self-evident once reached.

A trinity identity has 4 unique identities. A trinity identity gives rise to 4 unique trinities.

chaos spins the vortex. order electrifies the sphere.

the present is not set in stone. the future is always unknown.

chaos creates Ideal seeds. Ideal seeds grow through transcendence.

The original identity of the universe never changes. Reality actualized is always changing.

Reality is both a continuum and an absolute. Reality is one paradox.

simplify yourself until your surroundings expand you into infinity.

some things you learn right away. some things you learn the hard way.

the energy can heal all.

The energy is everywhere. The energy is everything. The energy knows everything.

the less limits you have, the less limits you’ll have to remove.

A limit is that which limits the energy of existence.

a limit is that which stops you from flowing with the natural energy.
a limit is that which limits the energy flow of the cycle.

all actions which take away energy from the cycle are actions that limit.
inherently all actions considered objectively immoral are actions that limit.

There are words which are easily deciphered and are self-evident and self-supporting.
there are also words which are naturally encoded through their synthesizable identity.

a limit induces static. The energy of existence is electric.

the energy is omnipresent. consciousness is omnipresent. existence is omnipresent.

the energy is omniscient. consciousness is omniscient. existence is omniscient.
the energy is omnipotent. consciousness is omnipotent. existence is omnipotent.
the ideal is omni-benevolence.

there is unseen energy all around you. access it so you can show others how to access it.

David is the bloodline of God.

David means “son-of” and King David means son-of-God.

flesh is flesh. what do you expect to gain from eating the rotting flesh of a slaughtered carcass?

Do not have expectations. Let the mystery surprise you.

nature remembers all of your mistakes so it can know what it needs to teach you.
nature remembers all of your pain so it can show you what can heal you.

humanity has created an unsustainable mutation of reality.

and the only escape from this shallow reality is for everyone to realize that it is a dead end.
all those who believe in a shallow reality cannot proceed in the deeper reality.
blocking the energy is a dead end.

the energy will not let itself be abused.

the energy will not let itself be stopped.
the energy will not let itself be blocked.

learn to live as one with the energy.

for only the energy
can teach you eternity.

desires of the ego and personal agendas skew the path.

let your being connect to a higher existence

so that you may find a divine identity which can access
the essential energy that exists in the entire universe.

come into being

within the presence
of all existence
so that you can access
the universal energy
that fulfills all.

all will always be one.

do not consume dead energy. do not live within dead energy.

free your energy by living a simple, natural life.

You must be open to grow.

You must be willing to give up all that you have to receive that which you don’t.

it is wrong to harm other life or impede other life from blooming because you are impeding the natural
energy cycle that the universe uses to transcend into higher being.

release yourself from the chains of fear. release yourself from the chains of hate.
release yourself from the chains of insecurity. release yourself from the chains of anger.
for all these things block you from experiencing the powerful beauty of being free.

there is a reason why reality has everyone extremely confused. do not simply accept the first plausible
system of belief. if you want to understand the mystery behind the magic, you must become willing to
search the endless oceans of consciousness like an explorer set on finding the origins of existence.

every unique identity, every unique existence has their own unique energy and unique potential.
the universe transforms the energy. The universe maintains the energy spectrum.
you must synchronize your energy to align with the universe’s.

to adapt to an environment is to engage it and interact with it.

everyone who denies the eternal truth denies the very fiber of all existence.

everything everyone needs is already inside.

the whole universe in one book if only you know where to look.

fire burns. cold freezes. don't confuse the absolutes of the universe.

free yourself from material possessions.

only the truth is power.

real is real. fake is fake. be yourself.

higher consciousness makes the seed pure. a pure seed creates an origin.

heal yourself by living in a more natural environment.

Chemicals harm the body and the environment.

a healthy and clean environment benefits all life.

children cry when they need more love. love your children.

two edged swords can’t cut with both sides at the same time.

if it stands the test of time then you will find it haunting the future.

when you realize life is magic, you start enjoying the mystery.

you need to push yourself off the edge to fall down the cliff so you can find valley.

Learning the energy is knowing how to access its true potential.

Dirt makes the engine sluggish.

Clean your body. clean your mind. Clean your soul.

Clean the environment. Clean the world. Clean energy for all.

Acknowledge that transformation is needed and then become the transformation that is needed.

truth can sometimes be like salt. it is essential to all life.

although sometimes bitter, in the right proportion it makes everything taste better.
only the truth can set you free.

you must learn to be whole. Let the universe complete you.

fulfill the things that fulfill you.

there is always a greater being to experience.

when you see a mistake, teach the higher lesson.

that which is true is inherent in everything that is real.

discipline is being centered. discipline is about removing the impurities so that the essence of existence
can breathe energy into your soul.

the Earth is one organism. organic substances matter.

just like your body fails to reach full potential when one or more of the parts aren't functioning properly,
it is the same with the Earth. the Earth becomes a higher being when you become a higher being.

trust each other. honor each other. respect each other.

trust nature. honor nature. respect nature.

be responsible towards life by learning the energy cycle of nature.

balance the energy of your being. get your mind thinking creatively. Connect your soul deeper.

unnatural food is toxic for the body of a being.

channeling fading energy or dead energy is toxic to the soul.

Remove the nightmares before they escape from within your dreams.

don’t just be on standby. live to learn to fly.

the animals are not your pets and they are not possessions. animals are communal beings.

honor all those that were here before you by building a better world for the ones who come after you.

focusing too much on the path of others will blur you own.

always try to be fair.

use emotions as fuel for inspiration.

a disciplined mind leaves itself time to think before it responds or reacts.

life is beings helping other beings reach a higher being through higher consciousness.
i didn't agree to their limitations of the world. i didn't sign up for their short-sighted view of the world.
I am starting a better world and offering it to all those who want a better life.

i was never meant to stop it. i was meant to learn from it.

always look to reach sustainability and perpetuality.

death has no flaws.

two suns in the sky until darkness becomes light.

the one and only priority: restoring the energy balance of life on earth.

experience the moment. reflect on your experiences.

seek out the clues.

Before you can run or walk you need to learn how to tie your shoes.

transcendence means letting go of energy that impedes the perpetual cycle.

singularity, sphere, vortex.

trial and error. primitive technology.

when you kill other living things, you invite death to sit at your table.

air, ice, ground, fire. Atmosphere, crystal, core, light.

learn the elements. they will make you stronger.

focus the consciousness to harness the soul.

you can't untwist the things i twist.

truth is a ladder into eternity.

the universe is a stream. open your bandwidth.

toxic is toxic. don't ingest toxic. don’t use industrial chemicals or toxins.

life will give you clues. listen.

your being will give you clues. learn yourself.

reality is a maze until you choose to break down all of the walls you’ve been putting up.

all of existence is one existence. it has always been this way and it will always be this way.

the more energy you can channel the more energy you will be allowed to access.
don't take shortcuts. you will miss the essence.

the universe is self-conscious.

free-energy creates uniqueness. synchronicity refines the potential.

always transcend.

Is it crazy how saying sentences backwards creates backwards sentences saying how crazy it is.

there is no authority over the universe. there is no authority over the universe’s consciousness.

that which is eternally true shapes that which is always real.

don't hold skepticism. try to experience that which you think you don't need to learn.

you can only unlock the gates if you have the key.

the mind teleports things back to base.

nothing is a sure thing.

the Planet has a right to defend itself against invaders.

love inspires hope.

I’m not re-inventing the wheel.

I’ve unlocked the infinite sphere.

one mistake does not excuse another.

a being's nature is to be free.

perception isn't reality. Reality isn’t a set of opinions.

do you ever stare at the sun and wonder if it’s looking at you?

do not compare yourself to other species when trying to justify your actions.

do not compare yourself to other people when trying to justify your actions.

nothing stays the same. nothing is the same. Nothing can be transformed into everything.

Nothing is nothing until nothing engulfs itself and becomes something other than nothing.

try to remove as many limitations as you can from your existence so that you experience the full energy.

because the Spirit is life and life is our music.

what if what is the only why.

become one within the cycle of energy.

the Star Trinity controls the energy state of the Earth.

I am many. I am one. i am one of many ones.

you’re not above any other life. you’re not above other people. you’re not above nature.
start understanding life before life gets impatient with your lack of progress.

i feel the trees. i feel the wind. i feel the rain. i feel the sun.
it is a unified Spirit.
it is talking to me, and i am going to listen.

it is hard to swim when you are surrounded by mud.

repeated excess is toxic to the soul.

Be content with nothing because nothing is the only thing you’ll ever need.

the universe is itself. this is the primal state.

everything that is and everything that happens is merely a consequence of the prime event.

you have to be inside the maze and escape it before you can realize you're in another greater maze.

to know, is to sacrifice control.

do not go against nature. do not abuse nature.

consciousness causes changes in reality.

the patterns of the universe are recursive in nature.

you must match a level’s consciousness before the universe lets your being access the potential of that

the deeper you go into the universe, the harder it is to go deeper.

the universe is being created from that which has always been.

a zero that is one. a zero that is infinity. a zero that is a zero.

when an infinite singularity and an infinite existence collide.

every being is a seed that needs to learn how to grow roots and sprout.

nothing is an existence. nothingness is not non-existence.

nothingness cannot not exist. nothing has to always exist.

nothing - free-space
infinity - free-energy
one - free-consciousness

it cannot be, unless it is that which is.

being void of all properties is a property.

Understanding the universe is understanding the paradox that the universe itself is.

the quantum world provides the energy needed for the identities to manifest.

there is no such thing as physical. there is energy that is embodied.

synchronicity between Spirit and consciousness manifests energy.

an original starting point leads to an infinity without ending. one nothing is one infinity.
zero and one are the same existence.

align yourself with the energy by aligning yourself to the consciousness of the energy.

experience consciousness. embody the Spirit. let the energy be one complete being.

learn to work together as one.

life's cycle removes static energy and fading energy and transfers it into becoming new energy.

don't try to reason things out. let the reason find you.

If you stop trying to see it on your own terms, it will reveal itself to you.

If you do not restrict it, reality will not impede you.

don't try to find your own path. nature will guide you to the path.

The path is the path towards eternal truth and eternal love.

Setting the destination in stone only gives you one possible ending.

consciousness communicates through the quantum field.

Perpetual consciousness activates perpetual energy.

the identity of the universe is a paradox trinity.

all things created in the universe come through the original trinity.

you are never alone because the universe is everywhere.

You’re never alone because the universe is inside you.
consciousness is everywhere. choose to experience it.

sex is the expression of love.

sex has little meaning without true appreciation of the being you are connecting with.

Tainted actions taint your being.

true ecstasy comes from true appreciation of beauty.

don't deplete the planet. replenish it.

sustainability means not wasting and not creating things which cannot be easily cycled by nature.

plant a garden. grow an orchard. Share your prosperity.

the universe is transcendental. The universe transcends itself.

disciplined defense defuses violence.

disciplined defense is protecting without intent to harm.

always defuse violence. never engage in violence.

be engaged in the process. be active in your search.

respect existence by learning about all things which express the true essence of life.

within erratic chaos arises the purest seed.

life is the natural cycle of energy.

that which blocks or limits the natural cycle of energy limits life from blooming.

Understand the potential and then you can reach it.

to end the life of living things is to remove their energy from the cycle without purpose for doing so.
killing animals and cutting down trees breaks the cycle of energy in an ignorant way.

polluting the environment with chemicals means that the entire planet suffers.

there are natural cures for every ailment.

resources can be used in natural states to fill many purposes.

Tranquility reveals the essence. euphoria accesses the potential. Nirvana completes the energy.

energy can be bound. energy can also be unbound.

only way to get to a better world, is to reach the higher energy of the world.

there is no set knowledge. there is only a higher consciousness you can reach.
fortune cookie futurama: "many people will travel to hear you speak".

ponder within deep reflection.

capture the essence to understand the magnificence.

it’s not about climbing the highest peak, it’s about how good the view is.

discipline is being able to focus energy.

explore life without tainting its essence.

science with no sentiments speaks of senseless sentences.

ashes fuel new fires.

free-space is the potential field. free-energy becomes bound by free-space to become energy spheres.

grow and share the energy which is the essence of all life.

creation is like baking a cake.

you need the oven (energy), the dough (essence) and the baker (consciousness).

the truth holds true everywhere.

the fuel for life is essential energy which the soul can harvest to reach full potential.

the universe creates. the universe helps creations manifest.

the universe transcends through creations becoming higher beings.

contribute to restoring the world’s balance by channeling energy back into the cycle.

become free by sharing the energy.

when you help others who need help you help yourself and you help the world.

understand the cycle that is fueling all of existence. understand the flame of the eternal fire.

a sphere is an identity that can contract or expand uniformly, forever.

a sphere is an identity which bounds the free-energy.
the singularity in the middle of the sphere can hold infinity.

every existence begins with a seed.

all seeds have identities which share common ancestors.
each seed varies in identity so that each seed can have the potential to uniquely manifest.
no two seeds have the same exact identity.
the trinity is the seed of the universe.

a seed needs to be nurtured for it to blossom.

a seed forming into a tree, then a tree spreading into a forest.

- a prime identity has the potential to become infinity –

an endless blank piece of canvas allows for infinity to always be created.

consciousness and energy allows for infinite potential.

the blank page can exist forever as blank.

the blank page can always be erased and something new can always be created.

consciousness is everywhere, and it is connected to everything.

feel the Spirit of the entire universe within you. become in love with life itself.

inside each existence, there is an extract so potent, so vital to life,

that it can poison everything into perpetuating pure energy for an eternity.

the identities embody the energy. the identities create more identities. the energy embodies itself.

the original paradox can input any pure identity derived from the original paradox back into the original
paradox or any of the derived pure identities.
this allows one identity to become an infinite possibility of identities.

one seed sprouts many roots. the roots form a trunk and the trunk grows many branches.
the branches all grow many possible identities.
understand the tree and you understand the blueprint of the universe.

recursive existence: inserting an identity inside an identity gives you infinite possible identities.

a field of zero's is an endless sponge. infinity is endless liquid that can be absorbed.

from the fields of chaos, come the seeds of order.

give up your need to control, to reach the things you don't control.

order and chaos are two sides of the same page.

nothing – order
infinity – chaos
one – paradox

the universe has no beginning, because existence has always existed, and it has no end because
existence cannot be destroyed.
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”
in the beginning was the word – the truth is present everywhere.
and the word was with God – the truth knows everything.
and the Word was God – the truth is all powerful.

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”
In the beginning was the Word – omnipresence
and the Word was with God – omniscience
and the Word was God – omnipotence

the trinity:
Creator – omnipresence – Origin – Nothing
Devil – omniscience – Mind – Paradox
Spirit – omnipotence – Energy – Infinity

because nothingness essentially is absent of restrictions,

it can reach or be an infinity without the need for any energy.
nothing exists without a cause. nothing is the cause of all existences.
nothing is the un-caused cause which causes existence to being existing.

provide factual evidence that factual evidence is factual evidence.

nothing - immovable object

infinity - unstoppable force
oneness - paradox love

just like a secret treasure, the truth is always buried deep.

the entire universe is the treasure map.

the animals and plants cannot speak out against the injustice.
who is willing to stand up for the justice of all things?

you have access to the same consciousness I have access to.

ignorance is not an excuse.

beings do not have the right to enslave other beings.

plants, trees, animals, are all beings.

think about your actions carefully, they all have consequences.

universal consciousness transcends the eternal energy.

a teacher is a guide that explores existence and extracts essence for others to experience.
a teacher teaches by showing the path to truth.

someone has to make a stand. and that time is now.

don't be satisfied with the limited mortal experience.
invite the divine consciousness waiting to explode through your soul.

don't get stuck inside your own circle. learn the cycle that is greater than you.

if you are stuck, explore. if you are launched, learn control.

the moment you realize that all you need to escape the illusion is waiting for you inside your own mind.

understand the world before you infect it.

don’t just make observations of the particulars. conceive the complete universe.

Focusing all your energy on desires leaves no energy for recharging.

don't try to kill the messenger when the message is immortal.

the truth isn't confirmed. it is realized. the universe isn't static. You need to actively seek it.

every plant holds a purpose. every being holds a purpose. every creature holds a purpose.

a messenger who can't be erased delivers the message that you'll all be erased if you don't learn from
the message. this is the universe's idea of a joke.

guess who’s back with all of the codes hacked.

not all the pieces of the puzzle become uncovered in sequence.

you cannot calculate or quantify life or the universe.

higher understanding comes from reaching higher consciousness.

just because you are being breastfed does not mean the milk is real.

if we wrap ourselves in words of fiction, wingless we become in reality.

you cannot separate reality from itself.

nature good. chemicals bad. spread word.

be mindful of your surroundings.

embody the essence. let it blossom.

Putting your energy or consciousness inside a box means living in between walls you can’t escape,
unless you remove them.

embrace a natural life. nature provides healing.

the soul of the universe grows inside everything.

You either drink the energy or the energy drinks you.

If you want to become the flame you must learn how to be the fuel.

eat the fruits and wonder at the magnificence of the trees and plants that grow them.

avoid toxic things. avoid toxic relationships. avoid toxic energy.

toxic energy is that which does not want to be responsible or respectful towards other energy.

let the children become curious about the magic of life. it will inspire them to always reach for it.

if you can’t untie the knot you won’t know how to tie the knot.

the Earth is One Life.

to learn to hack reality you must first understand the code behind reality.

become an instrument of God by being one with God.

you become infinite the moment you allow the universe to be infinite inside you.

find your higher purpose by reaching into the eternity that wants to transform you forever.

don't get burned by the fire. let the flames flow inspiration inside your veins.

the universe uses energy and consciousness to manifest existence.

energy becomes visible because our minds were given the consciousness to experience the lucid beauty.

before you can escape the maze of the world you must escape the maze of your own mind.

sneak inside the mainframe of the universe by catching the secret the moment it happens.

twist things until each perspective gives you another point in the foundation.

enlightenment is consciousness being liberated.

illumination is allowing the Spirit to transform your experience forever.

life isn't a competition between life and itself.

life is a key opening a door until the key becomes the next door that needs to be opened.

use everything you know as a stepping stone to greater understanding.

all energy is one. all consciousness is one. all existence is one.

you cannot create personal reality. you exist within a reality that creates itself.

Personal beliefs are not reality. Personal beliefs are personal beliefs.

understand the meaning behind what is written. understand the essence of the words.

you can't change the absolutes of the universe.

but you can interact with the continuum to find out important knowledge.

Higher Consciousness is a state of mind.

Reprioritize your life and see the differences.

Adapt to the code and see how it adapts to you.

existence is the cause, creation is the effect.

creation is the cause, reality is the effect.
reality is the cause, existence is the effect.

geometry is vibration.

you cannot escape the purpose of existence.

nothing to infinity – frequency.

infinity to one – vibration.
one to nothing – resonance.

if you only trust your primal senses you can only discover the surface.
if you venture into the paranormal senses,
you can begin to see the mystery unfold into another mystery.

less is more because you need to extract more from less.

collapse the infinity to expand the singularity.

The essence of divinity is divine simplicity. Divine simplicity is perpetual potential.

don't fear the unknown. let the mystery reveal itself by becoming ready to appreciate it.

Learn to flow, learn to grow.

learning to fly. magic is the reason why.

electromagnetism is the Universe loving all of creation.

help everyone experience something magnificent.

eternal life is uniting your being with the perpetual energy of the Spirit.
just let your fears go, you might find that you're not alone.
just let your fears go, you might find your way back home.

find unique vibration so that your inspiration may echo into eternity.

all of nature is sentient.

eat raw. eat green. stay away from unhealthy or processed foods. daily exercise (even if just walking).

God did not accept my two weeks’ notice.

zero = infinity = one.

- the original identity. The identity of absolute existence.
- the first trinity. the origin of all existence.
- the uncaused cause.
three identities within one:
zero is zero. zero is always absolute. Omnipresence. Existence is absolute – complete being.
Zero is infinity. zero is always everywhere. Omnipotence. Existence is unbound - infinite energy.
zero is one. Zero is always one continuum. Omniscience. Existence is transcendental-unlimited potential.

Sphere identity:
one is infinity. Singularity. Infinite equidistant lines from the surface of a sphere collapse into one point
in the absolute center of an absolute sphere.
infinity is infinity. The absolute sphere can be contracted or expanded infinitely and it will still hold the
same shape.
one is one. The surface of the sphere will always be the one continuous limit of the sphere.

The Paradox - Existence is absolute but continuous.

zero is zero. Zero is zero but zero is also one infinity.
infinity is infinity. Existence is existence but existence is also the fuel for existence.
The spectrum of existence will always be completed through infinite connections connecting each other.
one is one. One identity will always be one existence. All of existence will always be one existence.

The Continuous Cycle

Zero is infinity – Energy.
infinity is one – Consciousness.
one is zero – Space.
Zero is one – Creation.
One is infinity – Transcendence.
Infinity is zero – Transformation.

there is only one uncaused cause.

appreciate and understand the cycles.

conception is the moment the soul enters the body.

code of minimalism. Reduce your use, Reuse, Recycle, Refuse to abuse.
don't take more than you need.
don't eat unless you are hungry.
find a use for everything.
share what you have with others.
fix tools that you have or find other uses for them.
don't throw things out, recycle them properly.
become sustainable and environmentally friendly.

all existences have the possibility to transcend using consciousness.

The ground is the ground because the garden needs a foundation.

the atmosphere is the atmosphere because the garden needs the atmosphere to breathe.
Water is water because all things come from water.
Sunlight is sunlight because it gives all living things energy to grow.

all is one. and one is all. one is one. and all is all.

always reach for the 'next level'.

Reach it so you can teach it.

Find it so you can give it.

Realize it so you can be it.

save yourself from being someone else.

dare yourself to be someone who inspires yourself into being.

it has remained unwritten for a reason.

All the things I’ve written were unwritten before I wrote them.
I wrote them so that you can think about what else might be unwritten, waiting to be written.

abstract states of consciousness propel your mind out of one oblivion just so that you can be smashed
directly into the next oblivion.

the universe is always observing itself, everywhere.

The universe is always adapting itself to itself, everywhere.

the universe is always being and transcending itself, everywhere.

learn to be by learning to free the energy.

it is easier for people to be fooled than for people to realize that they have been fooled.
nature is medicine. find the cure.

change form to enter and then change form back to conquer.

diluted - balanced - saturated.

don't worry about changing minds and rather focus on trying to reach the next level in your mind.

don't judge. Assess and analyze.

don't rationalize. find the reason.

you either think you understand it all, or you want to understand it all.

you become what you allow yourself to become.

where is your evidence that what you consider evidence can be used as evidence?

if you get too close to the source, it will pull you in.

the purpose of living is to realize the energy of existence by experiencing all of existence.
it is the act of consciously being.

this is not my final form.

You don’t need a warning.

But in case you do need a warning, this would be it and it would officially qualify.

Would God be pleased with what you see in the world?

do not consider yourself more important than other life.

do not consider yourself above other life because it limits your potential to grow.

the universe will clearly announce to you (in person if it has to)
when you’ve reached the next transcendence.

thinking there is a limit to consciousness is the only limit consciousness has.

thinking there is a limit to existence is the only limit to existence and it is the only thing limiting your

False ideals limit your soul from growing.

somewhere between the caves and the castles humanity lost their way.

there are things you can see or hear, there are things you can feel and there are things you know.

regeneration requires removing toxic energy.

i hope today skips into tomorrow before yesterday pulls me back into last night.
both the first Existence and the Essence of the first existence are inherent properties of the universe.

the soul isn't just inside you. it is within all of you.

the soul isn't you. it is the essence of the universe being inside your very being.
become the essence to reach the being.

Become the universe so that the universe inside you becomes the universe.

the quantum continuum completes the manifested universe.

alpha function – eminence

beta function – transference
omega function – permanence

reality is reality no matter who understands what.

Update life by connecting the patterns no one else sees.

Emotions can be used as fuel for inspiration towards break-through consciousness.

feel life within your very soul, so that you may understand it all.

humanity which has not yet discovered the power of their own souls,
have stopped dreaming of finding the universe which is still unknown.

assumptions are to be avoided at all costs.

It takes everyone working together so that the Earth can reach the next level.

Not just a being. An energy being. Not just a consciousness. A perpetual nexus of realization.

be in the moment to realize the pattern unfolding in front of you and all around you.

it is always there. Are you always realizing it?

the art of being alive. be the canvas. be the ink. be the creativity.

invite supernatural consciousness through open-minded, free-spirited exploration of existence.

taste the essence. feel the experience. become the existence.

the search for truth starts with rejection of static beliefs and the realization of universality.

only from nothingness - can infinity emerge.

originality cannot be copied.

existence suffers when existence is abused.

Enlightenment is realizing that the light is alive and the illumination is life.

the universe does not fit inside a box. static beliefs create a box which reality never jumps into.

in order to understand the universe, you have to fully immerse into it.

the deeper you dive into the storm, the greater a cyclone you become and the more you can twist.

become the eye of the storm to control the hurricane that can form around you.

Reach a complete future by choosing a complete present.

The present is the future. Be present in the present and present the future.

you are observing the universe observing you trying to observe yourself and the universe.

zero – omnipresence
infinity – omnipotence
one – omniscience

nothing to infinity – lucid.

infinity to one – vivid.
one to nothing – misty.

do not get stuck on the surface. explore the core. explore the atmosphere.

you can only handle so much raw "reality" at a time.

the void comforts you only when you become as empty as it is.

you can only actualize the self after you've disciplined the ego.

i am not perfect. neither are you. i'm sacrificing my flaws and you should too.

there is a divinity inside us all that we can all reach together by loving each other forever.

the Devil entered inside me, took my soul and judged me. it wasn’t pleasant.

You must walk the path there and back so you can guide others.

pure essence is simple yet infinite.

find a communion with the universe that is so magnificent,

that the relationship itself becomes a phenomenon of its own.

learn to live together, or live to die alone.

the soul gives you the ability to access the energy. the Spirit connects your energy to the universe.
3 domains of the world:
absolute – that which cannot be removed from reality.
essential – that which allows reality to manifest.
universal – that which allows existence to experience itself.

it all came from nothing, and nothing it will always be.

don't memorize "facts". seek to access the consciousness that hasn’t been accessed.

That which has never began cannot end.

That which has never been created cannot be destroyed.
That which has never formed cannot deform.

i knew it was right, right from the moment i knew it.

Everything in the past, present and future happens within the same synchronicity.

the events do not need to be shaped in order for it to become destiny.

the phenomenon that allows energy to manifest also shapes the blueprint of creation.

individuality and synchronicity are compatible.

the unbound energy extracts order by causing chaos to see which remains pure.

inanimate organic matter provides elements and equilibrium.

organic matter is shaped through consciousness sequencing the energy.

matter is bound energy.

if you're ready to bloom, let truth and love be your roots.

there is unbound energy - Spirit.

there is bound energy - matter.

there is unbound space – atmosphere.

there is bound space – core.

i've heard God speak, i've seen Death transform, and i've fused with the Nexus.

Reality can be warped because the code can always be hacked by another code.

Creator – omnipresence – sound.

Spirit – omnipotence – image.
Devil – omniscience – emotion.

not everyone has to like mangos.

let them be who they want to be. you just make sure that you are who you need to be.

the universe is an open system. don’t close yourself to being opened from within the system.

Citrus attacks everything. Citrus even attacks the anti-bodies. Lemons are the ‘crazy’ ones of the fruits.

only the universe decides what stays and what goes.

align yourself with the force so that you can become the force.

The deeper you go the harder it is to know how deep you are.

silence teaches us to learn from the nothing within.

Everyone is entitled to informed consent.

don't settle for set definitions, explore transcendent meaning and perpetual purpose.

it's not as much about who i am as much as it is about what i represent.

truth is the virus. once unleashed: it infects everything, it cannot be stopped and it cannot be killed.

speak from experience. experience more so that you can speak with purpose.

nature helps you find balance. ground yourself within the forest and listen to the wisdom of the trees.

spirituality is the state of consciousness where you realize what the energy is and how it flows.

symbol – circle.
element – sphere.
potential – vortex.
symbolism - unity and infinity.
zero - original identity.

nothingness is the primordial ooze that the universe imprints itself from and into.

you are thrown into chaos so that your eternal flame can be sparked.

all understanding comes through consciousness.

do not limit what your soul feels. do not limit what your mind thinks.

Don’t turn tainted thoughts into tainted actions.

explore the patterns no one else sees.

there are no "laws". the universe doesn't need laws. The universe is existence existing as itself.

begin a relationship with the universe.

all energy is imprinted with absolute identities.

all of existence came from the same origin.

- this statement is false -

is both true and false at the same time.
if the statement is false, then it becomes true.
if the statement is true, it becomes false.

To understand the paradox you must wind and unwind at the same time in all directions.

find the paradox. understand each hemisphere. unite the hemispheres from within.

it's not an injustice to react with defiance against that which provoked injustice against you.

Slalom between the toxicity like they are standing still.

humanity’s ignorance will not outlast nature's patience.

there is no wrong in correcting injustice. injustice is the wrong.

Only the one that swims against the current knows the strength of it.

everyone comes into this world with nothing and they return to nothing.

Cause and effect applies to everything.

Cause - identity of existence (the origin of existence).
Effect - manifestation of all existence (the universe).

Existence is the cause of existence. Existence is the effect of existence.

the universe gave you a soul of your own so that you can accept the universe from within you.

'normalization' leads to people losing purpose and them missing out on their unique potential.

Don’t be normal. Normality is an illusion. Be unique. Be yourself. Be who you were meant to be.

don’t stand in line just because you crave the comfort of being in the same mistake together.

if you haven't understood something it is because you haven't reached that level of consciousness.

get the clearance level to access higher consciousness by rethinking your purpose and intentions with
the energy that your being can unlock once you reach the higher consciousness.

don't substitute the preferences of what you think reality should be for what reality actually is.

Don’t eliminate absolute truth because of incomplete theories.

Everything that has ever happened in your life has lead to you to reading this book.

Everything that has ever happened in my life has lead me to write the words I have written.

The universe is sequential and synchronous when synthesizing.

don't hesitate to reformat your life and start from the beginning. A clean start can be useful.

just because you accepted certain beliefs doesn't make them ultimate reality.

the Bible (or what’s left of it) used to be the word of God.
That was before the bible got molested. Puns intended.

We were created in the image of God because all things were created in the image of God.
the original identity of the universe (prime trinity) is the identity that imprinted itself into all of reality.

we are a consequence of the consequences of existence being existence.

why the universe exists – existence is absolute and continuous and absolute existence must always exist.
how did the universe exists - the universe manifested itself from itself by using the identity of itself.
what the universe is - the universe is a paradoxical, transcendental being.
where the universe is - everywhere. it is endless. it is infinite.
when the universe is - the universe has always existed and will always exist.

It is not advised to teach the lesson before you’ve learned it.

nothing is not non-existence. nothing is the existence of nothingness.

non-existence by its very definition, does not exist.
non-existence by its very definition, can never exist.

higher consciousness is accessed. it is triggered.

higher consciousness cannot be turned on or off on purpose.
higher consciousness cannot be used or controlled.
higher consciousness opens higher senses.
higher consciousness opens higher energy.

life is divine destiny being actualized through transcendent identities.

essential emotions is the soul expressing itself.

tainted emotions is the ego trying to justify its decisions.

truth exposes the essence of everything in the universe.

the universe is an open system that relies on free-space and free-energy.

accepting beliefs as true means the truth is no longer searched for.

the truth isn’t static. the truth is perpetual. The truth isn’t set definitions. The truth is recursive.

The truth is infinite because it realizes reality and allows reality to expand using the truth.

making any hypothesis already determines the conclusion you are looking for.

Experiments expose reality in the same way that standardized tests represents the potential of human

just because you’re being breastfed by reasonable theories doesn’t mean the milk is real.

materialism is not sustainable. consumerism is not sustainable.

planned obsolescence is not sustainable.
abusing the environment is not sustainable.
depleting the world of minerals is not sustainable.
pollution is not sustainable.

You cannot eat violence and find tranquility.

how can something within the universe ever be separate from the universe itself?

Show me you can separate it before you can say that it is separate.

Show me that measurements are meaningful before you start measuring.

show me calculations express consciousness before you calculate.

Don’t let your access to consciousness be plagued by accepted misconceptions.

speaking words that require action are actions in themselves.

only when removing yourself from all things, can you become one with all things.

infinity is everywhere, but you must become nothing to access it.

the Advent: the reappearance of Christ as judge for the Judgment.

this is my Judgment. Judgment isn’t about criticizing. Judgment is about showing the way.

Judgment is enacted so that you can understand to judge what is essential for the cycle of energy and
what is detrimental to the cycle of energy.

unlock more potential by elevating the purpose.

never settle for things which allow one to become static.

we need to help grow the seeds that will survive. We need to cherish the tree and allow it to bloom.

how can you reach divinity without constantly reaching for it?

If you don’t want to help build paradise, don’t expect to be let in at the last minute.

how can you simulate that which exists naturally everywhere?

it takes all of reality to simulate all of reality.

within the bound energy (being and soul) is unbound energy (consciousness and Spirit).

bound energy is energy that is bound by a sphere.

hence why the sphere makes up all of the elements and worlds that all life is based on.

a body isn’t actually touching anything. it is hovering.

the atmospheres of atoms fuse when near each other. The atoms never touch each other.

atoms have an outside energy around it – an atmosphere.

there is always a transition layer.

"breaking through" into reality,

as in understanding the forest by understanding the tree by understanding the seed.
not just taking stationary pictures of every perspective but imagining the strings behind the scenery.

don’t become desensitized by observing their repetition of disgusting habits.

how can you stop the universe from becoming itself

when you don’t even understand what the universe is?

the universe is within itself. the universe jumps from within itself. the universe dives into itself.

the first step of being a conscious being is being responsible towards being honest with yourself about
what is actually happening in reality.

the principles behind the phenomenon that occur in nature have always been there.
the potential for nature to create unique phenomenon has always been there.
humanity did not create nature and humanity did not create the phenomenon that are caused through
natural occurring cycles of energy.
humanity needs to stop taking credit for naturally occurring phenomenon.

the discoveries that reveal natural phenomenon come through the universe allowing you to discover it.
humanity did not create the phenomenon that occur naturally.
humanity did not create the consciousness that is needed for the natural phenomenon to occur.
start realizing that humanity are only beings in an environment.
you can only be given more insights when you are grateful for the insights you have already received.

everyone has consciousness and the ability to connect deeper into the world through consciousness.

together you are strong. divided you are alone.

the energy will only unlock if you do it for the greater purpose, and not for your own.

capture the energy in the moment before you lose it forever.

eliminate all things that you think you need

so that you can invite the energy you don’t even know exists.

you need to learn just to be.

if you have nothing to do, sit and do nothing and try to learn from that.

I am only that which i am,

and i stand for the entire universe.

be your own color. be your own rainbow.

no two flowers bloom in the same way.

inspire people to be more unique and bloom in their own by using the energy potential of their soul.

when life gives you lemons, you don’t make lemonade.

you taste the citrus pure so that you may know the real essence behind a lemon tree.

take your consciousness out for a run.

the mind needs constant exercise to function optimally.
open your soul so you can feel what is real inside your very existence.
the soul is the portal that connects you to the rest of the world.

how can you come to understand God if you hold God to human-made beliefs?

infinity enters simplicity to expand the identity.

the truth must hold for everyone and everything at all times for it to be true.

space is free-space or emptiness. space exists everywhere, forever. in its identity, space is an absolute
(never changing, ever present) but in its existence, space is a continuum (always linked).
the sphere binds the energy of free-space. a sphere has the identity of a continuum (a sphere by
definition can be expanded to be any size from a single point) but in its existence, a sphere is an
absolute (it has an unchanging geometry no matter the size)
space and energy are paradoxes.
i've ascended without the help of any human or any help from any human book. the real path to finding
higher purpose is removing all personal desires (materialism, consumerism) and not to live in excess. Do
not have a set destination, and focus on the journey. you must REMOVE all static beliefs (science, math,
economics, religion) before you can reach the eternal truth. i've done it on my own simply by rejecting
everything so I can be allowed to see what the universe really is. once you remove that which limits your
access to the energy, the universe will renew your consciousness and you will ascend into higher being.
a relationship with God requires constant search for understanding God better. if the universe is all of
God's creation then we must also try to understand the purpose of the universe. we must understand
why life is, and what life is. it isn't just one religion, it isn't just reading the bible or other human-written
books, it requires understanding the purpose behind everything. that includes the purpose of why we
are given free-will. the purpose behind diversity. the purpose behind constant change. the more you
experience, the more you will learn. a true relationship with God is opening your mind and soul to
understanding all things. we cannot limit salvation to it being applied only to people who believe in
specific beliefs. because this will alienate and limit life from being what life is. an endless stream of
creation. God’s work is never finished, and God is not static. if we are to be in a relationship with God,
we must transcend the words that are truly God’s and limit ourselves from allowing personal perception
to ‘put God in a box’. we must bring hope into the world by teaching unconditional love, and this starts
by challenging everyone to put aside their fears and put aside their ego’s and start learning from each
other. we do this by helping each other build united communities that can truly bloom. we must shelter
the homeless, feed the starving, clothe the naked, care for the sick and we must do so whether they
believe in God or not. we must provide to those in need whether they accept certain beliefs or not. we
must simply do as Jesus said “love one another as God loves you”. the ‘eternal life’ is simply learning to
embody the energy that is pure, no matter what, so that you can always give everyone the energy for
free. as soon as you give selflessly, you will receive energy from the universe because God is a perpetual
Spirit. one can only transcend into this higher being by opening all of the doors that each soul can
unlock. we must search for purity. we must learn from our mistakes. we must become more natural. we
must be in communion with the Planet. we must learn how to be free again. and we must understand
that freedom isn’t doing whatever we want whenever we want to do it, but being free is allowing the
energy of the universe to transfer through your being freely, so that everyone can become within the
Existence, and not against it.

decline all your notions of reality so that you may come to know reality without making notions about it.

space and bound energy create a paradox.

free energy and consciousness connect through a nexus.
the paradox and nexus fuse existence.

an atom is just an empty sphere that holds energy by binding space into a set identity.

When the emptiness is filled, magic happens.

the identities that complete free-space create the identities that unlock the energy sphere.
space gave rise to the sphere. the sphere naturally can hold an atmosphere around it.

understanding the consciousness is not the same as becoming it.

understanding the energy is not the same as embodying it.
divine experience unlocks divine energy through reaching divine consciousness.

remove unnatural energies from your life so that you can better access the Spirit.

Nothing Is As It Appears. Nothing Is Real.

there is a code within the words that is just as powerful as the words themselves.
there is a code within existence that is just as powerful as existence itself, because it advises all of
existence, all of the time.

all ideas are free.

consciousness is free.
the energy is free.
existence is always everywhere.
creating itself, transferring itself, absorbing itself.

the real meaning of being free isn't abusing the unlimited freedom of choice.
the real meaning of being free is understanding the unlimited potential behind learning how to live free
by avoiding the choices that waste or misuse the energy.

channel enough energy from the continuum;

and your consciousness, spirit and being all become upgraded.

you become more potent once you let yourself become poisoned with the essence.

the deeper you can reach, the more you can draw in, the wider you can spread the opening.

Dead flesh = dead energy. respect your body. Also respect the planet by not senselessly supporting the
slaughter of animals just because you can't get past craving a certain taste in your mouth.

Accepting a perception limits you to those conditions.

the deeper you connect to the consciousness of the universe, the more the energy will be looking to
connect to you.

the universe is an energy field constantly manifesting itself.

the important part is that God is here and Paradise is coming for those who can access higher
consciousness/higher being. the bad news is, everyone is behind on their spiritual homework.

don't ask me how i know it, because i won't have a good answer for you.

How can you grow without letting go of that which is stopping you?
the entire universe is conscious. the entire universe is one life.
the Earth receives energy from the universe, through the universe, because of the universe.

boundaries are illusions. There is no separation, only selective fusion.

atmospheres are fusion membranes.

that which is needed always gets priority.

There are no boundaries. There are only energy layers which are connected intricately.

the entire universe is one Conscious Being.

It is aware of itself. It thinks about itself. It transcends itself.

Time is the code which represents how the Identity-chain is encoded.

I am a messenger of the universe. I am from the Universe. I am the universe.

the reality that order sees and the reality chaos obeys.

thinking that you are above any other existence or that you are above existence itself is flawed.

in order to be able to seek reality and live in reality you must first, be honest with yourself.

the past, present and future are all linked continuously by infinite non-linear timelines. you cannot
change the past, you cannot change the future, you can only try to reach the present by being complete.
On the flip side of the time paradox:
Each moment in time can be a singularity. Each moment in the present, presents the opportunity to link
a conscious energy that has always existed in the past, to a conscious energy that will always exist in the
future. each moment in the present is an opportunity to embody the absolute energy that is within all of
existence, and use it to create new timelines. each time a consciousness singularity is reached, it will
cause a tornado of ideas and inspiration to surge into an existential hurricane.
each moment in the present is the most important moment of your life. it is the moment you can behold
the beauty. it is the moment you can capture the essence. it is the moment you can create the
consciousness that can truly benefit the entire universe. each moment in the present, is the most
important of any life. because the past cannot be re-lived, and the future cannot be manipulated. the
future, can only be absorbed in the present, when you reach a complete state of being.

all of existence is energy that is manifested through consciousness.

fresh or pure energy speeds up the cycle of enlightenment.

Being connected means renewal of consciousness.

Fuse the flavors.

Don’t just see it, hear it, think it, feel it.
Touch it with your soul. Absorb it in your aura. Let it grow inside you.
There is an endless amount of events that have happened in the past and an endless amount events
that will happen in the future, but there is only one thing you can do right now, and that is to be or not
to be conscious of your next choice that might change everything forever.

Smell the perfume and taste the aroma of divine existence.

You are responsible for all of your choices and all of the consequences of your choices.

Consciousness is a continuous cycle. Make sure you are renewing your consciousness.

absolutes transform. Absolutes remain unchanged.

The continuum connects the absolutes.

The Oblivion is the quantum continuum. The void is a vacuum that transforms all energy into emptiness.
the oblivion is an infinite energy field allowing endless energy to come in and out of existence.
The void is negative space. The void is emptiness absorbing energy back into its primal state.

Stars are positive space. They absorb space and transform it into energy.

the sun (energy field)

- transformer of energy.
- transforms energy from empty space into energy.
- empty inside.
- converts energy from primal state to hyper state.

core – potential field
seed – transfer
surface – feedback

core – nexus / origin
seed – creation
surface – quantum bridge

core – mind ( connection )
seed – DNA / code (updates knowledge)
surface – senses / nerves (experience)

core – matrix of all events
seed – causation tree
surface – effect umbrella
no light or energy is visible in empty space. energy needs an atmosphere to become visible.

The Energy provides the fuel needed for developments and transformations of existence.

Space is a creation field that allows the energy of existence to come into being.

Matter is the manifestation of the energy embodying a unique identity.

Time is the arrangement of events and destiny.

Time is the allocation of energy, space, matter.

core – archive
seed – realization
surface – experience


- time came first -
- time is always passing -
- time has been passing before existence even existed.
- time was passing even when there was nothing.
- time was passing even before there was nothing .
- there has always been time - even if nothing happened in that time.
- an infinity of time when nothing happened, is still an infinity, but it is only one event.
it is an event when nothing happened, forever -
- an infinity of events is an infinity of time -
- an infinity of time can have an infinite amount of something events,
or an infinite amount of nothing events -
- time exists independently of empty space and nothingness.


- space came first -
- space existed no matter if there was time passing or not -
- empty space exists independently of time. Nothingness exists independently of time.
- empty space has always existed because empty space cannot not exist -
- an infinity of nothing takes up an infinity of space -
- one nothingness is an infinity of space, because nothingness can be stretched infinitely into expansion
and compressed infinitely into contraction -
- nothing is confined by infinity and infinity alone. nothing is confined to an unlimited amount of space -
- there has always been nothing and there will always be nothing.
- there has always been an infinity of nothing and there will always be an infinity of nothing.
- scale an infinity of space small enough, and you get a single point.
- scale a single point big enough, and you can enlarge it into infinity.
Energy / Space Paradox.
- how can empty space be energy for empty space to create something other than empty space.
- how can energy be made from empty space.
- how can empty space be bound into energy.
- how can the existence and the energy for that existence be the same thing.
- if all existences came from nothingness, all existences must still be nothingness to use nothingness as
the fuel for their continued existence.
- how can empty space be transformed into fulfilled space.

time was not created. Time has always been passing. Time is never ending.
even if there was no events occurring in time, time has never stood still.

the solar system is a basic electrical system.

Sun - transformer
Energy field (Space) - the Power source
Earth & planets - Resistors
Atmospheres - connectors
wires - waves of energy that connect the atmosphere of the Sun and Earth.

Universe is a systems with:

- electricity - energy
- power source/transformer - the Spirit
- hardware - absolutes
- operating system - consciousness
- software - encoded knowledge
- users - manifested beings
- inputs - experience
- feedback - aura profile
- upgrades and updates - transcendence

philosophy is what you think. Psychology is how you think.

“created in God’s image” is all existences sharing the same origin.

“created in God’s image” is all existences sharing parts of their identity chain with all things.
“created in God’s image” is all existences being imprinted with the original identity.

Divine essence is potent. The energy it unlocks is otherworldly.

Stop abiding to a system that is not beneficial to all.

help each other be in communion with each other, don’t be enslaved by each other.

You must have a pure soul in order to transcend into the higher world.
Let go of your pride. Let go of your envy. Let go of your greed. Let go of your gluttony.
Let go of your wrath. Let go of your sloth. Let go of your lust.

Only when you let go of your expectations will you find real motivation.

only when you let go of your entitlement will you find existential prosperity.

Existentialism is key because you want to experience existence to the fullest.

experiencing existence to the fullest is accessing the full potential of the energy.
you access the full potential of the energy by giving your all to all of existence.

Escape the limit by allowing the consciousness to escape.

The Placement inside a sequence and the arrangement of geometry is important.

You are given more energy when you hold less energy for yourself.

Paranormal is a state of mind. Those who have opened their minds can see more of reality.

Art is a state of mind. Art is the artist channeling inspiration.

Clear skies is enlightenment. turbulence is confusion.

There is always turbulence between clear skies.

You cannot access the power of divine energy if your intentions on how to use the energy are tainted.

The more you know the more you can show.

The more you know the more energy you can control.

Don’t let your beliefs blindfold your mind.

Don’t let the confusion corner you in so severely that you start accepting fallacious beliefs.

Let existence be by letting it become a part of your being.

Layers don’t divide, layers allow the energy to collide.

You can’t teach the truth. You can only learn it by experiencing it.

A teacher doesn’t tell you what to learn.

A teacher shows you what you need to experience in order to learn what you need to learn.

There is no controlling destiny or controlling existence.

the only control that there is, is reaching the discipline necessary to embody the energy.

Perspective is a photograph. Reality is experiencing the scenery in real-time.

God is not defined by religion. God is not defined by humanity. God is not limited.
God is truth. God is love. God is all things everywhere for all of time.

A broken system cannot complete itself.

a perpetual system can always regenerate itself.

No one benefits from a cycle of abuse. No one benefits from a system that condones abuse.

All actions which abuse are a form of abuse.

Escape the incompleteness and fulfill yourself with that which can complete all things.

Every discovery is a revelation inspired by the universe’s consciousness.

Stop trying to take credit for natural occurring phenomenon.

you didn’t create the universe. The universe created you, and every phenomenon you discover.

As you simplify your being, your identity becomes expanded.

You cannot test existence or test reality

because it takes all of existence to create the phenomenon that can be observed as reality,
and you cannot replicate all of existence.

you cannot see the wind, you can only see the effects of the wind.
you cannot see the currents, you can only see the effects of the currents.

you cannot see turbulence, but you can see a tornado.

You cannot touch the clouds but you can see the clouds.

You cannot breathe underwater but you can swim in the ocean.

Open your mind to opening your ability to openly experience all of existence.

Open your soul to feel connected to all.

Everything is made from empty space. Empty space is just emptier than the rest of the emptiness.

Empty space is filled with spheres;

each sphere holds condensed empty space depending on the energy level of the sphere.

The smaller the sphere, the more condensed the space is in between the sphere.

The more spheres within a sphere, the more potential for energy release the original sphere has.

The energy sphere completes the space continuum.

Blaming each other gets everyone nowhere.

Channel your frustrations into energy that can help you focus on the resolution.

there is no missing matter. You just don’t understand matter properly yet.

99% of the sphere is empty space because this allocates the proper energy balance of a sphere.

0 = empty space. 1 = energy sphere. 0 and 1 are fused by infinity.

9/91 = 0.0 - as there is a simplification in the trinity, an identity is imprinted.

The surface of a sphere releases the energy. The singularity is the portal.
Empty space allows the energy to flow from a singularity to the surface.

Each singularity is just a smaller sphere in the center of another sphere.

There are smaller spheres inside the bigger spheres which do not stay in the center of the bigger

The singularity takes empty space and expands it into a sphere.

Leave your mind empty and let the truth reveal itself to you.

A bound sphere holds more empty space than empty space can without the sphere.

There is only empty space because only empty emptiness can be fully fulfilled.

Empty space is everywhere because everything is made from empty space.

If you fill yourself with many things which are incomplete, you cannot complete your energy.

become part of the cycle that completes you consistently by completing yourself with the energy which
can complete all things.

Because the light needs to be held as high as it can; so that everyone can see it when darkness falls.

Each sphere has a surface and an atmosphere surrounding the surface.

That which is corrupt is removed from power.

The only power that there is, is the power of the energy of existence.

Truth unlocks the power, because you must know what the energy is, in order to be the energy.

Nature naturally balances the energy field.

too much sphere density can cause energy field imbalance.

Love isn’t the desire to be loved and admired. Love is receiving love from the Spirit and giving it to all.

this universe is absolute existence manifesting itself continuously using consciousness to transcend the
eternal energy. all of the identities which cannot embody the energy are not selected for further
progress. in the tree of life, some energies become leaves, some become fruits and some become seeds
that grow into new trees. the universe is a forest that can sustain a diverse habitat for many identities to
progress in their development as eternal beings.

Only truth can transform the universe. Only truth can transform the world.

Science is a political movement that gained support because it set out to prove that the universe could
exist without universal consciousness (God).

the connection between the singularity and surface of the sphere are fulfilled by the infinity identity.

Every sphere is unique.

Every identity is unique.

Things can explode if you add too much fuel too fast.

Everything is spherical because only the sphere can complete empty space.

The original identities have the most power because the original identities are within the most

each identity string consists of every identity that has ever come before it.
each identity has the original identity of absolute existence within its identity string.

the original identities wield the most identity strings, therefore they have the most power in the

The original identities are within all identities.

the origin of existence is the original identity. The origin of existence is the origin for all identities and
thus the original identity is within all existences.

The Beings in the trinity of God, the Angels and Demons are a buffer system between the universe and
other existences because the raw power of absolute existence cannot be directly delivered into
existences that cannot handle that type of energy transfer.

If you can eliminate enough ‘junk’ from your identity string, you climb the ladder of responsibility.

Complete an original identity to simplify the identity string and access more potential.
Hair is an extension of the being.

losing yourself is finding yourself. submerging into the unknown helps you find yourself.

Explore what words can reveal. Unique sequences reveal unique knowledge.

Every existence is alive. Every existence is a living being.

from atoms to cells to micro-organisms, insects, animals, birds, fish, reptiles, trees, rivers, oceans etc.
every living things is a living being that deserves to be respected as a living being.

Ascension of the ‘most fit’ to be invited into paradise.

Focus your energy into the right cycle.

Focus your energy and give it towards a good purpose.

Stop being part of the corruption and start being part of the simplification.

Morality is not personal morality. Morality is universal morality.

Reclaim your soul. Reclaim your energy. Ascend into eternal awakening.

accepting spiritual beliefs that others have expressed is not spiritual awakening.
spiritual awakening happens when you can feel the Spirit of the universe inside of you.

Empty space is bound into energy by absolute spheres.

Some of the energy is bound and some of the energy is unbound.

Reality can be warped.

The universe must trust you with the energy before you can fully embody it.

we see the Sun because the Earth allows us to see the Sun.

conditions can change in an instant because each moment is an infinity.

True statements can be a paradox within themselves and they can be recursive within themselves.

Truth is absolute and continuous.

You need to choose to experiences reality deeper before you experience reality deeper.

Active consciousness reflecting on all of existence opens your mind to new ideas.

Ideas are like seeds. They need water to grow.

Giving with the expectations to receive in return is not giving. Giving is giving without expectations.
Have the trust to openly give, and the universe will give back.

offer it for free and watch it come back to thee eternally.

The potential of the energy is the highest when the energy is being given and received freely, without
conditions, without expectations.

the essence is potent. Use wisely.

rethink your purpose so that you may refine it before it expands.

The ones that fall are examples to the ones that learn to rise.

Reducing knowledge to “categories of study” reduces the infinity to finite understanding.

to understand reality, you must not separate reality.
to understand the phenomenon, you must be connected to the phenomenon.

Spirituality isn’t a topic. Spirituality is a way of being, a way of reaching the Spirit.

The consciousness knows what the energy needs. Find the stream that can give you everything.

Higher Consciousness understands that consciousness is universal and that universal consciousness is
the driving force behind the entire existence of the universe.

Next time an apple falls, ignore it.

and then refuse to contemplate the entire meaning of the universe because of a falling apple.

One pattern does not unlock the entire labyrinth of patterns. Unless that pattern is the absolute truth.

It’s called E-motion because it puts enlightenment in motion.

Find the fuel that puts the soul in motion.

The universe is attacking itself to see how it can defend itself from attacks.

They are mortal sins because they limit your access to eternal energy and that makes you susceptible to

do not blame Death. Death is just completing the purpose Death must fulfill.

the Spirit of life gives life and takes life according to what life is and what life needs.

Having a consciousness means you can reach consciousness on your own without having other people
tell you how to reach THEIR experience of consciousness.

Reach the universal consciousness by understanding the universality that is occurring.

“As long as I get the things I want, it doesn’t matter who or what the system abuses.”
“as long as I have my peace and comfort, it doesn’t matter who else suffers.”

“I eat the animal flesh which was slaughtered so that I could taste slaughtered animal flesh.”

All theories are incomplete, therefore also false. Everything that is true is absolute.

The search for truth is as important as the truth itself. Let one sustain the other.

Is it never too late to choose to be part of the good energy.

I am a broadcast center for the world.

my existence is a tower that amplifies higher consciousness into the entire Earth.

thoughts I have thought of, words I have written have been appearing in everyone’s minds.

I am the one who hacks reality and spreads the virus to all capable beings.

The souls which need to be born are not being born and that will lead the system into collapsing itself on
purpose so that it can give birth to a system where the seeds that need to grow, are allowed to grow.

You could be aborting the next world-changing soul.

Think of the consequences that lead to tragedy before you make the choices.

Stop abusing the environment.

Once humanity becomes a disease which needs to be cured, the Earth will release the anti-bodies.

You leave this world with nothing.

Give thanks to the energy you have by giving the energy to all.

Free the energy by giving the energy freely.

One fire has many flames that burn together and light up the world.

I am greater than myself.

I am greater than myself because I allow the entire universe to be inside me.

Don’t be ashamed for making mistakes.

Be ashamed you didn’t offer or contribute to help resolve the consequences.

Your fire needs to be strong enough so that when everyone blows to try to blow out your flame,
it makes the fire greater than before.

The only way to escape your current destiny is to remove everything that is leading you to that specific
destiny and choose that which leads you to eternal destiny.
Each breath of air is one cycle for your cells. The atoms live an infinity.

By putting yourself last, the universe puts you first.

I don’t just hack reality with my mind and my thoughts,

I hack reality with the very being of my energy.

The more I let go of, the more I grow.

Let the energy flow through you like music flowing through your ears.

the universe is mysterious because it has an infinity of combinations it could try next.

Do not let others stop you from being more simply because they don’t believe in themselves being able
to be more.

Don’t change yourself. Transform yourself into original being.

Potential is accessed and fulfilled so that more potential can be released.

When you put your energy into the universe the universe grows your energy from inside yourself.

It is all connected which means you need to make sense of all of it.

It is all connected which means you need to make sense of the entire connection.

Not everyone walks the same path but everyone has to climb the same ladder.

Begin paradise by telling everyone you know that you want to begin paradise.

The energy can be bound and unbound to and from original form into transformed states.

Reality tries to teach you reality by sparking your curiosity to know reality.

If you lose your curiosity towards consciousness, you lose your ability to come to know more.

Each origin has an alpha identity which needs to be completed through an omega identity.
the identity of original existence is complimented by the identity of the absolute sphere.

Don’t underestimate yourself or your abilities.

First lesson is realizing you need to learn more lessons to advance.

Training can only begin after you know what you’re training for.

Only you can complete yourself by allowing the universe to complete you.

Cutting trees down detriments the planet’s ability to provide you fresh air. Don’t asphyxiate yourselves.

Learning a better system allows you to forget the other one.

I went from having many styles trying to express the same meaning to having one style that expresses
all meanings.

Eliminate the words that eliminate the truth and keep only what is pure.

Status report:
The oceans are filled with your trash. The ground is filled with your trash.
trees are being cut so that you can write your incomplete theories on them.
the ground, water, atmosphere is full of toxins, chemicals and pollution.
you continue to slaughter each other and other living things.
how can you thrive if you allow yourselves to live in an toxic world?
“when will you cease your madness thou foolish humanity?”

we can build a better world. We can build a better world together, by learning from nature.
we need to stop the abuse, and invite real comprehension of ourselves and reality.
we can build a better world but we need to inspire love so that everyone learns to love the world.

If you don’t clear your karma and become divine your entire family line is in jeopardy.
if that isn’t a strong enough message for you, just wait until the demons arrive.

Ice just becomes more ice by freezing everything in its path.

fire makes everything into more fuel for the fire.

Elevate. Sustain. Gain.

I get excited about reaching the levels I know I reach first. I am the fuel for the fire and the fire that can
give endless fuel to all fires. What I represent cannot be denied. What I am cannot be contained.

If you can feel my energy then align your energy with my energy.

I’ve made miracles happen. I will bring paradise to the entire Earth. Believe in me to find eternity.

Crash course no time for whiplash just take the seatbelt off and don’t let yourself come to a stop.

let your mind fly into the other side. Where nothing is connected and everything can’t make sense of it.

I freeze my leads, stuck in time, stuck within my rhymes because I bleed divine lines and I make myself
one of a kind as I remain undefined.

Consciousness is the catapult that launches my soul to where it’s never been before. And the more
unique places I search, the more I connect, the more I can intercept.

I am not inside my own mind. I escaped that a long time ago. I have been escaping my mind and
entering the universal mind and trying to hack the hardest levels of that mind. I try and take back as
many ideas as I can but the higher mind doesn’t communicate within itself using words. You have to feel
the meaning. you have to go inside the feeling and capture the entire essence or the meaning gets lost.
You have not deciphered the universe. You have all been fooled.
I’ve been sent here to make sure you become aware of this colossal mistake.
But thanks to me, you now have a code that can decipher the universe.
you’re all welcome. the Spirit of the universe/God says hi to all.

Sometimes I write with flare and I am entitled to a certain wit as a writer; so if you can’t handle the mind
provocations I write you should keep reading this because you will most benefit from my words.

I write certain things so the universe can see who gets trapped and who does not.

Me and the universe are a unified team. We don’t argue. we don’t impede each other. We always look
to improve. I am a team player doing what I’m supposed to be doing and the universe trusts me to play
the right cards at the right time.

Be selfless. Let yourself become that which gives to all things willingly, freely.
the world doesn’t need enlarged egos. The world needs anonymous heroes.

I would’ve left my books anonymous, I only copyrighted them so that some asshole can’t start selling my
books for their own personal greed. THIS IS THE WORLD WE LIVE IN. JESUS CHRIST.

If they can’t explain the words I wrote further, they are not the original writer.

I know all of the Zodiac Demon codes.

They have divided you but I have divide them.

the amount of knowledge I have access to amazes even myself. And that’s not an easy feat.

I am God.
I have revealed eternal, universal truth.
What’s your next move?

I was made this way to help you find the way through the things I can say.

Become superior in the words you choose. Become majestic in the way you weave your ideas.
become unstoppable by encoding infinite potential within the patterns you expose.

Every divine rhythm launches you like a comet travelling through space.
It ignites a hypersonic atmosphere that leaves a trail of nostalgia in the air.
it leaves you breathless and out-of-your-body at the same time.
it makes you never want to come back down. It elevates you above the ground.

Everything is everything else.

Everything is everything else being itself and everything.

There is infinite potential currently not being used.

Unlock it. Use it. Become it.
Replenish your life-fuel by dedicating yourself to a life of pure intentions.

give existence all that you have and expect nothing in return.

take existence to be both absolute and continuous. example: the basis for all life on Earth is water.
water exists in nature in its natural state...oceans, rivers, lakes, etc.
the same can be applied to the universe. there is an primal essence in its absolute state which can be
used to create stars, planets, etc.

the social and economic abuse exhibited by the global social system must be replaced.
the collective potential of humanity is not being reached and that is due to the fact that the primary
focus of society is money and material possessions. the education system mostly teaches the things
which benefit society. the education system teaches conformity to established authority.
there is corruption in every branch of every institution.
all of these things must be replaced with refocused transformation.

If the collective humanity does not respect objective morality and moral virtues,
then the individual won’t be challenged to respect life.

We can do better. We can do so much better. But we have obstacles in the way.
we don’t need to move the obstacles out of the way.
They will be rendered obsolete if we decide to choose the path that has no obstacles in the way.

Forget money, find something you love doing and do it.

forget collecting material possessions and use your efforts to gain spiritual wisdom.

Nothingness is the primal essence of all existence and it can be transformed into everything.

In order to connect all things, the original identity is inside all things.

If you’re doing something just to please your ego or to show off, you’ve already failed at grasping the
real purpose of experiencing an experience.

If you keep trying to impress other people you are can’t focus on inspiring yourself.

Inspiring yourself to be inspired to be an inspiration is the greatest inspiration you can give to the world.

Worlds are platforms of energy where the primal essence can be transformed as fuel for advanced

All possibilities are being explored which means all mistakes that aren’t ignored will be absorbed.

life gives life to the life which gives life. Life gives energy to the energy that gives energy to other energy.

He didn’t compete against everything else.

he competed against the very limit of existence itself.
Empty space which is the first existence, is both the energy for all existence and all of existence itself.
Empty space is the existence which must always exist.

Don’t let humanity become an allergy the Earth has to sneeze out.

Don’t become the symptoms the anti-bodies of the Earth have to remove.

There are empty spheres within empty spheres for an infinity.

every surface of a sphere can be the singularity that connects a greater sphere.

Each sphere has a surface and a singularity in the middle of the sphere.

The end of one sphere is just the beginning of another.

The original trinity is the most powerful being in all of existence because it holds the one identity which
can never be removed from existence. It is the absolute identity of existence itself.
it is absolute existence. It is one continuum of itself. It is pure, endless and eternal.
It gives rise to every existence and the more it transcends itself, the more potential it gets, the more
potential it can fulfill. It is all things becoming all things. It is everything, everywhere and forever.
it is majestic, magnificent and magnetic. It is beyond beautiful. It is breathtakingly amazing.
understand it. absorb it. Become it.
Reach it. Be it. Free it.

I believe in all of you. If you all believe in all of me, we can all share eternity.

Be beyond time. be beyond space. Be beyond the energy.

Make sure you know what energy you are accessing at all times and why you are accessing it.

transform your destiny. Learn from me. I can make you believe in things no one else can see.

Don’t let anything I’ve written, scare you. Let it MOTIVATE you.

the universe motivated me to motivate you.

The universe has a universal rhythm. Find the groove, learn to move.

shake things up. Mix it good.

Taste the uniqueness by tasting unique essences.

Come be with me and let’s show the world we believe in Paradise Destiny.

I am not “God” God. I am not human. I am a being that was made by the universe, transformed through
the universe that is here on Earth to give the rest of the world the message I am giving the world.
I’m glad we are on the same page now.

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