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No ICD-10

1 P03.4
2 O42.0
3 O41.0
4 P59.9
5 O80.8
6 A09.0
7 J18.0
8 A91
9 M79.88
10 O32.1
11 P07.1
12 O34.2
13 O32.2
14 K30
15 K37
16 K40.3
17 J35.0
18 H81.4
19 P39.9
20 O66.0
21 P22.9
22 O32.4
23 D24
24 A01.0
25 I64
26 J18.9
27 J44.1
28 O13
29 J45.9
30 R56.0
31 O66.9
32 E13.5
33 N39.0
34 A49.9
35 I84.9
36 O44.0
37 E11.4
38 J06.9
39 O21.0
40 Z47.0
41 O47.0
42 P12.9
43 J06.8
44 I50.9
45 O14.9
46 N47
47 Z03.8
48 B34.9
49 D25.9
50 G40.9
51 I86.1
52 M79.84
53 N83.2
54 P21.1
55 N40
56 R51
57 N30.9
58 R11
59 D21.0
60 O33.0
61 T78.2
62 I25.2
63 K56.7
64 O14.1
65 A06.0
66 A90
67 I20.0
68 K92.0
69 K92.1
70 L02.8
71 N93.9
72 O99.0
73 K56.0
74 P21.0
75 P22.8
76 S06.0
77 T14.1
78 A01.4
79 J20.9
80 N13.2
81 N13.3
82 N60.2
83 O21.1
84 O36.9
85 O99.8
86 R10.0
87 E04.1
88 K60.3
89 N21.0
90 O33.9
91 T88.6
92 I25.1
93 I63.9
94 O44.1
95 O62.1
96 S01.5
97 S52.50
98 S62.60
99 I48
100 M79.86
101 O00.9
102 O36.8
103 O63.0
104 O63.1
105 O68.9
106 O81.4
107 P03.3
108 P36.9
109 S43.0
110 J39.3
111 K27.4
112 K61.0
113 L02.9
114 L72.9
115 M19.99
116 M24.5
117 M79.85
118 N21.1
119 O02.0
120 O36.4
121 T63.0
122 T78.0
123 T84.7
124 A41.9
125 D21.3
126 E11.5
127 E16.2
128 F41.9
129 G04.9
130 G44.2
131 H66.9
132 I10
133 J36
134 K81.0
135 K81.9
136 L03.9
137 L98.4
138 M51.2
139 M54.5
140 N13.1
141 N13.6
142 N45.9
143 N80.1
144 O15.0
145 O42.1
146 P77
147 S42.40
148 B08.4
149 B37.0
150 C50.9
151 C53.9
152 D69.3
153 H81.2
154 I11.9
155 J44.9
156 K12.2
157 K74.6
158 K80.8
159 L02.1
160 L02.2
161 M79.81
162 N11.0
163 N18.5
164 N18.9
165 N43.3
166 N61
167 O01.9
168 O05.4
169 O06.4
170 O23.4
171 O24.9
172 O33.5
173 O60.3
174 O72.2
175 P21.9
176 P23.9
177 S82.30
178 Z30.2
179 B90.9
180 D21.4
181 D29.2
182 D61.8
183 D61.9
184 D64.9
185 E04.9
186 E16.1
187 E83.5
188 G63.2
189 H60.0
190 H81.1
191 I11.0
192 I84.5
193 I84.7
194 J18.8
195 J33.9
196 K12.1
197 K27.0
198 K35.2
199 K65.9
200 K75.0
201 K83.1
202 L01.0
203 L02.4
204 L04.0
205 L23.6
206 M10.06
207 M10.90
208 M10.96
209 M67.4
210 M79.8
211 M79.80
212 N20.1
213 N48.1
214 N70.9
215 O26.0
216 O46.9
217 O73.0
218 O98.4
219 P36.5
220 P38
221 P74.1
222 Q43.1
223 R33
224 S42.00
225 S72.80
226 S82.00
227 S92.00
228 S92.30
229 T30.0
230 T78.4
231 A04.9
232 A09.9
233 A16.9
234 B01.9
235 B05.9
236 B17.9
237 C56
238 C61
239 D10.0
240 D10.1
241 D10.9
242 D11.0
243 D12.9
244 D21.9
245 D23.0
246 D23.2
247 D27
248 D37.0
249 D40.1
250 D50.9
251 D69.0
252 D72.8
253 E05.9
254 E11.0
255 E11.7
256 E11.9
257 E13.4
258 E42
259 E87.6
260 F05.9
261 F20.9
262 F23.9
263 F44.9
264 F99
265 G20
266 G41.9
267 G45.0
268 G54.2
269 G56.0
270 G61.0
271 G62.9
272 G81.9
273 G93.4
274 H10.9
275 H11.3
276 H61.0
277 H93.1
278 I05.9
279 I21.4
280 I24.9
281 I27.8
282 I42.7
283 I44.1
284 I44.2
285 I47.2
286 I50.0
287 I84.2
288 I85.0
289 I88.9
290 J21.9
291 J34.0
292 J47
293 J93.9
294 K22.9
295 K31.9
296 K35.3
297 K36
298 K40.0
299 K40.9
300 K41.3
301 K42.9
302 K52.8
303 K59.0
304 K60.2
305 K62.5
306 K71.0
307 K74.5
308 K81.1
309 L03.1
310 L03.8
311 L04.2
312 L20.9
313 L27.9
314 L50.0
315 L50.9
316 L72.8
317 L89.9
318 M00.86
319 M06.84
320 M08.09
321 M10.9
322 M24.52
323 M43.6
324 M62.89
325 M65.44
326 M65.9
327 M65.92
328 M65.94
329 M66.54
330 M79.1
331 M79.82
332 M84.37
333 M86.95
334 N00.8
335 N00.9
336 N10
337 N11.1
338 N12
339 N13.5
340 N17.9
341 N21.9
342 N23
343 N28.1
344 N30.0
345 N41.1
346 N48.5
347 N48.8
348 N50.8
349 N70.1
350 N75.0
351 N80.9
352 N83.0
353 N83.5
354 N84.1
355 N94.6
356 O00.8
357 O15.9
358 O20.0
359 O23.3
360 O26.9
361 O30.0
362 O32.9
363 O36.5
364 O40
365 O41.8
366 O41.9
367 O43.1
368 O48
369 O60.1
370 O61.0
371 O62.2
372 O66.8
373 O69.4
374 O70.3
375 O73.1
376 O82.8
377 O90.1
378 O90.9
379 O98.8
380 O99.4
381 P22.0
382 P29.1
383 P36.8
384 P39.1
385 P70.4
386 P76.0
387 P81.9
388 Q37.9
389 Q44.5
390 Q66.3
391 Q89.2
392 R02
393 R04.0
394 R04.2
395 R31
396 R50.9
397 R55
398 R56.8
399 R57.2
400 S00.9
401 S01.9
402 S02.41
403 S06.01
404 S22.30
405 S31.2
406 S31.3
407 S31.4
408 S37.21
409 S42.0
410 S53.1
411 S61.0
412 S61.8
413 S61.9
414 S62.30
415 S64.1
416 S65.5
417 S66.1
418 S67.0
419 S68.1
420 S68.3
421 S72.40
422 S81.9
423 S82.80
424 S86.9
425 S92.31
426 S97.0
427 S97.8
428 T14.0
429 T19.9
430 T30.2
431 T60.0
432 T65.8
433 T75.4
434 T78.3
435 T79.3
436 T81.3
437 T83.3
438 T84.0
439 T84.4
440 Z53.0
Deskripsi Jumlah
Fetus and newborn affected by caesarean delivery 1,009
Premature rupture of membranes, onset of labour within 24 hours 469
Oligohydramnios 260
Neonatal jaundice, unspecified 236
Other single spontaneous delivery 177
Other and unspecified gastroenteritis and colitis of infectious origin 146
Bronchopneumonia, unspecified 131
Dengue haemorrhagic fever 90
Other specified soft tissue disorders, other site 90
Maternal care for breech presentation 89
Other low birth weight 84
Maternal care due to uterine scar from previous surgery 80
Maternal care for transverse and oblique lie 76
Dyspepsia 65
Unspecified appendicitis 54
Unilateral or unspecified inguinal hernia, with obstruction, without gangrene 49
Chronic tonsillitis 47
Vertigo of central origin 45
Infection specific to the perinatal period, unspecified 45
Obstructed labour due to shoulder dystocia 41
Respiratory distress of newborn, unspecified 40
Maternal care for high head at term 38
Benign neoplasm of breast 37
Typhoid fever 35
Stroke, not specified as haemorrhage or infarction 33
Pneumonia, unspecified 33
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with acute exacerbation, unspecified 33
Gestational [pregnancy-induced] hypertension without signification proteinuria 32
Asthma, unspecified 31
Febrile convulsions 31
Obstructed labour, unspecified 30
Other specified diabetes mellitus with peripheral circulatory complications 29
Urinary tract infection, site not specified 27
Bacterial infection, unspecified 26
Unspecified haemorrhoids without complication 26
Placenta praevia specified as without haemorrhage 26
Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with neurological complications 25
Acute upper respiratory infection, unspecified 25
Mild hyperemesis gravidarum 24
Follow-up care involving removal of fracture plate and other internal fixation device 24
False labour before 37 completed weeks of gestation 23
Birth injury to scalp, unspecified 23
Other acute upper respiratory infections of multiple sites 22
Heart failure, unspecified 21
Pre-eclampsia, unspecified 20
Redundant prepuce, phimosis and paraphimosis 18
Observation for other suspected diseases and conditions 18
Viral infection, unspecified 17
Leiomyoma of uterus, unspecified 17
Epilepsy, unspecified 17
Scrotal varices 17
Other specified soft tissue disorders, hand 17
Other and unspecified ovarian cysts 17
Mild and moderate birth asphyxia 16
Hyperplasia of prostate 15
Headache 15
Cystitis, unspecified 14
Nausea and vomiting 14
Benign neoplasm, connective and other soft tissue of head, face and neck 13
Maternal care for disproportion due to deformity of maternal pelvic bones 13
Anaphylactic shock, unspecified 13
Old myocardial infarction 12
Ileus, unspecified 12
Severe pre-eclampsia 12
Acute amoebic dysentery 11
Dengue fever [classical dengue] 11
Unstable angina 11
Haematemesis 11
Melaena 11
Cutaneous abscess, furuncle and carbuncle of other sites 11
Abnormal uterine and vaginal bleeding, unspecified 11
Anaemia complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium 11
Paralytic ileus 10
Severe birth asphyxia 10
Other respiratory distress of newborn 10
Concussion 10
Open wound of unspecified body region 10
Paratyphoid fever, unspecified 9
Acute bronchitis, unspecified 9
Hydronephrosis with renal and ureteral calculous obstruction 9
Other and unspecified hydronephrosis 9
Fibroadenosis of breast 9
Hyperemesis gravidarum with metabolic disturbance 9
Maternal care for fetal problem, unspecified 9
Other specified diseases and conditions complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium 9
Acute abdomen 9
Nontoxic single thyroid nodule 8
Anal fistula 8
Calculus in bladder 8
Maternal care for disproportion, unspecified 8
Anaphylactic shock due adverse effect of correct drug or medicament properly administered 8
Atherosclerotic heart disease 7
Cerebral infarction, unspecified 7
Placenta praevia with haemorrhage 7
Secondary uterine inertia 7
Open wound of lip and oral cavity 7
Fracture of lower end of radius, closed 7
Fracture of other finger , closed 7
Atrial fibrillation and flutter 6
Other specified soft tissue disorders, lower leg 6
Ectopic pregnancy, unspecified 6
Maternal care for other specified fetal problems 6
Prolonged first stage of labour 6
Prolonged second stage of labour 6
Labour and delivery complicated by fetal stress, unspecified 6
Vacuum extractor delivery 6
Fet and newborn affected deliv vacuum extractor ventouse 6
Bacterial sepsis of newborn, unspecified 6
Dislocation of shoulder joint 6
Upper respiratory tract hypersensitivity reaction, site unspecified 5
Peptic ulcer, chronic or unspecified with haemorrhage 5
Anal abscess 5
Cutaneous abscess, furuncle and carbuncle, unspecified 5
Follicular cyst of skin and subcutaneous tissue, unspecified 5
Arthrosis, unspecified, unspecified site 5
Contracture of joint 5
Other specified soft tissue disorders, pelvic and thigh 5
Calculus in urethra 5
Blighted ovum and nonhydatidiform mole 5
Maternal care for intrauterine death 5
Toxic effect, snake venom 5
Anaphylactic shock due to adverse food reaction 5
Infection and inflammatory reaction due to other internal orthopedic prosthetic devices, implants an 5
Septicaemia, unspecified 4
Benign neoplasm, connective and other soft tissue of thorax 4
Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with peripheral circulatory complications 4
Hypoglycaemia, unspecified 4
Anxiety disorder, unspecified 4
Encephalitis, myelitis and encephalomyelitis, unspecified 4
Tension-type headache 4
Otitis media, unspecified 4
Essential (primary) hypertension 4
Peritonsillar abscess 4
Acute cholecystitis 4
Cholecystitis, unspecified 4
Cellulitis, unspecified 4
Chronic ulcer of skin, not elsewhere classified 4
Other specified intervertebral disc displacement 4
Low back pain 4
Hydronephrosis with ureteral stricture not elsewhere classified 4
Pyonephrosis 4
Orchitis epididymitis and epididymo-orchitis without abscess 4
Endometriosis of ovary 4
Eclampsia in pregnancy 4
Premature rupture of membranes, onset of labour after 24 hours 4
Necrotizing enterocolitis of fetus and newborn 4
Fracture of lower end of humerus, closed 4
Enteroviral vesicular stomatitis with exanthem 3
Candidal stomatitis 3
Malignant neoplasm, breast, unspecified 3
Malignant neoplasm, cervix uteri, unspecified 3
Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura 3
Vestibular neuronitis 3
Hypertensive heart disease without (congestive) heart failure 3
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, unspecified 3
Cellulitis and abscess of mouth 3
Other and unspecified cirrhosis of liver 3
Other cholelithiasis 3
Cutaneous abscess, furuncle and carbuncle of neck 3
Cutaneous abscess, furuncle and carbuncle of trunk 3
Other specified soft tissue disorders, shoulder region 3
Nonobstructive reflux-associated chronic pyelonephritis 3
Chronic kidney disease, stage 5 3
Chronic renal failure, unspecified 3
Hydrocele, unspecified 3
Inflammatory disorders of breast 3
Hydatidiform mole, unspecified 3
Other abortion, incomplete, without complication 3
Unspecified abortion, incomplete, without complication 3
Unspecified infection of urinary tract in pregnancy 3
Diabetes mellitus in pregnancy, unspecified 3
Maternal care for disproportion due to unusually large fetus 3
Preterm delivery without spontaneous labour 3
Delayed and secondary postpartum haemorrhage 3
Birth asphyxia, unspecified 3
Congenital pneumonia, unspecified 3
Fracture of lower end of tibia, closed 3
Sterilization 3
Sequelae of respiratory and unspecified tuberculosis 2
Benign neoplasm, connective and other soft tissue of abdomen 2
Benign neoplasm, testis 2
Other specified aplastic anaemias 2
Aplastic anaemia, unspecified 2
Anaemia, unspecified 2
Nontoxic goitre, unspecified 2
Other hypoglycaemia 2
Disorders of calcium metabolism 2
Diabetic polyneuropathy 2
Abscess of external ear 2
Benign paroxysmal vertigo 2
Hypertensive heart disease with (congestive) heart failure 2
External haemorrhoids without complication 2
Unspecified thrombosed haemorrhoids 2
Other pneumonia, organism unspecified 2
Nasal polyp, unspecified 2
Other forms of stomatitis 2
Peptic ulcer, acute with haemorrhage 2
Acute appendicitis with generalized peritonitis 2
Peritonitis, unspecified 2
Abscess of liver 2
Obstruction of bile duct 2
Impetigo [any organism] [any site] 2
Cutaneous abscess, furuncle and carbuncle of limb 2
Acute lymphadenitis of face, head and neck 2
Allergic contact dermatitis due to food in contact with skin 2
Idiopathic gout, lower leg 2
Gout, unspecified, multiple sites 2
Gout, unspecified, lower leg 2
Ganglion 2
Other specified soft tissue disorders 2
Other specified soft tissue disorders, multiple sites 2
Calculus of ureter 2
Balanoposthitis 2
Salpingitis and oophoritis, unspecified 2
Excessive weight gain in pregnancy 2
Antepartum haemorrhage, unspecified 2
Retained placenta without haemorrhage 2
Viral hepatitis complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium 2
Sepsis of newborn due to anaerobes 2
Omphalitis of newborn with or without mild haemorrhage 2
Dehydration of newborn 2
Hirschsprung's disease 2
Retention of urine 2
Fracture of clavicle, closed 2
Fractures of other parts of femur, closed 2
Fracture of patella, closed 2
Fracture of calcaneus, closed 2
Fracture of metatarsal bone, closed 2
Burn of unspecified body region, unspecified degree 2
Allergy, unspecified 2
Bacterial intestinal infection, unspecified 1
Gastroenteritis and colitis of unspecified origin 1
Resp tb unspec without mention of bact or hist confirm 1
Varicella without complication 1
Measles without complication 1
Acute viral hepatitis, unspecified 1
Malignant neoplasm of ovary 1
Malignant neoplasm of prostate 1
Benign neoplasm, lip 1
Benign neoplasm, tongue 1
Benign neoplasm, pharynx, unspecified 1
Benign neoplasm, parotid gland 1
Benign neoplasm, anus and anal canal 1
Benign neoplasm, connective and other soft tissue, unspecified 1
Benign neoplasm, skin of lip 1
Benign neoplasm, skin of ear and external auricular canal 1
Benign neoplasm of ovary 1
Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of lip, oral cavity and pharynx 1
Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of testis 1
Iron deficiency anaemia, unspecified 1
Allergic purpura 1
Other specified disorders of white blood cells 1
Thyrotoxicosis, unspecified 1
Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with coma 1
Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with multiple complications 1
Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus without complications 1
Other specified diabetes mellitus with neurological complications 1
Marasmic kwashiorkor 1
Hypokalaemia 1
Delirium, unspecified 1
Schizophrenia, unspecified 1
Acute and transient psychotic disorder, unspecified 1
Dissociative [conversion] disorder, unspecified 1
Mental disorder, not otherwise specified 1
Parkinson's disease 1
Status epilepticus, unspecified 1
Vertebro-basilar artery syndrome 1
Cervical root disorders, not elsewhere classified 1
Carpal tunnel syndrome 1
Guillain-barre syndrome 1
Polyneuropathy, unspecified 1
Hemiplegia, unspecified 1
Encephalopathy, unspecified 1
Conjunctivitis, unspecified 1
Conjunctival haemorrhage 1
Perichondritis of external ear 1
Tinnitus 1
Mitral valve disease, unspecified 1
Acute subendocardial myocardial infarction 1
Acute ischaemic heart disease, unspecified 1
Other specified pulmonary heart diseases 1
Cardiomyopathy due to drugs and other external agents 1
Atrioventricular block, second degree 1
Atrioventricular block, complete 1
Ventricular tachycardia 1
Congestive heart failure 1
Internal haemorrhoids without complication 1
Oesophageal varices with bleeding 1
Nonspecific lymphadenitis, unspecified 1
Acute bronchiolitis, unspecified 1
Abscess, furuncle and carbuncle of nose 1
Bronchiectasis 1
Pneumothorax, unspecified 1
Disease of oesophagus, unspecified 1
Disease of stomach and duodenum, unspecified 1
Acute appendicitis with localized peritonitis 1
Other appendicitis 1
Bilateral inguinal hernia, with obstruction, without gangrene 1
Unilateral or unspecified inguinal hernia, without obstruction or gangrene 1
Unilateral or unspecified femoral hernia, with obstruction, without gangrene 1
Umbilical hernia without obstruction or gangrene 1
Other specified noninfective gastroenteritis and colitis 1
Constipation 1
Anal fissure, unspecified 1
Haemorrhage of anus and rectum 1
Toxic liver disease with cholestasis 1
Biliary cirrhosis, unspecified 1
Chronic cholecystitis 1
Cellulitis of other parts of limb 1
Cellulitis of other sites 1
Acute lymphadenitis of upper limb 1
Atopic dermatitis, unspecified 1
Dermatitis due to unspecified substance taken internally 1
Allergic urticaria 1
Urticaria, unspecified 1
Other follicular cysts of skin and subcutaneous tissue 1
Decubitus ulcer and pressure area, unspecified 1
Arthritis and polyarthritis due other specified bacterial agents, lower leg 1
Other specified rheumatoid arthritis, hand 1
Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, unspecified site 1
Gout, unspecified 1
Contracture of joint, upper arm 1
Torticollis 1
Other specified disorders of muscle, site unspecified 1
Radial styloid tenosynovitis [de quervain], hand 1
Synovitis and tenosynovitis, unspecified 1
Synovitis and tenosynovitis, unspecified, upper arm 1
Synovitis and tenosynovitis, unspecified, hand 1
Spontaneous rupture of unspecified tendon, hand 1
Myalgia 1
Other specified soft tissue disorders, upper arm 1
Stress fracture, not elsewhere classified, ankle and foot 1
Osteomyelitis, unspecified, pelvic and thigh 1
Acute nephritic syndrome, other 1
Acute nephritic syndrome, unspecified 1
Acute tubulo-interstitial nephritis 1
Chronic obstructive pyelonephritis 1
Tubulo-interstitial nephritis not specified as acute or chronic 1
Kinking and stricture of ureter without hydronephrosis 1
Acute renal failure, unspecified 1
Calculus of lower urinary tract, unspecified 1
Unspecified renal colic 1
Cyst of kidney, acquired 1
Acute cystitis 1
Chronic prostatitis 1
Ulcer of penis 1
Other specified disorders of penis 1
Other specified disorders of male genital organs 1
Chronic salpingitis and oophoritis 1
Cyst of Bartholin's gland 1
Endometriosis, unspecified 1
Follicular cyst of ovary 1
Torsion of ovary, ovarian pedicle and fallopian tube 1
Polyp of cervix uteri 1
Dysmenorrhoea, unspecified 1
Other ectopic pregnancy 1
Eclampsia, unspecified as to time period 1
Threatened abortion 1
Infections of other parts of urinary tract in pregnancy 1
Pregnancy-related condition, unspecified 1
Twin pregnancy 1
Maternal care for malpresentation of fetus, unspecified 1
Maternal care for poor fetal growth 1
Polyhydramnios 1
Other specified disorders of amniotic fluid and membranes 1
Disorder of amniotic fluid and membranes, unspecified 1
Malformation of placenta 1
Prolonged pregnancy 1
Preterm labour with preterm delivery 1
Failed medical induction of labour 1
Other uterine inertia 1
Other specified obstructed labour 1
Labour and delivery complicated by vasa praevia 1
Fourth degree perineal laceration during delivery 1
Retained portions of placenta and membranes, without haemorrhage 1
Other single delivery by caesarean section 1
Disruption of perineal obstetric wound 1
Complication of the puerperium, unspecified 1
Other maternal infectious parasitic diseases complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium 1
Diseases of the circulatory system complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium 1
Respiratory distress syndrome of newborn 1
Neonatal cardiac dysrhythmia 1
Other bacterial sepsis of newborn 1
Neonatal conjunctivitis and dacryocystitis 1
Other neonatal hypoglycaemia 1
Meconium plug syndrome 1
Disturbance of temperature regulation of newborn 1
Unspecified cleft palate with unilateral cleft lip 1
Other congenital malformations of bile ducts 1
Other congenital varus deformities of feet 1
Congenital malformations of other endocrine glands 1
Gangrene, not elsewhere classified 1
Epistaxis 1
Haemoptysis 1
Unspecified haematuria 1
Fever, unspecified 1
Syncope and collapse 1
Other and unspecified convulsions 1
Septic shock 1
Superficial injury of head, part unspecified 1
Open wound of head, part unspecified 1
Fracture of malar and maxillary bones, open 1
Concussion, with open intracranial wound 1
Fracture of rib, closed 1
Open wound of penis 1
Open wound of scrotum and testes 1
Open wound of vagina and vulva 1
Injury of bladder, with open wound into cavity 1
Fracture of clavicle 1
Dislocation of elbow, unspecified 1
Open wound of finger(s) without damage to nail 1
Open wound of other parts of wrist and hand 1
Open wound of wrist and hand part, part unspecified 1
Fracture of other metacarpal bone, closed 1
Injury of median nerve at wrist and hand level 1
Injury of blood vessel(s) of other finger 1
Injury of flexor muscle and tendon of other finger at wrist and hand level 1
Crushing injury of thumb and other finger(s) 1
Traumatic amputation of other single finger (complete)(partial) 1
Combination traumatic amputation of (part of) finger(s) with other parts wrist and hand 1
Fracture of lower end of femur, closed 1
Open wound of lower leg, part unspecified 1
Fractures of other parts of lower leg, closed 1
Injury of unspecified muscle and tendon at lower leg level 1
Fracture of metatarsal bone , open 1
Crushing injury of ankle 1
Crushing injury of other parts of ankle and foot 1
Superficial injury of unspecified body region 1
Foreign body in genitourinary tract, part unspecified 1
Burn of second degree, body region unspecified 1
Toxic effect, organophosphate and carbamate insecticides 1
Toxic effect of other specified substances 1
Effects of electric current 1
Angioneurotic oedema 1
Post-traumatic wound infection, not elsewhere classified 1
Disruption of operation wound, not elsewhere classified 1
Mechanical complication of intrauterine contraceptive device 1
Mechanical complication of internal joint prosthesis 1
Mechanical complication of other internal orthopaedic devices, implants and grafts 1
Procedure not carried out because of contraindication 1
ALOS Subtotal INA-CBG Penunjang HPP Laboratorium HPP Radiologi
2.5 3,566,111,200 - - 13,844,700 10,649,769 170,000
2.4 2,338,772,500 5,878,000 4,521,538 97,577,800 75,059,846 1,467,000
2.6 1,263,786,200 2,225,000 1,711,538 54,262,100 41,740,077 2,875,000
3.9 826,534,500 - - 40,572,200 31,209,385 855,000
2.2 321,657,500 3,871,000 2,977,692 26,625,600 20,481,231 125,000
3.5 209,823,700 2,019,000 1,553,077 34,107,100 26,236,231 1,151,000
4.3 516,935,600 95,000 73,077 12,626,600 9,712,769 4,104,000
5.0 117,439,000 1,069,000 822,308 44,151,700 33,962,846 768,000
2.1 355,087,500 475,000 365,385 26,210,100 20,161,615 171,000
2.5 426,214,400 578,000 444,615 20,765,100 15,973,154 625,000
3.4 477,036,700 - - 8,297,600 6,382,769 171,000
2.7 411,161,600 316,000 243,077 19,649,200 15,114,769 125,000
2.4 366,543,600 79,000 60,769 15,305,000 11,773,077 -
3.8 92,107,200 2,548,000 1,960,000 22,933,300 17,641,000 3,918,000
3.3 170,940,600 683,000 525,385 17,940,400 13,800,308 4,135,000
2.5 239,583,700 1,615,000 1,242,308 7,453,100 5,733,154 1,197,000
2.1 164,231,700 202,000 155,385 8,208,200 6,314,000 -
3.5 68,624,100 2,394,000 1,841,538 13,119,200 10,091,692 1,136,000
2.8 84,279,600 - - 5,438,200 4,183,231 -
2.7 197,438,100 1,027,000 790,000 8,800,000 6,769,231 -
4.0 166,287,700 - - 2,698,400 2,075,692 1,310,000
2.8 196,335,600 316,000 243,077 8,571,400 6,593,385 296,000
2.2 186,195,700 380,000 292,308 21,801,000 16,770,000 171,000
4.1 96,271,900 - - 9,142,500 7,032,692 763,000
4.6 124,721,100 2,755,000 2,119,231 21,064,100 16,203,154 4,735,000
5.3 151,798,800 2,637,000 2,028,462 16,056,200 12,350,923 7,195,000
4.7 111,774,400 2,892,000 2,224,615 13,931,100 10,716,231 5,288,000
2.8 152,660,800 332,000 255,385 8,388,200 6,452,462 250,000
3.7 76,823,200 1,753,000 1,348,462 3,402,000 2,616,923 1,881,000
4.1 89,092,800 - - 2,966,900 2,282,231 -
2.7 139,439,800 678,000 521,538 6,332,200 4,870,923 250,000
4.8 209,544,700 1,277,000 982,308 29,125,100 22,403,923 3,432,000
4.0 76,007,000 772,000 593,846 12,231,200 9,408,615 5,555,000
4.3 69,182,400 - - 4,984,600 3,834,308 -
3.2 125,921,400 570,000 438,462 6,104,000 4,695,385 513,000
2.7 128,816,900 79,000 60,769 7,561,000 5,816,154 296,000
4.5 102,729,200 950,000 730,769 21,367,100 16,436,231 936,000
4.0 56,789,900 - - 3,442,900 2,648,385 171,000
4.1 57,259,400 - - 3,996,000 3,073,846 855,000
2.3 89,610,900 - - 605,000 465,385 968,000
3.1 40,671,800 1,185,000 911,538 3,840,000 2,953,846 1,375,000
2.5 85,860,800 - - 2,453,400 1,887,231 -
4.4 47,205,000 - - 3,794,200 2,918,615 -
5.3 65,641,500 3,864,000 2,972,308 10,671,200 8,208,615 3,078,000
2.8 80,983,000 474,000 364,615 5,993,000 4,610,000 250,000
2.0 20,891,000 190,000 146,154 2,851,000 2,193,077 171,000
3.7 19,711,100 - - 5,304,500 4,080,385 597,000
4.0 23,070,300 - - 3,546,100 2,727,769 526,000
3.6 111,833,800 766,000 589,231 22,427,000 17,251,538 2,006,000
3.7 51,333,500 285,000 219,231 6,564,400 5,049,538 -
2.1 125,651,900 - - 2,450,000 1,884,615 -
2.0 81,184,000 125,000 96,154 3,000,000 2,307,692 -
3.1 106,669,500 665,000 511,538 20,232,000 15,563,077 1,973,000
3.1 71,428,400 - - 1,563,300 1,202,538 -
3.5 75,034,300 760,000 584,615 4,856,000 3,735,385 1,620,000
3.4 32,830,600 95,000 73,077 2,228,000 1,713,846 -
3.8 41,615,800 285,000 219,231 5,183,100 3,987,000 5,167,000
2.9 18,625,200 - - 848,200 652,462 -
2.0 48,243,500 95,000 73,077 3,625,000 2,788,462 -
3.0 64,823,900 158,000 121,538 3,165,000 2,434,615 125,000
2.8 24,044,000 190,000 146,154 1,422,100 1,093,923 -
4.3 23,766,600 2,079,000 1,599,231 5,064,200 3,895,538 1,539,000
3.8 23,940,000 760,000 584,615 5,077,000 3,905,385 4,707,000
3.8 65,407,700 316,000 243,077 4,710,000 3,623,077 375,000
3.5 14,871,200 95,000 73,077 1,961,200 1,508,615 -
3.7 14,304,600 95,000 73,077 2,988,800 2,299,077 171,000
3.6 41,651,200 4,320,000 3,323,077 5,020,000 3,861,538 1,026,000
3.6 15,879,300 594,000 456,923 6,607,400 5,082,615 597,000
4.5 21,659,700 570,000 438,462 6,445,000 4,957,692 1,223,000
2.2 29,005,800 475,000 365,385 2,817,000 2,166,923 342,000
3.7 49,456,000 392,000 301,538 9,929,000 7,637,692 934,000
2.3 42,957,700 316,000 243,077 2,488,200 1,914,000 125,000
4.5 23,176,200 1,100,000 846,154 5,618,600 4,322,000 2,249,000
3.3 52,604,500 - - 1,060,500 815,769 -
5.0 43,185,900 - - 1,342,800 1,032,923 -
2.6 19,668,700 190,000 146,154 1,922,000 1,478,462 3,517,000
2.4 29,113,400 190,000 146,154 2,339,000 1,799,231 584,000
4.9 21,746,900 190,000 146,154 1,906,400 1,466,462 -
4.2 33,393,600 475,000 365,385 2,099,000 1,614,615 1,539,000
3.1 51,811,800 285,000 219,231 1,274,000 980,000 681,000
3.2 36,576,000 95,000 73,077 3,169,200 2,437,846 3,683,000
2.0 47,523,600 - - 4,775,000 3,673,077 -
3.9 21,362,300 - - 1,480,000 1,138,462 125,000
2.7 38,082,400 395,000 303,846 1,875,000 1,442,308 -
2.9 28,598,000 125,000 96,154 1,914,000 1,472,308 250,000
3.9 12,566,400 95,000 73,077 1,813,200 1,394,769 1,783,000
3.4 52,630,000 190,000 146,154 5,006,750 3,851,346 764,000
3.4 39,286,300 285,000 219,231 1,982,000 1,524,615 171,000
3.3 43,170,700 475,000 365,385 1,530,000 1,176,923 1,465,000
2.5 33,401,700 158,000 121,538 1,765,000 1,357,692 125,000
3.3 16,275,300 380,000 292,308 1,503,000 1,156,154 -
4.4 12,360,000 2,189,500 1,684,231 4,132,000 3,178,462 342,000
7.4 32,644,000 760,000 584,615 5,871,000 4,516,154 4,261,000
4.0 19,462,800 237,000 182,308 3,065,500 2,358,077 671,000
2.6 32,127,800 79,000 60,769 1,280,000 984,615 125,000
2.3 19,369,000 - - 1,340,000 1,030,769 585,000
2.4 28,441,600 95,000 73,077 1,346,000 1,035,385 4,527,000
2.3 46,493,500 95,000 73,077 1,666,000 1,281,538 1,865,000
2.2 18,347,900 1,615,000 1,242,308 1,021,100 785,462 342,000
2.0 22,927,600 - - 1,505,000 1,157,692 -
2.8 40,331,300 - - 2,105,000 1,619,231 296,000
2.7 30,652,900 158,000 121,538 1,440,000 1,107,692 -
3.2 31,235,200 237,000 182,308 1,400,000 1,076,923 -
2.5 25,429,900 79,000 60,769 1,325,000 1,019,231 -
2.7 26,954,700 395,000 303,846 1,255,000 965,385 -
2.2 10,066,400 79,000 60,769 875,000 673,077 -
2.2 22,628,000 - - 525,500 404,231 -
4.5 17,762,100 - - 1,056,400 812,615 -
2.3 19,831,600 - - 875,000 673,077 2,662,000
3.6 12,261,400 95,000 73,077 738,200 567,846 171,000
4.4 20,412,100 511,000 393,077 2,638,000 2,029,231 171,000
3.0 30,613,000 95,000 73,077 1,046,000 804,615 -
2.6 18,361,800 190,000 146,154 1,272,000 978,462 171,000
2.0 21,451,900 95,000 73,077 1,596,000 1,227,692 -
3.8 26,371,200 208,000 160,000 1,093,000 840,769 413,000
2.0 21,586,700 95,000 73,077 576,000 443,077 171,000
2.2 21,451,800 95,000 73,077 2,715,000 2,088,462 -
3.0 28,357,600 190,000 146,154 1,017,000 782,308 171,000
2.4 8,228,300 95,000 73,077 1,492,000 1,147,692 -
2.0 9,479,000 - - 835,000 642,308 250,000
2.8 9,662,400 285,000 219,231 1,160,000 892,308 -
3.2 8,939,400 95,000 73,077 440,000 338,462 171,000
2.0 16,271,300 - - - - 484,000
5.0 12,202,300 766,000 589,231 8,638,000 6,644,615 513,000
2.0 19,875,600 95,000 73,077 1,106,000 850,769 171,000
5.0 25,469,800 190,000 146,154 4,277,000 3,290,000 1,068,000
3.8 21,555,900 190,000 146,154 3,551,200 2,731,692 342,000
3.8 8,254,000 95,000 73,077 1,071,000 823,846 -
4.0 10,947,600 - - 1,953,200 1,502,462 171,000
3.8 8,564,400 - - 355,000 273,077 -
5.0 8,655,200 - - 493,200 379,385 -
3.3 9,028,700 380,000 292,308 802,000 616,923 342,000
3.8 9,802,900 - - 445,000 342,308 -
5.3 16,365,700 95,000 73,077 1,646,000 1,266,154 1,591,000
5.8 14,232,200 - - 1,016,000 781,538 1,386,000
4.8 5,494,200 - - 343,200 264,000 242,000
2.3 12,165,800 - - 935,000 719,231 -
3.8 10,428,200 - - 730,000 561,538 999,000
4.3 16,675,600 321,000 246,923 916,000 704,615 486,000
4.0 22,346,500 190,000 146,154 652,000 501,538 342,000
3.3 12,012,600 416,000 320,000 1,963,000 1,510,000 1,278,000
3.3 13,696,000 - - 500,000 384,615 255,000
3.0 24,272,500 95,000 73,077 2,558,000 1,967,692 171,000
3.3 22,157,600 - - 920,000 707,692 125,000
2.8 19,633,600 158,000 121,538 1,325,000 1,019,231 -
5.3 5,182,400 - - 1,270,000 976,923 513,000
2.8 19,884,200 - - 175,000 134,615 1,694,000
3.7 4,352,900 107,000 82,308 124,100 95,462 -
4.0 8,939,500 - - 350,000 269,231 -
4.3 10,241,800 - - 1,115,000 857,692 171,000
5.3 14,054,100 - - 3,868,300 2,975,615 -
2.7 11,857,600 - - 625,000 480,769 -
4.0 4,281,300 202,000 155,385 1,115,000 857,692 -
3.3 5,779,100 499,000 383,846 2,709,000 2,083,846 684,000
4.0 8,940,900 95,000 73,077 190,000 146,154 342,000
2.0 9,981,800 - - 525,000 403,846 -
3.3 11,410,100 95,000 73,077 2,510,000 1,930,769 171,000
3.7 12,535,400 95,000 73,077 1,745,000 1,342,308 1,445,000
2.0 5,870,100 - - 350,000 269,231 -
3.0 7,449,200 95,000 73,077 350,000 269,231 -
2.0 11,396,400 - - 525,000 403,846 -
4.0 6,451,200 95,000 73,077 936,000 720,000 952,000
7.0 10,254,600 190,000 146,154 2,752,000 2,116,923 426,000
3.7 10,254,600 202,000 155,385 5,074,300 3,903,308 426,000
2.0 17,451,600 - - 350,000 269,231 -
2.0 11,104,100 - - 929,100 714,692 -
2.3 13,102,700 95,000 73,077 3,865,000 2,973,077 171,000
2.3 8,804,400 - - 400,000 307,692 296,000
2.0 5,578,300 - - 735,000 565,385 -
4.0 9,595,800 - - 1,071,000 823,846 125,000
3.0 14,279,000 125,000 96,154 1,071,000 823,846 125,000
2.7 14,279,000 - - 675,000 519,231 -
4.0 16,803,800 237,000 182,308 675,000 519,231 125,000
2.0 5,426,100 79,000 60,769 445,000 342,308 125,000
2.7 13,424,700 - - 124,100 95,462 -
4.7 12,979,000 - - 248,200 190,923 171,000
3.0 37,260,900 125,000 96,154 1,765,000 1,357,692 897,000
2.0 6,465,400 - - 575,000 442,308 -
3.0 8,395,600 95,000 73,077 95,000 73,077 342,000
3.5 9,078,700 - - 175,000 134,615 -
2.0 6,675,500 - - 1,250,000 961,538 -
4.0 5,631,000 190,000 146,154 1,628,000 1,252,308 171,000
2.5 5,828,900 - - 720,000 553,846 -
5.0 4,826,500 - - 1,061,000 816,154 -
3.0 12,145,400 95,000 73,077 2,226,000 1,712,308 171,000
2.0 6,969,600 321,000 246,923 847,000 651,538 171,000
3.0 3,978,800 95,000 73,077 2,660,000 2,046,154 -
4.0 7,873,000 95,000 73,077 598,000 460,000 -
2.5 6,143,400 190,000 146,154 896,000 689,231 171,000
2.5 3,092,100 - - - - -
5.5 5,604,600 1,474,000 1,133,846 376,000 289,231 342,000
2.5 9,621,100 - - 175,000 134,615 -
4.5 11,297,100 95,000 73,077 1,232,000 947,692 -
6.0 6,580,600 190,000 146,154 2,496,000 1,920,000 684,000
3.0 5,184,200 95,000 73,077 350,000 269,231 -
4.0 6,051,400 - - 95,000 73,077 -
5.0 8,000,300 - - 592,000 455,385 171,000
6.5 19,107,900 - - 789,100 607,000 255,000
3.5 7,345,800 107,000 82,308 2,596,000 1,996,923 526,000
3.5 5,661,200 - - 1,237,000 951,538 881,000
2.5 7,351,800 - - 1,213,000 933,077 -
4.5 2,518,200 - - - - -
2.0 6,703,800 - - 350,000 269,231 -
2.0 9,735,200 - - 1,475,000 1,134,615 -
3.5 5,550,000 - - - - -
2.5 7,919,200 95,000 73,077 1,773,000 1,363,846 255,000
5.0 4,128,700 190,000 146,154 1,022,000 786,154 -
2.5 4,504,100 95,000 73,077 937,000 720,769 -
2.5 13,592,200 - - 350,000 269,231 -
2.0 7,374,100 95,000 73,077 220,000 169,231 -
2.0 9,385,200 95,000 73,077 595,000 457,692 -
2.5 12,603,300 - - - - 171,000
2.0 2,299,900 - - 700,000 538,462 -
5.0 8,805,300 - - 345,000 265,385 171,000
3.5 9,816,800 - - 500,000 384,615 -
3.0 9,182,800 - - 545,000 419,231 125,000
2.0 4,073,200 - - 350,000 269,231 -
2.5 6,628,500 - - 524,100 403,154 -
5.5 5,654,200 - - 548,200 421,692 -
4.0 3,296,000 - - 369,100 283,923 -
3.0 7,059,600 - - 683,200 525,538 -
3.5 2,703,800 - - 124,100 95,462 342,000
4.0 5,283,600 - - 325,000 250,000 342,000
2.0 12,906,000 - - 175,000 134,615 968,000
7.0 14,795,400 285,000 219,231 1,167,300 897,923 1,794,000
3.0 19,483,900 190,000 146,154 1,124,000 864,615 897,000
2.0 4,762,500 - - 175,000 134,615 1,452,000
2.0 10,769,300 95,000 73,077 - - 726,000
3.5 9,036,900 - - 395,000 303,846 -
2.5 4,869,900 - - 95,000 73,077 -
4.0 1,126,600 - - 95,000 73,077 -
4.0 1,122,000 - - 124,100 95,462 255,000
1.0 4,738,700 95,000 73,077 160,000 123,077 171,000
6.0 1,088,200 - - 219,100 168,538 -
5.0 1,088,200 - - 248,200 190,923 -
4.0 3,962,900 - - 890,000 684,615 480,000
10.0 9,599,000 95,000 73,077 1,386,200 1,066,308 513,000
4.0 5,735,600 - - 1,314,300 1,011,000 -
2.0 4,853,400 - - 175,000 134,615 -
5.0 6,581,100 - - 375,000 288,462 -
3.0 2,392,700 - - 140,000 107,692 -
2.0 5,037,300 - - 700,000 538,462 -
2.0 5,205,900 - - 375,000 288,462 -
2.0 4,160,100 - - 175,000 134,615 -
2.0 3,466,700 - - 550,000 423,077 -
3.0 3,351,900 - - 175,000 134,615 -
3.0 5,564,100 95,000 73,077 1,401,000 1,077,692 -
3.0 4,022,200 - - 550,000 423,077 -
2.0 3,034,300 - - 940,000 723,077 -
4.0 2,011,000 95,000 73,077 647,000 497,692 -
5.0 3,266,300 - - 320,000 246,154 -
4.0 2,588,300 - - 504,100 387,769 -
4.0 7,084,800 95,000 73,077 596,000 458,462 171,000
7.0 3,946,000 - - 2,133,000 1,640,769 700,000
7.0 4,594,800 190,000 146,154 2,247,000 1,728,462 342,000
6.0 4,603,600 - - 873,000 671,538 -
5.0 3,633,700 - - 290,000 223,077 -
9.0 3,946,000 - - 95,000 73,077 -
4.0 1,989,400 - - 2,374,000 1,826,154 -
4.0 4,429,200 - - 160,000 123,077 -
11.0 3,710,000 - - 140,000 107,692 -
2.0 3,180,000 - - - - -
3.0 5,167,100 440,000 338,462 1,372,000 1,055,385 171,000
9.0 3,354,500 95,000 73,077 1,005,000 773,077 526,000
3.0 2,985,600 95,000 73,077 520,000 400,000 -
4.0 2,493,300 - - 475,000 365,385 -
4.0 3,182,800 309,000 237,692 - - 171,000
4.0 4,239,300 95,000 73,077 95,000 73,077 413,000
2.0 3,768,300 - - - - -
6.0 5,046,600 - - 788,000 606,154 -
2.0 3,028,100 95,000 73,077 585,000 450,000 -
3.0 4,370,600 95,000 73,077 609,100 468,538 -
6.0 2,537,500 - - 104,100 80,077 -
5.0 2,339,300 - - 205,000 157,692 -
5.0 3,275,000 - - 299,100 230,077 -
5.0 2,524,400 95,000 73,077 778,000 598,462 171,000
3.0 2,392,700 - - 230,000 176,923 -
5.0 4,159,500 95,000 73,077 281,000 216,154 697,000
1.0 6,931,000 309,000 237,692 301,000 231,538 171,000
3.0 4,739,800 523,000 402,308 720,000 553,846 709,000
5.0 2,028,800 190,000 146,154 552,000 424,615 171,000
4.0 2,762,300 95,000 73,077 236,000 181,538 171,000
5.0 3,690,100 95,000 73,077 95,000 73,077 171,000
4.0 3,162,900 309,000 237,692 193,000 148,462 -
6.0 3,690,100 428,000 329,231 3,232,600 2,486,615 171,000
9.0 3,248,100 95,000 73,077 801,000 616,154 585,000
5.0 4,810,600 - - 645,000 496,154 -
4.0 2,677,100 - - 330,000 253,846 -
2.0 3,019,700 - - 375,000 288,462 -
5.0 2,837,700 - - 124,100 95,462 -
7.0 1,993,900 - - 680,000 523,077 172,000
7.0 3,903,000 - - 580,000 446,154 -
2.0 4,165,800 - - - - 171,000
3.0 2,387,300 95,000 73,077 948,000 729,231 -
4.0 1,601,000 - - 682,000 524,615 426,000
4.0 6,295,700 - - 230,000 176,923 171,000
5.0 2,530,300 - - 175,000 134,615 -
2.0 4,106,200 95,000 73,077 566,000 435,385 171,000
3.0 5,748,600 95,000 73,077 381,000 293,077 171,000
3.0 5,748,600 - - - - -
3.0 4,106,200 95,000 73,077 521,000 400,769 171,000
4.0 1,346,400 - - 95,000 73,077 171,000
3.0 1,351,900 - - - - -
4.0 8,373,400 - - - - -
6.0 2,241,400 95,000 73,077 836,000 643,077 -
7.0 3,962,900 - - 1,150,000 884,615 355,000
2.0 4,616,600 - - 836,000 643,077 -
7.0 3,958,700 - - 385,000 296,154 -
3.0 1,373,600 95,000 73,077 140,000 107,692 171,000
2.0 1,144,600 - - 175,000 134,615 -
2.0 4,692,600 - - 375,000 288,462 -
6.0 2,378,500 - - 663,100 510,077 -
2.0 3,351,900 - - 175,000 134,615 -
3.0 1,982,100 - - - - -
4.0 2,378,500 - - 95,000 73,077 -
2.0 3,351,900 - - 175,000 134,615 -
6.0 1,611,300 95,000 73,077 281,000 216,154 414,000
2.0 2,234,500 - - 95,000 73,077 -
4.0 3,063,600 - - 532,000 409,231 -
4.0 3,063,600 - - 971,000 746,923 -
3.0 1,876,700 95,000 73,077 376,000 289,231 171,000
2.0 2,905,600 - - - - -
3.0 3,476,100 - - - - 239,000
2.0 4,874,700 - - 175,000 134,615 -
2.0 7,928,800 - - - - -
2.0 3,481,900 95,000 73,077 - - -
2.0 6,796,100 - - 175,000 134,615 -
2.0 7,928,800 - - - - -
2.0 5,663,400 - - 175,000 134,615 242,000
3.0 2,369,000 - - 390,000 300,000 -
2.0 1,974,200 - - 579,100 445,462 -
1.0 9,962,800 - - 175,000 134,615 726,000
2.0 3,768,300 - - 225,000 173,077 242,000
6.0 2,055,300 - - 609,200 468,615 -
9.0 1,712,700 - - 545,100 419,308 -
4.0 4,738,300 - - 431,000 331,538 426,000
4.0 2,822,400 - - 372,000 286,154 -
7.0 2,419,200 - - 150,000 115,385 255,000
3.0 5,251,400 95,000 73,077 371,000 285,385 171,000
4.0 3,778,000 - - 1,096,000 843,077 305,000
4.0 5,847,400 - - - - -
4.0 4,491,800 - - 260,000 200,000 171,000
3.0 4,972,300 95,000 73,077 866,000 666,154 171,000
3.0 2,419,200 - - 431,000 331,538 526,000
3.0 3,480,800 - - 95,000 73,077 513,000
2.0 1,150,000 - - 600,000 461,538 -
3.0 6,187,300 - - - - 171,000
3.0 3,034,300 - - 175,000 134,615 -
2.0 5,564,100 - - 1,031,000 793,077 -
2.0 3,769,200 95,000 73,077 521,000 400,769 171,000
4.0 5,564,100 - - 1,040,000 800,000 -
3.0 7,789,700 - - 990,000 761,538 -
3.0 6,676,900 - - 275,000 211,538 -
3.0 3,769,200 95,000 73,077 984,000 756,923 171,000
2.0 4,345,100 - - 1,159,200 891,692 -
3.0 6,676,900 - - 1,195,000 919,231 171,000
3.0 5,539,400 - - 230,000 176,923 -
3.0 1,342,900 - - 435,000 334,615 125,000
2.0 1,974,500 - - 150,000 115,385 255,000
4.0 2,764,200 - - 260,000 200,000 -
3.0 4,462,200 - - 225,000 173,077 -
3.0 5,354,600 - - 280,000 215,385 -
3.0 5,354,600 - - 225,000 173,077 -
3.0 5,354,600 - - 225,000 173,077 -
3.0 5,354,600 79,000 60,769 225,000 173,077 -
3.0 4,720,600 - - 175,000 134,615 -
3.0 4,462,200 - - 225,000 173,077 -
3.0 5,354,600 - - 225,000 173,077 -
3.0 5,354,600 - - 225,000 173,077 -
4.0 6,247,000 - - 175,000 134,615 -
2.0 2,313,000 79,000 60,769 200,000 153,846 -
3.0 4,462,200 - - 225,000 173,077 -
2.0 4,462,200 - - 175,000 134,615 -
2.0 3,769,200 - - 270,000 207,692 -
3.0 1,989,500 - - 549,100 422,385 125,000
3.0 5,354,600 79,000 60,769 175,000 134,615 -
2.0 3,141,000 - - - - -
3.0 3,156,700 - - 475,000 365,385 296,000
6.0 5,010,000 - - 355,000 273,077 -
3.0 2,369,400 - - 240,000 184,615 125,000
3.0 4,355,300 - - 45,000 34,615 -
2.0 3,341,500 - - 65,000 50,000 -
4.0 2,268,100 - - - - -
4.0 2,299,000 - - 124,100 95,462 -
3.0 3,142,800 - - 315,000 242,308 -
3.0 3,142,800 - - 124,100 95,462 -
2.0 4,399,900 - - - - -
4.0 2,386,800 - - 124,100 95,462 -
5.0 3,957,100 - - 482,300 371,000 171,000
2.0 3,481,900 - - - - -
2.0 5,060,600 - - 175,000 134,615 -
2.0 5,708,000 95,000 73,077 501,000 385,385 171,000
4.0 3,331,000 - - 175,000 134,615 -
3.0 3,678,100 - - 315,000 242,308 171,000
3.0 2,438,600 - - 616,000 473,846 -
4.0 2,477,700 - - - - -
2.0 2,053,800 95,000 73,077 661,000 508,462 -
4.0 3,490,600 95,000 73,077 661,000 508,462 -
1.0 2,244,000 190,000 146,154 610,000 469,231 171,000
2.0 6,723,100 - - 175,000 134,615 -
2.0 4,022,200 - - 175,000 134,615 242,000
3.0 5,377,500 95,000 73,077 521,000 400,769 585,000
4.0 2,377,500 - - 175,000 134,615 242,000
3.0 3,678,100 - - - - 171,000
2.0 1,341,600 - - - - -
2.0 2,486,300 - - 175,000 134,615 -
2.0 3,141,000 - - 175,000 134,615 -
5.0 5,847,400 95,000 73,077 573,000 440,769 -
3.0 5,663,400 - - 175,000 134,615 484,000
2.0 2,381,200 - - - - 484,000
3.0 5,663,400 - - 175,000 134,615 242,000
2.0 4,022,200 - - 175,000 134,615 481,000
2.0 2,237,900 - - 175,000 134,615 -
2.0 2,381,200 - - - - 484,000
2.0 2,999,900 - - - - -
2.0 14,047,300 - - 175,000 134,615 -
3.0 5,663,400 95,000 73,077 456,000 350,769 171,000
7.0 7,177,200 - - 175,000 134,615 242,000
2.0 4,022,200 - - - - 242,000
2.0 4,022,200 - - 175,000 134,615 242,000
5.0 31,758,900 - - 1,087,300 836,385 1,865,000
3.0 2,237,900 95,000 73,077 381,000 293,077 413,000
4.0 13,947,900 - - 175,000 134,615 968,000
2.0 12,535,000 - - 325,000 250,000 242,000
3.0 7,991,200 - - 175,000 134,615 484,000
4.0 4,874,700 - - 240,000 184,615 484,000
2.0 3,481,900 - - 175,000 134,615 2,420,050
2.0 2,685,400 - - - - 585,000
11.0 5,847,400 190,000 146,154 1,548,000 1,190,769 513,000
5.0 3,475,700 - - - - -
4.0 1,611,500 - - 1,488,000 1,144,615 -
2.0 1,611,500 - - - - -
3.0 1,675,200 392,000 301,538 520,000 400,000 -
3.0 1,849,500 - - - - -
2.0 4,692,600 - - - - -
5.0 2,379,800 - - 265,000 203,846 -
3.0 7,345,000 - - 225,000 173,077 -
6.0 2,348,500 - - - - 413,000
2.0 6,453,000 - - - - -
1.0 940,100 - - - - -
130,769 - 36,908,079 28,390,830 344,000 264,615.38 39,435,983.85
1,128,462 2,160,000 524,778,351 403,675,655 220,000 169,230.77 486,714,731.54
2,211,538 - 282,692,843 217,456,033 2,500 1,923.08 263,121,110.00
657,692 - 19,635,012 15,103,855 100,000 76,923.08 47,047,855.38
96,154 37 45,712,669 35,163,592 15,000 11,538.46 58,730,243.92
885,385 2,160,000 51,143,271 39,340,978 698,000 536,923.08 70,712,593.08
3,156,923 720,000 65,982,213 50,755,548 5,803,000 4,463,846.15 68,882,163.85
590,769 - 41,770,313 32,131,010 2,420,500 1,861,923.08 69,368,856.15
131,538 - 68,835,729 52,950,561 - - 73,609,099.23
480,769 1,080,000 98,021,509 75,401,161 - - 93,379,699.23
131,538 - 9,318,409 7,168,007 6,569,000 5,053,076.92 18,735,391.54
96,154 2,160,000 95,100,464 73,154,203 490,000 376,923.08 91,145,126.15
- - 82,455,506 63,427,312 6,000 4,615.38 75,265,773.85
3,013,846 7,200,000 32,761,268 25,200,975 1,042,000 801,538.46 55,817,360.00
3,180,769 - 72,318,842 55,629,878 66,000 50,769.23 73,187,109.23
920,769 - 64,807,946 49,852,266 12,000 9,230.77 57,757,727.69
- - 54,219,133 41,707,025 - - 48,176,410.00
873,846 - 19,884,912 15,296,086 533,000 410,000.00 28,513,163.08
- - 3,519,333 2,707,179 78,000 60,000.00 6,950,410.00
- - 46,074,062 35,441,586 - - 43,000,816.92
1,007,692 - 7,360,504 5,661,926 9,524,000 7,326,153.85 16,071,464.62
227,692 - 48,392,139 37,224,722 24,000 18,461.54 44,307,337.69
131,538 - 36,226,453 27,866,502 - - 45,060,348.46
586,923 - 14,323,464 11,018,049 - - 18,637,664.62
3,642,308 - 20,280,534 15,600,411 1,735,500 1,335,000.00 38,900,103.08
5,534,615 3,960,000 40,875,024 31,442,326 10,394,000 7,995,384.62 63,311,710.77
4,067,692 - 38,332,723 29,486,710 10,758,300 8,275,615.38 54,770,863.85
192,308 - 33,348,191 25,652,455 106,000 81,538.46 32,634,146.92
1,446,923 - 19,347,957 14,883,044 6,272,500 4,825,000.00 25,120,351.54
- - 10,918,268 8,398,668 150,500 115,769.23 10,796,667.69
192,308 360,000 31,219,694 24,015,149 18,000 13,846.15 29,973,764.62
2,640,000 6,480,000 54,471,557 41,901,198 929,900 715,307.69 75,122,736.15
4,273,077 - 21,660,779 16,662,138 209,000 160,769.23 31,098,445.38
- - 7,795,042 5,996,186 3,000 2,307.69 9,832,801.54
394,615 2,160,000 27,023,719 20,787,476 6,000 4,615.38 28,480,553.08
227,692 1,440,000 32,979,283 25,368,679 - - 32,913,294.62
720,000 - 18,629,856 14,330,658 63,000 48,461.54 32,266,120.00
131,538 - 8,738,792 6,722,148 6,000 4,615.38 9,506,686.15
657,692 - 10,665,138 8,203,952 12,000 9,230.77 11,944,721.54
744,615 - 27,160,540 20,892,723 - - 22,102,723.08
1,057,692 - 4,163,891 3,202,993 - - 8,126,070.00
- - 909,712 699,778 108,000 83,076.92 2,670,086.15
- - 7,397,050 5,690,038 - - 8,608,653.85
2,367,692 - 20,126,265 15,481,742 4,265,300 3,281,000.00 32,311,357.69
192,308 - 18,320,648 14,092,806 - - 19,259,729.23
131,538 - 11,104,625 8,542,019 - - 11,012,788.46
459,231 - 6,328,564 4,868,126 276,000 212,307.69 9,620,049.23
404,615 - 5,571,620 4,285,862 - - 7,418,246.15
1,543,077 3,240,000 30,218,647 23,245,113 - - 45,868,959.23
- - 8,653,309 6,656,392 508,000 390,769.23 12,315,930.00
- - 13,554,814 10,426,780 - - 12,311,395.38
- - 13,280,349 10,215,653 - - 12,619,499.23
1,517,692 2,880,000 23,616,778 18,166,752 - - 38,639,060.00
- - 1,624,411 1,249,547 1,249,000 960,769.23 3,412,854.62
1,246,154 - 22,939,053 17,645,425 - - 23,211,579.23
- - 5,167,244 3,974,803 280,500 215,769.23 5,977,495.38
3,974,615 - 9,824,562 7,557,355 - - 15,738,201.54
- - 3,083,330 2,371,792 - - 3,024,253.85
- - 11,289,812 8,684,471 - - 11,546,009.23
96,154 720,000 16,360,082 12,584,678 - - 15,956,986.15
- - 3,339,643 2,568,956 398,000 306,153.85 4,115,186.92
1,183,846 - 13,492,003 10,378,464 3,804,500 2,926,538.46 19,983,617.69
3,620,769 - 9,972,254 7,670,965 - - 15,781,733.85
288,462 - 14,976,649 11,520,499 - - 15,675,114.62
- - 3,728,299 2,867,922 - - 4,449,614.62
131,538 - 3,927,797 3,021,382 6,000 4,615.38 5,529,690.00
789,231 1,080,000 8,545,966 6,573,820 1,684,600 1,295,846.15 16,923,512.31
459,231 1,800,000 7,801,908 6,001,468 360,000 276,923.08 14,077,160.00
940,769 9,000,000 13,951,030 10,731,562 122,500 94,230.77 26,162,715.38
263,077 1,080,000 10,123,159 7,787,045 - - 11,662,430.00
718,462 11,160,000 9,412,545 7,240,419 105,000 80,769.23 27,138,880.77
96,154 1,440,000 10,606,486 8,158,835 - - 11,852,066.15
1,730,000 - 16,183,210 12,448,623 270,000 207,692.31 19,554,469.23
- - 2,607,748 2,005,960 4,736,000 3,643,076.92 6,464,806.15
- - 2,436,693 1,874,379 3,828,000 2,944,615.38 5,851,917.69
2,705,385 - 7,788,781 5,991,370 542,500 417,307.69 10,738,677.69
449,231 - 10,970,786 8,439,066 90,000 69,230.77 10,902,912.31
- - 3,571,112 2,747,009 - - 4,359,624.62
1,183,846 - 7,607,951 5,852,270 996,000 766,153.85 9,782,270.00
523,846 - 16,000,881 12,308,370 - - 14,031,446.92
2,833,077 - 6,582,830 5,063,715 - - 10,407,715.38
- - 8,337,904 6,413,772 - - 10,086,849.23
96,154 - 3,420,260 2,630,969 12,000 9,230.77 3,874,815.38
- - 9,268,148 7,129,345 9,000 6,923.08 8,882,421.54
192,308 - 5,536,145 4,258,573 48,000 36,923.08 6,056,265.38
1,371,538 - 3,744,084 2,880,065 - - 5,719,449.23
587,692 - 19,226,377 14,789,521 135,000 103,846.15 19,478,559.23
131,538 - 9,416,012 7,243,086 - - 9,118,470.77
1,126,923 - 10,746,500 8,266,538 - - 10,935,769.23
96,154 - 8,360,122 6,430,863 - - 8,006,247.69
- - 3,192,510 2,455,777 895,000 688,461.54 4,592,700.00
263,077 - 6,762,531 5,201,947 2,292,100 1,763,153.85 12,090,870.00
3,277,692 - 8,276,358 6,366,429 135,000 103,846.15 14,848,736.92
516,154 2,160,000 4,321,741 3,324,416 331,500 255,000.00 8,795,954.62
96,154 - 7,696,877 5,920,675 - - 7,062,213.08
450,000 - 6,362,999 4,894,615 - - 6,375,383.85
3,482,308 - 15,932,630 12,255,869 - - 16,846,638.46
1,434,615 - 12,153,411 9,348,778 - - 12,138,008.46
263,077 - 2,123,405 1,633,388 254,000 195,384.62 4,119,619.23
- - 3,953,578 3,041,214 - - 4,198,906.15
227,692 1,080,000 8,251,045 6,346,958 - - 9,273,880.77
- - 6,428,270 4,944,823 - - 6,174,053.85
- - 6,096,556 4,689,658 - - 5,948,889.23
- - 5,859,180 4,507,062 - - 5,587,061.54
- - 5,135,804 3,950,618 3,000 2,307.69 5,222,156.92
- - 1,868,737 1,437,490 - - 2,171,336.15
- - 229,016 176,166 - - 580,396.92
- - 1,618,181 1,244,755 - - 2,057,370.00
2,047,692 - 3,558,072 2,736,978 - - 5,457,747.69
131,538 - 1,451,332 1,116,409 72,000 55,384.62 1,944,255.38
131,538 6,120,000 5,015,726 3,858,251 467,000 359,230.77 12,891,327.69
- - 4,594,994 3,534,611 - - 4,412,303.08
131,538 - 4,435,996 3,412,305 - - 4,668,458.46
- - 4,306,154 3,312,426 - - 4,613,195.38
317,692 - 7,457,945 5,736,881 - - 7,055,342.31
131,538 - 3,787,516 2,913,474 - - 3,561,166.15
- - 5,460,261 4,200,201 - - 6,361,739.23
131,538 - 10,835,705 8,335,158 - - 9,395,157.69
- - 3,580,185 2,753,988 - - 3,974,757.69
192,308 - 2,247,533 1,728,872 - - 2,563,486.92
- - 7,470,503 5,746,541 - - 6,858,079.23
131,538 - 1,547,744 1,190,572 54,000 41,538.46 1,775,187.69
372,308 - 3,267,402 2,513,386 - - 2,885,693.85
394,615 360,000 11,941,385 9,185,681 616,800 474,461.54 17,648,603.85
131,538 - 2,565,790 1,973,685 - - 3,029,069.23
821,538 720,000 8,148,002 6,267,694 - - 11,245,386.15
263,077 720,000 3,981,229 3,062,484 33,000 25,384.62 6,948,791.54
- - 1,175,302 904,078 - - 1,801,001.54
131,538 - 1,893,925 1,456,865 35,000 26,923.08 3,117,788.46
- - 1,851,980 1,424,600 - - 1,697,676.92
- - 1,435,672 1,104,363 - - 1,483,747.69
263,077 - 1,497,559 1,151,968 50,000 38,461.54 2,362,737.69
- - 2,492,186 1,917,066 - - 2,259,373.85
1,223,846 - 3,643,298 2,802,537 24,000 18,461.54 5,384,075.38
1,066,154 - 6,074,314 4,672,549 - - 6,520,241.54
186,154 - 1,310,474 1,008,057 - - 1,458,210.77
- 1,440,000 3,918,501 3,014,232 - - 5,173,462.31
768,462 - 1,406,656 1,082,043 - - 2,412,043.08
373,846 - 2,284,274 1,757,134 335,000 257,692.31 3,340,210.77
263,077 - 6,903,375 5,310,288 - - 6,221,057.69
983,077 - 2,524,230 1,941,715 24,000 18,461.54 4,773,253.85
196,154 - 3,720,473 2,861,902 - - 3,442,671.54
131,538 - 4,013,853 3,087,579 - - 5,259,886.92
96,154 - 4,374,178 3,364,752 - - 4,168,598.46
- - 5,384,865 4,142,204 - - 5,282,973.08
394,615 - 1,917,655 1,475,119 - - 2,846,657.69
1,303,077 - 6,156,558 4,735,814 - - 6,173,506.15
- - 490,145 377,035 - - 554,803.85
- - 920,538 708,106 - - 977,336.92
131,538 1,080,000 2,206,739 1,697,492 9,000 6,923.08 3,773,645.38
- 3,240,000 2,859,905 2,199,927 285,000 219,230.77 8,634,773.08
- 720,000 527,660 405,892 - - 1,606,661.54
- - 1,148,484 883,449 140,000 107,692.31 2,004,218.46
526,154 - 2,673,474 2,056,518 262,000 201,538.46 5,251,903.08
263,077 - 2,593,456 1,994,966 781,000 600,769.23 3,078,043.08
- - 1,736,595 1,335,842 - - 1,739,688.46
131,538 - 3,161,206 2,431,697 303,000 233,076.92 4,800,158.46
1,111,538 - 2,622,445 2,017,265 9,000 6,923.08 4,551,111.54
- - 2,080,601 1,600,462 - - 1,869,693.08
- - 3,481,053 2,677,733 - - 3,020,040.77
- - 2,745,706 2,112,082 - - 2,515,927.69
732,308 - 2,888,610 2,222,008 - - 3,747,392.31
327,692 1,080,000 4,321,559 3,324,276 1,604,000 1,233,846.15 8,228,891.54
327,692 1,080,000 2,628,987 2,022,298 24,000 18,461.54 7,507,143.85
- - 2,464,283 1,895,602 - - 2,164,833.08
- - 2,912,605 2,240,465 - - 2,955,157.69
131,538 - 3,312,193 2,547,841 - - 5,725,533.08
227,692 - 1,185,527 911,944 - - 1,447,328.46
- 720,000 1,797,506 1,382,697 - - 2,668,081.54
96,154 - 2,316,392 1,781,840 - - 2,701,840.00
96,154 - 3,345,675 2,573,596 - - 3,589,750.00
- - 3,356,686 2,582,066 - - 3,101,296.92
96,154 - 3,918,213 3,014,010 9,000 6,923.08 3,818,625.38
96,154 - 706,040 543,108 - - 1,042,338.46
- - 60,132 46,255 40,000 30,769.23 172,486.15
131,538 - 967,815 744,473 322,000 247,692.31 1,314,626.92
690,000 - 31,317,115 24,090,088 - - 26,233,934.62
- - 1,922,269 1,478,668 - - 1,920,976.15
263,077 - 1,091,655 839,735 246,000 189,230.77 1,438,196.15
- - 2,263,979 1,741,522 - - 1,876,137.69
- - 1,566,997 1,205,382 - - 2,166,920.77
131,538 1,440,000 1,041,996 801,535 - - 3,771,535.38
- 1,800,000 376,814 289,857 - - 2,643,703.08
- 2,520,000 1,516,831 1,166,793 - - 4,502,946.92
131,538 - 4,631,081 3,562,370 - - 5,479,293.08
131,538 - 488,420 375,708 - - 1,405,707.69
- - 1,050,370 807,977 - - 2,927,207.69
- - 920,060 707,738 - - 1,240,815.38
131,538 - 1,980,515 1,523,473 - - 2,490,396.15
- - 576,780 443,677 - - 443,676.92
263,077 - 1,230,231 946,332 1,850,000 1,423,076.92 4,055,562.31
- - 1,992,875 1,532,981 - - 1,667,596.15
- 2,160,000 3,468,637 2,668,182 - - 5,848,951.54
526,154 - 4,060,024 3,123,095 2,458,500 1,891,153.85 7,606,556.92
- - 3,109,576 2,391,982 - - 2,734,289.23
- - 720,291 554,070 - - 627,146.92
131,538 - 2,488,296 1,914,074 - - 2,500,996.92
196,154 - 4,028,800 3,099,077 - - 3,902,230.77
404,615 - 4,656,060 3,581,585 629,000 483,846.15 6,549,276.92
677,692 - 1,748,544 1,345,034 - - 2,974,264.62
- - 2,902,619 2,232,784 - - 3,165,860.77
- - 631,243 485,572 - - 485,571.54
- - 1,171,765 901,358 - - 1,170,588.46
- - 2,172,052 1,670,809 - - 2,805,424.62
- - 474,898 365,306 - - 365,306.15
196,154 - 1,030,141 792,416 - - 2,425,493.08
- - 1,055,788 812,145 - - 1,744,452.31
- - 1,240,109 953,930 - - 1,747,776.15
- - 1,909,155 1,468,581 - - 1,737,811.54
- - 1,618,898 1,245,306 - - 1,487,613.85
- - 2,034,793 1,565,225 - - 2,095,994.62
131,538 - 2,806,574 2,158,903 - - 2,290,441.54
- - 1,262,357 971,044 - - 1,509,505.38
131,538 - 2,490,790 1,915,992 - - 2,312,915.38
- - 2,234,433 1,718,795 - - 2,103,410.00
96,154 360,000 4,062,616 3,125,089 - - 4,000,473.85
- - 549,644 422,803 - - 692,033.85
- - 1,350,297 1,038,690 - - 1,441,843.85
- - 920,125 707,788 - - 1,129,480.77
- - 722,122 555,478 - - 839,401.54
- - 593,610 456,623 - - 982,161.54
263,077 - 566,482 435,755 - - 794,293.85
263,077 - 2,398,582 1,845,063 - - 2,358,140.00
744,615 - 11,117,502 8,551,925 - - 9,431,155.38
1,380,000 1,440,000 10,494,170 8,072,438 - - 12,009,592.31
690,000 - 6,392,430 4,917,254 - - 6,618,023.08
1,116,923 - 922,614 709,703 - - 1,961,241.54
558,462 - 1,563,561 1,202,739 - - 1,834,277.69
- - 2,488,286 1,914,066 - - 2,217,912.31
- - 319,309 245,622 - - 318,699.23
- - 172,032 132,332 - - 205,409.23
196,154 - 406,985 313,065 - - 604,680.77
131,538 - 205,287 157,913 164,000 126,153.85 611,759.23
- - 375,522 288,863 - - 457,401.54
- - 423,098 325,460 - - 516,383.08
369,231 - 860,701 662,078 - - 1,715,923.85
394,615 360,000 3,031,752 2,332,117 250,000 192,307.69 4,418,424.62
- 720,000 1,437,020 1,105,400 - - 2,836,400.00
- - 469,311 361,008 - - 495,623.85
- - 1,882,425 1,448,019 - - 1,736,480.77
- - 610,524 469,634 - - 577,326.15
- - 1,042,384 801,834 - - 1,340,295.38
- - 684,149 526,268 - - 814,730.00
- - 714,252 549,425 - - 684,040.00
- - 791,086 608,528 - - 1,031,604.62
- - 384,721 295,939 - - 430,554.62
- - 1,226,530 943,485 - - 2,094,253.85
- - 1,447,118 1,113,168 - - 1,536,244.62
- - 864,396 664,920 - - 1,387,996.92
- 1,800,000 636,689 489,761 - - 2,860,530.00
- - 307,460 236,508 - - 482,661.54
- - 323,836 249,105 - - 636,873.85
131,538 - 1,102,692 848,225 - - 1,511,301.54
538,462 - 2,650,083 2,038,525 - - 4,217,756.15
263,077 720,000 2,184,976 1,680,751 - - 4,538,443.08
- - 652,997 502,305 - - 1,173,843.85
- - 779,903 599,925 - - 823,002.31
- - 393,128 302,406 - - 375,483.08
- - 401,485 308,835 - - 2,134,988.46
- - 452,639 348,184 - - 471,260.77
- - 263,702 202,848 - - 310,540.00
- - 165,754 127,503 - - 127,503.08
131,538 - 4,387,580 3,375,062 461,000 354,615.38 5,255,061.54
404,615 - 1,894,072 1,456,978 12,000 9,230.77 2,716,978.46
- - 624,535 480,412 12,000 9,230.77 962,719.23
- - 721,658 555,122 148,000 113,846.15 1,034,352.31
131,538 - 332,361 255,662 24,000 18,461.54 643,354.62
317,692 - 518,456 398,812 - - 862,658.46
- - 1,067,026 820,789 - - 820,789.23
- - 1,072,840 825,262 - - 1,431,415.38
- - 259,481 199,601 24,000 18,461.54 741,139.23
- - 411,608 316,622 12,000 9,230.77 867,467.69
- - 355,778 273,675 180,000 138,461.54 492,213.85
- - 238,151 183,193 - - 340,885.38
- - 454,856 349,889 - - 579,966.15
131,538 - 1,919,156 1,476,274 - - 2,279,350.77
- - 148,909 114,545 - - 291,468.46
536,154 - 590,639 454,338 - - 1,279,722.31
131,538 - 403,699 310,538 27,000 20,769.23 932,076.15
545,385 - 771,056 593,120 243,000 186,923.08 2,281,581.54
131,538 - 690,817 531,398 704,000 541,538.46 1,775,243.85
131,538 - 206,313 158,702 167,000 128,461.54 673,317.69
131,538 - 1,216,167 935,513 226,000 173,846.15 1,387,051.54
- - 1,005,474 773,442 18,000 13,846.15 1,173,441.54
131,538 - 949,872 730,671 - - 3,678,055.38
450,000 - 801,135 616,258 612,000 470,769.23 2,226,257.69
- - 1,060,867 816,052 - - 1,312,205.38
- - 1,693,884 1,302,988 - - 1,556,833.85
- - 1,078,810 829,854 - - 1,118,315.38
- - 384,517 295,782 - - 391,243.85
132,308 - 1,500,287 1,154,067 - - 1,809,451.54
- 1,080,000 3,266,177 2,512,444 1,222,000 940,000.00 4,978,597.69
131,538 - 271,813 209,087 112,000 86,153.85 426,779.23
- - 267,896 206,074 - - 1,008,381.54
327,692 - 239,162 183,971 - - 1,036,278.46
131,538 - 2,566,879 1,974,522 - - 2,282,983.85
- - 1,424,848 1,096,037 - - 1,230,652.31
131,538 - 1,340,911 1,031,470 - - 1,671,470.00
131,538 - 1,098,068 844,668 12,000 9,230.77 1,351,590.77
- - 1,385,747 1,065,959 - - 1,065,959.23
131,538 - 1,251,194 962,457 - - 1,567,841.54
131,538 - 526,254 404,811 - - 609,426.15
- - 332,328 255,637 - - 255,636.92
- - 1,449,720 1,115,169 - - 1,115,169.23
- 2,160,000 778,973 599,210 - - 3,475,363.85
273,077 - 973,978 749,214 - - 1,906,906.15
- - 1,346,086 1,035,451 - - 1,678,527.69
- - 1,899,835 1,461,412 - - 1,757,565.38
131,538 - 585,245 450,188 - - 762,496.15
- - 566,974 436,134 - - 570,749.23
- - 778,295 598,688 - - 887,150.00
- - 232,429 178,792 - - 688,868.46
- - 896,789 689,838 - - 824,453.08
- - 247,294 190,226 - - 190,226.15
- - 297,397 228,767 - - 301,843.85
- - 777,580 598,138 - - 732,753.85
318,462 - 4,101,244 3,154,803 6,000 4,615.38 3,767,110.77
- - 386,000 296,923 - - 370,000.00
- 720,000 205,778 158,291 - - 1,287,521.54
- - 166,299 127,922 - - 874,845.38
131,538 - 476,779 366,753 12,000 9,230.77 869,830.00
- - 832,870 640,669 - - 640,669.23
183,846 - 617,764 475,203 - - 659,049.23
- - 833,581 641,216 - - 775,831.54
- - 865,589 665,838 - - 665,837.69
- - 885,893 681,456 - - 754,533.08
- - 870,671 669,747 - - 804,362.31
- - 802,670 617,438 - - 617,438.46
186,154 - 1,001,616 770,474 - - 1,091,243.08
- - 99,007 76,159 - - 376,159.23
- - 838,782 645,217 - - 1,090,678.46
558,462 - 2,686,146 2,066,266 - - 2,759,343.08
186,154 - 200,789 154,453 - - 513,683.85
- - 332,220 255,554 - - 724,169.23
- - 495,062 380,817 - - 800,124.62
327,692 - 610,022 469,248 - - 1,128,478.46
- - 361,341 277,955 - - 564,108.46
196,154 - 1,347,912 1,036,855 - - 1,348,393.85
131,538 - 1,973,879 1,518,368 - - 2,008,368.46
234,615 - 324,391 249,532 - - 1,327,223.85
- - 1,002,570 771,208 - - 771,207.69
131,538 - 414,666 318,974 32,000 24,615.38 675,127.69
131,538 - 324,590 249,685 - - 1,120,453.85
404,615 - 907,228 697,868 - - 1,434,021.54
394,615 - 289,219 222,476 - - 690,168.46
- - 618,509 475,776 - - 937,314.62
131,538 - 2,255,077 1,734,675 - - 1,866,213.08
- - 995,666 765,897 - - 900,512.31
- - 908,366 698,743 - - 1,491,820.00
131,538 - 827,630 636,638 - - 1,242,023.08
- - 1,347,240 1,036,338 - - 1,836,338.46
- - 1,685,821 1,296,785 - - 2,058,323.85
- - 674,256 518,658 - - 730,196.92
131,538 - 476,828 366,791 - - 1,328,329.23
- 720,000 276,116 212,397 - - 1,824,089.23
131,538 720,000 1,716,156 1,320,120 - - 3,090,889.23
- - 1,115,200 857,846 - - 1,034,769.23
96,154 - 275,141 211,647 80,000 61,538.46 703,954.62
196,154 - 143,925 110,712 - - 422,250.00
- - 173,981 133,832 - - 333,831.54
- - 968,958 745,352 - - 918,429.23
- - 1,091,918 839,937 - - 1,055,321.54
- - 885,400 681,077 - - 854,153.85
- - 977,681 752,062 - - 925,139.23
- - 1,541,996 1,186,151 - - 1,419,996.92
- - 964,484 741,911 - - 876,526.15
- - 974,681 749,755 - - 922,831.54
- - 995,676 765,905 - - 938,981.54
- - 1,378,747 1,060,575 - - 1,233,651.54
- - 3,013,639 2,318,184 - - 2,452,799.23
- - 264,070 203,131 - - 417,746.15
- - 1,008,861 776,047 - - 949,123.85
- - 955,791 735,224 - - 869,839.23
- - 498,404 383,388 - - 591,080.00
96,154 360,000 1,319,448 1,014,960 - - 1,893,498.46
- - 995,337 765,644 - - 961,028.46
- - 584,764 449,818 - - 449,818.46
227,692 - 427,433 328,795 - - 921,871.54
- - 595,885 458,373 - - 731,450.00
96,154 - 33,728 25,945 - - 306,713.85
- - 38,999 29,999 20,000 15,384.62 79,999.23
- - 226,260 174,046 36,000 27,692.31 251,738.46
- - 32,114 24,703 - - 24,703.08
- - 287,792 221,378 - - 316,840.00
- - 103,004 79,234 - - 321,541.54
- - 46,601 35,847 - - 131,308.46
- - 12,447 9,575 - - 9,574.62
- - 111,427 85,713 - - 181,174.62
131,538 - 208,667 160,513 - - 663,051.54
- - 484,860 372,969 - - 372,969.23
- - 729,546 561,189 - - 695,804.62
131,538 - 2,446,069 1,881,592 - - 2,471,591.54
- - 424,997 326,921 - - 461,536.15
131,538 - 281,058 216,198 - - 590,044.62
- - 900,999 693,076 - - 1,166,922.31
- - 191,484 147,295 - - 147,295.38
- - 142,402 109,540 18,000 13,846.15 704,924.62
- - 281,431 216,485 27,000 20,769.23 818,793.08
131,538 - 691,627 532,021 89,000 68,461.54 1,347,405.38
- - 720,880 554,523 - - 689,138.46
186,154 - 978,457 752,659 - - 1,073,428.46
450,000 - 2,896,546 2,228,112 - - 3,151,958.46
186,154 - 612,119 470,861 72,000 55,384.62 847,014.62
131,538 - 369,971 284,593 332,000 255,384.62 671,516.15
- - 362,296 278,689 - - 278,689.23
- - 1,087,628 836,637 - - 971,252.31
- - 1,068,532 821,948 - - 956,563.08
- - 3,047,424 2,344,172 - - 2,858,018.46
372,308 - 8,077,009 6,213,084 - - 6,720,006.92
372,308 - 401,820 309,092 - - 681,400.00
186,154 - 981,938 755,337 - - 1,076,106.15
370,000 - 1,957,370 1,505,669 - - 2,010,284.62
- - 770,438 592,645 - - 727,260.00
372,308 - 331,623 255,095 - - 627,402.31
- - 1,512,803 1,163,695 - - 1,163,694.62
- - 891,616 685,858 - - 820,473.85
131,538 - 1,723,566 1,325,820 - - 1,881,204.62
186,154 - 1,610,876 1,239,135 - - 1,559,904.62
186,154 - 701,224 539,403 - - 725,556.92
186,154 - 1,417,367 1,090,282 - - 1,411,051.54
1,434,615 180,000 27,123,883 20,864,525 - - 23,315,525.38
317,692 - 1,010,009 776,930 - - 1,460,776.15
744,615 - 4,084,378 3,141,829 12,000 9,230.77 4,030,290.77
186,154 - 2,278,752 1,752,886 - - 2,189,040.00
372,308 - 5,928,119 4,560,092 - - 5,067,014.62
372,308 - 3,698,033 2,844,641 - - 3,401,563.85
1,861,577 - 1,053,256 810,197 - - 2,806,389.23
450,000 - 506,712 389,778 - - 839,778.46
394,615 - 3,823,003 2,940,772 - - 4,672,310.00
- - 500,796 385,228 - - 385,227.69
- - - - 180,000 138,461.54 1,283,076.92
- - 15,079 11,599 - - 11,599.23
- - 133,659 102,815 69,000 53,076.92 857,430.00
- - 176,721 135,939 - - 135,939.23
- - 665,519 511,938 - - 511,937.69
- - 796,051 612,347 - - 816,193.08
- - 1,709,788 1,315,222 - - 1,488,298.46
317,692 - 1,532,630 1,178,946 60,000 46,153.85 1,542,792.31
- - 762,763 586,741 - - 586,740.77
- - 425,621 327,401 - - 327,400.77
1% 1,069,833,360 30% 713,222,240 20% 1,743,619,616.15 49%
21% 701,631,750 30% 467,754,500 20% 682,671,518.46 29%
21% 379,135,860 30% 252,757,240 20% 368,771,990.00 29%
6% 247,960,350 30% 165,306,900 20% 366,219,394.62 44%
18% 96,497,250 30% 64,331,500 20% 102,098,506.08 32%
34% 62,947,110 30% 41,964,740 20% 34,199,256.92 16%
13% 155,080,680 30% 103,387,120 20% 189,585,636.15 37%
59% 35,231,700 30% 23,487,800 20% -10,649,356.15 -9%
21% 106,526,250 30% 71,017,500 20% 103,934,650.77 29%
22% 127,864,320 30% 85,242,880 20% 119,727,500.77 28%
4% 143,111,010 30% 95,407,340 20% 219,782,958.46 46%
22% 123,348,480 30% 82,232,320 20% 114,435,673.85 28%
21% 109,963,080 30% 73,308,720 20% 108,006,026.15 29%
61% 27,632,160 30% 18,421,440 20% -9,763,760.00 -11%
43% 51,282,180 30% 34,188,120 20% 12,283,190.77 7%
24% 71,875,110 30% 47,916,740 20% 62,034,122.31 26%
29% 49,269,510 30% 32,846,340 20% 33,939,440.00 21%
42% 20,587,230 30% 13,724,820 20% 5,798,886.92 8%
8% 25,283,880 30% 16,855,920 20% 35,189,390.00 42%
22% 59,231,430 30% 39,487,620 20% 55,718,233.08 28%
10% 49,886,310 30% 33,257,540 20% 67,072,385.38 40%
23% 58,900,680 30% 39,267,120 20% 53,860,462.31 27%
24% 55,858,710 30% 37,239,140 20% 48,037,501.54 26%
19% 28,881,570 30% 19,254,380 20% 29,498,285.38 31%
31% 37,416,330 30% 24,944,220 20% 23,460,446.92 19%
42% 45,539,640 30% 30,359,760 20% 12,587,689.23 8%
49% 33,532,320 30% 22,354,880 20% 1,116,336.15 1%
21% 45,798,240 30% 30,532,160 20% 43,696,253.08 29%
33% 23,046,960 30% 15,364,640 20% 13,291,248.46 17%
12% 26,727,840 30% 17,818,560 20% 33,749,732.31 38%
21% 41,831,940 30% 27,887,960 20% 39,746,135.38 29%
36% 62,863,410 30% 41,908,940 20% 29,649,613.85 14%
41% 22,802,100 30% 15,201,400 20% 6,905,054.62 9%
14% 20,754,720 30% 13,836,480 20% 24,758,398.46 36%
23% 37,776,420 30% 25,184,280 20% 34,480,146.92 27%
26% 38,645,070 30% 25,763,380 20% 31,495,155.38 24%
31% 30,818,760 30% 20,545,840 20% 19,098,480.00 19%
17% 17,036,970 30% 11,357,980 20% 18,888,263.85 33%
21% 17,177,820 30% 11,451,880 20% 16,684,978.46 29%
25% 26,883,270 30% 17,922,180 20% 22,702,726.92 25%
20% 12,201,540 30% 8,134,360 20% 12,209,830.00 30%
3% 25,758,240 30% 17,172,160 20% 40,260,313.85 47%
18% 14,161,500 30% 9,441,000 20% 14,993,846.15 32%
49% 19,692,450 30% 13,128,300 20% 509,392.31 1%
24% 24,294,900 30% 16,196,600 20% 21,231,770.77 26%
53% 6,267,300 30% 4,178,200 20% -567,288.46 -3%
49% 5,913,330 30% 3,942,220 20% 235,500.77 1%
32% 6,921,090 30% 4,614,060 20% 4,116,903.85 18%
41% 33,550,140 30% 22,366,760 20% 10,047,940.77 9%
24% 15,400,050 30% 10,266,700 20% 13,350,820.00 26%
10% 37,695,570 30% 25,130,380 20% 50,514,554.62 40%
16% 24,355,200 30% 16,236,800 20% 27,972,500.77 34%
36% 32,000,850 30% 21,333,900 20% 14,695,690.00 14%
5% 21,428,520 30% 14,285,680 20% 32,301,345.38 45%
31% 22,510,290 30% 15,006,860 20% 14,305,570.77 19%
18% 9,849,180 30% 6,566,120 20% 10,437,804.62 32%
38% 12,484,740 30% 8,323,160 20% 5,069,698.46 12%
16% 5,587,560 30% 3,725,040 20% 6,288,346.15 34%
24% 14,473,050 30% 9,648,700 20% 12,575,740.77 26%
25% 19,447,170 30% 12,964,780 20% 16,454,963.85 25%
17% 7,213,200 30% 4,808,800 20% 7,906,813.08 33%
84% 7,129,980 30% 4,753,320 20% -8,100,317.69 -34%
66% 7,182,000 30% 4,788,000 20% -3,811,733.85 -16%
24% 19,622,310 30% 13,081,540 20% 17,028,735.38 26%
30% 4,461,360 30% 2,974,240 20% 2,985,985.38 20%
39% 4,291,380 30% 2,860,920 20% 1,622,610.00 11%
41% 12,495,360 30% 8,330,240 20% 3,902,087.69 9%
89% 4,763,790 30% 3,175,860 20% -6,137,510.00 -39%
121% 6,497,910 30% 4,331,940 20% -15,332,865.38 -71%
40% 8,701,740 30% 5,801,160 20% 2,840,470.00 10%
55% 14,836,800 30% 9,891,200 20% -2,410,880.77 -5%
28% 12,887,310 30% 8,591,540 20% 9,626,783.85 22%
84% 6,952,860 30% 4,635,240 20% -7,966,369.23 -34%
12% 15,781,350 30% 10,520,900 20% 19,837,443.85 38%
14% 12,955,770 30% 8,637,180 20% 15,741,032.31 36%
55% 5,900,610 30% 3,933,740 20% -904,327.69 -5%
37% 8,734,020 30% 5,822,680 20% 3,653,787.69 13%
20% 6,524,070 30% 4,349,380 20% 6,513,825.38 30%
29% 10,018,080 30% 6,678,720 20% 6,914,530.00 21%
27% 15,543,540 30% 10,362,360 20% 11,874,453.08 23%
28% 10,972,800 30% 7,315,200 20% 7,880,284.62 22%
21% 14,257,080 30% 9,504,720 20% 13,674,950.77 29%
18% 6,408,690 30% 4,272,460 20% 6,806,334.62 32%
23% 11,424,720 30% 7,616,480 20% 10,158,778.46 27%
21% 8,579,400 30% 5,719,600 20% 8,242,734.62 29%
46% 3,769,920 30% 2,513,280 20% 563,750.77 4%
37% 15,789,000 30% 10,526,000 20% 6,836,440.77 13%
23% 11,785,890 30% 7,857,260 20% 10,524,679.23 27%
25% 12,951,210 30% 8,634,140 20% 10,649,580.77 25%
24% 10,020,510 30% 6,680,340 20% 8,694,602.31 26%
28% 4,882,590 30% 3,255,060 20% 3,544,950.00 22%
98% 3,708,000 30% 2,472,000 20% -5,910,870.00 -48%
45% 9,793,200 30% 6,528,800 20% 1,473,263.08 5%
45% 5,838,840 30% 3,892,560 20% 935,445.38 5%
22% 9,638,340 30% 6,425,560 20% 9,001,686.92 28%
33% 5,810,700 30% 3,873,800 20% 3,309,116.15 17%
59% 8,532,480 30% 5,688,320 20% -2,625,838.46 -9%
26% 13,948,050 30% 9,298,700 20% 11,108,741.54 24%
22% 5,504,370 30% 3,669,580 20% 5,054,330.77 28%
18% 6,878,280 30% 4,585,520 20% 7,264,893.85 32%
23% 12,099,390 30% 8,066,260 20% 10,891,769.23 27%
20% 9,195,870 30% 6,130,580 20% 9,152,396.15 30%
19% 9,370,560 30% 6,247,040 20% 9,668,710.77 31%
22% 7,628,970 30% 5,085,980 20% 7,127,888.46 28%
19% 8,086,410 30% 5,390,940 20% 8,255,193.08 31%
22% 3,019,920 30% 2,013,280 20% 2,861,863.85 28%
3% 6,788,400 30% 4,525,600 20% 10,733,603.08 47%
12% 5,328,630 30% 3,552,420 20% 6,823,680.00 38%
28% 5,949,480 30% 3,966,320 20% 4,458,052.31 22%
16% 3,678,420 30% 2,452,280 20% 4,186,444.62 34%
63% 6,123,630 30% 4,082,420 20% -2,685,277.69 -13%
14% 9,183,900 30% 6,122,600 20% 10,894,196.92 36%
25% 5,508,540 30% 3,672,360 20% 4,512,441.54 25%
22% 6,435,570 30% 4,290,380 20% 6,112,754.62 28%
27% 7,911,360 30% 5,274,240 20% 6,130,257.69 23%
16% 6,476,010 30% 4,317,340 20% 7,232,183.85 34%
30% 6,435,540 30% 4,290,360 20% 4,364,160.77 20%
33% 8,507,280 30% 5,671,520 20% 4,783,642.31 17%
48% 2,468,490 30% 1,645,660 20% 139,392.31 2%
27% 2,843,700 30% 1,895,800 20% 2,176,013.08 23%
71% 2,898,720 30% 1,932,480 20% -2,026,879.23 -21%
20% 2,681,820 30% 1,787,880 20% 2,694,512.31 30%
18% 4,881,390 30% 3,254,260 20% 5,249,956.15 32%
145% 3,660,690 30% 2,440,460 20% -11,547,453.85 -95%
15% 5,962,680 30% 3,975,120 20% 6,908,730.77 35%
44% 7,640,940 30% 5,093,960 20% 1,489,513.85 6%
32% 6,466,770 30% 4,311,180 20% 3,829,158.46 18%
22% 2,476,200 30% 1,650,800 20% 2,325,998.46 28%
28% 3,284,280 30% 2,189,520 20% 2,356,011.54 22%
20% 2,569,320 30% 1,712,880 20% 2,584,523.08 30%
17% 2,596,560 30% 1,731,040 20% 2,843,852.31 33%
26% 2,708,610 30% 1,805,740 20% 2,151,612.31 24%
23% 2,940,870 30% 1,960,580 20% 2,642,076.15 27%
33% 4,909,710 30% 3,273,140 20% 2,798,774.62 17%
46% 4,269,660 30% 2,846,440 20% 595,858.46 4%
27% 1,648,260 30% 1,098,840 20% 1,288,889.23 23%
43% 3,649,740 30% 2,433,160 20% 909,437.69 7%
23% 3,128,460 30% 2,085,640 20% 2,802,056.92 27%
20% 5,002,680 30% 3,335,120 20% 4,997,589.23 30%
28% 6,703,950 30% 4,469,300 20% 4,952,192.31 22%
40% 3,603,780 30% 2,402,520 20% 1,233,046.15 10%
25% 4,108,800 30% 2,739,200 20% 3,405,328.46 25%
22% 7,281,750 30% 4,854,500 20% 6,876,363.08 28%
19% 6,647,280 30% 4,431,520 20% 6,910,201.54 31%
27% 5,890,080 30% 3,926,720 20% 4,533,826.92 23%
55% 1,554,720 30% 1,036,480 20% -255,457.69 -5%
31% 5,965,260 30% 3,976,840 20% 3,768,593.85 19%
13% 1,305,870 30% 870,580 20% 1,621,646.15 37%
11% 2,681,850 30% 1,787,900 20% 3,492,413.08 39%
37% 3,072,540 30% 2,048,360 20% 1,347,254.62 13%
61% 4,216,230 30% 2,810,820 20% -1,607,723.08 -11%
14% 3,557,280 30% 2,371,520 20% 4,322,138.46 36%
47% 1,284,390 30% 856,260 20% 136,431.54 3%
91% 1,733,730 30% 1,155,820 20% -2,362,353.08 -41%
34% 2,682,270 30% 1,788,180 20% 1,392,406.92 16%
17% 2,994,540 30% 1,996,360 20% 3,251,211.54 33%
42% 3,423,030 30% 2,282,020 20% 904,891.54 8%
36% 3,760,620 30% 2,507,080 20% 1,716,588.46 14%
32% 1,761,030 30% 1,174,020 20% 1,065,356.92 18%
41% 2,234,760 30% 1,489,840 20% 704,559.23 9%
22% 3,418,920 30% 2,279,280 20% 3,182,272.31 28%
58% 1,935,360 30% 1,290,240 20% -521,792.31 -8%
80% 3,076,380 30% 2,050,920 20% -3,101,591.54 -30%
73% 3,076,380 30% 2,050,920 20% -2,379,843.85 -23%
12% 5,235,480 30% 3,490,320 20% 6,560,966.92 38%
27% 3,331,230 30% 2,220,820 20% 2,596,892.31 23%
44% 3,930,810 30% 2,620,540 20% 825,816.92 6%
16% 2,641,320 30% 1,760,880 20% 2,954,871.54 34%
48% 1,673,490 30% 1,115,660 20% 121,068.46 2%
28% 2,878,740 30% 1,919,160 20% 2,096,060.00 22%
25% 4,283,700 30% 2,855,800 20% 3,549,750.00 25%
22% 4,283,700 30% 2,855,800 20% 4,038,203.08 28%
23% 5,041,140 30% 3,360,760 20% 4,583,274.62 27%
19% 1,627,830 30% 1,085,220 20% 1,670,711.54 31%
1% 4,027,410 30% 2,684,940 20% 6,539,863.85 49%
10% 3,893,700 30% 2,595,800 20% 5,174,873.08 40%
70% 11,178,270 30% 7,452,180 20% -7,603,484.62 -20%
30% 1,939,620 30% 1,293,080 20% 1,311,723.85 20%
17% 2,518,680 30% 1,679,120 20% 2,759,603.85 33%
21% 2,723,610 30% 1,815,740 20% 2,663,212.31 29%
32% 2,002,650 30% 1,335,100 20% 1,170,829.23 18%
67% 1,689,300 30% 1,126,200 20% -956,035.38 -17%
45% 1,748,670 30% 1,165,780 20% 270,746.92 5%
93% 1,447,950 30% 965,300 20% -2,089,696.92 -43%
45% 3,643,620 30% 2,429,080 20% 593,406.92 5%
20% 2,090,880 30% 1,393,920 20% 2,079,092.31 30%
74% 1,193,640 30% 795,760 20% -937,807.69 -24%
16% 2,361,900 30% 1,574,600 20% 2,695,684.62 34%
41% 1,843,020 30% 1,228,680 20% 581,303.85 9%
14% 927,630 30% 618,420 20% 1,102,373.08 36%
72% 1,681,380 30% 1,120,920 20% -1,253,262.31 -22%
17% 2,886,330 30% 1,924,220 20% 3,142,953.85 33%
52% 3,389,130 30% 2,259,420 20% -200,401.54 -2%
116% 1,974,180 30% 1,316,120 20% -4,316,256.92 -66%
53% 1,555,260 30% 1,036,840 20% -142,189.23 -3%
10% 1,815,420 30% 1,210,280 20% 2,398,553.08 40%
31% 2,400,090 30% 1,600,060 20% 1,499,153.08 19%
20% 5,732,370 30% 3,821,580 20% 5,651,719.23 30%
89% 2,203,740 30% 1,469,160 20% -2,876,376.92 -39%
53% 1,698,360 30% 1,132,240 20% -143,664.62 -3%
43% 2,205,540 30% 1,470,360 20% 510,039.23 7%
19% 755,460 30% 503,640 20% 773,528.46 31%
17% 2,011,140 30% 1,340,760 20% 2,181,311.54 33%
29% 2,920,560 30% 1,947,040 20% 2,062,175.38 21%
7% 1,665,000 30% 1,110,000 20% 2,409,693.85 43%
31% 2,375,760 30% 1,583,840 20% 1,534,106.92 19%
42% 1,238,610 30% 825,740 20% 319,897.69 8%
39% 1,351,230 30% 900,820 20% 504,273.85 11%
13% 4,077,660 30% 2,718,440 20% 5,058,288.46 37%
20% 2,212,230 30% 1,474,820 20% 2,199,436.15 30%
22% 2,815,560 30% 1,877,040 20% 2,596,605.38 28%
18% 3,780,990 30% 2,520,660 20% 4,011,208.46 32%
66% 689,970 30% 459,980 20% -359,555.38 -16%
26% 2,641,590 30% 1,761,060 20% 2,089,734.62 24%
21% 2,945,040 30% 1,963,360 20% 2,804,990.00 29%
44% 2,754,840 30% 1,836,560 20% 590,926.15 6%
17% 1,221,960 30% 814,640 20% 1,344,566.15 33%
22% 1,988,550 30% 1,325,700 20% 1,872,406.15 28%
20% 1,696,260 30% 1,130,840 20% 1,697,619.23 30%
25% 988,800 30% 659,200 20% 808,598.46 25%
14% 2,117,880 30% 1,411,920 20% 2,547,638.46 36%
29% 811,140 30% 540,760 20% 557,606.15 21%
45% 1,585,080 30% 1,056,720 20% 283,660.00 5%
73% 3,871,800 30% 2,581,200 20% -2,978,155.38 -23%
81% 4,438,620 30% 2,959,080 20% -4,611,892.31 -31%
34% 5,845,170 30% 3,896,780 20% 3,123,926.92 16%
41% 1,428,750 30% 952,500 20% 420,008.46 9%
17% 3,230,790 30% 2,153,860 20% 3,550,372.31 33%
25% 2,711,070 30% 1,807,380 20% 2,300,537.69 25%
7% 1,460,970 30% 973,980 20% 2,116,250.77 43%
18% 337,980 30% 225,320 20% 357,890.77 32%
54% 336,600 30% 224,400 20% -43,680.77 -4%
13% 1,421,610 30% 947,740 20% 1,757,590.77 37%
42% 326,460 30% 217,640 20% 86,698.46 8%
47% 326,460 30% 217,640 20% 27,716.92 3%
43% 1,188,870 30% 792,580 20% 265,526.15 7%
46% 2,879,700 30% 1,919,800 20% 381,075.38 4%
49% 1,720,680 30% 1,147,120 20% 31,400.00 1%
10% 1,456,020 30% 970,680 20% 1,931,076.15 40%
26% 1,974,330 30% 1,316,220 20% 1,554,069.23 24%
24% 717,810 30% 478,540 20% 619,023.85 26%
27% 1,511,190 30% 1,007,460 20% 1,178,354.62 23%
16% 1,561,770 30% 1,041,180 20% 1,788,220.00 34%
16% 1,248,030 30% 832,020 20% 1,396,010.00 34%
30% 1,040,010 30% 693,340 20% 701,745.38 20%
13% 1,005,570 30% 670,380 20% 1,245,395.38 37%
38% 1,669,230 30% 1,112,820 20% 687,796.15 12%
38% 1,206,660 30% 804,440 20% 474,855.38 12%
46% 910,290 30% 606,860 20% 129,153.08 4%
142% 603,300 30% 402,200 20% -1,855,030.00 -92%
15% 979,890 30% 653,260 20% 1,150,488.46 35%
25% 776,490 30% 517,660 20% 657,276.15 25%
21% 2,125,440 30% 1,416,960 20% 2,031,098.46 29%
107% 1,183,800 30% 789,200 20% -2,244,756.15 -57%
99% 1,378,440 30% 918,960 20% -2,241,043.08 -49%
25% 1,381,080 30% 920,720 20% 1,127,956.15 25%
23% 1,090,110 30% 726,740 20% 993,847.69 27%
10% 1,183,800 30% 789,200 20% 1,597,516.92 40%
107% 596,820 30% 397,880 20% -1,140,288.46 -57%
11% 1,328,760 30% 885,840 20% 1,743,339.23 39%
8% 1,113,000 30% 742,000 20% 1,544,460.00 42%
4% 954,000 30% 636,000 20% 1,462,496.92 46%
102% 1,550,130 30% 1,033,420 20% -2,671,511.54 -52%
81% 1,006,350 30% 670,900 20% -1,039,728.46 -31%
32% 895,680 30% 597,120 20% 530,080.77 18%
41% 747,990 30% 498,660 20% 212,297.69 9%
20% 954,840 30% 636,560 20% 948,045.38 30%
20% 1,271,790 30% 847,860 20% 1,256,991.54 30%
22% 1,130,490 30% 753,660 20% 1,063,360.77 28%
28% 1,513,980 30% 1,009,320 20% 1,091,884.62 22%
24% 908,430 30% 605,620 20% 772,910.77 26%
20% 1,311,180 30% 874,120 20% 1,317,832.31 30%
19% 761,250 30% 507,500 20% 776,536.15 31%
15% 701,790 30% 467,860 20% 828,764.62 35%
18% 982,500 30% 655,000 20% 1,057,533.85 32%
90% 757,320 30% 504,880 20% -1,017,150.77 -40%
12% 717,810 30% 478,540 20% 904,881.54 38%
31% 1,247,850 30% 831,900 20% 800,027.69 19%
13% 2,079,300 30% 1,386,200 20% 2,533,423.85 37%
48% 1,421,940 30% 947,960 20% 88,318.46 2%
88% 608,640 30% 405,760 20% -760,843.85 -38%
24% 828,690 30% 552,460 20% 707,832.31 26%
38% 1,107,030 30% 738,020 20% 457,998.46 12%
37% 948,870 30% 632,580 20% 408,008.46 13%
100% 1,107,030 30% 738,020 20% -1,833,005.38 -50%
69% 974,430 30% 649,620 20% -602,207.69 -19%
27% 1,443,180 30% 962,120 20% 1,093,094.62 23%
58% 803,130 30% 535,420 20% -218,283.85 -8%
37% 905,910 30% 603,940 20% 391,534.62 13%
14% 851,310 30% 567,540 20% 1,027,606.15 36%
91% 598,170 30% 398,780 20% -812,501.54 -41%
128% 1,170,900 30% 780,600 20% -3,027,097.69 -78%
10% 1,249,740 30% 833,160 20% 1,656,120.77 40%
42% 716,190 30% 477,460 20% 185,268.46 8%
65% 480,300 30% 320,200 20% -235,778.46 -15%
36% 1,888,710 30% 1,259,140 20% 864,866.15 14%
49% 759,090 30% 506,060 20% 34,497.69 1%
41% 1,231,860 30% 821,240 20% 381,630.00 9%
24% 1,724,580 30% 1,149,720 20% 1,522,709.23 26%
19% 1,724,580 30% 1,149,720 20% 1,808,340.77 31%
38% 1,231,860 30% 821,240 20% 485,258.46 12%
45% 403,920 30% 269,280 20% 63,773.85 5%
19% 405,570 30% 270,380 20% 420,313.08 31%
13% 2,512,020 30% 1,674,680 20% 3,071,530.77 37%
155% 672,420 30% 448,280 20% -2,354,663.85 -105%
48% 1,188,870 30% 792,580 20% 74,543.85 2%
36% 1,384,980 30% 923,320 20% 629,772.31 14%
44% 1,187,610 30% 791,740 20% 221,784.62 6%
56% 412,080 30% 274,720 20% -75,696.15 -6%
50% 343,380 30% 228,920 20% 1,550.77 0%
19% 1,407,780 30% 938,520 20% 1,459,150.00 31%
29% 713,550 30% 475,700 20% 500,381.54 21%
25% 1,005,570 30% 670,380 20% 851,496.92 25%
10% 594,630 30% 396,420 20% 800,823.85 40%
13% 713,550 30% 475,700 20% 887,406.15 37%
22% 1,005,570 30% 670,380 20% 943,196.15 28%
234% 483,390 30% 322,260 20% -2,961,460.77 -184%
17% 670,350 30% 446,900 20% 747,250.00 33%
42% 919,080 30% 612,720 20% 244,278.46 8%
29% 919,080 30% 612,720 20% 656,954.62 21%
46% 563,010 30% 375,340 20% 68,520.00 4%
22% 871,680 30% 581,120 20% 812,130.77 28%
19% 1,042,830 30% 695,220 20% 1,079,000.77 31%
16% 1,462,410 30% 974,940 20% 1,661,518.46 34%
8% 2,378,640 30% 1,585,760 20% 3,298,562.31 42%
22% 1,044,570 30% 696,380 20% 986,416.92 28%
12% 2,038,830 30% 1,359,220 20% 2,593,687.69 38%
8% 2,378,640 30% 1,585,760 20% 3,346,961.54 42%
19% 1,699,020 30% 1,132,680 20% 1,740,456.92 31%
16% 710,700 30% 473,800 20% 808,340.77 34%
55% 592,260 30% 394,840 20% -103,578.46 -5%
28% 2,988,840 30% 1,992,560 20% 2,222,056.92 22%
14% 1,130,490 30% 753,660 20% 1,370,466.15 36%
35% 616,590 30% 411,060 20% 303,480.77 15%
47% 513,810 30% 342,540 20% 56,225.38 3%
24% 1,421,490 30% 947,660 20% 1,240,671.54 26%
20% 846,720 30% 564,480 20% 847,091.54 30%
56% 725,760 30% 483,840 20% -138,793.85 -6%
38% 1,575,420 30% 1,050,280 20% 617,331.54 12%
35% 1,133,400 30% 755,600 20% 561,776.15 15%
13% 1,754,220 30% 1,169,480 20% 2,152,492.31 37%
15% 1,347,540 30% 898,360 20% 1,570,772.31 35%
23% 1,491,690 30% 994,460 20% 1,365,696.15 27%
59% 725,760 30% 483,840 20% -224,421.54 -9%
20% 1,044,240 30% 696,160 20% 1,050,231.54 30%
82% 345,000 30% 230,000 20% -362,314.62 -32%
30% 1,856,190 30% 1,237,460 20% 1,227,436.92 20%
30% 910,290 30% 606,860 20% 616,637.69 20%
27% 1,669,230 30% 1,112,820 20% 1,290,230.00 23%
33% 1,130,760 30% 753,840 20% 642,576.92 17%
33% 1,669,230 30% 1,112,820 20% 945,711.54 17%
26% 2,336,910 30% 1,557,940 20% 1,836,526.15 24%
11% 2,003,070 30% 1,335,380 20% 2,608,253.08 39%
35% 1,130,760 30% 753,840 20% 556,270.77 15%
42% 1,303,530 30% 869,020 20% 348,460.77 8%
46% 2,003,070 30% 1,335,380 20% 247,560.77 4%
19% 1,661,820 30% 1,107,880 20% 1,734,930.77 31%
52% 402,870 30% 268,580 20% -32,504.62 -2%
21% 592,350 30% 394,900 20% 565,000.00 29%
12% 829,260 30% 552,840 20% 1,048,268.46 38%
21% 1,338,660 30% 892,440 20% 1,312,670.77 29%
20% 1,606,380 30% 1,070,920 20% 1,621,978.46 30%
16% 1,606,380 30% 1,070,920 20% 1,823,146.15 34%
17% 1,606,380 30% 1,070,920 20% 1,752,160.77 33%
27% 1,606,380 30% 1,070,920 20% 1,257,303.08 23%
19% 1,416,180 30% 944,120 20% 1,483,773.85 31%
21% 1,338,660 30% 892,440 20% 1,308,268.46 29%
18% 1,606,380 30% 1,070,920 20% 1,738,318.46 32%
23% 1,606,380 30% 1,070,920 20% 1,443,648.46 27%
39% 1,874,100 30% 1,249,400 20% 670,700.77 11%
18% 693,900 30% 462,600 20% 738,753.85 32%
21% 1,338,660 30% 892,440 20% 1,281,976.15 29%
19% 1,338,660 30% 892,440 20% 1,361,260.77 31%
16% 1,130,760 30% 753,840 20% 1,293,520.00 34%
95% 596,850 30% 397,900 20% -898,748.46 -45%
18% 1,606,380 30% 1,070,920 20% 1,716,271.54 32%
14% 942,300 30% 628,200 20% 1,120,681.54 36%
29% 947,010 30% 631,340 20% 656,478.46 21%
15% 1,503,000 30% 1,002,000 20% 1,773,550.00 35%
13% 710,820 30% 473,880 20% 877,986.15 37%
2% 1,306,590 30% 871,060 20% 2,097,650.77 48%
8% 1,002,450 30% 668,300 20% 1,419,011.54 42%
1% 680,430 30% 453,620 20% 1,109,346.92 49%
14% 689,700 30% 459,800 20% 832,660.00 36%
10% 942,840 30% 628,560 20% 1,249,858.46 40%
4% 942,840 30% 628,560 20% 1,440,091.54 46%
0% 1,319,970 30% 879,980 20% 2,190,375.38 50%
8% 716,040 30% 477,360 20% 1,012,225.38 42%
17% 1,187,130 30% 791,420 20% 1,315,498.46 33%
11% 1,044,570 30% 696,380 20% 1,367,980.77 39%
14% 1,518,180 30% 1,012,120 20% 1,834,495.38 36%
43% 1,712,400 30% 1,141,600 20% 382,408.46 7%
14% 999,300 30% 666,200 20% 1,203,963.85 36%
16% 1,103,430 30% 735,620 20% 1,249,005.38 34%
48% 731,580 30% 487,720 20% 52,377.69 2%
6% 743,310 30% 495,540 20% 1,091,554.62 44%
34% 616,140 30% 410,760 20% 321,975.38 16%
23% 1,047,180 30% 698,120 20% 926,506.92 27%
60% 673,200 30% 448,800 20% -225,405.38 -10%
10% 2,016,930 30% 1,344,620 20% 2,672,411.54 40%
27% 1,206,660 30% 804,440 20% 937,671.54 23%
59% 1,613,250 30% 1,075,500 20% -463,208.46 -9%
36% 713,250 30% 475,500 20% 341,735.38 14%
18% 1,103,430 30% 735,620 20% 1,167,533.85 32%
21% 402,480 30% 268,320 20% 392,110.77 29%
39% 745,890 30% 497,260 20% 271,897.69 11%
30% 942,300 30% 628,200 20% 613,936.92 20%
49% 1,754,220 30% 1,169,480 20% 65,681.54 1%
119% 1,699,020 30% 1,132,680 20% -3,888,306.92 -69%
29% 714,360 30% 476,240 20% 509,200.00 21%
19% 1,699,020 30% 1,132,680 20% 1,755,593.85 31%
50% 1,206,660 30% 804,440 20% 815.38 0%
32% 671,370 30% 447,580 20% 391,690.00 18%
26% 714,360 30% 476,240 20% 563,197.69 24%
39% 899,970 30% 599,980 20% 336,255.38 11%
6% 4,214,190 30% 2,809,460 20% 6,203,176.15 44%
33% 1,699,020 30% 1,132,680 20% 950,495.38 17%
22% 2,153,160 30% 1,435,440 20% 2,028,695.38 28%
18% 1,206,660 30% 804,440 20% 1,285,543.08 32%
35% 1,206,660 30% 804,440 20% 600,048.46 15%
73% 9,527,670 30% 6,351,780 20% -7,436,075.38 -23%
65% 671,370 30% 447,580 20% -341,826.15 -15%
29% 4,184,370 30% 2,789,580 20% 2,943,659.23 21%
17% 3,760,500 30% 2,507,000 20% 4,078,460.00 33%
63% 2,397,360 30% 1,598,240 20% -1,071,414.62 -13%
70% 1,462,410 30% 974,940 20% -964,213.85 -20%
81% 1,044,570 30% 696,380 20% -1,065,439.23 -31%
31% 805,620 30% 537,080 20% 502,921.54 19%
80% 1,754,220 30% 1,169,480 20% -1,748,610.00 -30%
11% 1,042,710 30% 695,140 20% 1,352,622.31 39%
80% 483,450 30% 322,300 20% -477,326.92 -30%
1% 483,450 30% 322,300 20% 794,150.77 49%
51% 502,560 30% 335,040 20% -19,830.00 -1%
7% 554,850 30% 369,900 20% 788,810.77 43%
11% 1,407,780 30% 938,520 20% 1,834,362.31 39%
34% 713,940 30% 475,960 20% 373,706.92 16%
20% 2,203,500 30% 1,469,000 20% 2,184,201.54 30%
66% 704,550 30% 469,700 20% -368,542.31 -16%
9% 1,935,900 30% 1,290,600 20% 2,639,759.23 41%
35% 282,030 30% 188,020 20% 142,649.23 15%
20% 5,833,307,539.92 29.9%
No ICD-10
1 Z09.8^I64
2 Z09.8^E11.9
3 Z09.8^M19.99
4 Z09.8^M51.2
5 Z03.8
6 Z09.8^G63.2
7 Z09.8^M54.5
8 Z09.8^G40.9
9 Z09.8^F41.9
10 Z09.8^G20
11 Z09.8^H81.4
12 K30
13 Z09.8^I11.9
14 Z09.8^G56.0
15 Z09.8^I10
16 Z09.8^J44.9
17 R10.0
18 Z09.8^G62.9
19 Z09.8^E13.5
20 A09.0
21 T14.1
22 N39.0
23 J45.9
24 Z09.8^M79.88
25 P59.9
26 M19.99
27 Z09.8^G54.2
28 E11.9
29 Z09.8^M75.0
30 J06.9
31 H81.4
32 Z09.8^I25.1
33 Z09.8^R51
34 J18.0
35 Z09.8^S82.30
36 Z09.8^N40
37 M54.5
38 Z09.8^K30
39 Z09.8^J18.0
40 Z09.8^G90.0
41 R11
42 M79.88
43 I10
44 Z09.8^N39.0
45 Z09.8^E04.1
46 Z09.8^F20.9
47 Z09.8^G50.0
48 Z09.8^D24
49 Z09.8^M54.3
50 Z09.8^H66.9
51 I11.9
52 Z09.8^I50.9
53 Z09.8^S52.50
54 H66.9
55 R51
56 O02.0
57 Z09.8^G54.0
58 Z09.8^N30.9
59 I64
60 Z09.8^E11.4
61 Z09.8^K37
62 Z09.8^G57.0
63 Z09.8^I63.9
64 Z36.8
65 Z09.8^A09.0
66 F41.9
67 T14.0
68 Z09.8^M65.3
69 D24
70 J06.8
71 M51.2
72 Z09.8^J35.0
73 Z09.8^D69.3
74 Z09.8^K40.3
75 Z09.8^G47.0
76 J44.9
77 I25.1
78 J35.0
79 R07.4
80 Z09.8^Q21.0
81 Z09.8^G51.0
82 Z09.8^J20.9
83 Z09.8^F03
84 I84.9
85 N93.9
86 J20.9
87 Z09.8^G44.2
88 Z09.8^K60.3
89 Z09.8^M79.29
90 Z09.8^S72.80
91 T78.4
92 Z09.8^I84.9
93 Z09.8^L02.9
94 Z09.8^M21.3
95 Z09.8^N18.9
96 N23
97 Z09.8^M51.0
98 K40.3
99 Z09.8^J45.9
100 H61.2
101 G40.9
102 P07.1
103 N40
104 R55
105 Z09.8^F33.9
106 Z09.8^S42.40
107 Z47.0
108 I50.9
109 Z09.8^M72.29
110 Z09.8^M79.1
111 Z09.8^G95.0
112 Z09.8^M79.7
113 Z09.8^N00.8
114 R33
115 Z09.8^A91
116 Z09.8^F95.9
117 Z09.8^I86.1
118 Z09.8^M79.26
119 Z09.8^N21.0
120 Z09.8^S72.40
121 Z09.8^E05.9
122 Z09.8^J06.9
123 Z09.8^J44.1
124 Z09.8^F42.9
125 Z09.8^G95.8
126 G62.9
127 J30.4
128 J44.1
129 L02.9
130 M75.0
131 L04.9
132 J02.9
133 O34.2
134 Z09.8^J30.4
135 Z09.8^N11.0
136 Z09.8^S42.00
137 Z09.8^T14.1
138 O36.4
139 J18.9
140 O05.4
141 O32.1
142 Z09.8^A01.0
143 Z09.8^N47
144 Z09.8^R50.9
145 Z09.8^R56.0
146 N18.9
147 S52.50
148 Z09.8^L02.8
149 Z09.8^N00.9
150 Z09.8^N93.9
151 Z09.8^S06.0
152 B34.9
153 E04.1
154 G56.0
155 Z09.8^E83.5
156 Z09.8^G25.0
157 Z09.8^L03.9
158 F20.9
159 G63.2
160 N21.0
161 Z09.8^M79.79
162 Z09.8^S93.0
163 A90
164 G44.2
165 N20.0
166 N30.9
167 O06.4
168 R06.0
169 Z09.8^I27.9
170 Z09.8^J06.8
171 Z09.8^P59.9
172 Z50.1
173 K21.9
174 Z09.8^H93.1
175 Z09.8^N28.9
176 Z09.8^N60.2
177 G54.2
178 N13.3
179 R04.0
180 Z09.8^J18.9
181 Z09.8^M32.9
182 Z09.8^S82.2
183 Z09.8^T78.4
184 E11.4
185 G20
186 Z09.8^D61.9
187 Z09.8^F41.0
188 Z09.8^L04.9
189 Z09.8^M54.58
190 Z09.8^N20.0
191 Z09.8^S91.3
192 Z09.8^T14.0
193 N47
194 Z09.8^K21.9
195 A01.0
196 Z09.8^J01.0
197 Z09.8^J33.9
198 Z09.8^K80.8
199 Z09.8^R10.0
200 E13.5
201 G57.0
202 I27.9
203 K59.0
204 M54.3
205 M79.1
206 N83.2
207 R56.0
208 Z09.8^E04.9
209 Z09.8^E05.0
210 Z09.8^K74.6
211 Z09.8^K81.0
212 Z09.8^N13.3
213 Z09.8^N23
214 Z09.8^S72.90
215 G51.0
216 N91.1
217 S82.30
218 T16
219 Z09.8
220 Z09.8^L98.4
221 Z09.8^M10.9
222 Z09.8^M19.01
223 Z09.8^M84.07
224 Z09.8^R07.4
225 Z09.8^R25.1
226 Z09.8^S92.31
227 O95
228 S06.0
229 S42.00
230 T83.3
231 Z09.8^B34.9
232 Z09.8^I05.9
233 Z09.8^M48.82
234 Z09.8^S43.0
235 Z39.2
236 K74.6
237 M65.3
238 O21.0
239 Z09.8^S01.5
240 Z09.8^S40.8
241 Z09.8^T30.0
242 G90.0
243 H93.1
244 I48
245 I86.1
246 P39.9
247 Z09.8^E05.1
248 Z09.8^I49.3
249 Z09.8^J01.9
250 Z09.8^N45.9
251 Z09.8^R90.0
252 Z09.8^S62.60
253 Z09.8^S82.00
254 A91
255 D25.9
256 F33.9
257 G47.0
258 J39.3
259 K60.3
260 M79.29
261 O02.9
262 O99.8
263 Z09.8^D21.0
264 Z09.8^D25.9
265 Z09.8^I48
266 Z09.8^J02.9
267 Z09.8^K71.0
268 Z09.8^L04.0
269 Z09.8^N13.2
270 Z09.8^N20.1
271 Z09.8^N61
272 A01.4
273 N76.0
274 O20.0
275 S42.40
276 S62.30
277 Z09.8^F20.0
278 Z09.8^M67.4
279 Z09.8^M72.2
280 Z09.8^M76.69
281 Z09.8^S06.4
282 Z09.8^S72.00
283 Z09.8^T81.4
284 B01.9
285 D21.0
286 D21.4
287 E05.9
288 I49.9
289 K37
290 L02.8
291 L03.9
292 L04.0
293 L50.9
294 P22.9
295 Q21.0
296 Z09.8^B02.9
297 Z09.8^G51.3
298 Z09.8^H61.2
299 Z09.8^I20.0
300 Z09.8^M47.87
301 Z09.8^M72.27
302 Z09.8^R11
303 Z09.8^S62.30
304 Z09.8^S92.30
305 Z09.8^T84.7
306 D64.9
307 E04.9
308 F41.0
309 I20.0
310 K92.1
311 M67.4
312 R10.4
313 S72.80
314 Z09.8^A01.4
315 Z09.8^A49.9
316 Z09.8^I49.9
317 Z09.8^J01.8
318 Z09.8^K75.0
319 Z09.8^K76.0
320 Z09.8^M79.84
321 Z09.8^N17.9
322 Z09.8^S62.7
323 Z09.8^S82.3
324 Z09.8^S92.0
325 F44.9
326 G54.0
327 I63.9
328 L60.9
329 M72.29
330 M79.86
331 N11.0
332 N83.0
333 N86
334 N94.6
335 P03.4
336 S62.60
337 Z09.8^A15.9
338 Z09.8^D21.3
339 Z09.8^D64.9
340 Z09.8^F06.8
341 Z09.8^F23.9
342 Z09.8^F31.8
343 Z09.8^F33.8
344 Z09.8^I25.2
345 Z09.8^I51.7
346 Z09.8^I88.9
347 Z09.8^K56.7
348 Z09.8^L02.2
349 Z09.8^M47.82
350 Z09.8^M48.06
351 Z09.8^M50.0
352 Z09.8^N20.9
353 Z09.8^N83.2
354 Z09.8^N91.1
355 Z09.8^Q21.1
356 Z09.8^R33
357 Z09.8^S82.80
358 A06.0
359 A49.9
360 I51.7
361 J01.9
362 K40.9
363 L30.9
364 M54.58
365 M79.7
366 M79.84
367 N00.9
368 N13.2
369 N20.9
370 N28.1
371 O13
372 O32.2
373 R31
374 S43.0
375 S61.0
376 S83.5
377 S93.4
378 T15.9
379 T78.2
380 Z09.8^A06.0
381 Z09.8^D21.4
382 Z09.8^D45
383 Z09.8^E06.9
384 Z09.8^E13.4
385 Z09.8^E78.6
386 Z09.8^F53.9
387 Z09.8^G43.9
388 Z09.8^G57.1
389 Z09.8^G82.2
390 Z09.8^G90.9
391 Z09.8^I50.0
392 Z09.8^K59.0
393 Z09.8^K81.9
394 Z09.8^L04.8
395 Z09.8^M47.96
396 Z09.8^M48.0
397 Z09.8^M79.28
398 Z09.8^N18.3
399 Z09.8^R22.9
400 Z09.8^S06.40
401 Z09.8^S53.1
402 Z09.8^S62.70
403 Z09.8^S62.80
404 Z09.8^S72.30
405 Z09.8^T63.0
406 C53.9
407 D29.2
408 E05.1
409 E78.5
410 F03
411 I49.3
412 K76.9
413 K81.0
414 M47.92
415 N45.9
416 N60.2
417 N61
418 N75.0
419 O41.0
420 R22.9
421 R25.8
422 S72.40
423 Z09.4
424 Z09.8^A90
425 Z09.8^C53.9
426 Z09.8^E78.9
427 Z09.8^F32.9
428 Z09.8^F90.0
429 Z09.8^J31.0
430 Z09.8^K83.9
431 Z09.8^K92.0
432 Z09.8^K92.1
433 Z09.8^L03.8
434 Z09.8^M06.89
435 Z09.8^M10.98
436 Z09.8^M24.59
437 Z09.8^M43.6
438 Z09.8^M54.2
439 Z09.8^M54.56
440 Z09.8^M62.6
441 Z09.8^M76.19
442 Z09.8^M79.85
443 Z09.8^N21.9
444 Z09.8^N30.0
445 Z09.8^N43.3
446 Z09.8^Q25.0
447 Z09.8^Q43.1
448 Z09.8^R25.8
449 Z09.8^R31
450 Z09.8^S22.30
451 Z09.8^S52.00
452 Z09.8^S62.61
453 Z09.8^S72.9
454 A15.0
455 B02.9
456 B08.4
457 B17.8
458 B17.9
459 C11.9
460 C50.9
461 C73
462 D18.0
463 E16.2
464 F80.9
465 G44.8
466 G81.9
467 G82.2
468 I21.3
469 I47.1
470 I84.5
471 J01.0
472 J01.8
473 J33.9
474 J98.9
475 K56.0
476 K71.0
477 K92.0
478 L91.0
479 M10.9
480 M48.06
481 M65.9
482 M72.2
483 M79.19
484 M79.28
485 M84.07
486 N20.1
487 N28.9
488 O20.9
489 O23.4
490 O30.0
491 O47.0
492 O48
493 Q21.1
494 Q96.9
495 R00.2
496 R62.0
497 S83.6
498 S92.30
499 T30.2
500 T81.4
501 Z09.8^A15.0
502 Z09.8^B17.9
503 Z09.8^B37.0
504 Z09.8^C95.9
505 Z09.8^E07.9
506 Z09.8^E78.5
507 Z09.8^G61.9
508 Z09.8^H66.3
509 Z09.8^H81.0
510 Z09.8^H95.8
511 Z09.8^I45.1
512 Z09.8^I82.9
513 Z09.8^J36
514 Z09.8^K40.9
515 Z09.8^K41.9
516 Z09.8^K61.0
517 Z09.8^L97
518 Z09.8^M50.9
519 Z09.8^M51.3
520 Z09.8^M54.50
521 Z09.8^M66.28
522 Z09.8^M79.19
523 Z09.8^N10
524 Z09.8^N13.1
525 Z09.8^N21.1
526 Z09.8^N28.1
527 Z09.8^Q66.1
528 Z09.8^Q66.3
529 Z09.8^Q66.9
530 Z09.8^R02
531 Z09.8^R04.0
532 Z09.8^S66.5
533 Z09.8^S72.8
534 Z09.8^S80.9
535 Z09.8^S82.01
536 Z09.8^S82.31
537 Z09.8^S82.9
538 Z09.8^S83.0
539 Z09.8^S83.5
540 Z09.8^S92.00
541 Z09.8^T14.6
542 A09.9
543 A35
544 B37.0
545 D21.3
546 D27
547 E16.1
548 E78.9
549 F80.8
550 F95.9
551 H10.9
552 H61.9
553 I05.9
554 I20.9
555 I50.0
556 I84.2
557 J03.9
558 J31.0
559 J31.2
560 J32.9
561 J40
562 J90
563 K12.1
564 K61.0
565 K80.8
566 L02.1
567 L02.4
568 L89.9
569 M10.99
570 M35.7
571 M47.82
572 M50.9
573 M51.0
574 M62.6
575 M62.89
576 M65.49
577 M76.6
578 M79.81
579 N43.3
580 N73.9
581 N84.1
582 O02.1
583 O21.1
584 O24.9
585 O36.9
586 O99.0
587 P12.9
588 P23.9
589 P77
590 R00.0
591 R04.2
592 R30.0
593 R52.2
594 R56.8
595 R57.1
596 R57.2
597 R73.9
598 R74.0
599 S42.0
600 S42.10
601 S52.5
602 S72.00
603 S72.90
604 S80.9
605 T14.9
606 T17.2
607 T62.9
608 Z09.0
609 Z09.8^B00.8
610 Z09.8^B01.9
611 Z09.8^B08.4
612 Z09.8^B18.8
613 Z09.8^B86
614 Z09.8^D10.1
615 Z09.8^D40.1
616 Z09.8^D61.3
617 Z09.8^E13.3
618 Z09.8^E42
619 Z09.8^F32.2
620 Z09.8^F44.9
621 Z09.8^F80.8
622 Z09.8^F80.9
623 Z09.8^G35
624 Z09.8^G51.9
625 Z09.8^G56.2
626 Z09.8^G58.9
627 Z09.8^G70.9
628 Z09.8^G81.9
629 Z09.8^H61.0
630 Z09.8^I44.7
631 Z09.8^I77.2
632 Z09.8^I84.7
633 Z09.8^K12.1
634 Z09.8^K12.2
635 Z09.8^K76.9
636 Z09.8^K83.1
637 Z09.8^L01.0
638 Z09.8^L02.1
639 Z09.8^L04.2
640 Z09.8^L89.9
641 Z09.8^M10.99
642 Z09.8^M13.88
643 Z09.8^M19.98
644 Z09.8^M25.89
645 Z09.8^M47.86
646 Z09.8^M51.4
647 Z09.8^M54.36
648 Z09.8^M62.8
649 Z09.8^M65.30
650 Z09.8^M65.48
651 Z09.8^M65.89
652 Z09.8^M65.92
653 Z09.8^M77.09
654 Z09.8^M79.86
655 Z09.8^N20.2
656 Z09.8^N64.9
657 Z09.8^N80.8
658 Z09.8^O86.0
659 Z09.8^P39.9
660 Z09.8^R07.3
661 Z09.8^R16.0
662 Z09.8^R18
663 Z09.8^R52.0
664 Z09.8^S16
665 Z09.8^S22.40
666 Z09.8^S32.10
667 Z09.8^S42.30
668 Z09.8^S42.4
669 Z09.8^S46.0
670 Z09.8^S60.2
671 Z09.8^S61.0
672 Z09.8^S68.2
673 Z09.8^S72.91
674 Z09.8^S82.10
675 Z09.8^S82.40
676 Z09.8^S92.01
677 Z09.8^S97.8
678 Z09.8^T88.6
679 Z35.6
680 Z35.9
681 A15.9
682 A63.0
683 B26.9
684 B90.8
685 C06.9
686 D11.0
687 D40.1
688 D50.9
689 D61.8
690 D61.9
691 D69.6
692 E06.9
693 E87.6
694 F31.9
695 F44.5
696 G25.0
697 G25.9
698 G43.9
699 G50.0
700 G51.3
701 G51.9
702 G56.2
703 G95.8
704 H10.3
705 H66.4
706 H70.9
707 H81.1
708 H91.9
709 I09.9
710 I21.1
711 I44.2
712 I45.1
713 I47.2
714 I86.8
715 I88.9
716 J00
717 J04.0
718 J21.9
719 J31.1
720 J42
721 J91
722 J93.9
723 K05.0
724 K12.2
725 K62.5
726 K76.0
727 K83.1
728 L01.0
729 L03.8
730 L04.2
731 L04.8
732 L60.0
733 L72.9
734 L91.8
735 L97
736 L98.4
737 M20.0
738 M32.9
739 M41.9
740 M47.87
741 M54.2
742 M54.29
743 M62.83
744 M65.94
745 M75.3
746 M75.4
747 M79.0
748 M79.27
749 M79.85
750 M86.6
751 M87.05
752 N18.5
753 N39.3
754 N48.9
755 N64.9
756 N80.0
757 N81.4
758 N91.2
759 N93.8
760 N94.4
761 O14.9
762 O73.0
763 P12.8
764 P21.0
765 P22.8
766 P36.9
767 Q25.0
768 Q66.1
769 R05
770 R13
771 R18
772 R25.1
773 R50.9
774 R59.9
775 R60.9
776 R90.0
777 S01.5
778 S01.8
779 S05.4
780 S06.00
781 S14.1
782 S32.80
783 S34.1
784 S40.9
785 S42.41
786 S42.81
787 S50.0
788 S52.00
789 S52.51
790 S53.1
791 S62.70
792 S81.9
793 S82.00
794 S82.10
795 S86.9
796 S91.0
797 S92.0
798 T14.3
799 T63.0
800 T75.4
801 T84.8
802 T88.7
803 Z09.8^A18.2
804 Z09.8^B00.9
805 Z09.8^C02.9
806 Z09.8^C11.9
807 Z09.8^C73
808 Z09.8^D26.0
809 Z09.8^D29.0
810 Z09.8^D36.9
811 Z09.8^D50.9
812 Z09.8^E06.1
813 Z09.8^E16.2
814 Z09.8^E87.6
815 Z09.8^F45.0
816 Z09.8^G00.9
817 Z09.8^G04.9
818 Z09.8^H66.4
819 Z09.8^H81.2
820 Z09.8^H81.9
821 Z09.8^H91.1
822 Z09.8^I09.9
823 Z09.8^I27.8
824 Z09.8^I44.2
825 Z09.8^I47.0
826 Z09.8^I47.1
827 Z09.8^I47.2
828 Z09.8^I68.1
829 Z09.8^I84.2
830 Z09.8^J32.0
831 Z09.8^J32.9
832 Z09.8^J39.3
833 Z09.8^J40
834 Z09.8^K27.0
835 Z09.8^K60.2
836 Z09.8^K62.5
837 Z09.8^L03.1
838 Z09.8^L27.9
839 Z09.8^L50.9
840 Z09.8^L72.9
841 Z09.8^L93.2
842 Z09.8^M07.57
843 Z09.8^M10.96
844 Z09.8^M13.0
845 Z09.8^M19.9
846 Z09.8^M24.5
847 Z09.8^M25.4
848 Z09.8^M43.06
849 Z09.8^M48.07
850 Z09.8^M65.34
851 Z09.8^M65.39
852 Z09.8^M65.47
853 Z09.8^M65.49
854 Z09.8^M65.9
855 Z09.8^M65.99
856 Z09.8^M75.8
857 Z09.8^M76.68
858 Z09.8^M79.0
859 Z09.8^M79.81
860 Z09.8^M79.87
861 Z09.8^M84.0
862 Z09.8^M84.17
863 Z09.8^M84.27
864 Z09.8^M84.35
865 Z09.8^M92.51
866 Z09.8^N11.1
867 Z09.8^N14.4
868 Z09.8^N18.5
869 Z09.8^N43.4
870 Z09.8^N60.3
871 Z09.8^N91.2
872 Z09.8^O34.2
873 Z09.8^O99.8
874 Z09.8^R00.2
875 Z09.8^R05
876 Z09.8^R55
877 Z09.8^R56.8
878 Z09.8^R62.0
879 Z09.8^S06.5
880 Z09.8^S42.41
881 Z09.8^S52.51
882 Z09.8^S63.0
883 Z09.8^S68.1
884 Z09.8^S82.0
885 Z09.8^S82.50
886 Z09.8^S82.71
887 Z09.8^S82.8
888 Z09.8^S83.4
889 Z09.8^S83.6
890 Z09.8^S89.9
891 Z09.8^S93.5
892 Z09.8^S97.0
893 Z09.8^T14.60
894 Z09.8^T78.2
895 Z30.9
896 Z34.9
897 Z35.5
898 Z47.8
899 A01.2
900 A06.9
901 A18.2
902 A38
903 A39.0
904 A41.9
905 A54.3
906 A66.9
907 A88.1
908 A92.0
909 B02.2
910 B07
911 B26.8
912 B36.0
913 B37.9
914 B97.7
915 C16.9
916 C20
917 C21.8
918 C22.0
919 C38.3
920 C40.1
921 C43.9
922 C55
923 C61
924 C62.9
925 C67.4
926 C67.9
927 C81.7
928 C95.9
929 D06.9
930 D10.1
931 D10.3
932 D12.5
933 D14.0
934 D15.1
935 D16.6
936 D16.8
937 D16.9
938 D21.1
939 D21.9
940 D22.9
941 D23.9
942 D29.0
943 D32.9
944 D36.1
945 D36.9
946 D37.0
947 D47.0
948 D53.9
949 D69.3
950 D69.9
951 D72.8
952 E05.0
953 E06.3
954 E07.9
955 E13.3
956 E13.4
957 E78.0
958 E78.6
959 E78.8
960 E79.0
961 F06.3
962 F06.8
963 F29
964 F31.8
965 F32.2
966 F40.9
967 F42.9
968 F44.8
969 F45.0
970 F45.4
971 F45.9
972 F82
973 F84.0
974 F90.0
975 G03.9
976 G35
977 G52.9
978 G54.9
979 G57.1
980 G70.9
981 G71.0
982 G72.9
983 G81.0
984 G83.4
985 G91.9
986 H04.3
987 H10.8
988 H11.9
989 H16.9
990 H50.9
991 H52.7
992 H60.0
993 H60.9
994 H65.2
995 H66.0
996 H70.0
997 H81.0
998 H81.9
999 H92.0
1000 I00
1001 I01.9
1002 I21.9
1003 I24.9
1004 I25.2
1005 I25.9
1006 I42.8
1007 I42.9
1008 I44.0
1009 I44.7
1010 I67.8
1011 I69.3
1012 I71.4
1013 I82.9
1014 I84.0
1015 I84.7
1016 I87.2
1017 J20.8
1018 J32.0
1019 J36
1020 J38.7
1021 J43.9
1022 K04.8
1023 K05.1
1024 K12.3
1025 K14.0
1026 K21.0
1027 K27.9
1028 K29.5
1029 K35.8
1030 K41.9
1031 K42.9
1032 K51.9
1033 K52.9
1034 K56.7
1035 K58.9
1036 K60.2
1037 K62.4
1038 K63.2
1039 K70.9
1040 K71.7
1041 K75.0
1042 K75.9
1043 K81.1
1044 K81.8
1045 K81.9
1046 K83.9
1047 K85.9
1048 K92.9
1049 L02.0
1050 L03.0
1051 L20.9
1052 L23.6
1053 L29.9
1054 L30.1
1055 L53.9
1056 L72.8
1057 L74.0
1058 L84
1059 L92.9
1060 M06.9
1061 M06.99
1062 M10.0
1063 M13.0
1064 M13.88
1065 M13.99
1066 M14.6
1067 M15.4
1068 M19.01
1069 M20.6
1070 M21.00
1071 M21.15
1072 M21.29
1073 M21.3
1074 M23.23
1075 M23.29
1076 M24.21
1077 M24.59
1078 M25.2
1079 M25.4
1080 M25.5
1081 M25.50
1082 M25.59
1083 M43.6
1084 M45.0
1085 M47.19
1086 M47.81
1087 M47.86
1088 M47.89
1089 M47.97
1090 M48.09
1091 M48.82
1092 M48.9
1093 M51.3
1094 M53.3
1095 M53.9
1096 M54.13
1097 M54.39
1098 M54.56
1099 M62.19
1100 M62.86
1101 M62.98
1102 M65.39
1103 M65.4
1104 M65.44
1105 M65.89
1106 M65.99
1107 M66.40
1108 M70.87
1109 M71.29
1110 M75.1
1111 M75.2
1112 M76.0
1113 M76.19
1114 M76.5
1115 M76.54
1116 M76.56
1117 M76.61
1118 M76.68
1119 M76.69
1120 M79.16
1121 M79.26
1122 M79.54
1123 M79.55
1124 M79.79
1125 M79.8
1126 M79.87
1127 M79.89
1128 M79.9
1129 M84.0
1130 M84.04
1131 M84.35
1132 M84.37
1133 M84.47
1134 M86.06
1135 M86.16
1136 M86.17
1137 M86.9
1138 M86.95
1139 M87.39
1140 M89.9
1141 M92.51
1142 M93.26
1143 M96.9
1144 M99.23
1145 N00.8
1146 N10
1147 N18.3
1148 N18.4
1149 N28.8
1150 N30.0
1151 N30.8
1152 N32.9
1153 N34.2
1154 N36.8
1155 N36.9
1156 N39.2
1157 N43.2
1158 N48.1
1159 N48.8
1160 N60.3
1161 N60.8
1162 N63
1163 N64.4
1164 N72
1165 N75.1
1166 N76.1
1167 N80.9
1168 N81.3
1169 N81.6
1170 N84.0
1171 N84.8
1172 N92.6
1173 N95.9
1174 N97.9
1175 O01.9
1176 O06.9
1177 O07.1
1178 O20.8
1179 O22.4
1180 O23.3
1181 O24.4
1182 O32.9
1183 O36.1
1184 O41.9
1185 O42.0
1186 O43.1
1187 O44.0
1188 O72.1
1189 O90.5
1190 O98.3
1191 P21.1
1192 P28.9
1193 P55.9
1194 P70.4
1195 P74.1
1196 P81.0
1197 P81.9
1198 P83.5
1199 P95
1200 Q02
1201 Q18.1
1202 Q24.9
1203 Q25.4
1204 Q53.9
1205 Q54.0
1206 Q55.6
1207 Q66.0
1208 Q81.9
1209 R00.1
1210 R02
1211 R06.8
1212 R07.1
1213 R14
1214 R16.0
1215 R17
1216 R20.2
1217 R22.0
1218 R23.0
1219 R34
1220 R35
1221 R40.1
1222 R41.0
1223 R41.8
1224 R52.0
1225 R52.9
1226 R53
1227 R57.0
1228 R59.0
1229 R59.1
1230 R62.9
1231 S00.9
1232 S01.0
1233 S02.6
1234 S02.80
1235 S05.9
1236 S06.2
1237 S06.5
1238 S06.9
1239 S16
1240 S20.3
1241 S21.0
1242 S22.0
1243 S22.30
1244 S22.40
1245 S32.00
1246 S32.10
1247 S32.20
1248 S32.8
1249 S32.81
1250 S33.7
1251 S37.3
1252 S39.6
1253 S42.2
1254 S42.3
1255 S42.4
1256 S46.0
1257 S52.30
1258 S52.40
1259 S53.3
1260 S57.9
1261 S60.1
1262 S60.9
1263 S61.1
1264 S61.8
1265 S61.9
1266 S62.4
1267 S62.5
1268 S62.61
1269 S62.7
1270 S62.80
1271 S63.5
1272 S66.1
1273 S66.9
1274 S69.9
1275 S70.0
1276 S70.8
1277 S72.0
1278 S72.30
1279 S72.4
1280 S76.3
1281 S80.0
1282 S81.7
1283 S81.8
1284 S82.31
1285 S82.4
1286 S82.40
1287 S82.9
1288 S82.90
1289 S83.4
1290 S84.0
1291 S86.0
1292 S87.0
1293 S89.9
1294 S90.2
1295 S91.2
1296 S92.00
1297 S92.9
1298 S92.90
1299 S93.0
1300 S97.8
1301 T02.9
1302 T11.9
1303 T14.4
1304 T14.7
1305 T14.8
1306 T15.0
1307 T15.1
1308 T17.0
1309 T18.0
1310 T18.1
1311 T18.5
1312 T30.0
1313 T30.1
1314 T31.0
1315 T32.0
1316 T47.1
1317 T48.0
1318 T49.3
1319 T63.1
1320 T63.2
1321 T73.0
1322 T74.0
1323 T79.3
1324 T86.1
1325 T88.9
1326 Z03.0
1327 Z03.9
1328 Z09.8^A41.9
1329 Z09.8^B07
1330 Z09.8^B17.8
1331 Z09.8^B37.9
1332 Z09.8^B65.9
1333 Z09.8^C18.9
1334 Z09.8^C20
1335 Z09.8^C50.9
1336 Z09.8^C55
1337 Z09.8^C56
1338 Z09.8^C61
1339 Z09.8^C67.4
1340 Z09.8^C67.9
1341 Z09.8^C93.9
1342 Z09.8^D11.0
1343 Z09.8^D12.5
1344 Z09.8^D12.9
1345 Z09.8^D16.9
1346 Z09.8^D21.6
1347 Z09.8^D23.0
1348 Z09.8^D27
1349 Z09.8^D29.2
1350 Z09.8^D34
1351 Z09.8^D37.0
1352 Z09.8^D47.0
1353 Z09.8^D48.0
1354 Z09.8^D69.2
1355 Z09.8^E03.9
1356 Z09.8^E04.0
1357 Z09.8^E06.3
1358 Z09.8^E11.2
1359 Z09.8^E11.5
1360 Z09.8^E13.9
1361 Z09.8^F09
1362 Z09.8^F20.8
1363 Z09.8^F25.1
1364 Z09.8^F25.9
1365 Z09.8^F31.9
1366 Z09.8^F44.5
1367 Z09.8^G40.2
1368 Z09.8^G44.3
1369 Z09.8^G45.9
1370 Z09.8^G47.8
1371 Z09.8^G53.2
1372 Z09.8^G54.6
1373 Z09.8^G56.1
1374 Z09.8^G56.3
1375 Z09.8^G62.8
1376 Z09.8^G93.6
1377 Z09.8^H10.9
1378 Z09.8^H46
1379 Z09.8^H51.2
1380 Z09.8^H52.7
1381 Z09.8^H60.0
1382 Z09.8^H60.9
1383 Z09.8^H61.9
1384 Z09.8^H91.2
1385 Z09.8^H91.3
1386 Z09.8^I21.1
1387 Z09.8^I25.9
1388 Z09.8^I38
1389 Z09.8^I84.5
1390 Z09.8^J04.0
1391 Z09.8^J18.1
1392 Z09.8^J21.9
1393 Z09.8^J31.2
1394 Z09.8^J35.9
1395 Z09.8^J38.7
1396 Z09.8^J90
1397 Z09.8^J93.9
1398 Z09.8^J98.9
1399 Z09.8^K04.8
1400 Z09.8^K27.7
1401 Z09.8^K35.8
1402 Z09.8^K36
1403 Z09.8^K42.9
1404 Z09.8^K52.8
1405 Z09.8^K52.9
1406 Z09.8^K56.0
1407 Z09.8^K73.9
1408 Z09.8^K75.9
1409 Z09.8^K80.2
1410 Z09.8^K81.1
1411 Z09.8^K92.2
1412 Z09.8^L02.4
1413 Z09.8^L20.9
1414 Z09.8^L30.9
1415 Z09.8^L40.9
1416 Z09.8^L60
1417 Z09.8^L60.9
1418 Z09.8^L72.8
1419 Z09.8^L84
1420 Z09.8^L91.0
1421 Z09.8^M00.86
1422 Z09.8^M06.84
1423 Z09.8^M06.99
1424 Z09.8^M08.09
1425 Z09.8^M14.6
1426 Z09.8^M17.9
1427 Z09.8^M19.96
1428 Z09.8^M20.6
1429 Z09.8^M21.29
1430 Z09.8^M21.37
1431 Z09.8^M24.2
1432 Z09.8^M24.54
1433 Z09.8^M25.69
1434 Z09.8^M25.85
1435 Z09.8^M47.90
1436 Z09.8^M49.4
1437 Z09.8^M54.48
1438 Z09.8^M62.83
1439 Z09.8^M65.44
1440 Z09.8^M66.3
1441 Z09.8^M66.44
1442 Z09.8^M66.58
1443 Z09.8^M72.80
1444 Z09.8^M75.1
1445 Z09.8^M75.2
1446 Z09.8^M75.3
1447 Z09.8^M75.4
1448 Z09.8^M76.06
1449 Z09.8^M76.26
1450 Z09.8^M76.61
1451 Z09.8^M76.64
1452 Z09.8^M79.2
1453 Z09.8^M79.55
1454 Z09.8^M84.47
1455 Z09.8^M86.6
1456 Z09.8^M93.26
1457 Z09.8^M99.35
1458 Z09.8^M99.41
1459 Z09.8^M99.43
1460 Z09.8^M99.5
1461 Z09.8^N04.9
1462 Z09.8^N08.8
1463 Z09.8^N13.5
1464 Z09.8^N18.4
1465 Z09.8^N28.8
1466 Z09.8^N30.3
1467 Z09.8^N31.9
1468 Z09.8^N35.9
1469 Z09.8^N39.2
1470 Z09.8^N39.9
1471 Z09.8^N48.1
1472 Z09.8^N48.8
1473 Z09.8^N48.9
1474 Z09.8^N60.8
1475 Z09.8^N73.9
1476 Z09.8^N80.0
1477 Z09.8^N83.0
1478 Z09.8^N85.0
1479 Z09.8^N91.0
1480 Z09.8^N93.8
1481 Z09.8^O02.0
1482 Z09.8^O05.4
1483 Z09.8^O21.0
1484 Z09.8^O24.9
1485 Z09.8^O36.9
1486 Z09.8^O82.8
1487 Z09.8^O99.0
1488 Z09.8^P03.4
1489 Z09.8^P07.1
1490 Z09.8^P11.0
1491 Z09.8^P21.0
1492 Z09.8^P22.8
1493 Z09.8^P23.9
1494 Z09.8^P36.5
1495 Z09.8^Q18.1
1496 Z09.8^Q37.9
1497 Z09.8^Q53.9
1498 Z09.8^Q89.2
1499 Z09.8^R00.1
1500 Z09.8^R09.1
1501 Z09.8^R43.0
1502 Z09.8^R52.2
1503 Z09.8^R57.1
1504 Z09.8^R59.9
1505 Z09.8^R60.9
1506 Z09.8^R73.9
1507 Z09.8^S02.41
1508 Z09.8^S06.01
1509 Z09.8^S32.00
1510 Z09.8^S32.30
1511 Z09.8^S32.80
1512 Z09.8^S32.81
1513 Z09.8^S37.3
1514 Z09.8^S37.4
1515 Z09.8^S42.0
1516 Z09.8^S42.10
1517 Z09.8^S42.81
1518 Z09.8^S52.30
1519 Z09.8^S52.9
1520 Z09.8^S53.3
1521 Z09.8^S61.1
1522 Z09.8^S61.9
1523 Z09.8^S62.4
1524 Z09.8^S65.5
1525 Z09.8^S66.3
1526 Z09.8^S70.0
1527 Z09.8^S86.9
1528 Z09.8^S95.9
1529 Z09.8^T14.3
1530 Z09.8^T18.1
1531 Z09.8^T48.7
1532 Z09.8^T73.0
1533 Z09.8^T78.0
1534 Z09.8^T79.3
1535 Z09.8^T84.0
1536 Z09.8^Z35.9
1537 Z09.8^Z36.8
1538 Z09.9
1539 Z36.9
1540 Z64.1
1541 Z90.5
1542 Z96.0
1543 Z97.5
1544 Z98.8
Deskripsi Jumlah
Stroke, not specified as haemorrhage or infarction 1587
Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus without complications 1407
Arthrosis, unspecified, unspecified site 1287
Other specified intervertebral disc displacement 1075
Observation for other suspected diseases and conditions 771
Diabetic polyneuropathy 761
Low back pain 666
Epilepsy, unspecified 658
Anxiety disorder, unspecified 647
Parkinson's disease 549
Vertigo of central origin 450
Dyspepsia 442
Hypertensive heart disease without (congestive) heart failure 400
Carpal tunnel syndrome 306
Essential (primary) hypertension 293
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, unspecified 255
Acute abdomen 244
Polyneuropathy, unspecified 239
Other specified diabetes mellitus with peripheral circulatory complications 212
Other and unspecified gastroenteritis and colitis of infectious origin 211
Open wound of unspecified body region 205
Urinary tract infection, site not specified 204
Asthma, unspecified 193
Other specified soft tissue disorders, other site 192
Neonatal jaundice, unspecified 187
Arthrosis, unspecified, unspecified site 184
Cervical root disorders, not elsewhere classified 181
Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus without complications 178
Adhesive capsulitis of shoulder 172
Acute upper respiratory infection, unspecified 166
Vertigo of central origin 164
Atherosclerotic heart disease 163
Headache 162
Bronchopneumonia, unspecified 160
Fracture of lower end of tibia, closed 160
Hyperplasia of prostate 158
Low back pain 155
Dyspepsia 151
Bronchopneumonia, unspecified 150
Idiopathic peripheral autonomic neuropathy 136
Nausea and vomiting 133
Other specified soft tissue disorders, other site 126
Essential (primary) hypertension 124
Urinary tract infection, site not specified 124
Nontoxic single thyroid nodule 123
Schizophrenia, unspecified 123
Trigeminal neuralgia 120
Benign neoplasm of breast 118
Sciatica 117
Otitis media, unspecified 115
Hypertensive heart disease without (congestive) heart failure 111
Heart failure, unspecified 109
Fracture of lower end of radius, closed 98
Otitis media, unspecified 92
Headache 87
Blighted ovum and nonhydatidiform mole 84
Brachial plexus disorders 83
Cystitis, unspecified 82
Stroke, not specified as haemorrhage or infarction 81
Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with neurological complications 81
Unspecified appendicitis 81
Lesion of sciatic nerve 79
Cerebral infarction, unspecified 79
Other antenatal screening 78
Other and unspecified gastroenteritis and colitis of infectious origin 77
Anxiety disorder, unspecified 76
Superficial injury of unspecified body region 76
Trigger finger 72
Benign neoplasm of breast 67
Other acute upper respiratory infections of multiple sites 65
Other specified intervertebral disc displacement 64
Chronic tonsillitis 64
Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura 63
Unilateral or unspecified inguinal hernia, with obstruction, without gangrene 63
Disorders of initiating and maintaining sleep [insomnias] 62
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, unspecified 61
Atherosclerotic heart disease 60
Chronic tonsillitis 60
Chest pain, unspecified 60
Ventricular septal defect 60
Bell's palsy 59
Acute bronchitis, unspecified 59
Unspecified dementia 56
Unspecified haemorrhoids without complication 54
Abnormal uterine and vaginal bleeding, unspecified 54
Acute bronchitis, unspecified 53
Tension-type headache 53
Anal fistula 52
Neuralgia and neuritis, unspecified, site unspecified 52
Fractures of other parts of femur, closed 52
Allergy, unspecified 47
Unspecified haemorrhoids without complication 46
Cutaneous abscess, furuncle and carbuncle, unspecified 46
Wrist or foot drop (acquired) 46
Chronic renal failure, unspecified 46
Unspecified renal colic 44
Lumbar and other intervertebral disc disorder with mylopathy 44
Unilateral or unspecified inguinal hernia, with obstruction, without gangrene 42
Asthma, unspecified 42
Impacted cerumen 41
Epilepsy, unspecified 40
Other low birth weight 40
Hyperplasia of prostate 39
Syncope and collapse 39
Recurrent depressive disorder, unspecified 38
Fracture of lower end of humerus, closed 37
Follow-up care involving removal of fracture plate and other internal fixation device 37
Heart failure, unspecified 36
Plantar fascial fibromatosis, site unspecified 36
Myalgia 36
Syringomyelia and syringobulbia 35
Fibromyalgia 35
Acute nephritic syndrome, other 35
Retention of urine 34
Dengue haemorrhagic fever 34
Tic disorder, unspecified 34
Scrotal varices 34
Neuralgia and neuritis, unspecified, lower leg 34
Calculus in bladder 34
Fracture of lower end of femur, closed 34
Thyrotoxicosis, unspecified 33
Acute upper respiratory infection, unspecified 33
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with acute exacerbation, unspecified 33
Obsessive-compulsive disorder, unspecified 32
Other specified diseases of spinal cord 32
Polyneuropathy, unspecified 31
Allergic rhinitis, unspecified 31
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with acute exacerbation, unspecified 31
Cutaneous abscess, furuncle and carbuncle, unspecified 31
Adhesive capsulitis of shoulder 31
Acute lymphadenitis, unspecified 30
Acute pharyngitis, unspecified 29
Maternal care due to uterine scar from previous surgery 29
Allergic rhinitis, unspecified 29
Nonobstructive reflux-associated chronic pyelonephritis 29
Fracture of clavicle, closed 29
Open wound of unspecified body region 29
Maternal care for intrauterine death 28
Pneumonia, unspecified 27
Other abortion, incomplete, without complication 27
Maternal care for breech presentation 27
Typhoid fever 27
Redundant prepuce, phimosis and paraphimosis 27
Fever, unspecified 27
Febrile convulsions 27
Chronic renal failure, unspecified 25
Fracture of lower end of radius, closed 25
Cutaneous abscess, furuncle and carbuncle of other sites 25
Acute nephritic syndrome, unspecified 25
Abnormal uterine and vaginal bleeding, unspecified 25
Concussion 25
Viral infection, unspecified 24
Nontoxic single thyroid nodule 24
Carpal tunnel syndrome 24
Disorders of calcium metabolism 24
Essential tremor 24
Cellulitis, unspecified 24
Schizophrenia, unspecified 23
Diabetic polyneuropathy 23
Calculus in bladder 23
Fibromyalgia, site unspecified 23
Dislocation of ankle joint 23
Dengue fever [classical dengue] 22
Tension-type headache 22
Calculus of kidney 22
Cystitis, unspecified 22
Unspecified abortion, incomplete, without complication 22
Dyspnoea 22
Pulmonary heart disease, unspecified 22
Other acute upper respiratory infections of multiple sites 22
Neonatal jaundice, unspecified 22
Other physical therapy 22
Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease without oesophagitis 21
Tinnitus 21
Disorder of kidney and ureter, unspecified 21
Fibroadenosis of breast 21
Cervical root disorders, not elsewhere classified 20
Other and unspecified hydronephrosis 20
Epistaxis 20
Pneumonia, unspecified 20
Systemic lupus erythematosus, unspecified 20
Fracture of shaft of tibia 20
Allergy, unspecified 20
Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with neurological complications 19
Parkinson's disease 19
Aplastic anaemia, unspecified 19
Panic disorder [episodic paroxysmal anxiety] 19
Acute lymphadenitis, unspecified 19
Low back pain, sacral and sacrococcygeal region 19
Calculus of kidney 19
Open wound of other parts of foot 19
Superficial injury of unspecified body region 19
Redundant prepuce, phimosis and paraphimosis 18
Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease without oesophagitis 18
Typhoid fever 18
Acute maxillary sinusitis 17
Nasal polyp, unspecified 17
Other cholelithiasis 17
Acute abdomen 17
Other specified diabetes mellitus with peripheral circulatory complications 16
Lesion of sciatic nerve 16
Pulmonary heart disease, unspecified 16
Constipation 16
Sciatica 16
Myalgia 16
Other and unspecified ovarian cysts 16
Febrile convulsions 16
Nontoxic goitre, unspecified 16
Thyrotoxicosis with diffuse goitre 16
Other and unspecified cirrhosis of liver 16
Acute cholecystitis 16
Other and unspecified hydronephrosis 16
Unspecified renal colic 16
Fracture of femur, part unspecified, closed 16
Bell's palsy 15
Secondary amenorrhoea 15
Fracture of lower end of tibia, closed 15
Foreign body in ear 15
Follow-up exam after other treatment for other conditions 15
Chronic ulcer of skin, not elsewhere classified 15
Gout, unspecified 15
Primary arthrosis of other joints, shoulder region 15
Malunion of fracture, ankle and foot 15
Chest pain, unspecified 15
Tremor, unspecified 15
Fracture of metatarsal bone , open 15
Obstetric death of unspecified cause 14
Concussion 14
Fracture of clavicle, closed 14
Mechanical complication of intrauterine contraceptive device 14
Viral infection, unspecified 14
Mitral valve disease, unspecified 14
Other specified spondylopathies, cervical region 14
Dislocation of shoulder joint 14
Routine postpartum follow-up 14
Other and unspecified cirrhosis of liver 13
Trigger finger 13
Mild hyperemesis gravidarum 13
Open wound of lip and oral cavity 13
Other superficial injuries of shoulder and upper arm 13
Burn of unspecified body region, unspecified degree 13
Idiopathic peripheral autonomic neuropathy 12
Tinnitus 12
Atrial fibrillation and flutter 12
Scrotal varices 12
Infection specific to the perinatal period, unspecified 12
Thyrotoxicosis with toxic single thyroid nodule 12
Ventricular premature depolarization 12
Acute sinusitis, unspecified 12
Orchitis epididymitis and epididymo-orchitis without abscess 12
Intracranial space-occupying lesion 12
Fracture of other finger , closed 12
Fracture of patella, closed 12
Dengue haemorrhagic fever 11
Leiomyoma of uterus, unspecified 11
Recurrent depressive disorder, unspecified 11
Disorders of initiating and maintaining sleep [insomnias] 11
Upper respiratory tract hypersensitivity reaction, site unspecified 11
Anal fistula 11
Neuralgia and neuritis, unspecified, site unspecified 11
Abnormal product of conception, unspecified 11
Other specified diseases and conditions complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium 11
Benign neoplasm, connective and other soft tissue of head, face and neck 11
Leiomyoma of uterus, unspecified 11
Atrial fibrillation and flutter 11
Acute pharyngitis, unspecified 11
Toxic liver disease with cholestasis 11
Acute lymphadenitis of face, head and neck 11
Hydronephrosis with renal and ureteral calculous obstruction 11
Calculus of ureter 11
Inflammatory disorders of breast 11
Paratyphoid fever, unspecified 10
Acute vaginitis 10
Threatened abortion 10
Fracture of lower end of humerus, closed 10
Fracture of other metacarpal bone, closed 10
Paranoid schizophrenia 10
Ganglion 10
Plantar fascial fibromatosis 10
Achilles tendinitis, site unspecified 10
Epidural haemorrhage 10
Fracture of neck of femur, closed 10
Infection following a procedure, not elsewhere classified 10
Varicella without complication 9
Benign neoplasm, connective and other soft tissue of head, face and neck 9
Benign neoplasm, connective and other soft tissue of abdomen 9
Thyrotoxicosis, unspecified 9
Cardiac arrhythmia, unspecified 9
Unspecified appendicitis 9
Cutaneous abscess, furuncle and carbuncle of other sites 9
Cellulitis, unspecified 9
Acute lymphadenitis of face, head and neck 9
Urticaria, unspecified 9
Respiratory distress of newborn, unspecified 9
Ventricular septal defect 9
Zoster without complication 9
Clonic hemifacial spasm 9
Impacted cerumen 9
Unstable angina 9
Other spondylosis, lumbosacral region 9
Plantar fascial fibromatosis, ankle and foot 9
Nausea and vomiting 9
Fracture of other metacarpal bone, closed 9
Fracture of metatarsal bone, closed 9
Infection and inflammatory reaction due to other internal orthopedic prosthetic devices, implants an 9
Anaemia, unspecified 8
Nontoxic goitre, unspecified 8
Panic disorder [episodic paroxysmal anxiety] 8
Unstable angina 8
Melaena 8
Ganglion 8
Other and unspecified abdominal pain 8
Fractures of other parts of femur, closed 8
Paratyphoid fever, unspecified 8
Bacterial infection, unspecified 8
Cardiac arrhythmia, unspecified 8
Other acute sinusitis 8
Abscess of liver 8
Fatty (change of) liver, not elsewhere classified 8
Other specified soft tissue disorders, hand 8
Acute renal failure, unspecified 8
Multiple fractures of fingers 8
Fracture of lower end of tibia 8
Fracture of calcaneus 8
Dissociative [conversion] disorder, unspecified 7
Brachial plexus disorders 7
Cerebral infarction, unspecified 7
Nail disorder, unspecified 7
Plantar fascial fibromatosis, site unspecified 7
Other specified soft tissue disorders, lower leg 7
Nonobstructive reflux-associated chronic pyelonephritis 7
Follicular cyst of ovary 7
Erosion and ectropion of cervix uteri 7
Dysmenorrhoea, unspecified 7
Fetus and newborn affected by caesarean delivery 7
Fracture of other finger , closed 7
Respiratory tb unspec confirm bact and histologically 7
Benign neoplasm, connective and other soft tissue of thorax 7
Anaemia, unspecified 7
Other specified mental disorder brain damage and dysfunction/physcal disease 7
Acute and transient psychotic disorder, unspecified 7
Other bipolar affective disorders 7
Other recurrent depressive disorders 7
Old myocardial infarction 7
Cardiomegaly 7
Nonspecific lymphadenitis, unspecified 7
Ileus, unspecified 7
Cutaneous abscess, furuncle and carbuncle of trunk 7
Other spondylosis, cervical region 7
Spinal stenosis, lumbar region 7
Cervical disc disorder with myelopathy 7
Urinary calculus, unspecified 7
Other and unspecified ovarian cysts 7
Secondary amenorrhoea 7
Atrial septal defect 7
Retention of urine 7
Fractures of other parts of lower leg, closed 7
Acute amoebic dysentery 6
Bacterial infection, unspecified 6
Cardiomegaly 6
Acute sinusitis, unspecified 6
Unilateral or unspecified inguinal hernia, without obstruction or gangrene 6
Dermatitis, unspecified 6
Low back pain, sacral and sacrococcygeal region 6
Fibromyalgia 6
Other specified soft tissue disorders, hand 6
Acute nephritic syndrome, unspecified 6
Hydronephrosis with renal and ureteral calculous obstruction 6
Urinary calculus, unspecified 6
Cyst of kidney, acquired 6
Gestational [pregnancy-induced] hypertension without signification proteinuria 6
Maternal care for transverse and oblique lie 6
Unspecified haematuria 6
Dislocation of shoulder joint 6
Open wound of finger(s) without damage to nail 6
Sprain and strain involving (anterior)(posterior) cruciate lig knee 6
Sprain and strain of ankle 6
Foreign body on external eye, part unspecified 6
Anaphylactic shock, unspecified 6
Acute amoebic dysentery 6
Benign neoplasm, connective and other soft tissue of abdomen 6
Polycythaemia vera 6
Thyroiditis, unspecified 6
Other specified diabetes mellitus with neurological complications 6
Lipoprotein deficiency 6
Puerperal mental disorder, unspecified 6
Migraine, unspecified 6
Meralgia paraesthetica 6
Paraplegia, unspecified 6
Disorder of autonomic nervous system, unspecified 6
Congestive heart failure 6
Constipation 6
Cholecystitis, unspecified 6
Acute lymphadenitis of other sites 6
Spondylosis, unspecified, lumbar region 6
Spinal stenosis 6
Neuralgia and neuritis, unspecified, other site 6
Chronic kidney disease, stage 3 6
Localized swelling, mass and lump, unspecified 6
Epidural haemorrhage, without open intracranial wound 6
Dislocation of elbow, unspecified 6
Multiple fractures of fingers, closed 6
Fracture of other and unspecified parts of wrist and hand, closed 6
Fracture of shaft of femur, closed 6
Toxic effect, snake venom 6
Malignant neoplasm, cervix uteri, unspecified 5
Benign neoplasm, testis 5
Thyrotoxicosis with toxic single thyroid nodule 5
Hyperlipidaemia, unspecified 5
Unspecified dementia 5
Ventricular premature depolarization 5
Liver disease, unspecified 5
Acute cholecystitis 5
Spondylosis, unspecified, cervical region 5
Orchitis epididymitis and epididymo-orchitis without abscess 5
Fibroadenosis of breast 5
Inflammatory disorders of breast 5
Cyst of Bartholin's gland 5
Oligohydramnios 5
Localized swelling, mass and lump, unspecified 5
Other and unspecified abnormal involuntary movements 5
Fracture of lower end of femur, closed 5
Follow-up examination after treatment of fracture 5
Dengue fever [classical dengue] 5
Malignant neoplasm, cervix uteri, unspecified 5
Disorder of lipoprotein metabolism, unspecified 5
Depressive episode, unspecified 5
Disturbance of activity and attention 5
Chronic rhinitis 5
Disease of biliary tract, unspecified 5
Haematemesis 5
Melaena 5
Cellulitis of other sites 5
Other specified rheumatoid arthritis, unspecified site 5
Gout, unspecified, other sites 5
Contracture of joint, unspecified site 5
Torticollis 5
Cervicalgia 5
Low back pain, lumbar region 5
Muscle strain 5
Psoas tendinitis, site unspecified 5
Other specified soft tissue disorders, pelvic and thigh 5
Calculus of lower urinary tract, unspecified 5
Acute cystitis 5
Hydrocele, unspecified 5
Patent ductus arteriosus 5
Hirschsprung's disease 5
Other and unspecified abnormal involuntary movements 5
Unspecified haematuria 5
Fracture of rib, closed 5
Fracture of upper end of ulna, closed 5
Fracture of other finger , open 5
Fracture of femur, part unspecified 5
Tb lung confirm sputum microscopy with or without culture 4
Zoster without complication 4
Enteroviral vesicular stomatitis with exanthem 4
Other specified acute viral hepatitis 4
Acute viral hepatitis, unspecified 4
Malignant neoplasm, nasopharynx, unspecified 4
Malignant neoplasm, breast, unspecified 4
Malignant neoplasm of thyroid gland 4
Haemangioma, any site 4
Hypoglycaemia, unspecified 4
Developmental disorder of speech and language, unspecified 4
Other specified headache syndromes 4
Hemiplegia, unspecified 4
Paraplegia, unspecified 4
Acute transmural myocardial infarction of unspecified site 4
Supraventricular tachycardia 4
External haemorrhoids without complication 4
Acute maxillary sinusitis 4
Other acute sinusitis 4
Nasal polyp, unspecified 4
Respiratory disorder, unspecified 4
Paralytic ileus 4
Toxic liver disease with cholestasis 4
Haematemesis 4
Keloid scar 4
Gout, unspecified 4
Spinal stenosis, lumbar region 4
Synovitis and tenosynovitis, unspecified 4
Plantar fascial fibromatosis 4
Myalgia, site unspecified 4
Neuralgia and neuritis, unspecified, other site 4
Malunion of fracture, ankle and foot 4
Calculus of ureter 4
Disorder of kidney and ureter, unspecified 4
Haemorrhage in early pregnancy, unspecified 4
Unspecified infection of urinary tract in pregnancy 4
Twin pregnancy 4
False labour before 37 completed weeks of gestation 4
Prolonged pregnancy 4
Atrial septal defect 4
Turner's syndrome, unspecified 4
Palpitations 4
Delayed milestone 4
Sprain and strain of other and unspecified parts of knee 4
Fracture of metatarsal bone, closed 4
Burn of second degree, body region unspecified 4
Infection following a procedure, not elsewhere classified 4
Tb lung confirm sputum microscopy with or without culture 4
Acute viral hepatitis, unspecified 4
Candidal stomatitis 4
Leukaemia, unspecified 4
Disorder of thyroid, unspecified 4
Hyperlipidaemia, unspecified 4
Inflammatory polyneuropathy, unspecified 4
Other chronic suppurative otitis media 4
Meniere's disease 4
Other postprocedural disorders of ear and mastoid process 4
Other and unspecified right bundle-branch block 4
Embolism and thrombosis of unspecified vein 4
Peritonsillar abscess 4
Unilateral or unspecified inguinal hernia, without obstruction or gangrene 4
Unilateral or unspecified femoral hernia, without obstruction or gangrene 4
Anal abscess 4
Ulcer of lower limb, not elsewhere classified 4
Cervical disc disorder, unspecified 4
Other specified intervertebral disc degeneration 4
Low back pain, multiple sites 4
Spontaneous rupture of extensor tendons, other 4
Myalgia, site unspecified 4
Acute tubulo-interstitial nephritis 4
Hydronephrosis with ureteral stricture not elsewhere classified 4
Calculus in urethra 4
Cyst of kidney, acquired 4
Talipes calcaneovarus 4
Other congenital varus deformities of feet 4
Congenital deformity of feet, unspecified 4
Gangrene, not elsewhere classified 4
Epistaxis 4
Injury of intrinsic muscle and tendon other finger at wrist and hand level 4
Fractures of other parts of femur 4
Superficial injury of lower leg, unspecified 4
Fracture of patella, open 4
Fracture of lower end of tibia , open 4
Fracture of lower leg, part unspecified 4
Dislocation of patella 4
Sprain and strain involving (anterior)(posterior) cruciate lig knee 4
Fracture of calcaneus, closed 4
Injury of muscles and tendons of unspecified body region 4
Gastroenteritis and colitis of unspecified origin 3
Other tetanus 3
Candidal stomatitis 3
Benign neoplasm, connective and other soft tissue of thorax 3
Benign neoplasm of ovary 3
Other hypoglycaemia 3
Disorder of lipoprotein metabolism, unspecified 3
Other developmental disorders of speech and language 3
Tic disorder, unspecified 3
Conjunctivitis, unspecified 3
Disorder of external ear, unspecified 3
Mitral valve disease, unspecified 3
Angina pectoris, unspecified 3
Congestive heart failure 3
Internal haemorrhoids without complication 3
Acute tonsillitis, unspecified 3
Chronic rhinitis 3
Chronic pharyngitis 3
Chronic sinusitis, unspecified 3
Bronchitis, not specified as acute or chronic 3
Pleural effusion, not elsewhere classified 3
Other forms of stomatitis 3
Anal abscess 3
Other cholelithiasis 3
Cutaneous abscess, furuncle and carbuncle of neck 3
Cutaneous abscess, furuncle and carbuncle of limb 3
Decubitus ulcer and pressure area, unspecified 3
Gout, unspecified, unspecified site 3
Hypermobility syndrome 3
Other spondylosis, cervical region 3
Cervical disc disorder, unspecified 3
Lumbar and other intervertebral disc disorder with mylopathy 3
Muscle strain 3
Other specified disorders of muscle, site unspecified 3
Radial styloid tenosynovitis [de quervain], site unspecified 3
Achilles tendinitis 3
Other specified soft tissue disorders, shoulder region 3
Hydrocele, unspecified 3
Female pelvic inflammatory disease, unspecified 3
Polyp of cervix uteri 3
Missed abortion 3
Hyperemesis gravidarum with metabolic disturbance 3
Diabetes mellitus in pregnancy, unspecified 3
Maternal care for fetal problem, unspecified 3
Anaemia complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium 3
Birth injury to scalp, unspecified 3
Congenital pneumonia, unspecified 3
Necrotizing enterocolitis of fetus and newborn 3
Tachycardia, unspecified 3
Haemoptysis 3
Dysuria 3
Other chronic pain 3
Other and unspecified convulsions 3
Hypovolaemic shock 3
Septic shock 3
Hyperglycaemia, unspecified 3
Elevated levels of transaminase & lactic acid dehydrogenase 3
Fracture of clavicle 3
Fracture of scapula, closed 3
Fracture of lower end of radius 3
Fracture of neck of femur, closed 3
Fracture of femur, part unspecified, closed 3
Superficial injury of lower leg, unspecified 3
Injury, unspecified 3
Foreign body in pharynx 3
Toxic effect, noxious substance eaten as food, unspecified 3
Follow-up examination after surgery for other conditions 3
Other forms of herpesviral infection 3
Varicella without complication 3
Enteroviral vesicular stomatitis with exanthem 3
Other chronic viral hepatitis 3
Scabies 3
Benign neoplasm, tongue 3
Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of testis 3
Idiopathic aplastic anaemia 3
Other specified diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic complications 3
Marasmic kwashiorkor 3
Severe depressive episode without psychotic symptoms 3
Dissociative [conversion] disorder, unspecified 3
Other developmental disorders of speech and language 3
Developmental disorder of speech and language, unspecified 3
Multiple sclerosis 3
Disorder of facial nerve, unspecified 3
Lesion of ulnar nerve 3
Mononeuropathy, unspecified 3
Myoneural disorder, unspecified 3
Hemiplegia, unspecified 3
Perichondritis of external ear 3
Left bundle-branch block, unspecified 3
Rupture of artery 3
Unspecified thrombosed haemorrhoids 3
Other forms of stomatitis 3
Cellulitis and abscess of mouth 3
Liver disease, unspecified 3
Obstruction of bile duct 3
Impetigo [any organism] [any site] 3
Cutaneous abscess, furuncle and carbuncle of neck 3
Acute lymphadenitis of upper limb 3
Decubitus ulcer and pressure area, unspecified 3
Gout, unspecified, unspecified site 3
Other specified arthritis, other sites 3
Arthrosis, unspecified, other sites 3
Other specified joint disorders, unspecified site 3
Other spondylosis, lumbar region 3
Schmorl's nodes 3
Sciatica, lumbar region 3
Other specified disorders of muscle 3
Trigger finger, multiple sites 3
Radial styloid tenosynovitis [de quervain], other 3
Other synovitis and tenosynovitis, site unspecified 3
Synovitis and tenosynovitis, unspecified, upper arm 3
Medial epicondylitis, site unspecified 3
Other specified soft tissue disorders, lower leg 3
Calculus of kidney with calculus of ureter 3
Disorder of breast, unspecified 3
Other endometriosis 3
Infection of obstetric surgical wound 3
Infection specific to the perinatal period, unspecified 3
Other chest pain 3
Hepatomegaly, not elsewhere classified 3
Ascites 3
Acute pain 3
Injury of muscle and tendon at neck level 3
Multiple fractures of ribs, closed 3
Fracture of sacrum, closed 3
Fracture of shaft of humerus, closed 3
Fracture of lower end of humerus 3
Injury of tendon of the rotator cuff of shoulder 3
Contusion of other parts of wrist and hand 3
Open wound of finger(s) without damage to nail 3
Traumatic amputation two or more fingers alone (cmpte/part) 3
Fracture of femur, part unspecified , open 3
Fracture of upper end of tibia, closed 3
Fracture of fibula alone, closed 3
Fracture of calcaneus , open 3
Crushing injury of other parts of ankle and foot 3
Anaphylactic shock due adverse effect of correct drug or medicament properly administered 3
Supervision of very young primigravida 3
Supervision of high-risk pregnancy, unspecified 3
Respiratory tb unspec confirm bact and histologically 2
Anogenital (venereal) warts 2
Mumps without complication 2
Sequelae of tuberculosis of other organs 2
Malignant neoplasm, mouth, unspecified 2
Benign neoplasm, parotid gland 2
Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of testis 2
Iron deficiency anaemia, unspecified 2
Other specified aplastic anaemias 2
Aplastic anaemia, unspecified 2
Thrombocytopenia, unspecified 2
Thyroiditis, unspecified 2
Hypokalaemia 2
Bipolar affective disorder, unspecified 2
Dissociative convulsions 2
Essential tremor 2
Extrapyramidal and movement disorder, unspecified 2
Migraine, unspecified 2
Trigeminal neuralgia 2
Clonic hemifacial spasm 2
Disorder of facial nerve, unspecified 2
Lesion of ulnar nerve 2
Other specified diseases of spinal cord 2
Acute conjunctivitis, unspecified 2
Suppurative otitis media, unspecified 2
Mastoiditis, unspecified 2
Benign paroxysmal vertigo 2
Hearing loss, unspecified 2
Rheumatic heart disease, unspecified 2
Acute transmural myocardial infarction of inferior wall 2
Atrioventricular block, complete 2
Other and unspecified right bundle-branch block 2
Ventricular tachycardia 2
Varicose veins of other specified sites 2
Nonspecific lymphadenitis, unspecified 2
Acute nasopharyngitis [common cold] 2
Acute laryngitis 2
Acute bronchiolitis, unspecified 2
Chronic nasopharyngitis 2
Unspecified chronic bronchitis 2
Pleural effusion in conditions classified elsewhere 2
Pneumothorax, unspecified 2
Acute gingivitis 2
Cellulitis and abscess of mouth 2
Haemorrhage of anus and rectum 2
Fatty (change of) liver, not elsewhere classified 2
Obstruction of bile duct 2
Impetigo [any organism] [any site] 2
Cellulitis of other sites 2
Acute lymphadenitis of upper limb 2
Acute lymphadenitis of other sites 2
Ingrowing nail 2
Follicular cyst of skin and subcutaneous tissue, unspecified 2
Other hypertrophic disorders of skin 2
Ulcer of lower limb, not elsewhere classified 2
Chronic ulcer of skin, not elsewhere classified 2
Deformity of finger(s) 2
Systemic lupus erythematosus, unspecified 2
Scoliosis, unspecified 2
Other spondylosis, lumbosacral region 2
Cervicalgia 2
Cervicalgia, site unspecified 2
Other specified disorders of muscle, forearm 2
Synovitis and tenosynovitis, unspecified, hand 2
Calcific tendinitis of shoulder 2
Impingement syndrome of shoulder 2
Rheumatism, unspecified 2
Neuralgia and neuritis, unspecified, ankle and foot 2
Other specified soft tissue disorders, pelvic and thigh 2
Other chronic osteomyelitis 2
Idiopathic aseptic necrosis of bone, pelvic and thigh 2
Chronic kidney disease, stage 5 2
Stress incontinence 2
Disorder of penis, unspecified 2
Disorder of breast, unspecified 2
Endometriosis of uterus 2
Uterovaginal prolapse, unspecified 2
Amenorrhoea, unspecified 2
Other specified abnormal uterine and vaginal bleeding 2
Primary dysmenorrhoea 2
Pre-eclampsia, unspecified 2
Retained placenta without haemorrhage 2
Other birth injuries to scalp 2
Severe birth asphyxia 2
Other respiratory distress of newborn 2
Bacterial sepsis of newborn, unspecified 2
Patent ductus arteriosus 2
Talipes calcaneovarus 2
Cough 2
Dysphagia 2
Ascites 2
Tremor, unspecified 2
Fever, unspecified 2
Enlarged lymph nodes, unspecified 2
Oedema, unspecified 2
Intracranial space-occupying lesion 2
Open wound of lip and oral cavity 2
Open wound of other parts of head 2
Penetrating wound of orbit with or without foreign body 2
Concussion, without open intracranial wound 2
Other and unspecified injuries of cervical spinal cord 2
Fracture of other and unspecified parts of lumbar spine and pelvis, closed 2
Other injury of lumbar spinal cord 2
Superficial injury of shoulder and upper arm, unspecified 2
Fracture of lower end of humerus, open 2
Fracture of other parts of shoulder and upper arm, open 2
Contusion of elbow 2
Fracture of upper end of ulna, closed 2
Fracture of lower end of radius, open 2
Dislocation of elbow, unspecified 2
Multiple fractures of fingers, closed 2
Open wound of lower leg, part unspecified 2
Fracture of patella, closed 2
Fracture of upper end of tibia, closed 2
Injury of unspecified muscle and tendon at lower leg level 2
Open wound of ankle 2
Fracture of calcaneus 2
Dislocation, sprain and strain of unspecified body region 2
Toxic effect, snake venom 2
Effects of electric current 2
Other complications of internal orthopaedic prosthtic devices, implants & grafts 2
Unspecified adverse effect of drug or medicament 2
Tuberculous peripheral lymphadenopathy 2
Herpesviral infection, unspecified 2
Malignant neoplasm, tongue, unspecified 2
Malignant neoplasm, nasopharynx, unspecified 2
Malignant neoplasm of thyroid gland 2
Benign neoplasm, cervix uteri 2
Benign neoplasm, penis 2
Benign neoplasm of unspecified site 2
Iron deficiency anaemia, unspecified 2
Subacute thyroiditis 2
Hypoglycaemia, unspecified 2
Hypokalaemia 2
Somatization disorder 2
Bacterial meningitis, unspecified 2
Encephalitis, myelitis and encephalomyelitis, unspecified 2
Suppurative otitis media, unspecified 2
Vestibular neuronitis 2
Disorder of vestibular function, unspecified 2
Presbycusis 2
Rheumatic heart disease, unspecified 2
Other specified pulmonary heart diseases 2
Atrioventricular block, complete 2
Re-entry ventricular arrhythmia 2
Supraventricular tachycardia 2
Ventricular tachycardia 2
Cerebral arteritis in infectious & parasitic diseases classified elsewhere 2
Internal haemorrhoids without complication 2
Chronic maxillary sinusitis 2
Chronic sinusitis, unspecified 2
Upper respiratory tract hypersensitivity reaction, site unspecified 2
Bronchitis, not specified as acute or chronic 2
Peptic ulcer, acute with haemorrhage 2
Anal fissure, unspecified 2
Haemorrhage of anus and rectum 2
Cellulitis of other parts of limb 2
Dermatitis due to unspecified substance taken internally 2
Urticaria, unspecified 2
Follicular cyst of skin and subcutaneous tissue, unspecified 2
Other local lupus erythematosus 2
Arthropathy in ulcerative colitis, ankle and foot 2
Gout, unspecified, lower leg 2
Polyarthritis, unspecified 2
Arthrosis, unspecified 2
Contracture of joint 2
Effusion of joint 2
Spondylolysis, lumbar region 2
Spinal stenosis, lumbosacral region 2
Trigger finger, hand 2
Trigger finger, site unspecified 2
Radial styloid tenosynovitis [de quervain], ankle and foot 2
Radial styloid tenosynovitis [de quervain], site unspecified 2
Synovitis and tenosynovitis, unspecified 2
Synovitis and tenosynovitis, unspecified, site unspecified 2
Other shoulder lesions 2
Achilles tendinitis, other 2
Rheumatism, unspecified 2
Other specified soft tissue disorders, shoulder region 2
Other specified soft tissue disorders, ankle and foot 2
Malunion of fracture 2
Nonunion of fracture [pseudarthrosis], ankle and foot 2
Delayed union of fracture, ankle and foot 2
Stress fracture, not elsewhere classified, pelvic and thigh 2
Juvenile osteochondrosis of tibia and fibula, shoulder region 2
Chronic obstructive pyelonephritis 2
Toxic nephropathy, not elsewhere classified 2
Chronic kidney disease, stage 5 2
Spermatocele 2
Fibrosclerosis of breast 2
Amenorrhoea, unspecified 2
Maternal care due to uterine scar from previous surgery 2
Other specified diseases and conditions complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium 2
Palpitations 2
Cough 2
Syncope and collapse 2
Other and unspecified convulsions 2
Delayed milestone 2
Traumatic subdural haemorrhage 2
Fracture of lower end of humerus, open 2
Fracture of lower end of radius, open 2
Dislocation of wrist 2
Traumatic amputation of other single finger (complete)(partial) 2
Fracture of patella 2
Fracture of medial malleolus, closed 2
Multiple fractures of lower leg, open 2
Fractures of other parts of lower leg 2
Sprain and strain involving (fibular)(tibial) collateral lig knee 2
Sprain and strain of other and unspecified parts of knee 2
Unspecified injury of lower leg 2
Sprain and strain of toe(s) 2
Crushing injury of ankle 2
Injury of muscles and tendons of unspecified body region, closed 2
Anaphylactic shock, unspecified 2
Contraceptive management, unspecified 2
Supervision of normal pregnancy, unspecified 2
Supervision of elderly primigravida 2
Other specified orthopaedic follow-up care 2
Paratyphoid fever b 1
Amoebiasis, unspecified 1
Tuberculous peripheral lymphadenopathy 1
Scarlet fever 1
Meningococcal meningitis 1
Septicaemia, unspecified 1
Gonococcal infection of eye 1
Yaws, unspecified 1
Epidemic vertigo 1
Chikungunya virus disease 1
Zoster with other nervous system involvement 1
Viral warts 1
Mumps with other complications 1
Pityriasis versicolor 1
Candidiasis, unspecified 1
Papillomavirus as the cause of diseases classified to other chapters 1
Malignant neoplasm, stomach, unspecified 1
Malignant neoplasm of rectum 1
Malignant neoplasm, overlapping lesion of rectum, anus and anal canal 1
Malignant neoplasm, liver cell carcinoma 1
Malignant neoplasm, mediastinum, part unspecified 1
Malignant neoplasm, short bones of upper limb 1
Malignant melanoma of skin, unspecified 1
Malignant neoplasm of uterus, part unspecified 1
Malignant neoplasm of prostate 1
Malignant neoplasm, testis, unspecified 1
Malignant neoplasm, posterior wall of bladder 1
Malignant neoplasm, bladder, unspecified 1
Other hodgkin's disease 1
Leukaemia, unspecified 1
Carcinoma in situ of cervix, unspecified 1
Benign neoplasm, tongue 1
Benign neoplasm, other and unspecified parts of mouth 1
Benign neoplasm, sigmoid colon 1
Benign neoplasm, middle ear, nasal cavity and accessory sinuses 1
Benign neoplasm, heart 1
Benign neoplasm, vertebral column 1
Benign neoplasm, pelvic bones, sacrum and coccyx 1
Benign neoplasm, bone and articular cartilage, unspecified 1
Benign neoplasm, connective and other soft tis of upper limb, inc shoulder 1
Benign neoplasm, connective and other soft tissue, unspecified 1
Melanocytic naevi, unspecified 1
Benign neoplasm, skin, unspecified 1
Benign neoplasm, penis 1
Benign neoplasm, meninges, unspecified 1
Benign neoplasm, peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system 1
Benign neoplasm of unspecified site 1
Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of lip, oral cavity and pharynx 1
Histiocytic and mast cell tumours uncertain and unknown behaviour 1
Nutritional anaemia, unspecified 1
Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura 1
Haemorrhagic condition, unspecified 1
Other specified disorders of white blood cells 1
Thyrotoxicosis with diffuse goitre 1
Autoimmune thyroiditis 1
Disorder of thyroid, unspecified 1
Other specified diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic complications 1
Other specified diabetes mellitus with neurological complications 1
Pure hypercholesterolaemia 1
Lipoprotein deficiency 1
Other disorders of lipoprotein metabolism 1
Hyperuricaem without sign inflamm arthritis+tophaceous dis 1
Organic mood [affective] disorders 1
Other specified mental disorder brain damage and dysfunction/physcal disease 1
Unspecified nonorganic psychosis 1
Other bipolar affective disorders 1
Severe depressive episode without psychotic symptoms 1
Phobic anxiety disorder, unspecified 1
Obsessive-compulsive disorder, unspecified 1
Other dissociative [conversion] disorders 1
Somatization disorder 1
Persistent somatoform pain disorder 1
Somatoform disorder, unspecified 1
Specific developmental disorder of motor function 1
Childhood autism 1
Disturbance of activity and attention 1
Meningitis, unspecified 1
Multiple sclerosis 1
Cranial nerve disorder, unspecified 1
Nerve root and plexus disorder, unspecified 1
Meralgia paraesthetica 1
Myoneural disorder, unspecified 1
Muscular dystrophy 1
Myopathy, unspecified 1
Flaccid hemiplegia 1
Cauda equina syndrome 1
Hydrocephalus, unspecified 1
Acute and unspecified inflammation of lacrimal passages 1
Other conjunctivitis 1
Disorder of conjunctiva, unspecified 1
Keratitis, unspecified 1
Strabismus, unspecified 1
Disorder of refraction, unspecified 1
Abscess of external ear 1
Otitis externa, unspecified 1
Chronic serous otitis media 1
Acute suppurative otitis media 1
Acute mastoiditis 1
Meniere's disease 1
Disorder of vestibular function, unspecified 1
Otalgia 1
Rheumatic fever without mention of heart involvement 1
Acute rheumatic heart disease, unspecified 1
Acute myocardial infarction, unspecified 1
Acute ischaemic heart disease, unspecified 1
Old myocardial infarction 1
Chronic ischaemic heart disease, unspecified 1
Other cardiomyopathies 1
Cardiomyopathy, unspecified 1
Atrioventricular block, first degree 1
Left bundle-branch block, unspecified 1
Other specified cerebrovascular diseases 1
Sequelae of cerebral infarction 1
Abdominal aortic aneurysm, without mention of rupture 1
Embolism and thrombosis of unspecified vein 1
Internal thrombosed haemorrhoids 1
Unspecified thrombosed haemorrhoids 1
Venous insufficiency (chronic)(peripheral) 1
Acute bronchitis due to other specified organisms 1
Chronic maxillary sinusitis 1
Peritonsillar abscess 1
Other diseases of larynx 1
Emphysema, unspecified 1
Radicular cyst 1
Chronic gingivitis 1
Oral mucositis (ulcerative) 1
Glossitis 1
Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease with oesophagitis 1
Peptic ulcer, unspec as acute or chronic without haemorrhage or perforation 1
Chronic gastritis, unspecified 1
Acute appendicitis, other and unspecified 1
Unilateral or unspecified femoral hernia, without obstruction or gangrene 1
Umbilical hernia without obstruction or gangrene 1
Ulcerative colitis, unspecified 1
Noninfective gastroenteritis and colitis, unspecified 1
Ileus, unspecified 1
Irritable bowel syndrome without diarrhoea 1
Anal fissure, unspecified 1
Stenosis of anus and rectum 1
Fistula of intestine 1
Alcoholic liver disease, unspecified 1
Toxic liver disease with fibrosis and cirrhosis of liver 1
Abscess of liver 1
Inflammatory liver disease, unspecified 1
Chronic cholecystitis 1
Other cholecystitis 1
Cholecystitis, unspecified 1
Disease of biliary tract, unspecified 1
Acute pancreatitis, unspecified 1
Disease of digestive system, unspecified 1
Cutaneous abscess, furuncle and carbuncle of face 1
Cellulitis of finger and toe 1
Atopic dermatitis, unspecified 1
Allergic contact dermatitis due to food in contact with skin 1
Pruritus, unspecified 1
Dyshidrosis [pompholyx] 1
Erythematous condition, unspecified 1
Other follicular cysts of skin and subcutaneous tissue 1
Miliaria rubra 1
Corns and callosities 1
Granulomatous disorder of skin and subcutaneous tissue, unspecified 1
Rheumatoid arthritis, unspecified 1
Rheumatoid arthritis, unspecified, unspecified site 1
Idiopathic gout 1
Polyarthritis, unspecified 1
Other specified arthritis, other sites 1
Arthritis, unspecified, unspecified site 1
Neuropathic arthropathy 1
Erosive (osteo)arthrosis 1
Primary arthrosis of other joints, shoulder region 1
Acquired deformity of toe(s), unspecified 1
Valgus deformity, not elsewhere classified, multiple sites 1
Varus deformity, not elsewhere classified, pelvic and thigh 1
Flexion deformity, unspecified site 1
Wrist or foot drop (acquired) 1
Derangement of meniscus due to old tear or injury, medial collateral ligament or other and unspeci 1
Derangement of meniscus due to old tear or injury, unspecified ligament or unspecified meniscus 1
Disorder of ligament, shouder region 1
Contracture of joint, unspecified site 1
Flail joint 1
Effusion of joint 1
Pain in joint 1
Pain in joint, multiple sites 1
Pain in joint, unspecified site 1
Torticollis 1
Ankylosing spondylitis, multiple sites in spine 1
Other spondylosis with myelopathy, site unspecified 1
Other spondylosis, occipito-atlanto-axial region 1
Other spondylosis, lumbar region 1
Other spondylosis, site unspecified 1
Spondylosis, unspecified, lumbosacral region 1
Spinal stenosis, site unspecified 1
Other specified spondylopathies, cervical region 1
Spondylopathy, unspecified 1
Other specified intervertebral disc degeneration 1
Sacrococcygeal disorders, not elsewhere classified 1
Dorsopathy, unspecified 1
Radiculopathy, cervicothoracic region 1
Sciatica, site unspecified 1
Low back pain, lumbar region 1
Other rupture of muscle (nontraumatic), site unspecified 1
Other specified disorders of muscle, lower leg 1
Disorder of muscle, unspecified, other 1
Trigger finger, site unspecified 1
Radial styloid tenosynovitis [de quervain] 1
Radial styloid tenosynovitis [de quervain], hand 1
Other synovitis and tenosynovitis, site unspecified 1
Synovitis and tenosynovitis, unspecified, site unspecified 1
Spontaneous rupture of other tendons, multiple sites 1
Other soft tissue disorder related to use overuse and pressure, ankle and foot 1
Synovial cyst of popliteal space [Baker], site unspecified 1
Rotator cuff syndrome 1
Bicipital tendinitis 1
Gluteal tendinitis 1
Psoas tendinitis, site unspecified 1
Patellar tendinitis 1
Patellar tendinitis, hand 1
Patellar tendinitis, lower leg 1
Achilles tendinitis, shoulder region 1
Achilles tendinitis, other 1
Achilles tendinitis, site unspecified 1
Myalgia, lower leg 1
Neuralgia and neuritis, unspecified, lower leg 1
Residual foreign body in soft tissue, hand 1
Residual foreign body in soft tissue, pelvic and thigh 1
Fibromyalgia, site unspecified 1
Other specified soft tissue disorders 1
Other specified soft tissue disorders, ankle and foot 1
Other specified soft tissue disorders, site unspecified 1
Soft tissue disorder, unspecified 1
Malunion of fracture 1
Malunion of fracture, hand 1
Stress fracture, not elsewhere classified, pelvic and thigh 1
Stress fracture, not elsewhere classified, ankle and foot 1
Pathological fracture, not elsewhere classified, ankle and foot 1
Acute haematogenous osteomyelitis, lower leg 1
Other acute osteomyelitis, lower leg 1
Other acute osteomyelitis, ankle and foot 1
Osteomyelitis, unspecified 1
Osteomyelitis, unspecified, pelvic and thigh 1
Other secondary osteonecrosis, site unspecified 1
Disorder of bone, unspecified 1
Juvenile osteochondrosis of tibia and fibula, shoulder region 1
Osteochondritis dissecans, lower leg 1
Postprocedural musculoskeletal disorder, unspecified 1
Subluxation stenosis of neural canal , lumbar region 1
Acute nephritic syndrome, other 1
Acute tubulo-interstitial nephritis 1
Chronic kidney disease, stage 3 1
Chronic kidney disease, stage 4 1
Other specified disorders of kidney and ureter 1
Acute cystitis 1
Other cystitis 1
Bladder disorder, unspecified 1
Other urethritis 1
Other specified disorders of urethra 1
Urethral disorder, unspecified 1
Orthostatic proteinuria, unspecified 1
Other hydrocele 1
Balanoposthitis 1
Other specified disorders of penis 1
Fibrosclerosis of breast 1
Other benign mammary dysplasias 1
Unspecified lump in breast 1
Mastodynia 1
Inflammatory disease of cervix uteri 1
Abscess of Bartholin's gland 1
Subacute and chronic vaginitis 1
Endometriosis, unspecified 1
Complete uterovaginal prolapse 1
Rectocele 1
Polyp of corpus uteri 1
Polyp of other parts of female genital tract 1
Irregular menstruation, unspecified 1
Menopausal and perimenopausal disorder, unspecified 1
Female infertility, unspecified 1
Hydatidiform mole, unspecified 1
Unspecified abortion, complete or unspecified, without complication 1
Failed medical abortion complicated by delayed or excessive haemorrhage 1
Other haemorrhage in early pregnancy 1
Haemorrhoids in pregnancy 1
Infections of other parts of urinary tract in pregnancy 1
Diabetes mellitus arising in pregnancy 1
Maternal care for malpresentation of fetus, unspecified 1
Maternal care for other isoimmunization 1
Disorder of amniotic fluid and membranes, unspecified 1
Premature rupture of membranes, onset of labour within 24 hours 1
Malformation of placenta 1
Placenta praevia specified as without haemorrhage 1
Other immediate postpartum haemorrhage 1
Postpartum thyroiditis 1
Other infections predominantly sexual mode of transmission complicating pregnancy, childbirth an 1
Mild and moderate birth asphyxia 1
Respiratory condition of newborn, unspecified 1
Haemolytic disease of fetus and newborn, unspecified 1
Other neonatal hypoglycaemia 1
Dehydration of newborn 1
Environmental hyperthermia of newborn 1
Disturbance of temperature regulation of newborn 1
Congenital hydrocele 1
Fetal death of unspecified cause 1
Microcephaly 1
Preauricular sinus and cyst 1
Congenital malformation of heart, unspecified 1
Other congenital malformations of aorta 1
Undescended testicle, unspecified 1
Hypospadias, balanic 1
Other congenital malformations of penis 1
Talipes equinovarus 1
Epidermolysis bullosa, unspecified 1
Bradycardia, unspecified 1
Gangrene, not elsewhere classified 1
Other and unspecified abnormalities of breathing 1
Chest pain on breathing 1
Flatulence and related conditions 1
Hepatomegaly, not elsewhere classified 1
Unspecified jaundice 1
Paraesthesia of skin 1
Localized swelling, mass and lump, head 1
Cyanosis 1
Anuria and oliguria 1
Polyuria 1
Stupor 1
Disorientation, unspecified 1
Other and unspecified symptoms and signs involving cognitive functions and awareness 1
Acute pain 1
Pain, unspecified 1
Malaise and fatigue 1
Cardiogenic shock 1
Localized enlarged lymph nodes 1
Generalized enlarged lymph nodes 1
Lack of expected normal physiologic developmemnt unspecified 1
Superficial injury of head, part unspecified 1
Open wound of scalp 1
Fracture of mandible 1
Fractures of other skull and facial bones, closed 1
Injury of eye and orbit, unspecified 1
Diffuse brain injury 1
Traumatic subdural haemorrhage 1
Intracranial injury, unspecified 1
Injury of muscle and tendon at neck level 1
Other superficial injuries of front wall of thorax 1
Open wound of breast 1
Fracture of thoracic vertebra 1
Fracture of rib, closed 1
Multiple fractures of ribs, closed 1
Fracture of lumbar vertebra, closed 1
Fracture of sacrum, closed 1
Fracture of coccyx, closed 1
Fracture of oth unspecified parts of lumbar spine and pelvis 1
Fracture of other and unspecified parts of lumbar spine and pelvis, open 1
Sprain and strain of other and unspec partsof lumbar spine pelvis 1
Injury of urethra 1
Injury of intra-abdominal organ(s) with pelvic organ(s) 1
Fracture of upper end of humerus 1
Fracture of shaft of humerus 1
Fracture of lower end of humerus 1
Injury of tendon of the rotator cuff of shoulder 1
Fracture of shaft of radius, closed 1
Fracture of shafts of both ulna and radius, closed 1
Traumatic rupture of ulnar collateral ligament 1
Crushing injury of forearm, part unspecified 1
Contusion of finger(s) with damage to nail 1
Superficial injury of wrist and hand, unspecified 1
Open wound of finger(s) with damage to nail 1
Open wound of other parts of wrist and hand 1
Open wound of wrist and hand part, part unspecified 1
Multiple fractures of metacarpal bones 1
Fracture of thumb 1
Fracture of other finger , open 1
Multiple fractures of fingers 1
Fracture of other and unspecified parts of wrist and hand, closed 1
Sprain and strain of wrist 1
Injury of flexor muscle and tendon of other finger at wrist and hand level 1
Injury unspecified muscle and tendon at wrist and hand level 1
Unspecified injury of wrist and hand 1
Contusion of hip 1
Other superficial injuries of hip and thigh 1
Fracture of neck of femur 1
Fracture of shaft of femur, closed 1
Fracture of lower end of femur 1
Injury of muscle and tendon of the posterior muscle group at thigh level 1
Contusion of knee 1
Multiple open wounds of lower leg 1
Open wound of other parts of lower leg 1
Fracture of lower end of tibia , open 1
Fracture of fibula alone 1
Fracture of fibula alone, closed 1
Fracture of lower leg, part unspecified 1
Fracture of lower leg, part unspecified, closed 1
Sprain and strain involving (fibular)(tibial) collateral lig knee 1
Injury of tibial nerve at lower leg level 1
Injury of achilles tendon 1
Crushing injury of knee 1
Unspecified injury of lower leg 1
Contusion of toe(s) with damage to nail 1
Open wound of toe(s) with damage to nail 1
Fracture of calcaneus, closed 1
Fracture of foot, unspecified 1
Fracture of foot, unspecified, closed 1
Dislocation of ankle joint 1
Crushing injury of other parts of ankle and foot 1
Multiple fractures, unspecified 1
Unspecified injury of upper limb, level unspecified 1
Injury of nerve(s) of unspecified body region 1
Crush injury and traumatic amputation of unspec body region 1
Other injuries of unspecified body region 1
Foreign body in cornea 1
Foreign body in conjunctival sac 1
Foreign body in nasal sinus 1
Foreign body in mouth 1
Foreign body in oesophagus 1
Foreign body in anus and rectum 1
Burn of unspecified body region, unspecified degree 1
Burn of first degree, body region unspecified 1
Burns involving less than 10% of body surface 1
Corrosions involving less than 10% of body surface 1
Poisoning, other antacids and anti-gastric-secretion drugs 1
Poisoning, oxytocic drugs 1
Poisoning, emollients, demulcents and protectants 1
Toxic effect, venom of other reptiles 1
Toxic effect, venom of scorpion 1
Effects of hunger 1
Neglect or abandonment 1
Post-traumatic wound infection, not elsewhere classified 1
Kidney transplant failure and rejection 1
Complication of surgical and medical care, unspecified 1
Observation for suspected tuberculosis 1
Observation for suspected disease or condition, unspecified 1
Septicaemia, unspecified 1
Viral warts 1
Other specified acute viral hepatitis 1
Candidiasis, unspecified 1
Schistosomiasis, unspecified 1
Malignant neoplasm, colon, unspecified 1
Malignant neoplasm of rectum 1
Malignant neoplasm, breast, unspecified 1
Malignant neoplasm of uterus, part unspecified 1
Malignant neoplasm of ovary 1
Malignant neoplasm of prostate 1
Malignant neoplasm, posterior wall of bladder 1
Malignant neoplasm, bladder, unspecified 1
Monocytic leukaemia, unspecified 1
Benign neoplasm, parotid gland 1
Benign neoplasm, sigmoid colon 1
Benign neoplasm, anus and anal canal 1
Benign neoplasm, bone and articular cartilage, unspecified 1
Benign neoplasm, connective and other soft tissue of trunk, unspecified 1
Benign neoplasm, skin of lip 1
Benign neoplasm of ovary 1
Benign neoplasm, testis 1
Benign neoplasm of thyroid gland 1
Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of lip, oral cavity and pharynx 1
Histiocytic and mast cell tumours uncertain and unknown behaviour 1
Neoplasms of uncertain or unknown behaviour of bone and articular cartilage 1
Other nonthrombocytopenic purpura 1
Hypothyroidism, unspecified 1
Nontoxic diffuse goitre 1
Autoimmune thyroiditis 1
Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with renal complications 1
Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with peripheral circulatory complications 1
Other specified diabetes mellitus without complications 1
Unspecified organic or symptomatic mental disorder 1
Other schizophrenia 1
Schizoaffective disorder, depressive type 1
Schizoaffective disorder, unspecified 1
Bipolar affective disorder, unspecified 1
Dissociative convulsions 1
Localization-related(focal)(partial)idiopathic epilepsy / epileptic syndromes with complex partial seiz 1
Chronic post-traumatic headache 1
Transient cerebral ischaemic attack, unspecified 1
Other sleep disorders 1
Multiple cranial nerve palsies in sarcoidosis 1
Phantom limb syndrome with pain 1
Other lesions of median nerve 1
Lesion of radial nerve 1
Other specified polyneuropathies 1
Cerebral oedema 1
Conjunctivitis, unspecified 1
Optic neuritis 1
Internuclear ophthalmoplegia 1
Disorder of refraction, unspecified 1
Abscess of external ear 1
Otitis externa, unspecified 1
Disorder of external ear, unspecified 1
Sudden idiopathic hearing loss 1
Deaf mutism, not elsewhere classified 1
Acute transmural myocardial infarction of inferior wall 1
Chronic ischaemic heart disease, unspecified 1
Endocarditis, valve unspecified 1
External haemorrhoids without complication 1
Acute laryngitis 1
Lobar pneumonia, unspecified 1
Acute bronchiolitis, unspecified 1
Chronic pharyngitis 1
Chronic disease of tonsils and adenoids, unspecified 1
Other diseases of larynx 1
Pleural effusion, not elsewhere classified 1
Pneumothorax, unspecified 1
Respiratory disorder, unspecified 1
Radicular cyst 1
Peptic ulcer, chronic without haemorrhage or perforation 1
Acute appendicitis, other and unspecified 1
Other appendicitis 1
Umbilical hernia without obstruction or gangrene 1
Other specified noninfective gastroenteritis and colitis 1
Noninfective gastroenteritis and colitis, unspecified 1
Paralytic ileus 1
Chronic hepatitis, unspecified 1
Inflammatory liver disease, unspecified 1
Calculus of gallbladder without cholecystitis 1
Chronic cholecystitis 1
Gastrointestinal haemorrhage, unspecified 1
Cutaneous abscess, furuncle and carbuncle of limb 1
Atopic dermatitis, unspecified 1
Dermatitis, unspecified 1
Psoriasis, unspecified 1
Nail disorders 1
Nail disorder, unspecified 1
Other follicular cysts of skin and subcutaneous tissue 1
Corns and callosities 1
Keloid scar 1
Arthritis and polyarthritis due other specified bacterial agents, lower leg 1
Other specified rheumatoid arthritis, hand 1
Rheumatoid arthritis, unspecified, unspecified site 1
Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, unspecified site 1
Neuropathic arthropathy 1
Gonarthrosis, unspecified 1
Arthrosis, unspecified, lower leg 1
Acquired deformity of toe(s), unspecified 1
Flexion deformity, unspecified site 1
Wrist or foot drop (acquired), ankle and foot 1
Disorder of ligament 1
Contracture of joint, hand 1
Stiffness of joint, not elsewhere classified, unspecified site 1
Other specified joint disorders, pelvic and thigh 1
Spondylosis, unspecified, multiple sites 1
Neuropathic spondylopathy 1
Lumbago with sciatica, sacral and sacrococcygeal region 1
Other specified disorders of muscle, forearm 1
Radial styloid tenosynovitis [de quervain], hand 1
Spontaneous rupture of flexor tendons 1
Spontaneous rupture of other tendons, hand 1
Spontaneous rupture of unspecified tendon, other 1
Other fibroblastic disorders, multiple sites 1
Rotator cuff syndrome 1
Bicipital tendinitis 1
Calcific tendinitis of shoulder 1
Impingement syndrome of shoulder 1
Gluteal tendinitis, lower leg 1
Iliac crest spur, lower leg 1
Achilles tendinitis, shoulder region 1
Achilles tendinitis, hand 1
Neuralgia and neuritis, unspecified 1
Residual foreign body in soft tissue, pelvic and thigh 1
Pathological fracture, not elsewhere classified, ankle and foot 1
Other chronic osteomyelitis 1
Osteochondritis dissecans, lower leg 1
Osseous stenosis of neural canal , pelvic region 1
Connective tissue stenosis of neural canal, cervical region 1
Connective tissue stenosis of neural canal, lumbar region 1
Intervertebral disc stenosis of neural canal , pelvic region 1
Nepthrotic syndrome, unspecified 1
Glomerular disorders in other diseases classified elsewhere 1
Kinking and stricture of ureter without hydronephrosis 1
Chronic kidney disease, stage 4 1
Other specified disorders of kidney and ureter 1
Trigonitis 1
Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder, unspecified 1
Urethral stricture, unspecified 1
Orthostatic proteinuria, unspecified 1
Disorder of urinary system, unspecified 1
Balanoposthitis 1
Other specified disorders of penis 1
Disorder of penis, unspecified 1
Other benign mammary dysplasias 1
Female pelvic inflammatory disease, unspecified 1
Endometriosis of uterus 1
Follicular cyst of ovary 1
Endometrial glandular hyperplasia 1
Primary amenorrhoea 1
Other specified abnormal uterine and vaginal bleeding 1
Blighted ovum and nonhydatidiform mole 1
Other abortion, incomplete, without complication 1
Mild hyperemesis gravidarum 1
Diabetes mellitus in pregnancy, unspecified 1
Maternal care for fetal problem, unspecified 1
Other single delivery by caesarean section 1
Anaemia complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium 1
Fetus and newborn affected by caesarean delivery 1
Other low birth weight 1
Cerebral oedema due to birth injury 1
Severe birth asphyxia 1
Other respiratory distress of newborn 1
Congenital pneumonia, unspecified 1
Sepsis of newborn due to anaerobes 1
Preauricular sinus and cyst 1
Unspecified cleft palate with unilateral cleft lip 1
Undescended testicle, unspecified 1
Congenital malformations of other endocrine glands 1
Bradycardia, unspecified 1
Pleurisy 1
Anosmia 1
Other chronic pain 1
Hypovolaemic shock 1
Enlarged lymph nodes, unspecified 1
Oedema, unspecified 1
Hyperglycaemia, unspecified 1
Fracture of malar and maxillary bones, open 1
Concussion, with open intracranial wound 1
Fracture of lumbar vertebra, closed 1
Fracture of ilium, closed 1
Fracture of other and unspecified parts of lumbar spine and pelvis, closed 1
Fracture of other and unspecified parts of lumbar spine and pelvis, open 1
Injury of urethra 1
Injury of ovary 1
Fracture of clavicle 1
Fracture of scapula, closed 1
Fracture of other parts of shoulder and upper arm, open 1
Fracture of shaft of radius, closed 1
Fracture of forearm, part unspecified 1
Traumatic rupture of ulnar collateral ligament 1
Open wound of finger(s) with damage to nail 1
Open wound of wrist and hand part, part unspecified 1
Multiple fractures of metacarpal bones 1
Injury of blood vessel(s) of other finger 1
Injury of extensor muscle and tendon of other finger at wrist and hand level 1
Contusion of hip 1
Injury of unspecified muscle and tendon at lower leg level 1
Injury of unspecified blood vessel at ankle and foot level 1
Dislocation, sprain and strain of unspecified body region 1
Foreign body in oesophagus 1
Poisoning, other and unspec agents primarily acting on the respiratory system 1
Effects of hunger 1
Anaphylactic shock due to adverse food reaction 1
Post-traumatic wound infection, not elsewhere classified 1
Mechanical complication of internal joint prosthesis 1
Supervision of high-risk pregnancy, unspecified 1
Other antenatal screening 1
Follow-up exam after unspecified treatment for other conditions 1
Antenatal screening, unspecified 1
Problems related to multiparity 1
Acquired absence of kidney 1
Presence of urogenital implants 1
Presence of (intrauterine) contraceptive device 1
Other specified postsurgical states 1
Subtotal INA-CBG Laboratorium HPP Radiologi HPP Obat HPP
304,159,200 16,586,100 12,758,538 852,000 655,385 199,800,795 153,692,919
268,119,200 133,642,196 102,801,689 5,274,000 4,056,923 287,122,977 220,863,828
371,666,500 10,103,100 7,771,615 58,440,001 44,953,847 223,684,504 172,065,003
226,512,700 4,290,000 3,300,000 2,652,000 2,040,000 114,649,319 88,191,784
172,446,800 54,353,100 41,810,077 34,241,001 26,339,232 30,881,546 23,755,035
147,613,000 3,658,000 2,813,846 243,000 186,923 93,229,534 71,715,026
138,611,000 2,107,000 1,620,769 7,473,000 5,748,462 52,778,026 40,598,482
123,640,600 2,126,200 1,635,538 - - 85,387,171 65,682,439
120,794,900 - - 481,000 370,000 92,262,696 70,971,305
103,380,700 1,974,000 1,518,462 - - 67,965,061 52,280,816
88,910,700 2,100,000 1,615,385 3,035,000 2,334,615 42,603,284 32,771,757
111,556,100 13,713,000 10,548,462 3,722,000 2,863,077 32,650,687 25,115,913
77,125,700 15,417,000 11,859,231 3,599,000 2,768,462 54,357,991 41,813,839
68,685,000 1,586,000 1,220,000 239,000 183,846 25,979,902 19,984,540
58,584,400 29,933,000 23,025,385 1,911,000 1,470,000 27,708,999 21,314,615
48,517,500 2,655,100 2,042,385 1,026,000 789,231 39,931,514 30,716,549
39,341,300 18,207,600 14,005,846 8,174,000 6,287,692 12,471,086 9,593,143
49,915,700 1,055,000 811,538 243,000 186,923 22,570,934 17,362,257
54,059,500 3,885,000 2,988,462 342,000 263,077 19,081,320 14,677,938
39,578,700 7,246,500 5,574,231 296,000 227,692 14,977,281 11,520,985
42,521,500 265,000 203,846 4,560,000 3,507,692 40,132,932 30,871,486
31,854,900 20,292,100 15,609,308 7,616,000 5,858,462 12,616,548 9,705,037
58,033,900 1,359,100 1,045,462 1,710,000 1,315,385 16,341,601 12,570,462
40,854,400 381,000 293,077 926,000 712,308 2,557,597 1,967,382
36,613,200 6,878,100 5,290,846 - - 514,798 395,998
57,205,700 2,505,000 1,926,923 14,421,000 11,093,077 28,239,974 21,723,057
41,149,600 975,000 750,000 1,147,000 882,308 17,453,162 13,425,509
34,072,300 24,281,000 18,677,692 868,000 667,692 18,968,191 14,590,916
44,322,500 722,000 555,385 1,663,000 1,279,231 16,225,864 12,481,434
32,661,300 9,150,100 7,038,538 - - 6,610,613 5,085,087
33,483,800 4,442,000 3,416,923 1,494,000 1,149,231 14,091,460 10,839,585
32,488,100 8,020,000 6,169,231 1,539,000 1,183,846 28,157,638 21,659,722
31,841,300 910,000 700,000 1,636,000 1,258,462 9,428,322 7,252,555
47,884,000 2,570,600 1,977,385 - - 10,128,299 7,790,999
32,457,800 521,000 400,769 17,040,000 13,107,692 15,450,844 11,885,265
33,695,100 3,009,000 2,314,615 3,634,000 2,795,385 6,676,364 5,135,665
31,303,300 927,000 713,077 12,012,000 9,240,000 12,201,428 9,385,714
28,543,400 5,090,100 3,915,462 1,294,000 995,385 9,657,378 7,428,752
30,847,800 55,000 42,308 - - 4,019,211 3,091,701
28,038,400 2,730,000 2,100,000 243,000 186,923 13,920,397 10,707,998
17,853,100 2,534,600 1,949,692 - - 6,209,135 4,776,258
23,635,800 5,958,000 4,583,077 2,678,000 2,060,000 580,816 446,782
24,386,800 5,722,000 4,401,538 2,136,000 1,643,077 5,540,212 4,261,702
25,915,500 4,093,100 3,148,538 2,908,000 2,236,923 6,282,326 4,832,558
25,252,800 16,460,000 12,661,538 1,533,000 1,179,231 5,257,972 4,044,594
22,964,100 45,000 34,615 155,000 119,231 12,451,669 9,578,207
26,154,200 - - - - 15,605,330 12,004,100
26,336,100 8,468,000 6,513,846 2,298,000 1,767,692 1,063,743 818,264
24,491,100 45,000 34,615 486,000 373,846 10,789,403 8,299,541
22,325,900 263,200 202,462 485,000 373,077 3,784,068 2,910,822
22,545,900 6,899,000 5,306,923 3,246,000 2,496,923 11,456,241 8,812,493
21,352,100 2,212,000 1,701,538 1,326,000 1,020,000 10,506,673 8,082,056
19,925,200 - - 13,420,600 10,323,538 7,965,827 6,127,559
18,077,500 618,200 475,538 - - 2,832,361 2,178,739
16,117,100 2,092,000 1,609,231 - - 5,296,968 4,074,591
64,868,100 370,000 284,615 750,000 576,923 29,952,459 23,040,353
19,998,500 360,000 276,923 - - 9,272,355 7,132,581
18,274,400 1,027,000 790,000 2,724,000 2,095,385 4,369,425 3,361,096
12,945,300 5,690,000 4,376,923 1,026,000 789,231 11,151,677 8,578,213
15,142,000 8,973,000 6,902,308 171,000 131,538 24,098,683 18,537,448
17,033,400 95,000 73,077 - - 1,849,816 1,422,935
18,720,100 150,000 115,385 486,000 373,846 8,484,058 6,526,198
14,742,900 - - - - 11,908,134 9,160,103
21,798,800 4,749,000 3,653,077 8,059,000 6,199,231 608,485 468,065
14,375,900 425,000 326,923 - - 1,361,971 1,047,670
14,987,800 205,000 157,692 - - 6,273,558 4,825,814
15,739,900 185,000 142,308 15,385,000 11,834,615 4,312,304 3,317,157
21,163,400 220,000 169,231 - - 7,295,599 5,611,999
21,625,300 2,228,000 1,713,846 8,418,000 6,475,385 239,243 184,033
11,947,000 2,111,900 1,624,538 - - 3,135,212 2,411,702
15,114,300 560,000 430,769 5,449,000 4,191,538 7,228,532 5,560,409
11,948,800 175,000 134,615 - - 1,886,360 1,451,046
11,762,100 3,295,000 2,534,615 - - 3,332,327 2,563,328
12,671,400 381,000 293,077 - - 1,503,727 1,156,713
11,796,000 - - - - 8,448,469 6,498,822
13,347,200 2,015,000 1,550,000 2,991,000 2,300,769 7,561,234 5,816,334
16,310,800 4,321,000 3,323,846 1,623,000 1,248,462 10,233,159 7,871,661
11,325,600 707,300 544,077 - - 1,596,735 1,228,258
17,834,900 2,432,000 1,870,769 2,052,000 1,578,462 2,654,195 2,041,688
11,325,600 45,000 34,615 - - 999,010 768,469
11,456,500 - - - - 2,684,000 2,064,615
11,015,300 1,185,000 911,538 855,000 657,692 5,647,952 4,344,578
10,455,200 526,000 404,615 - - 6,442,005 4,955,388
10,062,600 4,153,000 3,194,615 1,197,000 920,769 2,517,876 1,936,828
14,280,100 2,391,000 1,839,231 4,565,000 3,511,538 2,185,172 1,680,902
11,943,000 2,334,100 1,795,462 2,565,000 1,973,077 4,814,836 3,703,720
11,439,300 - - - - 2,336,709 1,797,468
9,664,200 - - - - 2,125,899 1,635,307
11,693,800 195,000 150,000 - - 8,272,092 6,363,148
10,766,800 75,000 57,692 5,169,000 3,976,154 6,085,303 4,681,002
9,144,600 124,100 95,462 - - 2,354,448 1,811,114
8,749,300 521,000 400,769 171,000 131,538 3,527,763 2,713,664
9,038,200 521,000 400,769 171,000 131,538 1,162,533 894,256
8,588,200 281,000 216,154 - - 12,468,115 9,590,858
9,291,600 3,998,000 3,075,385 994,000 764,615 6,165,267 4,742,513
12,241,600 4,364,000 3,356,923 1,875,000 1,442,308 2,973,872 2,287,594
8,435,400 - - 598,000 460,000 5,188,798 3,991,383
5,581,800 9,488,000 7,298,462 3,249,000 2,499,231 55,479 42,676
8,212,200 - - 171,000 131,538 3,713,592 2,856,609
9,233,900 - - - - 556,255 427,888
8,333,200 1,962,000 1,509,231 - - 3,202,050 2,463,115
8,788,900 387,300 297,923 - - 82,317 63,321
11,809,200 786,000 604,615 3,489,000 2,683,846 1,884,691 1,449,762
8,909,500 2,420,000 1,861,538 250,000 192,308 2,262,818 1,740,629
7,094,600 - - - - 5,136,819 3,951,399
7,320,700 - - 6,221,000 4,785,385 2,255,088 1,734,683
6,927,900 - - 1,139,000 876,154 4,259,363 3,276,433
17,622,200 1,762,000 1,355,385 1,026,000 789,231 3,245,225 2,496,327
7,383,000 90,000 69,231 485,000 373,077 3,651,666 2,808,974
7,733,800 215,000 165,385 342,000 263,077 2,448,554 1,883,503
6,534,500 - - - - 2,986,095 2,296,996
7,196,300 45,000 34,615 - - 3,080,278 2,369,445
6,534,500 2,839,300 2,184,077 - - 892,195 686,304
11,752,700 360,000 276,923 2,127,000 1,636,154 2,405,106 1,850,082
6,347,800 190,000 146,154 - - 457,235 351,719
6,789,000 - - - - 1,170,665 900,512
6,586,000 175,000 134,615 255,000 196,154 602,700 463,615
7,450,800 45,000 34,615 - - 1,257,268 967,129
9,690,300 401,000 308,462 2,295,000 1,765,385 1,373,984 1,056,911
7,375,500 - - 6,151,000 4,731,538 4,969,432 3,822,640
6,512,800 3,993,000 3,071,538 255,000 196,154 3,075,914 2,366,088
6,161,100 - - - - 699,870 538,362
6,284,700 - - 342,000 263,077 5,660,425 4,354,173
5,974,400 - - - - 7,268,851 5,591,424
6,415,600 - - - - 4,071,646 3,132,035
8,337,600 1,454,000 1,118,462 1,179,000 906,923 2,710,580 2,085,062
5,911,300 - - - - 1,028,252 790,963
9,115,300 601,000 462,308 1,368,000 1,052,308 3,406,354 2,620,272
5,951,300 1,657,000 1,274,615 342,000 263,077 1,280,563 985,048
9,317,300 45,000 34,615 1,139,000 876,154 3,921,683 3,016,679
5,983,000 895,000 688,462 426,000 327,692 590,316 454,089
5,583,200 1,118,700 860,538 - - 1,362,252 1,047,886
8,127,000 1,240,000 953,846 3,217,000 2,474,615 162,827 125,252
5,414,300 - - 344,000 264,615 1,765,965 1,358,435
5,766,000 550,000 423,077 255,000 196,154 2,589,990 1,992,300
5,440,200 - - 4,114,000 3,164,615 2,533,815 1,949,088
6,081,800 - - - - 1,058,688 814,375
20,916,900 - - 375,000 288,462 9,405,491 7,234,993
8,153,900 5,418,000 4,167,692 2,394,000 1,841,538 5,372,949 4,133,038
16,687,200 95,000 73,077 2,308,345 1,775,650 6,922,226 5,324,789
7,889,900 1,655,000 1,273,077 2,750,000 2,115,385 217,707 167,467
5,040,900 358,200 275,538 - - 313,534 241,180
5,901,600 381,000 293,077 255,000 196,154 400,789 308,299
5,040,900 1,652,800 1,271,385 - - 634,401 488,001
5,040,900 - - - - 740,397 569,536
7,457,700 8,749,000 6,730,000 1,278,000 983,077 2,308,299 1,775,615
4,040,000 350,000 269,231 6,463,000 4,971,538 2,779,403 2,138,002
5,289,300 - - 242,000 186,154 833,766 641,358
4,667,500 1,416,000 1,089,231 - - 1,173,467 902,667
5,538,400 616,000 473,846 1,013,000 779,231 857,417 659,552
4,706,100 - - - - 1,635,548 1,258,114
4,411,200 3,018,300 2,321,769 - - 788,371 606,439
8,109,400 6,856,000 5,273,846 2,637,000 2,028,462 326,080 250,831
7,091,200 45,000 34,615 - - 2,998,081 2,306,216
4,480,800 2,660,000 2,046,154 - - 1,097,692 844,378
4,480,800 949,000 730,000 - - 445,419 342,630
5,432,400 - - - - 1,646,490 1,266,531
4,501,100 510,100 392,385 - - 1,228,902 945,309
5,667,300 1,065,000 819,231 243,000 186,923 2,769,305 2,130,235
4,294,100 1,206,000 927,692 939,000 722,308 517,680 398,215
5,033,000 140,000 107,692 452,000 347,692 2,152,287 1,655,605
4,722,500 - - 1,452,000 1,116,923 3,000,713 2,308,241
6,406,400 2,340,000 1,800,000 - - 1,111,922 855,325
4,328,000 - - - - 1,113,382 856,448
8,210,100 1,128,000 867,692 3,405,000 2,619,231 515,251 396,347
8,129,000 265,000 203,846 3,602,000 2,770,769 796,248 612,498
15,616,300 - - 1,138,000 875,385 5,730,599 4,408,153
6,332,200 981,000 754,615 342,000 263,077 1,655,077 1,273,136
4,107,400 - - - - 2,302,844 1,771,418
4,107,400 - - - - 631,470 485,746
4,107,400 537,300 413,308 - - 67,566 51,974
4,043,600 - - - - - -
5,180,300 1,175,000 903,846 - - 1,450,196 1,115,535
3,920,700 - - - - 671,086 516,220
4,272,400 320,100 246,231 255,000 196,154 2,034,728 1,565,175
4,419,700 - - 255,000 196,154 246,475 189,596
6,120,600 - - 1,382,000 1,063,077 1,260,362 969,509
7,801,600 2,155,000 1,657,692 2,979,000 2,291,538 588,502 452,694
3,676,000 824,600 634,308 - - 296,391 227,993
3,734,000 45,000 34,615 - - 1,345,173 1,034,748
3,734,000 736,000 566,154 - - 484,044 372,342
3,922,600 - - 1,452,000 1,116,923 2,956,732 2,274,409
3,734,000 769,000 591,538 - - 1,259,066 968,512
3,794,500 2,513,000 1,933,077 342,000 263,077 1,847,813 1,421,395
5,008,400 - - - - 1,590,593 1,223,533
3,540,900 504,100 387,769 - - 1,719,508 1,322,698
3,547,300 - - - - 3,074,048 2,364,652
3,547,300 645,100 496,231 171,000 131,538 398,958 306,891
3,767,900 - - - - 976,323 751,018
4,954,100 75,000 57,692 1,446,000 1,112,308 1,903,239 1,464,030
3,425,700 - - - - 17,360 13,354
4,068,800 - - 171,000 131,538 797,874 613,749
3,360,600 1,511,100 1,162,385 513,000 394,615 168,688 129,760
3,360,600 526,000 404,615 - - 1,488,078 1,144,675
3,308,400 2,856,400 2,197,231 - - 709,944 546,111
3,173,900 - - - - 1,042,698 802,075
3,173,900 - - - - 453,374 348,749
3,525,600 430,000 330,769 710,000 546,154 1,742,304 1,340,234
3,525,600 506,000 389,231 355,000 273,077 194,947 149,959
3,497,400 2,329,000 1,791,538 342,000 263,077 1,063,537 818,105
5,206,400 45,000 34,615 243,000 186,923 2,034,862 1,565,278
4,217,600 225,000 173,077 - - 1,913,723 1,472,095
3,867,800 150,000 115,385 684,000 526,154 968,289 744,838
3,116,300 301,000 231,538 585,000 450,000 1,252,652 963,578
3,442,900 790,000 607,692 296,000 227,692 955,316 734,858
4,213,700 991,000 762,308 1,559,000 1,199,231 65,338 50,260
5,306,400 45,000 34,615 700,000 538,462 741,982 570,755
2,980,800 - - - - 1,341,149 1,031,653
2,987,200 2,470,000 1,900,000 574,000 441,538 912,648 702,037
2,987,200 45,000 34,615 - - 1,219,748 938,268
3,338,900 - - 355,000 273,077 2,383,430 1,833,408
4,394,000 436,000 335,385 1,362,000 1,047,692 566,057 435,428
5,097,400 380,000 292,308 2,115,000 1,626,923 854,960 657,662
3,019,400 - - 2,662,000 2,047,692 714,788 549,837
3,816,300 - - - - 841,774 647,518
3,246,500 - - 638,000 490,769 799,818 615,245
2,343,300 - - 2,178,000 1,675,385 802,633 617,410
3,512,700 - - - - 309,794 238,303
3,724,600 - - 510,000 392,308 1,172,651 902,039
3,320,000 - - - - 1,287,342 990,263
3,040,400 1,002,000 770,769 - - 2,190,178 1,684,752
3,462,300 - - 484,000 372,308 1,136,150 873,962
2,890,900 - - 2,420,000 1,861,538 2,017,469 1,551,899
3,308,100 551,000 423,846 1,155,000 888,462 873,419 671,861
2,800,500 2,008,000 1,544,615 - - 551,371 424,132
2,852,200 - - 484,000 372,308 1,789,181 1,376,293
11,292,400 300,000 230,769 421,000 323,846 4,607,871 3,544,516
2,715,400 409,100 314,692 2,762,000 2,124,615 1,082,627 832,790
1,778,000 - - 3,730,000 2,869,231 1,086,206 835,543
3,403,800 - - 1,026,000 789,231 878,944 676,111
2,613,800 358,200 275,538 - - 147,045 113,112
3,405,800 266,000 204,615 171,000 131,538 1,333,777 1,025,982
3,132,100 - - 452,000 347,692 687,547 528,882
2,646,000 - - 242,000 186,154 1,770,609 1,362,007
2,246,600 175,000 134,615 - - 197,095 151,612
3,426,800 275,000 211,538 - - 1,200,745 923,650
4,633,100 120,000 92,308 242,000 186,154 1,191,060 916,200
2,487,800 355,000 273,077 625,000 480,769 388,924 299,172
2,683,700 - - - - 631,770 485,977
2,868,300 - - - - 974,982 749,986
2,382,400 - - - - 480,087 369,298
3,306,900 195,000 150,000 - - 1,417,441 1,090,339
2,306,200 - - - - 328,771 252,901
2,971,200 2,982,000 2,293,846 768,000 590,769 1,143,199 879,384
3,647,200 - - 1,765,000 1,357,692 - -
2,496,600 - - - - - -
2,592,100 521,000 400,769 255,000 196,154 511,298 393,306
2,240,400 - - - - 1,484,132 1,141,640
2,240,400 - - - - 923,488 710,375
2,279,000 - - - - 317,893 244,533
2,461,000 - - - - 919,908 707,622
2,382,000 - - 484,000 372,308 916,604 705,080
2,240,600 - - 726,000 558,462 1,307,813 1,006,010
3,203,200 1,175,000 903,846 - - 803,897 618,382
2,834,200 1,042,000 801,538 1,263,000 971,538 90,386 69,528
2,152,700 475,000 365,385 - - 734,431 564,947
2,137,300 45,000 34,615 - - 316,434 243,411
2,148,300 95,000 73,077 - - 249,569 191,976
2,040,900 962,000 740,000 513,000 394,615 252,101 193,924
3,333,700 45,000 34,615 - - 1,481,912 1,139,932
8,263,100 175,000 134,615 421,000 323,846 2,978,468 2,291,129
3,146,500 300,000 230,769 1,250,000 961,538 66,410 51,085
2,652,800 - - 255,000 196,154 144,533 111,179
2,795,500 845,000 650,000 480,000 369,231 512,955 394,581
2,053,700 601,000 462,308 - - 475,220 365,554
2,053,700 - - 171,000 131,538 557,761 429,047
2,053,700 1,654,200 1,272,462 - - 1,598,581 1,229,678
2,053,700 - - - - 178,795 137,535
3,102,400 420,000 323,077 1,107,000 851,538 237,938 183,029
2,556,800 110,000 84,615 510,000 392,308 362,506 278,851
2,605,700 - - 255,000 196,154 352,105 270,850
1,838,000 2,224,600 1,711,231 - - 476,942 366,878
2,707,500 280,000 215,385 888,000 683,077 336,861 259,124
4,273,100 95,000 73,077 888,000 683,077 1,847,456 1,421,120
1,570,200 - - 2,349,000 1,806,923 1,230,794 946,765
2,107,000 - - 2,420,000 1,861,538 1,277,049 982,345
1,867,000 - - - - 587,454 451,888
1,828,600 - - 484,000 372,308 535,251 411,732
2,087,600 - - - - 406,510 312,700
1,982,800 - - - - 801,451 616,501
1,867,000 - - - - 399,926 307,635
1,841,400 - - 655,000 503,846 1,305,965 1,004,588
1,860,700 - - - - 1,382,517 1,063,475
2,620,800 124,100 95,462 - - 421,516 324,243
1,680,300 871,000 670,000 413,000 317,692 27,848 21,422
2,735,400 456,000 350,769 1,236,000 950,769 31,074 23,903
1,680,300 2,221,000 1,708,462 729,000 560,769 662,158 509,352
1,803,900 - - - - 802,282 617,140
1,961,500 485,000 373,077 - - 113,904 87,618
1,873,800 175,000 134,615 - - 266,883 205,295
1,765,200 95,000 73,077 - - 430,556 331,197
1,676,400 - - - - 141,430 108,792
1,654,200 - - - - 221,938 170,722
1,766,200 179,100 137,769 - - 44,044 33,880
1,803,900 - - - - 28,362 21,817
1,680,300 - - - - 1,146,879 882,215
1,680,300 - - - - 209,299 160,999
2,009,300 - - - - 118,590 91,223
1,680,300 - - - - 882,127 678,559
1,680,300 - - - - 785,872 604,517
1,991,300 - - - - 1,492,223 1,147,864
1,680,300 343,200 264,000 - - 270,361 207,970
1,777,200 - - 1,452,000 1,116,923 702,179 540,138
1,783,600 - - 726,000 558,462 737,063 566,972
1,764,000 - - - - 1,027,883 790,679
1,236,000 1,530,100 1,177,000 342,000 263,077 722,802 556,002
1,845,300 948,000 729,231 765,000 588,462 462,124 355,480
1,909,400 45,000 34,615 - - 671,231 516,332
3,969,400 1,051,000 808,462 171,000 131,538 640,780 492,908
1,470,400 997,000 766,923 - - 1,314,191 1,010,916
1,714,200 - - 242,000 186,154 211,500 162,692
1,240,600 384,100 295,462 355,000 273,077 213,789 164,453
1,016,000 175,000 134,615 3,417,000 2,628,462 887,333 682,564
1,493,600 - - - - 90,829 69,868
1,493,600 95,000 73,077 - - 234,144 180,111
1,623,800 - - - - 1,687,787 1,298,298
1,493,600 - - - - 438,745 337,496
1,838,900 - - 710,000 546,154 662,851 509,885
1,845,300 1,047,000 805,385 355,000 273,077 634,381 487,985
1,583,700 - - - - 4,699 3,615
1,493,600 999,000 768,462 - - 595,837 458,336
1,513,000 - - - - 470,803 362,156
1,493,600 - - 1,212,000 932,308 1,509,770 1,161,362
1,764,800 - - 968,000 744,615 1,282,698 986,691
1,942,900 95,000 73,077 - - 367,308 282,545
1,868,300 - - 171,000 131,538 863,221 664,016
1,292,100 550,000 423,077 - - 910,041 700,032
1,442,000 - - - - 372,932 286,871
1,397,300 75,000 57,692 - - 561,090 431,608
1,726,500 1,386,000 1,066,154 171,000 131,538 2,643,980 2,033,831
1,845,200 511,000 393,077 - - 911,815 701,396
1,886,100 95,000 73,077 296,000 227,692 280,617 215,859
2,033,500 - - - - 2,185,777 1,681,367
1,418,400 95,000 73,077 171,000 131,538 184,314 141,780
1,525,100 - - - - 58,988 45,375
1,324,000 250,000 192,308 1,452,000 1,116,923 578,401 444,924
1,306,900 - - 342,000 263,077 919,090 706,992
1,469,700 175,000 134,615 - - 236,934 182,257
1,306,900 1,389,300 1,068,692 - - 630,660 485,123
1,306,900 - - - - 894,503 688,079
1,306,900 - - - - 705,733 542,872
1,306,900 - - - - 1,997,182 1,536,294
1,306,900 - - - - 351,213 270,164
1,306,900 90,000 69,231 - - 1,246,407 958,775
1,306,900 786,000 604,615 - - 823,701 633,616
1,306,900 521,000 400,769 171,000 131,538 17,962 13,817
1,306,900 - - - - 145,775 112,135
1,319,900 995,000 765,385 171,000 131,538 373,514 287,318
1,825,200 - - 726,000 558,462 733,006 563,851
1,306,900 - - - - 874,323 672,556
1,306,900 - - - - 518,952 399,194
1,658,600 - - 610,000 469,231 592,370 455,669
1,641,400 - - 592,000 455,385 81,877 62,982
1,418,400 80,000 61,538 171,000 131,538 268,921 206,862
1,306,900 - - - - 348,840 268,338
1,974,300 - - 426,000 327,692 218,305 167,927
1,422,700 - - 484,000 372,308 545,279 419,445
1,102,800 62,000 47,692 - - 145,525 111,942
1,102,800 614,100 472,385 - - 540,698 415,922
1,120,200 455,000 350,000 342,000 263,077 404,254 310,965
1,102,800 - - 344,000 264,615 371,899 286,076
1,461,000 952,000 732,308 342,000 263,077 - -
1,102,800 - - - - 83,207 64,005
1,120,200 - - - - 554,261 426,355
1,340,800 - - - - 492,675 378,981
1,120,200 521,000 400,769 171,000 131,538 - -
1,747,200 675,100 519,308 - - 192,655 148,196
2,782,900 - - 1,446,000 1,112,308 216,096 166,228
2,085,600 155,000 119,231 681,000 523,846 424,521 326,555
1,746,900 1,122,000 863,077 597,000 459,231 263,842 202,955
1,615,600 395,000 303,846 750,000 576,923 48,463 37,279
1,789,200 - - 750,000 576,923 2,142 1,648
1,599,100 1,047,000 805,385 171,000 131,538 533,713 410,548
912,100 - - 968,000 744,615 701,525 539,635
1,236,000 - - 484,000 372,308 1,473,150 1,133,192
1,643,100 - - 484,000 372,308 1,068,022 821,555
1,196,100 - - 1,210,000 930,769 809,184 622,449
1,275,000 - - - - 183,669 141,284
1,665,000 - - - - 246,136 189,335
1,120,200 - - - - 50,164 38,588
1,491,200 - - 342,000 263,077 7,150 5,500
1,120,200 380,000 292,308 - - 309,936 238,412
1,120,200 201,000 154,615 - - 291,357 224,121
1,120,200 420,000 323,077 - - 2,254,500 1,734,231
1,120,200 1,567,000 1,205,385 - - 505,366 388,743
1,120,200 - - - - 3,163,206 2,433,235
1,120,200 - - - - 126,399 97,230
1,120,200 - - - - 172,707 132,852
1,340,800 75,000 57,692 - - 264,150 203,192
1,340,800 - - - - 821,602 632,002
1,340,800 75,000 57,692 - - 513,541 395,032
1,120,200 - - - - 72,142 55,494
1,120,200 55,000 42,308 - - 463,209 356,315
1,120,200 - - - - 25,500 19,615
1,120,200 - - 243,000 186,923 329,310 253,315
1,120,200 - - - - 467,927 359,944
1,158,800 - - - - 439,219 337,861
1,120,200 808,000 621,538 - - 822,329 632,561
1,146,000 - - - - 132,603 102,002
1,120,200 - - - - 136,071 104,670
1,139,500 - - 726,000 558,462 555,903 427,618
1,133,200 - - 484,000 372,308 106,957 82,275
1,139,500 - - 968,000 744,615 236,866 182,205
1,453,200 - - 484,000 372,308 543,273 417,902
1,216,700 - - - - 167,910 129,162
933,500 190,000 146,154 - - 229,601 176,616
1,636,900 55,000 42,308 765,000 588,462 3,260 2,508
933,500 948,000 729,231 171,000 131,538 152,212 117,086
933,500 1,266,000 973,846 - - 342,720 263,631
1,683,000 - - 700,000 538,462 387,066 297,743
1,063,700 651,000 500,769 - - 336,935 259,181
933,500 1,298,000 998,462 - - 319,086 245,451
841,900 45,000 34,615 - - 1,148,477 883,444
1,970,100 - - 478,000 367,692 321,849 247,576
919,000 150,000 115,385 426,000 327,692 84,880 65,292
933,500 350,000 269,231 - - - -
972,100 - - - - 185,268 142,514
2,460,400 - - 171,000 131,538 1,242,876 956,058
1,491,000 - - 625,000 480,769 7,019 5,399
927,100 335,000 257,692 171,000 131,538 140,084 107,757
1,057,100 630,000 484,615 - - 435,535 335,027
635,000 - - 584,000 449,231 177,294 136,380
927,100 - - 968,000 744,615 361,219 277,861
933,500 45,000 34,615 - - 358,275 275,596
933,500 376,000 289,231 - - 106,822 82,171
933,500 780,000 600,000 - - 45,476 34,982
933,500 - - - - 409,862 315,278
933,500 - - - - 405,929 312,253
933,500 - - - - 268,237 206,336
933,500 290,000 223,077 - - 3,669,214 2,822,472
933,500 - - - - 21,258 16,352
933,500 - - - - 178,134 137,026
965,700 - - 242,000 186,154 68,476 52,674
933,500 - - - - 540,721 415,939
907,900 150,000 115,385 - - 410,116 315,474
1,374,700 - - - - 806,011 620,008
933,500 - - - - 204,054 156,965
933,500 - - - - 391,262 300,971
1,374,700 - - 243,000 186,923 377,152 290,117
1,815,900 - - 243,000 186,923 984,376 757,212
1,374,700 - - - - 342,567 263,513
1,339,900 - - - - 304,322 234,094
914,300 521,000 400,769 342,000 263,077 41,808 32,160
884,800 155,000 119,231 - - 298,298 229,460
965,700 - - - - 66,390 51,069
933,500 - - - - 35,311 27,162
933,500 - - - - 94,590 72,762
933,500 474,000 364,615 - - 227,800 175,231
1,285,200 196,000 150,769 255,000 196,154 331,760 255,200
933,500 - - - - 107,723 82,864
927,100 - - 484,000 372,308 305,866 235,282
991,400 - - 242,000 186,154 129,348 99,498
1,374,700 - - 897,000 690,000 501,274 385,595
1,117,600 820,000 630,769 684,000 526,154 543,865 418,358
735,200 - - - - 557,799 429,076
735,200 - - - - 110,364 84,895
735,200 - - - - 66,494 51,149
735,200 415,000 319,231 - - 185,504 142,695
870,400 516,000 396,923 171,000 131,538 230,988 177,683
746,800 991,000 762,308 171,000 131,538 159,276 122,520
746,800 - - - - 57,077 43,905
746,800 - - - - 4,699 3,615
1,295,900 576,000 443,077 - - 179,085 137,758
1,057,600 - - - - - -
735,200 - - - - 408,368 314,129
1,250,100 1,861,000 1,431,538 342,000 263,077 411,215 316,319
1,054,400 - - 243,000 186,923 574,062 441,586
1,594,200 820,000 630,769 342,000 263,077 2,991,070 2,300,823
2,161,200 680,000 523,077 - - 645,837 496,798
746,800 696,000 535,385 171,000 131,538 90,803 69,848
735,200 - - 172,000 132,308 210,667 162,052
735,200 - - 172,000 132,308 320,084 246,218
746,800 - - - - 114,236 87,874
1,241,200 - - 342,000 263,077 287,861 221,432
736,800 635,000 488,462 342,000 263,077 740,916 569,935
531,600 179,100 137,769 - - 2,853 2,195
709,000 1,091,100 839,308 171,000 131,538 670,092 515,455
759,700 - - - - - -
735,200 480,000 369,231 - - 462,635 355,873
967,400 45,000 34,615 414,000 318,462 346,406 266,466
1,188,000 521,000 400,769 171,000 131,538 642,121 493,939
967,400 - - 171,000 131,538 385,642 296,648
746,800 - - 125,000 96,154 121,737 93,644
974,000 45,000 34,615 - - 379,898 292,229
837,200 - - 242,000 186,154 652,211 501,701
1,008,800 150,000 115,385 - - 206,045 158,496
1,450,200 - - 681,000 523,846 148,291 114,070
1,192,800 - - 546,000 420,000 39,346 30,266
1,192,800 590,000 453,846 546,000 420,000 204,120 157,015
1,192,800 - - 500,000 384,615 57,623 44,325
606,300 175,000 134,615 342,000 263,077 207,883 159,910
1,192,800 - - 625,000 480,769 772 594
898,200 - - - - 166,233 127,872
1,324,600 2,318,400 1,783,385 171,000 131,538 1,292,629 994,330
2,096,800 1,099,000 845,385 - - 76,916 59,166
870,400 124,100 95,462 - - 116,705 89,773
955,200 - - 242,000 186,154 51,240 39,415
721,300 175,000 134,615 1,694,000 1,303,077 628,268 483,283
883,500 - - - - 39,646 30,497
857,800 - - 484,000 372,308 173,127 133,175
746,800 440,000 338,462 171,000 131,538 553,060 425,431
746,800 355,000 273,077 - - 247,045 190,035
746,800 - - - - 88,465 68,050
1,098,500 265,000 203,846 355,000 273,077 - -
746,800 - - - - 126,186 97,066
1,098,500 1,080,000 830,769 255,000 196,154 143,987 110,759
746,800 331,000 254,615 - - 316,985 243,835
746,800 - - - - 56,735 43,642
746,800 - - - - 334,602 257,386
812,600 - - - - 242,077 186,213
877,000 660,000 507,692 - - 316,620 243,554
746,800 380,000 292,308 - - 723,723 556,710
746,800 - - - - 215,210 165,546
779,000 - - - - 72,132 55,486
740,400 - - - - 151,619 116,630
727,600 - - - - 56,817 43,705
734,000 - - - - 105,435 81,104
1,265,100 - - 452,000 347,692 512,378 394,137
746,800 - - - - 221,053 170,041
967,400 - - - - 274,852 211,425
721,200 - - - - 25,320 19,477
967,400 - - - - 473,085 363,912
746,800 315,000 242,308 - - 538,108 413,929
746,800 75,000 57,692 171,000 131,538 175,158 134,737
1,450,200 - - 426,000 327,692 372,590 286,608
746,800 236,000 181,538 - - 432,043 332,341
927,600 - - - - 54,530 41,946
1,108,400 - - - - 274,466 211,128
921,200 - - - - 170,740 131,338
913,300 - - - - 262,486 201,912
746,800 - - - - 141,556 108,889
721,200 - - - - 587,685 452,065
967,400 - - 171,000 131,538 1,075,403 827,233
961,000 - - - - 965,778 742,906
727,600 - - 484,000 372,308 318,014 244,626
746,800 - - 968,000 744,615 206,135 158,565
746,800 - - - - 465,579 358,138
837,200 - - 1,210,000 930,769 303,732 233,640
746,800 - - 726,000 558,462 143,791 110,608
746,800 - - 2,904,000 2,233,846 386,531 297,332
734,000 - - - - 377,427 290,328
804,400 - - - - 414,286 318,682
940,600 190,000 146,154 - - 550,590 423,531
551,400 - - - - 116,285 89,450
911,800 - - 255,000 196,154 - -
671,600 - - 125,000 96,154 5,969 4,592
1,036,900 966,000 743,077 - - 328,397 252,613
560,100 455,000 350,000 - - 53,493 41,148
793,200 - - - - 649 499
780,700 - - - - 116,886 89,912
580,100 124,100 95,462 - - 173,859 133,738
625,900 - - - - 73,878 56,829
560,100 - - - - 83,346 64,112
790,800 - - - - 199,452 153,425
1,030,700 821,000 631,538 513,000 394,615 632,704 486,695
560,100 - - - - 228,122 175,478
551,400 - - - - 158,676 122,058
560,100 - - - - 200,501 154,232
560,100 - - - - 99,421 76,478
560,100 - - - - 97,991 75,378
687,500 95,000 73,077 171,000 131,538 387,382 297,986
867,900 140,000 107,692 513,000 394,615 359,200 276,308
551,400 - - - - 137,904 106,080
557,400 - - - - 96,568 74,283
1,065,600 - - 355,000 273,077 258,992 199,225
551,400 175,000 134,615 - - 18,590 14,300
595,800 - - - - 4,542 3,494
713,700 656,000 504,615 1,310,000 1,007,692 393,862 302,971
551,400 195,000 150,000 - - 260,716 200,551
560,100 - - 968,000 744,615 95,238 73,260
560,100 195,000 150,000 - - 370,715 285,165
560,100 120,000 92,308 - - 272,894 209,918
560,100 - - - - 492,832 379,102
551,400 - - 243,000 186,923 152,259 117,122
560,100 - - - - 116,047 89,267
1,001,300 - - - - 589,102 453,155
1,001,300 - - - - 437,602 336,617
931,100 - - 250,000 192,308 8,717 6,705
560,100 - - - - - -
665,800 - - 171,000 131,538 52,324 40,249
1,200,000 175,000 134,615 - - 471,034 362,334
1,911,400 - - 250,000 192,308 888,040 683,108
547,400 190,000 146,154 - - - -
721,000 250,000 192,308 250,000 192,308 4,948 3,806
1,403,000 - - 250,000 192,308 519,029 399,253
894,600 95,000 73,077 250,000 192,308 4,891 3,762
797,600 179,100 137,769 - - 7,150 5,500
878,200 - - - - - -
873,600 - - - - - -
807,300 - - - - 206,956 159,197
741,900 160,000 123,077 513,000 394,615 214,049 164,653
711,500 55,000 42,308 - - 35,629 27,407
560,100 - - 243,000 186,923 349,070 268,515
911,800 856,000 658,462 - - 539,100 414,692
881,700 1,157,000 890,000 171,000 131,538 989,006 760,774
958,700 1,102,000 847,692 - - 814,325 626,404
560,100 831,000 639,231 - - 502,172 386,286
560,100 404,100 310,846 - - 331,668 255,129
381,000 - - 484,000 372,308 40,119 30,861
434,300 55,000 42,308 484,000 372,308 385,929 296,868
434,300 - - 242,000 186,154 79,566 61,205
381,000 95,000 73,077 655,000 503,846 277,292 213,302
381,000 - - 726,000 558,462 95,810 73,700
998,400 - - 413,000 317,692 456,358 351,045
540,900 - - 242,000 186,154 465,247 357,882
551,400 - - 171,000 131,538 19,992 15,378
551,400 - - - - 318,347 244,882
560,100 - - - - 75,075 57,750
560,100 - - - - 298,149 229,345
560,100 - - - - 157,906 121,466
560,100 124,100 95,462 - - - -
560,100 - - - - - -
560,100 - - - - 37,283 28,679
560,100 - - - - - -
573,000 - - - - 68,983 53,064
560,100 95,000 73,077 171,000 131,538 216,624 166,634
1,615,200 817,000 628,462 1,278,000 983,077 - -
560,100 - - - - 55,525 42,712
560,100 - - - - 103,453 79,579
560,100 - - - - 147,331 113,332
560,100 55,000 42,308 255,000 196,154 31,117 23,936
560,100 - - - - - -
560,100 - - - - 31,402 24,155
560,100 - - - - 180,653 138,964
560,100 - - 242,000 186,154 248,848 191,422
1,221,900 - - - - 330,937 254,567
560,100 - - - - 65,897 50,690
560,100 - - - - 204,003 156,925
618,000 - - - - 233,041 179,262
560,100 911,000 700,769 171,000 131,538 247,334 190,257
560,100 - - - - 185,186 142,451
566,600 - - - - 19,113 14,702
560,100 - - - - 55,982 43,063
618,000 - - - - 84,693 65,148
560,100 - - - - 158,356 121,812
560,100 - - - - - -
560,100 - - - - 30,210 23,238
752,300 - - - - 71,203 54,772
573,000 - - - - 43,938 33,798
618,000 - - - - 230,946 177,651
780,700 281,000 216,154 - - 292,135 224,719
780,700 - - - - 561,098 431,614
780,700 - - - - 622,327 478,713
560,100 - - 414,000 318,462 143,539 110,415
780,700 - - - - 123,930 95,331
560,100 356,000 273,846 - - 193,321 148,708
560,100 - - - - 236,121 181,632
560,100 - - - - 217,353 167,195
1,221,900 - - - - 297,485 228,835
560,100 - - - - 178,965 137,665
1,001,300 - - - - 404,523 311,172
579,400 - - - - 421,032 323,871
1,001,300 - - - - 486,584 374,295
618,000 - - - - 14,414 11,088
560,100 216,000 166,154 171,000 131,538 212,355 163,350
721,800 - - - - 16,378 12,598
560,100 225,000 173,077 - - 10,267 7,898
547,300 - - 726,000 558,462 361,048 277,729
560,100 - - - - - -
560,100 996,000 766,154 - - 577,580 444,292
560,100 - - - - 193,891 149,147
560,100 310,000 238,462 - - 33,780 25,985
560,100 - - - - 70,940 54,569
560,100 - - - - 74,975 57,673
560,100 - - 413,000 317,692 38,117 29,321
560,100 - - - - 316,990 243,838
560,100 - - 484,000 372,308 515,052 396,194
560,100 - - - - 12,126 9,328
560,100 - - - - 453,175 348,596
540,900 - - - - 38,889 29,915
592,300 - - - - 302,151 232,424
618,000 - - - - 161,681 124,370
560,100 - - 413,000 317,692 365,599 281,230
560,100 - - 242,000 186,154 6,063 4,664
560,100 - - 484,000 372,308 121,119 93,168
540,900 - - 484,000 372,308 248,577 191,213
598,700 - - - - 332,995 256,150
560,100 - - - - 30,500 23,462
894,600 - - 421,000 323,846 2,937 2,259
894,600 65,000 50,000 421,000 323,846 6,679 5,138
573,900 140,000 107,692 171,000 131,538 156,828 120,637
615,600 - - - - 430,095 330,842
367,600 95,000 73,077 - - 18,579 14,292
620,600 - - 171,000 131,538 312,811 240,624
373,400 - - - - - -
373,400 - - - - - -
725,100 - - 255,000 196,154 - -
309,000 581,000 446,923 - - 69,705 53,619
464,800 636,000 489,231 - - 377,620 290,477
309,000 235,000 180,769 - - 90,518 69,629
373,400 270,000 207,692 - - 199,519 153,476
373,400 - - - - 282,591 217,378
701,400 716,000 550,769 171,000 131,538 452,509 348,084
391,400 - - - - 217,320 167,169
391,400 - - - - 100,801 77,539
373,400 - - - - 70,093 53,918
373,400 - - - - 24,244 18,649
497,000 - - - - 175,025 134,635
487,000 - - - - 172,092 132,378
650,800 - - - - 388,894 299,149
487,000 45,000 34,615 - - 123,935 95,335
650,800 - - - - 102,151 78,578
527,200 - - - - 197,802 152,155
367,600 - - - - 14,393 11,072
373,400 - - - - 104,741 80,570
373,400 - - - - 30,698 23,614
373,400 - - - - 267,461 205,739
373,400 - - - - - -
373,400 - - - - 59,079 45,445
676,200 863,000 663,846 - - 1,168,005 898,465
573,900 1,642,000 1,263,077 342,000 263,077 228,927 176,098
373,400 380,000 292,308 - - 52,502 40,386
1,215,400 75,000 57,692 - - 55,315 42,550
373,400 - - - - - -
373,400 - - - - 16,365 12,588
367,600 - - - - 89,873 69,133
367,600 - - - - 225,656 173,582
498,900 124,100 95,462 - - 61,890 47,608
373,400 - - - - 130,161 100,124
527,200 160,000 123,077 - - 27,636 21,258
648,400 1,185,100 911,615 342,000 263,077 225,268 173,283
494,600 - - 171,000 131,538 70,070 53,900
413,900 - - - - 35,182 27,063
367,600 - - - - 53,290 40,992
265,800 - - - - 81,856 62,966
527,200 - - - - 369,645 284,342
265,800 179,100 137,769 - - 26,006 20,005
367,600 - - - - 78,527 60,405
389,800 - - - - 77,370 59,515
367,600 - - - - 64,708 49,775
367,600 - - - - 10,500 8,077
386,300 - - - - 102,115 78,550
471,900 - - - - 161,660 124,354
373,400 - - - - - -
412,000 235,000 180,769 242,000 186,154 187,134 143,949
469,600 - - - - 70,070 53,900
373,400 - - 484,000 372,308 119,405 91,850
527,200 45,000 34,615 - - 15,976 12,289
373,400 - - 867,000 666,923 - -
373,400 - - 486,000 373,846 195,870 150,669
373,400 - - - - 337,394 259,534
373,400 - - - - 126,106 97,005
373,400 - - - - 31,604 24,311
392,700 - - - - 301,802 232,155
373,400 - - - - 304,819 234,476
373,400 - - 484,000 372,308 231,369 177,976
594,000 75,000 57,692 242,000 186,154 166,598 128,152
814,600 - - - - 209,392 161,071
392,700 - - - - 26,026 20,020
386,300 - - - - 307,038 236,183
373,400 - - 584,000 449,231 27,885 21,450
648,400 1,327,000 1,020,769 171,000 131,538 801,471 616,516
484,900 - - 125,000 96,154 71,715 55,165
367,000 - - - - - -
373,400 - - - - 32,780 25,215
484,900 - - - - - -
373,400 - - - - 106,433 81,872
596,400 - - 171,000 131,538 142,076 109,289
892,200 750,000 576,923 - - 408,736 314,412
373,400 - - 171,000 131,538 12,527 9,636
596,400 205,000 157,692 250,000 192,308 - -
1,411,000 - - - - 733,595 564,304
479,600 - - - - - -
582,400 - - - - - -
479,600 179,100 137,769 - - - -
367,600 - - - - - -
373,400 - - - - 9,688 7,452
463,800 - - - - - -
373,400 - - 171,000 131,538 32,376 24,905
367,600 - - - - 31,610 24,315
671,300 591,000 454,615 355,000 273,077 101,020 77,708
373,400 - - 414,000 318,462 20,677 15,905
367,600 234,100 180,077 - - 121,662 93,586
373,400 - - - - - -
373,400 199,100 153,154 242,000 186,154 28,472 21,902
373,400 - - - - 79,243 60,956
252,400 - - - - 64,822 49,863
412,000 - - - - 295,042 226,955
503,700 - - - - 66,122 50,863
370,800 - - - - 51,952 39,963
523,500 90,000 69,231 - - 167,663 128,972
254,000 - - 487,000 374,615 167,038 128,491
495,700 175,000 134,615 1,382,000 1,063,077 534,971 411,516
591,100 - - - - 154,840 119,108
254,000 240,000 184,615 484,000 372,308 289,891 222,993
333,000 175,000 134,615 242,000 186,154 335,650 258,192
367,600 - - 484,000 372,308 139,024 106,942
254,000 - - - - 187,402 144,155
254,000 - - 242,000 186,154 451,014 346,934
333,000 - - 242,000 186,154 136,463 104,972
367,600 - - 242,000 186,154 42,571 32,747
546,300 - - - - 344,531 265,024
333,000 - - 242,000 186,154 48,763 37,510
254,000 - - 484,000 372,308 343,301 264,078
613,300 - - 242,000 186,154 532,133 409,333
386,300 - - 242,000 186,154 298,960 229,969
404,100 - - 968,000 744,615 341,417 262,628
367,600 - - 242,000 186,154 - -
367,600 395,000 303,846 - - 168,871 129,901
367,600 - - - - 51,374 39,518
367,600 - - 242,000 186,154 2,460 1,892
367,600 - - - - 54,047 41,575
392,700 - - - - 11,154 8,580
594,000 - - - - 304,538 234,260
373,400 - - - - - -
373,400 - - - - 61,983 47,679
373,400 - - - - 27,347 21,036
373,400 - - - - 97,240 74,800
392,700 - - - - 4,542 3,494
412,000 - - - - 129,858 99,891
373,400 - - - - 60,495 46,535
373,400 474,000 364,615 - - 37,730 29,023
373,400 45,000 34,615 - - 3,046 2,343
373,400 - - - - 127,348 97,960
373,400 - - - - 51,072 39,286
373,400 - - - - 35,315 27,165
373,400 - - - - 25,125 19,327
373,400 - - - - 104,240 80,185
373,400 - - - - 169,765 130,588
373,400 - - - - 66,357 51,044
439,200 - - - - 58,458 44,968
373,400 - - - - 65,767 50,590
373,400 - - - - 305,122 234,709
373,400 - - - - - -
373,400 - - - - 140,650 108,192
373,400 - - - - 23,380 17,985
373,400 - - - - - -
360,600 - - - - 4,542 3,494
392,700 - - - - 126,255 97,119
373,400 - - - - 145,682 112,063
373,400 - - - - 142,786 109,835
594,000 - - - - 161,159 123,968
373,400 - - - - 74,449 57,268
373,400 45,000 34,615 - - 126,737 97,490
373,400 - - - - 159,288 122,529
373,400 521,000 400,769 171,000 131,538 169,464 130,357
367,000 - - - - 19,219 14,784
386,300 - - - - 50,279 38,676
373,400 - - - - 45,760 35,200
392,700 - - - - 16,445 12,650
373,400 - - - - - -
367,000 - - - - 232,455 178,812
373,400 75,000 57,692 - - 184,184 141,680
594,000 - - - - 444,348 341,806
373,400 - - 484,000 372,308 164,353 126,425
527,000 - - 242,000 186,154 12,186 9,374
594,000 - - - - 394,785 303,681
373,400 956,000 735,385 - - 53,851 41,424
373,400 - - - - 179,800 138,308
373,400 - - 484,000 372,308 352,185 270,912
594,000 - - - - 183,923 141,479
373,400 - - - - 285,657 219,736
594,000 - - - - 172,294 132,534
613,300 - - - - 350,942 269,955
814,600 - - - - 335,006 257,697
373,400 - - - - 78,615 60,473
814,600 - - - - 348,627 268,175
373,400 - - - - 105,496 81,151
386,300 - - - - 58,716 45,166
412,000 - - - - 11,154 8,580
367,000 - - 242,000 186,154 - -
373,400 - - - - 79,516 61,166
373,400 - - - - 166,524 128,095
594,000 - - 655,000 503,846 116,599 89,692
373,400 - - - - 31,782 24,448
373,400 - - - - 302,042 232,340
373,400 75,000 57,692 - - 271,437 208,798
373,400 521,000 400,769 - - 100,112 77,009
392,700 - - - - 19,019 14,630
367,000 - - - - - -
596,400 - - 342,000 263,077 58,988 45,375
596,400 - - 250,000 192,308 1,542 1,186
484,900 - - 125,000 96,154 67,220 51,708
373,400 - - - - 299,691 230,532
373,400 - - 171,000 131,538 63,542 48,878
373,400 - - - - 79,365 61,050
373,400 - - - - - -
373,400 124,100 95,462 - - - -
373,400 - - - - 417,498 321,152
367,000 - - 484,000 372,308 55,556 42,735
463,800 - - - - 98,162 75,509
373,400 - - 484,000 372,308 161,547 124,267
412,000 - - - - 106,563 81,972
373,400 - - 242,000 186,154 226,195 173,996
373,400 - - 242,000 186,154 95,095 73,150
373,400 - - 484,000 372,308 98,399 75,692
373,400 - - 484,000 372,308 301,301 231,770
373,400 - - - - 281,814 216,780
373,400 - - 500,000 384,615 138,288 106,375
373,400 - - - - 33,050 25,423
594,000 - - 242,000 186,154 440,477 338,828
392,700 - - - - 185,543 142,725
392,700 - - - - 187,473 144,210
373,400 - - - - 12,104 9,311
463,800 - - - - 107,776 82,905
596,400 - - 125,000 96,154 4,219 3,245
596,400 - - 250,000 192,308 - -
392,700 - - - - 393,751 302,885
183,800 205,000 157,692 - - 8,837 6,798
186,700 - - - - 52,312 40,240
263,600 - - - - 64,454 49,580
183,800 - - - - 27,137 20,875
310,300 140,000 107,692 - - 330,587 254,298
424,300 281,000 216,154 - - 232,269 178,668
183,800 - - - - 14,393 11,072
183,800 - - - - 31,971 24,593
183,800 - - - - 82,368 63,360
291,200 - - - - 31,144 23,957
291,200 - - - - 74,692 57,455
183,800 - - - - - -
291,200 - - - - 31,326 24,097
183,800 140,000 107,692 - - 66,608 51,237
183,800 - - - - 321,750 247,500
183,800 - - - - - -
340,300 301,000 231,538 - - 183,350 141,038
186,700 - - - - - -
186,700 - - - - - -
186,700 - - - - 47,678 36,675
186,700 - - - - - -
186,700 - - 242,000 186,154 125,211 96,316
186,700 - - - - - -
186,700 - - - - - -
186,700 - - - - - -
538,400 - - 255,000 196,154 - -
186,700 - - - - - -
186,700 - - - - - -
186,700 - - - - - -
186,700 95,000 73,077 - - 65,397 50,305
186,700 - - - - - -
186,700 - - - - - -
186,700 - - - - - -
243,500 - - - - - -
340,300 - - - - 22,741 17,493
186,700 - - - - - -
186,700 - - - - - -
186,700 - - 171,000 131,538 177,163 136,279
186,700 - - 242,000 186,154 57,783 44,448
291,600 - - - - 151,866 116,820
920,500 800,000 615,385 242,000 186,154 - -
186,700 - - - - - -
186,700 - - - - - -
186,700 - - - - - -
186,700 - - - - 52,773 40,595
186,700 - - - - - -
186,700 - - - - - -
186,700 - - - - - -
340,300 - - - - 11,154 8,580
154,500 801,000 616,154 - - 47,941 36,878
186,700 - - - - 26,913 20,702
186,700 - - - - 83,752 64,425
186,700 - - - - - -
186,700 - - - - 101,758 78,275
186,700 519,000 399,231 - - 97,938 75,337
186,700 519,000 399,231 - - 90,921 69,939
538,400 - - 255,000 196,154 45,674 35,134
186,700 441,000 339,231 - - 14,722 11,325
186,700 75,000 57,692 - - - -
186,700 75,000 57,692 - - 100,538 77,337
186,700 455,000 350,000 - - - -
186,700 75,000 57,692 - - 125,254 96,349
195,700 - - - - 59,381 45,678
195,700 - - - - 26,612 20,471
195,700 - - - - 41,822 32,171
195,700 - - - - 357,786 275,220
195,700 - - - - 47,447 36,498
195,700 - - - - 176,576 135,828
195,700 - - - - 176,576 135,828
310,300 45,000 34,615 - - 31,460 24,200
195,700 - - - - 63,874 49,134
195,700 - - - - 64,321 49,478
195,700 - - - - 73,363 56,433
264,400 - - - - - -
195,700 - - - - - -
264,400 - - - - 7,131 5,485
291,200 95,000 73,077 - - 98,069 75,438
263,600 - - - - 21,051 16,193
243,500 - - - - 28,142 21,648
243,500 - - - - 49,242 37,878
407,300 - - - - 37,140 28,569
243,500 - - - - 26,892 20,686
186,700 75,000 57,692 - - 262,763 202,125
186,700 - - - - 34,795 26,765
263,600 - - - - - -
291,200 - - - - 52,773 40,595
263,600 189,100 145,462 - - 17,497 13,459
186,700 - - - - - -
183,800 - - - - 15,966 12,282
183,800 - - - - 14,393 11,072
186,700 - - - - 17,302 13,309
186,700 - - - - - -
186,700 - - - - 8,629 6,638
183,800 521,000 400,769 171,000 131,538 - -
183,800 - - - - 41,928 32,252
186,700 - - - - 32,318 24,860
183,800 - - - - 26,062 20,048
291,200 - - - - 45,167 34,744
186,700 - - - - 295,665 227,435
186,700 - - - - 42,643 32,802
186,700 - - - - 17,761 13,662
183,800 - - - - 5,663 4,356
291,200 - - - - - -
310,300 140,000 107,692 - - 932,220 717,092
310,300 475,000 365,385 171,000 131,538 1,028,992 791,532
310,300 - - 171,000 131,538 163,684 125,911
263,600 - - - - 77,680 59,754
263,600 - - - - 6,950 5,346
263,600 - - - - 20,410 15,700
186,700 616,000 473,846 - - 120,499 92,692
310,300 - - - - 21,633 16,641
186,700 120,000 92,308 - - 255,826 196,789
186,700 - - - - 39,242 30,186
263,600 - - - - - -
582,600 - - 500,000 384,615 241,241 185,570
183,800 - - - - 156,599 120,461
183,800 - - - - - -
186,700 - - - - - -
188,600 175,000 134,615 - - - -
186,700 - - - - 110,475 84,981
291,200 - - - - 70,506 54,235
186,700 - - - - 8,629 6,638
310,300 - - 171,000 131,538 90,276 69,443
207,900 - - - - - -
207,900 - - - - 12,447 9,575
183,800 - - - - 34,599 26,615
183,800 - - - - - -
243,500 - - - - 74,775 57,519
243,500 376,000 289,231 - - 101,554 78,118
243,500 - - - - - -
132,900 - - - - 90,270 69,438
243,500 521,000 400,769 171,000 131,538 - -
243,500 - - - - 5,720 4,400
263,600 - - - - 205,607 158,159
132,900 - - 171,000 131,538 13,960 10,738
132,900 - - 171,000 131,538 32,461 24,970
407,300 - - - - 45,111 34,701
186,700 - - - - 12,870 9,900
186,700 - - - - 3,260 2,508
340,300 - - - - - -
263,600 120,000 92,308 - - 11,241 8,647
186,700 - - - - 62,806 48,312
132,900 55,000 42,308 - - 7,500 5,769
538,400 - - - - 49,331 37,947
263,600 - - - - 500,986 385,374
263,600 526,000 404,615 - - 394,866 303,743
263,600 - - - - 222,584 171,218
186,700 290,000 223,077 - - 663,148 510,114
263,600 - - - - 3,632 2,794
186,700 95,000 73,077 - - 57,941 44,570
340,300 636,000 489,231 171,000 131,538 - -
183,800 - - - - - -
183,800 - - - - 40,449 31,115
310,300 45,000 34,615 - - 75,793 58,302
186,700 - - - - 18,553 14,272
186,700 - - - - 25,431 19,562
186,700 - - - - - -
186,700 - - - - 16,445 12,650
186,700 - - - - 12,799 9,845
291,600 - - - - 160,596 123,535
206,000 - - - - 11,998 9,229
186,700 465,000 357,692 - - 4,991 3,839
186,700 - - 171,000 131,538 15,035 11,565
180,300 - - - - - -
186,700 - - - - 14,851 11,424
186,700 - - 171,000 131,538 137,595 105,842
186,700 - - - - 52,195 40,150
186,700 - - - - 296,751 228,270
186,700 - - - - 80,838 62,183
186,700 - - - - 163,106 125,466
186,700 - - - - 4,314 3,318
186,700 - - 655,000 503,846 - -
186,700 - - 655,000 503,846 38,682 29,755
186,700 - - - - - -
186,700 45,000 34,615 - - 66,717 51,321
186,700 - - - - 30,602 23,540
186,700 - - - - 40,755 31,350
186,700 - - 484,000 372,308 163,106 125,466
186,700 - - - - 68,011 52,316
186,700 95,000 73,077 - - 68,354 52,580
407,300 - - - - 111,759 85,968
186,700 - - - - 125,840 96,800
298,200 - - 171,000 131,538 7,894 6,072
186,700 - - - - 3,296 2,535
183,800 - - - - 53,814 41,395
186,700 - - - - - -
186,700 - - - - 68,231 52,485
186,700 - - - - 18,180 13,985
407,300 - - 243,000 186,923 120,150 92,423
705,000 - - 452,000 347,692 142,432 109,563
186,700 - - 171,000 131,538 35,867 27,590
186,700 45,000 34,615 - - 24,384 18,757
186,700 - - - - 130,130 100,100
705,000 - - 452,000 347,692 252,152 193,963
186,700 - - - - 37,864 29,126
186,700 - - - - 28,435 21,873
186,700 - - 452,000 347,692 121,335 93,335
243,500 - - 486,000 373,846 144,479 111,138
186,700 - - 243,000 186,923 70,828 54,483
186,700 - - 242,996 186,920 53,436 41,105
206,000 - - 242,000 186,154 322,173 247,825
186,700 - - - - 7,268 5,591
277,100 - - 171,000 131,538 39,013 30,010
407,300 - - - - 129,990 99,992
186,700 381,000 293,077 171,000 131,538 - -
186,700 - - - - 144,137 110,875
407,300 - - - - 69,645 53,573
407,300 - - - - 189,133 145,487
314,300 - - 242,000 186,154 631,381 485,678
186,700 - - - - 48,334 37,180
186,700 - - - - - -
186,700 - - - - 80,995 62,304
186,700 - - - - 185,771 142,901
407,300 - - - - 81,556 62,735
407,300 - - 242,000 186,154 201,124 154,711
186,700 - - - - 281,417 216,475
186,700 - - 242,000 186,154 192,707 148,236
186,700 - - - - 48,783 37,525
407,300 - - - - 41,012 31,548
186,700 - - - - 94,380 72,600
407,300 - - - - 257,809 198,315
186,700 - - 171,000 131,538 24,459 18,815
243,500 - - - - 29,635 22,796
180,300 - - - - - -
407,300 - - - - 232,106 178,543
180,300 - - - - 22,122 17,017
186,700 - - 243,000 186,923 - -
186,700 - - - - - -
186,700 - - - - 3,260 2,508
186,700 - - - - - -
186,700 - - 242,000 186,154 - -
186,700 - - - - - -
127,000 - - 414,000 318,462 218,401 168,001
127,000 - - 242,000 186,154 171,028 131,560
127,000 - - 484,000 372,308 342,299 263,307
291,200 - - 484,000 372,308 60,139 46,261
291,200 - - - - - -
291,200 205,000 157,692 - - 126,651 97,424
186,700 - - - - 117,289 90,222
186,700 - - - - - -
186,700 - - 171,000 131,538 72,558 55,814
186,700 - - 242,000 186,154 112,068 86,206
186,700 - - - - 4,919 3,784
186,700 - - - - - -
206,000 - - - - 27,495 21,150
186,700 - - 727,000 559,231 221,650 170,500
291,200 55,000 42,308 - - 8,829 6,792
252,200 45,000 34,615 242,000 186,154 77,114 59,318
263,600 - - - - 158,749 122,115
538,400 - - 125,000 96,154 15,759 12,122
186,700 - - - - 19,777 15,213
124,000 45,000 34,615 - - 175,015 134,627
124,000 221,000 170,000 255,000 196,154 - -
538,400 - - 255,000 196,154 25,168 19,360
183,800 55,000 42,308 - - 13,399 10,307
186,700 - - - - - -
186,700 - - - - - -
186,700 150,000 115,385 - - 27,149 20,884
538,400 - - 510,000 392,308 - -
186,700 175,000 134,615 - - - -
186,700 175,000 134,615 - - - -
186,700 - - - - - -
186,700 - - - - 52,553 40,425
186,700 - - - - - -
538,400 - - 255,000 196,154 6,006 4,620
183,800 80,000 61,538 - - 66,138 50,875
849,200 - - - - 590,227 454,021
183,800 - - - - 15,152 11,655
186,700 - - - - - -
186,700 - - - - - -
298,200 - - 171,000 131,538 1,287 990
705,500 - - - - 305,318 234,860
186,700 511,000 393,077 171,000 131,538 5,720 4,400
186,700 175,000 134,615 - - 98,737 75,952
298,200 - - - - 17,761 13,662
298,200 - - 171,000 131,538 - -
124,600 571,000 439,231 171,000 131,538 - -
298,200 - - 171,000 131,538 16,851 12,962
806,600 - - - - 344,228 264,791
165,200 - - - - 2,432 1,871
298,200 - - 125,000 96,154 - -
538,400 310,000 238,462 - - 6,192 4,763
124,600 130,000 100,000 - - 112,778 86,752
298,200 - - 125,000 96,154 3,423 2,633
806,600 - - - - 415,814 319,857
298,200 55,000 42,308 125,000 96,154 - -
124,600 521,000 400,769 - - 87,768 67,514
298,200 - - 125,000 96,154 4,891 3,762
806,600 175,000 134,615 125,000 96,154 577,105 443,927
298,200 95,000 73,077 125,000 96,154 62,069 47,745
298,200 - - 125,000 96,154 - -
307,800 - - - - 237,230 182,485
183,800 - - - - - -
295,800 274,000 210,769 - - 27,445 21,112
183,800 - - - - - -
295,800 - - - - - -
183,800 - - - - - -
183,800 - - - - 8,580 6,600
183,800 - - - - - -
183,800 - - - - - -
806,600 - - - - 159,824 122,942
186,700 - - - - - -
186,700 - - - - - -
186,700 - - - - - -
186,700 - - - - - -
538,400 - - 510,000 392,308 - -
186,700 - - - - - -
186,700 - - - - - -
186,700 - - - - - -
186,700 - - - - 31,539 24,261
186,700 - - - - 37,538 28,875
180,300 - - - - 106,178 81,675
186,700 - - - - - -
291,200 - - - - 102,043 78,495
183,800 - - - - 34,571 26,593
263,600 - - - - 153,613 118,164
132,900 179,100 137,769 - - - -
310,300 45,000 34,615 - - 111,902 86,078
186,700 - - - - - -
186,700 - - - - - -
310,300 421,000 323,846 171,000 131,538 182,572 140,440
186,700 55,000 42,308 - - 6,078 4,675
310,300 861,000 662,308 - - 261,320 201,015
310,300 281,000 216,154 171,000 131,538 180,792 139,071
186,700 661,000 508,462 - - 160,273 123,287
183,800 - - - - 64,321 49,478
186,700 - - - - 124,461 95,739
310,300 - - - - 16,488 12,683
338,100 95,000 73,077 - - 767,684 590,526
186,700 - - - - - -
186,700 - - - - 16,977 13,059
186,700 - - - - - -
180,300 - - 242,000 186,154 11,214 8,626
180,300 - - - - 58,869 45,284
206,000 - - - - 51,480 39,600
127,000 204,100 157,000 242,000 186,154 129,396 99,535
212,500 - - - - 12,746 9,805
310,300 - - 652,000 501,538 169,871 130,670
185,400 - - - - 238,168 183,206
310,300 204,100 157,000 413,000 317,692 505,042 388,494
183,800 - - - - 18,519 14,245
183,800 - - 171,000 131,538 42,900 33,000
348,400 - - - - 161,900 124,538
185,400 - - - - 5,720 4,400
127,000 - - 171,000 131,538 61,148 47,037
310,300 - - 242,000 186,154 81,210 62,469
185,400 - - 243,000 186,923 223,080 171,600
183,800 - - - - 165,966 127,666
183,800 - - - - 120,120 92,400
127,000 - - - - 205,634 158,180
127,000 - - 244,000 187,692 11,440 8,800
183,800 - - 242,000 186,154 - -
206,000 - - - - 17,904 13,772
442,500 - - - - - -
127,000 - - 242,000 186,154 141,127 108,559
127,000 - - 242,000 186,154 19,336 14,874
127,000 - - 242,000 186,154 13,273 10,210
183,800 - - 242,000 186,154 61,283 47,141
127,000 - - - - 80,795 62,150
127,000 - - 484,000 372,308 102,756 79,043
183,800 - - 242,000 186,154 158,730 122,100
180,300 - - - - 75,511 58,085
206,000 - - - - 88,114 67,780
206,000 - - - - 54,921 42,247
206,000 - - - - 25,710 19,777
180,300 - - - - 15,344 11,803
183,800 - - - - 197,643 152,033
127,000 - - 242,000 186,154 - -
183,800 - - 243,000 186,923 100,932 77,640
183,800 - - 242,000 186,154 - -
180,300 - - - - 24,067 18,513
183,800 - - - - 42,614 32,780
183,800 - - - - 41,620 32,015
340,300 - - 242,000 186,154 284,950 219,192
126,200 - - 484,000 372,308 145,460 111,892
206,000 - - - - 59,735 45,950
126,200 - - 171,000 131,538 208,560 160,431
183,800 - - - - 7,150 5,500
127,000 - - 413,000 317,692 367,582 282,755
127,000 - - - - - -
127,000 - - 242,000 186,154 - -
183,800 - - - - 22,308 17,160
126,200 - - - - 4,190 3,223
206,000 - - - - 166,239 127,876
206,000 - - - - 155,630 119,715
407,300 - - - - 171,250 131,731
127,000 - - 242,000 186,154 476,287 366,375
127,000 - - - - 40,541 31,185
183,800 - - - - 165,196 127,074
277,100 - - 242,000 186,154 415,701 319,770
183,800 - - - - 110,592 85,071
277,100 - - 484,000 372,308 292,428 224,945
126,200 - - - - - -
277,100 - - 413,000 317,692 453,317 348,705
183,800 - - - - 67,296 51,766
206,000 - - - - 22,451 17,270
206,000 - - - - 12,778 9,829
277,100 - - 484,000 372,308 655,236 504,028
127,000 - - 484,000 372,308 72,584 55,834
127,000 - - - - 282,677 217,444
183,800 - - 242,000 186,154 95,095 73,150
206,000 175,000 134,615 726,000 558,462 699,020 537,708
291,200 - - - - 5,434 4,180
183,800 45,000 34,615 171,000 131,538 62,289 47,915
291,200 175,000 134,615 - - 33,585 25,835
291,200 - - - - 17,400 13,385
183,800 - - 242,000 186,154 86,947 66,882
212,500 - - - - 41,963 32,279
183,800 - - - - 37,573 28,902
183,800 - - - - - -
183,800 - - - - 8,823 6,787
310,300 - - 239,000 183,846 84,509 65,007
183,800 - - - - 68,769 52,899
180,300 - - - - 32,733 25,179
180,300 - - - - 67,755 52,119
180,300 - - - - 8,403 6,464
206,000 - - - - 34,482 26,525
291,200 - - - - - -
310,300 520,000 400,000 171,000 131,538 488,368 375,668
291,200 - - - - 91,182 70,140
183,800 - - - - 34,392 26,455
183,800 - - - - 21,000 16,154
183,800 719,100 553,154 - - - -
186,700 - - - - - -
180,300 - - - - - -
252,200 - - - - - -
183,800 - - - - - -
186,700 - - - - 15,198 11,691
186,700 - - - - 40,306 31,005
310,300 801,000 616,154 - - 516,169 397,053
186,700 - - - - 137,537 105,798
186,700 115,000 88,462 - - 75,157 57,813
186,700 - - - - 327,856 252,197
186,700 - - - - 5,560 4,277
186,700 - - - - - -
186,700 - - - - - -
186,700 - - - - - -
186,700 - - - - - -
186,700 - - - - - -
186,700 - - - - - -
186,700 - - - - - -
186,700 - - - - - -
186,700 - - - - - -
186,700 - - - - - -
186,700 - - - - - -
180,300 - - - - 23,718 18,245
186,700 95,000 73,077 - - 34,406 26,466
206,000 - - - - 63,415 48,781
186,700 - - - - - -
186,700 - - - - - -
186,700 - - - - - -
186,700 - - - - - -
206,000 - - - - 77,093 59,302
206,000 - - - - - -
206,000 - - - - - -
186,700 95,000 73,077 - - 38,038 29,260
186,700 - - - - 37,886 29,143
186,700 425,000 326,923 - - 32,803 25,233
186,700 - - - - 126,186 97,066
186,700 45,000 34,615 - - 164,672 126,671
206,000 - - - - 128,057 98,505
186,700 206,000 158,462 - - - -
186,700 - - - - 16,396 12,612
186,700 - - - - 65,465 50,358
186,700 - - - - 89,049 68,499
186,700 - - - - 929,858 715,275
186,700 - - - - 23,150 17,808
186,700 - - - - 51,451 39,578
186,700 - - - - 22,780 17,523
186,700 - - - - 4,550 3,500
186,700 - - - - 30,316 23,320
186,700 - - - - 268,340 206,415
186,700 - - - - 138,567 106,590
186,700 - - - - 92,186 70,912
186,700 - - - - 49,384 37,988
186,700 - - - - 52,773 40,595
180,300 - - - - 119,405 91,850
186,700 - - - - - -
186,700 - - - - - -
186,700 - - - - 11,996 9,228
186,700 - - - - 113,977 87,675
186,700 - - - - 8,028 6,175
206,000 - - - - 37,938 29,183
186,700 - - - - 25,461 19,585
186,700 - - - - 40,648 31,268
186,700 - - - - - -
186,700 - - - - 30,014 23,088
186,700 - - - - - -
186,700 - - - - - -
186,700 - - - - 145,531 111,947
186,700 - - - - 63,257 48,659
186,700 - - - - 90,681 69,755
186,700 - - - - 170,706 131,312
186,700 - - - - 111,303 85,618
186,700 - - - - 87,868 67,591
186,700 - - - - 21,958 16,891
186,700 - - - - 8,629 6,638
186,700 - - - - - -
206,000 - - - - 4,542 3,494
186,700 - - - - 173,286 133,297
186,700 - - - - - -
186,700 - - - - 63,197 48,613
180,300 - - - - 14,414 11,088
180,300 - - - - 16,302 12,540
186,700 - - - - - -
186,700 - - - - - -
186,700 - - - - 61,875 47,596
186,700 - - - - 156,704 120,542
186,700 500,000 384,615 - - 69,954 53,811
186,700 277,000 213,077 - - 36,395 27,996
186,700 - - - - 51,922 39,940
186,700 - - - - 6,993 5,379
186,700 - - - - 24,659 18,968
206,000 - - - - 11,154 8,580
186,700 - - - - - -
186,700 - - - - 11,396 8,766
186,700 - - - - 94,595 72,765
206,000 - - - - 36,748 28,268
206,000 - - - - - -
206,000 - - - - 26,026 20,020
206,000 - - - - 18,590 14,300
186,700 - - - - - -
186,700 - - - - 64,865 49,896
186,700 - - 171,000 131,538 50,430 38,792
186,700 - - - - 365,491 281,147
186,700 - - - - 10,230 7,869
186,700 150,000 115,385 - - 66,967 51,513
186,700 - - - - 282,677 217,444
186,700 - - - - 282,677 217,444
186,700 - - - - - -
186,700 - - - - 11,317 8,705
186,700 - - - - 149,321 114,862
186,700 - - - - - -
206,000 - - - - 37,892 29,148
186,700 - - - - 282,677 217,444
186,700 - - - - 219,577 168,905
186,700 - - - - 36,898 28,383
186,700 - - - - 52,773 40,595
186,700 - - - - 28,519 21,938
186,700 380,000 292,308 - - 26,998 20,768
186,700 - - - - 170,269 130,976
206,000 - - - - - -
206,000 - - - - 74,560 57,354
186,700 - - - - - -
186,700 - - 726,000 558,462 163,013 125,395
186,700 - - - - 42,960 33,046
186,700 - - - - 123,329 94,868
186,700 - - - - 157,300 121,000
186,700 - - - - 282,677 217,444
407,300 - - 242,000 186,154 167,843 129,110
186,700 - - - - 97,373 74,902
186,700 - - - - 8,709 6,699
186,700 - - - - 172,244 132,495
186,700 - - - - 11,094 8,534
186,700 - - 487,000 374,615 84,256 64,812
186,700 - - - - 39,661 30,508
206,000 - - 242,000 186,154 95,238 73,260
186,700 - - 968,000 744,615 6,123 4,710
186,700 - - - - 39,459 30,353
407,300 - - - - 119,981 92,293
407,300 - - - - 136,376 104,905
186,700 - - 243,000 186,923 227,456 174,966
186,700 45,000 34,615 - - 132,056 101,582
186,700 - - - - - -
538,400 - - 255,000 196,154 26,569 20,438
186,700 496,000 381,538 - - 963,122 740,863
186,700 - - - - 3,260 2,508
186,700 - - - - 94,173 72,441
186,700 - - - - 8,629 6,638
186,700 - - - - 47,586 36,605
186,700 - - - - - -
186,700 - - - - - -
206,000 - - - - 18,590 14,300
180,300 - - - - - -
186,700 - - - - 22,451 17,270
186,700 - - - - - -
186,700 150,000 115,385 - - 129,039 99,261
186,700 - - - - - -
186,700 - - - - - -
186,700 - - - - - -
186,700 - - - - - -
186,700 95,000 73,077 - - 36,036 27,720
806,600 - - - - 438,907 337,621
705,500 95,000 73,077 296,000 227,692 371,064 285,434
298,200 - - 125,000 96,154 3,475 2,673
186,700 45,000 34,615 - - 112,778 86,752
186,700 - - - - 3,060 2,354
298,200 - - 125,000 96,154 5,238 4,029
298,200 - - 125,000 96,154 - -
186,700 - - - - 4,542 3,494
186,700 - - - - - -
206,000 - - - - - -
186,700 - - - - - -
186,700 - - - - - -
186,700 - - - - 30,030 23,100
186,700 - - - - - -
186,700 - - - - 58,716 45,166
186,700 - - - - - -
186,700 - - - - - -
206,000 - - - - 11,154 8,580
186,700 - - - - 97,499 74,999
186,700 - - - - 113,303 87,156
186,700 - - - - 31,560 24,277
407,300 - - - - 89,600 68,923
186,700 743,000 571,538 - - 269,585 207,373
186,700 - - - - - -
186,700 - - - - - -
186,700 356,000 273,846 - - - -
186,700 - - - - 20,835 16,027
186,700 - - - - 14,200 10,923
186,700 - - - - 139,044 106,957
186,700 - - - - 137,702 105,925
186,700 - - - - 46,976 36,135
206,000 - - - - 33,219 25,553
538,400 - - 255,000 196,154 58,716 45,166
206,000 - - - - 59,846 46,035
186,700 - - - - 143,887 110,682
186,700 - - 242,000 186,154 42,686 32,835
186,700 - - - - 52,696 40,535
277,100 - - 242,000 186,154 72,215 55,550
186,700 - - - - 135,850 104,500
186,700 - - - - 150,865 116,050
206,000 - - - - 52,538 40,414
186,700 - - 242,000 186,154 - -
186,700 - - - - - -
186,700 - - - - 5,148 3,960
180,300 - - - - 152,996 117,689
186,700 - - - - 192,592 148,148
407,300 - - - - 77,775 59,827
186,700 - - - - - -
186,700 - - - - 265,980 204,600
186,700 - - - - - -
206,000 - - - - 76,647 58,959
186,700 - - - - - -
186,700 - - - - 5,720 4,400
206,000 - - - - - -
442,500 - - 171,000 131,538 130,796 100,612
298,200 - - 125,000 96,154 2,953 2,272
298,200 - - 125,000 96,154 4,219 3,245
186,700 - - - - 142,342 109,494
298,200 - - 125,000 96,154 - -
298,200 - - 125,000 96,154 - -
186,700 - - - - 15,826 12,174
186,700 - - - - - -
186,700 - - - - 25,683 19,756
186,700 - - - - 91,091 70,070
- - 167,106,842 55% 91,247,760 30% 60,831,840 20%
- - 327,722,441 122% 80,435,760 30% 53,623,840 20%
- - 224,790,465 60% 111,499,950 30% 74,333,300 20%
- - 93,531,784 41% 67,953,810 30% 45,302,540 20%
402,000 309,231 92,213,575 53% 51,734,040 30% 34,489,360 20%
- - 74,715,795 51% 44,283,900 30% 29,522,600 20%
- - 47,967,712 35% 41,583,300 30% 27,722,200 20%
- - 67,317,978 54% 37,092,180 30% 24,728,120 20%
- - 71,341,305 59% 36,238,470 30% 24,158,980 20%
- - 53,799,278 52% 31,014,210 30% 20,676,140 20%
12,000 9,231 36,730,988 41% 26,673,210 30% 17,782,140 20%
408,000 313,846 38,841,298 35% 33,466,830 30% 22,311,220 20%
- - 56,441,532 73% 23,137,710 30% 15,425,140 20%
- - 21,388,386 31% 20,605,500 30% 13,737,000 20%
- - 45,809,999 78% 17,575,320 30% 11,716,880 20%
- - 33,548,165 69% 14,555,250 30% 9,703,500 20%
24,000 18,462 29,905,143 76% 11,802,390 30% 7,868,260 20%
- - 18,360,718 37% 14,974,710 30% 9,983,140 20%
- - 17,929,477 33% 16,217,850 30% 10,811,900 20%
87,000 66,923 17,389,832 44% 11,873,610 30% 7,915,740 20%
12,000 9,231 34,592,255 81% 12,756,450 30% 8,504,300 20%
24,000 18,462 31,191,268 98% 9,556,470 30% 6,370,980 20%
903,000 694,615 15,625,924 27% 17,410,170 30% 11,606,780 20%
- - 2,972,767 7% 12,256,320 30% 8,170,880 20%
- - 5,686,845 16% 10,983,960 30% 7,322,640 20%
- - 34,743,057 61% 17,161,710 30% 11,441,140 20%
- - 15,057,817 37% 12,344,880 30% 8,229,920 20%
36,000 27,692 33,963,993 100% 10,221,690 30% 6,814,460 20%
- - 14,316,049 32% 13,296,750 30% 8,864,500 20%
54,000 41,538 12,165,164 37% 9,798,390 30% 6,532,260 20%
54,000 41,538 15,447,277 46% 10,045,140 30% 6,696,760 20%
- - 29,012,798 89% 9,746,430 30% 6,497,620 20%
- - 9,211,017 29% 9,552,390 30% 6,368,260 20%
210,000 161,538 9,929,922 21% 14,365,200 30% 9,576,800 20%
- - 25,393,726 78% 9,737,340 30% 6,491,560 20%
- - 10,245,665 30% 10,108,530 30% 6,739,020 20%
- - 19,338,791 62% 9,390,990 30% 6,260,660 20%
- - 12,339,598 43% 8,563,020 30% 5,708,680 20%
- - 3,134,008 10% 9,254,340 30% 6,169,560 20%
- - 12,994,921 46% 8,411,520 30% 5,607,680 20%
3,000 2,308 6,728,258 38% 5,355,930 30% 3,570,620 20%
- - 7,089,858 30% 7,090,740 30% 4,727,160 20%
84,000 64,615 10,370,932 43% 7,316,040 30% 4,877,360 20%
- - 10,218,020 39% 7,774,650 30% 5,183,100 20%
- - 17,885,363 71% 7,575,840 30% 5,050,560 20%
- - 9,732,053 42% 6,889,230 30% 4,592,820 20%
- - 12,004,100 46% 7,846,260 30% 5,230,840 20%
- - 9,099,802 35% 7,900,830 30% 5,267,220 20%
- - 8,708,002 36% 7,347,330 30% 4,898,220 20%
- - 3,486,360 16% 6,697,770 30% 4,465,180 20%
24,000 18,462 16,634,801 74% 6,763,770 30% 4,509,180 20%
- - 10,803,595 51% 6,405,630 30% 4,270,420 20%
- - 16,451,098 83% 5,977,560 30% 3,985,040 20%
- - 2,654,278 15% 5,423,250 30% 3,615,500 20%
6,000 4,615 5,688,437 35% 4,835,130 30% 3,223,420 20%
- - 23,901,892 37% 19,460,430 30% 12,973,620 20%
- - 7,409,504 37% 5,999,550 30% 3,999,700 20%
- - 6,246,481 34% 5,482,320 30% 3,654,880 20%
144,000 110,769 13,855,136 107% 3,883,590 30% 2,589,060 20%
- - 25,571,295 169% 4,542,600 30% 3,028,400 20%
- - 1,496,012 9% 5,110,020 30% 3,406,680 20%
- - 7,015,429 37% 5,616,030 30% 3,744,020 20%
- - 9,160,103 62% 4,422,870 30% 2,948,580 20%
- - 10,320,373 47% 6,539,640 30% 4,359,760 20%
- - 1,374,593 10% 4,312,770 30% 2,875,180 20%
6,000 4,615 4,988,122 33% 4,496,340 30% 2,997,560 20%
25,000 19,231 15,313,311 97% 4,721,970 30% 3,147,980 20%
- - 5,781,230 27% 6,349,020 30% 4,232,680 20%
12,000 9,231 8,382,495 39% 6,487,590 30% 4,325,060 20%
- - 4,036,240 34% 3,584,100 30% 2,389,400 20%
- - 10,182,717 67% 4,534,290 30% 3,022,860 20%
- - 1,585,662 13% 3,584,640 30% 2,389,760 20%
- - 5,097,944 43% 3,528,630 30% 2,352,420 20%
- - 1,449,790 11% 3,801,420 30% 2,534,280 20%
- - 6,498,822 55% 3,538,800 30% 2,359,200 20%
96,000 73,846 9,740,949 73% 4,004,160 30% 2,669,440 20%
153,000 117,692 12,561,661 77% 4,893,240 30% 3,262,160 20%
3,000 2,308 1,774,642 16% 3,397,680 30% 2,265,120 20%
174,000 133,846 5,624,765 32% 5,350,470 30% 3,566,980 20%
- - 803,085 7% 3,397,680 30% 2,265,120 20%
- - 2,064,615 18% 3,436,950 30% 2,291,300 20%
- - 5,913,809 54% 3,304,590 30% 2,203,060 20%
- - 5,360,004 51% 3,136,560 30% 2,091,040 20%
- - 6,052,212 60% 3,018,780 30% 2,012,520 20%
- - 7,031,671 49% 4,284,030 30% 2,856,020 20%
111,000 85,385 7,557,643 63% 3,582,900 30% 2,388,600 20%
- - 1,797,468 16% 3,431,790 30% 2,287,860 20%
- - 1,635,307 17% 2,899,260 30% 1,932,840 20%
- - 6,513,148 56% 3,508,140 30% 2,338,760 20%
- - 8,714,848 81% 3,230,040 30% 2,153,360 20%
18,000 13,846 1,920,422 21% 2,743,380 30% 1,828,920 20%
- - 3,245,972 37% 2,624,790 30% 1,749,860 20%
- - 1,426,564 16% 2,711,460 30% 1,807,640 20%
- - 9,807,012 114% 2,576,460 30% 1,717,640 20%
- - 8,582,513 92% 2,787,480 30% 1,858,320 20%
- - 7,086,825 58% 3,672,480 30% 2,448,320 20%
- - 4,451,383 53% 2,530,620 30% 1,687,080 20%
- - 9,840,368 176% 1,674,540 30% 1,116,360 20%
- - 2,988,148 36% 2,463,660 30% 1,642,440 20%
- - 427,888 5% 2,770,170 30% 1,846,780 20%
156,000 120,000 4,092,346 49% 2,499,960 30% 1,666,640 20%
- - 361,244 4% 2,636,670 30% 1,757,780 20%
- - 4,738,224 40% 3,542,760 30% 2,361,840 20%
243,000 186,923 3,981,398 45% 2,672,850 30% 1,781,900 20%
- - 3,951,399 56% 2,128,380 30% 1,418,920 20%
- - 6,520,068 89% 2,196,210 30% 1,464,140 20%
- - 4,152,587 60% 2,078,370 30% 1,385,580 20%
99,000 76,154 4,717,096 27% 5,286,660 30% 3,524,440 20%
- - 3,251,282 44% 2,214,900 30% 1,476,600 20%
- - 2,311,965 30% 2,320,140 30% 1,546,760 20%
- - 2,296,996 35% 1,960,350 30% 1,306,900 20%
- - 2,404,060 33% 2,158,890 30% 1,439,260 20%
- - 2,870,381 44% 1,960,350 30% 1,306,900 20%
- - 3,763,158 32% 3,525,810 30% 2,350,540 20%
- - 497,873 8% 1,904,340 30% 1,269,560 20%
- - 900,512 13% 2,036,700 30% 1,357,800 20%
- - 794,385 12% 1,975,800 30% 1,317,200 20%
- - 1,001,745 13% 2,235,240 30% 1,490,160 20%
- - 3,130,757 32% 2,907,090 30% 1,938,060 20%
- - 8,554,178 116% 2,212,650 30% 1,475,100 20%
- - 5,633,780 87% 1,953,840 30% 1,302,560 20%
- - 538,362 9% 1,848,330 30% 1,232,220 20%
- - 4,617,250 73% 1,885,410 30% 1,256,940 20%
- - 5,591,424 94% 1,792,320 30% 1,194,880 20%
- - 3,132,035 49% 1,924,680 30% 1,283,120 20%
- - 4,110,446 49% 2,501,280 30% 1,667,520 20%
- - 790,963 13% 1,773,390 30% 1,182,260 20%
177,000 136,154 4,271,042 47% 2,734,590 30% 1,823,060 20%
- - 2,522,741 42% 1,785,390 30% 1,190,260 20%
- - 3,927,448 42% 2,795,190 30% 1,863,460 20%
15,000 11,538 1,481,782 25% 1,794,900 30% 1,196,600 20%
6,000 4,615 1,913,040 34% 1,674,960 30% 1,116,640 20%
- - 3,553,713 44% 2,438,100 30% 1,625,400 20%
- - 1,623,050 30% 1,624,290 30% 1,082,860 20%
- - 2,611,531 45% 1,729,800 30% 1,153,200 20%
- - 5,113,704 94% 1,632,060 30% 1,088,040 20%
- - 814,375 13% 1,824,540 30% 1,216,360 20%
- - 7,523,455 36% 6,275,070 30% 4,183,380 20%
360,000 276,923 10,419,192 128% 2,446,170 30% 1,630,780 20%
- - 7,173,516 43% 5,006,160 30% 3,337,440 20%
12,000 9,231 3,565,159 45% 2,366,970 30% 1,577,980 20%
- - 516,718 10% 1,512,270 30% 1,008,180 20%
- - 797,530 14% 1,770,480 30% 1,180,320 20%
- - 1,759,385 35% 1,512,270 30% 1,008,180 20%
- - 569,536 11% 1,512,270 30% 1,008,180 20%
54,000 41,538 9,530,230 128% 2,237,310 30% 1,491,540 20%
- - 7,378,772 183% 1,212,000 30% 808,000 20%
- - 827,512 16% 1,586,790 30% 1,057,860 20%
- - 1,991,898 43% 1,400,250 30% 933,500 20%
- - 1,912,628 35% 1,661,520 30% 1,107,680 20%
- - 1,258,114 27% 1,411,830 30% 941,220 20%
- - 2,928,208 66% 1,323,360 30% 882,240 20%
- - 7,553,138 93% 2,432,820 30% 1,621,880 20%
- - 2,340,832 33% 2,127,360 30% 1,418,240 20%
- - 2,890,532 65% 1,344,240 30% 896,160 20%
- - 1,072,630 24% 1,344,240 30% 896,160 20%
- - 1,266,531 23% 1,629,720 30% 1,086,480 20%
- - 1,337,694 30% 1,350,330 30% 900,220 20%
6,000 4,615 3,141,004 55% 1,700,190 30% 1,133,460 20%
- - 2,048,215 48% 1,288,230 30% 858,820 20%
- - 2,110,990 42% 1,509,900 30% 1,006,600 20%
- - 3,425,164 73% 1,416,750 30% 944,500 20%
- - 2,655,325 41% 1,921,920 30% 1,281,280 20%
- - 856,448 20% 1,298,400 30% 865,600 20%
- - 3,883,270 47% 2,463,030 30% 1,642,020 20%
- - 3,587,114 44% 2,438,700 30% 1,625,800 20%
- - 5,283,538 34% 4,684,890 30% 3,123,260 20%
168,000 129,231 2,420,059 38% 1,899,660 30% 1,266,440 20%
- - 1,771,418 43% 1,232,220 30% 821,480 20%
- - 485,746 12% 1,232,220 30% 821,480 20%
- - 465,282 11% 1,232,220 30% 821,480 20%
- - - 0% 1,213,080 30% 808,720 20%
6,000 4,615 2,023,997 39% 1,554,090 30% 1,036,060 20%
- - 516,220 13% 1,176,210 30% 784,140 20%
- - 2,007,560 47% 1,281,720 30% 854,480 20%
- - 385,750 9% 1,325,910 30% 883,940 20%
- - 2,032,586 33% 1,836,180 30% 1,224,120 20%
- - 4,401,925 56% 2,340,480 30% 1,560,320 20%
- - 862,301 23% 1,102,800 30% 735,200 20%
- - 1,069,364 29% 1,120,200 30% 746,800 20%
- - 938,495 25% 1,120,200 30% 746,800 20%
- - 3,391,332 86% 1,176,780 30% 784,520 20%
1 1 1,560,052 42% 1,120,200 30% 746,800 20%
36,000 27,692 3,645,241 96% 1,138,350 30% 758,900 20%
- - 1,223,533 24% 1,502,520 30% 1,001,680 20%
- - 1,710,468 48% 1,062,270 30% 708,180 20%
- - 2,364,652 67% 1,064,190 30% 709,460 20%
- - 934,660 26% 1,064,190 30% 709,460 20%
- - 751,018 20% 1,130,370 30% 753,580 20%
- - 2,634,030 53% 1,486,230 30% 990,820 20%
- - 13,354 0% 1,027,710 30% 685,140 20%
- - 745,288 18% 1,220,640 30% 813,760 20%
- - 1,686,760 50% 1,008,180 30% 672,120 20%
- - 1,549,291 46% 1,008,180 30% 672,120 20%
- - 2,743,342 83% 992,520 30% 661,680 20%
- - 802,075 25% 952,170 30% 634,780 20%
- - 348,749 11% 952,170 30% 634,780 20%
- - 2,217,157 63% 1,057,680 30% 705,120 20%
- - 812,267 23% 1,057,680 30% 705,120 20%
- - 2,872,721 82% 1,049,220 30% 699,480 20%
- - 1,786,817 34% 1,561,920 30% 1,041,280 20%
- - 1,645,172 39% 1,265,280 30% 843,520 20%
- - 1,386,376 36% 1,160,340 30% 773,560 20%
- - 1,645,117 53% 934,890 30% 623,260 20%
6,000 4,615 1,574,858 46% 1,032,870 30% 688,580 20%
- - 2,011,798 48% 1,264,110 30% 842,740 20%
42,000 32,308 1,176,140 22% 1,591,920 30% 1,061,280 20%
- - 1,031,653 35% 894,240 30% 596,160 20%
- - 3,043,575 102% 896,160 30% 597,440 20%
- - 972,883 33% 896,160 30% 597,440 20%
- - 2,106,485 63% 1,001,670 30% 667,780 20%
- - 1,818,505 41% 1,318,200 30% 878,800 20%
- - 2,576,892 51% 1,529,220 30% 1,019,480 20%
- - 2,597,529 86% 905,820 30% 603,880 20%
- - 647,518 17% 1,144,890 30% 763,260 20%
- - 1,106,014 34% 973,950 30% 649,300 20%
- - 2,292,795 98% 702,990 30% 468,660 20%
- - 238,303 7% 1,053,810 30% 702,540 20%
- - 1,294,347 35% 1,117,380 30% 744,920 20%
- - 990,263 30% 996,000 30% 664,000 20%
- - 2,455,522 81% 912,120 30% 608,080 20%
- - 1,246,269 36% 1,038,690 30% 692,460 20%
- - 3,413,438 118% 867,270 30% 578,180 20%
18,000 13,846 1,998,015 60% 992,430 30% 661,620 20%
- - 1,968,747 70% 840,150 30% 560,100 20%
- - 1,748,601 61% 855,660 30% 570,440 20%
- - 4,099,132 36% 3,387,720 30% 2,258,480 20%
18,000 13,846 3,285,944 121% 814,620 30% 543,080 20%
7,000 5,385 3,710,158 209% 533,400 30% 355,600 20%
- - 1,465,342 43% 1,021,140 30% 680,760 20%
- - 388,650 15% 784,140 30% 522,760 20%
- - 1,362,136 40% 1,021,740 30% 681,160 20%
- - 876,575 28% 939,630 30% 626,420 20%
- - 1,548,161 59% 793,800 30% 529,200 20%
- - 286,227 13% 673,980 30% 449,320 20%
- - 1,135,188 33% 1,028,040 30% 685,360 20%
- - 1,194,662 26% 1,389,930 30% 926,620 20%
- - 1,053,018 42% 746,340 30% 497,560 20%
- - 485,977 18% 805,110 30% 536,740 20%
- - 749,986 26% 860,490 30% 573,660 20%
- - 369,298 16% 714,720 30% 476,480 20%
- - 1,240,339 38% 992,070 30% 661,380 20%
- - 252,901 11% 691,860 30% 461,240 20%
120,000 92,308 3,856,307 130% 891,360 30% 594,240 20%
- - 1,357,692 37% 1,094,160 30% 729,440 20%
- - - 0% 748,980 30% 499,320 20%
- - 990,229 38% 777,630 30% 518,420 20%
- - 1,141,640 51% 672,120 30% 448,080 20%
- - 710,375 32% 672,120 30% 448,080 20%
- - 244,533 11% 683,700 30% 455,800 20%
- - 707,622 29% 738,300 30% 492,200 20%
- - 1,077,388 45% 714,600 30% 476,400 20%
- - 1,564,472 70% 672,180 30% 448,120 20%
- - 1,522,228 48% 960,960 30% 640,640 20%
- - 1,842,605 65% 850,260 30% 566,840 20%
- - 930,332 43% 645,810 30% 430,540 20%
- - 278,026 13% 641,190 30% 427,460 20%
12,000 9,231 274,284 13% 644,490 30% 429,660 20%
- - 1,328,539 65% 612,270 30% 408,180 20%
- - 1,174,548 35% 1,000,110 30% 666,740 20%
- - 2,749,591 33% 2,478,930 30% 1,652,620 20%
- - 1,243,392 40% 943,950 30% 629,300 20%
- - 307,333 12% 795,840 30% 530,560 20%
- - 1,413,812 51% 838,650 30% 559,100 20%
- - 827,862 40% 616,110 30% 410,740 20%
- - 560,585 27% 616,110 30% 410,740 20%
- - 2,502,139 122% 616,110 30% 410,740 20%
- - 137,535 7% 616,110 30% 410,740 20%
- - 1,357,645 44% 930,720 30% 620,480 20%
- - 755,774 30% 767,040 30% 511,360 20%
- - 467,004 18% 781,710 30% 521,140 20%
- - 2,078,109 113% 551,400 30% 367,600 20%
- - 1,157,585 43% 812,250 30% 541,500 20%
- - 2,177,274 51% 1,281,930 30% 854,620 20%
- - 2,753,688 175% 471,060 30% 314,040 20%
6,000 4,615 2,848,499 135% 632,100 30% 421,400 20%
- - 451,888 24% 560,100 30% 373,400 20%
- - 784,039 43% 548,580 30% 365,720 20%
- - 312,700 15% 626,280 30% 417,520 20%
- - 616,501 31% 594,840 30% 396,560 20%
- - 307,635 16% 560,100 30% 373,400 20%
- - 1,508,435 82% 552,420 30% 368,280 20%
- - 1,063,475 57% 558,210 30% 372,140 20%
- - 419,705 16% 786,240 30% 524,160 20%
- - 1,009,114 60% 504,090 30% 336,060 20%
- - 1,325,442 48% 820,620 30% 547,080 20%
- - 2,778,583 165% 504,090 30% 336,060 20%
24,000 18,462 635,602 35% 541,170 30% 360,780 20%
- - 460,695 23% 588,450 30% 392,300 20%
- - 339,910 18% 562,140 30% 374,760 20%
- - 404,274 23% 529,560 30% 353,040 20%
- - 108,792 6% 502,920 30% 335,280 20%
- - 170,722 10% 496,260 30% 330,840 20%
- - 171,649 10% 529,860 30% 353,240 20%
12,000 9,231 31,048 2% 541,170 30% 360,780 20%
- - 882,215 53% 504,090 30% 336,060 20%
- - 160,999 10% 504,090 30% 336,060 20%
- - 91,223 5% 602,790 30% 401,860 20%
- - 678,559 40% 504,090 30% 336,060 20%
- - 604,517 36% 504,090 30% 336,060 20%
- - 1,147,864 58% 597,390 30% 398,260 20%
- - 471,970 28% 504,090 30% 336,060 20%
- - 1,657,061 93% 533,160 30% 355,440 20%
- - 1,125,433 63% 535,080 30% 356,720 20%
- - 790,679 45% 529,200 30% 352,800 20%
- - 1,996,078 161% 370,800 30% 247,200 20%
- - 1,673,172 91% 553,590 30% 369,060 20%
51,000 39,231 590,178 31% 572,820 30% 381,880 20%
21,000 16,154 1,449,062 37% 1,190,820 30% 793,880 20%
- - 1,777,839 121% 441,120 30% 294,080 20%
- - 348,846 20% 514,260 30% 342,840 20%
12,000 9,231 742,222 60% 372,180 30% 248,120 20%
- - 3,445,641 339% 304,800 30% 203,200 20%
- - 69,868 5% 448,080 30% 298,720 20%
- - 253,188 17% 448,080 30% 298,720 20%
- - 1,298,298 80% 487,140 30% 324,760 20%
- - 337,496 23% 448,080 30% 298,720 20%
- - 1,056,039 57% 551,670 30% 367,780 20%
- - 1,566,447 85% 553,590 30% 369,060 20%
- - 3,615 0% 475,110 30% 316,740 20%
- - 1,226,798 82% 448,080 30% 298,720 20%
- - 362,156 24% 453,900 30% 302,600 20%
- - 2,093,669 140% 448,080 30% 298,720 20%
- - 1,731,306 98% 529,440 30% 352,960 20%
48,000 36,923 392,545 20% 582,870 30% 388,580 20%
- - 795,555 43% 560,490 30% 373,660 20%
12,000 9,231 1,132,339 88% 387,630 30% 258,420 20%
- - 286,871 20% 432,600 30% 288,400 20%
- - 489,300 35% 419,190 30% 279,460 20%
- - 3,231,523 187% 517,950 30% 345,300 20%
- - 1,094,473 59% 553,560 30% 369,040 20%
6,000 4,615 521,244 28% 565,830 30% 377,220 20%
- - 1,681,367 83% 610,050 30% 406,700 20%
- - 346,395 24% 425,520 30% 283,680 20%
- - 45,375 3% 457,530 30% 305,020 20%
- - 1,754,155 132% 397,200 30% 264,800 20%
- - 970,069 74% 392,070 30% 261,380 20%
- - 316,872 22% 440,910 30% 293,940 20%
- - 1,553,815 119% 392,070 30% 261,380 20%
- - 688,079 53% 392,070 30% 261,380 20%
- - 542,872 42% 392,070 30% 261,380 20%
- - 1,536,294 118% 392,070 30% 261,380 20%
- - 270,164 21% 392,070 30% 261,380 20%
- - 1,028,005 79% 392,070 30% 261,380 20%
- - 1,238,232 95% 392,070 30% 261,380 20%
- - 546,125 42% 392,070 30% 261,380 20%
- - 112,135 9% 392,070 30% 261,380 20%
- - 1,184,242 90% 395,970 30% 263,980 20%
- - 1,122,312 61% 547,560 30% 365,040 20%
- - 672,556 51% 392,070 30% 261,380 20%
- - 399,194 31% 392,070 30% 261,380 20%
- - 924,900 56% 497,580 30% 331,720 20%
- - 518,367 32% 492,420 30% 328,280 20%
- - 399,939 28% 425,520 30% 283,680 20%
- - 268,338 21% 392,070 30% 261,380 20%
- - 495,619 25% 592,290 30% 394,860 20%
- - 791,753 56% 426,810 30% 284,540 20%
- - 159,635 14% 330,840 30% 220,560 20%
- - 888,306 81% 330,840 30% 220,560 20%
- - 924,042 82% 336,060 30% 224,040 20%
- - 550,692 50% 330,840 30% 220,560 20%
- - 995,385 68% 438,300 30% 292,200 20%
- - 64,005 6% 330,840 30% 220,560 20%
- - 426,355 38% 336,060 30% 224,040 20%
- - 378,981 28% 402,240 30% 268,160 20%
- - 532,308 48% 336,060 30% 224,040 20%
- - 667,504 38% 524,160 30% 349,440 20%
- - 1,278,535 46% 834,870 30% 556,580 20%
- - 969,632 46% 625,680 30% 417,120 20%
12,000 9,231 1,534,494 88% 524,070 30% 349,380 20%
- - 918,048 57% 484,680 30% 323,120 20%
- - 578,571 32% 536,760 30% 357,840 20%
- - 1,347,472 84% 479,730 30% 319,820 20%
- - 1,284,250 141% 273,630 30% 182,420 20%
- - 1,505,500 122% 370,800 30% 247,200 20%
- - 1,193,863 73% 492,930 30% 328,620 20%
- - 1,553,218 130% 358,830 30% 239,220 20%
- - 141,284 11% 382,500 30% 255,000 20%
12,000 9,231 198,566 12% 499,500 30% 333,000 20%
- - 38,588 3% 336,060 30% 224,040 20%
- - 268,577 18% 447,360 30% 298,240 20%
- - 530,720 47% 336,060 30% 224,040 20%
- - 378,736 34% 336,060 30% 224,040 20%
- - 2,057,308 184% 336,060 30% 224,040 20%
- - 1,594,128 142% 336,060 30% 224,040 20%
- - 2,433,235 217% 336,060 30% 224,040 20%
- - 97,230 9% 336,060 30% 224,040 20%
- - 132,852 12% 336,060 30% 224,040 20%
- - 260,885 19% 402,240 30% 268,160 20%
- - 632,002 47% 402,240 30% 268,160 20%
- - 452,724 34% 402,240 30% 268,160 20%
- - 55,494 5% 336,060 30% 224,040 20%
- - 398,622 36% 336,060 30% 224,040 20%
- - 19,615 2% 336,060 30% 224,040 20%
- - 440,238 39% 336,060 30% 224,040 20%
- - 359,944 32% 336,060 30% 224,040 20%
- - 337,861 29% 347,640 30% 231,760 20%
- - 1,254,099 112% 336,060 30% 224,040 20%
- - 102,002 9% 343,800 30% 229,200 20%
- - 104,670 9% 336,060 30% 224,040 20%
- - 986,079 87% 341,850 30% 227,900 20%
- - 454,582 40% 339,960 30% 226,640 20%
- - 926,820 81% 341,850 30% 227,900 20%
- - 790,210 54% 435,960 30% 290,640 20%
- - 129,162 11% 365,010 30% 243,340 20%
- - 322,770 35% 280,050 30% 186,700 20%
- - 633,277 39% 491,070 30% 327,380 20%
- - 977,855 105% 280,050 30% 186,700 20%
- - 1,237,477 133% 280,050 30% 186,700 20%
- - 836,205 50% 504,900 30% 336,600 20%
- - 759,950 71% 319,110 30% 212,740 20%
- - 1,243,912 133% 280,050 30% 186,700 20%
12,000 9,231 927,290 110% 252,570 30% 168,380 20%
- - 615,268 31% 591,030 30% 394,020 20%
- - 508,369 55% 275,700 30% 183,800 20%
- - 269,231 29% 280,050 30% 186,700 20%
- - 142,514 15% 291,630 30% 194,420 20%
- - 1,087,597 44% 738,120 30% 492,080 20%
- - 486,168 33% 447,300 30% 298,200 20%
- - 496,988 54% 278,130 30% 185,420 20%
12,000 9,231 828,873 78% 317,130 30% 211,420 20%
- - 585,611 92% 190,500 30% 127,000 20%
- - 1,022,476 110% 278,130 30% 185,420 20%
- - 310,212 33% 280,050 30% 186,700 20%
- - 371,402 40% 280,050 30% 186,700 20%
- - 634,982 68% 280,050 30% 186,700 20%
- - 315,278 34% 280,050 30% 186,700 20%
- - 312,253 33% 280,050 30% 186,700 20%
- - 206,336 22% 280,050 30% 186,700 20%
- - 3,045,549 326% 280,050 30% 186,700 20%
- - 16,352 2% 280,050 30% 186,700 20%
- - 137,026 15% 280,050 30% 186,700 20%
- - 238,828 25% 289,710 30% 193,140 20%
- - 415,939 45% 280,050 30% 186,700 20%
- - 430,858 47% 272,370 30% 181,580 20%
- - 620,008 45% 412,410 30% 274,940 20%
- - 156,965 17% 280,050 30% 186,700 20%
- - 300,971 32% 280,050 30% 186,700 20%
- - 477,040 35% 412,410 30% 274,940 20%
- - 944,135 52% 544,770 30% 363,180 20%
- - 263,513 19% 412,410 30% 274,940 20%
- - 234,094 17% 401,970 30% 267,980 20%
- - 696,006 76% 274,290 30% 182,860 20%
- - 348,691 39% 265,440 30% 176,960 20%
- - 51,069 5% 289,710 30% 193,140 20%
- - 27,162 3% 280,050 30% 186,700 20%
- - 72,762 8% 280,050 30% 186,700 20%
- - 539,846 58% 280,050 30% 186,700 20%
- - 602,123 47% 385,560 30% 257,040 20%
- - 82,864 9% 280,050 30% 186,700 20%
- - 607,589 66% 278,130 30% 185,420 20%
- - 285,652 29% 297,420 30% 198,280 20%
- - 1,075,595 78% 412,410 30% 274,940 20%
78,000 60,000 1,635,281 146% 335,280 30% 223,520 20%
- - 429,076 58% 220,560 30% 147,040 20%
- - 84,895 12% 220,560 30% 147,040 20%
- - 51,149 7% 220,560 30% 147,040 20%
- - 461,926 63% 220,560 30% 147,040 20%
12,000 9,231 715,375 82% 261,120 30% 174,080 20%
- - 1,016,366 136% 224,040 30% 149,360 20%
- - 43,905 6% 224,040 30% 149,360 20%
- - 3,615 0% 224,040 30% 149,360 20%
- - 580,835 45% 388,770 30% 259,180 20%
- - - 0% 317,280 30% 211,520 20%
- - 314,129 43% 220,560 30% 147,040 20%
39,000 30,000 2,040,935 163% 375,030 30% 250,020 20%
- - 628,509 60% 316,320 30% 210,880 20%
90,000 69,231 3,263,900 205% 478,260 30% 318,840 20%
48,000 36,923 1,056,798 49% 648,360 30% 432,240 20%
- - 736,772 99% 224,040 30% 149,360 20%
- - 294,359 40% 220,560 30% 147,040 20%
- - 378,526 51% 220,560 30% 147,040 20%
- - 87,874 12% 224,040 30% 149,360 20%
12,000 9,231 493,739 40% 372,360 30% 248,240 20%
- - 1,321,474 179% 221,040 30% 147,360 20%
- - 139,964 26% 159,480 30% 106,320 20%
12,000 9,231 1,495,532 211% 212,700 30% 141,800 20%
- - - 0% 227,910 30% 151,940 20%
- - 725,104 99% 220,560 30% 147,040 20%
- - 619,543 64% 290,220 30% 193,480 20%
- - 1,026,247 86% 356,400 30% 237,600 20%
- - 428,186 44% 290,220 30% 193,480 20%
- - 189,798 25% 224,040 30% 149,360 20%
- - 326,845 34% 292,200 30% 194,800 20%
- - 687,855 82% 251,160 30% 167,440 20%
- - 273,881 27% 302,640 30% 201,760 20%
- - 637,916 44% 435,060 30% 290,040 20%
- - 450,266 38% 357,840 30% 238,560 20%
- - 1,030,862 86% 357,840 30% 238,560 20%
- - 428,941 36% 357,840 30% 238,560 20%
- - 557,602 92% 181,890 30% 121,260 20%
- - 481,363 40% 357,840 30% 238,560 20%
36,000 27,692 155,564 17% 269,460 30% 179,640 20%
114,000 87,692 2,996,945 226% 397,380 30% 264,920 20%
- - 904,551 43% 629,040 30% 419,360 20%
- - 185,235 21% 261,120 30% 174,080 20%
- - 225,569 24% 286,560 30% 191,040 20%
- - 1,920,975 266% 216,390 30% 144,260 20%
- - 30,497 3% 265,050 30% 176,700 20%
- - 505,482 59% 257,340 30% 171,560 20%
- - 895,431 120% 224,040 30% 149,360 20%
- - 463,112 62% 224,040 30% 149,360 20%
- - 68,050 9% 224,040 30% 149,360 20%
- - 476,923 43% 329,550 30% 219,700 20%
- - 97,066 13% 224,040 30% 149,360 20%
- - 1,137,682 104% 329,550 30% 219,700 20%
- - 498,450 67% 224,040 30% 149,360 20%
- - 43,642 6% 224,040 30% 149,360 20%
- - 257,386 34% 224,040 30% 149,360 20%
- - 186,213 23% 243,780 30% 162,520 20%
- - 751,246 86% 263,100 30% 175,400 20%
- - 849,018 114% 224,040 30% 149,360 20%
- - 165,546 22% 224,040 30% 149,360 20%
- - 55,486 7% 233,700 30% 155,800 20%
- - 116,630 16% 222,120 30% 148,080 20%
- - 43,705 6% 218,280 30% 145,520 20%
- - 81,104 11% 220,200 30% 146,800 20%
- - 741,829 59% 379,530 30% 253,020 20%
- - 170,041 23% 224,040 30% 149,360 20%
- - 211,425 22% 290,220 30% 193,480 20%
- - 19,477 3% 216,360 30% 144,240 20%
- - 363,912 38% 290,220 30% 193,480 20%
- - 656,237 88% 224,040 30% 149,360 20%
- - 323,968 43% 224,040 30% 149,360 20%
- - 614,300 42% 435,060 30% 290,040 20%
- - 513,879 69% 224,040 30% 149,360 20%
- - 41,946 5% 278,280 30% 185,520 20%
- - 211,128 19% 332,520 30% 221,680 20%
- - 131,338 14% 276,360 30% 184,240 20%
- - 201,912 22% 273,990 30% 182,660 20%
- - 108,889 15% 224,040 30% 149,360 20%
- - 452,065 63% 216,360 30% 144,240 20%
- - 958,772 99% 290,220 30% 193,480 20%
- - 742,906 77% 288,300 30% 192,200 20%
- - 616,934 85% 218,280 30% 145,520 20%
- - 903,181 121% 224,040 30% 149,360 20%
- - 358,138 48% 224,040 30% 149,360 20%
- - 1,164,409 139% 251,160 30% 167,440 20%
- - 669,070 90% 224,040 30% 149,360 20%
- - 2,531,178 339% 224,040 30% 149,360 20%
- - 290,328 40% 220,200 30% 146,800 20%
48,000 36,923 355,605 44% 241,320 30% 160,880 20%
6,000 4,615 574,300 61% 282,180 30% 188,120 20%
- - 89,450 16% 165,420 30% 110,280 20%
- - 196,154 22% 273,540 30% 182,360 20%
- - 100,745 15% 201,480 30% 134,320 20%
12,000 9,231 1,004,921 97% 311,070 30% 207,380 20%
- - 391,148 70% 168,030 30% 112,020 20%
- - 499 0% 237,960 30% 158,640 20%
- - 89,912 12% 234,210 30% 156,140 20%
- - 229,199 40% 174,030 30% 116,020 20%
- - 56,829 9% 187,770 30% 125,180 20%
- - 64,112 11% 168,030 30% 112,020 20%
- - 153,425 19% 237,240 30% 158,160 20%
114,000 87,692 1,600,542 155% 309,210 30% 206,140 20%
- - 175,478 31% 168,030 30% 112,020 20%
- - 122,058 22% 165,420 30% 110,280 20%
- - 154,232 28% 168,030 30% 112,020 20%
- - 76,478 14% 168,030 30% 112,020 20%
- - 75,378 13% 168,030 30% 112,020 20%
12,000 9,231 511,832 74% 206,250 30% 137,500 20%
30,000 23,077 801,692 92% 260,370 30% 173,580 20%
- - 106,080 19% 165,420 30% 110,280 20%
- - 74,283 13% 167,220 30% 111,480 20%
- - 472,302 44% 319,680 30% 213,120 20%
- - 148,915 27% 165,420 30% 110,280 20%
- - 3,494 1% 178,740 30% 119,160 20%
- - 1,815,278 254% 214,110 30% 142,740 20%
- - 350,551 64% 165,420 30% 110,280 20%
- - 817,875 146% 168,030 30% 112,020 20%
- - 435,165 78% 168,030 30% 112,020 20%
- - 302,226 54% 168,030 30% 112,020 20%
- - 379,102 68% 168,030 30% 112,020 20%
- - 304,045 55% 165,420 30% 110,280 20%
- - 89,267 16% 168,030 30% 112,020 20%
- - 453,155 45% 300,390 30% 200,260 20%
- - 336,617 34% 300,390 30% 200,260 20%
- - 199,013 21% 279,330 30% 186,220 20%
- - - 0% 168,030 30% 112,020 20%
- - 171,788 26% 199,740 30% 133,160 20%
- - 496,949 41% 360,000 30% 240,000 20%
- - 875,415 46% 573,420 30% 382,280 20%
- - 146,154 27% 164,220 30% 109,480 20%
- - 388,422 54% 216,300 30% 144,200 20%
- - 591,561 42% 420,900 30% 280,600 20%
- - 269,147 30% 268,380 30% 178,920 20%
- - 143,269 18% 239,280 30% 159,520 20%
- - - 0% 263,460 30% 175,640 20%
- - - 0% 262,080 30% 174,720 20%
18,000 13,846 173,043 21% 242,190 30% 161,460 20%
- - 682,345 92% 222,570 30% 148,380 20%
- - 69,715 10% 213,450 30% 142,300 20%
- - 455,438 81% 168,030 30% 112,020 20%
15,000 11,538 1,084,692 119% 273,540 30% 182,360 20%
78,000 60,000 1,842,312 209% 264,510 30% 176,340 20%
42,000 32,308 1,506,404 157% 287,610 30% 191,740 20%
- - 1,025,517 183% 168,030 30% 112,020 20%
- - 565,975 101% 168,030 30% 112,020 20%
- - 403,168 106% 114,300 30% 76,200 20%
- - 711,484 164% 130,290 30% 86,860 20%
- - 247,358 57% 130,290 30% 86,860 20%
380,000 292,308 1,082,532 284% 114,300 30% 76,200 20%
- - 632,162 166% 114,300 30% 76,200 20%
- - 668,737 67% 299,520 30% 199,680 20%
- - 544,036 101% 162,270 30% 108,180 20%
- - 146,917 27% 165,420 30% 110,280 20%
- - 244,882 44% 165,420 30% 110,280 20%
- - 57,750 10% 168,030 30% 112,020 20%
- - 229,345 41% 168,030 30% 112,020 20%
- - 121,466 22% 168,030 30% 112,020 20%
- - 95,462 17% 168,030 30% 112,020 20%
- - - 0% 168,030 30% 112,020 20%
- - 28,679 5% 168,030 30% 112,020 20%
- - - 0% 168,030 30% 112,020 20%
- - 53,064 9% 171,900 30% 114,600 20%
- - 371,249 66% 168,030 30% 112,020 20%
- - 1,611,538 100% 484,560 30% 323,040 20%
- - 42,712 8% 168,030 30% 112,020 20%
- - 79,579 14% 168,030 30% 112,020 20%
- - 113,332 20% 168,030 30% 112,020 20%
- - 262,398 47% 168,030 30% 112,020 20%
- - - 0% 168,030 30% 112,020 20%
- - 24,155 4% 168,030 30% 112,020 20%
- - 138,964 25% 168,030 30% 112,020 20%
- - 377,575 67% 168,030 30% 112,020 20%
- - 254,567 21% 366,570 30% 244,380 20%
- - 50,690 9% 168,030 30% 112,020 20%
- - 156,925 28% 168,030 30% 112,020 20%
- - 179,262 29% 185,400 30% 123,600 20%
- - 1,022,565 183% 168,030 30% 112,020 20%
- - 142,451 25% 168,030 30% 112,020 20%
- - 14,702 3% 169,980 30% 113,320 20%
- - 43,063 8% 168,030 30% 112,020 20%
- - 65,148 11% 185,400 30% 123,600 20%
- - 121,812 22% 168,030 30% 112,020 20%
- - - 0% 168,030 30% 112,020 20%
- - 23,238 4% 168,030 30% 112,020 20%
- - 54,772 7% 225,690 30% 150,460 20%
- - 33,798 6% 171,900 30% 114,600 20%
- - 177,651 29% 185,400 30% 123,600 20%
- - 440,873 56% 234,210 30% 156,140 20%
- - 431,614 55% 234,210 30% 156,140 20%
- - 478,713 61% 234,210 30% 156,140 20%
- - 428,876 77% 168,030 30% 112,020 20%
- - 95,331 12% 234,210 30% 156,140 20%
- - 422,555 75% 168,030 30% 112,020 20%
- - 181,632 32% 168,030 30% 112,020 20%
- - 167,195 30% 168,030 30% 112,020 20%
- - 228,835 19% 366,570 30% 244,380 20%
- - 137,665 25% 168,030 30% 112,020 20%
- - 311,172 31% 300,390 30% 200,260 20%
- - 323,871 56% 173,820 30% 115,880 20%
- - 374,295 37% 300,390 30% 200,260 20%
- - 11,088 2% 185,400 30% 123,600 20%
- - 461,042 82% 168,030 30% 112,020 20%
- - 12,598 2% 216,540 30% 144,360 20%
- - 180,975 32% 168,030 30% 112,020 20%
- - 836,191 153% 164,190 30% 109,460 20%
- - - 0% 168,030 30% 112,020 20%
- - 1,210,446 216% 168,030 30% 112,020 20%
- - 149,147 27% 168,030 30% 112,020 20%
- - 264,446 47% 168,030 30% 112,020 20%
- - 54,569 10% 168,030 30% 112,020 20%
- - 57,673 10% 168,030 30% 112,020 20%
- - 347,013 62% 168,030 30% 112,020 20%
- - 243,838 44% 168,030 30% 112,020 20%
- - 768,502 137% 168,030 30% 112,020 20%
- - 9,328 2% 168,030 30% 112,020 20%
- - 348,596 62% 168,030 30% 112,020 20%
- - 29,915 6% 162,270 30% 108,180 20%
- - 232,424 39% 177,690 30% 118,460 20%
- - 124,370 20% 185,400 30% 123,600 20%
- - 598,922 107% 168,030 30% 112,020 20%
- - 190,818 34% 168,030 30% 112,020 20%
- - 465,476 83% 168,030 30% 112,020 20%
- - 563,521 104% 162,270 30% 108,180 20%
- - 256,150 43% 179,610 30% 119,740 20%
- - 23,462 4% 168,030 30% 112,020 20%
- - 326,105 36% 268,380 30% 178,920 20%
- - 378,984 42% 268,380 30% 178,920 20%
12,000 9,231 369,098 64% 172,170 30% 114,780 20%
- - 330,842 54% 184,680 30% 123,120 20%
- - 87,368 24% 110,280 30% 73,520 20%
36,000 27,692 399,855 64% 186,180 30% 124,120 20%
- - - 0% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - - 0% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - 196,154 27% 217,530 30% 145,020 20%
- - 500,542 162% 92,700 30% 61,800 20%
12,000 9,231 788,938 170% 139,440 30% 92,960 20%
- - 250,398 81% 92,700 30% 61,800 20%
- - 361,168 97% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - 217,378 58% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
120,000 92,308 1,122,699 160% 210,420 30% 140,280 20%
- - 167,169 43% 117,420 30% 78,280 20%
- - 77,539 20% 117,420 30% 78,280 20%
- - 53,918 14% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - 18,649 5% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
6,000 4,615 139,250 28% 149,100 30% 99,400 20%
- - 132,378 27% 146,100 30% 97,400 20%
- - 299,149 46% 195,240 30% 130,160 20%
- - 129,950 27% 146,100 30% 97,400 20%
- - 78,578 12% 195,240 30% 130,160 20%
- - 152,155 29% 158,160 30% 105,440 20%
- - 11,072 3% 110,280 30% 73,520 20%
- - 80,570 22% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - 23,614 6% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - 205,739 55% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - - 0% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - 45,445 12% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
12,000 9,231 1,571,542 232% 202,860 30% 135,240 20%
24,000 18,462 1,720,713 300% 172,170 30% 114,780 20%
- - 332,694 89% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - 100,242 8% 364,620 30% 243,080 20%
- - - 0% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - 12,588 3% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - 69,133 19% 110,280 30% 73,520 20%
- - 173,582 47% 110,280 30% 73,520 20%
- - 143,069 29% 149,670 30% 99,780 20%
- - 100,124 27% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - 144,335 27% 158,160 30% 105,440 20%
27,000 20,769 1,368,745 211% 194,520 30% 129,680 20%
- - 185,438 37% 148,380 30% 98,920 20%
- - 27,063 7% 124,170 30% 82,780 20%
- - 40,992 11% 110,280 30% 73,520 20%
- - 62,966 24% 79,740 30% 53,160 20%
- - 284,342 54% 158,160 30% 105,440 20%
- - 157,774 59% 79,740 30% 53,160 20%
- - 60,405 16% 110,280 30% 73,520 20%
- - 59,515 15% 116,940 30% 77,960 20%
- - 49,775 14% 110,280 30% 73,520 20%
- - 8,077 2% 110,280 30% 73,520 20%
- - 78,550 20% 115,890 30% 77,260 20%
- - 124,354 26% 141,570 30% 94,380 20%
- - - 0% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - 510,872 124% 123,600 30% 82,400 20%
- - 53,900 11% 140,880 30% 93,920 20%
- - 464,158 124% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - 46,905 9% 158,160 30% 105,440 20%
- - 666,923 179% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - 524,515 140% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - 259,534 70% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - 97,005 26% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - 24,311 7% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - 232,155 59% 117,810 30% 78,540 20%
- - 234,476 63% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - 550,284 147% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - 371,998 63% 178,200 30% 118,800 20%
- - 161,071 20% 244,380 30% 162,920 20%
- - 20,020 5% 117,810 30% 78,540 20%
- - 236,183 61% 115,890 30% 77,260 20%
- - 470,681 126% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
24,000 18,462 1,787,285 276% 194,520 30% 129,680 20%
- - 151,319 31% 145,470 30% 96,980 20%
- - - 0% 110,100 30% 73,400 20%
- - 25,215 7% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - - 0% 145,470 30% 96,980 20%
- - 81,872 22% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - 240,828 40% 178,920 30% 119,280 20%
- - 891,335 100% 267,660 30% 178,440 20%
- - 141,175 38% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - 350,000 59% 178,920 30% 119,280 20%
- - 564,304 40% 423,300 30% 282,200 20%
- - - 0% 143,880 30% 95,920 20%
- - - 0% 174,720 30% 116,480 20%
- - 137,769 29% 143,880 30% 95,920 20%
- - - 0% 110,280 30% 73,520 20%
- - 7,452 2% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - - 0% 139,140 30% 92,760 20%
- - 156,443 42% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - 24,315 7% 110,280 30% 73,520 20%
- - 805,400 120% 201,390 30% 134,260 20%
- - 334,367 90% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - 273,663 74% 110,280 30% 73,520 20%
- - - 0% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - 361,209 97% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - 60,956 16% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - 49,863 20% 75,720 30% 50,480 20%
- - 226,955 55% 123,600 30% 82,400 20%
- - 50,863 10% 151,110 30% 100,740 20%
- - 39,963 11% 111,240 30% 74,160 20%
- - 198,202 38% 157,050 30% 104,700 20%
- - 503,106 198% 76,200 30% 50,800 20%
48,000 36,923 1,646,132 332% 148,710 30% 99,140 20%
- - 119,108 20% 177,330 30% 118,220 20%
- - 779,916 307% 76,200 30% 50,800 20%
- - 578,962 174% 99,900 30% 66,600 20%
- - 479,249 130% 110,280 30% 73,520 20%
- - 144,155 57% 76,200 30% 50,800 20%
- - 533,088 210% 76,200 30% 50,800 20%
- - 291,125 87% 99,900 30% 66,600 20%
- - 218,901 60% 110,280 30% 73,520 20%
- - 265,024 49% 163,890 30% 109,260 20%
7,000 5,385 229,048 69% 99,900 30% 66,600 20%
- - 636,385 251% 76,200 30% 50,800 20%
- - 595,487 97% 183,990 30% 122,660 20%
- - 416,123 108% 115,890 30% 77,260 20%
- - 1,007,244 249% 121,230 30% 80,820 20%
- - 186,154 51% 110,280 30% 73,520 20%
- - 433,747 118% 110,280 30% 73,520 20%
- - 39,518 11% 110,280 30% 73,520 20%
- - 188,046 51% 110,280 30% 73,520 20%
- - 41,575 11% 110,280 30% 73,520 20%
- - 8,580 2% 117,810 30% 78,540 20%
- - 234,260 39% 178,200 30% 118,800 20%
- - - 0% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - 47,679 13% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - 21,036 6% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - 74,800 20% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - 3,494 1% 117,810 30% 78,540 20%
- - 99,891 24% 123,600 30% 82,400 20%
- - 46,535 12% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - 393,638 105% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - 36,958 10% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - 97,960 26% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - 39,286 11% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - 27,165 7% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - 19,327 5% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - 80,185 21% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - 130,588 35% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - 51,044 14% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - 44,968 10% 131,760 30% 87,840 20%
- - 50,590 14% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - 234,709 63% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - - 0% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - 108,192 29% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - 17,985 5% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - - 0% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - 3,494 1% 108,180 30% 72,120 20%
- - 97,119 25% 117,810 30% 78,540 20%
- - 112,063 30% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - 109,835 29% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - 123,968 21% 178,200 30% 118,800 20%
- - 57,268 15% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - 132,105 35% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - 122,529 33% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - 662,665 177% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - 14,784 4% 110,100 30% 73,400 20%
- - 38,676 10% 115,890 30% 77,260 20%
- - 35,200 9% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - 12,650 3% 117,810 30% 78,540 20%
- - - 0% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - 178,812 49% 110,100 30% 73,400 20%
- - 199,372 53% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - 341,806 58% 178,200 30% 118,800 20%
- - 498,733 134% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - 195,528 37% 158,100 30% 105,400 20%
- - 303,681 51% 178,200 30% 118,800 20%
- - 776,808 208% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - 138,308 37% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - 643,219 172% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - 141,479 24% 178,200 30% 118,800 20%
- - 219,736 59% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - 132,534 22% 178,200 30% 118,800 20%
- - 269,955 44% 183,990 30% 122,660 20%
- - 257,697 32% 244,380 30% 162,920 20%
- - 60,473 16% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - 268,175 33% 244,380 30% 162,920 20%
- - 81,151 22% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - 45,166 12% 115,890 30% 77,260 20%
- - 8,580 2% 123,600 30% 82,400 20%
- - 186,154 51% 110,100 30% 73,400 20%
- - 61,166 16% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - 128,095 34% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - 593,538 100% 178,200 30% 118,800 20%
- - 24,448 7% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - 232,340 62% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - 266,490 71% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - 477,778 128% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - 14,630 4% 117,810 30% 78,540 20%
- - - 0% 110,100 30% 73,400 20%
- - 308,452 52% 178,920 30% 119,280 20%
- - 193,494 32% 178,920 30% 119,280 20%
- - 147,862 30% 145,470 30% 96,980 20%
- - 230,532 62% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - 180,417 48% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - 61,050 16% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - - 0% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - 95,462 26% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - 321,152 86% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - 415,043 113% 110,100 30% 73,400 20%
- - 75,509 16% 139,140 30% 92,760 20%
- - 496,575 133% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - 81,972 20% 123,600 30% 82,400 20%
- - 360,150 96% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - 259,304 69% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - 447,999 120% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - 604,078 162% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - 216,780 58% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - 490,991 131% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - 25,423 7% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - 524,982 88% 178,200 30% 118,800 20%
- - 142,725 36% 117,810 30% 78,540 20%
- - 144,210 37% 117,810 30% 78,540 20%
- - 9,311 2% 112,020 30% 74,680 20%
- - 82,905 18% 139,140 30% 92,760 20%
- - 99,399 17% 178,920 30% 119,280 20%
- - 192,308 32% 178,920 30% 119,280 20%
- - 302,885 77% 117,810 30% 78,540 20%
- - 164,490 89% 55,140 30% 36,760 20%
- - 40,240 22% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 49,580 19% 79,080 30% 52,720 20%
- - 20,875 11% 55,140 30% 36,760 20%
54,000 41,538 403,528 130% 93,090 30% 62,060 20%
60,000 46,154 440,976 104% 127,290 30% 84,860 20%
- - 11,072 6% 55,140 30% 36,760 20%
- - 24,593 13% 55,140 30% 36,760 20%
- - 63,360 34% 55,140 30% 36,760 20%
- - 23,957 8% 87,360 30% 58,240 20%
- - 57,455 20% 87,360 30% 58,240 20%
- - - 0% 55,140 30% 36,760 20%
- - 24,097 8% 87,360 30% 58,240 20%
- - 158,929 86% 55,140 30% 36,760 20%
- - 247,500 135% 55,140 30% 36,760 20%
- - - 0% 55,140 30% 36,760 20%
- - 372,577 109% 102,090 30% 68,060 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 36,675 20% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 282,470 151% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 196,154 36% 161,520 30% 107,680 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 123,382 66% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 73,050 30% 48,700 20%
- - 17,493 5% 102,090 30% 68,060 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 267,818 143% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 230,602 124% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 116,820 40% 87,480 30% 58,320 20%
- - 801,538 87% 276,150 30% 184,100 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 40,595 22% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 8,580 3% 102,090 30% 68,060 20%
- - 653,032 423% 46,350 30% 30,900 20%
- - 20,702 11% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 64,425 35% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 78,275 42% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 474,568 254% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 469,170 251% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 231,288 43% 161,520 30% 107,680 20%
- - 350,555 188% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 57,692 31% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 135,029 72% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 350,000 187% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 154,042 83% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 45,678 23% 58,710 30% 39,140 20%
- - 20,471 10% 58,710 30% 39,140 20%
- - 32,171 16% 58,710 30% 39,140 20%
- - 275,220 141% 58,710 30% 39,140 20%
- - 36,498 19% 58,710 30% 39,140 20%
- - 135,828 69% 58,710 30% 39,140 20%
- - 135,828 69% 58,710 30% 39,140 20%
12,000 9,231 68,046 22% 93,090 30% 62,060 20%
- - 49,134 25% 58,710 30% 39,140 20%
- - 49,478 25% 58,710 30% 39,140 20%
- - 56,433 29% 58,710 30% 39,140 20%
- - - 0% 79,320 30% 52,880 20%
- - - 0% 58,710 30% 39,140 20%
- - 5,485 2% 79,320 30% 52,880 20%
- - 148,515 51% 87,360 30% 58,240 20%
- - 16,193 6% 79,080 30% 52,720 20%
- - 21,648 9% 73,050 30% 48,700 20%
- - 37,878 16% 73,050 30% 48,700 20%
- - 28,569 7% 122,190 30% 81,460 20%
- - 20,686 8% 73,050 30% 48,700 20%
- - 259,818 139% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 26,765 14% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 79,080 30% 52,720 20%
- - 40,595 14% 87,360 30% 58,240 20%
- - 158,921 60% 79,080 30% 52,720 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 12,282 7% 55,140 30% 36,760 20%
- - 11,072 6% 55,140 30% 36,760 20%
- - 13,309 7% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 6,638 4% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 532,308 290% 55,140 30% 36,760 20%
- - 32,252 18% 55,140 30% 36,760 20%
- - 24,860 13% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 20,048 11% 55,140 30% 36,760 20%
- - 34,744 12% 87,360 30% 58,240 20%
- - 227,435 122% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 32,802 18% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 13,662 7% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 4,356 2% 55,140 30% 36,760 20%
- - - 0% 87,360 30% 58,240 20%
36,000 27,692 852,477 275% 93,090 30% 62,060 20%
24,000 18,462 1,306,917 421% 93,090 30% 62,060 20%
6,000 4,615 262,065 84% 93,090 30% 62,060 20%
- - 59,754 23% 79,080 30% 52,720 20%
- - 5,346 2% 79,080 30% 52,720 20%
- - 15,700 6% 79,080 30% 52,720 20%
- - 566,538 303% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
9,000 6,923 23,564 8% 93,090 30% 62,060 20%
- - 289,097 155% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 30,186 16% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 79,080 30% 52,720 20%
- - 570,185 98% 174,780 30% 116,520 20%
- - 120,461 66% 55,140 30% 36,760 20%
- - - 0% 55,140 30% 36,760 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 134,615 71% 56,580 30% 37,720 20%
- - 84,981 46% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 54,235 19% 87,360 30% 58,240 20%
- - 6,638 4% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
12,000 9,231 210,212 68% 93,090 30% 62,060 20%
- - - 0% 62,370 30% 41,580 20%
- - 9,575 5% 62,370 30% 41,580 20%
- - 26,615 14% 55,140 30% 36,760 20%
- - - 0% 55,140 30% 36,760 20%
- - 57,519 24% 73,050 30% 48,700 20%
- - 367,349 151% 73,050 30% 48,700 20%
- - - 0% 73,050 30% 48,700 20%
- - 69,438 52% 39,870 30% 26,580 20%
- - 532,308 219% 73,050 30% 48,700 20%
- - 4,400 2% 73,050 30% 48,700 20%
- - 158,159 60% 79,080 30% 52,720 20%
- - 142,277 107% 39,870 30% 26,580 20%
- - 156,508 118% 39,870 30% 26,580 20%
- - 34,701 9% 122,190 30% 81,460 20%
- - 9,900 5% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 2,508 1% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 102,090 30% 68,060 20%
- - 100,955 38% 79,080 30% 52,720 20%
- - 48,312 26% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 48,077 36% 39,870 30% 26,580 20%
- - 37,947 7% 161,520 30% 107,680 20%
- - 385,374 146% 79,080 30% 52,720 20%
- - 708,358 269% 79,080 30% 52,720 20%
- - 171,218 65% 79,080 30% 52,720 20%
- - 733,191 393% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 2,794 1% 79,080 30% 52,720 20%
- - 117,647 63% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 620,769 182% 102,090 30% 68,060 20%
- - - 0% 55,140 30% 36,760 20%
- - 31,115 17% 55,140 30% 36,760 20%
12,000 9,231 102,148 33% 93,090 30% 62,060 20%
- - 14,272 8% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 19,562 10% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 12,650 7% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 9,845 5% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 123,535 42% 87,480 30% 58,320 20%
- - 9,229 4% 61,800 30% 41,200 20%
- - 361,532 194% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 143,104 77% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 54,090 30% 36,060 20%
- - 11,424 6% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 237,381 127% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 40,150 22% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 228,270 122% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 62,183 33% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 125,466 67% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 3,318 2% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 503,846 270% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 533,602 286% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 85,936 46% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 23,540 13% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 31,350 17% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 497,774 267% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 52,316 28% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 125,657 67% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 85,968 21% 122,190 30% 81,460 20%
- - 96,800 52% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 137,611 46% 89,460 30% 59,640 20%
- - 2,535 1% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 41,395 23% 55,140 30% 36,760 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 52,485 28% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 13,985 7% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 279,346 69% 122,190 30% 81,460 20%
- - 457,255 65% 211,500 30% 141,000 20%
- - 159,128 85% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 53,372 29% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 100,100 54% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 541,655 77% 211,500 30% 141,000 20%
- - 29,126 16% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 21,873 12% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 441,027 236% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 484,984 199% 73,050 30% 48,700 20%
- - 241,406 129% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 228,025 122% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
6,000 4,615 438,595 213% 61,800 30% 41,200 20%
- - 5,591 3% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 161,548 58% 83,130 30% 55,420 20%
- - 99,992 25% 122,190 30% 81,460 20%
- - 424,615 227% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 110,875 59% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 53,573 13% 122,190 30% 81,460 20%
- - 145,487 36% 122,190 30% 81,460 20%
- - 671,832 214% 94,290 30% 62,860 20%
- - 37,180 20% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 62,304 33% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 142,901 77% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 62,735 15% 122,190 30% 81,460 20%
- - 340,865 84% 122,190 30% 81,460 20%
- - 216,475 116% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 334,390 179% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 37,525 20% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 31,548 8% 122,190 30% 81,460 20%
- - 72,600 39% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 198,315 49% 122,190 30% 81,460 20%
- - 150,353 81% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 22,796 9% 73,050 30% 48,700 20%
- - - 0% 54,090 30% 36,060 20%
- - 178,543 44% 122,190 30% 81,460 20%
- - 17,017 9% 54,090 30% 36,060 20%
- - 186,923 100% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 2,508 1% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 186,154 100% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 486,462 383% 38,100 30% 25,400 20%
- - 317,714 250% 38,100 30% 25,400 20%
- - 635,615 500% 38,100 30% 25,400 20%
- - 418,568 144% 87,360 30% 58,240 20%
- - - 0% 87,360 30% 58,240 20%
- - 255,116 88% 87,360 30% 58,240 20%
- - 90,222 48% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 187,352 100% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 272,360 146% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 3,784 2% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 21,150 10% 61,800 30% 41,200 20%
- - 729,731 391% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 49,099 17% 87,360 30% 58,240 20%
- - 280,088 111% 75,660 30% 50,440 20%
- - 122,115 46% 79,080 30% 52,720 20%
- - 108,276 20% 161,520 30% 107,680 20%
- - 15,213 8% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 169,242 136% 37,200 30% 24,800 20%
- - 366,154 295% 37,200 30% 24,800 20%
- - 215,514 40% 161,520 30% 107,680 20%
- - 52,615 29% 55,140 30% 36,760 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 136,268 73% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 392,308 73% 161,520 30% 107,680 20%
- - 134,615 72% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 134,615 72% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 40,425 22% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 200,774 37% 161,520 30% 107,680 20%
- - 112,414 61% 55,140 30% 36,760 20%
- - 454,021 53% 254,760 30% 169,840 20%
- - 11,655 6% 55,140 30% 36,760 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 132,528 44% 89,460 30% 59,640 20%
- - 234,860 33% 211,650 30% 141,100 20%
- - 529,015 283% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 210,567 113% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 13,662 5% 89,460 30% 59,640 20%
- - 131,538 44% 89,460 30% 59,640 20%
- - 570,769 458% 37,380 30% 24,920 20%
- - 144,501 48% 89,460 30% 59,640 20%
- - 264,791 33% 241,980 30% 161,320 20%
- - 1,871 1% 49,560 30% 33,040 20%
- - 96,154 32% 89,460 30% 59,640 20%
- - 243,225 45% 161,520 30% 107,680 20%
- - 186,752 150% 37,380 30% 24,920 20%
- - 98,787 33% 89,460 30% 59,640 20%
- - 319,857 40% 241,980 30% 161,320 20%
- - 138,462 46% 89,460 30% 59,640 20%
- - 468,283 376% 37,380 30% 24,920 20%
- - 99,916 34% 89,460 30% 59,640 20%
- - 674,696 84% 241,980 30% 161,320 20%
- - 216,976 73% 89,460 30% 59,640 20%
- - 96,154 32% 89,460 30% 59,640 20%
- - 182,485 59% 92,340 30% 61,560 20%
- - - 0% 55,140 30% 36,760 20%
- - 231,881 78% 88,740 30% 59,160 20%
- - - 0% 55,140 30% 36,760 20%
- - - 0% 88,740 30% 59,160 20%
- - - 0% 55,140 30% 36,760 20%
- - 6,600 4% 55,140 30% 36,760 20%
- - - 0% 55,140 30% 36,760 20%
- - - 0% 55,140 30% 36,760 20%
- - 122,942 15% 241,980 30% 161,320 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 392,308 73% 161,520 30% 107,680 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 24,261 13% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 28,875 15% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 81,675 45% 54,090 30% 36,060 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 78,495 27% 87,360 30% 58,240 20%
- - 26,593 14% 55,140 30% 36,760 20%
- - 118,164 45% 79,080 30% 52,720 20%
- - 137,769 104% 39,870 30% 26,580 20%
6,000 4,615 125,309 40% 93,090 30% 62,060 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
24,000 18,462 614,286 198% 93,090 30% 62,060 20%
- - 46,983 25% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
72,000 55,385 918,708 296% 93,090 30% 62,060 20%
27,000 20,769 507,532 164% 93,090 30% 62,060 20%
- - 631,748 338% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 49,478 27% 55,140 30% 36,760 20%
- - 95,739 51% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
12,000 9,231 21,914 7% 93,090 30% 62,060 20%
48,000 36,923 700,526 207% 101,430 30% 67,620 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 13,059 7% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 194,780 108% 54,090 30% 36,060 20%
- - 45,284 25% 54,090 30% 36,060 20%
- - 39,600 19% 61,800 30% 41,200 20%
- - 442,689 349% 38,100 30% 25,400 20%
- - 9,805 5% 63,750 30% 42,500 20%
48,000 36,923 669,132 216% 93,090 30% 62,060 20%
- - 183,206 99% 55,620 30% 37,080 20%
12,000 9,231 872,417 281% 93,090 30% 62,060 20%
- - 14,245 8% 55,140 30% 36,760 20%
- - 164,538 90% 55,140 30% 36,760 20%
- - 124,538 36% 104,520 30% 69,680 20%
- - 4,400 2% 55,620 30% 37,080 20%
- - 178,575 141% 38,100 30% 25,400 20%
6,000 4,615 253,238 82% 93,090 30% 62,060 20%
- - 358,523 193% 55,620 30% 37,080 20%
- - 127,666 69% 55,140 30% 36,760 20%
- - 92,400 50% 55,140 30% 36,760 20%
- - 158,180 125% 38,100 30% 25,400 20%
- - 196,492 155% 38,100 30% 25,400 20%
- - 186,154 101% 55,140 30% 36,760 20%
- - 13,772 7% 61,800 30% 41,200 20%
- - - 0% 132,750 30% 88,500 20%
- - 294,713 232% 38,100 30% 25,400 20%
- - 201,028 158% 38,100 30% 25,400 20%
- - 196,364 155% 38,100 30% 25,400 20%
- - 233,295 127% 55,140 30% 36,760 20%
- - 62,150 49% 38,100 30% 25,400 20%
- - 451,351 355% 38,100 30% 25,400 20%
- - 308,254 168% 55,140 30% 36,760 20%
- - 58,085 32% 54,090 30% 36,060 20%
- - 67,780 33% 61,800 30% 41,200 20%
- - 42,247 21% 61,800 30% 41,200 20%
- - 19,777 10% 61,800 30% 41,200 20%
- - 11,803 7% 54,090 30% 36,060 20%
- - 152,033 83% 55,140 30% 36,760 20%
- - 186,154 147% 38,100 30% 25,400 20%
- - 264,563 144% 55,140 30% 36,760 20%
- - 186,154 101% 55,140 30% 36,760 20%
- - 18,513 10% 54,090 30% 36,060 20%
- - 32,780 18% 55,140 30% 36,760 20%
- - 32,015 17% 55,140 30% 36,760 20%
- - 405,346 119% 102,090 30% 68,060 20%
- - 484,200 384% 37,860 30% 25,240 20%
- - 45,950 22% 61,800 30% 41,200 20%
- - 291,969 231% 37,860 30% 25,240 20%
- - 5,500 3% 55,140 30% 36,760 20%
- - 600,448 473% 38,100 30% 25,400 20%
- - - 0% 38,100 30% 25,400 20%
- - 186,154 147% 38,100 30% 25,400 20%
- - 17,160 9% 55,140 30% 36,760 20%
- - 3,223 3% 37,860 30% 25,240 20%
- - 127,876 62% 61,800 30% 41,200 20%
- - 119,715 58% 61,800 30% 41,200 20%
- - 131,731 32% 122,190 30% 81,460 20%
- - 552,528 435% 38,100 30% 25,400 20%
- - 31,185 25% 38,100 30% 25,400 20%
- - 127,074 69% 55,140 30% 36,760 20%
- - 505,924 183% 83,130 30% 55,420 20%
- - 85,071 46% 55,140 30% 36,760 20%
- - 597,252 216% 83,130 30% 55,420 20%
- - - 0% 37,860 30% 25,240 20%
- - 666,398 240% 83,130 30% 55,420 20%
- - 51,766 28% 55,140 30% 36,760 20%
- - 17,270 8% 61,800 30% 41,200 20%
- - 9,829 5% 61,800 30% 41,200 20%
- - 876,335 316% 83,130 30% 55,420 20%
- - 428,142 337% 38,100 30% 25,400 20%
- - 217,444 171% 38,100 30% 25,400 20%
- - 259,304 141% 55,140 30% 36,760 20%
25,000 19,231 1,250,015 607% 61,800 30% 41,200 20%
- - 4,180 1% 87,360 30% 58,240 20%
- - 214,068 116% 55,140 30% 36,760 20%
- - 160,450 55% 87,360 30% 58,240 20%
- - 13,385 5% 87,360 30% 58,240 20%
- - 253,036 138% 55,140 30% 36,760 20%
- - 32,279 15% 63,750 30% 42,500 20%
- - 28,902 16% 55,140 30% 36,760 20%
- - - 0% 55,140 30% 36,760 20%
- - 6,787 4% 55,140 30% 36,760 20%
12,000 9,231 258,084 83% 93,090 30% 62,060 20%
- - 52,899 29% 55,140 30% 36,760 20%
- - 25,179 14% 54,090 30% 36,060 20%
- - 52,119 29% 54,090 30% 36,060 20%
- - 6,464 4% 54,090 30% 36,060 20%
- - 26,525 13% 61,800 30% 41,200 20%
- - - 0% 87,360 30% 58,240 20%
24,000 18,462 925,668 298% 93,090 30% 62,060 20%
- - 70,140 24% 87,360 30% 58,240 20%
- - 26,455 14% 55,140 30% 36,760 20%
- - 16,154 9% 55,140 30% 36,760 20%
- - 553,154 301% 55,140 30% 36,760 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 54,090 30% 36,060 20%
- - - 0% 75,660 30% 50,440 20%
- - - 0% 55,140 30% 36,760 20%
- - 11,691 6% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 31,005 17% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
72,000 55,385 1,068,592 344% 93,090 30% 62,060 20%
- - 105,798 57% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 146,275 78% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 252,197 135% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 4,277 2% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 18,245 10% 54,090 30% 36,060 20%
- - 99,543 53% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 48,781 24% 61,800 30% 41,200 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 59,302 29% 61,800 30% 41,200 20%
- - - 0% 61,800 30% 41,200 20%
- - - 0% 61,800 30% 41,200 20%
- - 102,337 55% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 29,143 16% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 352,156 189% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 97,066 52% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 161,286 86% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 98,505 48% 61,800 30% 41,200 20%
- - 158,462 85% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 12,612 7% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 50,358 27% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 68,499 37% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 715,275 383% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 17,808 10% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 39,578 21% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 17,523 9% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 3,500 2% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 23,320 12% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 206,415 111% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 106,590 57% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 70,912 38% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 37,988 20% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 40,595 22% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 91,850 51% 54,090 30% 36,060 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 9,228 5% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 87,675 47% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 6,175 3% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 29,183 14% 61,800 30% 41,200 20%
- - 19,585 10% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 31,268 17% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 23,088 12% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 111,947 60% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 48,659 26% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 69,755 37% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 131,312 70% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 85,618 46% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 67,591 36% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 16,891 9% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 6,638 4% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 3,494 2% 61,800 30% 41,200 20%
- - 133,297 71% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 48,613 26% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 11,088 6% 54,090 30% 36,060 20%
- - 12,540 7% 54,090 30% 36,060 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 47,596 25% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 120,542 65% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 438,426 235% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 241,073 129% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 39,940 21% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 5,379 3% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 18,968 10% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 8,580 4% 61,800 30% 41,200 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 8,766 5% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 72,765 39% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 28,268 14% 61,800 30% 41,200 20%
- - - 0% 61,800 30% 41,200 20%
- - 20,020 10% 61,800 30% 41,200 20%
- - 14,300 7% 61,800 30% 41,200 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 49,896 27% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 170,331 91% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 281,147 151% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 7,869 4% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 166,898 89% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 217,444 116% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 217,444 116% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 8,705 5% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 114,862 62% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 29,148 14% 61,800 30% 41,200 20%
- - 217,444 116% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 168,905 90% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 28,383 15% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 40,595 22% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 21,938 12% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 313,075 168% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 130,976 70% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 61,800 30% 41,200 20%
- - 57,354 28% 61,800 30% 41,200 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 683,856 366% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 33,046 18% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 94,868 51% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 121,000 65% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 217,444 116% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 315,264 77% 122,190 30% 81,460 20%
- - 74,902 40% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 6,699 4% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 132,495 71% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 8,534 5% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 439,428 235% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 30,508 16% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 259,414 126% 61,800 30% 41,200 20%
- - 749,325 401% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 30,353 16% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 92,293 23% 122,190 30% 81,460 20%
- - 104,905 26% 122,190 30% 81,460 20%
- - 361,889 194% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 136,197 73% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 216,592 40% 161,520 30% 107,680 20%
- - 1,122,402 601% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 2,508 1% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 72,441 39% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 6,638 4% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 36,605 20% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 14,300 7% 61,800 30% 41,200 20%
- - - 0% 54,090 30% 36,060 20%
- - 17,270 9% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 214,645 115% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 100,797 54% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 337,621 42% 241,980 30% 161,320 20%
- - 586,203 83% 211,650 30% 141,100 20%
- - 98,827 33% 89,460 30% 59,640 20%
- - 121,368 65% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 2,354 1% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 100,183 34% 89,460 30% 59,640 20%
- - 96,154 32% 89,460 30% 59,640 20%
- - 3,494 2% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 61,800 30% 41,200 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 23,100 12% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 45,166 24% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 8,580 4% 61,800 30% 41,200 20%
- - 74,999 40% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 87,156 47% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 24,277 13% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 68,923 17% 122,190 30% 81,460 20%
- - 778,912 417% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 273,846 147% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 16,027 9% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 10,923 6% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 106,957 57% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 105,925 57% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 36,135 19% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 25,553 12% 61,800 30% 41,200 20%
- - 241,320 45% 161,520 30% 107,680 20%
- - 46,035 22% 61,800 30% 41,200 20%
- - 110,682 59% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 218,989 117% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 40,535 22% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 241,704 87% 83,130 30% 55,420 20%
- - 104,500 56% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 116,050 62% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 40,414 20% 61,800 30% 41,200 20%
- - 186,154 100% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 3,960 2% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 117,689 65% 54,090 30% 36,060 20%
- - 148,148 79% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 59,827 15% 122,190 30% 81,460 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 204,600 110% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 58,959 29% 61,800 30% 41,200 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 4,400 2% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 61,800 30% 41,200 20%
- - 232,151 52% 132,750 30% 88,500 20%
- - 98,425 33% 89,460 30% 59,640 20%
- - 99,399 33% 89,460 30% 59,640 20%
- - 109,494 59% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 96,154 32% 89,460 30% 59,640 20%
- - 96,154 32% 89,460 30% 59,640 20%
- - 12,174 7% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - - 0% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 19,756 11% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
- - 70,070 38% 56,010 30% 37,340 20%
3,077,964,042 52%
-15,027,242 -5% rugi
-193,662,841 -72% rugi
-38,957,215 -10% rugi
19,724,566 9% rendah
-5,990,175 -3% rugi
-909,295 -1% rugi
21,337,788 15% rendah
-5,497,678 -4% rugi
-10,943,855 -9% rugi
-2,108,928 -2% rugi
7,724,362 9% rendah
16,936,752 15% rendah
-17,878,682 -23% rugi
12,954,114 19% rendah
-16,517,799 -28% rugi
-9,289,415 -19% rugi
-10,234,493 -26% rugi
6,597,132 13% rendah
9,100,273 17% rendah
2,399,518 6% rendah
-13,331,505 -31% rugi
-15,263,818 -48% rugi
13,391,026 23% tinggi
17,454,433 43% tinggi
12,619,755 34% tinggi
-6,140,207 -11% rugi
5,516,983 13% rendah
-16,927,843 -50% rugi
7,845,201 18% rendah
4,165,486 13% rendah
1,294,623 4% rendah
-12,768,748 -39% rugi
6,709,633 21% tinggi
14,012,078 29% tinggi
-9,164,826 -28% rugi
6,601,885 20% rendah
-3,687,141 -12% rugi
1,932,102 7% rendah
12,289,892 40% tinggi
1,024,279 4% rendah
2,198,292 12% rendah
4,728,042 20% tinggi
1,822,468 7% rendah
2,739,730 11% rendah
-5,258,963 -21% rugi
1,749,997 8% rendah
1,073,000 4% rendah
4,068,248 15% rendah
3,537,548 14% rendah
7,676,590 34% tinggi
-5,361,851 -24% rugi
-127,545 -1% rugi
-6,488,498 -33% rugi
6,384,472 35% tinggi
2,370,113 15% rendah
8,532,158 13% rendah
2,589,746 13% rendah
2,890,719 16% rendah
-7,382,486 -57% rugi
-18,000,295 -119% rugi
7,020,688 41% tinggi
2,344,621 13% rendah
-1,788,653 -12% rugi
579,027 3% rendah
5,813,357 40% tinggi
2,505,778 17% rendah
-7,443,361 -47% rugi
4,800,470 23% tinggi
2,430,155 11% rendah
1,937,260 16% rendah
-2,625,567 -17% rugi
4,388,738 37% tinggi
783,106 7% rendah
4,885,910 39% tinggi
-600,822 -5% rugi
-3,067,349 -23% rugi
-4,406,261 -27% rugi
3,888,158 34% tinggi
3,292,685 18% rendah
4,859,715 43% tinggi
3,663,635 32% tinggi
-406,159 -4% rugi
-132,404 -1% rugi
-1,020,912 -10% rugi
108,379 1% rendah
-1,586,143 -13% rugi
3,922,182 34% tinggi
3,196,793 33% tinggi
-666,248 -6% rugi
-3,331,448 -31% rugi
2,651,878 29% tinggi
1,128,678 13% rendah
3,092,536 34% tinggi
-5,512,912 -64% rugi
-3,936,713 -42% rugi
-966,025 -8% rugi
-233,683 -3% rugi
-7,049,468 -126% rugi
1,117,952 14% rendah
4,189,062 45% tinggi
74,254 1% rendah
4,033,206 46% tinggi
1,166,376 10% rendah
473,352 5% rendah
-404,099 -6% rugi
-2,859,718 -39% rugi
-688,637 -10% rugi
4,094,004 23% tinggi
440,218 6% rendah
1,554,935 20% tinggi
970,254 15% rendah
1,194,090 17% rendah
396,869 6% rendah
2,113,192 18% rendah
2,676,027 42% tinggi
2,493,988 37% tinggi
2,498,615 38% tinggi
2,723,655 37% tinggi
1,714,393 18% rendah
-4,866,428 -66% rugi
-2,377,380 -37% rugi
2,542,188 41% tinggi
-1,474,900 -23% rugi
-2,604,224 -44% rugi
75,765 1% rendah
58,354 1% rendah
2,164,687 37% tinggi
286,608 3% rendah
452,909 8% rendah
731,202 8% rendah
1,509,718 25% tinggi
878,560 16% rendah
509,787 6% rendah
1,084,100 20% tinggi
271,469 5% rendah
-2,393,604 -44% rugi
2,226,525 37% tinggi
2,934,995 14% rendah
-6,342,242 -78% rugi
1,170,084 7% rendah
379,791 5% rendah
2,003,732 40% tinggi
2,153,270 36% tinggi
761,065 15% rendah
1,950,914 39% tinggi
-5,801,380 -78% rugi
-5,358,772 -133% rugi
1,817,138 34% tinggi
341,852 7% rendah
856,572 15% rendah
1,094,936 23% tinggi
-722,608 -16% rugi
-3,498,438 -43% rugi
1,204,768 17% rendah
-650,132 -15% rugi
1,167,770 26% tinggi
1,449,669 27% tinggi
912,856 20% tinggi
-307,354 -5% rugi
98,835 2% rendah
405,510 8% rendah
-1,063,914 -23% rugi
547,875 9% rendah
1,307,552 30% tinggi
221,780 3% rendah
477,386 6% rendah
2,524,612 16% rendah
746,041 12% rendah
282,282 7% rendah
1,567,954 38% tinggi
1,588,418 39% tinggi
2,021,800 50% tinggi
566,153 11% rendah
1,444,130 37% tinggi
128,640 3% rendah
1,824,100 41% tinggi
1,027,714 17% rendah
-501,125 -6% rugi
975,699 27% tinggi
797,636 21% tinggi
928,505 25% tinggi
-1,430,032 -36% rugi
306,948 8% rendah
-1,747,991 -46% rugi
1,280,667 26% tinggi
59,982 2% rendah
-591,002 -17% rugi
838,990 24% tinggi
1,132,932 30% tinggi
-156,980 -3% rugi
1,699,496 50% tinggi
1,289,112 32% tinggi
-6,460 0% rugi
131,009 4% rendah
-1,089,142 -33% rugi
784,875 25% tinggi
1,238,201 39% tinggi
-454,357 -13% rugi
950,533 27% tinggi
-1,124,021 -32% rugi
816,383 16% rendah
463,628 11% rendah
547,524 14% rendah
-86,967 -3% rugi
146,592 4% rendah
95,052 2% rendah
1,477,060 28% tinggi
458,747 15% rendah
-1,549,975 -52% rugi
520,717 17% rendah
-437,035 -13% rugi
378,495 9% rendah
-28,192 -1% rugi
-1,087,829 -36% rugi
1,260,632 33% tinggi
517,236 16% rendah
-1,121,145 -48% rugi
1,518,047 43% tinggi
567,953 15% rendah
669,737 20% tinggi
-935,322 -31% rugi
484,881 14% rendah
-1,967,988 -68% rugi
-343,965 -10% rugi
-568,497 -20% rugi
-322,501 -11% rugi
1,547,068 14% rendah
-1,928,244 -71% rugi
-2,821,158 -159% rugi
236,558 7% rendah
918,250 35% tinggi
340,764 10% rendah
689,475 22% tinggi
-225,161 -9% rugi
837,073 37% tinggi
578,212 17% rendah
1,121,888 24% tinggi
190,882 8% rendah
855,873 32% tinggi
684,164 24% tinggi
821,902 34% tinggi
413,111 12% rendah
900,199 39% tinggi
-2,370,707 -80% rugi
465,908 13% rendah
1,248,300 50% tinggi
305,821 12% rendah
-21,440 -1% rugi
409,825 18% rendah
894,967 39% tinggi
522,878 21% tinggi
113,612 5% rendah
-444,172 -20% rugi
79,372 2% rendah
-425,505 -15% rugi
146,018 7% rendah
790,624 37% tinggi
799,866 37% tinggi
-308,089 -15% rugi
492,302 15% rendah
1,381,959 17% rendah
329,858 10% rendah
1,019,067 38% tinggi
-16,062 -1% rugi
198,988 10% rendah
466,265 23% tinggi
-1,475,289 -72% rugi
889,315 43% tinggi
193,555 6% rendah
522,626 20% tinggi
835,846 32% tinggi
-1,159,109 -63% rugi
196,165 7% rendah
-40,724 -1% rugi
-1,968,588 -125% rugi
-1,794,999 -85% rugi
481,612 26% tinggi
130,261 7% rendah
731,100 35% tinggi
374,899 19% rendah
625,865 34% tinggi
-587,735 -32% rugi
-133,125 -7% rugi
890,695 34% tinggi
-168,964 -10% rugi
42,258 2% rendah
-1,938,433 -115% rugi
266,348 15% rendah
520,055 27% tinggi
596,990 32% tinggi
478,326 27% tinggi
729,408 44% tinggi
656,378 40% tinggi
711,451 40% tinggi
870,902 48% tinggi
-42,065 -3% rugi
679,151 40% tinggi
913,427 45% tinggi
161,591 10% rendah
235,633 14% rendah
-152,214 -8% rugi
368,180 22% tinggi
-768,461 -43% rugi
-233,633 -13% rugi
91,321 5% rendah
-1,378,078 -111% rugi
-750,522 -41% rugi
364,522 19% rendah
535,638 13% rendah
-1,042,639 -71% rugi
508,254 30% tinggi
-121,922 -10% rugi
-2,937,641 -289% rugi
676,932 45% tinggi
493,612 33% tinggi
-486,398 -30% rugi
409,304 27% tinggi
-136,589 -7% rugi
-643,797 -35% rugi
788,235 50% tinggi
-479,998 -32% rugi
394,344 26% tinggi
-1,346,869 -90% rugi
-848,906 -48% rugi
578,905 30% tinggi
138,595 7% rendah
-486,289 -38% rugi
434,129 30% tinggi
209,350 15% rendah
-2,368,273 -137% rugi
-171,873 -9% rugi
421,806 22% tinggi
-664,617 -33% rugi
362,805 26% tinggi
717,175 47% tinggi
-1,092,155 -82% rugi
-316,619 -24% rugi
417,978 28% tinggi
-900,365 -69% rugi
-34,629 -3% rugi
110,578 8% rendah
-882,844 -68% rugi
383,286 29% tinggi
-374,555 -29% rugi
-584,782 -45% rugi
107,325 8% rendah
541,315 41% tinggi
-524,292 -40% rugi
-209,712 -11% rugi
-19,106 -1% rugi
254,256 19% rendah
-95,600 -6% rugi
302,333 18% rendah
309,261 22% tinggi
385,112 29% tinggi
491,531 25% tinggi
-80,403 -6% rugi
391,765 36% tinggi
-336,906 -31% rugi
-363,942 -32% rugi
708 0% rendah
-264,885 -18% rugi
487,395 44% tinggi
133,745 12% rendah
291,419 22% tinggi
27,792 2% rendah
206,096 12% rendah
112,915 4% rendah
73,168 4% rendah
-661,044 -38% rugi
-110,248 -7% rugi
316,029 18% rendah
-547,922 -34% rugi
-828,200 -91% rugi
-887,500 -72% rugi
-372,313 -23% rugi
-955,168 -80% rugi
496,216 39% tinggi
633,934 38% tinggi
521,512 47% tinggi
477,023 32% tinggi
29,380 3% rendah
181,364 16% rendah
-1,497,208 -134% rugi
-1,034,028 -92% rugi
-1,873,135 -167% rugi
462,870 41% tinggi
427,248 38% tinggi
409,515 31% tinggi
38,398 3% rendah
217,676 16% rendah
504,606 45% tinggi
161,478 14% rendah
540,485 48% tinggi
119,862 11% rendah
200,156 18% rendah
241,539 21% tinggi
-693,999 -62% rugi
470,998 41% tinggi
455,430 41% tinggi
-416,329 -37% rugi
112,018 10% rendah
-357,070 -31% rugi
-63,610 -4% rugi
479,188 39% tinggi
143,980 15% rendah
185,173 11% rendah
-511,105 -55% rugi
-770,727 -83% rugi
5,295 0% rendah
-228,100 -21% rugi
-777,162 -83% rugi
-506,340 -60% rugi
369,782 19% rendah
-48,869 -5% rugi
197,519 21% tinggi
343,536 35% tinggi
142,603 6% rendah
259,332 17% rendah
-33,438 -4% rugi
-300,323 -28% rugi
-268,111 -42% rugi
-558,926 -60% rugi
156,538 17% rendah
95,348 10% rendah
-168,232 -18% rugi
151,472 16% rendah
154,497 17% rendah
260,414 28% tinggi
-2,578,799 -276% rugi
450,398 48% tinggi
329,724 35% tinggi
244,022 25% tinggi
50,811 5% rendah
23,092 3% rendah
67,342 5% rendah
309,785 33% tinggi
165,779 18% rendah
210,310 15% rendah
-36,185 -2% rugi
423,837 31% tinggi
435,856 33% tinggi
-238,856 -26% rugi
93,709 11% rendah
431,781 45% tinggi
439,588 47% tinggi
393,988 42% tinggi
-73,096 -8% rugi
40,477 3% rendah
383,886 41% tinggi
-144,039 -16% rugi
210,048 21% tinggi
-388,245 -28% rugi
-1,076,481 -96% rugi
-61,476 -8% rugi
282,705 38% tinggi
316,451 43% tinggi
-94,326 -13% rugi
-280,175 -32% rugi
-642,966 -86% rugi
329,495 44% tinggi
369,785 50% tinggi
67,115 5% rendah
528,800 50% tinggi
53,471 7% rendah
-1,415,885 -113% rugi
-101,309 -10% rugi
-2,466,800 -155% rugi
23,802 1% rendah
-363,372 -49% rugi
73,241 10% rendah
-10,926 -1% rugi
285,526 38% tinggi
126,861 10% rendah
-953,074 -129% rugi
125,836 24% tinggi
-1,141,032 -161% rugi
379,850 50% tinggi
-357,504 -49% rugi
-135,843 -14% rugi
-432,247 -36% rugi
55,514 6% rendah
183,602 25% tinggi
160,155 16% rendah
-269,255 -32% rugi
230,519 23% tinggi
87,184 6% rendah
146,134 12% rendah
-434,462 -36% rugi
167,459 14% rendah
-254,452 -42% rugi
115,037 10% rendah
293,536 33% tinggi
-2,334,645 -176% rugi
143,849 7% rendah
249,965 29% tinggi
252,031 26% tinggi
-1,560,325 -216% rugi
411,253 47% tinggi
-76,582 -9% rugi
-522,031 -70% rugi
-89,712 -12% rugi
305,350 41% tinggi
72,327 7% rendah
276,334 37% tinggi
-588,432 -54% rugi
-125,050 -17% rugi
329,758 44% tinggi
116,014 16% rendah
220,087 27% tinggi
-312,746 -36% rugi
-475,618 -64% rugi
207,854 28% tinggi
334,014 43% tinggi
253,570 34% tinggi
320,095 44% tinggi
285,896 39% tinggi
-109,279 -9% rugi
203,359 27% tinggi
272,275 28% tinggi
341,123 47% tinggi
119,788 12% rendah
-282,837 -38% rugi
49,432 7% rendah
110,800 8% rendah
-140,479 -19% rugi
421,854 45% tinggi
343,072 31% tinggi
329,262 36% tinggi
254,738 28% tinggi
264,511 35% tinggi
-91,465 -13% rugi
-475,072 -49% rugi
-262,406 -27% rugi
-253,134 -35% rugi
-529,781 -71% rugi
15,262 2% rendah
-745,809 -89% rugi
-295,670 -40% rugi
-2,157,778 -289% rugi
76,672 10% rendah
46,595 6% rendah
-104,000 -11% rugi
186,250 34% tinggi
259,746 28% tinggi
235,055 35% tinggi
-486,471 -47% rugi
-111,098 -20% rugi
396,101 50% tinggi
300,438 38% tinggi
60,851 10% rendah
256,121 41% tinggi
215,938 39% tinggi
241,975 31% tinggi
-1,085,192 -105% rugi
104,572 19% rendah
153,642 28% tinggi
125,818 22% tinggi
203,572 36% tinggi
204,672 37% tinggi
-168,082 -24% rugi
-367,742 -42% rugi
169,620 31% tinggi
204,417 37% tinggi
60,498 6% rendah
126,785 23% tinggi
294,406 49% tinggi
-1,458,428 -204% rugi
-74,851 -14% rugi
-537,825 -96% rugi
-155,115 -28% rugi
-22,176 -4% rugi
-99,052 -18% rugi
-28,345 -5% rugi
190,783 34% tinggi
47,495 5% rendah
164,033 16% rendah
266,537 29% tinggi
280,050 50% tinggi
161,112 24% tinggi
103,051 9% rendah
80,285 4% rendah
127,546 23% tinggi
-27,922 -4% rugi
109,939 8% rendah
178,153 20% rendah
255,531 32% tinggi
439,100 50% tinggi
436,800 50% tinggi
230,607 29% tinggi
-311,395 -42% rugi
286,035 40% tinggi
-175,388 -31% rugi
-628,792 -69% rugi
-1,401,462 -159% rugi
-1,027,054 -107% rugi
-745,467 -133% rugi
-285,925 -51% rugi
-212,668 -56% rugi
-494,334 -114% rugi
-30,208 -7% rugi
-892,032 -234% rugi
-441,662 -116% rugi
-169,537 -17% rugi
-273,586 -51% rugi
128,783 23% tinggi
30,818 6% rendah
222,300 40% tinggi
50,705 9% rendah
158,584 28% tinggi
184,588 33% tinggi
280,050 50% tinggi
251,371 45% tinggi
280,050 50% tinggi
233,436 41% tinggi
-91,199 -16% rugi
-803,938 -50% rugi
237,338 42% tinggi
200,471 36% tinggi
166,718 30% tinggi
17,652 3% rendah
280,050 50% tinggi
255,895 46% tinggi
141,086 25% tinggi
-97,525 -17% rugi
356,383 29% tinggi
229,360 41% tinggi
123,125 22% tinggi
129,738 21% tinggi
-742,515 -133% rugi
137,599 25% tinggi
268,598 47% tinggi
236,987 42% tinggi
243,852 39% tinggi
158,238 28% tinggi
280,050 50% tinggi
256,812 46% tinggi
321,378 43% tinggi
252,702 44% tinggi
131,349 21% tinggi
-50,523 -6% rugi
-41,264 -5% rugi
-88,363 -11% rugi
-148,826 -27% rugi
295,019 38% tinggi
-142,505 -25% rugi
98,418 18% rendah
112,855 20% tinggi
382,115 31% tinggi
142,385 25% tinggi
189,478 19% rendah
-34,171 -6% rugi
126,355 13% rendah
297,912 48% tinggi
-180,992 -32% rugi
348,302 48% tinggi
99,075 18% rendah
-562,541 -103% rugi
280,050 50% tinggi
-930,396 -166% rugi
130,903 23% tinggi
15,604 3% rendah
225,481 40% tinggi
222,377 40% tinggi
-66,963 -12% rugi
36,212 6% rendah
-488,452 -87% rugi
270,722 48% tinggi
-68,546 -12% rugi
240,535 44% tinggi
63,726 11% rendah
184,630 30% tinggi
-318,872 -57% rugi
89,232 16% rendah
-185,426 -33% rugi
-293,071 -54% rugi
43,200 7% rendah
256,588 46% tinggi
121,195 14% rendah
68,316 8% rendah
-82,148 -14% rugi
-23,042 -4% rugi
96,432 26% tinggi
-89,555 -14% rugi
186,700 50% tinggi
186,700 50% tinggi
166,396 23% tinggi
-346,042 -112% rugi
-556,538 -120% rugi
-95,898 -31% rugi
-174,468 -47% rugi
-30,678 -8% rugi
-771,999 -110% rugi
28,531 7% rendah
118,161 30% tinggi
132,782 36% tinggi
168,051 45% tinggi
109,250 22% tinggi
111,122 23% tinggi
26,251 4% rendah
113,550 23% tinggi
246,822 38% tinggi
111,445 21% tinggi
172,728 47% tinggi
106,130 28% tinggi
163,086 44% tinggi
-19,039 -5% rugi
186,700 50% tinggi
141,255 38% tinggi
-1,233,442 -182% rugi
-1,433,763 -250% rugi
-145,994 -39% rugi
507,458 42% tinggi
186,700 50% tinggi
174,112 47% tinggi
114,667 31% tinggi
10,218 3% rendah
106,381 21% tinggi
86,576 23% tinggi
119,265 23% tinggi
-1,044,545 -161% rugi
61,862 13% rendah
179,887 43% tinggi
142,808 39% tinggi
69,934 26% tinggi
-20,742 -4% rugi
-24,874 -9% rugi
123,395 34% tinggi
135,385 35% tinggi
134,025 36% tinggi
175,723 48% tinggi
114,600 30% tinggi
111,596 24% tinggi
186,700 50% tinggi
-304,872 -74% rugi
180,900 39% tinggi
-277,458 -74% rugi
216,695 41% tinggi
-480,223 -129% rugi
-337,815 -90% rugi
-72,834 -20% rugi
89,695 24% tinggi
162,389 43% tinggi
-35,805 -9% rugi
-47,776 -13% rugi
-363,584 -97% rugi
-74,998 -13% rugi
246,229 30% tinggi
176,330 45% tinggi
-43,033 -11% rugi
-283,981 -76% rugi
-1,463,085 -226% rugi
91,131 19% rendah
183,500 50% tinggi
161,485 43% tinggi
242,450 50% tinggi
104,828 28% tinggi
57,372 10% rendah
-445,235 -50% rugi
45,525 12% rendah
-51,800 -9% rugi
141,196 10% rendah
239,800 50% tinggi
291,200 50% tinggi
102,031 21% tinggi
183,800 50% tinggi
179,248 48% tinggi
231,900 50% tinggi
30,257 8% rendah
159,485 43% tinggi
-469,750 -70% rugi
-147,667 -40% rugi
-89,863 -24% rugi
186,700 50% tinggi
-174,509 -47% rugi
125,744 34% tinggi
76,337 30% tinggi
-20,955 -5% rugi
200,987 40% tinggi
145,437 39% tinggi
63,548 12% rendah
-376,106 -148% rugi
-1,398,282 -282% rugi
176,442 30% tinggi
-652,916 -257% rugi
-412,462 -124% rugi
-295,449 -80% rugi
-17,155 -7% rugi
-406,088 -160% rugi
-124,625 -37% rugi
-35,101 -10% rugi
8,126 1% rendah
-62,548 -19% rugi
-509,385 -201% rugi
-288,837 -47% rugi
-222,973 -58% rugi
-805,194 -199% rugi
-2,354 -1% rugi
-249,947 -68% rugi
144,282 39% tinggi
-4,246 -1% rugi
142,225 39% tinggi
187,770 48% tinggi
62,740 11% rendah
186,700 50% tinggi
139,021 37% tinggi
165,664 44% tinggi
111,900 30% tinggi
192,856 49% tinggi
106,109 26% tinggi
140,165 38% tinggi
-206,938 -55% rugi
149,742 40% tinggi
88,740 24% tinggi
147,414 39% tinggi
159,535 43% tinggi
167,373 45% tinggi
106,515 29% tinggi
56,112 15% rendah
135,656 36% tinggi
174,632 40% tinggi
136,110 36% tinggi
-48,009 -13% rugi
186,700 50% tinggi
78,508 21% tinggi
168,715 45% tinggi
186,700 50% tinggi
176,806 49% tinggi
99,231 25% tinggi
74,637 20% rendah
76,865 21% tinggi
173,032 29% tinggi
129,432 35% tinggi
54,595 15% rendah
64,171 17% rendah
-475,965 -127% rugi
168,716 46% tinggi
154,474 40% tinggi
151,500 41% tinggi
183,700 47% tinggi
186,700 50% tinggi
4,688 1% rendah
-12,672 -3% rugi
-44,806 -8% rugi
-312,033 -84% rugi
67,972 13% rendah
-6,681 -1% rugi
-590,108 -158% rugi
48,392 13% rendah
-456,519 -122% rugi
155,521 26% tinggi
-33,036 -9% rugi
164,466 28% tinggi
36,695 6% rendah
149,603 18% rendah
126,227 34% tinggi
139,125 17% rendah
105,549 28% tinggi
147,984 38% tinggi
197,420 48% tinggi
-2,654 -1% rugi
125,534 34% tinggi
58,605 16% rendah
-296,538 -50% rugi
162,252 43% tinggi
-45,640 -12% rugi
-79,790 -21% rugi
-291,078 -78% rugi
181,720 46% tinggi
183,500 50% tinggi
-10,252 -2% rugi
104,706 18% rendah
94,588 20% rendah
-43,832 -12% rugi
6,283 2% rendah
125,650 34% tinggi
186,700 50% tinggi
91,238 24% tinggi
-134,452 -36% rugi
-231,543 -63% rugi
156,391 34% tinggi
-309,875 -83% rugi
124,028 30% tinggi
-173,450 -46% rugi
-72,604 -19% rugi
-261,299 -70% rugi
-417,378 -112% rugi
-30,080 -8% rugi
-304,291 -81% rugi
161,277 43% tinggi
-227,982 -38% rugi
53,625 14% rendah
52,140 13% rendah
177,389 48% tinggi
148,995 32% tinggi
198,801 33% tinggi
105,892 18% rendah
-106,535 -27% rugi
-72,590 -39% rugi
53,110 28% tinggi
82,220 31% tinggi
71,025 39% tinggi
-248,378 -80% rugi
-228,826 -54% rugi
80,828 44% tinggi
67,307 37% tinggi
28,540 16% rendah
121,643 42% tinggi
88,145 30% tinggi
91,900 50% tinggi
121,503 42% tinggi
-67,029 -36% rugi
-155,600 -85% rugi
91,900 50% tinggi
-202,427 -59% rugi
93,350 50% tinggi
93,350 50% tinggi
56,675 30% tinggi
93,350 50% tinggi
-189,120 -101% rugi
93,350 50% tinggi
93,350 50% tinggi
93,350 50% tinggi
73,046 14% rendah
93,350 50% tinggi
93,350 50% tinggi
93,350 50% tinggi
-30,032 -16% rugi
93,350 50% tinggi
93,350 50% tinggi
93,350 50% tinggi
121,750 50% tinggi
152,657 45% tinggi
93,350 50% tinggi
93,350 50% tinggi
-174,468 -93% rugi
-137,252 -74% rugi
28,980 10% rendah
-341,288 -37% rugi
93,350 50% tinggi
93,350 50% tinggi
93,350 50% tinggi
52,755 28% tinggi
93,350 50% tinggi
93,350 50% tinggi
93,350 50% tinggi
161,570 47% tinggi
-575,782 -373% rugi
72,648 39% tinggi
28,925 15% rendah
93,350 50% tinggi
15,075 8% rendah
-381,218 -204% rugi
-375,820 -201% rugi
37,912 7% rendah
-257,205 -138% rugi
35,658 19% rendah
-41,679 -22% rugi
-256,650 -137% rugi
-60,692 -33% rugi
52,172 27% tinggi
77,379 40% tinggi
65,679 34% tinggi
-177,370 -91% rugi
61,352 31% tinggi
-37,978 -19% rugi
-37,978 -19% rugi
87,104 28% tinggi
48,716 25% tinggi
48,372 25% tinggi
41,417 21% tinggi
132,200 50% tinggi
97,850 50% tinggi
126,715 48% tinggi
-2,915 -1% rugi
115,607 44% tinggi
100,102 41% tinggi
83,872 34% tinggi
175,081 43% tinggi
101,064 42% tinggi
-166,468 -89% rugi
66,585 36% tinggi
131,800 50% tinggi
105,005 36% tinggi
-27,121 -10% rugi
93,350 50% tinggi
79,618 43% tinggi
80,828 44% tinggi
80,041 43% tinggi
93,350 50% tinggi
86,712 46% tinggi
-440,408 -240% rugi
59,648 32% tinggi
68,490 37% tinggi
71,852 39% tinggi
110,856 38% tinggi
-134,085 -72% rugi
60,548 32% tinggi
79,688 43% tinggi
87,544 48% tinggi
145,600 50% tinggi
-697,327 -225% rugi
-1,151,767 -371% rugi
-106,915 -34% rugi
72,046 27% tinggi
126,454 48% tinggi
116,100 44% tinggi
-473,188 -253% rugi
131,586 42% tinggi
-195,747 -105% rugi
63,164 34% tinggi
131,800 50% tinggi
-278,885 -48% rugi
-28,561 -16% rugi
91,900 50% tinggi
93,350 50% tinggi
-40,315 -21% rugi
8,369 4% rendah
91,365 31% tinggi
86,712 46% tinggi
-55,062 -18% rugi
103,950 50% tinggi
94,375 45% tinggi
65,285 36% tinggi
91,900 50% tinggi
64,231 26% tinggi
-245,599 -101% rugi
121,750 50% tinggi
-2,988 -2% rugi
-410,558 -169% rugi
117,350 48% tinggi
-26,359 -10% rugi
-75,827 -57% rugi
-90,058 -68% rugi
168,949 41% tinggi
83,450 45% tinggi
90,842 49% tinggi
170,150 50% tinggi
30,845 12% rendah
45,038 24% tinggi
18,373 14% rendah
231,253 43% tinggi
-253,574 -96% rugi
-576,558 -219% rugi
-39,418 -15% rugi
-639,841 -343% rugi
129,006 49% tinggi
-24,297 -13% rugi
-450,619 -132% rugi
91,900 50% tinggi
60,785 33% tinggi
53,002 17% rendah
79,078 42% tinggi
73,788 40% tinggi
93,350 50% tinggi
80,700 43% tinggi
83,505 45% tinggi
22,265 8% rendah
93,771 46% tinggi
-268,182 -144% rugi
-49,754 -27% rugi
90,150 50% tinggi
81,926 44% tinggi
-144,031 -77% rugi
53,200 28% tinggi
-134,920 -72% rugi
31,167 17% rendah
-32,116 -17% rugi
90,032 48% tinggi
-410,496 -220% rugi
-440,252 -236% rugi
93,350 50% tinggi
7,414 4% rendah
69,810 37% tinggi
62,000 33% tinggi
-404,424 -217% rugi
41,034 22% tinggi
-32,307 -17% rugi
117,682 29% tinggi
-3,450 -2% rugi
11,489 4% rendah
90,815 49% tinggi
50,505 27% tinggi
93,350 50% tinggi
40,865 22% tinggi
79,365 43% tinggi
-75,696 -19% rugi
-104,755 -15% rugi
-65,778 -35% rugi
39,978 21% tinggi
-6,750 -4% rugi
-189,155 -27% rugi
64,224 34% tinggi
71,477 38% tinggi
-347,677 -186% rugi
-363,234 -149% rugi
-148,056 -79% rugi
-134,675 -72% rugi
-335,595 -163% rugi
87,759 47% tinggi
-22,998 -8% rugi
103,658 25% tinggi
-331,265 -177% rugi
-17,525 -9% rugi
150,077 37% tinggi
58,163 14% rendah
-514,682 -164% rugi
56,170 30% tinggi
93,350 50% tinggi
31,046 17% rendah
-49,551 -27% rugi
140,915 35% tinggi
-137,215 -34% rugi
-123,125 -66% rugi
-241,040 -129% rugi
55,825 30% tinggi
172,102 42% tinggi
20,750 11% rendah
5,335 1% rendah
-57,003 -31% rugi
98,954 41% tinggi
90,150 50% tinggi
25,107 6% rendah
73,133 41% tinggi
-93,573 -50% rugi
93,350 50% tinggi
90,842 49% tinggi
93,350 50% tinggi
-92,804 -50% rugi
93,350 50% tinggi
-422,962 -333% rugi
-254,214 -200% rugi
-572,115 -450% rugi
-272,968 -94% rugi
145,600 50% tinggi
-109,516 -38% rugi
3,128 2% rendah
93,350 50% tinggi
-94,002 -50% rugi
-179,010 -96% rugi
89,566 48% tinggi
93,350 50% tinggi
81,850 40% tinggi
-636,381 -341% rugi
96,501 33% tinggi
-153,988 -61% rugi
9,685 4% rendah
160,924 30% tinggi
78,137 42% tinggi
-107,242 -86% rugi
-304,154 -245% rugi
53,686 10% rendah
39,285 21% tinggi
93,350 50% tinggi
93,350 50% tinggi
-42,918 -23% rugi
-123,108 -23% rugi
-41,265 -22% rugi
-41,265 -22% rugi
93,350 50% tinggi
52,925 28% tinggi
93,350 50% tinggi
68,426 13% rendah
-20,514 -11% rugi
-29,421 -3% rugi
80,245 44% tinggi
93,350 50% tinggi
93,350 50% tinggi
16,572 6% rendah
117,890 17% rendah
-435,665 -233% rugi
-117,217 -63% rugi
135,438 45% tinggi
17,562 6% rendah
-508,469 -408% rugi
4,599 2% rendah
138,509 17% rendah
80,729 49% tinggi
52,946 18% rendah
25,975 5% rendah
-124,452 -100% rugi
50,313 17% rendah
83,443 10% rendah
10,638 4% rendah
-405,983 -326% rugi
49,184 16% rendah
-271,396 -34% rugi
-67,876 -23% rugi
52,946 18% rendah
-28,585 -9% rugi
91,900 50% tinggi
-83,981 -28% rugi
91,900 50% tinggi
147,900 50% tinggi
91,900 50% tinggi
85,300 46% tinggi
91,900 50% tinggi
91,900 50% tinggi
280,358 35% tinggi
93,350 50% tinggi
93,350 50% tinggi
93,350 50% tinggi
93,350 50% tinggi
-123,108 -23% rugi
93,350 50% tinggi
93,350 50% tinggi
93,350 50% tinggi
69,089 37% tinggi
64,475 35% tinggi
8,475 5% rendah
93,350 50% tinggi
67,105 23% tinggi
65,307 36% tinggi
13,636 5% rendah
-71,319 -54% rugi
29,841 10% rendah
93,350 50% tinggi
93,350 50% tinggi
-459,136 -148% rugi
46,367 25% tinggi
-763,558 -246% rugi
-352,382 -114% rugi
-538,398 -288% rugi
42,422 23% tinggi
-2,389 -1% rugi
133,236 43% tinggi
-531,476 -157% rugi
93,350 50% tinggi
80,291 43% tinggi
93,350 50% tinggi
-104,630 -58% rugi
44,866 25% tinggi
63,400 31% tinggi
-379,189 -299% rugi
96,445 45% tinggi
-513,982 -166% rugi
-90,506 -49% rugi
-717,267 -231% rugi
77,655 42% tinggi
-72,638 -40% rugi
49,662 14% rendah
88,300 48% tinggi
-115,075 -91% rugi
-98,088 -32% rugi
-265,823 -143% rugi
-35,766 -19% rugi
-500 0% rugi
-94,680 -75% rugi
-132,992 -105% rugi
-94,254 -51% rugi
89,228 43% tinggi
221,250 50% tinggi
-231,213 -182% rugi
-137,528 -108% rugi
-132,864 -105% rugi
-141,395 -77% rugi
1,350 1% rendah
-387,851 -305% rugi
-216,354 -118% rugi
32,065 18% rendah
35,220 17% rendah
60,753 29% tinggi
83,223 40% tinggi
78,347 43% tinggi
-60,133 -33% rugi
-122,654 -97% rugi
-172,663 -94% rugi
-94,254 -51% rugi
71,637 40% tinggi
59,120 32% tinggi
59,885 33% tinggi
-235,196 -69% rugi
-421,100 -334% rugi
57,050 28% tinggi
-228,869 -181% rugi
86,400 47% tinggi
-536,948 -423% rugi
63,500 50% tinggi
-122,654 -97% rugi
74,740 41% tinggi
59,877 47% tinggi
-24,876 -12% rugi
-16,715 -8% rugi
71,919 18% rendah
-489,028 -385% rugi
32,315 25% tinggi
-35,174 -19% rugi
-367,374 -133% rugi
6,829 4% rendah
-458,702 -166% rugi
63,100 50% tinggi
-527,848 -190% rugi
40,134 22% tinggi
85,730 42% tinggi
93,171 45% tinggi
-737,785 -266% rugi
-364,642 -287% rugi
-153,944 -121% rugi
-167,404 -91% rugi
-1,147,015 -557% rugi
141,420 49% tinggi
-122,168 -66% rugi
-14,850 -5% rugi
132,215 45% tinggi
-161,136 -88% rugi
73,971 35% tinggi
62,998 34% tinggi
91,900 50% tinggi
85,113 46% tinggi
-102,934 -33% rugi
39,001 21% tinggi
64,971 36% tinggi
38,031 21% tinggi
83,686 46% tinggi
76,475 37% tinggi
145,600 50% tinggi
-770,518 -248% rugi
75,460 26% tinggi
65,445 36% tinggi
75,746 41% tinggi
-461,254 -251% rugi
93,350 50% tinggi
90,150 50% tinggi
126,100 50% tinggi
91,900 50% tinggi
81,659 44% tinggi
62,345 33% tinggi
-913,442 -294% rugi
-12,448 -7% rugi
-52,925 -28% rugi
-158,847 -85% rugi
89,073 48% tinggi
93,350 50% tinggi
93,350 50% tinggi
93,350 50% tinggi
93,350 50% tinggi
93,350 50% tinggi
93,350 50% tinggi
93,350 50% tinggi
93,350 50% tinggi
93,350 50% tinggi
93,350 50% tinggi
93,350 50% tinggi
71,905 40% tinggi
-6,193 -3% rugi
54,219 26% tinggi
93,350 50% tinggi
93,350 50% tinggi
93,350 50% tinggi
93,350 50% tinggi
43,698 21% tinggi
103,000 50% tinggi
103,000 50% tinggi
-8,987 -5% rugi
64,207 34% tinggi
-258,806 -139% rugi
-3,716 -2% rugi
-67,936 -36% rugi
4,495 2% rendah
-65,112 -35% rugi
80,738 43% tinggi
42,992 23% tinggi
24,851 13% rendah
-621,925 -333% rugi
75,542 40% tinggi
53,772 29% tinggi
75,827 41% tinggi
89,850 48% tinggi
70,030 38% tinggi
-113,065 -61% rugi
-13,240 -7% rugi
22,438 12% rendah
55,362 30% tinggi
52,755 28% tinggi
-1,700 -1% rugi
93,350 50% tinggi
93,350 50% tinggi
84,122 45% tinggi
5,675 3% rendah
87,175 47% tinggi
73,817 36% tinggi
73,765 40% tinggi
62,082 33% tinggi
93,350 50% tinggi
70,262 38% tinggi
93,350 50% tinggi
93,350 50% tinggi
-18,597 -10% rugi
44,691 24% tinggi
23,595 13% rendah
-37,962 -20% rugi
7,732 4% rendah
25,759 14% rendah
76,459 41% tinggi
86,712 46% tinggi
93,350 50% tinggi
99,506 48% tinggi
-39,947 -21% rugi
93,350 50% tinggi
44,737 24% tinggi
79,062 44% tinggi
77,610 43% tinggi
93,350 50% tinggi
93,350 50% tinggi
45,754 25% tinggi
-27,192 -15% rugi
-345,076 -185% rugi
-147,723 -79% rugi
53,410 29% tinggi
87,971 47% tinggi
74,382 40% tinggi
94,420 46% tinggi
93,350 50% tinggi
84,584 45% tinggi
20,585 11% rendah
74,732 36% tinggi
103,000 50% tinggi
82,980 40% tinggi
88,700 43% tinggi
93,350 50% tinggi
43,454 23% tinggi
-76,981 -41% rugi
-187,797 -101% rugi
85,481 46% tinggi
-73,548 -39% rugi
-124,094 -66% rugi
-124,094 -66% rugi
93,350 50% tinggi
84,645 45% tinggi
-21,512 -12% rugi
93,350 50% tinggi
73,852 36% tinggi
-124,094 -66% rugi
-75,555 -40% rugi
64,967 35% tinggi
52,755 28% tinggi
71,412 38% tinggi
-219,725 -118% rugi
-37,626 -20% rugi
103,000 50% tinggi
45,646 22% tinggi
93,350 50% tinggi
-590,506 -316% rugi
60,304 32% tinggi
-1,518 -1% rugi
-27,650 -15% rugi
-124,094 -66% rugi
-111,614 -27% rugi
18,448 10% rendah
86,651 46% tinggi
-39,145 -21% rugi
84,816 45% tinggi
-346,078 -185% rugi
62,842 34% tinggi
-156,414 -76% rugi
-655,975 -351% rugi
62,997 34% tinggi
111,357 27% tinggi
98,745 24% tinggi
-268,539 -144% rugi
-42,847 -23% rugi
93,350 50% tinggi
52,608 10% rendah
-1,029,052 -551% rugi
90,842 49% tinggi
20,909 11% rendah
86,712 46% tinggi
56,745 30% tinggi
93,350 50% tinggi
93,350 50% tinggi
88,700 43% tinggi
90,150 50% tinggi
76,080 41% tinggi
93,350 50% tinggi
-121,295 -65% rugi
93,350 50% tinggi
93,350 50% tinggi
93,350 50% tinggi
93,350 50% tinggi
-7,447 -4% rugi
65,679 8% rendah
-233,453 -33% rugi
50,273 17% rendah
-28,018 -15% rugi
90,996 49% tinggi
48,917 16% rendah
52,946 18% rendah
89,856 48% tinggi
93,350 50% tinggi
103,000 50% tinggi
93,350 50% tinggi
93,350 50% tinggi
70,250 38% tinggi
93,350 50% tinggi
48,184 26% tinggi
93,350 50% tinggi
93,350 50% tinggi
94,420 46% tinggi
18,351 10% rendah
6,194 3% rendah
69,073 37% tinggi
134,727 33% tinggi
-685,562 -367% rugi
93,350 50% tinggi
93,350 50% tinggi
-180,496 -97% rugi
77,323 41% tinggi
82,427 44% tinggi
-13,607 -7% rugi
-12,575 -7% rugi
57,215 31% tinggi
77,447 38% tinggi
27,880 5% rendah
56,965 28% tinggi
-17,332 -9% rugi
-125,639 -67% rugi
52,815 28% tinggi
-103,154 -37% rugi
-11,150 -6% rugi
-22,700 -12% rugi
62,586 30% tinggi
-92,804 -50% rugi
93,350 50% tinggi
89,390 48% tinggi
-27,539 -15% rugi
-54,798 -29% rugi
143,823 35% tinggi
93,350 50% tinggi
-111,250 -60% rugi
93,350 50% tinggi
44,041 21% tinggi
93,350 50% tinggi
88,950 48% tinggi
103,000 50% tinggi
-10,901 -2% rugi
50,675 17% rendah
49,701 17% rendah
-16,144 -9% rugi
52,946 18% rendah
52,946 18% rendah
81,176 43% tinggi
93,350 50% tinggi
73,594 39% tinggi
23,280 12% rendah
-144,340,842 -2.5% rugi

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