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Image sub-setting

Open pan_rectified.image in viewer

The ‘Geometric Rectangle button’ is selected from the ‘Drawing menu’ and ‘area
of interest’ is selected

Then, select ‘create sub-set image’ in the ‘sub-set and chip’ menu in ‘Raster’ tab.
In the appeared dialogue box, fill all the required data, choose viewer in the ‘AOI’
and click on OK.
Add the last saved image in the viewer. You can see the image inside that
rectangle box. With the whole data, the processing and computation time will be
longer. So, this can be important in working on small area and if the study area is
smaller than the image.

When the process is complete 100% the click on close buttion.

Stitching of images:
Select the mosaic pro in the mosaic tool under the Raster tab.
Click on add images, select the required number of images and in the ‘image area
options’, select ‘compute active area’.
In the new pop up screen, click on column visible button and the screen should
look like this.
In the seam-line generation options, select geometry-based seamline and in color
corrections options, choose ‘use histogram matching’

Figure 3 Adding figures for mosaicing

On set overlap function, choose smoothing and feathering options with required
values that you want.
In the process menu, select run mosaic and the output will look like this.

In the process menu, select run mosaic and the output will look like this.
Resolution Merging:
It is a method of combining two images of exact same location with each having
different spectral and spatial resolution, and then merging the good character of
For example,
Pan image- 1m, 1 band
Multi-spectral- 10m, 16 bands
Multi-spectral- 1m, 16 bands
The use of res. Merged image is limitless. It is the same area but with better
resolution and we all know the use of high res. image. With higher res, most of
the work can be performed more effectively.
The process of res. merging is listed below:

 Open both images (pan and multi-spectral) in the viewer.

 Select res. merge from the pan sharpen tool in the Raster tab.
 In the appeared dialogue box, select the respective images and provide an
 Select the re-sampling technique as cubic convolution or any other based
on your requirement and select the respective layers.
 Now, open 3 separate viewers and load each of them individually in each
view, link them with link views and compare them.
 You can see a clear difference right in.

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