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How Exercise Helps Your High Cholesterol Levels

Exercise has a number of benefits for your entire body, especially your heart. If you have high
cholesterol, one good way to manage it is through a comprehensive, consistent exercise program
that will help you lose weight and lower your cholesterol level.

High Cholesterol, known as hypercholesterolemia, is a major risk factor for cardiovascular

disease. In the United States, more than 105 million people (that’s almost 50% of adults over age
20) suffer from elevated cholesterol.

Individuals who are sedentary, overweight or obese, consume a diet high in saturated fat, have a
family history of high cholesterol and/or are middle-aged or older are at particularly high risk of
hypercholesterolemia and subsequent cardiovascular complications.

Research has shown a positive relationship between exercise and cholesterol – in fact, there are
many exercises to lower cholesterol levels.

Whether you are trying to prevent high cholesterol, or have already been diagnosed with it,
exercise can be an important weapon in the fight against high cholesterol and heart disease.
According to recent studies, regular exercise has the ability to lower LDL levels (also known as
“bad” cholesterol) and raise HDL cholesterol (also known as “good” cholesterol).

How low can your cholesterol levels go if you regularly exercise? Current studies suggest that
LDL cholesterol can be lowered by 5 to 10%, whereas HDL cholesterol can be raised by between
3 and 6% with regular exercise.

While most of these studies involved aerobic exercises, such as swimming, running, and jogging,
there are a handful of studies that have also looked at the healthy benefits of other forms of
exercise, such as yoga and walking, in lowering cholesterol, too. Regardless of which type you
select, exercise can be an important part of your cholesterol-lowering regimen.

Current guidelines suggest that you get at least 30 minutes of exercise a day for most days of the
week. If you haven’t exercised in a while, it is important to start out gradually so that you don’t
injure yourself or get burned out. For some people, just finding the time to exercise can be an
issue. If this sounds like you, the 30-minute interval can be divided up. Additionally, there are
shortcuts you can fit into the day that force you to get some exercise.

In any case, exercise has many benefits – besides lowering your cholesterol. Exercise can also
strengthen your heart, bones, and other muscles of the body, in addition to helping you to lose
High Cholesterol Prevention Methods – Simple and Easy Ways

Eating a diet low in saturated fat, trans fat, and cholesterol, getting plenty of exercise, managing your
weight, and not smoking can help prevent high cholesterol.

Because cholesterol levels tend to increase with age, paying attention to diet and exercise is particularly
important as you get older.

If you have high cholesterol, your doctor may prescribe one of the following drugs to lower LDL
cholesterol levels.

Your physician or dietician will also probably suggest that you change your diet to one low in fat,
maintain a healthy weight, get on a regular exercise program, and stop smoking.

High Blood Cholesterol Prevention

Adoption of a healthier lifestyle, including aerobic exercise and a low-fat diet should reduce the
prevalence of obesity, high cholesterol, and, ultimately, the risk of coronary heart disease.

* Knowing your cholesterol number is the first step in controlling your levels.
* Set dietary goals based on the guidelines from the National Cholesterol Education Program.Strive for
daily intake of less than 7% of your calories from saturated fat and less than 200 mg of cholesterol from
the food you eat.
* You may eat up to 30% of your calories from total fat, but most should be from unsaturated fat,
which doesn’t raise cholesterol levels.
* Add more soluble fiber (found in cereal grains, beans, peas, and many fruits and vegetables) and
foods that contain plant stanols and sterols (included in certain margarines and salad dressings) to boost
your LDL-lowering power. The best way to know what’s in the foods you eat is to read the nutrition label.
* Lower cholesterol levels start at the grocery store. Read food labels, and buy foods low in saturated
fat and low in cholesterol.
* Work with your health care practitioner to determine whether medication is needed to control high

What Causes and Risk Factors Involved in High Blood Cholesterol Levels

The tendency to build up high cholesterol may run in families, but excessively high levels are
usually the result of a poor diet high in saturated fats and calories, combined with little or no

In some cases, an elevated cholesterol level may be associated with an undiagnosed medical
condition, such as hypothyroidism (low thyroid function) or diabetes.

Causes and Risk Factors Involves in High Blood Cholesterol

Variety of factors including heredity, diet, and lifestyle can lead to high cholesterol level in the
body. Heredity, age and sex related causes of high cholesterol can not be controlled but you can
control your eating habits and physical activities.

Mental Stress

Several studies have suggested that stress increases blood cholesterol levels over the long term.
One way that stress may do this is by affecting your habits. Such as, when some people are under
stress, they comfort themselves by eating fatty foods and the saturated fat and cholesterol in
these foods contribute to higher levels of blood cholesterol.


LDL (bad) cholesterol level may be modestly increased by excess body weight. Weight loss may
lower LDL cholesterol and increase HDL (good) cholesterol levels.

Alcohol Use

Drinking of alcohol in moderate (1-2 drinks daily) increases HDL (good) cholesterol but does
not lower LDL (bad) cholesterol. Also, it is not confirmed that alcohol reduces the risk of heart
disease. Too much alcohol intake can damage the liver and heart muscle, lead to high blood
pressure, and increase triglyceride levels. Due to such risks, alcoholic beverages should not be
used as a way to prevent heart disease.

Age and Sex

Generally, women have lower total cholesterol levels before menopause than men of the same
age. On aging blood cholesterol levels rise until about 60-65 years of age in both women and
men. After about age 50 years, women often have higher total cholesterol levels than men of the
same age.


Familial hypercholesterolemia is a hereditary form of high cholesterol that may lead to early
heart disease. Genes may manipulate how the body metabolizes LDL (bad) cholesterol.

Physical Activity / Exercise

Regular physical activity may lower triglycerides in the body and increase HDL cholesterol

Ways to Prevent Heat Stroke: Tips To Cool Down

Hot summer days are unavoidable. Hazardously high temperatures can produces heat-related illnesses
ranging from heat cramps to heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Sometimes, people would feel very weak
and sick because of exposure to too much heat. During the dry season, it gets to be very humid and
unbearably hot. During the hot summer, cases of dehydration and heat strokes are also on the rise.
When temperatures reach record highs, keeping cool will help in the prevention of heat related sickness.
Here are some tips for keeping cool and prevent heat stroke.

As the most serious heat disorder, heat stroke can even result to death. A heatstroke takes place when
the body reaches a temperature above 106 degrees Fahrenheit or 41 degrees Celsius. At this high
temperature, cooling mechanism of body starts to fail and followed by neurological dysfunction. Also, it
is followed by failure of the circulatory system and if not treated even result to death. Nausea and
vomiting, fatigue, headaches, decreased sweat, decreased urination and confusion are the warning signs
of heat stroke. Heart rate could be a rapid of 100 to 160 bpm (beats per minute). Also, loss of
consciousness, shortness of breath, and possible blood in urine take place.

Cool Down Tips:

Drink lots of water. Dehydration is one of the most common symptoms during hot season. Drinking
plenty of water in addition to the other fluids like sports drinks or other sources of electrolytes combat
dehydration. Under normal conditions, 8 glasses of water are recommended daily to drink. However, on
summertime, the number needs to go up to 10, at the very least. Heat depleting bodily fluid levels and
also suck the sodium from the body. So, it is recommended that you add a little more salt to your food.

Wear cotton clothes. Wear light clothing and stay away from dark colors as much possible. Clothing
makes a big difference. More heat absorbed by dark color so avoid wearing dark clothes. It is
recommended that you try your best to stick with 100 percent cotton clothing, as it breathes and allows
your body heat escape.

Avoid strenuous activity. If it is possible to avoid, then avoid strenuous activity. Also, you can move it
indoors or else be sure that you have recurrent breaks in a cool place and drink plenty of fluids.

Avoid sitting in a car. In the summer, cars can reach temperatures of 160 degrees Fahrenheit. Avoid to
left children in the car or If you have left the car sitting out for a while in the warm weather, open the
doors and let it cool down a bit before climbing in, if possible.

Take cool baths several times during the day. If it is not possible to take cool bath, spray on some
hydrating spray containing lemon grass and witchazel.

Avoid drinking alcoholic drinks. Drinks that contain alcohol and caffeine decrease the necessary water
and mineral content of the body and produce a diuretic effect. Minerals like sodium, chloride and
potassium are necessary to control body temperature but these are lost due to excessive sweating in
summer. Also, alcohol makes you feel hot, plus they have diuretic properties that may worsen cases of
dehydration. To keep the right mineral balance of the body, eat bananas and sports drinks.

Stay indoors between 8am and 4pm. Nevertheless, when you need to stay out in the sun for whatever
reason, be sure to wear a wide-brimmed hat, a pair of wide sunglasses, and of course, sunblock SPF 30
or higher.

Remain in air conditioned atmosphere as long as possible. Whenever you feel hot, run cool water over
your body. As most of the veins are located on the wrists, sink both of your wrists in a container filled
with ice cold water When they come in contact of cold water they decrease the body temperature as
much as 3 degrees and decrease the chance of heat stroke.

Eat fruits that are high in water content. Fruits which are high in water content also help to hydrate the
body. Fruits like watermelon, pineapple, and cucumber, and melon are highly recommended.
Prevention Tips for Heat Stroke:

* Drink more liquids, in spite of your activity level. Don’t stay until you are thirsty to drink. Consult
doctor on how much you should drink in hot weather if your doctor limits your fluid intake or you are on
a diuretic medication.
* Avoid consuming liquids that contain caffeine, alcohol, or large amounts of sugar because these will
cause you to lose more body fluid.
* Stay indoors, if possible in an air-conditioned place.
* Take a cool shower or bath whenever you feel hot.
* Avoid very cold drinks as these could produce stomach cramps.

Effective Eating Habits for Maximum Weight Loss

Eating habits is one of the key areas that need improvement for maximum weight loss. The reason why
eating habits is difficult to change is primarily because it is already a habit. Habits are difficult to change
since they are inculcated into the character system. However, if you want to maximize your weight loss
results then bear with the need to change.

The goal of this article is to give the best guidelines on healthy eating habits. This does not only help lose
weight fast but it also helps to keep you younger longer and give your more vitality in life.

Here are a handful of effective strategies to maximize weight loss and fat loss results:

Take more protein. Protein protects your muscles from breakdown especially when your body calories
are down. It also stimulates the production of glucagon secretion which will aid in freeing stored energy
for the body.

Eat 5-6 small meals a day. Break the 3 big meals habit into 5-6 small meals a day. More frequent feedings
will give your body a constant source of nutrients to metabolize. This helps prevent catabolism or muscle
breakdown whenever you are deficient of calories. It also helps you control your hunger and cravings
because you are constantly taking in food.

Go with the greens. Green leafy vegetables are great friends when it comes to weight loss. They are full
of fibers that keeps you feel full. They also counteract the acidic effect of proteins; thus, it balances your
body’s acid levels to keep you performing at your best condition. Greens can also detoxify and cleanse
your liver.

Eat starches when needed. Save starches especially after workouts. Your muscles need a source of
energy for repair. Never lose the needed carbohydrates especially during workouts or you will starve
your muscles, thus, impedes muscle growth. Good sources come from fruits, green vegetables, beans,
brown rice, quinoa, and so on.

Eat nutrition dense foods. Eat foods that are dense in nutrients and avoid those foods that are high in
calories. For instance, prefer wheat bread over white bread. Other foods that are nutrient dense are
cabbage, lettuces, kale, broccoli, and spinach.
Drink enough water. Never dehydrate your cells. You need water to transport the different needed
nutrients to the other parts of the body. Lack of water may also result to acid accumulation in the body
or on the muscle areas.

You need fats. Stay away from unhealthy fats like trans fats, reduce your saturated fat intakes, and take
more monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats coming from these good sources like olive oil, fish oil,
flax seed oil, and nuts. Always check the food labels for fats.

Never overeat or eat unplanned. Always plan your meals in a week including the foods you need to eat
during snacks or break times. Never eat foods that are never found in your plan.

Stay away from nutritional vices. Clear your fridge from those chips, sodas, ice creams, and other high
dense sugars. However, provide a cheat day where you can eat small amounts of them. This still holds
your body in nutritional balance but it also cuts your food cravings.

Read food labels. Before you bring them at home, be sure that they are healthy to eat in the first place.
Educate yourself of the nutrients you get from the food compared to the nutrients you need to get daily.

Lastly, integrate all of these strategies into your workout plan. These strategies will never be effective if
you are not doing some workouts. Whether you want to reduce cellulite, lose weight and fats, or feel
healthy, you still need to exercise rather than putting them all to your eating habits.

7 Foods That Help Weight Loss

Many people find themselves to be getting unfit and packing on undesirable pounds that look awful.
Unfortunately many people do not really know how to lose weight through proper diet and therefore
often times make food choices that are very bad for themselves, and don’t bring them an inch closer to
their personal goal line. Over the course of this article, I will describe 7 foods to you that are not only
healthy but will also aid you in losing weight.

The first food that I want to introduce to you is oats. Oats are considered a carbohydrate source, but
before you freak out and start the “low-carb” discussion you need to know that oats are a whole grain
products that will make you feel full and also help you to get rid of bad cholesterol. They also contain
healthy fiber and are therefore a great choice for anyone looking to cut weight.

Next up on the list are eggs. Eggs are a great source of protein without the bad fats associated with
animal proteins. In addition to this, there are studies that show that if you replace your daily morning
toast with an egg or two, you will lose twice as much weight as if you would just cut carbohydrates in
your breakfast.

Number three on the list is skim milk. Skim milk can help you to trigger weight loss and maintain lean
muscle mass due to the high amount of vitamins and minerals contained in skim milk. This will help you
to lose weight and get leaner and fitter.

Apples are a great choice for anyone looking to lose weight. They will not only make you feel full and
thus eat less throughout the day, they will also help reduce cholesterol, prevent diabetes and due to a
nutrient called pectin will cut the amount of fat your cells can absorb. If that doesn’t sound like a smart
choice to you, then I don’t what does.

Another great food choice is red meat. Red meat will help you to build more muscle mass due to its high
protein content. If you are in this to lose weight, go buy some red meat!

Cinnamon is a very common spice that is used for a variety of dishes. A nice side-effect of cinnamon is
that it helps your body to metabolize sugar. This will help to cut blood sugar levels and thus rid your body
of excess sugar. Cinnamon is a great addition to many beverages and thus easy to incorporate in your
daily routine.

Almonds and almond butter are also great choices. Almonds are very calorie dense and will thus give you
clean energy without sugar. Almond butter will allow you to enjoy a toast for example while preventing
the carbs from the toast to peak your blood sugar levels.

As you can see there are many great food choices which you can implement immediately. Hopefully this
list of 7 foods that help weight loss will help guide you into the right direction to finally lose the
unwanted pounds you may be carrying around.

Tips For Face and Skin - New

1) Drink at least 8 glasses of water every day.

2) Cut some beet root into small pieces and grind them. Squeeze juice from beet root and massage to
your face for 5 minutes. Shower after 10 minutes with mild soap or gram flour.

3) Mix sandalwood powder with rose water and add 4 to 5 drops of milk in it and apply on to your face
and body. Shower after 15 minutes with warm water.

4) Mix honey in water and drink daily in the morning to keep your skin shiny and smooth.

5) Warm honey and mix with lemon juice and apply on to face. Wash after it dry.

6) Mix Turmeric, sandal powder and olive oil and apply to body. Shower after 10 minutes.

7) Massage your skin with milk. Milk has moisturizer, it will keep your skin smooth.
Use humidifiers and keep room temperature moderate to keep your skin away from dryness.

9) Hot water blushes your skin and you don't feel fresh unless you have bath with little cold water. If you
have shower for a longtime, dead skin will be automatically be removed. Do not rub with towel, be
gentle on your skin.

10) Take food which contains more A and C vitamin.

11) Grate carrot and boil. Massage that mixture to body to get fair and smooth skin.

12) For natural bleaching: - mix milk and lemon juice. The milk will break as soon as you mix the lemon
juice in it. Use that mixture to massage on your body. It works as natural bleaching.
13) Mix turmeric and cream on the top of milk, massage that mixture to body.

14) If you go into sun your skin will lost the fair ness. To get your skin color to normal take equal
quantities of cucumber juice and tomato juice and apply on to skin. Shower after 10 minutes.

15) Massage mustard oil to your skin for 5 minutes and have shower with gram flour or mild soap.

16) Mix cream on the top of milk and all-purpose flour and apply that paste on to your skin avoid eyes,
eyebrows and lips. Shower after 5 minutes. This will make skin smooth.

17) Mix curds (yogurt) with wheat flour and apply to your skin and take shower after 5 minutes. r ead
more tips on

1 Grind rose petals and mix with cream on the top of milk and apply to your body. Shower after 10

19) Scaly skin is a result of fluorine deficiency. Fluorine is the anti-resistant element of the human body,
the absence of which creates problems in the blood and spleen. Since cooking and heating foods
destroys fluorine, it is better to eat uncooked raw fruits and vegetables. Other foods rich in fluorine are
goat milk and cheese, rye flour, avocados, sea plants and cabbage, cream whey and cottage cheese.

20) Wrinkle skin is a result of Sodium deficiency and makes skin sticky. Cucumbers are ideal for
combating and preventing sodium deficiency because they are not only high in sodium, but also help in
keeping the body cool, a great summer's treat.

21) Skin rashes are the result of silicon deficiency. To avoid pus and rashes, eat plenty of sprouts, alfalfa,
barley, tomatoes, spinach, strawberies and figs.

22) Skin eruptions are the result of Chlorophyll. And are found in wheat grass and other green leafy

Make sure your blood pressure is under 140/90 mm Hg

If your systolic pressure is over 140, ask your doctor what you can do to lower it.
If you have diabetes it is even more important to maintain your blood pressure at an acceptable level,
which reduces long-term complications associated with this disease process. You should be receiving
regular monitoring and advice from you GP/diabetic practitioner.

Aim for a healthy weight

Ideally try not to gain extra weight in the first place, if you have then try to lose the weight slowly, at
about half to one pound a week until you reach a healthy target. This can be easier to achieve if you
include exercise as well to burn off those unwanted calories and tone your body as you lose the weight.

If you are overweight or obese, carrying this extra weight increases your risk of high blood pressure
because the heart has to work very hard to keep blood circulating efficiently.
Exercise - be active every day!

Even the simplest exercise will help; you can walk, dance, use the stairs, play sports, or do any activity
you enjoy. For instance: get off the bus one or two stops early; park your car at the other end of the car
park and walk; walk or cycle to the corner shop.

Being physically active is one of the most important steps you can take to prevent or control high blood
pressure and will help you keep your weight down. It will also help to reduce your risk of heart disease
and enhances overall wellbeing. All you need to do is 30 minutes of moderate level activity preferably
every day of the week - you can even divide the 30 minutes into shorter 10 minute periods if you are not
used to regular exercise.

Exercise does not have to be strenuous; you should start slowly and build up the amount of exercise that
you do.

It is not advisable, however, to lift heavy weights or to take on certain strenuous activities if exercise has
not been gradually and appropriately introduced. If you are worried that your health could be adversely
affected by exercise, i.e. you have a heart complaint; make sure that you are reviewed by your GP.

Look at what you are eating. Does it contain a lot of sodium?

It is suggested that no more than 2.4 grams of sodium should be consumed per day. Read the labels and
be aware of hidden sodium, which is known to increase blood pressure. Try not to add salt to your

Eat more fruit and vegetables

Eating more fiber should help to stop you feeling hungry and less likely to pick at sweets, chocolate and
crisps etc.

Stop/reduce smoking - smoking causes the blood to thicken

Not only does this make you more at risk of developing a dangerous blood clot but it makes the heart
work harder in order to 'push' the blood around the system to provide oxygen and other important

Reduce your stress levels

Take time out for yourself each day to do something you like to do without feeling guilty. If there are any
problems worrying you try talking them over with a friend, or someone you trust, this is often all that is
needed to make you feel better. Also remember if you wear a smile, it will rub off on others. Try it and

Watch your alcohol intake

Keep the amount of units you consume to a minimum, as your body works hard to flush it out of your
system and this will have an effect on your blood pressure (plus it will increase your weight).
It is recommended that men limit themselves to no more than one or two drinks per day and women
should have no more than one drink per day.

Take medication correctly

If you have been prescribed medication from your GP to control your blood pressure, make sure that you
take the medication correctly and visit your GP regularly for your blood pressure to be monitored

Factors that contribute to stress

There are a number of factors that contribute to stress... Mental, Physical, Emotional (and perhaps

As mentioned above, exercise can increase endorphins and 'burn up' or convert chemicals and hormones
that are part of the chemical cascade of Stress. These 'Stress Chemicals' are designed to increase our
ability to survive, primarily through movement (think: run, fight).

Our current lifestyle generally does not often include much physical exertion but it does includes a lot of
stimulation that triggers the Stress Response. Therefore we are building up the 'I need to Move to
Survive Hormones and Chemicals' but not moving much to utilize them properly.

Movement does more than 'burn up' stress hormones... When we walk we stimulate a 'cross crawl'
patterning in our brain which tends to balance the electrical activity which helps change our perception
and therefore help us feel better. It is possible with brain wave training to 'unstress' in a few minutes. An
accomplished meditator can do this.

When we are stressed our attention is on problems (past, future) and therefore feel the emotions and
feelings of worry, fear, anxiety, grief, anger and frustration.

When we exercise there is a good possibility that our attention is on the present moment which allows
feelings like joy, appreciation, happiness and being 'connected to something greater than ourselves' to
be present. This in itself changes the chemicals that our bodies make which then affects how we feel.

In Chinese Medicine there is a lot of understanding and practice of balancing the 'Chi' or energy in the
body. When we move we change the blood flow and the 'Chi' flow which directly affects how we feel. An
acupuncture treatment can often quickly affect how you feel without the movement of exercise.

Part of the stress response is a contraction of various muscles... unconscious and instinctive. When you
exercise often it will disrupt the unconscious contractions you are doing and then you will feel more
relaxed, unburdened and more free.

On another level, it is possible to measure various kinds of electrical activity of the body (like brain,
heart, muscles) using various BioFeedback techniques. Exercise changes these electrical patterns, usually
for the better!
5 foods you MUST AVOID to reduce stress

Food plays a direct role in how we feel. In fact no other thing has so much pronounced affect on how we
feel than food. Here are 5 foods that can we must avoid to reduce stress and feel better:


Alcohol makes you unconscious, giving you a temporary high and making you forget about the stressful
situation. What it actually does is make you more irritable and stressful, which is experienced after the
initial high is gone.


Caffeine just like alcohol gives you a temporary high by releasing adrenaline hormones, which is what
our body does when stressed. So by consuming caffeine you are actually stressing the body even more,
until it's completely exhausted from inside. Sources rich in caffeine are chocolates, coffee, tea and colas.


Sugar is nothing but calories. It gives instant energy putting lot of load on the adrenal glands. Our body
has to use it's resources (vitamins and minerals) to process it.


Salt increases blood pressure and exhausts the adrenal glands.


Fats put lot of stress on the digestive system. Moreover, saturated fats increases cholesterol, thereby
increasing risk of stroke.

Daily Skin Care Tips

daily skin care starts with cleansing your skinEvery woman wants to look beautiful, healthy and youthful.
A daily and consistent skin care and hair care regimen will help every woman do just that. A woman’s
self-esteem is often wrapped up in how young or healthy she perceives her skin and hair to look every
day. Here are a few simple things you can do to ensure you’ll look your very best now and for years down
the road.

1. Cleansing your skin is really the foundation of a healthy skin care routine. Surprisingly, most people go
overboard in this area. Whether you have oily, normal or combination skin, it is important to clean your
facial skin without stripping it of naturally occurring oils that are important for younger looking skin.

2. Wash at night to remove makeup and debris with a cleanser for your skin type. Cleanse by using a
dime-size amount of cleanser and rinsing your skin with lukewarm water. Pat dry. In the morning, simply
splash a bit of lukewarm water on your face to remove any excess oils from the night’s moisturizer.
Remember: never use hot or cold water to wash your face, as either one can cause broken capillaries
and make your skin appear blotchy.

3. Exfoliation is often overlooked when it comes to skin care, but it is an essential step to keep you
looking young. Microdermabrasion, retinoids, and chemical peels are all great methods by which to
exfoliate your skin by removing the dead skin cells on the surface of the skin. Each is also available for in-
home use if you are unable to afford treatments at a spa, so try one of these at home and you’ll notice
that your skin is not only clean, but also glowing. Beauty experts do not recommend toners, but others
say they are the key to their facial skin routine. Stick with what makes your skin look the best for you.

Moisturizing your skin is a wonderful way to remain looking young and have soft skin as well. Even if you
have oily facial skin, be sure to use a moisturizer, even if it’s only a little each time. Make sure to apply a
moisturizer all over after you’re out of the bath or shower.
5. Apply your makeup with clean sponges each time.

6. Give yourself a facial at home once a week or so. There are several facial "recipes" out there.
7. Puffy eyes in the morning can be tamed by placing slices of potatoes or cucumbers over them for a
few minutes. For some reason, the puffiness is eased.

8. Bathe only once a day to minimize the possibility of depleting your skin’s moisture. Use lukewarm
water (instead of extremely hot or cold water), a soap less cleanser, and limit your bathing or showering
times to under 15 minutes to keep your skin from drying out.
9. Sunscreen is a must and probably the most important step when it comes to protecting our skin from
harmful environmental factors. Make certain to use a sunscreen or moisturizer containing at least 15 SPF
and apply it daily to every area that is exposed to the sun.

10. Hair care is essential for good health as well. If your hair appears healthy, you look younger. Shampoo
your scalp at least two or three times a day in order to avoid developing dandruff.
11. When you shampoo your scalp and hair, use your fingertips to scrub your scalp thoroughly to loosen
up dirt, oils, and debris. Rinse your hair with cool water and you’ll notice it has more body as opposed to
rinsing with hot water.
12. Before going to bed each night, be sure to brush your hair to remove tangles and redistribute natural
oils in the hair.
13. If possible, allow your hair to air dry rather than subjecting it to blow-drying which can rob your locks
of essential moisture.
14. Use a wide-toothed comb to comb out hair when it is wet to avoid breakage.
15. Regular trims will prevent split ends and give you a new, polished look.
16. Believe it or not, proper nutrition and ample amounts of rest contribute to healthy skin and hair, so
make sure to get the proper amounts of vitamins, minerals and nutrients in your food or via
17. Go to bed at the same time each night and get up the same time each morning.
Eating Soy Protein, Nuts to Control or Improvements in Cholesterol levels

Cholesterol is a soft fatty substance. Cholesterol does not dissolve well in water. This weak ability of
cholesterol to dissolve in water is a major factor in the development of atherosclerosis.

The body gets cholesterol from the food but it is also produced by our body. Cholesterol is mainly
produced in the liver, but also in the adrenal glands and reproductive organs. Cholesterol is a necessary
component of your body cells and is a building material for hormones such as estrogen and testosterone.

Soy protein can be a meal, a side dish, a snack, or a drink. Made from the soybean, it’s a staple of Asian
diets. Yet it’s largely been the butt of jokes about hippies and vegans — until recently. Today, the buzz
about soy is serious. Can it lower cholesterol naturally? Some studies say yes. But, unfortunately,
research shows mixed results. We may not know the answer for years.

How Might Soy Protein Help?

A number of studies over the past decade seemed to show soy protein could lower “bad” LDL
cholesterol and triglycerides without lowering “good” HDL cholesterol. Researchers aren’t exactly sure
how soy protein might help. It could be a combination of the effect of the protein and natural chemicals
in soy called isoflavones. But in January 2006, the American Heart Association announced some
surprising news. A review of 22 clinical studies concluded that eating soy-based foods has only minimal
impact on cholesterol and other heart-disease risk factors.

Until further research clears up the controversy, should you dump soy from your diet? Not at all, says
Tufts University nutrition researcher Alice Lichtenstein, DSc, who helped write the AHA statement. “Soy
is a great food. It is low in saturated fat and it is a good-quality protein,” she says — even if its heart
benefits are less than expected.

Conflicting Evidence on Soy

There have been many studies of the effects of soy on cholesterol. One major article published in
TheNew England Journal of Medicine found that replacing animal protein with soy protein could lower
levels of total cholesterol, bad LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides. At the same time, it didn’t significantly
lower levels of “good” HDL cholesterol.

Some studies have shown that soy protein, when eaten along with other cholesterol-lowering foods, can
have a big effect. In a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2005, researchers
tested cholesterol-lowering drugs against cholesterol-lowering foods in a group of 34 adults with high
cholesterol. People ate 50 grams of soy protein daily along with other cholesterol-lowering foods. The
results were striking: the diet lowered cholesterol levels about as well as cholesterol drugs.

However, not all studies agree. An analysis of various studies led by the U.S. Agency for Healthcare
Research and Quality found that soy had a modest effect on cholesterol levels. Researchers found that
eating a high amount of soy — equal to about a pound of tofu a day — only added up to a 3% reduction
in “bad” cholesterol levels.

Based on those more recent studies, the AHA Nutrition Committee no longer recommends eating soy
specifically to lower cholesterol. However, the AHA does consider soy burgers and other soy foods a
healthy replacement for high-fat meats.

Getting Soy Into Your Diet

There are almost endless ways of getting soy into your meal plan. Here’s a rundown of some of your

* Tofu is a solid extract of soybeans. “It has a mild, bean-like flavor,” says Ruth Frechman, RD, a
spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association (ADA.) “It can be added to anything you cook or it
can be eaten right out of the package.” Tofu is often used in stir-fries, curries, or stews. It tends to pick up
the flavor of the sauce it’s in.

* Soy nuts are roasted soybeans, which can make a tasty snack. “Soy nuts are a convenient, crunchy
source of protein,” Frechman tells WebMD.

* Soymilk is made from ground soybeans mixed with water. You can substitute soymilk for milk in your
coffee or your cereal. Or you can just drink it on its own. “A lot of my clients really like smoothies made
with soy milk,” says ADA spokeswoman Suzanne Farrell, MS, RD. “That’s a great way to get soy into your

* Soy burgers, soy cheese, and other products now fill the freezers and refrigerators at your local
supermarket. Manufacturers have come up with soy products that mimic just about every kind of meat
and dairy product. Buy a few different types and give them a try.

* Edamame are soybeans still in the pod. They’re sold either frozen or fresh. Frechman recommends
microwaving frozen edamame in a little water and chicken bouillon for an easy way to get soy protein.

* Tempeh is a fermented soybean cake. It can be used as a meat substitute, and works well in
spaghetti sauce.

* Miso is a paste made from soybeans that is used for soup stocks or as a seasoning.

* Soy flour is a powder made from ground, roasted soybeans. It can be added to baked goods.

* Choose the foods that you like. The key is to substitute soy for high-fat meats, such as hamburger.

op 10 Reasons To Exercise In The Morning

If I had to pick a single factor that I thought

was most important in a successful exercise or

weight loss program, it would be to exercise first

thing in the morning - every morning! Some mornings,

you may just be able to fit in a 10 minute walk,

but it's important to try to do something every


So why mornings?...

1. Over 90% of people who exercise *consistently*,

exercisein the morning. If you want to exercise

consistently, odds are in your favor if you exercise

first thing in the morning.

2. When you exercise early in the morning, it

"jump starts" your metabolism and keeps it elevated

for hours, sometimes up to 24 hours! That means

you're burning more calories all day long just

because you exercised in the morning!

3. When you exercise in the morning you'll be

*energized* for the day! Personally, I feel

dramatically different on days when I have and

haven't exercised in the morning.

4. Many people find that morning exercise

"regulates" their appetite for the day - that they

aren't as hungry and that they make better food

choices. Several people have told me that it puts

them in a "healthy mindset."

5. If you exercise at about the same time every

morning, and ideally wake-up at about the same

time on a regular basis, your body's endocrine

system and circadian rhythms adjust to that.

Physiologically, some wonderful things begin to

happen; A couple of hours *before* you awaken,

your body begins to prepare for waking and exercise

because it "knows" it's about to happen. Why?

Because it "knows" you do the same thing just about

everyday. You benefit from that in several ways..

a) It's MUCH easier to wake-up. When you wake-up

at different times everyday, it confuses your

body and thus it's never really "prepared"

to awaken.

b) Your metabolism and all the hormones involved

in activity and exercise begin to elevate

while you're sleeping. Thus, you feel more

alert, energized, and ready to exercise when

you do wake-up.

c) Hormones prepare your body for exercise by

regulating blood pressure, heart rate, blood

flow to muscles, etc.

6. For many people, that appointed time every

morning becomes something they look forward to.

It's time they've set aside to do something

good for themselves - to take care of their body,

mind, and soul. Many find that it's a great time

to think clearly, pray, plan their day, or just

relax mentally.

7. Research has demonstrated that exercise

increases mental acuity. On average it lasts

four to ten hours after exercise! No sense in

wasting that brain power while you're sleeping. Smile

8. Exercise first thing in the morning is really

the only way to assure that something else won't

crowd exercise out of your schedule. When your days

get hectic, exercise usually takes a back seat!

9. If finding time to exercise is difficult,

anyone can get up 30 to 60 minutes earlier to

exercise (if it's a priority in your life). If

necessary, you can go to sleep a little earlier.

Also, research has demonstrated that people who

exercise on a regular basis have a higher quality

of sleep and thus require less sleep!

10. You'll feel GREAT! DO IT! Smile

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