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Powers, James

From: Ely Richman on behalf of Ely Richman

Sent: Thursday, Selprem
To: Powers, James
Subject: Statement from the Institute of Terrorism Research and Response

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communications often praising acts of overt eco-
terrorism." We also expressed concern that such European extremist views were finding
echoes in North America.

By April 2010, a leading ideologue for the Earth First! organization issued a call for more
extreme actions in the service of the environmentalist agenda. "Are we so caught up in a
cycle of civil disobedience that we can't think past it?" he asked.

ITRR's analysis of the above communications said:

"TAM-C recommends that security personnel responsible for mass transit,

telecommunications, ports, fuel stations, coal plants, and other facilities that have
been targeted by environmentalist protests in the past take immediate action to
heighten situational awareness of pre-adversarial surveillance. Additionally,
emergency response and evacuation procedures should be reviewed .... TAM-C
analysts recommend personal situational awareness and appropriate safety
measures .. ..."

Then, in July 2010 the Houston home of an oil company executive was targeted in a
bombing, causing significant facial injuries to a woman who opened a booby-trapped
package. In subsequent research by ITRR, it was found that anti-capitalist and
. environmental militants expressed satisfaction with the attack; such as, "Until we destroy
enough of their property to make a financial splash or start killing their executives and
decision makers and profiteers,
. nothing will change."

. On 1 September 2010, in the latest escalation, eco-terrorist James

Lee held hostages at gunpoint and threatened to detonate
explosives at the Discovery Channel headquarters in Washington.
Looking at the international jihadist threat, ITRR recently issued the following alert
regarding the targ'eting of Christian-identified assets worldwide:

"Arabic language researchers of the Targeted Actionable Monitoring Center (TAM-

C) have identified internal [jihadist] communications .. . [saying] that the 'war is
. between the church and the mosque. Go ahead you brave ones, burn the
churches. Destroy their centers and don't shame the Koran . We need to attack their
churches, soldiers, and all their religious centers around the world. Just attack them
all no matter where. We won't regret our goal, no matter what.' "

In our review .of the communication, ITRR analysts suggested:

"Such a desecration tit-for-tat may trigger a more serious worldwide campaign

against Christians and Christian symbols, as well as increased targeting of Muslim
symbols and mosques. Significant in this regard is that the above communications
have come at a time of heightened anger over perceived insults to Islam. Most

recently (14 September 2010), it was reported that France has officially adopted
legislation banning the full-face veil in public spaces."

, The Institute of Terrorism Research and Response is proud to provide this level of
research and analysis to our many clients.

And our clients agree:

From a client in the energy sector:' "This is a very comprehensive report - thanks
for your efforts on our behalf."
From a Fortune 100 company: "Thanks for keeping us safe!"

It is precisely thanks to our dedication to keeping people safe that ITRR has become a
trusted provider of actionable intelligence to those who need it most.

Michael Perelman

Institute of
~P.~O.~B~"~5~~5~5,~~~n'id'i,p~~a~'PiAi19i'["~~~~_______________________ Ter~~I·sm Research
,:0_BCI( 18356, JerJs.aI ~'Tl9 1 182. ISlael TOT

1.",>.ql.t:/~&O '17t..&. 1'7/. 1.s2f. 'AND Response

Source Material - Samples September 2010

- Partially redacted to protect client privacy. -

Anti·Gay Violence at Gay Pride Events

Targeted Actionable MonitOring Center researchers have recently noted Indications of focused anti-gay
chatter among White supremacists and extremist militia supporters. "Gay pride" events worldwide have
served as trigger events for such radicals with an anti-gay agenda.

This month, for example, dozens of neD-Nazis threw stones, eggs and smoke bombs Into crowds taking
part In gay pride parades In the Eastern European states of Belarus and Slovakia, causing them to be
halted, The White supremacists managed to cancel what was to have been Slovakia's first-ever gay pride
parade. In this Incident, which Involved around eighty attackers, just eight antl-gay attackers were

** *"'**ACTION*JIt****
Targeted Actionable MonitOring Center analysts believe that hlgh·prome LGBT pride events may draw
similar reactions from Invigorated and incited White supremacist lone wolves In North America. Several
such gay pride marches and festivals take place In American cities during the month of June 2010.

Anti-gay White supremacist and far-right milltla communications are currently under review by TAM-C
domestic terrorism analysts; however, as of this writing no specific threats to gay pride events have been
Identified . Nonetheless, based on general analysis and International case study debriefing, TAM-C analysts
recommend a somewhat heightened SitUational awareness at all such pride events.
(Originally released 31 May 2010)

Eco-Terror: 'Sabotage the System' and 'Eliminate Rats'

European eca-extremist and anti-capitalist communications of 8 January 2010 and thereafter Include
explicit calls for sabotage of major faciliti es and murder.

As noted in recent Actionable Intelligence Briefings, environmentalist extremists and associated anti-
capitalists have pivoted oft of the Copenhagen Climate Change Summit to encourage more actions by their
cadres worldwide. One of the most explicitly violent calls apparently stems from Belg ium or another
European state, and says (In the eco-terrorlstsl own English translation):

"The only option Is to make sabotage and eliminations, I think that Insurre.ctlonists have an excellent
method of fight against the ruling ciass, although they have shit theory (sltuatlonlsts and Bob Black), I
don't say that Insurrectionist methods are revolution, but I say It is the only effective way of fighting
against dictatorship which exist In European Empire. Demonstrations are Inefficient and only help to cops
to arrest and register politlcally unfit/undesirable people, and some were expelled a few thousand miles

"So the only solution is to eliminate rats, politicians, leading figures of corporations and repressive
departments, as well as sabotage of system (freight trains, cranes at ports, tele communications, e tc) .
. With a public statement of reasons for actions, in that way actions would not be private. Anyone can turn
up a few screws on the media repeater or cut screws with flame cutting, to make media da rkness, or
telecommunication darkness, everyone can burn a vehicle telecommunication services, to burn



immigration office, and to burn a gas station if there are no people around (It is enough to burn gas bottle
with jacket full of fuel and to go, when It is overheating, It will be activated).

"Dictatorship Is nothing new In our history and the only way to fight against dictatorship Is sabotages and
eliminations. I'


"We should help to the nature, the same as nature help to us - we should sabotage present system
together with nature: unscrew the screws at wheels of freight trains, unscrew the screws at cranes In
ports, unscrew the screws at capitalist telecommunication repeaters ... or imagine something else:) If the
key for screw doesn't help, autogenous cutting helps. II

The communications also warn against government Informers in the eca-terrorists l ranks, referr1ng to
tactics they claim were used Hin last 30 years from the time of the Angry Brigade in Britain (RAF and Red
Brigades also) .... "

Additionally, the communications recommend an analysis of the eco-actlvist demonstrations, saying:

"Nobody compared these 3 big demos In last 10 years and nobody made analyze and conclusions which
can bring better tactics in our future demonstrations.'1

The eco-terrorlsts analysis, however, Is clear: "Since the entire protest against climate summit of
politicians, I would single out as the most effective action burning of Shell petrol stations In Sweden,
everything else is child behavior where people use whistles and cops push them In buses and take them
into temporary custody (with built-In storage cages, no toilets, no food and water, the usual prison
custody has no capacity to receive 500 and 1000 arrested In one day) . Why would someone go to the
demonstration only to be arrested?"

The dear call for the most violent forms of eco-terrorlsm Is highly noteworthy, according to Targeted
Actionable Monitoring Center analysts, TAM-C recommends that security personnel responsible for mass
transit, telecommunications, ports, fuel stations, coal plants, and other facilities that have been targeted
by environmentalist protests In the past take immediate action to heighten situational awareness of pre-
adversarlal surveillance. Additionally, emergency response and evacuation procedures should be reviewed.

Politicians, leading figures of heavy Industry I and law enforcement officers appear to be serious targets of
coming eco-terrori st violence. Noting recent Instances of physical attacks on police, politicians and
business leaders - including by terrorists ~ TAM-C analysts recommend personal situational awareness and
appropriate safety measures be Implemented both on and off duty.
(Originally released lJ January 20JO)

farth Flrstl Ideologue Preparing Groundwork for fco-Terrorlsm

A leading Ideologue for the radical Earth Flrstl organization has Issued a call for more extreme actions In
the service of the environmentalist agenda .

In a reflective article In an Earth First! publication, an editor declared his feeling that I'actlon reports
recently have been missing fierce honesty .... Are we so caught up in a cycle of civil dIsobedience that we
can't think past it?"

He goes on to quote a veteran eco-terrorist, Rod Coronado, as saying: "This resistance Is not about
remaining true to civll disobedience .... Our greatest strategic assessm ent should be whether our actions
are effecting tile financial bottom-line of the destroyers of Earth.OI


The Earth First! Joumal article goes on to advocate taking the struggle for "live wild or die" to "logging
roads, slaughter houses, coal mines, vivisection labs, prisons, detention centers, border walls and
pipelines." The name UEarth Flrstl", the writer enthuses, "shoUld not roll off the tongues of our enemies
with ease, they should choke upon it, like a flshbone stuck in their throats. From struggles In Scotland to
Mexico, from Arizona to West VirginIa there Is resistance to that which Is killing us and Earth, So lets [sic]
live wild and be fierce as fuck. Ante Up!"

***>!<** * ACTIOW"'**>i<**

Targeted Actionable Monitoring Center analysts believe the call from Earth First!, a veteran "direct action"
organization, for "upping the ante" Is a significant development. It may also be seen as a .. trickle down"
from extremIst rhetorIc In European eco-extremlst and anti-capitalist communications of 8 January 2010
and thereafter (cited in the Actionable Intelligence Briefing of 11 January 2010). The European eco-terror
advocates Included explicit calls for arson, sabotage of major facilities and murder, adding "everything
else is child's [play] ......

In the wake of the apparently expanding circles ot environmentalists willing to embrace eca- terror of one
(orm or another, TAM-C analysts recommend that security personnel responsible for mass tranSit,
telecommunications, ports, (uel stations, coal plants, and other facilities that have been targeted by
environmentalist protests in the past take immediate action to heighten situational awareness of pre-
adversarial surveillance. Additionally, emergency response and evacuation procedures should be reviewed.
(Originally released 5 April20JO)

011 ExecutIve Targeted In Parcel BombIng

A woman suffered significant facial Injuries Friday (9 July 2010) when a pipe bomb concealed In what
appeared to be a gift package of chocolates exploded In her hands.

The parcel was left on the front porch of the Houston home where she was staying. While open sources do
not Identify the owner of the property, saying only that it belongs to an "oil executive", ITRR has
confirmed that It Is the property of Adams Resources and Energy executive James Moore. Of note is that
anti-authoritarian speculation as to the property owner's Identity, using open sources and cross-checking
methods, also Identified Moore.

According to authorities, the bomb was packed with thumb tacks and nails to Increase physical damage to
targeted indlviduClls.

In reaction to the bombing, for which no group has taken responsibility as of this writing, anti· capitalist
and environmental militants expressed satisfaction:

"Do you think any other oil execs should start worrying about their personal well being just because BP
has killed 11 workers, tucked up the gulf and Its coastline, devastated an entire ecosystem and destroyed
the lives of thousands of people, birds and aquatic creatures? .. , Sometimes when these things happen,
reactionary responses take on a life of their own."

"But seriously, how else do people get the ceo's attention? They have no conscience and don't think twice
about killing innocents for their greed. They see riches piling up and their is never enough to satisfy
them .. let this be a lesson to the arrogant wankers running big corporations. If you have no conscience to
guide you then you will have to learn the hard way. I'm sure the citizens who were forced to these
extremes will be caught and made an example of, but hopefully tile elitist who laugh all the way to the
bank will learn a lesson. II

"Americans finally recognize the enemy. I'


"Let the class war begin. This has been simmering for decades. Citizens have no recourse against hundred
billion dollar transnationai corporations, the president of the united states is freaking poweriess against
them. They are bigger than most countries in the world and more powerful, somehow they have colluded
even with our coast guard who is protecting BP instead of our coast .... "

"The only thing these people listen to Is huge sums of money, which citizens dont have, or violence. Until
we destroy enough of their property to make a financiai spiash or start killing their executives and decision
makers and profiteers, nothing will change. Why should it .... What can we do but violence????????"

"One all executive dead Is just a good beginning as far as I'm concerned but there are plenty of other
corporations that deserve the same or worse ... Let's start with Monsanto and Koch industries."

"Let the games begin!"

"I think we'll see a huge rise in incidents like the pipe bomb at the all executives homes .. since the laws
dont govern the rich and powerfui the same as the poor and disadvantaged then 'vigiiante' justice will
start big time. "

liThe destruction of our lives as a result of the energy Industry goes far beyond Hayward. And none are
held accountable. Has there been any charges levied against Massey, yet?"

The above bombing, if confirmed to be the work of eco-terrorists, would confirm the environmentalist slide
toward vioience as identified by ITRR in January 2010. .

Eco-extremist, anti-coai mining and anti-capitalist communications of 2010 Include explicit calls for
everything from more aggressive clvli disobedience through sabotage and even murder. Furthermore, the
Increasing combination and cross-pollination of ecological militants and anarchists Is expected to prove
increasingly volatile, since, like their environmentalist militant allies, anarchist rhetoric has also seen a
shift toward support for extremist action in the past year. In this context, ITRR analysts have observed
general anarchist support or sympathy in some circles for the anti-clvilizatlon "Unabomber", Ted Kaczlnskl.

Church Arson as a Response to Koran Burning

The pian ned (and then canceied) organized burning of books of the Koran by the Dove Worid Outreach
Center in Gainesville, Florida, caused a strong reaction among jihadists, as well as more generally in the
Muslim worid . ITRR researchers note that, even though the centrai Koran burning event was calied off,
medIa reports Indicated that tI,ere were at least two cases of Koran desecration In the us on 11
September 2010.

One such reaction was noted in India, where Muslim protesters set a Christian missionary school on fire.
In the rioting in Indian Kashmir, at ieast 13 protesters were killed in ciashes with soidiers. Tens of
thousands of demonstrators Ignored a curfew, set fire to government buildings and threw rocks at police

In a fresh jlhadlst communication, from 14 September 2010, it was written that I'the Islamic nation,
Includ ing her sons and young people, needs to avenge the attack on our holiest object, the Koran."



Referring to Christians, the jihadist cont inues, "We need to attack their churches, soldiers, and all their
religious centers around the world. Just attack them all, no matter where. We won't regret our goal, no
matter what. The war is bet\.veen the church and the mosque. If He calls for Muslim "brave ones lf to "burn
the churches. Destroy their centers ~nd don·t sh~me the Kor~n."

fTRR analysts note that, In light of recent events, arson may be seen as an effective new tactic for lone·
wolf jlh~dlst terrorism:

It requires no hard-to-obtaln or hard-to-m~ke explosives, just flammable m~terial, petrol or oil.

It can be executed even by one person. Once executed, especially in the West, It will be sufficient
to g~rner International media attention and to spread fear.
Jlhadlsts seeking to cause further crisis bet\\feen MuslIms and the Christian West may hope such an
attack causes more Christians to burn the Koran.

Such a desecration tit-far-tat may trigger a more serious worldwide campaign aga inst Christians and
Christi~n symbols, as well as Increased targeting of Muslim symbols and mosques. SigniFicant in this
regard is that the above communications have come at a time of heightened anger over perceived insults
to Islam. Most recently (14 September th~t France has officially adopted legislation
banning the full-face veil In public

• • • • • • ITRR has noted stepped up risk Indicators for attacks on Denmark I France,

Germany and Spain. ITRR analysts also note that there has recently been violence between Christians and
Muslims in Nigeria .

• • • • • • • • • • •an ongoing series of IncitIng communications intercepted

have specifically and explicitly threatened Christi~ns In Egypt. Two
I for
and Cal

(Originally released 15 September 2010)

Anspach, Robert (PEMA)

From: Finn, Maria

Sent: Tuesday, October 05,20109:51 AM
To: StateEOC, Pennsylvania; Shannon, Timothy J; Tuma , Gary; Anspach, Robert (PEMA); Bates,
Diana M; Baughman, Timothy; Camillocci, Anthony; Daniels, Kristin; Flinn, Richard D; Forr,
John; French, Robert; Harmon, Fern; Hoffman, Steven; Hudock, Vincent (PEMA); Hughes,
Thomas (PEMA); Kipp, Rita; Leid, Kent; Mann, Edward; Mertz, Roland; Miller, Ruth (PEMA);
Morales, Jose E; Myslewicz, Mimi; Powers, James; Rotigel, Misty; Sevison, Timothy; Spanos,
Jonathan J; Thomas, Jeffrey (PEMA); Weeks, Pamela; Wentzel, Robert
Subject: Clips .. .

Inquirer weighs in on resignation of PA Homeland Security Director Powers, and wonders how Rendell wasn't aware of
potential problems.

Big Brother to watch? Net experts worry

Senators direct criticism at those Involved with state-contracted homeland security intelligence bulletins.
There was plenty of criticism to go around Monday during a nearly three-hour Senate public hearing regarding
controversial state-contracted homeland security intelligence bulletins.
For more details about Monday's Senate Veterans Affairs and Emergency Preparedness Committee hearing, click on the
following links to read stories from the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, The Philadelphia Inquirer and the Pittsburgh Tribune-

Pa. homeland security boss quits over Israeli firm
Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell terminated the contract with ITRR immediately upon learning of it. The state's Office
of Homeland Security contracted the institute to track threats, then relayed its reports to many law enforcement and '"
INN World Report- content&view=section&id=l&layout=blog& ltemid=l

Trickle Down Surveillance

Reason Online (blog)
In just one email, Powers inadvertently revealed that Pennsylvania's Office of Homeland Security had not only been
monitoring the activities of law-abiding ...
See all stories on this topic »

Pennsylvania homeland security chief Powers resigns

They were prepared by a private contractor to whom Powers' office paid $103000 . ... 29 Responses to "Pennsylvan ia
homeland security chief Powers resigns" ... .. .

Pa. Homeland Security Head Resigns Amid Controversy Over Tra cking ...
by Marian Wang The Pennsylvania Homeland Security director who hired an .... "Centra l to every task undertaken by
this Office was the security and ... -homeland -security .. ./ 1094 51

Pennsylvania homeland security director resigns I Government ...

On October 2 Pennsylvania Governor Edward Rendell announced the resignation of James Powers Jr director of the

Pennsylvania Office of Homeland Security ... .. ./pennsylvania homeland security

Eye Opener - October 4, 2010 I FYI by PLS

By matt
reported Friday at a press conference that the Office of .... According to an article in the Philadelphia Inquirer, since
President Obama's election in 2008, the number of registered Democrats across Pennsylvania has dropped almost 4
percent. But Republicans have little room to brag. Their numbers are down nearly as much, With the voter-registration
period set to close Monday, ...
FYI by PLS -

Rendell Announces Resignation of Homeland Security Director ...

By Gant Team
HARRISBURG - Gov. Edward G. Rendell has announced the resignation of James F. Powers, director of the Pennsylvania
Office of Homeland Security. "I have . -

Concern That Terror Teams Have Selected Targets. Ready to Strike .. .

By ghwelker
Pa. homeland security boss quits over Israeli firm 02 Oct 2010 Pennsylvania's homeland security director quit in the
wake of revelations that he hired an Israeli-American agency that tracked peaceful protests and reported them as ... But
the network in Birmingham was actually being run by its counter-terrorism unit with the consent of the Home Office and
MIS. The £3m scheme, called Project Champion, was intended to monitor Muslims entering and leaving mainly Muslim
areas ...
Indigenous People's Literature Weblog -

The Duck of Minerva: Homeland Security Heads Roll in Pennsylvania ...

By Cliff Bob
In his resignation statement, Powers still seems confused-not about our country's First Amendment this time, but
about his former office's responsibilities. He wrote that "the primary goal of commonwealth preparedness strategies"
and "our ... For those of you worried about Mr. Powers, who did at least have the decency to resign: the ex-Special
Forces man will no doubt find a job with one of the many "homeland security" operations still feeding at the public
trough ....
The Duck of Minerva -

Recent Gas Drilling News (09-29-10 llPM EDT) « NY WELL WATCH

By wellwatch
LOCK HAVEN - The big interest that energy companies have shown for drilling the Marcellus Shale formation in central
Pennsylvania is going to have a big impact on the local housing market...The situation has led to "a lot of money and .....
We must rectify the reluctance of top law enforcement and homeland security officials to share critical information with
the governor's office when it involves disputes among agencies," Crawford wrote ... "" (The Philadephia Inquirer) (PA)- ...

Maria A. Finn I Press Secretary

PA Emergency Management Agency
Office of Homeland Security
Office of the State Fire Commissioner
2605 Interstate Drive I Hbg PA 17110
Phone : 717.651.2009 I Fax: 717.651.2040
VI/VII".", perna. st a te. pa. us

"This e-mail message, including any attachments, is intended for the sole use of the individual{s) and entity{ies) to whom it is
addressed and may contain information that is privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you are
not the intended addressee, nor authorized to receive for the intended addressee, you are notified that you may not use, copy,
disclose or distribute any information contained in this e-mail message. If you have received this message in error, immediately
notify the sender and delete the message."

Anspach, Robert (PEMA)

From: Finn, Maria

Sent: Monday, September 20, 2010 11 :33 AM
To: Shannon, Timothy J; StateEOC, Pennsylvania; Anspach, Robert (PEMA); Bates, Diana M;
Baughman, Timothy; Camillocci, Anthony; Daniels, Kristin; Flinn, Richard D; Forr, John;
French, Robert; Harmon, Fern; Hoffman, Steven; Hudock, Vincent (PEMA); Hughes, Thomas
(PEMA); Kipp, Rita; Leid, Kent; Mann, Edward; Mertz, Roland; Miller, Ruth (PEMA); Morales,
Jose E; Myslewicz, Mimi; Powers, James; Rotigel, Misty; Sevison, Timothy; Spanos, Jonathan
J; Thomas, Jeffrey (PEMA); Weeks, Pamela; Wentzel, Robert
Subject: Clips ...

Brad Bumsted: Rendell administration's 'PA Spy Network' revealed . Sens. Scarnati, Feria cited. Keywords: homeland
security, politics. I

Rendell's office releases content of all bulletins on planned protests. Keywords: homeland security. Rendell s office releases content of all bulletins on planned prot

Altoona Mirror calls on Rendell to fire state Homeland Security director. nav= 7 28

Gov Rendell's office releases bulletins warning of dangerous hippy activity

http://allisonkilkenny .co m/2 0 10/09 /gov-re ndell s-office-re Iease s- bu Ileti ns-wa rn ing-of-d a nge ro us-hi ppy-a ct ivi ty/

Daniel Rubin: Faulty intelligence led to PA intelligence scandal. Rendell, PA Homeland Security chief Powers
mentioned. Daniel Rubin Faulty intelligence led to Pennsylvania intelligence

Beaver County Times says national security is not an excuse to trample constitutional rights in PA. Rendell mentioned.
Keywords: homeland security. I

Website tracks Marcellus Shale industry's campaign spending in PA. Common Cause/PA head Kauffman cited;
PennFuture, PA Budget and Policy Center mentioned. Keywords: energy, environment, politiCS .
http://thetimes-tribu ne .com/ news!site-tracks -s ha Ie-i nd us try-ca m pa ign-s pe nd i ng-1.1021505

The Morning File: With enough funding, you can find terroristic threats everywhere .com! pg!10263!1088826-294 .stm#ixzz105Dil1Rs

Eric Heyl: Memo reminds PA Office of Homeland Security that Bingo players, Pittsburgh Pirates fans, Salvation Army
volunteers, kindergartners are not terrorist threats. pittsburghtrib!news!columns!heyl/s700258.htm I

PA Office of Homeland Security releases intelligence bulletins on activists. Rendell, Homeland Security chief Powers

Mike Argento: Paranoia pays in Pa . - and America

York Daily Record

The Harrisburg Patriot-News reported last week that the state Office of Homeland Security had been tracking people
who had protested fracking - a process ...

Wednesday Morning Coffee: Rendell Appalled By Spying On Shale Foes.

Capitol Ideas with John l. Micek (blog)
.At a news conference, Rendell told reporters that he didn't know the homeland security office had been paying an
outside company to track a long list of ...

Hiring Foreign Spies and Bringing Israeli Military Values to America

By Dave Lindorff
According to news reports on ITRR's work for the Pennsylvania Homeland Security Agency and also the Pittsburgh Police
Department, it would appear that ITRR was spying on and providing Pennsylvania State Police and Homeland Security ...
But we were only one of about 200 groups, ranging from a local anti-nuclear group to the Peace & Freedom Party, a
well-known third party in California electoral politics, to the National Organization for Woman and even the office of
then ...

Pa. Lawmakers to investigate security bulletins

... News from AP Pennsylvania lawmakers plan to investigate claims that a company hired to provide informati.on to the
state's Office of Homeland Security ...

State Homeland Security monitoring surprises local activists

Citizens Voice
By Elizabeth Skrapits (Staff Writer) The state Office of Homeland Security made all Pennsylvania Intelligence Bulletins
public on its website Thursday, ...

State hearing to focus on pact with controversial anti-terror institute hearing to focus on pact with controversial anti-terror institute 09-17-

Maria A. Finn I Press Secretary

PA Emergency Management Agency
Office of Homeland Security
Office of the State Fire Commissioner
2605 Interstate Drive I Hbg PA 17110
Phone: 717.651.2009 I Fax: 717.651.2040
W\NVoJ, pen1a.state.oa . us

"This e-mail message, including any attachments, is intended for the sale use of the individual(s) and entity(ies) to whom it is
addressed and may contain information that is privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you are
not the intended addressee, nor authorized to receive for the intended addressee, you are notified that you may not use, copy,
disclose or distribute any information contained in this e- mail message. If you have received this message in error, immediately
notify the sender and delete the message."

Anspach, Robert (PEMA)

From: Finn, Maria

Sent: Wednesday, September 22, 2010 9:44 AM
To: StateEOC, Pennsylvania; Shannon, Timothy J; Anspach, Robert (PEMA); Bates, Diana M;
Baughman, Timothy; Camillocci, Anthony; Daniels, Kristin; Flinn, Richard D; Forr, John;
French, Robert; Harmon, Fern; Hoffman, Steven; Hudock, Vincent (PEMA); Hughes, Thomas
(PEMA); Kipp, Rita; Leid, Kent; Mann, Edward; Mertz, Roland; Miller, Ruth (PEMA); Morales,
Jose E; Myslewicz, Mimi; Powers, James; Rotigel, Misty; Sevison, Timothy; Spanos, Jonathan
J; Thomas, Jeffrey (PEMA); Weeks, Pamela; Wentzel, Robert
Subject: Clips (2) ...

'Proven' deceptive or clueless on activist spying, PA official 'hides' 10/09 / i nte II ige nce-co m pa ny-hi re d-pe nnsy Iva nia -t ra cked-a ct ivists/

Kudos to Gilliland for excellent reporting excelle.html

Environmental groups rally for Marcellus Shale gas drilling restrictions in PA. Proposed severance tax discussed. Reps.
Mundy, Saylor, activist Stilp cited. 10265/1089281-454.stm

PA Legislature failing to make headway on Marcellus Shale severance tax. Rendell spokesman Tuma, Sen. Pileggi, Rep.
Vitali cited. Pennsylvania legislators failing to make headway on Marcellus ta

Op-Ed: Petroleum geologist says PA shou ld not tax or regulate away Marcellus Shale potential. DEP mentioned. .stm

Briefs: PA casino revenues up 24 percent; UGI unit to transport Marcellus Shale natural gas in Wyoming County. inquirer/business/20100922Business newsinbrief.html

Corbett touts plan to reform DEP, increase regulation of Marcellus Shale natural gas drilling. Onorato spokesman cited.

Activist Epstein puts teacher lesson plans on Marcellus Shale natural gas drilling on Internet.

Senate Labor and Industry

5:00 p.m., 9/21/ 10, Rules Committee Conference Room

By Kimberly Hess The committee met to consider bills. HB 664 (PN 726) Amends the Workers' Compensation Act
further defining "employe" as individuals who have completed the Community Emergency Response Team program
as outlined by the Federal Emergency Management Agency; are authorized in writing by a county or municipality to
assist first responders in disaster assistance; are acting voluntarily In the capacity of assisting first responders in an
emergency or disaster; are properly dispatched by the municipality or county to be acting In capacity of aSSisting
first responders; are injured while actively engaged In assisting first responders or going to or from the emergency or
disaster; and have written acknowledgments, In advance of Injury, from the county or municipality stating that the
county or municipality opts to cover the individuals under this act and assumes liability for the individuals. - The bill
was unanimously reported as committed. - ( 261066)

Rep. Babette Josephs: Josephs approves of state Homeland Security Office posting intelligence briefings online, says
it's only a first step.

Text of Sept. 21 press release.

HARRISBURG, Sept. 21- Just days after state Rep. Babette Josephs called for the Pennsylvania Office of Homeland
Security to make public the tracking information it received on activist organizations, the office posted the alerts online.

"I am pleased that the Office of Homeland Security chose to be proactive in making this information public, rather than
wasting more taxpayer money to prepare and answer the many right-to-know requests that were surely coming," said
Josephs, D-Phila.

"Although the contract between the office and the group that provided the bulletins was at minimum in bad taste and at
maximum a trampling of citizen rights, at least this latest action comes down on the side of the public and its right to

Last week, Josephs criticized the Homeland Security Office for tracking and documenting the activity of activists at
legitimate protests, after news reports revealed -- and the governor confirmed -- that this was happening. The office had
been contracting with the Institute of Terrorism Research and Response to gather information on activists and their
peaceful protests. Such activists reported on ranged from environmental groups who opposed drilling in the Marcellus
Shale and animal-rights activists, to a gay and lesbian festival and education rally. The governor said the state will not
renew the contract and will not receive any more reports from ITRR.

Josephs said that while the public posting of these bulletins and canceled contract are good steps, a lot of unanswered
questions remain.

"We should be able to look at the raw data ITRR collected for these bulletins, as well who made the decision to cover
certain groups as opposed to others, and why. It's also important to know who made the decision to hire the ITRR, what
the contract was worth and why the contract was not immediately terminated when the governor's staff first learned of
the nature of the surveillance. I look forward to the Office of Homeland Security and the governor's office providing
these details."


Maria A. Finn I Press Secretary

PA Emergency Management Agency
Office of Homeland Security
Office of the State Fire Commissioner
2605 Interstate Drive I Hbg PA 17110
Phone: 717.651.2009 I Fax: 717.651.2040
\VV\' W. pe rna .state . pa. us

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Anspach, Robert (PEMA)

From: Finn , Maria

Sent: Thursday, September 16, 2010 2:29 PM
To: StateEOC, Pennsylvania; Shannon, Timothy J; Anspach, Robert (PEMA); Bates, Diana M;
Baughman , Timothy; Camillocci, Anthony; Daniels, Kristin ; Flinn , Richard D; Forr, John;
French, Robert; Harmon, Fern; Hoffman, Steven; Hudock, Vincent (PEMA); Hughes, Thomas
(PEMA) ; Kipp, Rita; Leid, Kent; Mann , Edward; Mertz, Roland; Miller, Ruth (PEMA); Morales,
Jose E; Myslewicz, Mimi; Powers, James; Rotigel, Misty; Sevison, Timothy; Spanos, Jonathan
J; Thomas, Jeffrey (PEMA); Weeks, Pamela; Wentzel, Robert
Subject: Drilling Opponents Spied on Like Terrorists

HuffPost Social News

The Huffington Post September 16, 2010
Posted: September 16,2010 12:55 PM

Drilling Opponents Spied on Like Terrorists

nce again, police "intelligence" functions created to supposedly help prevent terrorism are being used to violate
the rights of peaceful political groups - this time in Pennsylvania.

Documents obtained by the investigative journalism group ProPublica revealed that the Pelmsylvania Office of
Homeland Security (OHS) has been gathering information on the peaceful political activities of environmental
activists opposed to a controversial form of gas drilling called hydrauli c fracturing. or "fracking." In addition,
the documents strongly suggest that the Pennsylvania OHS was actively taking sides in the political dispute
between environmentalists and drilling companies.

According to the ProPublica documents, a private contractor was hired by the Pennsylvania OHS to supply anti-
terrorism bulletins. These bulletins included things like overseas intelligence about possible new plots - but
also, the new documents show, things like lists of public meetings that anti-drilling activists planned to attend.

The fact that natural gas drilling activists were planning on attending zoning meetings in Butler County,
Pennsylvania, may be considered "hot intelligence" in the boardrooms ofthe drilling companies that the
activists were opposing - but there is no justification for police officials to be tracking such things.

As the AP repOlts, the bulletin also tracked other "potential security concerns" including "demonstrations by
anti-war groups, deportation protesters in Philadelphia, mountaintop removal mining protesters in West Virginia
and an animal rights protest at a Montgomery County rodeo." It also listed "Bmn the Confederate Flag Day,"
and Jewish and Muslim holidays and included warnings concerning "anarchists and Black Power radicals."

This kind of nonsense is unfortunately something that we've been seeing more and more of in recent years - so
much so that we have created a Web site, Spyfiles, and issued a report tracking the rise in police interference
with political activity in recent years. Such incidents have taken place in at least 33 states plus the District of

There are several striking aspects to these latest abuses in Pennsylvania, however.

For one tIling, the contractor that gathered the information for the ORS, the Institute of Terrorism Research and
Response (ITRR), is paid through a grant from the federal goverrnnent to monitor online activity in "critical
infrastructure" areas. This is the latest in a long list of cases in wmch federal DRS money is being used to pump
up state and local surveillance that probably would not otherwise take place. (Many of the new municipal
surveillance-camera systems that are popping up around the country are funded that way, for example.)

In addition, tllis incident appears to fit witmn the long and unfOitunate tendency of law enforcement personnel
to get confused about their proper role. They are supposed to keep order - a vital and necessary function in any
society. But all too often, they confuse that mission with protecting the current order, and end up taking the side
of the wealthy and powerful against their peaceful political opponents.

The "intelligence" bulletins containing the details of anti-drilling activism, for example, were sent not only to
law enforcement agencies in Pelmsylvania, but also companies drilling gas in the Marcellus Shale. In an email
obtained by drilling opponents, the ORS director James Powers wrote, "We want to continue providing tms
SUppOlt to the Marcellus Shale Formation natural gas stakeholders while not feeding those groups fomenting
dissent against those same companies."

As the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette points out this morning, Powers also wrote that the bulletin "is not for
dissemination to the public," but "is solely meant for owners/operators & security personnel associated with our
critical infrastructure & key resources."

If there is genuine information about potential terrorist attacks that can be shared with corporate executives who
lack security clearances, it should be shared with the public. There is no "business class" in law enforcement. At
issue is a serious envirornnental dispute, which needs to be settled fairly and openly in the public square. Critics
say that fracking, wmch involves the injection of water and chemicals deep underground, pollutes groundwater
with dangerous chemicals and causes other enviromnental problems. Why should a goverrnnent depaItment
supposedly charged with protecting the well-being of Pennsylvanians take the side of one paIty (the drillers) in
that dispute? That is not their job.

To ms credit, on Tuesday, Pelillsylvania Gov. Edward Rendell shut down the ITRR intelligence repOlts,
apologized to the groups who were monitored, and acknowledged that the ORS's activities were "ludicrous" and
"stunning." However, he did not fire ORS Director Powers.

In his 1990 book Protectors o(Pril'ilege: Red Squads and Police Repression in Urban America, Frank Donner
argues that there is a "strong case" for the thesis that over the past century urban police - especially specialty
branches such as "Red Squads" and "inteiligence units" - have "served as the protective arm of the economic
and political interests" of the wealthy and powerful status quo.

Americans need to always remember that time after time, the authorities seek new powers to fight terrorism-
and end up wielding them against peaceful dissenters.


Huff Post Lightbox


Maria A. Finn I Press Secretary

PA Emergency Manage ment Agency
Office of Hom eland Security
Office of the State Fire Commissioner
2605 Interstate Drive I Hbg PA 17110
Phone : 717.651.2009 I Fax : 717 .651.2040

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