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Daniels, Kristin
From: Erik Mlller:• •~"""~
Sent: Sunday, February 21, 2010 11 :55 AM
To: Powers, James; Daniels, Kristin; Anspach, Robert (PEMA); Hoffman, Steven
Cc: Mike Perelman; Aaron Richman
Subject: PA Alert: Anti-War Vigils

Jim, Klistin, Steve, Bob:

Please see below. At this time the Institute of Terrorism Research and Response cannot verify which day these protests
will occur, though Its very likely they will occur during the week of 23 February 2010.


Anti-War Vigils

Peaceful protests In the Delaware Valley are planned In response to the Imminent milestone of the death of the 1000th
US soldier In Afghanistan, which Is expected to be reached wllhln the next few days (It Is 998 as of the date of this
release). The events will mourn the deaths of US soldiers, as well as of Afghan and Pakistani civilians, killed In the near
dally US drone strikes. The U.S. Is now engaged In a major offensive on the city of MarJa In the Helmand Province of
Afghanistan. .

Brandywine Peace Community will have a Solemn Vigil and bell toiling the next working day after the 1000th death at
5:00 p.m. at Philadelphia City Hall (west side) 15th & Market. The theme Is Eight Years of War - No More; Jobs not

Mainline Peace Action and Bryn Mawr Peace Coalition will hold a Vigil the next working day after the 1000th death from
5:00-6:00 PM at the corner of Lancaster Ave. and Bryn Mawr Ave. by the Ludington Library In Bryn Mawr, PA.

In Delaware County, PA, there will be Candlelight Vigils the next working day after the 1000th death from 6:00-7:00 PM
at two Intersections: Baltimore and Providence Rd. (Route 252) In Media (Park in Acme Parking lot); and Baltimore Pike
and Lansdowne Ave. In Lansdowne (Park In shopping center lot on Baltimore Pike Just south of Intersection). Sponsored
by Delaware County Wage Peace and Justice. .

Bucks and Eastern Montgomery County, PA Chapters of the Coalition for Peace Action will hold a Vigil from 5:00-6:00
PM the next working day after the 1000th death on the Morrisville, PA side of the Trenton Makes. the World Takes bridge
between Trenton and Morrisville.

In Lehigh Valley of Pennsylvania, a Vigil from 4:00-5:00 PM the day after the 1OOOth death outside the Pennsylvania
National Guard Armory, 15th and Allen Streets in Allentown. The Vigil Is sponsored by Lehigh Valley Peace Coalition .
Daniels, Kristin
From: Erik Miller_III!I_!I!I
Sent: Sunday, ber 11 :06 PM
To: Powers, James; Anspach, Robert (PEMA); Daniels, Kristin; Hoffman, Steven
Subject: TAM-C ALERT: Goldman Sachs

Jim, Kristin, Bob, Steve,

Just passing along this Alert I received from TAM-C....


Goldman Sachs Is being targeted for protests near Capitol Hillin Washington, DC. One of the lead organizers behind the
event Is the non·profit group 'Public Citizen', though there are more radical elements among the protesters. Anarchists, for
Instance, are protesting Goldman Sachs because, they say, their policies helped bring down the economy and Its
executives profited from their actions. The TAM·C expects bullhorns and louo protests.

The activity is to take place at noon on 16 November 2009.

At this time the TAM·C has no Information Indicating that Goldman Sachs offices In the Commonwealth of PA will be
similarly targeted. However, the TAM·C has observed similar protests aimed at other Institutions (e.g. CIII Bank) that has
extended over a mUlti-state region. .

Daniels, Kristin

Erik M~I~~~~!~~
Sent: Tue;day, 10, 2:09 PM
To: Daniels, Kristin
Cc: Hoffman, Steven; Powers, James
Subject: Re: FW: Jamaat AI Fuqra Terrorist Training Compounds Inside the United states


Thanks for this. Its on my radar. Personally, I haven't received anything on this group yet. I'm forwarding it over
to our Israel desk to have our Arab-language researchers look into it, and will let you know what we find.


On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 1: 13 PM, Daniels, Kristin <> wrote:


Please see below. Have you received nny information on this group?

Kristin M. DanJrl' 1

PelUlsylvnnia Office of HOlileland Security

2605 Inlerslnle Drive 1 Suile 380

Harrisburg, PA 17110-9382

Phone: 717.651.27151 Fax: 717.651.2040

WHo'W. hom eInJl dSfCllrih' .sl nI eo. pn,lIs

"Tllis e-mail message.includinganyallaclunenls.isinlended for Ihe sale use of lhe individual(s) and enlily(ies) to whom
it is addressed and may contain information Ihal is privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable
law. If you are not tho intcnded addressee, nor authorized to receive for the intended addressee, you are notified that you
Jllay not use, copy, disclose or distribute any infollllation contained in this e-mail message. If yo u have received
tIlis message in error, immediately notify the sender and delete the message,"

·From: Stewart, Xavier

Sent: Tuesday, November 10, 2009 12:47 PM
To: Powers, James; Hoffman, Steven; Daniels, Kristin
Subject: Jamaat AI Fuqra Terrorist Training Compounds Inside Ihe United Slates


Rega nls,

Xavier Stewart , PhD, F.ACFE

Colonel, PA Nati onal Guard

PEMA Liaison Onicer ami

Specia l Assist ant to The Adj utant Genem l

Office Tel. (7 I 7) 346-3 149

Cell : (7 I 7) 82 1-5290

Fax: (717) 346-44 49

e-Illai I: C-xslewart({11s tat

Military e-mail : Xavier.stewart I(iv,lIs,al'

Classified e-IllaiI: Xnvier.slcwa rf( l.llli l

Pellllsylvania Emergency Management Agency (PEMA)

2605 ~lt ers t ate Drive,

Harrisburg, P;\ 17 110

This e-mail message, inciuding any attaeilinents, is intended for the sale use of the individual(s) and entity(ies) to whom it
is addressed and may contain information that is privileged, conlidcntial and exempt Ii'om discloslll'e under applicabl e
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Illay not usc, copy, disclose or distribute any information contained in this e-Illail message. Ifyoll have received
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,Illlllaaf' AI Fllql'll 'J'Cl'l'oris(' 'i'l'aillilll'. C OIIlPOlllHl s Ili sid e th e IJ lli k d Sf'a( cs

hIt II: lis fcmac . IVO rdpress. (0 11)/20091 I 0/2 9/ j(\ man I-(\ 1- I'll" ra -terrorist -lrai n ill!!. - COI1) pall mls- inside-Ihe-lln iled-slatesl

Hello?? FBI? Homeland Security?

24 March 2009: Since 2004, investigators of the Northeast Intelligence Network have been performing all extensive investigalioll and
surveillance operation of the activities of Jnl1lnnt til Fuqrn, nn Islmnlc telTol'lst groll)) thnt Is currcntly acllvc nnd opcl'ntionnl
nel'055 thc US nnd CElllndn. The findings of our investigation and surveillance operations arc as extensive as they are disturbing,
(hllp:IJhomelond:-lecurilyu:-I .coml?page id= I046)

This organizAtion of Muslim tClTodsts nl'c nctlvcly trRilllng fol' urball wfll'fal'c, inntll'nting our govel'llment institutions,
securlug positions of public lI'ust, nnd I'Alslng substAntiAl SlIIIIS of 1lI0uey thl'ough Awide I'Allge of white colinI' cdlllillAI ACtiVity
Alld IslAmic chAI'IUes which Is beillg flllllleled to teITol'ist Idllm)11I Sheikh MubAI'ek All GIIAIIIIII PnklstAII. The mOlley is used
for terrorist operations and organizational advancement. From their us headquarters il1111rAi Delaware county, New York at the base
of the Calskills where recmitmenl is brisk, especially from wilhin our prisoll syslem, Ihey have also reillforced Iheir opcrntioll' illlo
Mexico, Latin America, the Virgin Islands, and elsewhere. Their prinuuy focus, however, remains the US and Canaun, nnd their
targets are both religiolls and secular in nature, with emphasis all the fanner. Such targets include Jews and Christians, churches and
synagogues, and perhaps mosl insidiously, our schools and school children. The latter will be for psychological effect.
Members associaled with Ihis lerrorisl organizalion have killcd and will kill and attack again, although Iheir fulme attacks will be
much more horrific,

It is important to point out that the results of OUl' investigations have been submitted to numerous local, state and federal law
enforcement agencies within the US and Canada. III fact, over the last few years excerpts from our submitted reports have appeared
verbatim in law enforcement bulletins, been the subject of n number of news repol1s within thc media, and referenced all numerous
Inlente! blogs, Still images copied from video footage surreptitiously secured during our on-site surveillance operations have runted
up on countless web sites, been included in books, and shown on national television.

Despite Ihe submission of evidence 10 aUlhorities allhe highesl of levels, Ihe followers of lop Palislani Sheikh Mubarek Ali Gilani, Ihe
mall who 'Vall Street Jotlmal reporler Daniel Pearl was allegedly on his way 10 interview when he was kidnapped and beheaded,
continue to operate their conclaves of seditiolls conspiracy unfettered by allY agency tasked with securing our homeland against
du·eals. Not only do they conti nne In thcll' missions, Ihey al'e embmccd b)' cluclcss politicians and nllowed pal'ades thAt close
American stl'cets to celebrAle Mohammed's bll'lhdn)" Jolncd by equally clueless "e\'clers In au org), of Inlerfalth dialogue. One
can question Hwhy/' although perhaps an allswer to the latter question could be found by speaking to TaI'ik Abclelazilll, Executive
Assislant 10 Mnyor Matthew Ryan ofBinghallllon, NY.
READ THE REST HERE: htt p://holllelandsecuril yus.collli'lp=257)

Relnled arlicles: htt p://hollleIAndsecur·/p=150 1

http://g /24422-jnmnlll· ul-fi'grn-crime-lerror

If you didn't know where to look, you'd probably never find Ishunberg, a private Muslim community in the woods of tile westen}
Calskills, 150 miles norlhwesl of New York City.
...... Islamberg was fOlmded in 1980 by Sheikh S)'ed MnbArik All Shah Gllanl, a Paldslanl cleric who purchnsed a 70-llcl'e plot
and InvUed foliowel'S, mo.lI)' Mnsllm convcrls living in New York ClIy, to settle there.
Federal authorities say GHani was also one oftlte founders of Jamaat al-Fuqrn, a lerrorist organization believed responsible for dozens
of bombings and mUl'dcrs across Ihe U.S. and abroad. The group was linked 10 Ihe plmuting oflhe 1993 World Trade Cenlcr bombing,
and 10 years earlier a membcr was arrested and latcr convicted for bombing a hotel in Portland, Ore,
Shoe bomber Richard Reid hns been linked 10 Ihe group, along wilh convicled D.C. sniper John Allen Muhammad. Oul il is Sheikh
Gilani who creates the most controversy and concel1l.

GUanl has lold his followers thnt "Zlonlsl plottel'S" plnn to I'ule

Erik Miller
Director ofSeclIl'ity St\ldies
Institute ofTerl'Orism Research and Response
P,O, Box 56555
\VIVIV, tell'OJ1'eSponse, org

Powers, James

From: Erik Miller . . . .~~~.

Sent: Thursday, August 26,20104:47 PM
To: Powers, James
Cc: Mike Perelman; Aaron Richman; Nissan Raciaw
Subject: TAMC: PIB Alert - 26 August 2010
Attachments: TAMC PIB Alert - 26 August 2010.docx


I've attached an alert about potential protests tomorrow at the Governor's speech in Tioga County.


Erik Miller
Director of Security Studies
Institute of Terrorism Research and Response
P.O. Box 56555
P hllad(~lphia, P A 19111

Powers, James

From: Mike Perelman

Sent: Saturday, August 28,20108:55 AM
To: Powers, James
Cc: Erik Miller; Nissan Raclaw; Aaron Richman
Subject: Phila. PD's request for confirmation

Director Powers:

We have confirmation that the Free the Fort Dix 5 protest will take place Tuesday, 31 August, 2010, from 12-1:30 at thE
Federal Courthouse, 601 Market Street.

Mike Perelman

Michael Perelman, MS, CPP

Institute of Terrorism Research and Response
PO Box 56555
Philadelphia, PA 19111

ITRR provides urgent and actionable intelligence to subscribers around the world.

Powers, James

From: Erik Miller • • • • • •

Sent: Tuesday, August 17, 2010 10:31 PM
To: Powers, James
Cc: Mike Perelman; Aaron Richman; Nissan Raclaw
Subject: Update: 18 August 2010 - Shadbush Environmental Justice Project
Attachments: Update on Consol Protest.docx


I've attached an update on Shadbush. Feel free to disseminate as needed.


Erik Miller
Director of Security Studies
Institute of Terrorism Research and Response
P.O. Box 56555
Philadelphia, PA 19111 .


Update on Shadbush

The Shadbush Envil"Onmental Justice Project started sometime in spring 2010 as a "radical,"
Pittsburgh-based response to the ongoing Marcellus Shale drilling controversy. Therefore, they
do not have a significant track record from which to draw conclusions on their tactics. However,
from their own literature, future targets may be identified.

Shadbush does not see itself as a one-issue organization. Nor does it want to limit its activities to
the Pittsburgh metropolitan area. Shadbush activists seek to reach out regionally to other
"coalfield communities" in Pennsylvania and southern Appalachia; communities thathave been
affected by mountaintop-removal mining and long-wall mining. There is the possibility
therefore that Shadbush will collaborate with radical anti-mountaintop removal groups such as
"Climate Ground Zero," "Ashville Rising," and "Mountain Justice." These groups target coal
companies through direct-action including blockades, lock-downs, and infiltrating meetings.

Shadbush openly embraces a wide-range of tactics - including direct action. The fact that its
planned protest for 18 August 20 lOis adveltised on anarchist websites increases the potential
that some of its demonstrations will turn militant or illegal. TAMC has already identified a
growing cooperative nexus between militant anarchists and envirOlunentalists who share a
common stlUggle against the corporate "intlUsion" into the Marcellus Shale.

Significantly, Shadbush seeks to "connect" the anti-coal campaign with the anti-gas campaign.
Consol Energy, which deals in both coal and gas, therefore represents an attractive target

****** ANALYSIS******

T AMC analysts note that Shadbush is against "green capitalism," i.e. corporate-sponsored
sustainability campaigns. TAMC analysts note that radical envirolUllentalists increasingly have
expressed the viewpoint that such corporate-backed "green" programs are not only hypocritical
but intentionally deceptive and therefore should be rejected by the populace.

Nationally, this animosity towards "green capitalism" has ironically led to the direct-targeting of
environmentally-fi'iendly infi·astructure. For example:

• On 12 March 2010, about three dozen protestors converged on the BP-owned "Green
Curve" gas-station in Los Angeles, shutting down business for the day.

• On 6 June 20 10, Emih First! activists blockaded a windmill fm'm in Maine.

By targeting such eco-fi'iendly facilities, radical environmentalists are expressing their disdain
for corporate-sponsored sustainability projects.

Shadbush has stated its plans to protest at the opening of the Consol Energy Center in Pittsburgh
on 18 August 2010. The Shadbush Collective's call for action states: "Join us to crash Consol's
big grand opening paliy .... We'll have banners and signs to hold and flyers to distribute to
conceIt goers."
Powers, James

From: Erik Miller

Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2010 10:02 AM
To: Powers, James
Cc: . Nissan Raclaw; Aaron Richman; Mike Perelman
Subject: On Shadbush Training


After review, we have identified links between the Shadbush Environmental Justice Project (i.e. the Shadbusl
Collective) and certain anti-gas anarchist/radical groups. Therefore we suspect that Shadbush's training is
influenced to a degree by anarchist tactics which range from tree-sits, lock-downs, and blockades to street
theater. We expect them to have knowledge of how to respond to law enforcement's use of tear gas and other
crowd control tactics.


Erik Miller
Director of Security Studies
Institute of Terrorism Research and Response
P.O. Box 56555
Phila~.iiPA 19111
cell: 1

Powers, James

From: ErikMiller~
Sent: Sunday, Au~ PM
To: Powers, James .
Cc: Mike Perelman; Aaron Richman; Camillocci, Anthony
SubjeCt: Musikfest Daily Update - Day 10 (Final)


Beyond the information we previously sent regarding Repent America, ITRR has detected no indicators or
threats tied to Musikfest at this time. We'll continue to monitor the event until it concludes tonight.


Erik Miller
c Director of Security Studies

Institute of Terrorism Research and Response

P.O. Box 56555
Philadelphia, PA 19111

Powers, James

From: Erik Miller

Sent: Tuesday, Augus t 10, 2010 PM
To: Power s, James
Cc: Mike Perelman; Aaron Richm an; Camillocci, Anthon y
Subje ct: Musikf est Daily Update - Day 5

we reiterate one point made yesterday:
We've detected no threats tied to Musikfest at this time. However,

branch of the "Gas Drilling Awareness Coalition"

• ITRR has reason to believe that the Wyoming/Lackawanna County
Music Festival" as one of the potential venues when
(GDAC) group has listed "Thursday August 12th - 8ethlehem
related to anti-Ma rcellus Shale drilling. We believe they mean
they might hand out pamphlets and/or"sell items
Festival". However, we've found no indications of
Musikfest as Musikfest is sometimes called "8ethlehem's Music
protest or direct-action.

We'll continue to monitor the situation.


Erik Miller
Director of Security Studies
Institute of Ten'orism Research and Response
P.O. Box 56555
r 1ll.I"Ut aplll<l, P A 19111

Powers, James

From: Erik Miller .~IIJ!I!!II!!I~~~

Sent: Monday, August 09, 20103: 11 PM
To: Powers, James
Cc: Mike Perelman; Aaron Richman; Camillocci, Anthony
Subject: MusicFest ITRR Update - Day 4
Attachments: ITRR Update 9 August 201 O.docx


I've attached a brief update on the two groups under question today - Repent America and Westboro Baptist
Church. We've still found nothing that would link them directly to MusikFest, but did fmd some PA-specific
information. Please feel free to disseminate to Bob and whoever else you think could use it.

Otherwise, we've detected no threats tied to Musikfest at this time. ITRR will continue to monitor the event a
well as groups that may protest this event.


Erik Miller
Director of Security Studies
Institute ofTen'orism Research and Response
P.O. Box 565'55
Phi PA 19111


ITRR Update: 9 August 2010

Institute of Terrorism Research and Response (ITRR) analysts have detected no targeting of the
MusikFest in Bethlehem, PA at this time. ITRR analysts have not identified communications or
upcoming-events related to MusikFest by either Westboro Baptist Church or Repent America.

However, TAMC analysts note:

• The Westboro Baptist Church, which is rabidly anti-gay, was reportedly platming on
protesting the Adam Lambelt conceit in Springfield, Missouri, on Saturday, 7 August
2010. But the Church-members never showed. Instead, a large group of pro-LambeIt/pro-
gay counter-protestors gathered.

• The Westboro Baptist Church's website lists upcoming events for August 2010 but fails
to mention MusikFest. TAMC analysts note however that it's possible Church-members
deliberately announce protests that they do not attend, atld likewise, hold protests
unarulOunced, in order to deceive counter-protestors.

• According to their website, the Westboro Baptist Church has previously held protests in
the following PelU1sylvania locations: Allentown, Altoona, Bellevue, Bethlehem,
Bradford, Bridgeville, Conewago .(York) Township, Fort Washington, Harrisburg,
Indiana, Lebanon, Maple Glen, McClure, McKees Rocks, New Kingstown, Philadelphia,
Pittsburgh, Red Lion, Shanksville, South Lebanon Township, nirbotville, West
Alexander, and York.

• In addition to protesting gays, Jews, and Catholics - the Westboro Baptist Church also
protests the funerals of US servicemen/women killed in action. Their slogan for such
provocative protests are: "Thank God for lED's."

• Repent America is based in Philadelphia, PA. Its number is l800-3-Repent. Its website is
VI'WW. repen tameri ca.COlli

• Repent America is currently promoting its "Campaign to Stop Stel'icycle" (anti-

abOltion campaign) targeting StericycJe. Repent America accuses Stericycle for its
"collection, transpOltation, and incineration of aborted children".

• This campaign includes targeting of "Blood Money Profiteers" or investors like The Van
Guard Group, based in Valley Forge, PA, as well as several Van Guard mutual funds and
their affiliated executives. The campaign is also targeting James Reid-Anderson for
serving on the Stericycle Board of Directors. James Reid-Anderson ' s Malvern, PA-based
address is listed on the campaign website, because he served as an executive for Siemens
in Malvern as recently as Mal'ch 2010. He has since moved to an Indianapolis-based
firm, however. It's unclear if the Repent America activists know of the recent change,
since the Malvern address is still on the campaign website.
Powers, James

From: Mike Perelman

Sent: Monday, !,:pn,tpmlnAr
To: Powers, James


We were planning to include this in the next PIB. Unless and until we have more specific targeting information, I don't
know if it's worth sending a separate alert by your office. Your thoughts?

Mike Perelman

Michael Perelman, MS, CPP

Institute of Terrorism Research and Response
PO Box 56555
Philadelphia, PA 19111
ITRR provides urgent and actionable intelligence to subscribers around the world.

Sent: Monday, September 13, 20101:50 PM


Institute of Terrori~m Research and Response

1;3 Sept 2010 1830.


Targeted Actionable Monitoring Center (TAM-C) of the Institute of Terrorism

Research and Response


To provide guidance on internal terrorist communication dealing with the

targeting of the United States and specific European countries and the
method to be used.

Threat Classification:

MODERATE (Level 3) Available intelligence and recent events indicate that

hostile elements have the capability to take action against the target and
that such action is within the adversary's current intent. It is assessed
that an attack or action is likely to be a priority and might well be
mounted. .


Arabic language researchers of the Targeted Actionable Monitoring Center

(TAM-C) have identified internal communications indicating the intent and
justification to conduct terror operations against Western assets. The far
ranging communications does not provide sufficient information to
indicate specific targeting. However, the United States, France, Spain,
and Germany are identified as targets.

The US was identified as a target because of its "attack the

Islam and the Muslims" and the issue of the burning of the
France was identified because they "spill the Muslims' blood in
the Islamic Maghreb."
Spain, identified in a reference to the Madrid train bombings,
"will taste the taste of death that will be bigger then what she
tasted before ."
Germany was identified because "the German chancellor that
she is the substitute of USA in Europe, and she is the one who
gave the respectful stage for the cartoonist that insulted
Denmark was alluded to because of the cartoons of the
Prophet Mohammed .
TAM-C analysts are collecting additional information at this time in an
attempt to identify subject locations.

TAM-C analysts note that the most important part of the communications
identified the intent of the global jihadists to use "Americans and
especially American woman" in their future attacks. TAM-C analysts note
that intelligence services have recognized that Western individuals have
been participants in training for the global jihad.


TAM -C analysts note that the communications in this Alert have come at
a time of heightened anger over perceived insults to Islam and successes
by European security services.

TAM-C analysts note that the probable future use of Western appearing
people to conduct acts of terror makes the use of behavioral profiling
more critical than ever.

TAM-C analysts note that this may be seen as the "green light" that
jihadist lone wolves need to take action.

TAM-C analysts are attempting to identify target locations at this time.


Through 5 October 2010

The Institute of Terrorism Research and Response receives no

government funding. .

To meet the increased needs of the clients of the Targeted Actionable

Monitoring Center, effective January 1, 2009 the TAM-C Alert system will
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needs of each client. With the assistance of our international analysts,
this service identifies specific threats, hazards, vulnerabilities, and assets.
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Powers. James
From: Mike Perelman ~• •111!!• • • •
Sent: . Thursday, July 29,201011 :10 AM
To: Powers, James;
Cc:; Aaron. Richman
Subject: Re: Florida contact

Director Powers:

The following Alert is going out to clients. Please note, if the Florida authorities wish the name of the person who has
communicated this threat, we will provide it.


TAM-C Alert 2010 July 29


R-04 B-ll

To provide guidance on a specific terrorist communication detailing the targeting of CONUS.

Threat Classification:
MODERATE (Level 3) Available intelligence and recent events indicate that hostile elements have the capability to
take action against the target and that such action is within the adversary's current intent. It is assessed that an attack or
action is likely to be a priority and might well be mounted.

Arabic language researchers of the Targeted Actionable Monitoring Center (TAM C) have identified specific
communications indicating the intent to conduct terror operations against American assets as a result of activities taking
part in Gainesville, FL. .

The Dove World Outreach Center, located in Gainesville, has announced plans to bum copies of the Koran to
commemorate the ninth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.

The threat Is phrased as a "warning to Americans":

We heard that one of your churches is organizing a gathering (of people) in order to burn the Quran in
memory of 9/11. If you will do that, wait fo~ a war that you haven't seen before. Your blood will flow like
a river.
We will not rest until we will kill dozens from you for each word in the book of Allah that you will
TAMC analysts note that this threat, dated 29 July 2010, comes during a period of increasing communications indicating
the intent to conduct terror operations within the United States. As a result, TAMe analysts note that the threat directed
against Gainesville, FL may be viewed as a period of heightened threat against targets throughout the U.S.

TAMC analysts note that the communication is consistent with recent jihadist calls for lone-wolf/small cell
actions within CONUS. Unlike other recent communications, this communication provides a strong
religious motive to those individuals who would engage In terror activity.

TAMC analysts note that the planned Koran burning will also cause a reaction against American interests
in predominantly Muslim countries. .


TAMC Analysts note that the communications in this Alert has come in quick succession after other threats against
CONUS. Although the threat is specific to activity planned in Gainesville, FL, the reaction by lone wolf/small cell
organizations may affect other areas within the United States.

TAMC analysts advise security personnel to verify that business employee safety and business continuity plans are
updated and in place.

Tlmeline: .
Through 25 September 2010, unless Koran burning is cancelled.

Mike Perelman

Michael Perelman, MS, CPP

Institute of Terrorism Research and Response
PO Box 56555 .
~hil.ade:lph·ia, P A 19111

ITRR provides urgent and actionable intelligence to subscribers around the world.

---- Original Message - -

£:r.~0i:~ p,owe'i'~?Jarrre§}~~~_~~,kii:~}:~J~~~i:;:~.{:}l;L0~0LZ0A:::.j~L!.;~~;~ ::}st~j::~.~·:~··::'ji~·;:L~:-.··;:.j~ '~::'2~~ -~~.::~~0:<:.::·:~f~~;if.:@D}-:ii;J~{~1~~.~~:.
To: 'Mike Perelman' ; Gerald M. Bailey (GeraldBailey@fdle.state.fI.usl
Cc: Florida Fusion Center (fioridafusioncenter@fdle.state.fI.usl
. Sent: Thursday, July 29, 2010 10:22 AM
Subject: RE: Florida contact

ROGER. On its way.

Gerry: For Your Information & Situational Awareness



Pennsylvania Office of Homeland Security
2605 Interstate Drive I Suite 380
Harrisburg, PA 17110-9382
Office: 717.651.2715
. I Mobile: 717.307.5335 I Fax:
. 717.651.2040

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From: Mike Perelman (mi~ilt<J:~

Sent: Thursday, July 29, 2010
To: Powers, James
Cc: Aaron Richman
Subject: Re: Florida contact


You're probably correct. The information would be less likeiy to go into the spam folder if it comes from an official
address. It would be great if you sent him/them what we have now and the finished product which will be done in less
than 1 hour.

Mike Perelman

Michael Perelman, MS, CPP

Institute of Terrorism Research and Response
PO Box 56555
hiladelplhia, PA 19111

ITRR provides urgent and actionable intelligence to subscribers around the world.

----- Original Message ---- .

:fiqfu} PdW~i-Sf.:Jarrtes:i~~i~;1Xr~~?j~~:~~~~:~~-:~:7~::Y2~~~i('f~zs~~~if2~2{r~~t}-~::::$J'i;Etili,]:-:S~lf!;'8~~~3:IT=~\;~~~0jl::·;r:·:·:j
To: 'Mike Perelman'
Sent: Thursday, July 29, 2010 10: 11 AM
Subject: RE: Florida contact

Do you want me to forward this to Gerry?



Pennsylvania Office of Homeland Security
2605 Interstate Drive I Suite 380
Harrisburg, PA 17110-9382
Office: 717.651.2715 I Mobile: 717.307.5335 I Fax: 717.651.2040
W\"-'W. ho mel a nd secu dty .sta te. pa . us

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- - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - --_._-----_.-_._- - - - _._._-_._.....•.. -
From: Mike Perelman [mallto • • • • • • •1
Sent: Thursday, July 29, 2010 10:06 AM
To: Powers, James
Subject: Florida contact


Our guys are working on an alert from information that was posted on a jihadist website 2 hours ago. It is a specific
threat to target Gainesville, FL as a result of the proposed Koran burning. (When it was first identified, the threat looked
more consistent with Iraq or Afghanistan. After the analysts researched it, Aaron was shocked to be told it was Florida.)
The Alert is in the writing stage now.

Question: Do you have contact information for the Florida Fusion center? They should receive the information that our
clients get.


Mike Perelman

Michael Perelman, MS, CPP

Institute of Terrorism Research and Response
PO Box 56555
PA 19111
ITRR provides urgent and actionable intelligence to subscribers around the world.

Powers. James

Sent: Thursday, June 03, 2010 12:50 PM
To: Powers, James
Subject: RE: NIMC Alert: Planned Event at Reading, PA

Very good, thanks.

William M. Helm
Chief of Police
City of Reading
815 Washington Street
Reading, PA 19601

---Original Message--
From: Powers, James [
5ent: Thursday, June 03, 2010 12:50 PM
To: William M. Helm
Cc: 'Erik Miller'
Subject: RE: NIMC Alert: Planned Event at Reading, PA

Nothing further at this time. I have provided your contact·data to our Case Officer, Erik Miller, from ITRR. He is working with
the analysts and may be able to provide more as we get closer to the event.

As soon as we hearanything, I've asked Erik to contact you directly. ·He knows our protocols are to go directly to you.



Pennsylvania Office of Homeland Security
2605 Interstate Drive I Suite 380
Harrisburg, PA 17110-9382
Office: 717.651.2715 I Mobile:. J~ I Fax: 717.651.2040 www.homelandsecurity.state.

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immediately notify the sender and delete the message. .

----Original Message-----
From: [malito:william.heim@readingpa.org1
Sent: Thursday, June 03, 2010 12:43 PM .
To: Powers, James
Cc: Flinn, Richard D
Subject: RE: NIMC Alert: Planned Event at Reading, PA

Jim, is there any more information concerning this group? Have other demonstrations been conducted elsewhere and what
was the scope? We regularly have anti-war demonstrators on the Penn Street Bridge holding signs and getting motorists to
beeping their horns but they have not caused a problem and have not attempted to block the street or traffic· in any way.

William M. Heim
Chief of Police
City of Reading
815 Washirigton Street
Reading, PA 19601

----Original Message--
From: Powers, James []
Sent: Thursday, June 03,201012:25 PM
To: William M. Heim
Cc: Flinn, Richard D
Subject: FW: NIMC Alert: Planned Event at Reading, PA




JAMES F. POWERS, JR. , Director

Pennsylvania Office of Homeland Security
2605 Interstate Drive· ' Suite 380
Harrisburg, PA 17110-9382
Office: 717.651.2715 , Mobile.: t, Fax: 717.651.2040
This e:mail, including attachments, is intended for the sole use of the individual(s) and entity(les) to whom addressed and may
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immediately notify the sender and delete the message. .

Powers. James
From: william
Sent: Thursday, June 03,20103:48 PM
To: Powers, James;
Cc:;; Daniels, Kristin; Hoffman, ·Steven
Subject: RE: Protest 4 June 2010

I got a hold of a local peace group participant. She made a few calis. There is a local woman, Dorothy Riley, who is a bit
more radical than the local group, and is the one who got the demonstration posted on ANSWER. We can expect 30-40
people on the Penn Street Bridge, unless it is hot and less will show. They are demonstrating against the recent Israeli
action involving the ship barricade.

William M. Heim
Chief of Police
City of Reading
815 Washington Street
Reading, PA 19601

-----Original Message-----
From: Powers, James [] .
Sent: Thursday, June 03, 2010 3:46 PM
To: 'Mike Perelman'; William M. Heim
Cc: Erik Miller; Aaron Richman; Daniels, Kristin; Hoffman, Steven
Subject: RE: Protest 4 June 2010

Thanks, Ali.



Penn,sylvania Office of Homeland Security
2605 Interstate Drive I Suite 380
Harrisburg, PA 17110-9382
Office: 717.651.2715 I Mobile: I Fax: 717.651.2040

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delete the message.

- - - -,-- -
From: Mike Perelman [mailto
Sent: Thursday, June 03, 2010 3:
To: Powers, James; William.Heim@readingpa.cirg
Cc: Erik Miller; Aaron Richman
Subject: Re: Protest 4 June 2010

Chief Heim:

It was good to speak with you this afternoon. The included and attached information should provide some
guidance on what to expect from the ANSWER coalition.

As promised, we will monitor Twitter for any tactical information that can be identified before, during, and
immediately after the 5PM demonstration. Because that monitoring activity will be part of the intelligence effort
that is conducted daily by our organization on behalf of the PA Office of Homeland Security, there is no charge to
the Reading PD.

Links to the ANSWER website:

http://answer.pephosLorglsiteIPageServer?pagename=ANS about us


Please me know if we can be of any further service.

Best of luck tomorrow.


Mike Perelman

Michael Perelman, MS, CPP

Institute of Terrorism Research and Response
PO Box 56555

Philadelphia, PA 19111

ITRR provides urgent and actionable intelligence to subscribers around the 1vor/d. .

----- Original Message -----

f::r"Q!i{ Mik'e Per8'liliai{~{:i;i"~'~" ; , ~~> ~j., ~:<>.~-
To: Powers, James; William.Heim@readingpa .org
Cc: Erik Miller; Aaron Richman
Sent: Thursday, June 03, 2010 1:59 PM
Subject: Re: Protest 4 June 2010 .

Chief Heim:

My name is Mike Perelman, formerly of the York City Police Department. I suspect that we have a number of
mutual friends and acquaintances.

I understand that you have a protest planned tomorrow on the Penn Street Bridge. I also understand that you
have had previous anti-war protests on the bridge. If they have previously been associated with the ANSWER
organization, you know what to expect. If the protests have not previously been associated with the ANSWER
coalition, I might be able to provide some guidance on ANSWER.

Please call me on my cell at • • • • • if you would like a briefing about ANSWER.


Mike Perelman

N.UchaeIPererruan,11S, CPP
Institute of Terrorism Research and Response
PO Box 56555
Philadelphia, PA 19111
ITRR provides urgent and actionable intelligence to subscribers around the world.

----- Original Message ----- .

To: 'Mike Perelman' '
Cc: Erik Miller; Aaron Richman; Nissan Raclaw
Sent: Thursday, June 03, 2010 1:42 PM
Subject: RE: Protest 4 June 2010

Not at all; I piefer that to delaying communications thru me.

, Jim


Pennsylvania Office of Homeland Security
2605 interstate Drive I Suite 380
Harrisburg, PA 17110-9382
Office': 717.651.2715 I Mobile: I Fax: 717.651.2040

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intended addressee,_you are hereby notified that you ~ay not use, copy, disclose and/or distribute any
information contained herein. if you have received this message in error, immediately notify the sender and
delete the message.

From: Mike Perelman

Sent: Thursday, June 03, 2010
To: Powers, James
Cc: Erik Miller; Aaron Richman; Nissan Raclaw
Subject: Protest 4 June 2010 '

Jim, do you mind if I contact Chief Heim directfy?

Mike Perelman

Michael Perelman, MS, CPP

Institute of Terrorism Research and Response
PO Box 56555
Philadelphia, PA 19111


ITRR provides urgent and actionable intelligence to subscribers around the world.

Powers. James

Sent: Friday, June 04, 2010 3:30 PM
; Powers, James
I ,',
. .
·,'Ill·.~ ('" ._ .
Subject: ..

Thanks very much Mike. We have set up a response if necessary.

William M. Helin
Chief of Police
City of Reading
815 Washington Street
Reading, PA 19601

-----Origlnal Message-----
From: Mike Perelman m~iltn'
Sent: Friday, June 04, 2010 2:21 PM
To: William M. Helm; Powers,' James
Cc: Linda Murphy; Erik Miller; aaron Richman
Subject: Protest

Chief Heim:
We placed our best Twitter researcher on the task of attempting to locate communications to be used during the
protest that we had discussed. She was unable to locate any planned communications for the protest. That fact is
significant. Our inability to locate a communications network indicates that probably none exists (we're pretty good
at locating them if I when they exist). This would indicate to us that:

1) the core group didn't feel the need to be able to have tactical communications
2) the core group did not feel the need to have parade marshals or the ability to be able to call a police liaison '
team to act as peace makers .
3) the core group did not feel the need to set up communications to help outsiders locats the protest site
4) no advance logistical planning was conducted (no legal witnesses recruited to monitor arrests, no street medics
to assist with riot control agents, etc.)

Because of the above, we will not be monitoring Twitter or other micro blogs in an attempt to identify tactical

Informed knowledge of the anarchist movement would indicate that there is potential that the name ANSWER is
enough to bring outside aggressive anarchists to the protest. ITRR has no intelligence to indicate either way. As
discussed yesterday, if they come they will most likely act in a lone-wolf I small cell capacity outside the perimeter
of free speech activity.

Chief, I hope this information helps with your planning. Feel free to contact me directly if you have any questions .


Mike Perelman

Michael Perelman, MS, CPP

Institute of Terrorism Research and Response
PO Box 56555

ITRR provides urgent and actionable intelligence to subscribers around the world.

Powers, James
From: Mike Perelman
Sent: Thursday, July 01, 2010 2:05 PM
To: Powers, James
Cc: Erik Miller; • • •~.IIII ••
Subject: Draft alert that may affect the governor

Director Powers:

Below is a draft of an Alert that Is going out to our subscribers. I suspect it will find its way Into tomorrow's PAIB. But,
because Governor Rendell might be attending the governors conference, I wanted to give you a heads up.


'TAM-C Alert 2010 July 1


R-01 B-11

To provide information concerning expected disorder in Boston, MA.

Threat Classification:
MODERATE (Level 3) Available Intelligence and recent events Indicate that hostile elements have the capability to
take action against the target and that such action is within the adversary's current intent. It is assessed that an attack or
action is likely to be a priority and might well be mounted.

Domestic terror analysts of the Targeted Actionable Monitoring Center (TAM-C) have Identified logistical
planning indicating the potential for a significant disorder in Boston, MA on 10 July 2010.

The National Governors Association is meeting In Boston, MA from 9-11 July 2010. A broad coalition of
groups plan to protest the meeting because of the presence of Arizona Governor Jan Brewer. Governor
Brewer has signed a piece of legislation (SB01070) that has been called "Anti-Immigrant Racism" by
immigrants' rights groups, anarchists, leftists, Muslim groups, and more. Adding to the potential of disorder,
the Massachusetts Municipal Police Coalition (MMPC) :'has been meeting with representatives from every major
police group in Massachusetts in order to coordinate a unified protest of Governor Deval Patrick as he hosts
the Governor's Conference in Boston .... " .

TAM-C analysts note that the planned transportation logistics indicate utilization of bus transportation from
"Worcester, Connecticut, New York, Philadelphia, and Syracuse, New York."

TAM-C analysts note that Boston is a hub for East coast anarchist activity. Anarchists from Boston and
associated anarchist communities have previously participated in disorders in Toronto (G8jG20),
Pittsburgh (G8jG20), and st. Paul (Republican National Convention).

TAM-C analysts note thatthere is a significant potential for disorders in Boston on 10 July 2010.

TAM-C analysts note that there is significant potential for disruption of the National Governors Association meeting prior to
and after the expected 10 July disorders. This includes the. potential for djsorderly conduct at Logan Airport and the
Sheraton Boston.

Through 12 July 2010

Mike Perelman

Michael Perelman, MS, CPP

Institute of Terrorism Research and Response

PO Box 56555
PA 19111
ITRR provides urgent and actionable. intelligence to subscribers aiound
. the world.

Powers, James
From: Sheriff Ray Gerringer []
Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2010 11 :32 AM
To: Powers, James
Subject: Re: Pennsylvania Intelligence Bulletin No. 111, 14 July 2010

As Sheriff of Montour County, I wanted to say THANK YOU for all the emailsand updates that you have been sending, it's
nice to know that someone in Harrisburg knows Montour County is part of this great Commonwealth, thanks again.
Sheriff Gerringer
----- Original Message -----
;Fro-m:'" Powers;jame ~ .-. _." j • _ '~.;-::::·~.--;_l.--- -·· . •... :P . • •- i,"
' ..-,
To: Pa-Sheriffs@USTSERV.STArE.·PA.US ·
Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2010 10:59 AM
Subject: Re: Pennsylvania Intelligence Bulletin No. 111, 14 July 2010



Pennsylvania Office of Homeland Security
2605 Interstate Drive I Suite 380
Harrisburg, PA 17110-9382
Office: 717.651.2715 I Mobile: 717.307.5335 I Fax: 717.651.2040

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From: Powers, James

Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2010 10:58 AM
To: StateEOC, Pennsylvania; 'GPIEMC ListServ ( .us)'; 'Philly Intel Community ListServ (ph illy-'; 'Pittsburgh Intel Community ListServ (pittsburgh-intel-'; Erie Intel Community ListServ (; SCRTF
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IIBIfIY'LI,. dfl rry .mil); "__
! .~" , ' _ . rlJdli!ll!llll! -: --.--
1., ' . ,' ~ ';" - " '" ~~

Cc: ; 'Mike Perelman'; Aaron Richman
Subject: Pennsylvania Intelligence Bulletin No. 111, 14 July 2010

Action Requested - Disseminate as indicated .

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JAMES F. POWERS, JR. , Director

Pennsylvania Office of Homeland Security
2605 Interstate Drive' Suite 380
Harrisburg, PA 17110-9382
Office : 717.651.2715, Mobile: _ , Fax: 717.651.2040
WW\~/. home!a nd secu rity.state. pa .us

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Powers, James

From: Mike Perelman . . . . . . . ..

Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2010 3:32 PM
To: Powers, James
Cc: Erik' Miller; aaron Richman'
Subject: · Possible probing action

Director Powers:

We're trying to to see if these issues (possible hoJtj6inb 'in Newark, NJ and the release of a video of the Times Square
bomber today) are related. Do you have any guidance?'

Three items:

1. Possible hoax bomb in Newark, NJ

2. Cancellation of bomb alert.
3. Release of video of Times Square bomber

1. NEWARK - Newark's bomb squad this morning deployed robots io check on a suspicious Dodge Omnl parked under
a railroad overpass not far from busy McCarter Highway.

About a dozen Newark police vehicles descended on the area, near Oliver Street, after Initial reports of a suspicious
vehicle. .'

Sg!. Ronald Glover of the Newark police said shortly after noon that the subcompact did contain two tanks of gasoline and
wires, without elaborating.

At mid-day, Dan Stessel, a NJ Transit spokesman, said.the police response to the suspicious vehicle was having no
impact on Northeast Corridor rail service.

"Newark police are handling a report of a suspicious vehicle," he said of the lead agency on the scene. "It didn't sound to
us to be unlike what oar police check out all the time. It does at this point seem to be routine. Newark police are certainly
checking it out with an abundance of caution."

2. Update: Car parked near N.J. railroad overpass did not contain a bomb, Newark cops say - AP

3. Times Square bomb plot suspect video threatens US

By Ali Khalil (AFP) - 3 hours ago

DUBAI - The man arrested for plotting a car bombing in New York's Times Square appeared in a video on AI-Arabiya
television on Wednesday in which he said he planned to attack the 'United States.

"This attack on the United States will be a revenge for all the mujahedeen (holy warriors) ... and oppressed Muslims,
including ... Abu Musab al-Zarqawi," the late leader of AJ-Qaeda in Iraq, said Faisal Shahzad.

The recording, whose authenticity could not immediately be confirmed, was made in English and had an Arabic voiceover.

"I will carry this attack on their behalf, and I hope that it will please Muslims," the Pakistani-American Shahzad said in the
first video linking him to the abortive May 1 bam b plot and AI-Qaeda.

'With jihad (holy war), the basis of Islam can be enforcE!d and the word of Allah and his religion will prevail," he said.

"Abandoning jihad destroys the religion and puts Muslims in an insulting position as they get robbed of land and
authority," he added.

- Dressed in Afghan fighters-like attire with a black turban and trimmed beard, Shahzad appeared in a video that carried the
"Umar Media" brand, with an AK-47 rifle apparently added by video editing to his left.

"Eight years have passed since the war in Afghanistan. You will see that the Muslims; war has just started, and we will tell
you how Islam will spread all over the world, " he said, reading at some point from a book.

Dubai-based AI-Arabiya said the video was 40-minutes long. It said 'Shahzad appeared in the video with Faqir
Mohammed, the Taliban leader in Pakistan's region of 8ajaur, but such footage was not aired . .

Shahzad, 30, who was charged with international terrorism, allegedly drove a Nissan sports utility vehicle crammed with a
large but malfunctioning bomb into Manhattan's busiest neighbourhood, as thousands flocked to theatres and tourist

He was arrested just before his flight left New York's JFK airport and 53 hours after police found the homemade bomb
smouldering in the SUV parked outside a theatre staging "The Lion King" musical.

The notorious Zarqawi, who orchestrated a bloody campaign of attacks and beheadings, was killed north of Baghdad in a
US air strike in 2006 after long eluding capture as Iraq's most-wanted fugitive. . ' .

News reports at the time of his arrest said Shahzad lived in Connecticut and had recently returned from a five-month trip
to Pakistan Including the city of Peshawar, a known Jumping off point for AI-Qaeda and Taliban recruits.

The only group tei have claimed responsibility for the attempted bombing was the Pakistani militant group Tehreek-e-
Taliban. .

New York has been on constant watch for potential attacks since the September 11, 2001, airliner attacks that destroyed
tlie World Trade Center, killing almost 3,000 people . .

Copyright © 2010 AFP. All rights reserved. More»

Mike Perelman

Michael Perelman, MS, CPP

Institute of Terrorism Research and Response
PO Box 56555
I PA 19111

ITRR urgent and actionable intelligence to subscribers around the world.

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