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Law school


English I
Task l.


Placido Rafael Tavarez Martines.

ID Number:

Ada Francisco

Santiago Dominican Republic JANUARY 24/ 2019

Bienvenidos a nuestra primera semana de trabajo, donde abordaremos
temas como: diferentes formas de saludar, acciones que realizamos en el
aula, el verbo ser o estar etc.
Primero, se sugiere realizar lo siguiente:
1. Estudiar la pre-unidad y unidad 1 de su libro de texto.
2. Abrir y descargar el programa del curso y otras informaciones
en Orientations of the Course / Orientaciones del curso.
3. Abrir y repasar las lecciones Grammar and vocabulary unit 0/ pre-unit1.
Segundo, realizar los ejercicios correspondientes a la tarea de este espacio,
Finalmente enviar el archivo en Word con la tarea y hoja de presentación en
el espacio correspondiente en la plataforma.
TASK 1 {tarea 1}
Exercise 1
Verb to be
Write the correct answer
1. Where you from?
a. am
b. is
c. are
2. How old you? How old your brother?
a. am
b. is
c. are
3. What your aunt's name?
a. am
b. is
c. are
4. I glad to see you! How ARE you?
a. am
b. is
c. are

5. The dog in the garden.
a. am
b. is
c. are
6. Tom's parents travel agents.
a. am
b. is
c. are
7. ARE your father a teacher? - No, he IS a doctor.
a. am
b. is
c. are
8. John IS a nice boy. I like him!
a. am
b. is
c. are
9. That book is very interesting. Take this one!
a. am
b. is
c. are
10. The best seats $10.00
a. am
b. is
c. are
Exercise 2
Contration Form
Rewrite the sentences in the Contraction Form.
Example: I am very happy. I´m very happy.
1. She is my sister. SHE’S MY SISTER
2. He is fifteen years old. HE’S FIFTEEN YEARS OLD

3. That is an extra slice of pizza. THAT’S AN EXTRA SLICE OF PIZZA
4. Is not this a friendly dog? THIS DOG IS NOT A GOOD COMPANION
5. Do not knock the glass over! DONT’S KNOCK THE GLASS OVER
6. Jenny cannot drive yet. JENNY’S CANNOT DRIVE YET
7. It did not rain last night. IT’S DIND’T RAIN LAST NIGHT
8. I will go with you to the park. I’M GO WITH YOU TO THE PARK
9. He will like this present. HE’S WILL LIKE THIS PRESENT
10. She will need a winter coat. SHE’S WILL NEED A WINTER COAT
Exercise 3
Personal Pronouns
Write the correct Personal Pronoun
I – You – He – She – It – They - We

1. Sister SHE
2. Boy HE
3. School IT
4. Cars IT
5. Emily and Jack THEY
6. Bike YOU
7. Sophia and I WE
8. Dad HE
9. Parents THEY
10. Grandfather HE

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